Causes of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, recommendations for treatment. Pain in the lower abdomen is another symptom of osteochondrosis. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen radiating to the back

Throughout his life, a person has to deal with pain of varying intensity more than once. As for pain in the abdominal segment and lower back, women most often suffer from it reproductive age. Despite this, such a disease can also affect a man. It is worth understanding in as much detail as possible why a person has a lower abdomen.


It is almost impossible to independently determine the cause of the pathology. That is why, if your lower back hurts severely and additional complaints arise, you need to contact your doctor as soon as possible. medical institution. There you will be examined, a number of tests and diagnosed correct diagnosis. Depending on the reason why the lower back is pulling, treatment will be prescribed and recommendations will be given.

Causes of discomfort

Let's look at the most common diseases, the symptom of which may be discomfort in the lower part. abdominal cavity and backs.

Premenstrual syndrome

One of the main reasons why women experience pain in the lower abdomen (lower back) is the condition before menstruation. The female cycle directly depends on the level of hormones produced. When the amount of the substance begins to change at the end of one cycle, tension in the mammary glands and frequent change moods. In addition, the uterine muscle tenses. Thus, it prepares for contraction, during which the endometrium is detached and released.


In most cases, this reason for pulling the lower back, lower abdomen and changing mood does not require any treatment. Quite often, representatives of the fair sex cope with premenstrual syndrome on their own. If such a condition greatly interferes with a woman and does not allow her to lead her usual lifestyle, then it is possible to use antispasmodics, for example: No-Shpa tablets, Papaverine suppositories, Solpadeine and others.

Sometimes the doctor may schedule an appointment hormonal drugs, which eliminate premenstrual syndrome and normalize female cycle. These drugs include: Duphaston tablets, Zhanine contraceptives, Novinet pills and other drugs.

Inflammatory process or infection of the genitourinary system

If a woman experiences tugging, aching pain in the stomach long time may be developing inflammatory process. Quite often, such a picture can be given by diseases that can be acquired sexually: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis and others.

Also, if you feel pain in your lower abdomen and lower back for a week, and at the same time you experience pain when urinating and blood in your urine, then inflammation is most likely developing.

If you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is worth noting that women are more often affected by these pathologies, however, the male sex is not immune from the development of such a disease.


If inflammation and infection are detected, treatment should be started as soon as possible. Otherwise, you risk irreparable complications.

Treatment of infections resulting from sexual contact or inflammation of the urinary tract is corrected with antibiotics. The doctor may prescribe for you the following medications: the drug "Vilprofen", tablets "Metronidazole", the drug "Naksogin" and others.

In case of inflammation of the bladder, it is additionally recommended to use diuretic drinks, for example: “ Kidney tea" After antibacterial therapy, courses of taking beneficial bacteria are prescribed: Linex tablets, Acipol capsules, Bactisubtil, and so on.

Intestinal diseases

If you have lower back and stomach pain (pulling in the lower abdomen), then the cause may be improper bowel function. When perilstatics are disturbed, constipation occurs, which serves as a reason for the occurrence of such sensations.

Also, inflammation of the appendix can be expressed by such symptoms, but in this case, fever, nausea and weakness are associated.

Another reason why the stomach pulls and aches may be an inflammatory process in the intestines due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into it. In addition, a person may complain of frequent bowel movements with mucus or blood.


If you have pain in your lower back and lower abdomen due to constipation, then for treatment you need to take laxatives: Duphalac syrup, Senade tablets. It is also worth reviewing your diet and choosing an appropriate diet.

If inflammation of the appendix is ​​detected, urgent surgery, during which the doctor will remove the pathologically inflamed appendage.

If you suspect intestinal inflammation, you need to consult a doctor to get the right treatment. In most cases, the patient is prescribed sorbents: Smecta powder, tablets Activated carbon" It is also recommended to take the course antibacterial agents: tablets or injections “Gentamicin”, drug “Doxycycline”. After this, beneficial bacteria are prescribed to restore the microflora: the drug “Bifidumbakerin”, powder “Lactobacterin”.

Tumor processes

Quite often, the lower back and lower abdomen tighten due to various neoplasms.

In men, such symptoms can be caused by a tumor of the prostate or testicles.

Women are much more likely to be bothered by tumors. They may have cysts on the ovaries of various origins. Also, large uterine fibroids manifest themselves with the following symptoms. Hormonal disorders such as endometriosis can also cause pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen.


In some cases, a specialist may choose a wait-and-see approach and monitor the growth of the tumor. However, if a woman complains of pain and discomfort, then correction is necessary.

When such pathologies are detected, they most often resort to surgical treatment. During the operation, the doctor excises pathological formation within healthy tissue.

and lower back: causes and treatment

Quite often, expectant mothers turn to a specialist with similar complaints. It is worth noting that the treatment method directly depends on the stage of pregnancy.

If the wife is on early stages pregnancy, then pain in the lower abdominal cavity and heaviness in the lower back may indicate a threat of miscarriage. In this case, appropriate correction must be made.

Also, in the first and second trimester, the expectant mother experiences pain in her lower back and lower abdomen, but such sensations pass rather quickly. This stretches the ligaments and enlarges the uterus. All these phenomena are absolutely normal and do not require medical intervention. However, do not forget to tell your gynecologist about your new sensations at your next appointment.

When a woman’s body is preparing for childbirth and the baby is already full term, this condition is a variant of the norm and does not require any treatment.


If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, the woman should be prescribed complete rest and bed rest. She is also prescribed preservative medications, for example: Duphaston tablets or Utrozhestan suppositories. In addition to this, they are prescribed sedatives: Valerian tablets, Motherwort drops.

If you feel pain in the abdomen and lower back that bothers you for a long time or is very severe, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only a specialist can correctly determine the cause unpleasant condition and prescribe appropriate treatment for you.

Carry out medical correction in a timely manner and listen to the recommendations of a competent specialist. Take care of your health and don't get sick!

There are a lot of factors that cause pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Sometimes pain is only a temporary symptom, but in some cases it indicates quite serious disorders in the human body.

It is worth noting that similar symptoms in men and women can be caused by completely different reasons, and diagnosis due to the structural features internal organs will be slightly different.

Generally speaking, this condition is usually caused by diseases of the internal organs, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, as well as neurological abnormalities.

The female sex suffers from such symptoms much more often than the male gender due to the characteristics female body. As a rule, they are associated with specific female problems:

  • Menstrual cycle. The lower abdomen begins to ache before or during menstruation. During this period, mood changes are often observed - the so-called premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It is caused by hormonal imbalance thyroid gland and adrenal glands. In the first days after the start of menstruation, a woman may experience cramping or aching pain caused by contractions of the uterus. varying degrees intensity. In addition, during this period, some women experience very sensitive and painful breasts. If menstruation is delayed, a woman may also experience discomfort in the lumbar region. This is due to hormonal imbalances, stress, climate change, and psychological problems. In healthy women, the delay usually does not exceed 7 days. Otherwise, pregnancy or serious pathologies may occur. reproductive system.
  • Pathologies of the genital organs - we are talking about such disorders as the bend of the uterus, the growth of the endometrium (endometriosis).
  • Chronic inflammatory processes – adnexitis. In this case, patients experience pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. The temperature may rise.

Elena Malysheva and neurologist Dmitry Shubin will talk about the symptoms of candidiasis:

  • Bacterial and fungal infections– thrush (candidiasis), trichomoniasis, colpitis and others. At the same time, patients often also complain of itching in the vagina and the appearance of characteristic discharge.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases – syphilis, gonorrhea and others. Each of them has a number of characteristic symptoms.
  • Inflammation of the bladder - cystitis. The pathology is characterized strong burning sensation, pain in the lower abdomen and difficulty urinating.
  • Tumor processes - cysts due to hormonal imbalance(polycystic disease), ovarian tumors, fibroids or uterine fibroids, cervical cancer. Rupture of a cyst, destruction or overgrowth of a tumor can provoke not only acute pain, but also chills, nausea and vomiting. In this condition, the patient can only be saved by surgery, otherwise peritonitis and death will occur.

If a woman is in pain during sex, especially if she previously felt discomfort in the lower abdomen, various types of disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system may occur. Alternatively, the reason lies in the presence of an infectious process. However, discomfort often occurs due to adhesions, sutures after childbirth, and also as a result of a lack of natural lubrication of the vagina.

The cause of women's lower abdominal pain is the natural process of ovulation, when the follicle bursts, releasing an egg. Such sensations can be either short-term or quite long-lasting, and be spastic or aching in nature. If this condition continues for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

It is worth noting that when menopause occurs in women, hormonal changes occur, and aching pain in the lower back and abdomen may appear. Either one of the above factors or others can play a role. age-related changes in the body. During this period, patients suffer not only from pain, but also from mood swings, hot flashes, attacks of tachycardia and other problems.

Pain during pregnancy

If your stomach and lower back hurt during pregnancy, the cause may depend on the period:

  1. In the first trimester, if the lower part hurts, it means there is a threat of miscarriage, so you need to take action very urgently.
  2. On last weeks carrying a child, this is most likely a harbinger of labor, or false contractions.
  3. Very often, discomfort is caused by the child’s pressure on the intestines, which provokes disturbances in its functioning.

Causes of abdominal pain in men

Specific to men are conditions in which patients feel girdle pain in the abdomen and lower back:

  • Inflammation of the prostate - accompanied by pain, frequent difficulty urinating, and spermatogenesis disorders.
  • Orchiepididymitis - inflammation in the epididymis and testicles, which is the result of injury reproductive organs, genital tract infections or surgery.

  • Inguinal hernia - in addition to pain, fever and chills rise, the patient loses consciousness. In this condition, urgent hospitalization is necessary.
  • Infectious diseases of the reproductive system, including sexually transmitted diseases, are transmitted through sexual contact and are provoked by fungi and bacterial infections. In this case, pain occurs in the lower abdomen, groin, and discharge appears. Without treatment, the disease becomes chronic.
  • Colitis - most often occurs against the background of bloating and increased gas formation. In the acute form, sharp, spasmodic pain appears in the intestines, and when transitioning to chronic stage there is a constant nagging pain.

Common Causes of Abdominal Pain

The causes of girdle pain in the abdomen and lower back are similar conditions for both sexes.

In this case, patients first experience pain in the side and lower abdomen on the right. Gradually, a sharp pain moves to the lower back, sometimes radiates to the stomach and navel, vomiting begins, and the temperature rises. In the acute form, immediate removal of the appendage is required to save life. Appendicitis can be diagnosed in both an adult and a child.

Kidney diseases

The kidneys are responsible for filtering all the fluids inside the human body. Any problems with these organs cause pain on the right and left, in the lower back, and also in the groin area. The causes of diseases of the urinary system can be infectious diseases of the genital organs, hypothermia, poor diet and disordered lifestyle, as well as genetic predisposition.

Gastrointestinal problems

In this case we are talking about infectious diseases caused by salmonella. In this case, the patient begins to ache in the lower abdomen, and over time the pain can radiate to the lower back or chest. Nausea and vomiting, increased gas formation, bloating, diarrhea or constipation begin. As the situation worsens, blood and mucus may appear in the stool, and in severe cases, blood poisoning begins.

The reasons for such severe consequences In addition to salmonellosis, unhealthy diet, food or alcohol poisoning may occur, chronic pathologies Gastrointestinal tract. Without proper treatment, it may occur internal ulcers on the rectum or duodenum.

Other diseases

Pain may occur with internal hemorrhoids, when the nodes do not fall out and are not located on the edge anus, and in the depths of the rectum. Moreover, they are accompanied by bleeding from the anus and anemia.

Pain in the right lower abdomen may indicate problems with the liver, as well as diseases of the gallbladder or pancreas.

Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) is a serious pathology, it is fraught serious consequences and life-threatening complications

If heaviness and pain are felt on the left side, the patient may have pathologies of the stomach, spleen, pancreas, or even the heart muscle.

Oncological diseases

The growth of tumors, usually malignant, can also be accompanied by abdominal pain that radiates to the lower back. Typically, such symptoms indicate the presence of genitourinary cancer. Moreover, men are more susceptible to this pathology than women.

Often the primary tumor originates in the bladder, and then spreads through metastases and pain in the bladder. bottom part torso, spine and other organs and systems. Therefore, when malignant neoplasms such manifestations occur simultaneously.

Incessant pain in the abdomen and back

In some cases, lower pain syndrome accompanies a person for a long time and it is not possible to find out the cause of the discomfort. Often the symptoms resemble chronic inflammation genital organs (prostatitis in men, adnexitis in women), however, laboratory tests, Ultrasound or MRI do not confirm this diagnosis. In this case, most likely we are talking about neurological problems, which is handled by a neuropathologist.

Since there are many nerve endings and nodes in the lower part of the body, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Poisoning with toxic substances.
  2. Herpes.
  3. Various types of injuries.
  4. Worms.
  5. Epilepsy.

Neurotropic drugs prescribed by a doctor can relieve chronic pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

For more information, watch the video below about diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

Adults often complain that their lower back hurts and that it is difficult to get out of bed in the morning. The cause of such phenomena may be diseases of the spine:

  • ordinary sprain due to intense training on the abdominal muscles;
  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic and lumbar spine;
  • with pinched sciatic nerve;
  • scoliosis in lumbar region, which not only arches the spine, but also displaces internal organs, disrupting their functioning - subsequently the lower abdomen and lower back begin to ache.

Any pathology in the functioning of the spine is accompanied by other symptoms. However, pain syndrome may also indicate other disorders in the body, even if these disorders still exist.

Actions to take if you experience severe abdominal pain

If you feel it, which is accompanied by other symptoms, it is strongly recommended to urgently call a doctor.

The following symptoms should not be ignored:

  1. Intense pain that becomes stronger with any attempt to move.
  2. Rise in body temperature, nausea and vomiting, with inclusions of blood or black-colored stool.
  3. Difficulty with stool hard belly- probable intestinal obstruction.

Pain may cause a rise in temperature

To alleviate the patient’s condition before the doctor arrives, it is worth reducing the load on the spine:

  • go to bed and don’t get up;
  • do not make sudden movements;
  • lie on your back and place bolsters under your head and knees;
  • you can take a position lying on your stomach, placing a pillow under it;
  • when getting out of bed, first move to the edge, roll over, sit down, lower your legs to the floor, stand up, pushing off with your hands;
  • take an antispasmodic - No-shpu, for example.

Under no circumstances should you give drinking plenty of fluids or any medications except No-shpa, give enemas or warm compresses.

Diagnostic methods

If there is severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, this can be the result of a variety of reasons. Therefore, before starting any treatment, you should find out why such symptoms are observed. For diagnosis, you should go to your local clinic and undergo an examination.

Effective diagnostic methods will be:

  1. Laboratory tests of blood, urine, feces.
  2. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

Photo of MRI procedure

  1. X-ray of the spine if injuries and deformation of the vertebrae or their displacement are suspected.
  2. CT scan if there is a possibility of gastrointestinal disease.
  3. MRI to examine the pelvic organs, as well as the spine to detect intervertebral hernias or protrusions.

Only after making an accurate diagnosis can adequate treatment be prescribed, which in each case will consist of a set of procedures and medications.

Spontaneous paroxysmal sensations in the lower abdominal cavity, occurring along with discomfort in the back, indicate possible diseases body. Similar symptoms can occur among women and men. If your lower back and lower abdomen hurt, you should carefully monitor the state of your body, as other signs are possible.

Back and lower abdomen hurt - what is it?

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen can occur simultaneously with attacks in the lumbar spine. The nature of such manifestations can be acute, sometimes unbearable. Chronic course is also possible. In this case, the pain occurs periodically, passes over time and is nagging in nature.

If your back and lower abdomen hurt, this means that pathologies are developing in the body. For example, acute form Some ailments (injuries and ruptures of organs, bleeding) can cause an unbearable sharp attack in the back and abdomen. In case chronic development pathologies, pain can be aching, pulling. Typically, this is how the inflammatory process manifests itself in the early stages of its development in a particular organ.

It is worth noting that if there is a painful pulsation in the abdomen, this is most likely a sign of a violation of the pressure inside the abdominal cavity.

Important! Pain in the back and abdomen can vary in intensity and duration. Only a doctor can determine what this is, having carried out full examination patient.


To roughly understand why the lower abdomen hurts, it will help to consider the main factors that can provoke similar discomfort. They will answer the question whether the lower abdomen can hurt from the back.

  1. Inflammation of the urinary system caused by infectious pathogens. Cramps in the abdomen and nagging pain in the back can be observed with pyelonephritis, cystitis, and urethritis. In addition to discomfort, other symptoms are observed - blood in the urine, painful urination, frequent urge to the toilet.
  2. Development of appendicitis. Typically, pain during inflammation in the appendix occurs on the right side. In addition, there is a fever, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.
  3. Infectious processes in the intestinal cavity. Initially, the pain affects the entire abdomen, and later is localized below and radiates to the lower back. In this case, the stool may change (bloody specks).
  4. Development of colitis. At acute course arise sudden attacks below the peritoneum, shooting into the back. If your stomach feels tight, the disease has become chronic. Pain may occur periodically and be accompanied by increased gas formation.
  5. Advancement of stone through the urinary ducts. With this pathology, pain can appear simultaneously in different parts lower back and abdomen, be both sharp and dull in nature (it all depends on the movement and size of the stone). Discomfort with urolithiasis can be disturbing, even if a person is at rest, lying on his back.
  6. Lump in the groin (hernia). A pathology in which part of an organ penetrates under the skin and is pinched by the muscles, can cause very acute unbearable pain on the left, right side of the abdomen, and shoot in the back.

In addition to the reasons listed, pain in the lumbar region, together with bottom abdomen may occur as a result of destructive processes in intervertebral discs sacral region back (osteochondrosis). In this case, unbearable discomfort is observed from behind, but it can radiate to the groin area on the left or right.

Pay attention! An important factor in the occurrence of pain attacks in the lower peritoneum and back are malignant formations, developing in the pelvic organs or the food digestion system (large, small intestine).

It must be remembered that attacks in the lower abdomen and back can occur even after a regular massage. This happens after intense pressure on the groin area and slightly above. If your lower abdomen hurts after a back massage, it is recommended to postpone the sessions for a while and consult a doctor.

In women

Paroxysmal sensations in the lower back and abdomen can occur purely due to problems in the female genitourinary system. Similar manifestations occur:

  • before menstruation;
  • after menstruation;
  • during menopause;
  • during the development of diseases reproductive organs(endometriosis, uterine flexion, fibroids, adnexal cyst);
  • during pregnancy (threat of miscarriage).

Back pain before or after menstruation is explained by the tone of the uterus, as well as changes in hormonal levels. The situation can be aggravated by previous inflammatory diseases, which left adhesions and scars. During menstruation, women usually experience pain in their chest, back, and lower abdomen at the same time. This normal phenomenon for menstruation.

Pay attention! Delayed menstruation can also manifest as pain in the back and groin. At this time, your joints may be bothered, your back and knees may hurt.

If the lower abdomen pulls and aching pain appears in the lower back, we may be talking about benign education in the uterine cavity (fibroids). With this pathology, symptoms rarely occur. Consequently, the appearance pain indicates the growth of the compaction.

Cramps in the lower abdomen extending to the lumbar region may occur if a woman has recently had a contraceptive device V cervical canal. In this case, discharge with blood is considered normal. After a few months everything will stabilize.

During menopause, aching pain in the abdomen and back may also appear. This is explained by the fact that reverse processes of reproductive function occur in the body, changes hormonal background, the uterus and ovaries undergo some changes. In addition, during such a period, hot flashes, cold flashes, and pressure changes may be observed.

Particular attention should be paid to back and abdominal pain during pregnancy. Ideally there shouldn't be any. The appearance of discomfort of this kind may indicate premature separation of the placenta, which threatens miscarriage. early stages. Back pain is especially dangerous if it appears at this time spotting and temperature 37. In this case, it is important to immediately call an ambulance.

In men

Acute attacks in men may indicate disorders normal functioning their genitourinary system. Most often, these symptoms can be caused by:

  • inflammation of the testicles and appendages (orchiepididymitis);
  • prostatitis.

In the first case, in addition to pain in the back and abdomen, there may be a temperature of 37 or higher, nausea, and the appearance of a migraine.

As for prostatitis, in men, inflammation of the prostate not only causes abdominal pain that radiates to the back. With this pathology, problems arise with the emission of urine and feces. This procedure becomes longer and more painful.

Pay attention! If pain is accompanied by fever, this is a sure sign of the development of inflammation in the body. Therefore, you should consult your doctor immediately.


Exists large number factors that are provocateurs for acute pain in the lumbar region and abdomen. It is impossible to independently identify the disease and prescribe therapy. If discomfort occurs, it is important to go to the hospital.

For treatment to be effective, the doctor performs thorough examination. Only after identifying the source of pain in the lower abdomen and back can we talk about treatment.

  1. For lumbar osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and intervertebral hernia, muscle relaxants, nonsteroidal drugs, novocaine blockades, and steroid hormones are usually prescribed. At this time apply physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy.
  2. For diseases of the genitourinary system of an inflammatory or infectious nature, a course of antibacterial agents and hormonal drugs is prescribed ( gynecological pathologies) and vitamins (maintenance immune system). Complex therapy depends on the specific disease and the degree of its neglect.
  3. For inguinal and intervertebral hernia it may be recommended surgery. This method is used in case of ineffectiveness drug treatment.

Much attention in the treatment of the disease, which provoked pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, is given to nutrition. At this time, a special diet is prescribed. Basically, the diet is based on the exclusion of fatty, salty, smoked, and spicy foods.

At this time, it is recommended to eat more raw and steamed vegetables. Meat should be exclusively dietary. Eating cereals (rice, buckwheat) and fermented milk products is encouraged. The diet is adjusted depending on the disease.

Pay attention! Back and abdominal pain may be a symptom dangerous disease, which requires complex drug treatment and proper nutrition.

It is important to understand and accept antispasmodics It is possible if you do not have the patience to wait for an ambulance, and you need to alleviate the condition. In other situations medications should be prescribed by a doctor based on the nuances of the identified disease.

The lower back can hurt both after overwork and due to diseases of the spine. If discomfort extends to the abdomen, we may be talking about the development of inflammation in the pelvis or peritoneum. It is not recommended to endure pain and rely on analgesics or antispasmodics. This can only make things worse possible illness. Therefore, with any suspicious symptoms in the back or abdomen, it is recommended to go to a specialist.

Very often, doctors are contacted with complaints that the lower abdomen and lower back hurt. Such pain may be tingling, sharp or aching in nature. Reasons may include various diseases internal organs and musculoskeletal system. In women, such unpleasant sensations are most often associated with diseases of the genitourinary system or menstruation. In any case, this symptom is very serious, so it should not be ignored. Otherwise there may appear severe complications And side effects because of such an indifferent attitude towards one’s own health. Self-medication should also not be done - this can aggravate the situation. You definitely need to be examined in a hospital, where the doctor will not only be able to determine the causes that provoked the pain, but also select the appropriate treatment.

Etiology of the disease

At the bottom of the abdominal cavity there are many very important organs that play an important role in the life of the body. So there are many causes of discomfort in the lower back and lower abdomen.

  • Appendicitis

It is especially important to react as quickly as possible if a tug begins on the lower right side of the abdomen. This may be a sign of appendicitis. During an attack, a person’s body temperature rises sharply, and the patient suffers from severe acute pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, the person constantly feels sick and has bouts of vomiting. Such symptoms can mean great danger for a person. It is strictly forbidden to ignore this condition, otherwise the blind appendix of the intestine will burst and the infection will spread to all other organs. As a result, sepsis will appear throughout the abdominal area. Ignoring similar phenomena may cost the patient's life.

  • Intestines

Nagging pain can occur due to intestinal problems. In this case, pain can be transmitted to the groin and pubic areas. It also radiates to the lower back. The abdominal pain is worst in the lower part. Such symptoms may indicate that a person is developing inflammatory processes in the intestines. If treatment is not started, it may develop peptic ulcer in the duodenum or rectum. Such reasons are very serious. If the pain becomes more severe and resembles contractions, then you need to call an ambulance as quickly as possible, such a condition can be a threat to a person’s life.

  • Kidneys

If you feel aching pain in the lower abdominal area, especially when urinating, then the disease may concern urinary system, and most likely it was the kidneys that suffered. In this case, the person will experience pulling sensations lower abdomen, lower back will hurt, sometimes body temperature rises. Most often, such symptoms appear in women. This is due to the special anatomical structure of the body of women and the proximity of their genital organs and urinary ducts. In this case, pyelonephritis most likely develops. In this case, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

  • Osteochondrosis

The causes of aching girdle pain in the abdomen and back can be hidden not only in the internal organs located in the abdominal region. This may be due to problems with the musculoskeletal system of the body. For example, with osteochondrosis, a person not only has back pain, but also pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. In this case, discomfort may even be felt in the groin area. This pain can be relieved with the help of special therapeutic exercises.

  • Colitis

Often pain in the lower abdomen is associated with the development of colitis. This disease can torment a person for only a couple of days, or it can become chronic. This happens if a person does not start treatment on time. At chronic colitis exacerbation will occur periodically. With this disease, not only the lower abdomen hurts greatly, but also bloating and flatulence appear, and body temperature rises. In this case, the pain will be aching and girdling.

Infectious form of the disease

The causes of discomfort may lie in the activity and reproduction of many pathogenic microorganisms that can be found in the human abdominal cavity. Of course, there are many varieties, but almost always the symptoms will be the same. At first the pain will be dull. Then gradually they will begin to worsen and move to the lower abdomen, lower back and groin.

In this case, mucous discharge and blood clots can be detected in the stool. If you suspect that a person has an infectious disease, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. For example, if a patient has salmonellosis, the blood will be contaminated in a very short period of time. In this case, it is very important to start treatment as quickly as possible.

Onset of symptoms

Women and men have various diseases, leading to the appearance of similar unpleasant symptoms. According to statistics, the stomach and lower back in men hurt much less often than in the fair sex. Moreover, men, as a rule, associate pain with poor nutrition or excessive stress on the back. As a result, representatives of the stronger sex rarely go to the hospital if they have pain in the lower back or abdomen, and limit themselves only to taking medications that relieve pain and eliminate spasms. However, there are a number of diseases that appear exclusively in men. For example, pain in the lower back and abdomen may occur due to prostatitis. At the same time it becomes inflamed prostate. This disease cannot be ignored. Inguinal hernia also appears exclusively in men, and also provokes pain in the lower back, groin and abdomen. The symptoms of this disease are very similar to those of appendicitis, but the pain will be so severe that the person may even lose consciousness. Surgical treatment is required.

As for women, discomfort and unpleasant sensations can occur during pregnancy, due to diseases of the genital organs and during menstruation. If a woman begins menstruation, the pain radiates to the lower back in most cases. This is due to the fact that the uterus enlarges and the muscles contract to remove remaining blood. If a woman has not given birth yet, then most likely this is due to hormonal surges. If a woman has primary algodismenorrhea, then pain is not a symptom of disease gynecological nature or changes of an organic type. Pain in women is also possible at the stage of ovulation. With secondary algodismenorrhea, menstruation can be painful, and the back also hurts.

A woman may experience abdominal pain for other reasons. For example, this often happens during pregnancy, but you should definitely see a doctor in this situation. Discomfort may occur during or after sexual intercourse. This is due either to the special anatomy of the woman or to any diseases. As for gynecological diseases that can cause such discomfort, these are uterine cancer, the appearance of cysts, polyps and other neoplasms, inflammatory processes in the uterus, ovaries, vagina and fallopian passages. The problem may be sexually transmitted diseases. During abortion, when the embryo is not completely removed, discomfort also appears.

Therapeutic measures

If a person experiences pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the groin and lower back, then you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should you start self-medicating. In addition, if there are some special symptoms, then there is a risk of death, and the reasons can be completely different. In case of acute pain, it is better to immediately call an ambulance. The same applies to pain that does not go away for a long time. Especially if the pain gets worse over time. If there is no bowel movement for several days and if the abdomen is bloated, you should also call an ambulance. The same applies to cases where the stool turns black or has blood clots. It is especially important for women to monitor this during pregnancy. There should be no bleeding from the vagina during this period.

As for diagnosis, for pain in the abdomen and lower back, you can use several methods laboratory research. The full picture will be known only after receiving the survey results, since there is wide range diseases characterized similar symptoms. To clarify the picture, it is necessary to do a urine test. This is required to determine the presence of inflammatory processes in the urinary canals. Additionally, you need to do an ultrasound, which will help identify any pathologies in the pelvic area. If there are problems with the spine, then it is necessary to do an MRI. To identify any infections, you need to donate blood for analysis. Additionally, a person must be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.

It is prohibited to choose medications for treatment on your own. Especially if they are hormonal. This is due to the fact that they can increase pain. In addition, they will prevent the doctor from determining the correct diagnosis, since clinical picture under the influence active substances, included in medications, can vary greatly. So it is better not to resort to the use of drugs, so as not to harm yourself again. In addition, it is forbidden to drink water or any drinks until the ambulance arrives. All products with laxative properties are also prohibited - they can increase dehydration in the patient. If pain in the lower abdomen and lower back does not go away, then you can use medications to help relieve spasms. Additionally you can attach cold compress. But it is forbidden to use hot compresses so as not to aggravate the situation. Hot water bottles are strictly prohibited. If inflammatory processes develop in this area, then heating will only accelerate them.

A person has abdominal and lower back pain for many reasons. This may concern not only the internal organs located in this area, but also the human skeleton. In addition, in addition to diseases common to both sexes, there are diseases that affect only women or men. In this case, you should not wait for new signs of the disease to appear and guess as to the cause.

It is better to immediately go to the hospital as quickly as possible for diagnosis and treatment of the disease. The pain may arise from fatigue and be one-time, but it is better not to hope for it and to be extra safe. Self-medication is also prohibited, since sometimes the reasons can be so serious that they cannot be delayed. Otherwise, it could cost a person's life.

Pain in the lumbar region bothers people regardless of age and gender. The resulting discomfort brings inconvenience when doing everyday work and overshadows the brightest moments in life. But before you start drinking medicines you need to find out the reason why your lower back hurts. The resulting pain indicates spondyloarthrosis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fracture of the spinal vertebrae, infectious diseases, tuberculosis, the presence of a tumor, the onset of menstruation or the approaching date of birth.

Why does my back hurt in the lumbar region?

The intensity of pain, as well as its duration, may indicate the development of serious diseases that require immediate detection and urgent treatment. If there is pain in the lower back in the lumbar region, then this indicates the presence of acute, chronic, primary and secondary ailments. Such pain can be localized on the left back, radiate to the lower abdomen, to left leg, buttock.

Complaints about lower back pain come from girls before or after menstruation, during pregnancy, after childbirth, with cystitis, after training. Exact definition the nature or intensity of pain in combination with the results of the tests completed and an in-person examination by a doctor can give reliable definition, which internal organ signals a pathological condition.

Lower abdomen hurts

Depending on the cause, the pain can be dull, burning, aching, sharp and spread throughout the lower back or localized to one point. If a woman complains that in addition to the entire lower back she also hurts below her abdomen, then consultation with a gynecologist, nephrologist, and then a surgeon is necessary. After tests and an ultrasound, doctors can diagnose:

  • Kidney dysfunction.
  • Ovarian disease.
  • Inflammation in the bladder.
  • Impaired bowel or rectal function.
  • Ulcerative colitis.
  • Colon tumors.
  • Adnexitis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

Refers to the left leg and buttock

If you feel that the entire lower back at the bottom of the spine hurts, radiating to the left leg and buttock, and makes it difficult to bend over, then this indicates a muscle strain. But if these symptoms are supplemented by a feeling of numbness in the toes, the appearance of pins and needles and increased pain when sneezing, prolonged sitting or walking, then the cause is presumably nerve-radicular syndromes. When the lower back hurts for more than a day, you need to immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Spine pain in the lumbar region

Our spine is exposed to multiple loads every day, which subsequently lead to pain in the entire lumbar region. Remember that any pain is always the first signal of danger, early identification of which gives a better chance of achieving a speedy recovery. If your lower back hurts constantly, then you need to consult a doctor for examination to rule out the presence of the following pathologies:

  1. Osteochondrosis. This disease is considered the most common cause of lower back pain and is determined by the presence of damage to bone tissue, cartilage and vertebrae that are adjacent to the disc.
  2. Spondyloarthrosis. This disease is determined by the presence of deformation of the form, function and anatomy of the intervertebral joints.
  3. Scoliosis. The curvature of the spine leads to lower back pain.
  4. Reiter's syndrome. This disease is characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the lower back, the cause of which is not infection.
  5. Intervertebral tumor. Between the vertebrae a benign or malignant tumor, which signals its presence with unbearable pain in the lower back.

Left rear

When a patient complains that the lower back hurts on the left side, this is due to irritation of the nerve fibers or muscle tension. The reason that leads to this discomfort is considered to be a problem with the spine and nervous system. At acute pain observed:

  • chills;
  • temperature;
  • change in urine;
  • failure of menstruation;
  • fecal retention.

Also, if it hurts on the left side of the lower back, then such pain syndrome can be provoked by internal organs:

  • intestines;
  • stomach;
  • left kidney;
  • spleen;
  • left ovary.

Causes of pain in women during pregnancy

During pregnancy, every woman has to deal with lumbar pain, which increases to its maximum in the third trimester. The presence of mild soreness is considered normal, but if a woman feels severe discomfort, then there is a possible risk of developing serious illnesses. The main causes of lumbar pain during pregnancy are:

  1. Weak spine, on which the load increases.
  2. Poor posture.
  3. Stretching of muscle and bone tissue.
  4. Tension of the lumbar ligaments.
  5. Curvature of the spine.
  6. Osteochondrosis.
  7. Pancreatitis.
  8. Kidney prolapse.

When the cause of the pain is not a serious illness, the pain may go away if you change your body position, lie on your back, or take antispasmodics prescribed by your doctor. In order to ease the load on the spine and lower back during pregnancy, it is recommended that a woman follow these rules:

  1. Mandatory wearing of a prenatal bandage, which reduces the load on the lower back.
  2. Saturating your diet with foods containing calcium (meat, milk, nuts, sea ​​fish, greens).
  3. Reduce physical activity to a minimum.
  4. Do not bend sharply to avoid injuring your lower back.
  5. For hiking Use low-top shoes, avoiding heels.
  6. To sleep, use an orthopedic mattress and pillow that follows the curves of the spine.
  7. Sign up for an aerobics and swimming class that will train your lower back muscles.

Before and after menstruation

For most girls, pain in the lower back becomes a harbinger of the approaching period. If we take into account medical statistics, almost 80% of women of childbearing age suffer from pain. Doctors who examine girls who present with such symptoms identify the following diseases:

  • Curvature or bending of the uterus.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Infectious diseases that provoked adhesive process in the fallopian tubes.
  • Use of an intrauterine device as contraception.
  • Dysfunction in hormone levels.
  • Myomas.
  • Vulvitis.
  • Adnexitis.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Inflammation in the right, left ovary or body of the uterus.
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Painkillers with an analgesic effect will help relieve discomfort in the lower back. Please note that such medications do not eliminate the causes of pain, but relieve pain for a short time. To prevent the occurrence serious illness, you should immediately visit a specialist if you feel that your entire lower back hurts severely before and after your period. Timely identified pathology guarantees successful treatment.

To ensure that menstruation occurs without pain in the lower back, it is recommended to carry out periodic prophylaxis:

  1. Take capsule vitamin E three times daily two weeks before your period.
  2. It is also recommended to take one valerian tablet per day a week before menstruation.

Find out more about how to take valerian.

After childbirth

In the first few weeks after giving birth, a young mother feels that her lower back hurts. This pain is due to the fact that during pregnancy the spine is subjected to a serious test, withstanding a heavy load. And before the birth itself, the increased weight of the fetus, the discrepancy of bone tissue, the pressure of amniotic fluid and the placenta cause excessive damage to the lower back. If a woman after childbirth feels that her lower back hurts, then she must tell her doctor about it. The specialist will conduct full diagnostics which includes:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination.
  2. Carrying out radiography.
  3. Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound).
  4. Biochemical tests of blood and urine.

Comprehensive diagnostics will ensure the presence or absence intervertebral hernias, identify others pathological processes. To get rid of pain, doctors always try to prescribe gentle medications that are allowed for women during the lactation period. It is also recommended to take preventive measures after childbirth:

  1. Don't strain your lower back while doing homework.
  2. Buy a special bandage or corset that will control the load on the spine.
  3. Do squats and bends daily to train the muscles of the lumbar region.

For cystitis

When the entire lower back hurts, then after tests, doctors can diagnose cystitis. This disease can occur in women and men of different ages and is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the bladder, severe burning sensation when urinating and sharp or nagging pain in the lumbar region. Additional symptoms with cystitis are:

  • Frequent urge to urinate.
  • Pain in the groin and lower back.
  • Itching in the urethra.
  • Change in urine color.
  • High body temperature.
  • Begins to feel sick or vomit.

If the lower back hurts with cystitis, this indicates that the infection has entered the kidney through an ascending route. It is not recommended to endure pain, therefore an immediate visit to a general practitioner is required to prescribe qualified treatment. The specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis after an in-person examination, clinical analysis urine, blood, ultrasound.

The main causes of pain in men

Pain in the lumbar region is considered common among men. Permanent and excessive loads on the spine, long periods of sitting become prerequisites for the appearance of lumbar discomfort. If you feel even minor pain, you need to visit a doctor to prevent the development of pathologies. The reasons that provoke pain include the following factors:

  1. Fracture. Such damage can occur if there is a sharp blow to the spine or a fall to the feet from a height.
  2. Tendon sprain. Spinal injuries when lifting heavy weights are always accompanied by stretching of muscles and tendons, which leads to pain in the spine.
  3. Protrusion. This pathology is characterized by protrusion of intervertebral discs, pressing on nerve endings.
  4. Metastasis. This malignant disease appears in men after 50 years of age and is accompanied severe pain, which can be relieved by narcotic analgesics.

What to do if your lower back hurts in the morning after sleep

When waking up in the morning, some people begin to feel pain in the lower back. If the pain is temporary, then most do not pay attention to it, believing that its appearance is caused by sleeping on a bad mattress or in an uncomfortable position. But when discomfort appears regularly, you need to visit a specialist to rule out pathology. To get rid of pain that occurs in the morning, you need to know the exact causes of its occurrence:

  1. If the cause of pain is osteochondrosis, then in this case it is advisable to use injections and medications prescribed by a specialist.
  2. Incorrect sleeping position can also cause morning lumbar pain. To eliminate them, you need to choose the right orthopedic mattress and perform physical training.
  3. Excess weight can also put pressure on the lower back. Therefore, if you feel pain, think about how to bring your weight back to normal.
  4. Distortion of posture. Changes in the shape of the spine cause pain in different parts of it. This pathology can be changed by therapeutic exercises and massage.

After training

After visiting gym, football training, tennis, running, fitness, athletics, the entire lower back may periodically hurt. Athletes who lift heavy dumbbells, weights, and barbells expose their lower back to significant stress, which injures the structure of the spinal column. If you feel that your lower back hurts after training, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Strengthen your muscle corset by swimming.
  2. Try Pilates and yoga to help you understand your body's capabilities.
  3. If the pain does not subside, consult a doctor for an MRI.

Which doctor should I contact?

The appearance of discomfort of any intensity in the lumbar region should necessarily be a prerequisite for visiting a medical facility. Timely identified pathology will give a greater chance of an accelerated onset of results from the prescribed treatment. If you do not know which specialist to contact for an appointment, we recommend visiting the following doctors involved in the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar pain:

  • chiropractor;
  • traumatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • neurologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • gynecologist;
  • infectious disease specialist

Treatment methods at home

If the patient complains that the entire lumbar region hurts, and there is no way to urgently visit a doctor, then it is necessary to carry out treatment at home. Please note that self-prescribing medications may negatively affect your health. Taking pills should always be under the strict supervision of a doctor. To relieve lumbar discomfort, the following methods are recommended:

  1. If you felt sharp pain, then immediately take bed rest. To do this, choose a bed with a hard mattress to ensure a level position for your spine.
  2. Relax completely and eliminate stress.
  3. Compresses based on medicinal herbs. To prepare, you need to take one teaspoon each of thyme, St. John's wort, chamomile, black elderberry flowers and pour a glass of boiling water. In half an hour, the tincture will be ready, in which you need to soak a handkerchief and apply it to the sore spot for an hour.
  4. IN folk medicine there is also a way to get rid of pain using garlic ointment, for which you need one crushed head of garlic mixed with a teaspoon lemon juice and a few grams of Vaseline. All components need to be mixed and the prepared ointment should be lubricated on the sore sacrum or coccyx.


Pain in the lower back indicates the development of various inflammatory processes. To accurately determine the cause of the pain, watch the video presented. The specialist will tell you the main symptoms of lower back pain and what disease they are characteristic of. The doctor will also tell you the basic methods of getting rid of this disease.

Sometimes the lower back and lower abdomen hurt inexplicably. Most often girls and women face this problem. There can be many reasons for pain. Sometimes they are associated with the spine, sometimes with the pelvic organs. If you have been experiencing pain in your lower abdomen and lower back for quite some time, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis. Let's try to find out the main causes of discomfort.

1. Acute cystitis. This is the most common reason. Inflammation of the urinary tract leads to pain in the lower back. There is also a strong “pulling” in the abdomen in the area of ​​the bladder. The main signs of cystitis: difficult, frequent urination(or, conversely, rare), pain when urinating, unpleasant feeling and burning in the area urethra. Cystitis occurs more often in women than in men, and this is due to the structural features of the female body. Cystitis is treated with diuretics. Canephron and other drugs are also used. It is better to consult a doctor so as not to progress the disease, as this is fraught with serious consequences. If your lower back and lower abdomen hurt from cystitis, it is recommended to tie a woolen scarf or scarf over this area. Drink more fluids, brew a diuretic herb (for example, bearberry, which cleanses the kidneys very well).

2. Very often, such symptoms indicate the onset of the most magical moment in the life of every woman - pregnancy. Then the pain is accompanied by enlarged mammary glands and delayed menstruation. Such pain is divided into obstetric and non-obstetric. Obstetrics are directly related to pregnancy and the restructuring of the genital organs and glands. But non-obstetricians talk about any diseases not related to pregnancy, but possibly aggravated due to its occurrence.

3. The lower back and lower abdomen hurt during critical days. There is no need to panic over this fact. In order to normalize your condition, enter healthy image life, eat well, exercise. Under no circumstances should you overcool. Also great value The girl has the calmness and lack of stress. If the pain during menstruation is very intense, radiating to the lower back, then you should go to the gynecologist. The same symptoms accompany endometriosis (quite rare, but in lately an increasingly common disease), cervical erosion and other diseases. Don't delay treatment. Pay attention to what kind of discharge you have during your period. Blood clots, profuse or scanty discharge are pathological and indicate a problem.

4. Men, as noted above, have pain in the lower back and lower abdomen less often than women. Such sensations appear with the development of prostatitis or other diseases of the reproductive system.

Pain caused by problems with the spine is most often not accompanied by discomfort in the abdominal area, but anything is possible. Banal scoliosis can lead to such consequences. In this case, the lower back will “shoot” into the pelvic area. In addition, intestinal dysbiosis may be the cause. All human organs are interconnected, and it is difficult to determine what exactly is troubling. Therefore, it is impossible to do without the help of a doctor.

The lower back is a part of the body that very often signals us about all our illnesses. Lumbar pain often associated with the spine. However, diseases of the internal organs also manifest themselves on the back, causing nagging, sharp and severe pain.

However, confusion often arises with the diagnosis when both the lower abdomen and lower back hurt at the same time. The combination of these pains is already a common occurrence. A possible diagnoses there are a huge number.

Such symptoms, of course, are more common in women, but are also possible in men.

Why does my lower back and lower abdomen hurt?

Such pain can occur for several reasons:

  • Diseases of organs or processes in them(diagnosis for women is different from diagnosis for men).
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The pain can be both aching and acute. May cause vomiting, fever or fever, and bleeding. The gender of the patient is also important, since in women it may be associated with menstruation or pregnancy.

The most common cause of pain in a patient is acute cystitis. If there is blood in the urine, pain occurs at the end of urination and appears quite often, then speaking about the diagnosis, we can confidently say that it is cystitis. But the patient still needs to undergo all the tests prescribed by the doctor.

If the above manifestations are not observed, then the patient may have difficulties with the intestines.

In females, in addition to the intestines, similar manifestation indicates the presence or appearance of an ovarian cyst, as well as some diseases of the genitourinary system. In this case, it is necessary to urgently go for examination to a specialist.

Pain syndrome in the lower abdomen and lower back in males is not so common, but if it is present, the pain may indicate probable serious illnesses urinary and reproductive systems, as well as the digestive system.

Prostatitis often causes similar pain in men. Under such circumstances, you should absolutely not delay your visit to the doctor. If, in addition to pain, the body temperature changes, then these may be the following diseases: ureoplasmosis, chlamydia, gonorrhea. The answer to the question: we wrote here.


In total, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen can indicate a variety of pathological conditions. And it is better not to hesitate to contact a medical institution to prescribe appropriate treatment.

Self-medication in this situation is inappropriate. During the examination, the doctor pays attention to the nature of the pain and its intensity, and also prescribes a number of tests for precise setting diagnosis.

Treatment begins with diagnosis:

  • An ultrasound and blood test are often enough
  • If the diagnosis cannot be made, a full examination is prescribed
  • If there are suspicions of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a computed tomography scan is prescribed
  • Magnetic resonance imaging helps view the pelvic organs
  • Magnetic resonance imaging is also preferred for diagnosing hernias
  • X-rays are performed if there is suspicion of injury or displacement of the vertebrae.

Stories from our readers!
“I cured my bad back on my own. It’s been 2 months since I forgot about the pain in my back. Oh, how I used to suffer, my back and knees hurt, lately I couldn’t really walk normally... How many times have I gone to clinics, but they only prescribed expensive pills and ointments, which were of no use at all.

And now it’s been 7 weeks, and my back joints don’t bother me at all, every other day I go to the dacha to work, and it’s a 3 km walk from the bus, so I can walk easily! All thanks to this article. A must read for anyone with back pain!"

Lower back and abdominal pain in women

In females, a similar pain syndrome may occur before menstruation or be present in the first few days of the menstrual cycle.

The pain is most often cramping. About 50% of women experience. It’s just that for most they are moderate in nature and do not cause much concern.

It should be noted that the intensity of such pain depends on the amount of hormones, namely prostaglandins, present in the female body.

But there are situations when the pain is very excruciating and causes severe discomfort. That's when you need to undergo an examination. After all, there may be other complicating circumstances.

However common symptoms manifestations of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back are the following gynecological problems:

  • Constant inflammatory processes in the uterine appendages.
  • Inflammation of the uterus itself.
  • The presence of an infectious disease in the vagina.

Pain can occur as a result of tumor formations or cystic ones. Much of the lower abdomen and lower back hurt during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the load on the spine is increased. If so, read here.

If pain is felt before childbirth, these may be false contractions. But this condition is already the norm, since the baby is full-term and the body is preparing for childbirth.

If expectant mother is in the first months of pregnancy, then such pain is dangerous and can warn of the threat of miscarriage. You should immediately go to an appointment with your gynecologist, or call an ambulance.

The lower back can be pulled in the first and second trimesters. Usually such pain is short-lived. As the uterus grows and the ligaments stretch. These symptoms are normal at this stage and do not require treatment. But it’s worth warning your doctor about new sensations.

When do men have lower abdominal pain?

The causes of pain in the lower abdomen in men can be:

  • Painful kidneys
  • Prostatitis
  • Appendicitis
  • Intestinal inflammation
  • Hernia in the groin
  • Ulcerative colitis of the intestine
  • Sexually transmitted diseases

Simply put, lower back pain in men can be associated with urology or with kidney and intestinal diseases.

Pain and crunching in the back over time can lead to dire consequences- local or complete restriction movements, even to the point of disability.

People, taught by bitter experience, use natural remedy which orthopedists recommend...

First aid for lower back pain and pulling sensations

First of all, it is necessary to relieve the spine as much as possible. And also:

  • Avoid sudden movements.
  • Maintain bed rest.
  • Take a position that allows all the muscles to relax. It is recommended to lie on your back with a cushion under your knees and head.
  • You can also lie on your stomach and place a pillow under your stomach.
  • Follow these guidelines when getting out of bed: carefully move to the edge of the bed, then turn over so that your face is opposite the edge of the bed, take sitting position and finally, lower your feet to the floor, pushing yourself against the bed with your hands.
  • It is allowed to take No-shpa, to relieve spasm.

What to do in case of acute pain?

At the first appearance of symptoms of acute pain, you should urgently call an ambulance.

So, you should call an ambulance immediately if:

  • The pain does not stop after several hours
  • Pain increases with any movement
  • Accompanied by vomiting, fever, blood in the stool, and black stool.
  • Lack of stool for 24 hours and bloating are symptoms of intestinal obstruction.

What not to do in this situation:

  • Not until arrival medical care take anything inside painkillers, since this will complicate the doctor’s task in finding out the cause of the pain. In addition, medications may worsen the disease.
  • Do not drink any liquid. Water should not enter the stomach.
  • Cannot be applied warm compress , warm water can provoke an inflammatory process. After all, it is in the heat that bacteria develop.
  • Do not use laxatives or do enemas. This will lead to dehydration.

Chronic pain syndrome of the abdomen and lower back

If the disease is acute and has a cramping character, nausea and fever appear, this means that an inflammatory process is developing.

If this process continues for a long time, probably produced chronic disease. Diagnosis of pelvic pain chronic form approved if the above manifestations have been bothering a person for more than six months.

In most cases, pelvic pain is caused by gynecological diseases, and sometimes extrogenital diseases.

Most rarely, pain can cause:

  • Scoliosis.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Stroke.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Infectious injuries of the vertebrae.
  • etc.

ODS diseases and lower back pain

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system can also cause pain in the lower back and lower abdomen:

  • Muscle strains usually appear after exercises aimed at the abdominal muscles.
  • Scoliosis of the lumbar region.
  • Lumbar intervertebral hernia.
  • Osteochondrosis.

But the pain that arises does not always indicate existing diseases. For example, in the presence of a lumbosacral hernia, lower back pain may occur due to the appearance of scoliosis.