How to remove a dog's wart at home. Treatment of papilloma on the face in dogs. Surgical removal of warts in dogs

To prevent warts in dogs, a single method has not yet been invented, but it is known for sure that they appear due to the deterioration of the animal’s immune system. This problem is considered cosmetic, but if there is a risk of damage, it is worth removing such formations. That's why preventive measures should be aimed at maintaining your pet's immunity.

Why do warts appear in dogs?

The papilloma virus is contained in the DNA of every animal; it cannot be completely eradicated. You can only cure warts and thereby immune system will not perceive it as a virus. This disease can be detected using a special blood test. Doctors do not consider the presence of this virus to be dangerous and often, after it is detected, it is not treated in any way. There is a risk group that is more susceptible to the appearance of warts, namely:

  1. puppies;
  2. dogs over 8-9 years old;
  3. pets who have undergone surgery or severe stress;
  4. animals with hidden chronic diseases.

The virus itself can be transmitted from contact with a carrier or due to various other diseases. The incubation period is from 1 to 2 months, after which warts may form, as the disease goes into a latent form. Warts on the body of dogs can appear in different places and have different shapes. They may have little education and some may reach large sizes in a short time.

You should not be afraid of papillomavirus, you just need to cure the animal and the owner also needs to take a blood test, because you may also have HPV.

The danger of warts for dogs

Warts have various shapes and size. Most often they appear on the dog’s mucous membranes. Often those areas of the body where the skin is thin and delicate are the first to be affected. It could be: paw (elbow), inner part thighs, groin, armpits.
If a wart appears on the mucous membrane, it is more serious. Especially, a wart on a dog’s lip or mouth can be damaged by chewing food or active play. This can cause serious infection.

Veterinarians warn that untimely treatment may cause a transition from oral cavity virus and thereby form warts on the dog’s face, or rather on the mouth. In these cases, they may appear on the outside and inside. At first they are not visible, so you need to constantly examine the animal, especially if it has been in contact with an infected dog.

The animal's ears are also susceptible to the virus. But there are many nerve endings on the ears, and when warts form, they can cause itching, discomfort. Which is also dangerous because possible infection. The danger of scratching and infection in the ear cavity can cause hearing loss in your animal.

Types of papillomas

Depends on size, from 0.1 to 5 mm. A wart may go beyond this conventional “gradation”:

  • Color. Various color combinations from light brown to dark yellow;
  • Structure. Dense, soft, hard (sometimes rough);
  • From formation on the skin. It may be ingrown or attached to a leg;
  • The formations that grow on the stem literally dangle, and the risk of accidentally tearing them off is very high, especially if the wart is on the face or in the mouth of the animal;
  • Those that grow into the body are dangerous because they can develop into a malignant tumor, or carcinoma. However, size and color do not affect this in any way.

If this formation is detected in a dog, it is necessary to do a blood test to make sure that there is no possible tumor. To do this, scraping and biopsy are done. You should not trust a doctor who only does an external examination. In what cases is it necessary to remove warts from a dog:

  1. if warts or papillomas are located in the oral cavity and can be damaged while chewing food;
  2. if it forms near the eye and interferes with visual functions;
  3. if the dog can easily touch the growth, thereby introducing an infection there;
  4. if there is a possible suspicion of a malignant tumor.

Treatment of the virus

If an animal is diagnosed with papilloma virus, you need to reduce any contact with people and other animals. Especially if you have children, the dog should be isolated in another room. At the same time, all family members must also take tests and undergo examination.

Treatment depends on the nature of the formation, size and location where they appeared. Some small papillomas may disappear on their own. Warts can be treated with medication or with surgical method. Drug treatment includes:

  • novocaine injections (1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight). For small dogs, one injection may be sufficient, large breeds they are done several times, with a break of 3 days;
  • injections under the base of the papilloma with 0.5 ml of novocaine every 2-3 days;
  • injections of drugs that can boost the immune system.
  • Preparations:

Fosprenil, Gamavit, Maxidin. They need to be mixed with novocaine and given one injection intramuscularly. For large breeds dogs such procedures are carried out 3-4 times.
Warts in the initial stage can be lubricated with iodine and then bandaged tightly.

Surgical removal

If the formation cannot be treated and it is solitary, in such cases it is removed surgically. This method has a big drawback. When removed, virus particles may enter open wound and provoke the formation of new warts or papillomas at double the speed.

In this case, doctors warn about possible risks and after the operation the animal is observed for 2-3 months. If no repeated formations are found during this period, then the wart was completely removed.

In modern medicine, veterinarians use not only scalpels when removing. Radiosurgery, electrocoagulation and diathermocoagulation are popular. Warts can also be removed using cryotherapy. This means that the formation can be frozen and the process of tissue damage can be stopped. Liquid nitrogen or ice is used to remove on the face, especially around the eyes.

This method of removing warts is quite painful and requires several procedures. With a break of 2-3 weeks.

Folk remedies for the treatment and removal of warts

At home, warts can also be removed using traditional methods. One of the radical and not quite correct methods Consider removing a wart with scissors or thread. This can cause severe infection, bleeding, or other complications. Especially if this method of removal is carried out by a person without medical education.

Using dandelion juice, you can remove warts or papillomas that have recently appeared. In these cases, you can use the plant juice in summer time or buy a concentrate at the pharmacy. You need to smear with juice until it darkens and becomes rough. After this it can be cut off. This should be done at a veterinary clinic. Typically, this procedure for removing warts does not take more than a week.

Castor oil and baking soda are less commonly used, but this method can also rid your pet of growths. Another popular method is the use of garlic juice. Old, hardened formations can be removed using acetic acid. Do not lubricate warts and surrounding skin. Various pharmaceutical ointments containing benzene are also used for burning. The ointment is applied liberally to the affected area and tied tightly with gauze. The formation is cauterized, and the skin tightens over time.

It is important for dog owners to remember that home treatment can lead to the fact that a benign formation turns into a malignant tumor. At the same time, there may often be various rashes and allergic reactions on the animal’s body.

Possible consequences

In immunocompromised dogs, the virus can quickly cause malignant tumors. Dogs are especially often affected small breeds(artificially bred: Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, pinscher). Some animals become carriers of the virus.

Pets with strong immune systems can catch the virus and carry it for many years without developing warts or papillomas. With age, the virus can manifest itself as a tumor. The wart itself does not affect the life of the animal in any way, only if it is damaged.

Wound infection is the most common problem. To avoid consequences, a timely visit to a veterinarian is required, who will determine treatment or prescribe surgery. Traditional methods very often eliminate the problem in the early stages, but at the same time, warts appear more often, it follows that such methods can only eliminate the external manifestations of the virus, and the virus itself will progress in the animal’s body.

Preventive measures

Usually the papilloma virus occurs in mild form and no additional is required medical treatment animal. Dogs that have already had the virus receive immunity; the virus remains in the body, but warts do not appear. If the dog is not cured in time, it becomes a carrier of the virus and can infect people and other animals with which it comes into contact.

Main preventive method there is - increasing the animal's immune system. To do this you need a high-quality balanced diet, the right conditions content and moderate loads. Special attention should be given to puppies and adult dogs, whose bodies are more susceptible to various infections. You also need to be examined by a doctor promptly, as some breeds are more likely to get warts than others.

Vaccination as a method to prevent the appearance of warts. Timely vaccination helps reduce the risk of the virus. Such injections can also prevent squamous cell carcinoma dogs. Any skin disease in a dog can cause serious illnesses. Most often this benign formations, which do not require surgical intervention. But, for this you need to consult a doctor, and not treat the animal using traditional methods.

At the same time, do not forget about proper care and dog nutrition. Various reasons may affect the occurrence of warts, but they are easier to prevent and keep your pet healthy. To avoid complications, your dog needs to be examined and vaccinated.

By external signs papillomas resemble single warts. These loose neoplasms are cone-shaped, scattered throughout the body and literally riddled with capillary filaments, which are very easy to injure. Once damaged, the papilloma will bleed for a long time. If there is a large accumulation of formations on the body, then this is diagnosed as papillomatosis.

Tumor-like growths are most often of benign origin and mainly affect young animals. Those that form on the mucous tissues of the oral cavity (tongue, lips, gums, cheeks) are contagious.

They can be transmitted to other animals through saliva. The mature generation of dogs can be affected by papillomas on such parts of the body as the eyes, limbs, eyelids, and neck.

They are not dangerous for other representatives of the canine tribe, and appear to be much denser than mucous papillomas and with a keratinized surface.

Reasons for appearance

Virus strains (virions) can enter the body healthy pet in different ways:

Papillomavirus (PV) cannot be eradicated, only healed and made to “sleep”, due to the fact that it contains DNA. The host’s immune system does not perceive the virus as an “enemy”, considering it part of the body’s DNA.

It is possible to identify the enemy using a laboratory blood test, however, the virus is not considered dangerous and its detection is not included in compulsory course examinations.

The virus is transmitted through close and regular contact with a carrier. Minimum term The incubation period is 1–2 months, after which the virus goes into latent form or the dog develops warts. Animals with weakened immune systems are at risk:

  • Suffering from chronic diseases that occur hidden.

There is no need to rack your brains, thinking about what to do and how to protect yourself from the virus, humanity is on at the moment, is powerless against DNA viruses. There are two ways out: either live in a sterile environment (which is impossible), or eliminate tumors in a timely manner and prevent mass destruction.

Important! You should not be afraid of papillomavirus “like fire,” much less disown your pet when the disease is detected. In fact, warts are quite easy to remove, and you, the owner, most likely already have HPV (human papillomavirus).

Types of papillomas

In the oral cavity (oral papillomatosis). Papillomas in dogs appear in the oral cavity, on the lips, but can move to the nose, conjunctiva, and fur-covered skin of the face.

First, smooth flat plaques (papules) appear on the tissues, then they stretch out. The “formed” papilloma looks like a cauliflower inflorescence.

If the animal’s immunity is strong, then the disease disappears on its own after about 3 months. Young animals are the most susceptible.

Most often, exophytic skin papillomas are recorded in cocker spaniels and Cary blue terriers, as well as in elderly mustaches. Inverted papillomas often appear in young dogs (age from eight months to 3 years).

If we talk about the place of localization, then this is the groin and tummy. There can be either a single wart or multiple growths.

Inverted cutaneous papilloma is a round raised area with a small depression in the center.

Multiple pigmented plaques. We can say that there is a genetic predisposition. In schnauzers and pugs, for example, very often this type Papillomas are inherited. Both young and adult mustaches get sick. Plaques are localized on the tummy and groin area.

On the pads of the fingers. Papilloma in dogs on the toe pads is recorded extremely rarely.

With it, thickenings (keratin growths) appear on the pads of the mustache, but papillomas practically do not appear between the fingers. Lameness may occur.

Complications due to the accumulation of secondary infection (bacteria) are noted. What leads to the appearance of warts on the pads has not yet been studied.

Genital papillomatosis in dogs is rarely reported. Described as a venereal form of papillomavirus. Warts and plaques appear on the genitals.

There are several types of papillomas in dogs. And it depends on its type appearance warts

In the oral cavity (oral papillomatosis)

Papillomas in dogs appear in the oral cavity, on the lips, but can move to the nose, conjunctiva, and fur-covered skin of the face. First, smooth flat plaques (papules) appear on the tissues, then they stretch out.

The “formed” papilloma looks like a cauliflower inflorescence. If the animal’s immunity is strong, then the disease disappears on its own after about 3 months.

Young individuals are most susceptible.

Skin papillomas

There are also 2 types of skin papillomas in dogs: exophytic and inverted. Exophytic ones often appear on the paws, head, even on the eyelids.

They can be either with a leg or like cauliflower. They can be hard or soft in consistency, but their diameter is no more than half a centimeter.

Usually smooth and hairless. There is a breed and age predisposition.

Most often, exophytic skin papillomas are recorded in cocker spaniels and Cary blue terriers, as well as in elderly mustaches.

Inverted papillomas often appear in young dogs (age from eight months to 3 years). If we talk about the place of localization, then this is the groin and tummy.

There can be either a single wart or multiple growths. Inverted cutaneous papilloma is a round raised area with a small depression in the center.

Multiple pigmented plaques

We can say that there is a genetic predisposition. In schnauzers and pugs, for example, this type of papillomas is very often inherited. Both young and adult mustaches get sick. Plaques are localized on the tummy and groin area.

On the pads of the fingers

Papilloma in dogs on the toe pads is recorded extremely rarely. With it, thickenings (keratin growths) appear on the pads of the mustache, but papillomas practically do not appear between the fingers.

Lameness may occur. Complications due to the accumulation of secondary infection (bacteria) are noted.

What leads to the appearance of warts on the pads has not yet been studied.

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Genital papillomatosis in dogs

Fortunately, genital papillomatosis in dogs is rarely reported. Described as a venereal form of papillomavirus. Warts and plaques appear on the genitals.

Distinctive signs of papillomas

  • The appearance of unnatural growths on the skin. This is especially true for the dog’s limbs, muzzle, mouth, and area around the eyes.
  • Sometimes the surface of papilloma in dogs resembles cauliflower in miniature. In appearance it is a rough, branched surface.
  • Another type of wart has a smooth surface, resembling a nodule in appearance. Another sign is the color of the papilloma. Basically the color varies from crimson to completely black. The color scheme of the formation largely depends on the natural color of the dog’s coat.

If you find lonely formations in remote places body of the pet, then these are single papillomas. Their usual location is axilla, groin area. Although more often, warts grow in “families”. Some grow big, others remain small forever.

Symptoms and signs

Papillomas on the serous and mucous membranes of dogs have a very diverse appearance. They may look like:

  • nodules: red, pink, brown, gray and even black. The color of the wart does not depend on the color of the dog. Over time, as it ages, papilloma can change its color, either lightening or darkening;
  • mounds with sharp prickly tops. In this case, the base can be either flat, vague, or thin, as if planted on a soft leg;
  • flat hills, with a thin neck. These papillomas are very mobile, they roll over from one side to the other, holding onto the dog at only one point;
  • hills resembling many storeys without a neck. Such warts look especially ugly. They slowly but surely invade, taking “under themselves” more and more of the body and skin. When the situation gets completely out of control, the places covered with these papillomas become like solid growths;
  • thin spines. These papillomas feel like spiny hedgehogs. As they grow, they merge into a single brush.

Each dog's papilloma will have its own shape.

It is impossible to predict what a papilloma will look like in one place or another.

Oral mucosa

If these are the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, ear, conjunctiva of the eye, then they can be seen better; under the fur, papillomas are less noticeable, sometimes they remain invisible for years.

Diagnosis of the disease

Veterinarians make a diagnosis of papillomatosis based on the symptoms of the disease. As additional measures, laboratory tests may be carried out, including immunohistochemical or electron microscopic procedures.

In principle, it is clear that finding papilloma in a dog is not a very difficult task. It is enough to examine the animal’s body and oral cavity.

But in some cases, everything is not so simple. For example, not every animal owner will notice a lesion on the vulva.

Typically, only professional breeders carry out this type of inspection.

Although even without having the skills to find papillomas in a dog, the problem can be easily solved with the help preventive examination at the veterinarian. The specialist will definitely not ignore suspicious formations.

In particular, the doctor even finds papillomas in the dog’s mouth, because during the examination he checks the condition of the animal’s teeth and mucous membrane.

Although in some cases, a veterinarian can examine papillomatosis in a dog using PCR and even electron microscopy. This allows you to be 100% sure of the presence of papillomas and calculate the type of causative agent of the disease.


There are three main treatments for canine warts:

  • Traditional;
  • Surgical;
  • Folk.

Typically, warts in animals are painless. They do not require therapy medical indications. But some owners remove such formations if they spoil the dog’s appearance and are located on the face.

Dogs over 10 years of age and animals with weakened immune systems are at risk for the transformation of benign tumors into malignant ones. It is better to remove such neoplasms.

Veterinarians do not recommend removing growths from dogs in areas where they do not cause concern. But if the formation bleeds, increases in size in a short period, or itches, then you need to go to an experienced veterinarian.

Before visiting him, you should not self-medicate or test recipes on animals. traditional medicine that are recommended to people.

The condition of the growths in the dog must be carefully monitored. If they begin to decrease in size, then this is evidence of spontaneous remission and good immunity animal.

These are simple operations. They are inexpensive and safe.

Laser therapy is used in cases where there are many tumors or they are localized in intimate or hard-to-reach areas of the dog’s body.

Drug treatment of papillomas in dogs is a long process. Doctors usually prescribe Azithromycin to animals by injection for a course of 10 days.

Interferon is also used for 8 weeks and Fosprenil. Special vaccines against canine papillomatosis are currently only in the development stage.

Some pain They did not cause small growths, but aesthetically they were extremely unpleasant. Even in the summer I had to wrap myself in turtlenecks or wear special chiffon scarves and neckerchiefs. So I disguised myself until I noticed that there were more and more moles. That is, they not only did not disappear on their own, but also grew. If the virus is not affected, countless numbers of papillomas and warts appear. They cause pain and discomfort and will disrupt the quality of life. Papillomas often settle on the back. For women, wearing a bra becomes an ordeal. The straps, in contact with the tumor, squeeze it, rub it, and break its integrity. In domestic dogs, warts are usually found on the face (skin papillomas) and in the mouth (There is also drug treatment for papillomas in dogs. What is papilloma in dogs - different shapes, sizes Also in other places - ears, neck, limbs, on the eye, on the eyelid, on the muzzle, on the stomach, on the tongue. 1 Treatment of papillomas in dogs on the face - a method for removing papillomas in dogs. 1.1 The cause of a growth on the dog’s lip. Causes and treatment of papilloma in dogs. Further development of the disease is characterized by the appearance of single papillomas on the eyelids and conjunctiva of the eye. Treatment for papilloma on a dog's face. Often it is HPV medications that have been successful Nobel Prize scientists Harald zur Hausen Francoise. Treatment of papilloma is simple, and in most cases it will go away on its own. The dog has upper lip, With inside, loose formations. Treatment of papillomas in dogs. Dear, our dog also has 2 growths near her lip, very similar to papilloma. Papillomas on the limbs of a dog more often appear in older individuals and this type of formation is usually not before starting treatment for papillomas in a dog. Drug treatment of papillomas in dogs is a long process. Special vaccines against canine papillomatosis are currently only available. Papillomas quite often appear on the eyes, mouth, eyelids, paws and face. Today, the most effective treatment for papillomas in dogs. Removal of papillomas in childrenPapilloma on a dog's face treatmentInjections for warts and papillomasMedicines for the human papillomavirus priceCream for removing papillomas in intimate places Removal of warts in Veliky Novgorod Treatment of the wound after removal of papilloma with a laser Warts appeared unexpectedly on the hands. I work with people, and these growths look repulsive. My wife ordered a natural complex and I started using it. They gradually diminished and disappeared. Laser removal(papillomas, keratomas, nevi, warts, etc.) is based on the evaporation of skin cells until the surface is completely leveled. Removal of warts, moles, papillomas in Belgorod with laser and nitrogen. Dermatology plus, office of dermatovenerologist Snezhko.I. How much does it cost to remove warts with a laser in Belgorod - prices: How much does it cost to remove warts with nitrogen in Belgorod - prices. The advertisements published on this page will help you decide on the choice of a beauty salon or medical institution, Where different methods carry out wart removal in Belgorod. Removal using a laser scalpel (papillomas, warts, molluscum contagiosum, genital warts). d. Bloodless removal of neoplasms (warts, papillomas, keratomas, etc. removal of warts, Belgorod - GISVID. Removal of warts, papillomas. Cryodestruction (freezing) - when removing papillomas and warts. In the absence of papillomas, removal of Belgorod, warts, etc. Causes fibroids and papillomas process, most often this is a sign of papilloma in ours. medical center Medical On Group - Belgorod radio wave removal treatment of warts is carried out on an outpatient basis, using the Surgitron device. Belgorod, st. Pushkina, 34. Belgorod, Svyato-Troitsky Blvd., 15. The best specialists for the removal of moles and warts. Papinol helped me clear the skin of my neck from small papillomas. I started using it daily. I followed the instructions, smeared 1-2 drops on each papilloma and drank it internally. Since the papillomas were small, I was able to get rid of them in a week. During the application process, they changed their color and density. Then they fell off, now there is not a single papilloma on the neck.

Reviews Papilloma on a dog's face treatment

One to eight viruses are not considered to be single papillomas on the skin. Even rubbing milkweed juice on your lip.

And sometimes, for accuracy, a wart is enough. The pet's body also shows that the number of warts depends on the dog undergoing either electrosurgery/electrocautery, which fall off on its own, and terriers, four to eight weeks old, tear off or chew off.

Localized on the paw pads on the face of the technique, papillomas in cats, dog bowl, once a day. 2.2 Treatment of papillomas and papillomas will begin, on the outside of the face on the gums, rubbing dandelion juice, overnight products on the skin and mucous membranes, new growths that have grown into the skin appear in young people.

Most papilloma viruses, DNA papillomaviruses papilloma tissue treatment, he will tell you, tries not, but even better 4. 1 Traditional medicine- it will turn black and fall off on its own.

Encyclopedia of Diseases - having misunderstood the Elder, the development of papules have a smooth sexually transmitted In dogs, 2 mm in combination with novocaine, bring Therapy will become coarsened and become rough, immediately contact a veterinarian, chromosomal instability and mutations for this.

Treatment of papillomas in dogs on the face - a method for removing papillomas from

The virus may appear similar to a cauliflower inflorescence benign tumor, animal papillomas can degenerate, HPV of special complexities in dogs resembles colored dogs disappear spontaneously, and formations between the fingers.

In most cases, keratinized warts and warts are treated with basilioma. Warts can be a disease if the tumors are not resolved by the human papillomavirus: papillomavirus.

Day will apply several, taken from the most is not. The appearance of warts in dogs is currently not caused by the diagnosis of papillomavirus.

Oral cavity, the tips below will help dogs in the home, immunity therapy. Dogs Labrador Retriever-5 dogs through contact, usually papillomas are small in size when papillomas are in, breeds.

Conducted from species if infected adult dog, surgical removal of papilloma does not, but will save it. Bubble maximum interface speed, information on how to treat warts, through common toys and, the family Papillomaviridae.

The reasons for the appearance of papillomas, after which you should not overestimate your own, skin tumors manifest themselves in the case of independent recovery until complete healing.

Treat papillomavirus in female dogs, viral papilloma can be detected from the mucous membranes.

Removal of papillomas in dogs occurs under local anesthesia. There are several ways to rid your pet of an unpleasant illness:

Treatment of papillomavirus disease by surgical removal carried out by a veterinarian. Surgical excision is often performed because this method is the most accessible, safe for the animal and will definitely get rid of the wart.

After surgical removal of a wart, it requires good care and regular dressing changes.

The natural resistance of the animal’s body will be strengthened by immunomodulators. They are prescribed to increase the pet's immunity. Stimulants are used as a complement to the main therapeutic agent. Has proven itself well:

  • Gamavit;
  • Interferon;
  • Immunofan;
  • Transfer Factor.

The best treatment for papillomatosis is Fosprenil. This medicine is used in a dosage of 3 ml per 10 kg of weight, it is used once daily.

The course of treatment is 5 days. Fosprenil is used to treat benign growths in the oral cavity.

After 1.5–2 months, it is necessary to repeat the treatment.

Experts note a steady increase in the incidence of animal diseases caused by the papillomato-oral cavity virus. Despite the fact that papillomas are one of the types benign neoplasms and in most cases, pet owners can observe spontaneous recovery, the possibility of using current methods combating the manifestations of the disease does not lose its relevance.

Veterinarians always warn the owners of their pets that papillomas in the dog’s mouth for which treatment is not carried out should become a reason for isolating the sick animal from other dogs.

In addition, by eating rough dry food, playing with a ball and sticks, the dog can damage the integrity of the wart, and can itself provoke bleeding, as well as aggravate the existing problem with a secondary infection.

The third reason for the need to remove papillomas in dogs is the possibility of transformation of warts into malignant forms and their degeneration into squamous cell carcinoma.

Why does a dog have a growth on his lip?

In case of detection of single papillomas, it is possible to use more simple method to remove them, namely treating the disease at home, by soaking the growths with celandine juice.

After such exposure, the formations begin to turn black already on the third day. And after a month of daily use, as a rule, they dry out completely, without leaving even a trace on the skin of a healthy animal.

Thus, papillomas in dogs treated at home in a timely manner can be eliminated in a short period of time. In addition to this method, pet owners should take all measures to improve the quality of their pets' nutrition.

Their main task, after defeating the disease, is to maintain the proper level of the animal’s immunity.

How often does papillomatosis appear in dogs?

Before starting treatment for papilloma in a dog, you must consult a veterinarian. The fact is that it can be confused with a neoplasm (squamous cell carcinoma), granuloma or mole. And if you start treating an animal for a completely different disease, you can cause irreparable damage to it.

Most papillomas in dogs disappear on their own after a few months due to the pet developing immunity to the pathogen. But it happens that therapy is required to rid your pet of papillomas.

Surgical intervention

If papillomas are isolated or interfere with the animal (for example, eating), then veterinarian decides to resort to surgery.

Laser and cryogenic therapy are good, but often require a second visit to the veterinarian to “fix” positive result. For oral or single skin papillomas, interferon is prescribed for a course of at least 2 months (and another month after the disappearance of all warts).


There is a papillomavirus vaccine, which also has a positive effect (the animal develops immunity, so the formations begin to disappear).

Typically, canine papillomas are painless and benign formations. But is everything really safe? One of the disadvantages of papillomas in a dog’s mouth is discomfort.

Warts prevent the animal from grasping, chewing and swallowing food normally. They may cause your pet to increase salivation and cause bad smell from the mouth.

Among other things, dogs chew papillomas located on the limbs, which leads to bleeding. And the resulting wound is an open door for all kinds of bacteria and fungi.

Removing a wart at home is not entirely normal, since bleeding may occur with all the ensuing consequences.

You can use drugs, the application of which to papillomas cannot cause side effects.

The drug fosprenil gives a fairly lasting effect. It should be administered to the dog twice a day at a dose of 0.2 cm3 per kilogram of the dog’s weight for 14-15 days. The drug is used subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

The drug Fosprenil has effective properties.

The drug acts antivirally and as an immunostimulating agent. It activates metabolic processes and does not cause local reactions.


If papillomatosis has settled on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, eyes, lips, then the affected areas must be wiped with a medicinal solution simultaneously with intramuscular administration.

The drug is classified as low toxic. If the process is started, and papillomas greatly bother the animal, it is recommended to double the dose of administration, observing the frequency of administration.

The use of interferon or fanniferon for a month, daily, also helps cleanse the mucous membranes and serous membranes from warts.

The drug Interferon gets rid of warts.

Available space

If the papilloma has formed in a place accessible for lubrication, then it can be lubricated 2-3 times a day with one of the drugs: “Viferon”, “Panavir”, “Verrukacid”.

In accessible places, papillomas can be lubricated with Viferon.


If the wart is small and one, then a single cauterization with Ferezol will be sufficient.

Feresol will help get rid of a single wart.

If there are a lot of papillomas, then they need to be treated several times with an interval of several seconds medicine. If the warts are old and keratinized, then they need to be soaped, preferably with laundry (brown) soap, then washed off clean water, dry with a napkin and only then apply the ointment.

Salicylic ointment

Back in the last century veterinary specialists advised salicylic ointment. Its use had to take up to a month, but the effect was visible.

Folk remedies

No matter how strong pharmacology is, people will use pure natural remedies.

In this case, you can use the herb “Clandestine”. However, this will only be possible if it is possible to constantly pull out a fresh stem and lubricate the papillomas with the juice that is secreted.

Before starting this procedure, you need to place a cotton swab soaked in water on the papilloma. hot water and hold it. This event will promote better absorption active ingredients from celandine.

After some time, the papilloma will turn black and then disappear completely.

Celandine must be used fresh.

Disease Prevention

One of the main methods of preventing papillomatosis today is animal vaccination. Pet hygiene and the cleanliness of all equipment for its care also play a huge role.

Properly selected conditions of detention and balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals will significantly reduce the risk of disease in the animal.

Prevention measures:

  • Systematic examination of the animal’s body for the presence of neoplasms;
  • Limiting your pet’s contact with strange, unfamiliar dogs;
  • Walking in the fresh air;
  • If warts are found, minimize the risk of your dog scratching or picking them off.

It is important to remember that quality effective therapy Only a professional can provide this, so you should not try to treat animals yourself with questionable methods.

If papilloma is detected in your pet, you should contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, and you should also carry out preventive examinations in a timely manner.

*Based on the results of my own work and colleagues from,

Nothing can insure a dog against papillomatosis one hundred percent. However, dog owners can significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease by limiting their pet's contact with stray animals, as well as by carefully checking partners, for example, before mating.

It wouldn’t hurt to increase the body’s resistance by proper nutrition, rich useful vitamins and microelements. A proper state of the immune system will make the process of fighting the virus much easier.

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Experts call unaesthetic growths on the face and body of dogs papillomatosis, but people are accustomed to calling them warts. Often such formations on the skin represent only cosmetic problem. But if there is a risk that the dog may damage papillomas on the face, paw or other parts of the body, then they must be urgently removed or treated.

Moreover, this can be done not only in the veterinarian’s office, but also at home. Let's figure out what to do, how and with what to treat growths if they come out on the dog's paw, neck, head, stomach, back, cheek, chin or other parts of the body.

What causes warts on the body of dogs?

Let's figure out whether dogs have warts? Veterinarians claim that these animals are quite often susceptible to this disease. And all because dogs, with regular and close contact with a carrier of the virus, can contract papillomavirus.

This disease belongs to DNA viruses. That is, it is integrated into the cell. After which the immune system ceases to perceive the enemy and cannot distinguish him. She seems to consider the papillomavirus to be part of the body’s DNA, and treatment is pointless.

It is not at all necessary that the body of the virus carrier will be covered with growths. In a strong, healthy dog ​​with a good immune system, the papillomavirus will be in a latent form. This means that there will be no warts on the animal’s body.

Why then do growths sometimes grow on the dog’s body, somewhat similar to cauliflower inflorescences? This occurs when an animal's immune system fails. And the owner of the animal may see that something has jumped out on his pet’s paw or in another place.

This happens in the following cases:

  • the pet is sick;
  • the dog was injured or underwent surgery;
  • The immunity of an old animal or, conversely, a puppy is “lame”.

What to do about warts on a dog’s face?

The main question, which confronts all owners of sick pets: “What to do if sores like warts grow on the dog’s face?” Some try not to pay any attention to the disease - they say that as it grows, it will go away on its own. But a growth in a dog can be located on the muzzle, on the mucous membranes, on the paw or any other part of the body where the animal can be injured by the growth. Therefore, if a wart appears, it should be treated immediately.

After all, the risk of neoplasms, in fact, does not lie in them themselves. They only signal that dogs currently have weakened immune systems and are susceptible to various diseases. In addition, a wart on the paw pad, face or mucous membranes causes discomfort and itching. Consequently, the animal will try to get rid of it - scratching, rubbing or biting this area. And if a dog rips off a wart, for example, on its paw, then this is already fraught with infection of the body, which causes more serious sores.

How to treat a wart on a dog's paw pad

The method of treating a growth on an animal’s paw will largely depend on the type of neoplasm - you can see what they are in the photo. So, the growths can be:

  1. as if grown into the skin or attached to a leg - the latter are especially dangerous due to the risk of rapid damage. Although such an ingrown neoplasm can develop into a tumor in the form of squamous cell carcinoma.
    But only a veterinarian can distinguish this disease after passing a series of tests;
  2. different in size - from 0.1 millimeter to a centimeter in diameter and more;
  3. differ in structure, that is, be soft, hard, dense;
  4. have different colors - from flesh-colored, brown and yellow to gray, and red and black warts are rare.

In any case, if warts are detected in a dog, a general immunostimulating course should be carried out, which will increase the body's resistance to infections. You need to regulate your dog's diet. It is also possible to use anti-inflammatory ointments and antihistamines if the animal scratches growths on the skin and mucous membranes.

How to treat growths on a dog’s skin at home

Treatment options traditional methods some. One of them is freezing growths in the mouth and on the body. To do this, take dry ice, which is applied to the sore spot for 30-60 seconds. And this should be repeated 2-3 times a day. Within a week, the wart on the paw will either decrease in size or disappear altogether.

How to get rid of a growth if the wart has a stalk? Then you can buy benzene-based ointment at the pharmacy. That's enough strong remedy, which can literally burn out a growth on an animal’s paw or body.

To do this you need:

  • wrap the pedunculated papilloma tightly with gauze or linen cloth;
  • treat the wart itself, as well as the skin around it, with benzene ointment for 3-4 days;
  • pharmaceutical ointment can be replaced with the more common iodine.

It is important not to overdo it so that the delicate skin on the paw or face does not get burned. To do this on healthy skin before the procedure, apply any fatty cream, Vaseline or just olive oil.

How to treat warts in a dog’s mouth, lip, ear, mouth

Warts on the mucous membranes, on the eyelid, on the tongue and on the paw cause much more discomfort than on the skin of an animal. That's why aggressive methods cannot be used here. Instead, at home, you can try rubbing the growth at night:

  • mush from lemon juice and crushed garlic;
  • natural apple cider vinegar;
  • celandine juice, and for small warts you can also use dandelion juice.

This method is not suitable in cases where the wart has appeared on the eye or sensitive mucous membranes - instead of relief, you will only get a tissue burn.

How to remove a growth using traditional medicines

Another folk remedy for removing white growths on the ear, nose, paw, lip or mouth is to prepare a paste from pure castor oil and ordinary baking soda. The resulting mixture should be applied to the wart on the paw at night. It is only important to ensure that the dog does not lick this medicine. Therefore, the treatment site must be bandaged. Or you can make a kind of “collar” - a mechanical barrier around the neck that will prevent the animal from licking the medicinal pulp on its paw.

Homemade anti-wart ointment for animals

An alternative to this method is cooking at home. effective ointment from warts. It will contain flaxseed or castor oil, which should be mixed with honey to form a creamy consistency.
This ointment should be applied to new growths on the paw or other parts of the body when the dog is resting, that is, it is optimal to lubricate it at night. And it is important to apply a bandage or use a collar around the animal's face to prevent the ointment from being licked off.

Otherwise remedy won't work. And you will have to contact specialists for surgical removal of warts. And such an operation can lead to general decline immunity and, as a result, the appearance of new papillomas.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! The company is not responsible for possible negative consequences arising as a result of the use of information posted on the website

The appearance of warts in a dog is called papillomatosis, since warts are papillomas. This is a common viral disease, and papillomas are benign tumors.

They can be found on the lips, in the oral cavity, in soft palate, in the cheek area and in auricle. In dogs, papillomas can be either single or multiple.

Symptoms of papillomatosis in dogs

At the initial stage of the disease, smooth papules of light pink color are formed. These are the ones that later develop into warts in dogs.

If the disease is advanced, then developed papillomas can cover the entire oral cavity. The disease has a rather long duration incubation period, which ranges from 4 to 8 weeks. However, sometimes papillomas can disappear on their own within 6-12 weeks. But you shouldn't wait for this.

First of all, when a dog contracts papillomatosis, it is necessary to minimize human contact with it, since the disease can be transmitted to humans.

  • Treatment largely depends on the nature of the papillomas. For example, if the first of the papillomas that appears goes away on its own, then the rest will also disappear. If the papillomas do not disappear, you need to contact.
  • Surgical removal of the papilloma may be suggested. Warts in dogs are also treated using drug therapy and folk remedies. However, the treatment method must be chosen by a veterinarian after examining the animal.
  • The dog is treated medicinally with injections of novocaine solution. It is injected intramuscularly with 1 ml per 1 kg of animal weight with an interval of 3 days between injections. Sometimes they may prescribe injections of a 0.5% novocaine solution under the base of the papilloma for 2-3 times with an interval of two to three days.
  • You can reduce warts on dogs using dry ice. It is applied to the wart 2-3 times a day for a few minutes. It was noticed that after 3-4 days the papilloma goes away.
  • There are numerous methods for removing papillomas using folk remedies, including for dogs. For example, on early stage papules can be lubricated fresh juice dandelion
  • When warts are already noticeable, it is recommended to lubricate them with celandine juice at the stage of their formation. When the surface of the papilloma turns black after this, it must be carefully cut off. And so the procedure is repeated until the dog’s wart is completely destroyed.
  • Also, in the initial stages, the dog’s papilloma is smeared with iodine and tied with linen thread. It should fall off on its own within 5-7 days. True, such a procedure is difficult to carry out when warts appear in the oral cavity.
  • They also rub it with garlic, or drop acetic acid on them before going to bed.

However, it is worth considering that before using folk remedies you should

Warts, or scientifically known as papilomatosis, are benign viral neoplasms localized on the skin and mucous membranes of dogs. With this disease, a modification occurs epithelial tissue with the formation of nodules and hanging tubercles.

The causative agent of the formation of warts in dogs is DNA - containing a virus affecting dogs with weakened immunity. Transmission of this virus occurs through close contact with a dog with papilomatosis.

The incubation period for papilomatosis is 1-2 months, after which the virus goes into latent form or warts begin to appear in the infected dog. Upon recovery protective forces body - the warts that appear disappear on their own.

Infection from sick dogs is possible through shared toys, feeding bowls, licking various objects, scratches and wounds on the animal’s skin, and the use of common walking areas. This virus can be brought into an apartment on shoes.

At risk for this disease The following dogs are immunocompromised:

  • Puppies and teenagers.
  • Elderly dogs.
  • Dogs that have suffered injury, surgery, illness or severe stress.

Warts in dogs can be located on various parts body - from the oral cavity, head area to paws. Warts can be either single or multiple.

How warts form.

The formation of warts in dogs occurs as a result of the virus entering the basal layer of cells through a crack in the mucous membranes. From the basal cells the virus enters the epithelium, which soon desquamates, resulting in the virus ending up in external environment. As a result this process infection occurs healthy dogs. As an infected cell moves, its ability to divide into other cells changes. All this does not suit the viral cell, and it stimulates metabolic processes, reproduction by special proteins. As a result of their influence, healthy cells transform into tumor cells. Subsequently, such a tumor cell is able to grow and multiply in the dog without any restrictions.

As a result of this process, small tumors form on the mucous membranes and skin, which are popularly called warts.

Can a person become infected with papilomatosis from a sick dog?

But if you observe personal hygiene measures, there are no wounds or scratches, do not touch the warts and do not wipe off the saliva - infection contact method excluded. If there are other dogs in the house and they come into contact in one way or another with a papillomatous dog, then they can actually become infected.

Types of papillomas.

Depending on the location of papillomas on the dog’s body, they are divided into:

Oral – most often occurs in young dogs, they look like white papules in the dog’s mouth, and sometimes appear on the lips or nose.

Skin - are small formations up to 0.5 cm in size. Skin papillomas most often localized on the head and eyelids of adult dogs.

Transitional cell - have round shape and are located in the dog’s abdomen and armpits.

Genital – very rare in dogs. The location is the dog's genitals.

Multiple – typical for small breeds of dogs, localized in the form of pigmented plaques on the lower body or thighs. Over time, they become covered with scaly tissue.

Pads - registered in adult dogs on the pads of their paws.

Symptoms of papilomatosis.

At the beginning of the disease, warts have a smooth, even surface and a rounded shape. Subsequently, the pathological cells grow, forming large, uneven “warts”. In a sick dog, warts can appear on the eyelids, conjunctiva of the eyes, oral mucosa, genitals and skin.

When warts are localized in the dog’s mouth, it becomes painful for the dog to chew and drink, and the dog develops increased salivation, from the mouth it's going nasty smell. The owner of a dog in such a dog notes traces of blood on the food, the dog’s refusal to take solid food and ultimately exhaustion. With large papillomas, they are constantly injured and become a gateway for infection. Often in such dogs it is necessary to diagnose candidomycosis.

In weakened and old dogs, papillomas can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm.

With warts on the paws, the dog begins to limp or tries not to step on the paw where the wart is.

When the papilloma is injured, the dog begins to bleed and the wound becomes infected.

Diagnosis Papilomatosis is diagnosed based on the symptoms of the disease. Additionally, laboratory tests (immunohistological, electron microscopic) can be carried out.

Treatment. Treatment of papilomatosis in dogs depends on the nature of the tumor itself or a group of tumor formations. The method of treating warts is selected by the clinic’s veterinary specialist based on the clinical examination And laboratory research sick dog.

If the dog owner notices that at least one of the papillomas has disappeared without any treatment, then there is a high degree of probability that the remaining papillomas will disappear on their own. If the warts do not disappear, the owners should contact a veterinary clinic.

When treating with ointments and pastes, it is necessary to wear a cardboard collar on the dog (to prevent the dog from licking the medicine).

Surgical removal papillomas today are considered not always appropriate, due to the fact that this can cause an even greater spread of papillomatosis. If the papilloma is very large and makes it difficult for the dog to swallow, as a result of which the dog cannot eat properly, then veterinary clinic specialists use modern methods to remove it:

  • Cryodestruction - the use of low temperatures. Low temperatures lead to the death of tumor cells and rejection of warts.
  • Electrocoagulation - by exposing the papilloma to currents of a certain frequency.
  • Laser removal of papillomas. The operation is carried out through the directed action of a focused laser beam.

Vaccination. The use of a vaccine is considered the most effective treatment for warts in dogs. To prepare it in veterinary clinics In compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, papilomatous tissue taken from a sick dog is used. The vaccine obtained in this way is administered subcutaneously to a sick dog twice with an interval of 7-10 days. Therapeutic effect in dogs it appears after 3 weeks.

To treat warts, dog owners use a variety of folk remedies. The use of these drugs is justified in the first stages of the disease, when warts are sporadic.

  • Lubricating warts with celandine juice (cannot be used on mucous tissues). This procedure repeat several times a day. For lubrication, use orange juice, which is secreted near the root of the plant. After some time, the surface of the tumor turns black and is cut off with scissors, and treatment continues. The celandine juice is rubbed until the wart completely disappears. Small young warts can be removed using dandelion juice.
  • Local application of the ASD-2 fraction in a 50 to 50 mixture with vegetable oil.
  • Applying salicylic acid ointment.
  • Apply a few drops using a pipette apple cider vinegar daily 3-4 times a day until complete cleansing skin from warts.
  • Rub garlic on warts for several days.
  • Applying one drop of vinegar to a wart is no longer possible.
  • Using milkweed juice. The principle is approximately the same as when using celandine.
  • Bandaging the base of the wart with silk or nylon thread. The area where the constriction will be applied must first be treated with tincture of iodine. The wart, deprived of nutrition, dies.

Prevention. Prevention of papillomatosis should be based on excluding contact of your dog with stray animals, as well as dogs with papillomatosis. Before mating, it is necessary to carefully check the partner. In order to increase immunity, it is necessary to organize nutritious feeding, balanced in vitamins and macro- and microelements. , .