How to treat sluggish bowel. How to make a lazy intestine work? Causes of Lazy Bowel Syndrome

More than 2000 years ago, Hippocrates said: “Everything, disease begins in the intestines.”

That is, the health of your intestines depends entirely on what we eat. We simply must choose the right nutrition for our intestines.

However, not everyone knows this today... I hope today we will clarify everything...

First we need to understand how much our gut health impacts our mental, physical and spiritual health.

Just remember, for example, how irritable you have been lately? But at the same time, you yourself don’t understand why. Was there such a thing? Perhaps you cannot even understand what is happening to you.

And the cause of even seemingly such conditions may be an intestine clogged with toxins.

For more more people just going to the restroom is a heroic feat. And they only do it once every five or seven days. But even these people do not know that the cause of this may be an unhealthy intestinal condition.

By the way, have you ever wondered why, when you come to see a doctor with a certain problem, he often asks a question about your stool, and...? He may ask how often and how easily you go to the toilet.

After all, many different diseases begin with the intestines.

To get you started, here are some simple facts about the human gut:

1. More than 100 trillion microorganisms live in the human intestines.

That is, in our intestines 10 times more bacteria than we have cells throughout the body. This number may be difficult to understand... but can you imagine what impact 100000000000000 microorganisms can have on your condition?

After all, the intestines in the human body play one of the key roles in the digestion process.

The intestine is divided into the small intestine and the large intestine.

IN small intestine through cavity and parietal membrane digestion, hydrolysis of the main nutrients followed by absorption. It is in the intestines that complete breakdown of proteins and transformation of carbohydrates occurs.

The large intestine serves as a reservoir for feces. She's playing important role in the absorption of liquid, substances not absorbed in the small intestine, as well as in residual digestion.

2. Our bacteria in the intestines are more than 75% of the health of our entire immune system!

Do you often feel tired for a long time? And there is a reason for this... Often our immune system is weakened due to an imbalance of its own intestinal bacteria. This is in addition to the fact that we can be affected by both external and internal toxins.

You just need to correct this balance in the intestinal microflora (ideally there should be 85% beneficial bacteria and 15% neutral bacteria). Imagine if instead of 85% good bacteria You will suddenly have 50% of them, and the rest will be harmful. It is this part of the bacteria that will reduce your general level immunity.

3. When our guts become weakened, we are at risk of developing various autoimmune conditions and other diseases.

Improper bowel function is even manifested by weight loss, hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia, anemia mixed type, edema, the occurrence of polyendocrine insufficiency.

At thorough examination patients with intestinal inflammation, most researchers state that the occurrence of nutritional status disorders in this category of patients is due to:

  1. disruption of digestion processes due to decreased activity of intestinal and pancreatic enzymes;
  2. disruption of absorption processes, the morphological substrate of which consists of the replacement of specialized cells with immature enterocytes;
  3. increase motor activity intestines;
  4. violation of the protein-synthetic function of the liver;
  5. increased protein loss into the lumen gastrointestinal tract.

If you say in simple language, weakened intestinal system, plays a big role in our general condition and health.

Imagine if toxins from our intestines enter the blood capillary. Inflammatory and other unhealthy processes will automatically develop in our body.

How to quickly and easily understand that the intestines are polluted?

It's simple... Look around before you wash it off!

What did I want to say? The fact that leading experts in the field of nutrition and proper digestion spend a lot of time, well, I’ll tell you straight... analyzing poop!

The most amazing thing about working with clients is that they say that our stool is directly related to our health. Remember we talked about this above. Yes... The whole truth, in fact, is in your chair. Therefore, pay attention to how and how many times a week you go to the toilet. If this is rare and very difficult, the reason may be that the intestines are clogged with toxins.

What needs to be done to expel them and normalize intestinal function...

...Proper nutrition to cleanse the intestines

The basic principles of therapeutic nutrition are unchanged for all intestinal diseases:

  • Therapeutic nutrition should affect metabolism. It should treat and prevent diseases
  • It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition
  • You need to diversify your diet plan
  • Should be selected therapeutic nutrition individually
  • Balance your diet. Must be taken into account chemical composition products
  • It is necessary to properly handle food in the kitchen
  • Therapeutic nutrition is most conducive to recovery. If it is combined with other therapeutic factors: lifestyle changes, physical activity, use of clean filtered water, and so on.

Let's talk about everything in more detail and in order. Let's try to figure out how you can cleanse your intestines with nutrition.

1. Increase stomach acidity for better digestion.

This is one of the most common things that experts see in a large table of causes of intestinal problems.

If we are unable to digest our food, we do not absorb enough nutrients and minerals... Even if we eat even more organic products of local origin.

Hydrochloric acid, which naturally produced in our stomach when we eat in order to digest our food. And she, in turn, then goes into small intestine for further digestion and absorption of nutrients. At first glance, everything seems very simple, perhaps? So? ...

But in reality everything is more complicated!

Look around... Our busy lifestyle and irregular diet causes a significant reduction in the secretion of this acid in the stomach. Some studies also note that the lack of useful substances in our food may even contribute to the cessation of “production” hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

And it’s scary to imagine this...

If your food is not converted into its proper state for further passage and digestion in the intestines, then it will cause unnecessary stress throughout the digestive system.

The most effective and most quick way increase stomach acidity, use apple cider vinegar in your diet.

Apple cider vinegar for colon cleansing is a real godsend.

You can do this in various ways.

You can simply drink a glass of water in the morning, dissolving a tablespoon of vinegar in it. We have already talked about this unique product more than once. This product a real find for home medicine.

By the way, you can dilute apple cider vinegar with honey. This is a real bomb recipe for the health of not only the intestines.

The only thing you need to pay attention to when choosing this product is its quality and purity. Don't buy a simple one acetic acid with a mass fraction of alcohol 9%. This vinegar will burn your stomach and more. We recommend, as we do ourselves, that you make apple cider vinegar at home.

2. Include fermented foods (probiotics) to improve digestion and cleanse your colon.

What are fermented foods, you ask?

Yes, it's quite simple!

One of them is fermented milk products, which are an excellent way to restore healthy intestinal flora. They heal the intestines well and immediately improve its health, as well as your mood and energy.

By the way, be sure to look at our article with very easy recipe colon cleansing at home.

Moreover, probiotics can also be in tablets or powder, at the nearest pharmacy. But be sure to beware of food products and yogurts packed with additives (sugar that kills or various “Es”). Yes, they may contain probiotics, but they can also be harmful to your health.

Instead, focus your efforts on finding raw, unpasteurized foods. For example, sauerkraut, or other foods that are naturally fermented (or make your own).

If you don't eat enough of them, start with small amounts and then increase their presence in your diet.

If you make these products yourself, use pure ingredients, natural unrefined cane sugar or unrefined sea ​​salt. You will see their effect on your body, if not instantly, then you won’t have to wait long.

This will improve your digestion, absorption of nutrients and ensure proper gut health.

Add homemade pickled cucumbers in a barrel to your healthy diet. It's so simple. By the way, if you make homemade wine yourself, using healthy sugar or a little more honey for fermentation, then remember that it can also help you in cleansing the intestines and calming many inflammatory processes.

But don't overdo it with wine!

3. Eat a balanced diet.

We hear about this all the time. No matter what diet we start. Whether it's a diet for weight loss or just to improve your body's health, all experts say: "Keep a balanced diet."

This is extremely important!

Stick to it balanced diet. Include fiber-rich foods, healthy proteins, and nut oils (eg. coconut oil, almond and others), seeds and algae.

By the way, flax seeds are great for cleansing the intestines.

Green smoothies

Green cocktails or, as it is now fashionable to call them, smoothies. They are a great way to support digestive function and gut health. Start your day with the right breakfast.

Most importantly, make sure you are getting a variety of nutrients from various types food products. Turn on your intuition, feel what you need now, what your body needs.

Once you have eliminated the toxic, processed food products from your diet and begin to work on healing and restoring your gut and your entire body. Later you will notice that you will become much more in harmony with your body.

Include more green juices in your diet, starting in the morning on an empty stomach.

Add more healthy herbs and foods to cleanse not only the digestive tract, but the entire body. Everything works in the body together, as a single mechanism.

A special place should be given to fiber.

We have already talked about its importance for the health of the heart and blood vessels. It is equally important for intestinal health. This could be fruits, vegetables, legumes, more greens.

Indigestible fibers act as scrapers in the intestines and, together with water, help remove waste and toxins from the body. Therefore, remember the important thing - drink enough water. She's really needed proper operation fiber.

Pay attention to cereals and grains

As he says medical center Rush University (USA), some of them are easily accessible.

These can be whole grains include barley, quinoa, whole wheat flour, wild brown rice and oatmeal. This is the most healthy and proper nutrition for the intestines and more!

These products contain large number vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, antioxidants and phytochemicals (natural compounds from plants that have beneficial influence on the body).

Beware of foods like white flour and white rice.

Always remember that the health of your digestive tract speaks volumes. Therefore, it is very important to monitor his condition. And most importantly, it is not very difficult.

Make time for your meal. Sit down, relax and chew your food thoroughly.

Our modern society always lives “on the go.”

Look at yourself and your children. We are not used to sitting at the table with the whole family and often don’t even see each other. We eat where we have to.

Firstly, this is all sorts of crap, secondly, we eat so quickly that sometimes we even throw away what we haven’t eaten, and thirdly, we wash it down with killer carbonated drinks.

Therefore, we simply need to add to what we said above about the benefits of this or that food - eat slowly! No need to eat while driving or while working, etc.

Why do we live this way today? ...

If you are really in a hurry, make yourself a real healthy snack in advance that will not harm you.

Remember, mealtime is a sacred time.

This is the time to sit, relax and enjoy pleasant tastes and the aromas of healthy and favorite food. If you actually have time to eat or snack properly, just do it. After all, we are all wrong actions, often make themselves felt a little later, when emergency assistance may be required.

We must move away from this fight-or-flight eating pattern and instead make time for a nutritious meal or, more simply put, begin to respect ourselves and our health.

Concentrate on your meal. This is one of the most important things we can do to improve bowel function. After all, improperly chewed and poorly digested food is bad for you. And it ends up in the intestines.

Initially, this will seem like an eternity for you, and for some it will even be funny. But take a small step forward first - start with 15-20 chews. This will make a huge difference to your gut health.

This simple technique will easily reduce flatulence (bloating) and fatigue after eating.


As the same Rush University says, we need to limit some of the foods in our diet for good intestinal microflora.

Sugar. There are already tons of information about sugar. They all show one thing: refined sugar is poison. Repeated studies have already shown that sugar can lead to colon cancer...

Use healthy substitutes: stevia, honey, dates and other dried fruits and just fruits.

Red meat and smoked meats. As Dr. Rasmusen says:

You can eat some pure red meat - about two to four ounces of red meat per week. AND It is better to limit eating processed meat as it has very harmful ingredients such as preservatives that can cause cancer."

Gluten. We have already written a little higher so that you beware of flour premium, as well as any gluten-containing processed cereals, such as white rice. Because this is no longer flour, but practically pure gluten. He is capable of causing severe disorders, both in the stomach and further in our intestines.

Final Thoughts

All you have to do is make some plan for replacement harmful products more alive and clean, which are described above and your intestines will sing songs.

Constipation or How to make your bowels work

Constipation is a delicate problem. Nevertheless, you should not be embarrassed and ignore it: the intestines must be emptied regularly, otherwise you seriously risk your well-being and health. If necessary, put aside false shame and go to the doctor, but in many cases the problem can be solved on your own without drugs and tedious examinations.

What is constipation?

This is very important question, since many focus solely on stool frequency. There is a widespread belief that bowel movements should be daily, and that bowel movements less frequent are constipation. However, this is not true: normal stool can be from 3 times a day to 3 times a week - it all depends on the characteristics of the body and eating behavior. In other words, if you empty your bowels every other day, but nothing else bothers you (no pain, no swelling in your stomach, no discomfort), then everything is fine with your intestines. Constipation is not only an infrequent bowel movement, but also at least some of the main symptoms described below.

Constipation symptoms

Main symptoms:

1. bowel movements less than 3 times a week;

2. feeling of pressure or fullness in the rectum;

3. feeling of incomplete bowel movement after visiting the toilet;

4. change in stool consistency: it is fragmented, spherical, excessively dense and dry; periodically the stool may take on the appearance of a ribbon or cord;

5. defecation is often possible only after significant straining;

7. difficulty passing gases, flatulence;

8. Loud rumbling in the stomach.

Additional symptoms usually occur with prolonged advanced constipation and characterize the deterioration of the general condition of the body.

1. Decreased appetite.

2. Cracks anus, haemorrhoids.

3. Decreased performance.

4. Deterioration of the condition of hair, skin and nails.

5. Decreased immunity with frequent colds.

6. The appearance of heart problems: a feeling of irregularities, palpitations, pain in the heart.

8. Irritability.

7. Taking certain medications (check with your doctor or read the instructions about the side effects of the medications you are taking).

8. Old age: muscles become weak, age-related changes at work digestive system, the intestinal microflora is disrupted.

9. Diseases of the digestive system (gastritis with high acidity, enterocolitis and some others).

How to deal with constipation at home

1. It is necessary to streamline bowel movements: try to do it at the same time, do not ignore the urge to defecate, but immediately go to the toilet, setting aside enough time to visit it.

2. Try to create a calm environment for defecation: it is better if the door is locked and no one bothers you at this time.

3. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day, while eliminating or limiting the consumption of soda, coffee and strong tea.

4. Consume more dietary fiber– vegetables, fruits, buckwheat and oatmeal, products made from wholemeal flour. As additional source dietary fiber, you can use bran: the average dose of bran for an adult is 2 tablespoons per day. Before use, bran is soaked or simply washed down with liquid. Caution: you cannot enrich your diet with fiber if you have gastritis, peptic ulcers and some other diseases of the digestive system.

5. Use products that have a mild laxative effect: kefir, natural yogurt, beets, plums, prunes.

6. Limit the consumption of rice, semolina, and slimy pureed soups. If constipation is accompanied by flatulence and bloating, also limit cabbage, spinach, legumes, sorrel, apple and grape juices.

7. Mineral waters are useful for constipation: Slavyanovskaya, Dzhemruk, Essentuki No. 4.

8. Move more, play sports. If it is not possible to visit a fitness center or gym, then just walk, do gymnastics at home, including exercises on the abdominal muscles and bringing your legs bent at the knees to your stomach (performed in a lying position).

9. Abdominal massage is most effective for young children, but it can also be quite good for adults. additional means fight against constipation. The massage consists of stroking the anterior abdominal wall along the peristalsis of the large intestine: circular movements in the direction from bottom to right-up, from top to left-down (the direction is indicated for self-massage). Movements should be gentle, without excessive pressure.

10. Take time to rest,

11. Try changing your posture when defecating. The “squatting” position is the most physiological position for bowel movement, since it lower sections The colon has minimal bends and the contents of the rectum are easier to pass out. However, do not overdo it with prolonged sitting in this position and straining - this way you can earn hemorrhoids.

12. If the problem of hemorrhoids is urgent for you, you need to solve it urgently. Perhaps the elimination of worsened hemorrhoids will automatically lead to the elimination of constipation.

13. To get rid of isolated constipation, you can use suppositories with glycerin, herbal laxatives, and a cleansing enema. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for the medications and do not use these medications systematically without a doctor’s prescription - this is fraught with serious metabolic disorders and addiction, when you will not be able to empty your bowels on your own.

When to see a doctor for constipation

1. All your efforts to eliminate chronic constipation were not successful.

2. There has been no stool for 6-7 days.

3. Against the background of constipation, the body temperature rose, sharp pains or a painful feeling of fullness in the abdomen.

4. Gases do not pass away.

5. Lost appetite.

6. Convulsions or other dangerous symptoms(dizziness, cold sticky sweat etc.).

The doctor will prescribe an examination and select optimal treatment. To make a diagnosis, blood, urine and stool tests, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, and x-ray may be required. IN difficult cases The doctor may prescribe other tests.

Traditional recipes for constipation

Plantain seeds

The seeds are brewed with boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Take the infusion during the day, 1-2 tablespoons - in the morning on an empty stomach and half an hour before each meal.

Buckthorn bark

The bark is poured with boiling water in a proportion of 300 ml per 1 tablespoon. Keep in a water bath for half an hour, filter. The resulting decoction is taken in two doses - in the morning before breakfast and at night.

Licorice root

Dry crushed root is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. Take 1 tablespoon every 1.5-2 hours.

Consequences of constipation

1. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, paraproctitis.

2. Colitis, enterocolitis, proctosigmoiditis.

3. Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract.

4. Malignant tumors large intestine.

Watch your bowel movements - this is very important! Remember that self-medication should be based solely on changes in lifestyle and diet, and not on independent use medicines and enemas. If you cannot cope with constipation without the help of a doctor, a gastroenterologist or therapist will help you.

The article was prepared by doctor Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kartashova

Proper bowel function is one of the most important components of human health. Unfortunately, the number of people suffering from constipation is very large, developed countries Up to 50% of the adult population faces this problem.

What is constipation?

Constipation is a slow, difficult or systematically insufficient bowel movement.

Usually we talk about constipation if bowel movement does not occur for more than 48 hours. Constipation occurs especially often in young children, the elderly and pregnant women. Constipation occurs 3 times more often in women than in men. As in the case of women, “lucky” again...

Almost every person faces this problem. For example, almost everyone experiences constipation during travel, under stress, after surgical interventions. Such constipation is not considered a disease and goes away on its own when the person returns to normal conditions.

If stool retention recurs frequently and becomes a habitual occurrence, careful diagnosis and treatment is necessary.

Causes of constipation in adults

In adults, constipation occurs as a result of dysfunction of the colon and is caused by disruption of the processes of formation and movement of feces through the intestines as a result of various reasons. Here are the main ones:

Habits and lifestyle

The act of defecation consists of two components: involuntary (reflex) and voluntary (which depends on the will of the person). When we wake up in the morning and take a vertical position, the feces accumulated during the night begin to put pressure on the lower parts of the rectum, which causes the urge to defecate. This is the most physiological rhythm of bowel movement. If a person suppresses this reflex, due to various circumstances, then for a further urge to defecate, a denser filling of the large intestine is necessary, which provokes constipation.

What causes suppression of the defecation reflex:
  • morning rush and skipping breakfast
  • unfamiliar surroundings
  • overloaded workday
  • ignoring the feeling of colon fullness
  • bed rest
  • inappropriate conditions and time for defecation.
Poor nutrition

IN daily diet insufficient quantity foods rich in fiber and plant fibers in combination with insufficient fluid.

Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary work, absence physical activity during the day.

Psychogenic factors

Stress, depression, conflict situations, mental stress, various fears, prolonged violations of the daily routine and rest, all this provokes constipation.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Dysbacteriosis, peptic ulcer, chronic pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal tumors are often accompanied by constipation.

Anal diseases

Hemorrhoids, paraproctitis, anal fissures, accompanied by severe pain, prevent defecation and cause constipation.

Diseases endocrine system

Hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, etc.

Nervous system diseases

Stroke, injuries and tumors spinal cord, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease.


Taking some medications (atropine, soda, almagel, and many others) has this effect side effect like constipation.


2/3 of pregnant women suffer from constipation.

What happens with constipation

Constipation occurs as a result of relaxation and stretching of the intestines or if there is an obstacle to the movement of stool.

Constipation symptoms

Flatulence, bloating, pain and feeling of fullness in the abdomen, belching, retention of stool and gas, loss of appetite, heartburn, bad taste in the mouth, bad breath, coating on the tongue, painful defecation, “sheep feces” (dry compacted feces in in the form of dark balls or lumps). When the abdomen is bloated, heart pain and palpitations may occur. Getting worse general condition, appears headache, dizziness, sleep disturbance, general nervousness.

Constipation is often accompanied by deterioration of the skin, it becomes dry, flabby, pale with a yellowish tint, and pimples appear. All this is caused by intoxication, which occurs as a result of prolonged constipation.


For effective fight With constipation, it is necessary to establish its causes, so it is advisable to consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe for you necessary tests and examinations. Constipation is not a disease, but a symptom of some disease or a temporary condition caused by the above reasons.

Why is constipation dangerous?

Constipation is far from harmless and can lead to serious complications. Here are some of them: intestinal obstruction, colonic diverticulosis, rectal prolapse, hemorrhoidal bleeding. And another reason why you need to take constipation seriously is that constipation is often the first sign of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, and even oncological diseases. Early diagnosis identified diseases will increase the effectiveness of their treatment and give a chance for recovery.

Long-term constipation can lead to such a serious complication as colon cancer. This occurs when, under the influence of carcinogenic substances formed in the intestines during prolonged stagnation of its contents, a tumor begins to develop in the colon.

Treatment of constipation

Considering that constipation can have many causes, a combination of various means treatment. The treatment prescribed by the doctor can be supplemented with a few simple tips for every day, which you can also use to prevent chronic constipation.

Constipation develops due to a lack of water in the body. The intestinal contents become dense, move poorly and stagnate in the intestines. With a lack of water, digestive juices are secreted worse, digestion slows down, which means food takes longer to digest and remains in the intestines longer. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters clean water per day. The water should be warm (36 - 38 O), drink it in small sips, in between meals (15 minutes before meals and 30 - 40 minutes after meals).

To prevent and treat constipation, it is good to drink 1–2 glasses of warm water immediately after waking up; this will help “wake up” the intestines and make them work.

Warm water causes bile to be released, which in turn enhances intestinal motility and accelerates bowel movements.

2. Eat right.

Include more in your diet raw vegetables and fruits. On your table every day you should have: cabbage, beets, beans, carrots, apples, pears, wholemeal or bran bread. Reduce refined foods and cooked foods in your diet.

For constipation, it is very good to include seaweed salads in your menu every day. In addition, plums, prunes, apricots, bananas, avocados, figs and papaya will help.

Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink yogurt, fresh kefir or live yogurt.

Cheese. Products such as cheese, cottage cheese, and milk contain a protein called Casein, which, despite all its beneficial properties, is absorbed very slowly and reduces intestinal motility. But it is worth noting that for a certain type of people, dairy products can also cause reverse effect. Such controversial products also include coffee, apples, berries and bananas.

Black tea. Black tea is considered a remedy for diarrhea; due to its “strengthening” effect, its use is undesirable for constipation.

3. Include olive oil in your diet.

If you are prone to constipation, add olive oil to your meals (especially salads). You need 2-3 tablespoons of this wonderful oil per day. It is very useful for digestion, improves intestinal motility, stimulates the production bile acids, which activate intestinal receptors, motivating it to contract better.

4. Chew your food slowly and thoroughly.

Well-chewed food is better digested in the digestive tract. With prolonged chewing, enzymes involved in the digestion process are activated and food is better digested. Monitor the condition of your teeth, treat them on time, and, if necessary, get dentures. Very often, having eliminated your dental problems, you will also eliminate the problem of constipation.

5. An active lifestyle is the enemy of constipation!

When you move, you need more energy, and in order to get this energy, the intestines begin to digest food more actively and more fully and move it towards the exit. Among the leading people sedentary image life, intestinal motility is disrupted, food stagnates for a long time and is poorly digested, the intestines work sluggishly and constipation occurs.

Here are a few exercises that will revitalize your bowel function:
  • Lying on your stomach, alternately lift your legs and upper torso at the same time. Repeat 10 – 20 times. Do this exercise better in the morning, on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up. Perform smoothly, without jerking.
  • Then get back on your feet and squat 20 to 25 times at a slow to moderate pace. These exercises increase intra-abdominal pressure and promote the passage of intestinal contents.

6. Massage your abdomen.

If your intestines are lazy and don’t want to get back to work, try giving yourself a abdominal massage. It is advisable to do the massage in the morning, after emptying the bladder.

  • Rub the area with circular massage movements with three fingers. sigmoid colon(below the navel on the left).
  • Massage your abdomen clockwise with light pressure. Continue the massage until intestinal peristalsis appears. For best result massage with olive oil.

Recipes to improve intestinal motility

1. Flaxseed

Flaxseed has a natural laxative and anti-inflammatory effect.

Pour 2 tablespoons of flaxseed into a glass hot water and let it brew for 12 hours. After this time, add honey or lemon to the drink for taste. It is recommended to take this remedy before bed.

Contraindications: diverticulosis of the colon.

2. Kefir with flaxseed flour

Mix a glass of kefir with one tablespoon flaxseed flour. Take in the morning on an empty stomach for 20 days. During the day, do not forget to drink up to 2 liters of clean water.

3. Orange juice with olive oil

Add 2 tablespoons to the freshly squeezed juice of two oranges olive oil, stir. It is recommended to drink this remedy in the morning.

4. Cleansing jelly

Take a handful each oatmeal, prunes and one raw coarsely grated beetroot. Pour it all with 2 liters of boiling water and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Strain the resulting jelly and drink as much as you can 2 hours before bedtime. It is advisable to place a heating pad on the liver area. You can eat the jelly thickener in the morning instead of breakfast. This jelly will allow you not only to remove all excess from the intestines, but also to lose excess weight.

5. Fruit cocktail

Mix in a blender after cutting 1 pear, 1 medium banana and 1.5 tablespoons of flaxseed. Grind to a liquid puree and take one glass every 3 days. This remedy is very effective due to the presence of flaxseed, which is rich in fiber.

6. Tomato jam

This unusual recipe is very popular in Spain. For it you will need 0.5 kg of sugar and 1 kg of tomatoes. Wash the tomatoes, rinse them with boiling water (the skin will easily come off the tomatoes) and remove the skin. Chop the tomatoes and remove the seeds. Place the tomatoes in a saucepan and simmer over low heat. Add sugar and leave on fire for 45 minutes, stirring constantly. After 45 minutes, remove the jam from the heat and let it cool and set for 15 minutes, then pour it into a glass jar. It should be taken during breakfast.

7. Prunes

Pour a glass of warm water over a handful of prunes and leave it overnight. In the morning, drain the water and eat the soaked fruit.

8. Lemon and olive oil

You will need freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon and two teaspoons of oil. Stir and drink the resulting mixture in the morning on an empty stomach for 9 days.

Contraindications: gastritis, gastric ulcer and others serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract.


If possible, try to avoid pharmaceutical laxatives. They quickly become addictive, the intestines become lazy and no longer want to work without their help.

What are bacterial starters?

VIVO bacterial starters are a product containing living, human-friendly bacteria. These bacteria have a number of characteristics:

  • capable of fermenting milk, turning it into fermented milk product;
  • have probiotic properties - help restore intestinal microflora;
  • are antagonists of many pathogenic microorganisms, in other words, they oppose development pathogenic bacteria.

How are VIVO starters used?

Bacterial starter cultures are used for home preparation of fermented milk products. Homemade fermented milk products prepared using VIVO starter have a number of therapeutic and prophylactic properties and a number of advantages over “store-bought” yoghurts.

In addition, some starter cultures are used without fermentation as a probiotic.

Why are VIVO starters used?

Fermented milk products prepared using VIVO starters are used:

  • as an alternative to “store-bought” yoghurts, cottage cheese, sour cream in daily nutrition;
  • as the most physiological (natural) and effective remedy restoration and maintenance of microflora, with dysbacteriosis and dysbiosis;
  • to minimize negative impact on health, during and after the use of antibiotics and chemotherapy;
  • to maintain immunity;
  • in dietary nutrition.

How are VIVO starters used in baby food?

  • guaranteed product freshness;
  • absence of preservatives, flavors, dyes, stabilizers;
  • Fermented milk products are a source of essential nutrients for the body in an easy to digest form.

These factors have led to the enormous popularity of using VIVO starter cultures as fermented milk complementary foods for children. It’s better to start with Bifivit VIVO (used for decades in dairy kitchens former USSR) and VIVO cottage cheese. Also, if your child likes sour foods, you can start administering VIVO Acidolact (also known as Narine, acidophilus milk or acidophilus paste). Over time, when the child gets used to fermented milk products, you can add Vitalact and Yogurt to the menu, and replace Bifivit with Probio Yogurt

Whatever complementary foods you introduce to your baby (be it VIVO fermented milk products, cereals, vegetable or fruit purees), we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for introducing complementary foods.

How do VIVO starters help restore intestinal microflora?

A generally accepted method of restoring microflora is the use of probiotics - preparations containing beneficial bacteria.

Unlike tablets, VIVO fermented milk products are the most natural way for humans to deliver beneficial bacteria to the intestines.

The second advantage over medicines is the number of these bacteria. The number of bacteria in one average capsule or tablet is comparable to the number of beneficial bacteria in just one gram of VIVO fermented milk product.

Besides, big problem Disorders of the intestinal microflora mean that pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms take the place of the missing beneficial bacteria in the intestine. VIVO fermented milk products contain bacteria that counteract the development of many pathogenic bacteria.

During the fermentation process, these bacteria produce lactic acid and other substances that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

VIVO starter cultures in fermented milk diets.

There are many diets based on the consumption of fermented milk products. Ideally, the diet should be prescribed by a nutritionist, taking into account individual characteristics your body and the set treatment and prophylactic goals.

Therefore, we refrain from publishing any diets on our website. They can be easily found on the Internet using any search engine. Whatever fermented milk diet you follow, using homemade VIVO products instead of store-bought ones will bring much greater benefits:

  • fermented milk products made from VIVO starter cultures are truly fresh and “alive”;
  • do not contain dyes, preservatives, stabilizers;
  • do not contain sugar, sweetener substitutes, or vegetable fats.

Who produces VIVO starters?

The VIVO group of companies was created in 2008 and specializes in the production and sale of bacterial starter cultures for the preparation of live homemade fermented milk products.

Thanks to the unique beneficial properties of VIVO starter cultures, their high quality and safety, they are loved by millions of people around the world.

VIVO starter cultures are particularly popular in Russia, where they occupy a leading position in the market and are represented in all major supermarkets and pharmacies in the country.

VIVO's production base is located in Russia, Moscow. Bacterial cultures from the world's leading manufacturers from France, Germany and Denmark are used as raw materials.

How to prepare fermented milk products?

It is very simple to prepare a fermented milk product using VIVO milk starter.

For the simplest possible preparation, we will need super-pasteurized milk, VIVO starter and a yogurt maker.

You can use not only super-pasteurized milk, but also boiled homemade or regular (pasteurized) “store-bought” milk.

You can also prepare a fermented milk product without a yogurt maker.

In the "Instructions" section

How to prepare fermented milk products in a yogurt maker?

We will need milk, VIVO starter and a yogurt maker.

The starter is dissolved, mixed with milk at room temperature, poured into cups and placed in a yogurt maker. All this will take no more than 5 minutes of your time. After this, the yogurt maker will do everything automatically. All you have to do is remove the finished product from it and put it in the refrigerator.

In the “Instructions” section you will find all the necessary preparation information.

How to prepare fermented milk products in a thermos?

A yogurt maker is a simple and inexpensive device that greatly facilitates the preparation of fermented milk products at home. But if it’s not there, it doesn’t matter. A regular liter thermos with a glass flask will do.

The milk is boiled, cooled to a certain temperature, the starter is dissolved and mixed with milk. This mixture is poured into a thermos and left to ferment for a certain time (the temperature and time of fermentation depend on the specific type of starter and are indicated in the instructions).

After this, the finished product is poured from a thermos and placed in the refrigerator.

In the “Instructions” section you will find all the necessary preparation information.

Is it possible to prepare fermented milk products without a yogurt maker and a thermos?

It is possible to prepare fermented milk products without using a yogurt maker if a number of conditions are met.

The instructions for cooking in a thermos should be followed.

Instead of a thermos, you should use a glass jar, wrapped to prevent the product from cooling.

The product for fermentation should be left in a warm place so that the product does not cool down.

If you manage to maintain the milk temperature in the range of +-2 degrees from the recommended temperature throughout the entire ripening time, everything should work out.

How are VIVO starters used without fermentation?

Bacterial starters contain beneficial live bacteria, which are part of normal microflora person. Thus, fermented milk products and the starter itself are probiotics, which high efficiency used to restore intestinal microflora, when using antibiotics, for ARVI and colds, to stimulate the immune system, for gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Best for use in pure form are the following products: Acidolact, Probio Yogurt, Yogurt, Probio yogurt with lactulose, Yogurt with lactulose and Immunovit.

Dissolve a packet of starter in half a glass boiled water room temperature. Take 1 sachet 1 – 2 times a day immediately after meals for 1 – 3 weeks. For maximum effect, it is advisable to combine the intake of pure sourdough with the use of homemade fermented milk products.

How do fermented milk products prepared with VIVO sourdough differ from store-bought ones?

The main differences between homemade fermented milk products prepared using VIVO starter cultures and store-bought ones:

  • guaranteed freshness - you know exactly when the product was prepared;
  • guaranteed absence of various additives - preservatives, dyes, flavors, stabilizers, vegetable fats;
  • the product is guaranteed to contain live beneficial bacteria in high concentration;
  • flavoring additives are guaranteed natural - you choose what to add to the finished product;
  • you can prepare not only traditional products, but also unique ones that are not sold in stores - Vitalact, Probio Yogurt, Bifivit, Acidolact.

How do fermented milk products prepared with VIVO sourdough differ from yogurt?

Bacteria that are involved in the preparation of curdled milk enter milk from environment. These can be either beneficial lactic acid bacteria or unsafe for health. Actively developing in milk, they can increase their quantity to a level that is hazardous to health. Therefore, there are often cases intestinal disorders after eating yogurt.

When preparing fermented milk products using VIVO bacterial starter cultures, specially selected bacteria are added to the milk. They are not only beneficial for humans in themselves, but also have the properties to suppress the development of many pathogenic microorganisms that inevitably enter milk from the environment during the preparation process.

What is a yogurt maker?

A yogurt maker is a simple and inexpensive kitchen appliance that greatly facilitates the preparation of fermented milk products. The yogurt maker consists of a body with a built-in heating element and a container or containers (cups) for preparing fermented milk products.

The task of the yogurt maker is to heat the mixture of milk and starter and maintain the temperature of the mixture constant throughout the entire fermentation time.

What are the differences between yogurt makers?

Fundamental differences between yogurt makers of different models:

  • Material from which cups and milk containers are made: glass or plastic.
  • Heating element power: the faster the mixture heats up from room temperature to operating temperature, the better.
  • The presence of a temperature sensor that regulates the temperature of the milk mixture - without it, the temperature of the milk mixture may differ from the recommended one.
  • The presence of a timer with a sound signal will remind you of the need to rearrange the cups of yogurt in the refrigerator.

Why didn't the starter work?

Read more about this in questions about yogurt maker, thermos and milk quality.

Why doesn't the starter ferment in a thermos?

There are several reasons why your starter may not work in a thermos.

  • incorrect milk temperature - it is optimal that the milk mixture is at a temperature of +- 2 degrees from the recommended temperature during the entire ripening period. Check the temperature of the milk at the end of the ripening period. If the milk has cooled down, then the thermos does not hold the temperature well. We recommend replacing the thermos or leaving it in a warm place during fermentation.
  • incorrect fermentation time - please note that if the temperature of the milk in the thermos decreases, the time required for fermentation may increase
  • introducing the starter into too hot milk or dissolving the starter with too hot water - high temperature(above 42 degrees) can damage the bacteria that make up the starter
  • you are using low-quality milk - sometimes at various stages of collecting, processing and packaging milk, substances are added to it to prevent milk from souring. These substances can disrupt the ripening process

The likelihood that the reason for the failure is the quality of the starter is extremely low. During production, each batch is carefully checked for bacterial activity. Before packaging, the bacterial concentrate is thoroughly mixed, which ensures uniform activity from bag to bag. If the entire batch turns out to be defective, such batch will be immediately removed from production before the starter goes on sale. Even with significant violations of storage and transportation temperatures, the starter culture retains sufficient activity to produce a high-quality fermented milk product.

Why doesn't the starter ferment in a yogurt maker?

There are several reasons why sourdough may not work:

  • Incorrect milk temperature - it is optimal that the milk mixture has a temperature of +- 2 degrees from the recommended temperature during the entire ripening period.
  • Incorrect fermentation time - please note that when using some yoghurt makers, it may take a significant amount of time for the milk to warm up to the fermentation temperature when the starter starts to work. Therefore, this time must be added to the recommended cooking time.
  • Adding the starter to milk that is too hot or dissolving the starter with too hot water - high temperatures (above 42 degrees) can damage the bacteria that make up the starter.
  • You are using low-quality milk - sometimes at various stages of collecting, processing and packaging milk, substances are added to it to prevent milk from souring. These substances can disrupt the ripening process.

The likelihood that the reason for the failure is the quality of the starter is extremely low. During production, each batch is carefully checked for bacterial activity. Before packaging, the bacterial concentrate is thoroughly mixed, which ensures uniform activity from bag to bag. If the entire batch turns out to be defective, such batch will be immediately removed from production before the starter goes on sale. Even with significant violations of storage and transportation temperatures, the starter culture retains sufficient activity to produce a high-quality fermented milk product.

What kind of milk should I use for fermentation?

For the simplest and most instant cooking fermented milk products high quality We recommend using milk long-term storage(also super-pasteurized) in Tetra-Pak packages (multilayer packaging made of cardboard and foil). This milk does not require boiling, and if you use a yogurt maker, it is very convenient.

Just add the starter to milk at room temperature (and this milk can be stored at room temperature), stir, pour into cups and turn on the yogurt maker.

Using regular milk(pasteurized), remember: it is highly recommended to boil it and cool it before fermenting.

Both pasteurized and super-pasteurized milk come in “regular” and “baby” varieties. If you are preparing fermented milk products for a child, we recommend using baby milk.

When using homemade milk, it is a good idea to make sure that the cow that gave the milk is healthy. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Homemade milk It is also recommended to boil before fermenting.

Is shelf-stable milk good or bad?

If you study the technology for the production of super-pasteurized milk for long-term storage, it becomes clear that such milk is of quite high quality.

Unlike pasteurization (heating to a temperature of +65 degrees or higher for 30 minutes), with superpasteurization the heating temperature is higher (125-150 degrees), but only for a few seconds (from 2 to 6 seconds). This allows you to preserve a maximum of vitamins and microelements.

At this temperature, all microorganisms die, which allows you to store such milk (in sealed Tetra-Pak packaging) for much longer. This also allows you to avoid boiling the milk before fermenting.

Another fact in favor of super-pasteurized milk is the careful selection of raw materials. After all, if raw milk will be stale, it may curdle during the superpasteurization process. Which will lead to equipment failure, production downtime and expensive repairs.

Why are starter cultures sensitive to milk quality?

When collecting, processing and packaging milk, one of the main problems is bacteria. Getting into milk from the environment, they cause milk to sour. To avoid this, milk is heat treated. However, sometimes on different stages collection and production, unscrupulous producers or collectors may add substances to milk that inhibit the development of bacteria to prevent souring.

Even if you use the same brand of milk, the quality of the milk may vary from batch to batch. This is due to the fact that dairies cannot fully control the milk collection process.

The very substances that prevent milk from souring during production can disrupt home cooking fermented milk products. Some sourdough makers genetically modify bacteria to make them resistant to these substances. VIVO starters do not contain genetically modified bacteria.

Why don’t VIVO starters use GMO bacteria?

Many of us do not think about and do not pay attention to seemingly ordinary functions of the body, for example, the functioning of the intestines. However, as soon as any failure is noted, unpleasant symptoms, we immediately think about treatment and diet. Considering all this, the question of how to get your bowels to empty every day is not surprising. Indeed, there is such a problem as sluggish or lazy intestines, the solution of which requires attention.

The symptoms of a lazy bowel are pronounced. First of all, we're talking about about constipation, namely regular delay defecation for at least two days. Others clinical manifestations should be considered:

  • difficult, incomplete defecation, in which stool is excreted in a minimal volume and the patient feels constant discomfort;
  • hard stool - so much so that scratches form in the anus and even bleeding from the rectal area;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating.

The symptoms that appear with persistent constipation due to lazy bowels deserve special attention. They are considered as such if there is no bowel movement for three to five days. In this situation, the patient develops gradual intoxication with feces. Signs of this should be considered weakness, fatigue, excessive sleepiness, and irritability.

At this stage, symptoms of sluggish bowel function may also be associated with the appearance of acne, a tendency to allergic reactions. A coating may appear on the tongue, and headaches and discomfort in the muscles, loss of appetite. Of course, such symptoms should not be ignored - it is necessary to understand the reasons for such deviation.

Reasons - why the intestines do not work well

Most often, the factors for the development of such dysfunction are the consumption of small amounts of fluid, chronic lack of fruits and vegetables. Other reasons for insufficient bowel function include:

  1. Age, namely from 45 years, subject to low physical activity. An additional factor should be considered the use of antispasmodics and analgesics, as well as remedies for problems with circulatory function.
  2. Chronic diseases, for example, hypothyroidism or Parkinson's disease.
  3. Anal fissures, hemorrhoids.
  4. Excess weight, especially in the visceral area. This slows down bowel movements.
  5. Stress factors, inability to perform a bowel movement at the right time. Most often this is associated with stressful work and the lack of a toilet nearby.
  6. Pregnancy, because hormones slow down intestinal motility. In addition, the increased size of the uterus turns out to be another obstacle to the passage of feces.

Most often, the causes of “lazy” bowel function are: poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. However, treating poor fecal output is not always a simple process.

Treatment - what to do with sluggish intestines to make it work

The simplest and fast treatment appears due to an unbalanced diet, physical inactivity and lack of drinking. In the first case, the patient will need to eat right, use table No. 3b, which is prescribed for constipation, gastrointestinal dyskinesia, as well as a spastic form of colitis.

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, you need to completely change it: walk more, swim, run - in general, do not neglect physical activity.

If we are talking about a lack of drinking, then the amount per day should be from one and a half liters. It is in this case that you can forget about lazy bowel movements.

If the condition is provoked by other factors, we may talk about the use of medications. To get rid of constipation, laxatives, suppositories and enemas allowed, before using which consultation with a specialist is mandatory. In combination with diet, this approach will be most effective. Please note that:

  1. The body must receive the optimal amount of water. As noted earlier, tea or coffee is far from being the liquid that the body needs, because it is excreted much faster.
  2. It is advisable to drink about 200 ml of water about 30 minutes before eating. Add half a lemon to the glass. Nothing less healthy drinks are such as compote, fruit drink, mineral water, and kefir.
  3. You will need to give up certain foods. These include flour, jelly, as well as cocoa, sweets and butter.
  4. When the intestines are lazy, foods rich in fiber are introduced into the menu. These can be wheat and rye bran, raspberries, apples, carrots, peanuts and some other products.

When talking about how exactly to treat such intestinal pathology, we cannot ignore exercises to normalize peristalsis. They do not require serious or special training, however, are rated as the most effective. First of all, you will need to strengthen and pump up the abdominal muscles - it is important that the exercises do not bring painful sensations, and you can do them literally every day. However, after the first few days from the moment of their implementation, the syndrome will begin to disappear.

Breathing exercises are no less effective. In addition, self-massage of the abdomen, the technique of which is extremely simple, will activate the work of a sluggish intestine. The abdomen should be stroked in a circular motion of medium intensity. In order to get your bowels moving and not encounter similar problems in the future, it is recommended to take some preventive measures.

Prevention of the problem

An active lifestyle and exercise will minimize the likelihood of such symptoms. In addition, as preventive measures one should not forget about proper nutrition, namely the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as bran. Can make the intestines work correct schedule meals, namely up to six times a day, with thorough chewing.

It is very important to drink a lot of water - up to two liters. It is best to use purified water, or mineral water. To activate the intestines in the morning, drinking 200 ml of water will be more than enough. You will need to exclude flour products, chocolate, jelly and cream soups from your diet. All this will allow the intestines to work, but if problems occur quite often, you should not neglect contacting a gastroenterologist.