Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) Tips for use (Detailed instructions). Why vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is useful, and what sources are richest in it

Many people have probably heard about vitamin B6. This substance is often included in the treatment program for many diseases, including those caused by vitamin deficiency in the body. In pharmacies, the drug is presented under different names, and vitamin B6 is not the only one. Therefore, if you come across drugs called “Pyridoxine”, “pyridoxine hydrochloride” or “Pyridoxine Bufus”, then know that this is the same drug.

The drug in question, intended for injection, can be purchased in pharmacies in 1 ml ampoules, which may contain a solution inside at a concentration of 1% or 5%. The ampoules are made in the form of a glass flask and are packaged in cardboard box. One such package can contain from 2 to 10 ampoules.

Provided that the packaging of the drug is not damaged, it can be stored for up to 3 years out of reach sunlight place. During storage, do not freeze or heat the solution.

In domestic pharmacies this medicine can be purchased for 50 rubles. A 1 ml dosage contains 50 mg pyridoxine hydrochloride and 1 ml water.

Pharmacological properties

The uniqueness of vitamin B6 is largely due to its wide range therapeutic effects, thanks to which he is able to successfully eliminate various disorders in the body. This substance is necessary for normal exercise metabolic processes, it also supports normal functioning nervous system. This drug is often prescribed to speed up the recovery of patients who have undergone surgery.

Solution for injection has positive impact on the body in various directions:

Indications for use

Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the functioning of the body, where it ensures the normal functioning of cells, the proper functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, is directly involved in the implementation of metabolic processes. A person can get this vitamin from food that contains it. Its deficiency occurs due to an unbalanced diet, increased mental and physical activity, as well as during pregnancy and frequent stressful situations.

According to the instructions, vitamin B6 injections can be prescribed by a doctor for the following conditions:

Often within complex treatment injections vitamin may be prescribed for the following diseases:

  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Childhood autism.
  • Parkinsonism.
  • Leukopenia.
  • Acute hepatitis.
  • Meniere's syndrome.
  • Hypochromia.
  • Anemia.

Pyridoxine may sometimes be prescribed to treat alcoholism, as well as epilepsy and motion sickness.

In the field of cosmetology

In this area, vitamin B6 ampoules are commonly used to improve hair condition. It was noted that masks and shampoos containing this substance help strengthen hair, and also accelerate its growth and at the same time heal the scalp.

If a person has one or more of the above problems, then he should think about using the vitamin in ampoules. The fact is that it is in this form that the drug is best suited than tablets, from which it is not only difficult, but also irrational to prepare hair care products.

Pharmacokinetic properties

After administration, the solution is adsorbed into small intestine, from where it is sent to the liver, central nervous system and some muscles. The drug has a high degree of permeability and easily reaches all tissues of the body. After providing a therapeutic effect, the solution is removed from the body with urine.

Contraindications for use

According to the instructions, vitamin B6 in ampoules is prohibited from being administered in any quantities if the following conditions are present:

However, the doctor, at his discretion, even if the patient has one of the contraindications, may still prescribe the drug. But in such cases, the patient should be regularly monitored by a specialist.

Patients themselves should not self-administer the drug in ampoules if they have contraindications to the use of vitamin B6.

During pregnancy:

Women during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding Vitamin B6 can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor and in accordance with his instructions. Moreover, before making such a decision, the doctor must make sure that beneficial effect there will be more from such a decision possible harm for the fetus. Most often, vitamin B6 during pregnancy is prescribed for severe toxicosis.

Instructions for pyridoxine hydrochloride

Pyridoxine in ampoules can be used in several ways:

The fastest results can be achieved if the solution is administered intravenously. It is this method that specialists resort to when treating diseases in the acute stage. But intramuscular injections are done mainly when chronic diseases and for prevention purposes. Subcutaneous administration of the drug is allowed only at home.

Administration and Dosage

The procedure for introducing the vitamin pyridoxine into the body is carried out through injections, which can be given not only by doctors, but also by people unprepared for this. You just need to strictly follow the following rules:

  • Intramuscular injections are given in the lateral thigh.
  • For subcutaneous administration, the injection is placed only in the forearm.
  • Intravenous injections are only allowed to be given by doctors.

When calculating the daily dosage of the solution, it is necessary to proceed from the characteristics of the patient’s disease.

Typically, doctors adhere to the following regimen for using pyridoxine in liquid form:

  • for hypervitaminosis - 220 mg per day;
  • for convulsive syndrome - 600 mg per day;
  • for parkinsonism - 100 mg per day;
  • at nervous disorders- 200 mg per day.

The treatment course is usually carried out for a month for adults and no more than two weeks for children

In the treatment of other diseases daily dosage is calculated by the doctor individually, taking into account the severity of the disease and other factors.

Special rules must be observed when treating anemia. Even in case of exacerbation of the disease, the dosage always remains the same - 100 mg, which is administered no more than twice a week.

In order to prevent hypovitaminosis, the solution is administered to adult patients in a dosage of 4.5 mg per day, and to children - in an amount of 2 mg per day. Treatment is carried out for 2 months.

Cases of overdose

Since pyridoxine is a low-toxic drug, it is very in rare cases causes intoxication and other consequences of overdose. Sometimes after injection with a solution the patient may experience allergic reaction, nausea, dizziness, feeling of tightness in the limbs. If any of these signs appear, you must immediately stop using the drug. In most cases, the patient’s condition is restored within two days. However, if side effects continue to occur, the patient should see a doctor immediately.

Special instructions

You can get vitamin B6 not only through injections, but also by eating certain plants and animal products. So, chicken eggs, milk, fish meat and its liver are rich in this vitamin, meat products, individual vegetable crops. If a person regularly consumes these products, he will not face the problem of deficiency of this substance. The main thing is to maintain the optimal daily dose of the vitamin:

  • for teenagers - 2 mg;
  • For junior schoolchildren- 1.7 mg;
  • for children under 1 year - 0.5 mg;
  • for adults - more than 2 mg.

Sometimes during injections, patients may experience severe acute pain. In such cases, the doctor should immediately remove the needle from the tissue. As a rule, such sensations occur if the needle touches a nerve node.

Do not massage or rub the area where the vitamin solution was injected. Otherwise, this will create difficulties for the absorption of the drug and lead to injury to the capillaries.

When giving injections into the thigh, they are done according to general scheme. During the procedure, the patient must stand on one leg, and the other leg, into which the injection is made, must be slightly bent. In this case, the body weight will be transferred to the supporting leg, and the muscle into which the solution is injected will be relaxed. In most cases, vitamin B6 is not injected into the thigh.

After the injection is given, a cap is put on the syringe needle, it is removed and disposed of. Use a syringe for following procedures prohibited because it is no longer sterile.

Cost of vitamin B6 in ampoules

The drug in question is one of the very affordable ones. You can buy it in pharmacies for 30-40 rubles. However, in addition to original drug In pharmacies you can find solutions containing additional vitamins. Their cost may differ from pyridoxine:

  • Compligam B. Five ampoules of 2 ml solution cost about 250 rubles.
  • Vitagamma. This drug with the same volume can be purchased for 100 rubles.
  • Combilipen. The cost of this medicine with the same amount of content is approximately 200 rubles.

Not all of us know that the diseases we regularly encounter can be caused by a lack of vitamins. One of them may be vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the functioning of the body. In case of its deficiency protective forces may not be enough for the body to function normally and successfully resist dangerous microorganisms. Therefore, for people who have a deficiency of this vitamin, doctors often prescribe special drugs containing this substance.

In pharmacies they are offered under the name "Pyridoxine". Considering that this vitamin is sold in ampoules as a solution, in most cases it should only be administered by a doctor. Therefore, it is forbidden to give yourself injections of pyridoxine for the face yourself, especially without knowing correct dosage and the solution administration regimen, which should be calculated taking into account the severity of the patient’s disease.

It is also necessary to remember that pyridoxal phosphate has a number of contraindications, which is important reason, why it should not be used without consulting a specialist. The patient can only administer the solution subcutaneously, but even in this case it is necessary to know in what quantity and for what disease this drug can be used.

Therefore, starting treatment without first consulting a doctor is undesirable, especially if the patient is not sure that it is the lack of vitamin B6 that is causing main reason chronic diseases that bother him. It is possible that the patient has a deficiency of vitamin B12. In this case, he will have to prescribe cyanocobalamin vial (instructions for use for the study are required).

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) has long been in the shadow of others biologically active substances, until it became clear that its deficiency causes about 100 diseases. Let's consider what its value is for humans, in what form it is sold in pharmacies, what the drug is in ampoules, instructions for its use, use in facial skin and hair care.

What is vitamin B6

Pyridoxine (P) is the name of a group of three substances of equal properties and effects. All of them are water-soluble, therefore they do not linger in the internal environment of the body and must constantly be supplied from the outside with food. Resistant to heat and the presence of oxygen, but are destroyed by light.

playing vital role in metabolic processes:

  • necessary for the synthesis of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) and other neurotransmitters;
  • help normal operation liver;
  • ensure the absorption of lipids and proteins;
  • regulate myocardial contractility;
  • participate in amino acid metabolism;
  • affect immunity and hematopoiesis;
  • remove homocysteine, high level which provokes strokes and heart attacks;
  • have diuretic properties;
  • reduce blood pressure.

In addition, P ensures correct DNA synthesis, which prevents the aging of the body.

Pyridoxine is not an independent medicine, but without it complex treatment is impossible. medical care under a number of conditions:

  • Treatment of hypovitaminosis b6, which occurs due to poor nutrition. Pyridoxine deficiency is accompanied by dermatitis, depression, insomnia, polyneuritis of the extremities, and conjunctivitis. Its deficiency occurs during ongoing infections, diarrhea, long-term stress, hemodialysis, after surgery to remove fragments of the digestive canal.
  • As part of the treatment of parkinsonism, anemia, radiculitis, neuritis, seizures in newborns, alcoholism, hepatitis.
  • Indicated for diagnoses of “dermatitis, herpes, diathesis, scaly lichen.”

Vitamin b6:

  • quickly restore damaged tissue;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • will reduce cholesterol levels and have a positive effect on the functionality of the myocardium, which is the prevention of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • will provide better absorption magnesium;
  • will help with syndromes leading to skin diseases;
  • normalizes hematopoietic mechanisms.

Pyridoxine is necessary for treatment childhood autism, epilepsy, removes a person from a state of binge drinking. At the same time, it is only an auxiliary compound that improves the course of therapeutic measures.

As the main substance it serves as an antidote for poisoning with hydrazine and isoniazid. The latter is the most frequently prescribed medication for infection with tubercle bacilli, but its use is accompanied by multiple side effects. Vitamin B6 reduces the intensity of toxicity. The doctor prescribes P tablets in an amount of 5-10 mg/day throughout the entire treatment course.

Pyridoxine is contraindicated in patients with individual intolerance. Caution is required when taking it in case of cardiac ischemia, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and liver pathologies.

Instructions for use

Pyridoxine tablets (2, 5 and 10 mg) can be purchased without a prescription. For toxicosis in pregnant women, take pills (10-20 mg). If vomiting is a concern, a course of 10-20 days with a daily dose of 50 mg is indicated.

Vitamin B6 in ampoules is taken only as prescribed by a doctor, who takes into account the type of pathology. Injection preparations of 1 or 2 ml contain 50 mg active component in 1 ml of solution.

To prevent b6 deficiency, injection of P into the skin or vein is practiced. Daily dose 50-100 mg in 2 doses. When diagnosed with sideroblastic anemia, 100 mg of the drug is administered intramuscularly 2 times a week. To treat parkinsonism, you will need a course of 20-25 injections with daily intramuscular injection of 2 ml of a solution (5%) of pyridoxine chloride.

Use of vitamin B6 in ampoules

P injections are indicated when the patient has problems with swallowing or the functioning of the digestive tract. As a rule, these are difficult cases:

  • fainting, mental disorders, nausea and vomiting;
  • malabsorption, intestinal pathologies, enteritis, acute form diarrhea, postoperative period;
  • toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • necessity shock dosages P. They are used for leukopenia, as they help synthesize proteins, without which the formation of white blood cells is impossible. Indicated for Meniere's disease because they slow down the filling of the middle ear cavity with fluid.

If anemia is a consequence of magnesium deficiency, then the doctor prescribes complex drug, such as Magnelis B6. Pyridoxine from their composition is designed to improve the absorption of Mg as essential microelement. The dosage is determined by the doctor after receiving the results. laboratory tests. On average: 6-8 tablets for adults and 4-6 for children weighing over 20 kg. Dosage regimen: 3 times a day after meals for a month.

Pharmacies offer to buy vitamin B6 in ampoules under different names. They are identical in action and usually contain lidocaine for pain relief. intramuscular injection. The injection site is the gluteal muscle, namely its upper outer region. Doctors prefer infusions with at different speeds, at which active substance practically not lost.


Pyridoxine is not administered simultaneously with vitamins B1 and B12. Its effectiveness decreases when combined with ascorbic and nicotinic acid. Incompatible with anti-tuberculosis compounds, penicillamine, cycloserine and cuprimine. Concentrations of phenytoin and phenobarbital are reduced when taken together. P enhances the effectiveness of glycosides in the treatment of heart pathologies. Hypoxia weakens if P is combined with asparkam and glutamic acid.


Pyridoxine is a low-toxic compound. High doses of it rarely lead to poisoning, but sometimes it does happen. The condition is accompanied by pronounced side effects, including:

  • allergies with skin rashes;
  • convulsions (with rapid administration);
  • numbness;
  • fainting, dizziness;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice.

If at least one of these signs appears, stop taking medications with vitamin B6. After some time, all symptoms of overdose disappear on their own. If the patient's condition does not improve, he is hospitalized.

Price in pharmacy

Pyridoxine is one of the most available drugs. The price of vitamin B6 in ampoules (10 pieces of 1 ml of 5% solution) is about 30 rubles.

Vitamin B6 in cosmetology

Pyridoxine is not always used for its intended purpose. Women experiment with it when caring for their facial skin. There are many options for nutritional and moisturizing formulations based on it. The most popular include mixtures including grated banana, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 ampoule B6. Frequency of application: 2 times a week. For the second option, which will eliminate acne, you will need: natural honey, kefir, lemon juice and pyridoxine.

Vitamin b6 in ampoules for hair

The inclusion of P in shampoos and masks heals and strengthens curls. His condition returns to normal sebaceous glands, the skin retains moisture, dandruff disappears. Tablets are not suitable for preparing such formulations.

It is better for the vitamin to be ingested with food. Using it for external influence provides an auxiliary but weak effect. In other words, if there is a shortage of pyridoxine in food, masks and shampoos with it are not able to compensate for such a deficiency.

Most best option parallel use of the vitamin both through the gastrointestinal tract and for external effects. For latest version You can prepare different concentrations of the main component. Pour the contents of 3 ampoules into a 250 ml container with herbal shampoo or conditioner, then use it as usual when washing your hair.

For a disposable mask, you will need 1 ampoule of the drug.. Its contents can be combined with various berries, fruit, lemon juice, honey, beaten egg, infusions of linden, chamomile, burdock, almond or sea ​​buckthorn oil. Insulate your head with film and a towel. Exposure time is about 1 hour. There are no specific dosages. Everything is individual. If hives or itching appear, cancel the procedure.

Before preparation and consumption cosmetics based on pyridoxine, you need to visit a doctor to find out what is causing it poor condition hair. The reason may be an excess of biologically active substances or other disorders. Be sure to study the instructions for vitamin B6 in ampoules. If a deficiency is identified, it is better to start by adjusting the diet.

If there is a need to use an IUD, then their choice should also be entrusted to a specialist. Optimal composition useful elements The following medications are offered for hair:

  • Fitoval;
  • Cheviton;
  • Nutrical.

Special formulations have been developed to support the skin:

  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Complements Radiance;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Alphabet.

They are often more beneficial than masks and shampoos with vitamin B6.

Some foods are sources of natural pyridoxine:

  • fish;
  • meat by-products;
  • potato;
  • unrefined cereals;
  • nuts;
  • bananas;
  • green vegetables.

The daily dose for adults is 1-1.3 mg of pyridoxine. Balanced diet fully meets the body's needs. In case of acute shortage, injections can be an additional source.

Vitamin B6 is a drug that requires a responsible attitude. Self-medication or experiments with its use can seriously harm. To avoid trouble, pyridoxine should be taken as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – water soluble vitamin group B, poorly soluble in fats. Relatively stable at high temperature, decomposes under the influence of light and oxygen. It is not synthesized in the body, sources of intake are food and pharmacological drugs.

What does the body need vitamin B6 for?

Benefits of taking pyridoxine

  • The enzyme transaminase is secreted, which is necessary for the processing of amino acids and the regulation of protein absorption.
  • Under stress, the production of biogenic amines increases.
  • The bioavailability of fatty acids improves.
  • The rate of biochemical reactions increases.
  • Reducing the synthesis of oxalic acid reduces the risk of development and relapse of urolithiasis.
  • Translates folic acid into active form.
  • Dermatological diseases are prevented.
  • Thanks to the lipotropic effect, liver functioning improves.
  • Reduces premenstrual pain.

For systems and organs

Nervous system

  • Metabolism in the brain increases, memory improves.
  • Neurotransmitters are actively synthesized - serotonin, gamma-aminobutyric acid, dopamine and norepinephrine.
  • Supply is improving nerve tissue nutrient substrates.
  • Prevents and eliminates muscle spasms and tremors.

Cardiovascular system:

  • Ischemia, atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction are prevented, blood is thinned and blood pressure is reduced.
  • The content of potassium and sodium in the blood and intercellular fluid is normalized.
  • Swelling of the face and limbs decreases with chronic diseases hearts.
  • Necessary for hemoglobin synthesis, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, and prevents thrombosis.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the heart and increases its ability to relax during diastole.

Endocrine system:

  • The use of glucose becomes more efficient, its level in the blood changes without sharp jumps and falls.
  • Maintains estrogen balance, preventing the appearance of tumors in women.
  • Necessary for the synthesis of most hormones.
  • Helps preserve vision diabetes mellitus.

Vitamin B6 instructions for use

Solution for injection: administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously slowly, 1-2 times a day. With intravenous administration single dose diluted with 1-2 ml of water for injection or isotonic sodium chloride solution immediately before use.

Pills: Take orally with a small amount of liquid, regardless of food.

Pyridoxine for hair

If there is a lack of pyridoxine in the body, the hair dries out, breaks and splits. The scalp becomes oily, dandruff appears, and hair grows poorly. Vitamin B6 has gained wide popularity among cosmetologists to eliminate such problems.

Benefits for hair

  • Dry hair is hydrated because vitamin B6 retains water.
  • Hair growth increases.
  • Due to sedative effect itchy skin is eliminated.
  • Hair stops falling out, thickens and strengthens.
  • Dandruff disappears.
  • The blood supply to the roots improves, the hair becomes smooth, increases in volume and begins to shine.

The most popular masks with pyridoxine from ampoules. They must be applied to unwashed hair, covering the head with polyethylene and wrapping it in a thick towel. In case of significant hair loss, masks should be applied every other day, with for preventive purposes– 2 times a week.

Hair mask recipes

  1. 2 teaspoons burdock oil heat in a water bath and mix with an ampoule of pyridoxine. Apply to damp hair and leave for 2 hours.
  2. Whisk chicken egg and mix with a tablespoon almond oil. Add 1 ampoule of pyridoxine and vitamin B12, mix and apply to dry hair overnight. Leave for an hour, rinse warm water and go to bed. Wash your hair with shampoo no earlier than after 8 hours.
  3. Melt 2 tablespoons of honey and add 1 ampoule of vitamins A, E, B6 and B12. Stir and add a teaspoon into the mixture sunflower oil And lemon juice. Apply for an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.

Vitamin B6 during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body's need for pyridoxine increases by 1.5-2 times. It is prescribed in combination with magnesium, which increases the absorption of both elements (Magne B6). Pyridoxine eliminates morning sickness and leg cramps in last trimester pregnancy.

Indications for use::

  • Threat of miscarriage.
  • Detachment of the placenta.
  • Increased uterine tone.
  • Skeletal muscle cramps.
  • History of difficult pregnancy and complicated childbirth.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Hypertension.

Vitamin B6 for children

A lack of pyridoxine in the diet of children can cause severe pathologies in the development of the nervous system. If it is deficient, the child sleeps poorly and suffers from night cramps. For babies, it is important that the mother gets enough vitamin B6. Before giving the drug to children under one year of age, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

Daily requirement

Increasing the dose by 25-30% is necessary:

  • During your appointment contraceptive drugs and medications containing estrogen.
  • IN last week pregnancy.
  • A week before the start of your period.
  • While taking steroid-based medications.
  • If you are overweight.
  • For acne and inflammatory diseases skin.

Vitamin B6 indications for use

Pyridoxine is prescribed for:

  • B6-hypovitaminosis.
  • Anemia.
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • Decreased leukocyte levels.
  • Meniere's disease.
  • Motion sickness and seasickness.
  • Inflammations in gallbladder and liver.
  • Parkinsonism, neuritis, radiculitis and neuralgia.
  • Neurodermatitis, psoriasis and diathesis.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Edema of cardiogenic origin.
  • Deterioration of cardiac contractility.
  • Increased blood pressure and risk of myocardial infarction.
  • Depression and increased nervous tension.
  • Urolithiasis.
  • Obesity.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Deterioration of vision due to diabetes.
  • Increased hematocrit.
  • Hypercholesterolemia.


When administered intramuscularly, the bioavailability of pyridoxine is 100%. It is found in food in the form of compounds that break down into small intestine. With the blood, vitamin B6 enters the liver, where it undergoes dephosphorylation and then phosphorylation. The maximum concentration is observed in the liver, kidneys and myocardium.

What foods contain vitamin B6?

Where is vitamin B6 found in animal products:

  • Tuna, mackerel and sardine fillets.
  • Chicken and beef liver.
  • Chicken fillet.
  • Eggs.
  • Shrimp and oysters.
  • Beef and lamb.
  • Fermented milk products.

Plant products:

  • Hazelnuts, pine nuts and walnuts.
  • Beans.
  • Potato.
  • Sea buckthorn and pomegranate.
  • Horseradish and garlic.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Green peas, soy and lentils.
  • Bananas.
  • Millet.
  • Yeast.

Vitamin B6 deficiency

Pyridoxine deficiency is characterized by:

  • Excessive irritability, lethargy and mental dysfunction.
  • Insomnia and a feeling of causeless anxiety.
  • Decreased appetite and developmental delays in children.
  • Convulsive syndrome.
  • Flatulence.
  • Formation of uroliths in the kidneys and bladder.
  • Abnormal electroencephalogram readings.
  • Peripheral neuritis, polyneuritis of the arms and legs.
  • The development of anemia with a sufficient amount of iron in the body.
  • Inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Stomatitis, rhinitis and conjunctivitis.
  • Glossitis and ulceration of the oral cavity.
  • Severe bleeding gums.
  • Convulsive conditions in children under 7 years of age.
  • Increased blood viscosity and its tendency to form clots, clogging blood vessels and causing thrombosis.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Inability immune system synthesize antibodies.


Vitamin B6 is quickly metabolized and excreted in the urine. Exceeding dosages 50 times over several years does not lead to deterioration in health.
Increasing the dose hundreds of times can lead to:

  • Peripheral blood flow disorders.
  • Tachycardia and pain radiating to the left arm.
  • Migraines, drowsiness and dizziness.
  • Excitement and lack of coordination.
  • Paresthesia of the arms and legs.
  • A feeling of pressure on the limbs (stocking and glove syndrome).
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Anaphylaxis, urticaria, itchy rash, redness of the skin, dermatitis, Quincke's edema and photosensitivity.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Deterioration of the immune system's resistance to infections.
  • Heartburn and increased production of gastric juice.
  • Reducing folic acid content.
  • Partial baldness.
  • Disturbances in the blood coagulation system.
  • Fainting and convulsive syndrome when large doses are administered intravenously.
  • Inhibition of milk production in nursing mothers.

Long-term overdose causes a decrease in the amount of protein in skeletal muscles, liver, kidneys and heart.

Drugs and release forms

Vitamin B6 in ampoulesprice 11 UAH/35 RUR for 10 ampoules of 1 ml.

Compound: pyridoxine hydrochloride – 0.05 g, water for injection – up to 1 ml.

Vitamin B6 tabletsprice 9 UAH/28 RUR for 10 tablets.


  • Active ingredient– priridoxine hydrochloride 0.05 g.
  • Additional components: microcrystalline cellulose, lactose monohydrate, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, magnesium stearate.


The following drug interactions have been described:

  • When taken simultaneously with diuretics, pyridoxine enhances their effect.
  • Combined reception with hormonal contraceptives, cycloserine, penicillamine, isoniazid, hydralazine sulfate, ethionamide and immunosuppressants reduce the effectiveness of vitamin B6.
  • Pyridoxine partially blocks the effect of drugs for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and weakens pharmacological effect phenytoin.
  • When taken in combination with corticosteroid hormones, the content of pyridoxine in the body decreases.
  • Simultaneous use with glutamic acid and asparkam increases the brain's resistance to hypoxia.
  • The parallel use of vitamin B6 and cardiac glycosides stimulates the production of contractile proteins in the heart muscle.
  • Pyridoxine prevents complications from taking tricyclic antidepressants caused by their anticholinergic effect (decreased salivation, anuria).
  • Simultaneous administration with chloramphenicol derivatives reduces the risk of ophthalmic pathologies.
  • Vitamin B6 is compatible with vitamin B12, but mixing them in the same container is not recommended.
  • It is not advisable to mix pyridoxine with alkali solutions, iron derivatives and solutions of strong oxidizing agents.
  • Vitamin B6 should not be mixed in the same container with solutions of adrenergic agonists, sodium salt ampicillin, amphotericin B, ascorbic acid, phytomenaion, dipyridamole, sodium oxyferiscorbone, phenothiazine derivatives (chlorpromazine), furosemide, ethamsylate and euphilin.

Video about vitamin

Kalorizator 2019 - Vitamins, instructions for medications, proper nutrition. All information is for informational purposes only. Be sure to consult a doctor during treatment.

Vitamins are substances necessary for the functioning of the body. However, oral B vitamins are absorbed much worse due to the fact that some substances are unable to be completely absorbed through gastrointestinal tract. These vitamins include B6 and B12. Despite the fact that the substances are quite often found in food and vitamin complexes, if necessary, quickly compensate for the lack of these substances, drugs are administered through.

Vitamins B6 and B12 can be compatible, and therefore can be injected at the same time. If you are prescribed vitamin B1, the course of injections should be alternated.

Carrying out an injection

Peel fruits and vegetables while cooking or before eating thin layer. After all, it is in and under it that the most mineral compounds, vitamins and protein are contained. For example, the top layer of carrots contains (provitamin A) more than the core, which is rich in fiber. Use a stainless steel knife for slicing. And the larger the pieces, the more C and mineral salts.

Steam dishes more often and avoid using ovens and pressure cookers, which are much higher than the permissible 100°C. The less products are exposed heat treatment, the higher their quality, since when heated, vitamins are destroyed and biologically active substances are inhibited.

To get vitamins from food, consume it in different doses if possible. Do not combine calcium-containing foods with iron-containing foods. But to normalize these elements, add vitamin C, for example, raw vegetables (bell pepper or greens) to meat, which is a source of iron.

To ensure that the healthiest and most well-prepared food is beneficial, do not wash it down with water. Give me an opportunity digestive juices fully split it into all its constituent components, ready for absorption. Compliance with these simple rules It will help you get vitamins from food, and will also prevent many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

What is Vitamin B6 for? This frequently asked question. Let's find out in this article. The term is the name of a group of three forms that mutually transform into each other, representing one bioorganic compound. Various shapes of the same compound are called spatial conformations and are named differently. However, the common name is pyridoxine.

Instructions for use of vitamin B6 in ampoules are presented below.

Using vitamin B6 in the form of ampoules

In medical use, vitamin B6 in ampoules is used mainly in cases where its use in tablet form is impossible. This happens, for example, when the patient is unable to swallow, or his gastrointestinal tract does not function normally. In these situations, the drug pyridoxine in the form of a solution is administered to a person intravenously or intramuscularly, and as a result, its absorption is in no way determined by the functioning and state of the gastrointestinal tract. The price of vitamin B6 in ampoules interests many.

To put it simply, it is an option that replaces pills with it, and it is used in the most severe cases. There is rarely a truly urgent need for injections of vitamin B6; most often they are used by doctors during hospital treatment of patients. Pyridoxine, administered intramuscularly or intravenously, acts on the body in the same way as if it enters a normally functioning one. digestive tract, which means that if it is possible to use it in tablet form, then making injections with it is irrational. There are a lot of reviews about vitamin B6 in ampoules.

Need for home use

However, situations often arise when vitamin preparations need to be injected at home. In addition, pyridoxine in ampoules is often used not for its intended purpose, but also for cosmetic purposes, for example, for scalp and hair care. If we also take into account such a factor as low price, then it becomes clear why they often experiment with it and add it to various homemade care products and masks.

In what cases is vitamin B6 in ampoules used?

Applicable as component complex therapy at serious illnesses. In principle, all indications for the use of vitamin B6 can be divided into three large types:

When the patient is unable to swallow tablets containing pyridoxine, for example, with severe upset psyche, in fainting, with a categorical refusal to follow the doctor’s instructions, with severe vomiting and nausea while using a ventilator.

Defects in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, when the vitamin, even if the patient has swallowed it, is not absorbed or is absorbed in an amount that is insufficient. Such disorders include degenerative transformations of the intestinal epithelium, malabsorption syndrome, the state of the gastrointestinal tract after extensive surgery (for example, after removal of part of the intestine or stomach), peptic ulcer.

The need for very large doses drugs that cannot be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract at the required speed and must enter directly into the blood. A similar need sometimes arises in case of isoniazid poisoning, diabetes mellitus, hematopoietic defects and hemodialysis. This is confirmed by the instructions for use included with vitamin B6 in ampoules.

In the field of cosmetology

In the field of cosmetology, the use of vitamin B6 in the form of ampoules is most often noted for hair, since it has been noticed that when it is added to masks and shampoos, the hair becomes stronger and begins to grow faster, and the scalp becomes healthier. If this is the goal, then vitamin B6 should be used in ampoules, since making the corresponding remedy using tablets would be very difficult and, in principle, irrational.

Vitamin B6 preparations for injections

Vitamin B6 solution in injections is currently sold under a number of trade names. The most widely used among them are: “Pyridoxine”, “Vitamin B6”, “Pyridoxine hydrochloride”, “Pyridoxine-Vial” and “Pyridoxine-Bufus”. In fact, all of the above drugs have the same composition, but differ only in their names and manufacturing companies. In addition, vitamin B6 is often used in ampoules, mixed with other vitamins. These are mainly combinations with B1 and B12.

For self-injection similar drugs You should buy only after consulting a specialist.

Sometimes they ask whether it is possible to drink vitamin B6 in ampoules. It is possible, but absolutely useless, because when digestive process digestibility will decrease to 10%. Therefore, injections are much more effective.

Special instructions

Probably the most important distinguishing feature injections using vitamin B6 - quite noticeable pain. That is why many pyridoxine preparations in the form of ampoules contain lidocaine, which has an analgesic effect when administered intramuscularly.

What foods contain vitamin B6? Animal products contain a lot of it: eggs, shrimp, oysters, salmon, tuna, ham, chicken, Ground beef and lamb, liver, cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products.

IN plant products Pyridoxine is also present in: sprouted grains, potatoes, peas, cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, lentils, soybeans, leafy green vegetables, many cereals and cereals, yeast, nuts, seeds, berries and fruits. Large quantity Vitamin B6 is found in bananas.

IN medical practice Intravenous administration of the drug is most commonly used, because in this case the vitamin in full enters directly into the blood. That is why during inpatient therapy, pyridoxine is most often administered by infusion at different rates.

Judging by the standard instructions, injections of the drug can also be performed in the gluteal muscle. To make one injection, it is enough to take a syringe with a volume of two milliliters (usually the ampoule contains exactly this amount of vitamin, and large quantities the drug must be administered intravenously). In this case, the indications for the use of vitamin B6 must be strictly observed.


When conducting intramuscular injection The following procedure must be followed:

    the patient is placed on his stomach, he needs to completely relax the gluteal muscles;

    prepare a cotton swab moistened with alcohol;

    the tip of the ampoule is broken off, so it is better to wrap it in a napkin to avoid accidentally injuring your finger;

    using a syringe, draw the solution from the ampoule;

    squeeze out all the air from the syringe by turning it upward with the needle (the piston must be pressed until a drop of solution comes out of the needle, which means that only liquid remains in the syringe; if there is air in the syringe, then when injecting it into the muscle a hematoma may form;

    the needle must be clamped between the middle and index fingers about one or two centimeters from the end;

    turn the palm so that the tip of the needle is under it, and the syringe is above the hand;

    give a slap to the place where the solution will be injected (most often this is external top corner any buttock); the needle must be inserted into the muscle two-thirds of its length;

    the drug is administered by gradually pressing the piston;

    the needle is removed and a swab moistened with alcohol is applied to the area where the solution was injected. Here's how to give vitamin B6 injections.

    If during the injection the patient feels unbearable sharp pain, then you need to immediately remove the needle. Typically, such feelings arise when the needle touches a nerve node.

    You cannot crush or rub the place where the injection was given, since in this case the absorption of the drug will be disrupted and capillary injuries will form.

    The injection into the thigh is done according to the same scheme, but the patient must stand on one leg, and the other, where the solution will be injected, must be slightly bent. In this case, the body weight will be transferred to the supporting leg, and the muscle into which the injection is given will relax. Typically, vitamin B6 is not injected into the thigh.

    When the injection is done, you need to put a cap on the syringe needle, remove it and dispose of it. Reuse syringe is unacceptable because it is no longer sterile.


    If you follow the instructions for using vitamin B6 in ampoules, then this remedy cannot be administered even in small quantities if there are contraindications such as:

    Hypervitaminosis B6, when tingling is felt in the fingers (sometimes they seem to go numb);

    Individual intolerance to the drug and the appearance of allergic reactions;

    Symptoms of poisoning and overdose (this rarely happens);

    The use of drugs that are incompatible with pyridoxine, for example, penicillamine and cuprimine, which completely deactivate pyridoxine; Vitamin B6 should also not be used when taking a number of anticonvulsants and anti-tuberculosis drugs, as it reduces the effectiveness of their effects;

    Severe liver damage;

    Peptic ulcer;

    Ischemic heart disease.

    The doctor may decide to use pyridoxine preparations even if there are any of the listed contraindications, but the patient must be under constant supervision of a specialist.

    It is prohibited to use the product in ampoules on your own initiative if there are contraindications.

    Vitamin B6 in ampoules: price

    The drug is inexpensive - 30-40 rubles.

    Cost of drugs from additional vitamins next:

    - “Kombilipen”, for five ampoules of which each with a volume of two milliliters you need to pay about two hundred rubles;

    - “Vitagamma” - about one hundred rubles for the same amount;

    - “Compligam B” - about two hundred and fifty rubles, the volume is the same.