How to take rosehip oil for various diseases - benefits and harm. Rosehip seed oil - benefits and harms

Rose hips have long been valued by admirers of traditional medicine, and the oil prepared on its basis is also famous a large number therapeutic effects. Only if you know what the benefits and harms of rosehip oil are, how to take the product and for what diseases it should be taken, can you count on the desired result. The viscous liquid, which is still actively used by Tibetan monks today, can be prepared at home and obtained one hundred percent effective remedy

Useful properties

It is difficult to list all the substances that rosehip oil is rich in. This includes all kinds of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty and organic acids. This largely unique combination underlies beneficial effects mixtures:

  • The outflow of bile increases, the production is stimulated gastric juice. This leads to improved digestion, getting rid of discomfort in the stomach and intestines.
  • The walls are strengthened blood vessels and heart muscle.
  • Rosehip oil has calming properties. If you drink it regularly, it will help get rid of insomnia.
  • The immune system is strengthened and a general tonic effect is manifested.
  • Wounds and lesions on the skin heal faster, and jams no longer bother you. The likelihood of scars after operations and stretch marks is reduced.
  • Microbes are destroyed in the body, pathogenic processes are inhibited.

This is far from full list effects that you can count on simply by introducing oil into your diet. The benefits of a product may be narrowly targeted, but to achieve the desired results you need to know how and in what cases to use it.

Use in therapy

For many years people have used rosehip oil to strengthen the immune system and improve vitality. Numerous tests have made it possible to establish many more options for using the healing composition:

  • Sore throat. Problem areas should be lubricated with a cotton swab dipped in rosehip oil. If you first add a few drops of vitamin A to it, the effectiveness of the product will increase significantly.

Rosehip oil contains more vitamin C than and. Unlike these aggressive products, the oil does not have any negative impact on the digestive organs and tooth enamel, therefore it can be used to prevent colds with virtually no restrictions.

  • Rhinitis and inflammation of the nasal mucosa. In this case, cotton swabs soaked in medicinal composition, should be injected into the nostrils 5 times a day, leaving there for 30 minutes. It is also possible to instill a couple of drops into each nasal passage.
  • ENT diseases. To treat deafness, you need to prepare a composition based on rosehip oil and anise seeds. We infuse the product for 3 weeks, after which we drop 2 drops into each ear canal before bed. The method will help in short terms restore hearing that has decreased due to special working conditions (for example, in production or in an entertainment center).
  • Gum disease and mucosal damage. To treat stomatitis and burns of the palate, you should use a product made from rosehip oil and.
  • "Women's" diseases. Nursing mothers can lubricate cracked nipples with the product. With the permission of the attending physician, the medicine can be used to combat polyps and cervical erosion.
  • Haemorrhoids. Enough to lubricate hemorrhoids healing oil to relieve inflammation, pain and disinfect the area.

Industrial or homemade rosehip oil can also be used in cosmetology. They lubricate areas of skin with signs of inflammatory processes, bedsores, trophic ulcers, infected scratches. Applying a pure composition to the skin helps get rid of wrinkles. Oil added to a special cream is suitable for caring for the skin around the eyes.

How to drink rosehip oil

By taking the drug orally, you can achieve the effect described above on organs and systems. This will be of greatest benefit for diagnoses such as anemia, atherosclerosis, scurvy, chronic fatigue, peptic ulcers, pathologies of the liver, kidneys and bladder.

Dosages and features of therapy should be agreed with the attending physician. Usually you have to act according to generally accepted schemes:

  • At ulcerative colitis treatment is carried out using enemas. Volume medicine should not exceed 50 ml.
  • For dermatitis and dermatoses, it is often recommended to drink an additional 5 drops of the composition 2 times a day.
  • Signs of a stomach ulcer will not be as pronounced if you drink a teaspoon of the product 3 times a day before each main meal.
  • A clogged intestine can be quickly and efficiently cleaned by drinking a tablespoon of oil before meals for a week.

For general strengthening the body and the prevention of pathologies, you can use a standard therapy regimen. It involves taking a teaspoon of the product twice a day. In the morning it is drunk on an empty stomach, in the evening - at least 2 hours after eating.

How to make rosehip oil at home

To prepare a medicinal product, you can only use wild berries.

  • We take fruits collected at the end of September or beginning of October. They cannot survive frosts. Dry in a room with good air movement for several days. To speed up the process, you can use the oven. The temperature is set at 60º C, the process will take about 7 hours.
  • Grind the berries using a coffee grinder. Mix the resulting powder with unrefined vegetable oil. For 1 part rosehip we take 5 parts liquid medium.
  • Cover the mixture with a lid and leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place. After the specified time, the composition must be mixed, brought to a boil and filtered.

The finished oil is poured into glass bottles and stored in the refrigerator. If after a few days or weeks the fluid suddenly changes appearance, aroma or taste, it should be poured out. Most likely, the conditions for preparing or storing the composition were violated, and it became unusable.

Potential Harm

Obvious benefits natural composition is not a sign of its absolute safety. The product cannot be used as a food component or medicine if there are the following contraindications:

  • Excessive oily skin and a tendency to develop boils, acne, and blackheads.
  • Diseases of the pancreas (consultation with a doctor is required).
  • Individual intolerance to the ingredients in the mixture.
  • Acute heart failure, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis.
  • Exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity.
  • Gallstones.

The benefits of rosehip oil are undeniable, but you should not treat the product as a panacea for all diseases. It is better to combine it with more progressive methods of combating pathological conditions and coordinate this point with your doctor. The use of oil may affect the effect of some medications, which also needs to be taken into account before starting therapy. If any side effects you should stop taking the product and reconsider the chosen regimen.

Most of us are well aware of the beneficial properties of rosehip or, as it is also called, wild rose. In medicine and cosmetology, the roots, leaves, and fruits of rose hips are actively used. An oil with amazing properties is obtained from the seeds of this plant. Already in the 17th century, it was known about the ability of rosehip oil to cure many diseases, and today it is gaining popularity as an effective cosmetic product that helps not only preserve and maintain the beauty of the skin, but also cope with defects such as burns, scars or stretch marks.

Composition and medicinal properties

Rosehip oil is a viscous liquid with a slightly bitter taste and a sugary woody aroma. Its color can vary from pink with a golden tint to orange and even dark red. It depends on the type of plant and the place where it grew. Oil obtained from wild rosehip seeds is a real concentrate of vitamins and other useful substances.

  • Rosehip oil contains almost all fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, beta-carotene), which means that a beneficial effect on the skin and mucous membranes will be ensured. And that's not all. They will also help improve hormonal background, preserve vision, strengthen cell walls.
  • In addition to fat-soluble ones, rosehip oil contains vitamins C, F, K and group B in almost all in full force.
  • This product is rich in antioxidants, which help slow down the aging process and help reduce the risk of developing cancer cells and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The oil contains many trace elements, including copper, potassium, calcium, strontium, molybdenum, phosphorus and many others.
  • Rosehip oil contains more than 15 types of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, which stimulate intracellular metabolism, increase protective functions body, help tissues recover faster.

Rosehip oil is produced only from the seeds of wild plants. First, they are dried in special chambers, and then crushed and processed. The oil can be produced by hot extraction or cold pressing. And although the former is somewhat cheaper, rosehip oil, obtained without additional heat, has stronger healing properties.

Uses of rosehip oil

Beneficial substances in the ratio in which they are included in rosehip oil determine the variety of healing properties of this product. Its judicious use will help improve the condition of many organs and systems. human body.

  • Wild rose oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is a very effective treatment for dry or aging skin. Thanks to its balanced composition, it moisturizes, nourishes and improves protective properties skin.
  • This product is useful not only for external use. For example, rosehip oil has been considered strong since ancient times choleretic agent. Traditional medicine recommends its use for hepatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases associated with deterioration of bile outflow.
  • The oil will also be useful for those who suffer from atherosclerosis. The components of this product will help strengthen vascular walls, will clear them of already formed plaques, and will also help reduce the concentration of “bad” cholesterol.
  • Rosehip oil has wound-healing and antimicrobial properties, which are successfully used in the treatment of frostbite and burns, as well as internal damage.
  • The vitamins in the oil allow it to be used as an immunomodulator that increases the body's resistance to external factors.
  • With the help of rosehip oil, people have long learned to cope with infections of the upper respiratory tract. This applies to both a common runny nose and more serious diseases, such as sinusitis or pharyngitis.
  • Rosehip oil is an effective anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and other oral diseases.
  • In addition to all of the above, rosehip oil is soft, but strong antidepressant and shown to those who are constantly in stressful situations or prone to depression.

Rosehip oil relieves inflammation very well, and also smoothes out scars (including those left after acne) and stretch marks

"Liquid Sun" as a medicine

Healing properties Rosehip oils have been known since ancient times. Of course, when serious illnesses it should not be used as the main treatment, but as an auxiliary, supporting and strengthening agent, this product can be very useful.

From ENT pathologies

Since ancient times, people have successfully fought rhinitis with rosehip oil. Over the years, this method of treatment has not lost its relevance. To get rid of a runny nose, it is enough to instill rosehip oil into the nasal passages 2-3 times a day. It is optimal if after this you have the opportunity to lie down for 3–5 minutes. If this is not possible, you can simply soak cotton pads in oil and place them in your nose for the same amount of time.

To combat sinusitis, the frequency of instillation of rosehip oil should be increased to 6–8 times. It is recommended to carry out the procedure after the nasal passages have been cleaned.

Please note: rosehip oil should not be used to treat a runny nose in children under 12 years of age.

Wild rose oil is also great for throat infections. With its help you can cure pharyngitis, laryngitis, and sore throat. Of course, this means cannot be the only one, and drug therapy must be carried out, but additional use of rosehip oil during treatment will help cope with the disease many times faster. To speed up recovery, you can lubricate the pharyngeal mucosa 2-3 times a day using a cotton swab soaked in the product, attached to a fairly long stick. This should be done quickly, but carefully, trying not to touch the root of the tongue to avoid gagging. However, you can simply gargle several times a day. Rosehip oil is quite liquid, and if you simply take a tablespoon of this product into your mouth, you can rinse without much effort. The main thing is that after rinsing is finished, do not swallow the oil. This is especially important for those who have problems with the pancreas.

One more thing effective remedy for throat diseases - this is a protein shake. To prepare it, the white of 1 egg is mixed with 1 ml of rosehip oil. The resulting mass is lubricated back wall sips or simply drink slowly in small sips.

After this procedure, you should not drink for an hour.

Otolaryngologists often advise their patients to include rosehip oil in their treatment as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines

Rosehip oil is also used as an adjuvant in the treatment of gastritis with reduced secretion. The product accelerates the regeneration of damaged mucosa, reduces pain and reduces inflammation. The course of treatment is 21 days. During this time, the product is taken 1 tsp. in 20–25 minutes. before meals. If the secretion of gastric juice is increased, it is not recommended to use rosehip oil. The same applies to stomach ulcers. It is believed that high content ascorbic acid may have an irritating effect on damaged mucous membranes.

To enhance the effect of treatment for ulcerative colitis, you can use enemas with rosehip oil. To carry out the procedure, 50 ml of oil is heated to body temperature and injected into anus. It is advisable to do this at night. The course of such procedures ranges from 2 weeks to a month.

Rosehip oil is also used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It not only reduces inflammation and accelerates the healing of inflamed areas, but also reduces the permeability of affected vessels, thereby reducing their bleeding. For therapeutic effect you can simply lubricate the anus area with oil 2-3 times a day or insert a tampon soaked in oil into the anus for 1-2 hours twice a day.

For skin lesions

Using rosehip oil, you can speed up tissue regeneration in case of burns or frostbite. To do this, a sterile napkin is soaked in oil, applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage. It is recommended to change the bandage 1-2 times a day until complete recovery.

Rosehip oil will be effective in the fight against bedsores and trophic ulcers. Compresses with a miraculous remedy are best suited for these purposes. Soak a napkin in oil, place wax paper on top and secure with a bandage.

For dermatitis, in addition to external treatment with applications, which are 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. Apply to the affected areas, it is recommended to drink another 1 tsp. oils daily.

To enhance the effect when treating eczema, mix 10 ml of rosehip oil with 5 drops lavender oil. Then apply napkins soaked in the product to the inflamed areas 2-3 times a day.

Nursing mothers are often bothered by cracked nipples. Rosehip oil can also cope with this problem. Enough after each feeding for 30 minutes. apply soaked in oil for a week gauze wipes to the nipples.

A massage with rosehip oil will help get rid of stretch marks. The result will be noticeable within a month

For gum health

For diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis) along with the appointed dentist medical complex You can also use rosehip oil. To do this, apply oil to the affected areas using a cotton pad 4 times a day.

How to cook at home

You can not only buy rosehip oil at the pharmacy, but also make it yourself. Of course, this requires some effort, but the result is worth it. To prepare you will need rosehip seeds. It is best to take dried raw materials, but if necessary, you can use an oven or special devices for drying vegetables and fruits. You can dry the seeds in the fresh air, but in this case the process will take several days.

Rosehip seeds for making oil at home can be bought in a store or dried in the oven yourself

Dried seeds must be crushed as much as possible. A regular coffee grinder works well for this. The smaller the resulting particles are, the more beneficial substances will go into the oil. The resulting powder is poured with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1 to 10 and left in a dark and warm place for 7 days. After the solution has infused, it is necessary to bring it to a boil and leave on low heat for 15–20 minutes. The boiled oil must be cooled and left to brew for another 10–12 hours, after which it is recommended to strain. Ready product Store in a dark glass container in the refrigerator.

If desired, you can also prepare an oil extract. To prepare it, they no longer use seeds, but crushed rose hips. To do this, they are first cleared of seeds and dried. Some sources allow the preparation of an extract from fresh berries, but you need to make sure that they are not frozen, as under the influence low temperatures most of the beneficial properties of the fruit are lost. The crushed berries are poured with oil in a ratio of 1 to 3 and kept for 7–10 days in a dark and warm place.

Rosehip oil in cosmetology

Many cosmetologists consider rosehip oil to be an incredibly effective remedy in the fight against wrinkles and some skin diseases.

For face

Due to the large amount of vitamins and nutrients rosehip oil is a real find for those with dry and aging skin. Its use also gives good results for combination skin types, but for those whom nature has endowed with oily skin, this product is not suitable. People with acne, furunculosis and other areas of inflammation on the face should also avoid it. If you do not have such problems, then regular use of rosehip oil will help cope with the following phenomena:

  • loose or tight skin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • fine wrinkles (including so-called crow's feet);
  • tired, unhealthy skin;
  • age spots;
  • scars, microcracks.

Methods of application

  • Rosehip oil can be used in pure form. To do this, just wipe cleansed facial skin with it in the morning and evening. By the way, this method is optimal for those with dry skin. With the combined type, it is better not to treat areas prone to oiliness (forehead, T-shaped zone).
  • The oil can be safely added to those cosmetic creams and lotions that are used daily. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of oil to the portion that is directly applied to the skin. This method guarantees a particularly pronounced effect when caring for the skin of the eyelids.
  • If you mix the contents of vitamin A and E capsules (they can be purchased at any pharmacy) with a tablespoon of rosehip oil, you will get an effective skin care product for the skin around the eyes. It is recommended to apply the product to the eyelids in the morning and before bed, gently tapping it into the skin with your fingertips.
  • With regular application of oil, you can get rid of wrinkles on your lips and restore them to a smooth, well-groomed appearance.
  • In order to speed up the healing of wounds and microcracks on the skin, you need to apply small pieces of napkins soaked in rosehip oil to them 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rosehip oil extract can be added 1 tsp. in any masks recommended for dry and combination skin. For example, skin prone to dryness can be pleased with a mask made from 2 yolks, ground with a teaspoon of rosehip oil. The product is applied to the face for 15 minutes. For combination skin, you can prepare a mask of oatmeal (2 tbsp.), brewed with 3 tbsp. l. boiling milk. After the mixture has cooled, add oil and apply the mixture to the face for 20 minutes.

For eyelashes

Rosehip oil is not only an excellent product that supports the health and beauty of the skin, but also a real growth stimulator for eyelashes. If you apply it 2-3 times a week in the evenings on the eyelashes after removing makeup for 1 hour, then the result will be noticeable already in the third week.

To apply oil to eyelashes, you need to have a special brush, which must be kept perfectly clean. Apply a few drops of oil to the tip of your finger and moisten your eyelashes with them. After this, use a brush to distribute the oil first over the upper and then lower eyelashes. This must be done carefully, so that the product does not get into your eyes. After the procedure, the brush is thoroughly washed and put away until the next time.

To enhance the effect and provide eyelashes with not only growth, but also thickness, you can mix rosehip oil with fish oil. As a rule, they are mixed in equal parts. But you can also buy ready-made drug.

For hair

Rosehip oil is no less useful for hair. However, the same restrictions apply here as for skin. It is not recommended for those with oily hair to use oil, but for those with dry or damaged hair, this product is ideal.

The easiest method of use is to simply apply slightly warmed oil to the hair roots and rub it in, leaving it for 30–40 minutes. under plastic wrap and a warm towel. After this, the head is washed with daily shampoo.

Rosehip oil can be added to shampoos and other hair care products. As a rule, take 1 part oil for 10 parts of the product, mix them and use them for their intended purpose. At the same time, the hair receives a much larger amount of vitamins and after a few weeks becomes more manageable and well-groomed.

Video: once again about the benefits of rosehip oil


Despite the impressive list of beneficial properties, like any remedy, rosehip oil has a number of contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to use the product to treat children under 12 years of age;
  • because of high content vitamin K oil should not be used by people suffering from thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • You should refrain from ingesting it if you have pancreatitis or if there is an exacerbation of other stomach diseases;
  • don't forget about individual intolerance;
  • an overdose of oil may occur allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes. In this case, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Nature often shares with us truly by magical means, and one of them is rosehip oil. With its help, you can not only restore beauty to your skin and hair, but also overcome many ailments. However, rosehip oil has its contraindications. Observing necessary measures precautions, you can make up for it without spending a lot of effort and money vitamin reserve, strengthen your body and improve your appearance.

Specialists and amateurs studying traditional medicine know a lot medicinal plants. In some of them, only fruits or flowers have healing properties. In others, for example, the wild rose, it is almost the entire plant. Rosehip oil, squeezed from seeds, is no less in demand among connoisseurs than bark, berries or shoots. It has been used in practice for centuries to get rid of diseases, become more beautiful and look younger.

The viscous liquid has a specific bitter taste and a sugary aroma with woody notes. The color changes from dark red or orange to golden pink: the terrain, the conditions under which a particular shrub grew, and its type play a role. The main components of the raw materials are vitamins: almost all fat-soluble ones known to science, as well as C, B (full composition), K, F. This chemical set:

  • helps maintain normal vision and immunity;
  • strengthens cell walls;
  • useful for mucous membranes and skin;
  • improves hormonal levels.

The oil contains trace elements (calcium, phosphorus, strontium, potassium, copper), saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants. They stimulate intracellular metabolism, slow down aging, accelerate tissue repair, provide a distinct anti-inflammatory effect and help in the prevention of cancer.

The listed properties are characteristic of raw materials obtained from dried and crushed seeds of wild plants of the genus Rosa (“rose hips” with Latin language). Cultivated varieties are not suitable - the fatty acid composition is not so rich. The industry uses two processing methods - hot extraction and cold pressing. The first is cheaper, but less reliable: exposure to heat reduces the quantity and quality of components that have a healing, nutritional effect.

How to choose oil?

The product can be used internally or externally. Accordingly, you should focus on the price of the finished product. If direct contact with mucous membranes or wounds is not expected, you can buy the cheaper one, intended for cosmetic care. Aging or dry skin of the face and scalp will be effectively nourished with useful substances and saturated with moisture. The protective properties will be enhanced and hair loss will be prevented. At the same time, you can remove stretch marks and scars, especially those left after acne.

High quality edible oil Suitable for treating frostbitten areas of the body, various injuries, burns. It should be taken as a choleretic agent (for cholecystitis, hepatitis), in the treatment of atherosclerosis, gingivitis, runny nose, pharyngitis, stomatitis, and sinusitis. This is an excellent antidepressant that acts actively, quickly, but gently: it allows you to get rid of permanent stress and depression.

Cooking at home

You need to stock up on seeds purchased at the pharmacy or taken from the bush berries you collected yourself. They are easy to dry in the fresh air (you will have to spend several days), in an oven or in a device for processing fruits and vegetables. Then grind the raw materials using a regular coffee grinder. The smaller the fraction, the more useful components will go into the finished product.

Pour the powder with vegetable oil (1:10), put the solution in a warm and dark place for a week. Then boil, hold for 15-20 minutes on low heat, cool. Wait another 10-12 hours, filter. Transfer the liquid to a darkened glass container.

Another option is to properly prepare the extract. It is necessary to clear the seeds, chop and dry the rose hips, fresh but not frozen (they are almost devoid of bioactive substances). Add oil, keeping the proportion 1:3. Leave for 7-10 days, as in the first stage previous recipe. Properties and uses are approximately the same as those of pure pomace.

Storage conditions

You need to choose a cool place (no higher than 20°C), preferably a dark place. This could be a refrigerator or a cellar in a private home. It is permissible to use a kitchen cabinet provided that the contents are reliably protected from moisture.

Use of rosehip oil for treatment

The use of herbal medicines, even with the best characteristics, cannot serve as the main way to combat diseases. It is necessary to take medications prescribed by a doctor. However, infusions, decoctions, and extracts of natural raw materials are recognized as excellent auxiliary, strengthening, and supporting agents.

ENT pathologies

It is easy to get rid of a runny nose or rhinitis if rosehip oil (preferably diluted) is dripped into the nose. Another option is to soak cotton pads in it, place it in the nostrils for 3-5 minutes and lie down for this time. The second option is preferable. When fighting sinusitis, the number of approaches is increased to 6-8 times in 24 hours. The inflamed cavities should be cleaned first; the anti-inflammatory effect will be more pronounced.

Upper respiratory tract infections such as sore throat or pharyngitis go away faster after regular (three times a day) gargling. Take 1 tbsp. l. pure product, should not be swallowed, as there is a high risk of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially the pancreas. To be on the safe side, it is allowed to lubricate the mucous membrane using a tampon on a long stick. They need to be manipulated carefully, dexterously, without touching the root of the tongue, otherwise it will work gag reflex. In the same way, the affected area is treated with mash (1 egg white per 1 ml of oil). You can also take it in small sips, and then refrain from drinking any liquids for 60 minutes.

For diseases of the stomach and intestines

The product helps fight gastritis, accompanied by reduced secretion. You need to drink it 1 teaspoon about half an hour before meals for 21 days in a row. Damaged mucous membrane regenerates faster, pain decreases, inflammation is relieved. Ulcerative colitis is additionally treated with enemas. Instructions for use: 50 ml of oil, heated to body temperature, should be injected into the anus at night. Course – 2-4 weeks. For hemorrhoids, use cotton swabs rectally (keep them daily for 1-2 hours) or simply lubricate the anus 2-3 times a day. The affected tissues heal, vascular permeability decreases, and bleeding goes away.

For skin lesions

Rapid regeneration is achieved using a sterile napkin. It must be soaked in oil and applied to the area requiring treatment (burnt, frostbitten). Secure with a bandage, change 1-2 times a day until recovery occurs. This principle is used to prepare compresses: a damp cloth is additionally covered with wax paper. The goal is to remove trophic ulcers and bedsores.

Another indication is dermatitis. Treatment is comprehensive. Sore spots need to be covered with applications - “paint” the skin twice or thrice a day for half an hour, drawing lines with a cotton swab. At the same time, drink 1 teaspoon of oil every 24 hours (it is not advisable to replace it with tincture). For eczema, 10 ml of fruit pomace is added to 5 drops of lavender, a napkin is moistened in the mixture and applied to the affected areas.

Nursing mothers get rid of cracked nipples this way - wet gauze should be kept at the breast for a week for 30 minutes after each feeding (do not bring the baby closer to you during this time). Use pure blackthorn extract. By the way, if you massage it, stretch marks disappear within a month.

For gum health

It is not forbidden to supplement medical treatment of gingivitis or stomatitis traditional methods– 4 times a day, drip essential oil onto a cotton pad and gently lubricate the sore spots. At the same time, it is easy to remove bleeding and bad breath. In the first case, you need to take tea from linden petals with oak bark, into which 20 g of thorn pomace is poured, to rinse the throat and larynx. In the second - mint decoction with a few drops of additive. Both products are infused for 20-30 minutes before hourly use. You should first consult with your dentist.


Thanks to its strong bactericidal and regenerating effect organic product helps to get rid of cervical erosion and thrush safely and without problems. They treat cervicitis and endometritis with it, and sometimes more effectively than traditional ones official means. Methodology: douching, insertion of tampons. The mode and terms of use are indicated by a specialist.

Childhood diseases

Blackthorn squeeze is used if it is necessary to cure a teenager, strictly according to the instructions of the therapist. It is allowed to consume 2.5 ml a maximum of three times a day. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should use highly active wild rose seed extract externally only. Contact with mucous membranes is unacceptable.

Oil in cosmetology

It is especially successfully used in procedures that support fading (aging), dry or combination skin. Not suitable for oily or problematic skin with many areas of inflammation - boils, pimples, blackheads. It can be used locally when it is necessary to cope with all kinds of scars, fine wrinkles, wounds, microcracks, tightness and sagging, circles under the eyes, pigmentation, and unhealthy complexion.

Hair masks

They make hair fuller, thicker, add shine, make it easier to care for and comb – especially after intense coloring. Used only by those with dry or normal skin heads. The oil should be slightly warmed, rubbed into the roots, put on a plastic cap, and wrap a terry towel on top. Wait 30-40 minutes, rinse regular shampoo. It is not contraindicated to simply add the squeeze to it (or to another store-bought product) at a rate of 1:10, stirring thoroughly before use. Vitamin supplementation becomes more saturated.

Stimulation of growth and strengthening of eyelashes: moisten them with a drop of oil, take a perfectly clean, thoroughly washed brush, carefully distribute the liquid from tips to roots, avoiding contact with the eyes, wait 1 hour, rinse. Repeat 2-3 times a week, removing makeup in advance. It is better to do this in the evening or at night, when you can relax. It is allowed to use a pharmacy or homemade mixture of rosehip raw materials and fish oil, ratio 1:1. Improvements are observed after a few weeks.

Skin masks

Apply 3-5 drops to a cotton swab or add to your daily cosmetic cream (lotion) for the face. Use regularly, after washing your face, or apply wet pieces of napkins to problem areas for 15-20 minutes. It is enough to do this 2-3 times a day. It is not prohibited to enrich ready-made or homemade masks by pouring 1 teaspoon per serving, making a microemulsion.

A popular recipe against dry skin: grind 2 yolks in the specified amount of extract, apply to a face cleansed of cosmetics for 15 minutes. For combined oatmeal, you can prepare oatmeal (2 tablespoons of cereal per 3 tablespoons of boiling milk), let cool, add the squeeze, apply for 20 minutes.

The product is especially useful for the eyelids: mix 1 tbsp. l. with purchased capsule vitamins E or A, massage into the skin around the eyes twice a day with your fingertips. Regular application also makes lips well-groomed and smooth.

Side effects

In case of overdose or improper use, irritation (itching, hives, rash), discomfort, internal and external burns may occur. Use without consultation with doctors is strictly prohibited. The product should not be used to treat:

  • runny nose, problems with the nasal passages in children under 12 years of age;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract in people with ulcers, increased secretion of gastric juice - ascorbic acid irritates the damaged mucosa, sometimes insulin ceases to be produced;
  • those who suffer from business interruptions cardiovascular system(vitamin K thickens the blood);
  • those who have an allergy or individual intolerance to the product (classic contraindication).

If it turns out that a person has had an unexpected reaction to shipshina oil, it should be stopped so as not to cause even more harm, then consult a doctor.

Rosehip, or wrinkled rose, or dog rose, is a thorny perennial shrub that can be found everywhere. At the beginning of summer, its rapidly growing bushes are covered with fragrant large flowers, and in autumn the impenetrable thickets of the plant become strewn with spectacular bright red fruits.

Rose hips are widely used as a general strengthening and tonic. Dry rosehip is brewed as tea in winter time to saturate the body with vitamin C.

But even more valuable and useful are the seeds of this plant, from which it is made healing oil. Rosehip is full of useful substances:

  • in addition to ascorbic acid, it contains vitamins E, P, K and A;
  • more than 15 fatty acids (stearic, linoleic);
  • flavonoids and tocopherols;
  • micro- and macroelements (iron, phosphorus, calcium, copper).

The healing properties of rosehip oil include:

  • stimulates the regenerative ability of skin tissue;
  • cleanses blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques and strengthens vascular walls;
  • normalizes metabolic processes and hormonal levels;
  • improves bile discharge;
  • relieves inflammation and stops bleeding;
  • disinfects skin damage and accelerates healing;
  • slows down skin aging and protects against adverse environmental influences.

Reduces the body's susceptibility to infections, viruses and colds, improves general health, tones, gives vigor and improves mood.

Indications for use

The rich composition of rosehip oil allows it to be used as an external remedy and for oral administration. The drug is used as masks, ointments and compresses for the following cases:

  • softening of scars and keratinized areas of the skin;
  • elimination of skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema);
  • treats burns, calluses and corns;
  • tightens and smoothes the skin, moisturizes, nourishes and softens;
  • eliminates wrinkles and peeling;
  • prevents the appearance of stretch marks and reduces existing ones;
  • strengthens the skin's protective barrier against moisture loss and exposure to external factors.

The oil is used internally to treat the following diseases:

  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • exposure frequent colds and susceptibility to viruses;
  • disorders nervous system (depressive syndrome, sleep disturbance, loss of strength);
  • atherosclerotic vascular damage, high blood pressure;
  • coronary heart disease, tachycardia;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • pathologies of the digestive and biliary system (pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, hepatitis);
  • disturbance of intestinal microflora, hemorrhoids, bloating;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx and bronchopulmonary system.

Rosehip extract helps normalize metabolism, which is successfully used for weight loss. It is also useful to take the product to cleanse the blood of toxins and excess cholesterol.


Not everyone and not always can be treated using rosehip oil. There are a number of contraindications that prohibit the use of the product in such cases:

  1. Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis, heart failure. Rosehip has the property of thickening the blood, which is dangerous in such diseases.
  2. The increased concentration of vitamin C in the extract irritates the stomach, so it should not be used internally for gastric pathologies with high acidity.
  3. Pathologies of the pancreas. Long-term use of the drug can lead to destructive changes in gland cells and provoke a decrease in insulin production.
  4. Exacerbation of gallbladder and liver diseases.
  5. Do not use the product externally on skin prone to increased oiliness and acne.
  6. Sensitivity to the components of rosehip oil and a tendency to allergic reactions.
  7. Use the extract internally with caution during pregnancy and childhood.

Do not keep pure oil on your skin for a long time. Skin may turn orange.

Instructions for use

Before starting treatment with an oil extract and taking it orally, you must consult a doctor and select the dosage of the drug and duration of use.

IN for preventive purposes usually take 1 tsp. remedies in the morning and evening before meals. Children are given a couple of drops of oil, carefully monitoring the reaction.

The duration of continuous use should not exceed 30 days, after which a break should be taken.

When coughing

For throat diseases, sore throat and cough, it is useful to make compresses from gauze cloth moistened with the extract on the neck area.

Additionally, drink 1 tsp 4 times a day. means to soothe throat irritation, relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

For stomach ulcers

In combination with complex therapy and after consultation with the doctor, you can use the wound-healing and regenerating ability of rose hips to treat gastric ulcers.

In the morning, afternoon and evening, half an hour before meals, you need to drink 1.5 tsp. oils For convenience, you can take a dessert spoon.

Treatment must be supplemented with vitamin complexes and infusions of medicinal herbs.

For sinusitis

Rosehip oil effectively treats sinusitis in acute and chronic stage. The product softens the nasal mucosa and promotes rapid healing of damage.

At least five times a day, 3 drops of oil should be instilled into each nostril.

Twist cotton balls, soak in oil and inject into each nasal passage.

Do not use the drug for children under two years of age.

For hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are treated both externally and internal use rosehip preparation. As a result, the nodes dissolve, irritation of the anus is eliminated, cracks heal and inflammation is relieved.

Drink 1 tsp in the morning, afternoon and evening. funds for at least one month. You can use pharmacy capsules with rosehip oil. They need to be drunk in 3 pieces according to the same schedule.

Mix a spoonful of the drug with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Soak a cotton swab in the mixture and apply to the sore spot for 20 minutes. Do such compresses 4 times a day.

Mix equal parts rosehip oil and softened pork fat and place in the refrigerator. After cooling, form candles and store them in a cool place. Insert into the anus before bed.

In dentistry

For the treatment of wounds and ulcers on the mucous membrane oral cavity To relieve inflammation in gum disease, dissolve a few drops of oil in a glass warm water and rinse your mouth twice a day.

It is useful to lubricate any damage to the oral cavity with the drug to disinfect and accelerate healing.

Rosehip oil for nose

A runny nose and nasal congestion can be successfully eliminated by instilling three drops of rosehip oil extract into each nostril 3-4 times a day.

Cotton flagella soaked in the drug and inserted into the nasal passages soften the mucous membrane well.

Use in cosmetology

IN for cosmetic purposes Rosehip oil extract is used to soften and moisturize facial skin. It is used to treat cracks and wounds on the lips, mucous membranes and nipples of nursing women. Skin ulcers, eczema, and manifestations of psoriasis heal well with oil.

Providing a regenerating, softening and absorbable effect, the rosehip preparation reduces and smoothes scars and cicatrices, heals cracked heels and calluses, and prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

The extract has a good effect both on the condition of the hair and on lightening pigment spots. The product can be diluted with water, mixed with creams, shampoos, other types of oils, or used in its pure form. When mixing oil with other components, you should not add more than 10-15% of the total volume.

Do not lubricate open and fresh surfaces of wounds with the extract. Rosehip oil can be applied directly to the skin or used in the form of compresses, masks, and lotions.

Rosehip oil for hair

Rosehip oil extract is not used for hair prone to excessive oiliness.

Distribute a few drops of the drug over the scalp, rub well and wrap with a towel. After a quarter of an hour, rinse well hot water with shampoo.

Mix a couple of tablespoons of extract with two raw yolks, apply to the roots and along the entire length of the hair. Wrap and keep for at least half an hour. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and shampoo, rinsing well to remove any remaining yolk.

Such procedures need to be repeated regularly, preferably a couple of times a week for a month. As a result, they are strengthened hair follicles, the scalp is moisturized and nourished, the hair becomes shiny and smooth.

Help for facial skin

Soak a cotton swab in the extract and apply to areas of skin with damage or age spots for 10 minutes. Afterwards it is good to remove any remaining product.

Add a few drops of the drug to your favorite face cream, mix thoroughly and use as usual.

Lubricate your lips with a drop of oil at night or before going outside. This will smooth them out, heal cracks, moisturize and nourish. In frosty weather it will protect your lips from chapping, and in hot weather - from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Apply a couple of drops of oil with tapping movements to the area of ​​facial wrinkles. After 10 minutes, remove excess with a napkin.

In 1 tsp. baby cream add the same amount of aloe juice, 20 drops of olive oil and 10 drops of rosehip oil extract and vitamin B2. Mix thoroughly and spread over facial skin. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes. Afterwards, remove the residue with a napkin and wipe with lotion.

After regular use, the skin is tightened and smoothed, wrinkles become less noticeable, dryness and irritation are eliminated. The skin acquires a healthy color and rejuvenates.

How to make at home

Rosehip oil is made from its seeds. The fruits of the May harvest are better suited for these purposes; they contain increased concentration vitamins and nutrients.

  1. Free the seeds from the pulp and grind into powder.
  2. Pour vegetable oil into the seeds in a ratio of 1:10. It is better to take olive oil, but refined sunflower oil is also suitable.
  3. Simmer the mixture for 10-15 minutes in a water bath.
  4. Leave to infuse in a dark place for 10 days.
  5. After straining, store the oil in a cool place.

The finished product is used externally for various skin lesions to relieve inflammation and as a disinfectant. You can drink it for diseases of the biliary and digestive system, to cleanse blood vessels and increase protective forces body.


Rosehip is a widespread and well-known plant, the fruits of which can be found in every home. After all, it is considered a source of vitamin C and an indispensable assistant for strengthening the immune system in winter.

But its seeds also have a lot of medicinal properties and are the raw material for preparing a healing oil extract, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently.

The drug has been successfully used to improve the condition of hair and skin. But to use the extract to treat diseases internal organs This is possible only after consultation with the doctor.

We bring to your attention a video describing the recipe for an anti-aging face mask made from rosehip oil:

Most of us are well aware of the beneficial properties of rosehip or, as it is also called, wild rose. In medicine and cosmetology, the roots, leaves, and fruits of rose hips are actively used. An oil with amazing properties is obtained from the seeds of this plant. Already in the 17th century, it was known about the ability of rosehip oil to cure many diseases, and today it is gaining popularity as an effective cosmetic product that helps not only preserve and maintain the beauty of the skin, but also cope with defects such as burns, scars or stretch marks.

Composition and medicinal properties

Rosehip oil is a viscous liquid with a slightly bitter taste and a sugary woody aroma. Its color can vary from pink with a golden tint to orange and even dark red. It depends on the type of plant and the place where it grew. Oil obtained from wild rosehip seeds is a real concentrate of vitamins and other useful substances.

Rosehip oil is obtained both by cold pressing and by hot extraction.

  • Rosehip oil contains almost all fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, beta-carotene), which means that a beneficial effect on the skin and mucous membranes will be ensured. And that's not all. They will also help improve hormonal levels, preserve vision, and strengthen cell walls.
  • In addition to fat-soluble ones, rosehip oil contains almost all vitamins C, F, K and group B.
  • This product is rich in antioxidants, which help slow down the aging process, help reduce the risk of cancer cells and have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The oil contains many trace elements, including copper, potassium, calcium, strontium, molybdenum, phosphorus and many others.
  • Rosehip oil contains more than 15 types of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, which stimulate intracellular metabolism, increase the body's protective functions, and help tissues recover faster.

Rosehip oil is produced only from the seeds of wild plants. First, they are dried in special chambers, and then crushed and processed. The oil can be produced by hot extraction or cold pressing. And although the former is somewhat cheaper, rosehip oil, obtained without additional heat, has stronger healing properties.

Uses of rosehip oil

Beneficial substances in the ratio in which they are included in rosehip oil determine the variety of healing properties of this product. Its judicious use will help improve the condition of many organs and systems of the human body.

  • Wild rose oil is widely used in cosmetology. It is a very effective treatment for dry or aging skin. Thanks to its balanced composition, it moisturizes, nourishes and improves the protective properties of the skin.
  • This product is useful not only for external use. For example, rosehip oil has been considered a strong choleretic agent since ancient times. Traditional medicine recommends its use for hepatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases associated with deterioration of the outflow of bile.
  • The oil will also be useful for those who suffer from atherosclerosis. The components of this product will help strengthen the vascular walls, clear them of already formed plaques, and will also help reduce the concentration of “bad” cholesterol.
  • Rosehip oil has wound-healing and antimicrobial properties, which are successfully used in the treatment of frostbite and burns, as well as internal injuries.
  • The vitamins in the oil allow it to be used as an immunomodulator, increasing the body's resistance to external factors.
  • Rosehip oil has long been used to cope with upper respiratory tract infections. This applies to both a common runny nose and more serious diseases, such as sinusitis or pharyngitis.
  • Rosehip oil is an effective anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis and other oral diseases.
  • In addition to all of the above, rosehip oil is a mild but strong antidepressant and is indicated for those who are constantly in stressful situations or prone to depression.

Rosehip oil relieves inflammation very well, and also smoothes out scars (including those left after acne) and stretch marks

"Liquid Sun" as a medicine

The healing properties of rosehip oil have been known since ancient times. Of course, for serious illnesses it should not be used as the main treatment, but as an auxiliary, supporting and strengthening agent, this product can be very useful.

Since ancient times, people have successfully fought rhinitis with rosehip oil. Over the years, this method of treatment has not lost its relevance. To get rid of a runny nose, it is enough to instill rosehip oil into the nasal passages 2-3 times a day. It is optimal if after this you have the opportunity to lie down for 3–5 minutes. If this is not possible, you can simply soak cotton pads in oil and place them in your nose for the same amount of time.

To combat sinusitis, the frequency of instillation of rosehip oil should be increased to 6–8 times. It is recommended to carry out the procedure after the nasal passages have been cleaned.

Please note: rosehip oil should not be used to treat a runny nose in children under 12 years of age.

Wild rose oil is also great for throat infections. With its help you can cure pharyngitis, laryngitis, and sore throat. Of course, this remedy cannot be the only one, and drug therapy must be carried out, but the additional use of rosehip oil during treatment will help cope with the disease many times faster. To speed up recovery, you can lubricate the pharyngeal mucosa 2-3 times a day using a cotton swab soaked in the product, attached to a fairly long stick. This should be done quickly, but carefully, trying not to touch the root of the tongue to avoid gagging. However, you can simply gargle several times a day. Rosehip oil is quite liquid, and if you simply take a tablespoon of this product into your mouth, you can rinse without much effort. The main thing is that after rinsing is finished, do not swallow the oil. This is especially important for those who have problems with the pancreas.

Another effective remedy for throat diseases is protein mash. To prepare it, the white of 1 egg is mixed with 1 ml of rosehip oil. The resulting mass is lubricated at the back of the throat or simply drunk slowly in small sips.

After this procedure, you should not drink for an hour.

Otolaryngologists often advise their patients to include rosehip oil in their treatment as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

Rosehip oil is also used as an adjuvant in the treatment of gastritis with reduced secretion. The product accelerates the regeneration of damaged mucosa, reduces pain and reduces inflammation. The course of treatment is 21 days. During this time, the product is taken 1 tsp. in 20–25 minutes. before meals. If the secretion of gastric juice is increased, it is not recommended to use rosehip oil. The same applies to stomach ulcers. It is believed that a high content of ascorbic acid can have an irritating effect on damaged mucous membranes.

To enhance the effect of treatment for ulcerative colitis, you can use enemas with rosehip oil. To carry out the procedure, 50 ml of oil is heated to body temperature and injected into the anus. It is advisable to do this at night. The course of such procedures ranges from 2 weeks to a month.

Rosehip oil is also used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It not only reduces inflammation and accelerates the healing of inflamed areas, but also reduces the permeability of affected vessels, thereby reducing their bleeding. For a therapeutic effect, you can simply lubricate the anus area with oil 2-3 times a day or insert a tampon soaked in oil into the anus for 1-2 hours twice a day.

For skin lesions

Using rosehip oil, you can speed up tissue regeneration in case of burns or frostbite. To do this, a sterile napkin is soaked in oil, applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage. It is recommended to change the bandage 1-2 times a day until complete recovery.

Rosehip oil will be effective in the fight against bedsores and trophic ulcers. Compresses with a miraculous remedy are best suited for these purposes. Soak a napkin in oil, place wax paper on top and secure with a bandage.

For dermatitis, in addition to external treatment with applications, which are 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. Apply to the affected areas, it is recommended to drink another 1 tsp. oils daily.

To enhance the effect when treating eczema, mix 10 ml of rosehip oil with 5 drops of lavender oil. Then apply napkins soaked in the product to the inflamed areas 2-3 times a day.

Nursing mothers are often bothered by cracked nipples. Rosehip oil can also cope with this problem. Enough after each feeding for 30 minutes. Apply gauze pads soaked in oil to your nipples for a week.

A massage with rosehip oil will help get rid of stretch marks. The result will be noticeable within a month

For gum health

For diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis), along with the treatment complex prescribed by the dentist, you can also use rosehip oil. To do this, apply oil to the affected areas using a cotton pad 4 times a day.

How to cook at home

You can not only buy rosehip oil at the pharmacy, but also make it yourself. Of course, this requires some effort, but the result is worth it. To prepare you will need rosehip seeds. It is best to take dried raw materials, but if necessary, you can use an oven or special devices for drying vegetables and fruits. You can dry the seeds in the fresh air, but in this case the process will take several days.

Rosehip seeds for making oil at home can be bought in a store or dried in the oven yourself

Dried seeds must be crushed as much as possible. A regular coffee grinder works well for this. The smaller the resulting particles are, the more beneficial substances will go into the oil. The resulting powder is poured with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1 to 10 and left in a dark and warm place for 7 days. After the solution has infused, it is necessary to bring it to a boil and leave on low heat for 15–20 minutes. The boiled oil must be cooled and left to brew for another 10–12 hours, after which it is recommended to strain. The finished product is stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator.

If desired, you can also prepare an oil extract. To prepare it, they no longer use seeds, but crushed rose hips. To do this, they are first cleared of seeds and dried. Some sources allow the preparation of an extract from fresh berries, but you need to make sure that they are not frozen, since under the influence of low temperatures most of the beneficial properties of the fruit are lost. The crushed berries are poured with oil in a ratio of 1 to 3 and kept for 7–10 days in a dark and warm place.

Rosehip oil in cosmetology

Many cosmetologists consider rosehip oil to be an incredibly effective remedy in the fight against wrinkles and some skin diseases.

For face

Due to the large amount of vitamins and nutrients, rosehip oil is a real godsend for those with dry and aging skin. Its use also gives good results for combination skin types, but for those whom nature has endowed with oily skin, this product is not suitable. People with acne, furunculosis and other areas of inflammation on the face should also avoid it. If you do not have such problems, then regular use of rosehip oil will help cope with the following phenomena:

  • loose or tight skin;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • fine wrinkles (including so-called crow's feet);
  • tired, unhealthy skin;
  • age spots;
  • scars, microcracks.

Rosehip oil is a proven remedy for maintaining the beauty and health of dry skin.

  • Rosehip oil can be used in its pure form. To do this, just wipe cleansed facial skin with it in the morning and evening. By the way, this method is optimal for those with dry skin. With the combined type, it is better not to treat areas prone to oiliness (forehead, T-shaped zone).
  • The oil can be safely added to those cosmetic creams and lotions that are used daily. It is enough to add 2-3 drops of oil to the portion that is directly applied to the skin. This method guarantees a particularly pronounced effect when caring for the skin of the eyelids.
  • If you mix the contents of vitamin A and E capsules (they can be purchased at any pharmacy) with a tablespoon of rosehip oil, you will get an effective skin care product for the skin around the eyes. It is recommended to apply the product to the eyelids in the morning and before bed, gently tapping it into the skin with your fingertips.
  • With regular application of oil, you can get rid of wrinkles on your lips and restore them to a smooth, well-groomed appearance.
  • In order to speed up the healing of wounds and microcracks on the skin, you need to apply small pieces of napkins soaked in rosehip oil to them 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rosehip oil extract can be added 1 tsp. in any masks recommended for dry and combination skin. For example, skin prone to dryness can be pleased with a mask made from 2 yolks, ground with a teaspoon of rosehip oil. The product is applied to the face for 15 minutes. For combination skin, you can prepare a mask of oatmeal (2 tbsp.), brewed with 3 tbsp. l. boiling milk. After the mixture has cooled, add oil and apply the mixture to the face for 20 minutes.

Rosehip oil is not only an excellent product that supports the health and beauty of the skin, but also a real growth stimulator for eyelashes. If you apply it 2-3 times a week in the evenings on the eyelashes after removing makeup for 1 hour, then the result will be noticeable already in the third week.

To apply oil to eyelashes, you need to have a special brush, which must be kept perfectly clean. Apply a few drops of oil to the tip of your finger and moisten your eyelashes with them. After this, use a brush to distribute the oil first over the upper and then lower eyelashes. This must be done carefully, so that the product does not get into your eyes. After the procedure, the brush is thoroughly washed and put away until the next time.

To enhance the effect and provide eyelashes not only with growth, but also with thickness, you can mix rosehip oil with fish oil. As a rule, they are mixed in equal parts. But you can also purchase a ready-made drug.

For hair

Rosehip oil is no less useful for hair. However, the same restrictions apply here as for skin. It is not recommended for those with oily hair to use oil, but for those with dry or damaged hair, this product is ideal.

The easiest method of use is to simply apply slightly warmed oil to the hair roots and rub it in, leaving it for 30–40 minutes. under plastic wrap and a warm towel. After this, the head is washed with daily shampoo.

Rosehip oil can be added to shampoos and other hair care products. As a rule, take 1 part oil for 10 parts of the product, mix them and use them for their intended purpose. At the same time, the hair receives a much larger amount of vitamins and after a few weeks becomes more manageable and well-groomed.

Video: once again about the benefits of rosehip oil


Despite the impressive list of beneficial properties, like any remedy, rosehip oil has a number of contraindications:

  • It is not recommended to use the product to treat children under 12 years of age;
  • due to the high content of vitamin K, the oil cannot be used by people suffering from thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • You should refrain from ingesting it if you have pancreatitis or if there is an exacerbation of other stomach diseases;
  • Do not forget about individual intolerance;
  • An overdose of oil can manifest as an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes. In this case, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Nature often shares with us truly magical remedies, and one of them is rosehip oil. With its help, you can not only restore beauty to your skin and hair, but also overcome many ailments. However, rosehip oil has its contraindications. By taking the necessary precautions, you can replenish your vitamin reserves without spending a lot of effort and money, strengthen your body and improve your appearance.

Rosehip oil benefits and harms: how to take

Rosehip oil - benefits

  • ensures restful sleep;
  • boosts the immune system;
  • destroys microbes.

Application in medicine

Oil compresses for the throat

Rosehip oil for nose

In dentistry

In gynecology

For hemorrhoids

We treat hemorrhoids:

For skin

  • infectious cracks;
  • eczema;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • dermatosis;
  • bedsores.

Eye mask

Apply the resulting product to the skin of the eyelids, leave for half an hour, then remove with a cotton swab.

In addition, using these methods you can eliminate not only wrinkles, but also dark circles around the eyes.

How to take

How to cook

Rosehip oil:



Home → Medicinal herbs → Rosehip

Rosehip oil has found its application externally (in its pure form or combined with other essential oils) and internally. We will now tell you in more detail about the benefits and harms of rosehip oil and how to take it correctly.

Rosehip oil - benefits

Thanks to his chemical composition Rosehip oil easily argues for its benefits. It is a source of nutrients that are important for the human body. The golden-colored liquid is rich in vitamins A, E, C, F and K, antioxidants, various minerals, and saturated and unsaturated fats.

Important! Rose hips contain more ascorbic acid than lemon and black currant. More about beneficial properties Rose hips can be read in the article at the link.

Using this magical combination of substances, the healing elixir:

  • enhances cholekinesis (bile secretion);
  • promotes activation of gastric juice production;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • has sedative properties;
  • ensures restful sleep;
  • boosts the immune system;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • is the prevention of stretch marks, scars, jams;
  • has a general tonic effect;
  • destroys microbes.

This list can be continued endlessly, because rosehip oil is successfully used in medicine, cosmetology and at home. Read here what other benefits and harms of rose hips are.

Application in medicine

It would be surprising that a remedy with such miraculous properties has bypassed medicine. Rosehip oil has long been taken as a medicine to awaken strength. The effect it has has not left indifferent the employees of modern medical institutions.

In the autumn and spring, most people's immunity is weakened, and in winter, people do not know where to go from colds. Often everyone runs to pharmacies and buys expensive medicines, although problems with a sore throat and stuffy nose can be easily solved with the help of useful remedy from rosehip.

Oil compresses for the throat

Prepare a cotton swab, soak it in rosehip oil and lubricate the sore throat. IN remedy you can add vitamin A. With several uses, you will get rid of inflammation.

Rosehip oil for nose

If you insert a moistened cotton swab into the nostrils for diseases of the nasal mucosa for half an hour 5 times a day, you can get rid of the annoying runny nose and unpleasant odor. The oil can also be used in the form of regular nasal drops.

Treatment of ENT diseases with oil

Rosehip seed oil found wide application in ENT diseases. In addition to rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and sore throat, it is excellent for treating deafness. If you grind anise seeds into powder, pour in a fourth of the medicinal product, then let it brew for 3 weeks, shaking the bottle periodically, and after the period expires, drip 2-3 drops into your ears every evening before going to bed, then it is possible to restore hearing in a short time. This method is used for deafness acquired from work noise, concerts, entertainment events or after hunting.

In dentistry

Oil is also actively used in dentistry. Thanks to its healing properties, it is excellent for stomatitis, gum disease and gingivitis. With this miraculous remedy you can get rid of burning, inflammation, painful sensations, solve the problem of chewing food and restore damaged tissue. An ointment is made from rosehip oil in combination with other ingredients.

Ointment for stomatitis:

  • mix propolis and oils (rosehip, sea buckthorn, linseed) one drop at a time;
  • Apply after each meal, an hour after rinsing the mouth.

In gynecology

In gynecology, rosehip oil is often used for treatment. The elixir helps to cure cervical erosion, small polyps and ectopia. And for nursing mothers it is reliable means from cracked nipples.

For hemorrhoids

You can also get rid of hemorrhoids using rosehip seed oil. It has wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, which are very important for healing cracks and tissue restoration.

We treat hemorrhoids:

  1. If the cones are located externally - after hygiene procedures The anus is treated with oil.
  2. If the nodes are inside, a tampon is soaked in rosehip elixir and administered rectally for a quarter of an hour.

For skin

The healing elixir is an indispensable tool for skin. The instructions for rosehip oil include use for:

  • burns and various damage to the epidermis;
  • infectious cracks;
  • eczema;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • dermatosis;
  • bedsores.

For women, this is an excellent way to get rid of facial and senile wrinkles or prevent their appearance. Read about effective recipes and using rosehip oil for wrinkles.

Eye mask
  1. Add a few drops to your night cream essential oil. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin around the eyes.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. cream with almond oil and add 4 drops of rosehip oil.

Apply the resulting product to the skin of the eyelids, leave for half an hour, then remove with a cotton swab. In addition, using these methods you can eliminate not only wrinkles, but also dark circles around the eyes.

Most females may develop stretch marks on their skin after childbirth or due to instability in weight. Rosehip oil is good, softens, nourishes the skin, and at the same time regenerates cells. To do this, problem areas of the skin need to be massaged 2 times a day. The result can be seen after a month of use. To get best effect The oil is used for up to 6 months.

How to take

When taken internally, rosehip seed oil has restorative effect, enhances the immune system, promotes the secretion of gastric juice, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is a barrier to the appearance of cholesterol plaques. Thanks to these abilities, it is taken for gastritis, cardiovascular diseases, also prescribed for oral use for anemia, scurvy, general fatigue, diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder, ulcers gastrointestinal tract and duodenum.

Important! Taking rosehip oil internally should be discussed with your doctor, taking into account individual characteristics body.

  • for ulcerative colitis, an enema is given, where the oil content is 50 ml;
  • the elixir can be prescribed for dermatosis (5 drops orally 2 times a day);
  • A stomach ulcer can be cured by a teaspoon of oil, which must be taken half an hour before meals, 3 times a day;
  • You can cleanse the intestines if you drink 1 tbsp before meals for 7 days. l. rosehip elixir.

The standard treatment regimen involves taking 1 tsp of oil. 2 times a day. In the morning - always on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, and in the evening - 2 hours after meals.

How to cook

There are 400 species of this plant, but only wild varieties are selected for preparation. The seeds are thoroughly processed beforehand. To obtain a medicinal oil liquid, two methods are used: hot extraction and cold pressing.

The second cooking method is distinguished by its benefits and quality.

There are several ways to prepare a remedy from the fruits of the plant at home. To obtain a high-quality oil substance, use only fresh fruits of the plant.

Important! The fruits are collected closer to mid-autumn - late September, early October.

If 85–90% of the bush has no green spots on the berries, and their skin is soft, this is a sure sign of ripeness. The fruits should be collected before the first frost so that they do not have time to lose their medicinal properties. The collected berries should be dried in a ventilated area (avoid contact with direct sun rays), you will need to wait a few days. Or you can use the oven and do it in about 7 hours by choosing a temperature of 60 degrees.

Rosehip oil:

  1. Dried rose hips need to be ground to a powder. For this it is better to use a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix the resulting powder with vegetable oil (olive, sunflower) in a ratio of 1:5.
  3. Cover the finished mixture with a lid and put it in a dark place for 10 days.
  4. At the end of the specified time, boil the oil over low heat, then let it cool and filter.
  5. Pour into a dark glass container and store in a cool place.

If anyone is interested: how to prepare healing oil from rosehip leaves is very simple. You can also use fresh petals of the plant for cooking at home. They do not need to be dried, but in general, they are prepared according to a similar scheme.


Despite the benefits that “liquid sun” brings, it has contraindications and side effects.

It is contraindicated to use the remedy if there is oily skin and prone to acne, furunculosis, if there are diseases of the pancreas, should not be used if you are hypersensitive. It is not recommended to use in cases of heart failure, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis - or only after consultation with a specialist.

Rosehip oil about the benefits and harms: how to take it and recipes

· You will need to read: 7 minutes

Russian doctors and healers used rosehip oil to heal wounds. According to Avicenna, it can heal ulcers, liver, stomach, headache, tumors and eye diseases. Tibetan medicine used it against atherosclerosis, tuberculosis and neurasthenia. IN large quantities Sources you can find different names for this oily extract of thorny shrubs; many call it “liquid sun” or “the king of natural oils.”

Rosehip oil has found its application externally (in its pure form or combined with other essential oils) and internally. We will now tell you in more detail about the benefits and harms of rosehip oil and how to take it correctly.

Rosehip oil - benefits

Thanks to its chemical composition, rosehip oil easily argues for its benefits. It is a source of nutrients that are important for the human body. The golden-colored liquid is rich in vitamins A, E, C, F and K, antioxidants, various minerals, and saturated and unsaturated fats.

Important! Rose hips contain more ascorbic acid than lemon and black currants. You can read more about the beneficial properties of rose hips in the article at the link.

Using this magical combination of substances, the healing elixir:

  • enhances cholekinesis (bile secretion);
  • promotes activation of gastric juice production;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • has sedative properties;
  • ensures restful sleep;
  • boosts the immune system;
  • has a wound healing effect;
  • is the prevention of stretch marks, scars, jams;
  • has a general tonic effect;
  • destroys microbes.

This list can be continued endlessly, because rosehip oil is successfully used in medicine, cosmetology and at home. Read here what other benefits and harms of rose hips are.

Application in medicine

It would be surprising that a remedy with such miraculous properties has bypassed medicine. Rosehip oil has long been taken as a medicine to awaken strength. The effect it has has not left indifferent the employees of modern medical institutions.

In the autumn and spring, most people's immunity is weakened, and in winter, people do not know what to do about colds. Often everyone runs to pharmacies and buys expensive medications, although problems with a sore throat and stuffy nose can be easily solved with the help of a useful rosehip remedy.

Oil compresses for the throat

Prepare a cotton swab, soak it in rosehip oil and lubricate the sore throat. You can add vitamin A to the remedy. With several uses, you will get rid of inflammation.

Rosehip oil for nose

If you insert a moistened cotton swab into the nostrils for diseases of the nasal mucosa for half an hour 5 times a day, you can get rid of the annoying runny nose and unpleasant odor. The oil can also be used in the form of regular nasal drops.

Treatment of ENT diseases with oil

Rosehip seed oil has found wide application in ENT diseases. In addition to rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and sore throat, it is excellent for treating deafness. If you grind anise seeds into powder, pour in a fourth of the medicinal product, then let it brew for 3 weeks, shaking the bottle periodically, and after the period expires, drip 2-3 drops into your ears every evening before going to bed, then it is possible to restore hearing in a short time. This method is used for deafness acquired from work noise, concerts, entertainment events or after hunting.

In dentistry

Oil is also actively used in dentistry. Thanks to its healing properties, it is excellent for stomatitis, gum disease and gingivitis. With the help of this miraculous remedy, you can get rid of burning, inflammation, pain, solve the problem of chewing food and restore damaged tissue. An ointment is made from rosehip oil in combination with other ingredients.

Ointment for stomatitis:

  • mix propolis and oils (rosehip, sea buckthorn, linseed) one drop at a time;
  • Apply after each meal, an hour after rinsing the mouth.

In gynecology

In gynecology, rosehip oil is often used for treatment. The elixir helps to cure cervical erosion, small polyps and ectopia. And for nursing mothers it is a reliable remedy for cracked nipples.

For hemorrhoids

You can also get rid of hemorrhoids using rosehip seed oil. It has wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, which are very important for the healing of cracks and tissue restoration.

We treat hemorrhoids:

  1. If the cones are located externally, after hygiene procedures the anus is treated with oil.
  2. If the nodes are inside, a tampon is soaked in rosehip elixir and administered rectally for a quarter of an hour.

For skin

The healing elixir is an indispensable remedy for the skin. The instructions for rosehip oil include use for:

  • burns and various damage to the epidermis;
  • infectious cracks;
  • eczema;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • dermatosis;
  • bedsores.

For women, this is an excellent way to get rid of facial and senile wrinkles or prevent their appearance. Read about effective recipes and uses of rosehip oil for wrinkles.

Eye mask
  1. You need to add a few drops of essential oil to your night cream. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin around the eyes.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. cream with almond oil and add 4 drops of rosehip oil.

Apply the resulting product to the skin of the eyelids, leave for half an hour, then remove with a cotton swab. In addition, using these methods you can eliminate not only wrinkles, but also dark circles around the eyes.

Most females may develop stretch marks on their skin after childbirth or due to instability in weight. Rosehip oil is good, softens, nourishes the skin, and at the same time regenerates cells. To do this, problem areas of the skin need to be massaged 2 times a day. The result can be seen after a month of use. To get the best effect, the oil is used for up to 6 months.

How to take

When taken internally, rosehip seed oil has a general strengthening effect, improves the immune system, promotes the secretion of gastric juice, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and is a barrier to the appearance of cholesterol plaques. Thanks to these abilities, it is taken for gastritis, cardiovascular diseases, and is also prescribed orally for anemia, scurvy, general fatigue, kidney, liver, bladder diseases, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum.

Important! Taking rosehip oil internally should be discussed with your doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

  • for ulcerative colitis, an enema is given, where the oil content is 50 ml;
  • the elixir can be prescribed for dermatosis (5 drops orally 2 times a day);
  • A stomach ulcer can be cured by a teaspoon of oil, which must be taken half an hour before meals, 3 times a day;
  • You can cleanse the intestines if you drink 1 tbsp before meals for 7 days. l. rosehip elixir.

The standard treatment regimen involves taking 1 tsp of oil. 2 times a day. In the morning - always on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, and in the evening - 2 hours after meals.

How to cook

There are 400 species of this plant, but only wild varieties are selected for preparation. The seeds are thoroughly processed beforehand. To obtain a medicinal oil liquid, two methods are used: hot extraction and cold pressing.

The second cooking method is distinguished by its benefits and quality.

There are several ways to prepare a remedy from the fruits of the plant at home. To obtain a high-quality oil substance, use only fresh fruits of the plant.

Important! The fruits are collected closer to mid-autumn - late September, early October.

If 85–90% of the bush has no green spots on the berries, and their skin is soft, this is a sure sign of ripeness. The fruits should be collected before the first frost so that they do not have time to lose their medicinal properties. The collected berries should be dried in a ventilated area (avoid direct sunlight); you will need to wait several days. Or you can use the oven and do it in about 7 hours by choosing a temperature of 60 degrees.

Rosehip oil:

  1. Dried rose hips need to be ground to a powder. For this it is better to use a coffee grinder.
  2. Mix the resulting powder with vegetable oil (olive, sunflower) in a ratio of 1:5.
  3. Cover the finished mixture with a lid and put it in a dark place for 10 days.
  4. At the end of the specified time, boil the oil over low heat, then let it cool and filter.
  5. Pour into a dark glass container and store in a cool place.

If anyone is interested: how to prepare healing oil from rosehip leaves is very simple. You can also use fresh petals of the plant for cooking at home. They do not need to be dried, but in general, they are prepared according to a similar scheme.


Despite the benefits that “liquid sun” brings, it has contraindications and side effects.

It is contraindicated to use the remedy if you have oily skin and are prone to acne, furunculosis, if you have diseases of the pancreas, it should not be used if you are individually intolerant. It is not recommended to use in cases of heart failure, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis - or only after consultation with a specialist.
