How to recognize increased acidity or... Increased or decreased stomach acidity - how to determine at home? With increased acidity

How to determine stomach acidity at home? After all, there is not always time and opportunity to visit a doctor for an examination and additional laboratory and instrumental methods research. In some cases, a person is terrified of probing and tries to avoid it.

You can find out on your own whether your stomach acidity is increased or decreased. To do this, first of all, you should listen to your own body. The present signs indicate hyper- or hypoacidity of the stomach. In addition, you can carry out simple experiments with certain types of foods or use special test strips.

Signs of low stomach acidity

The hypoacid environment of the organ is characterized by certain symptoms, with the help of which one can independently suspect the development of pathology. ABOUT reduced level acidity indicates the appearance of a strong craving for sour things. It can be canned cabbage, cucumber, lemon, etc. A person’s taste preferences change, he begins to prefer sour juices, spices, seasonings, black rye bread and other similar dishes.

Normal stomach acidity ensures the disinfection of food products from pathogenic microbes and other harmful substances. With its deficiency, an inflammatory process of the organ mucosa very often develops. This leads to the following symptoms:

  1. Rotten burp. Promotes the emergence unpleasant odor from the mouth. In some cases, patients complain of putrid belching.
  2. Flatulence. Develops as a result of pronounced fermentation processes. Accumulated gases provoke severe pain along the intestines and a feeling of fullness.
  3. Patients complain of severe heartburn.
  4. Heaviness in the right hypochondrium.
  5. Pain after finishing a meal or snack. It develops within a short time after lunch and is characterized by localization in the peri-umbilical region.
  6. Stool disorder. Occurs due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the human gastrointestinal tract. This mainly manifests itself in the form of diarrhea. There are other options for the development of the disorder - motor disorders occur, resulting in feces become denser and constipation develops.

Evidence of low stomach acidity is also a weakened immune system. This fact is due to the fact that in the absence of a sufficient amount hydrochloric acid food products, especially protein ones, do not completely disintegrate, but accumulate and begin to rot. As a result, the resulting toxins poison the human body, causing a significant deterioration in well-being. Vitamins, minerals and others are not fully absorbed from incoming food. useful substances. This leads to their deficiency, resulting in corresponding signs of impairment. normal functioning from other organs and systems. The most common manifestations are dry skin, slow nail growth and brittleness. The condition of the hair worsens - it becomes thinner, becomes dry, and ends split. A massive appearance appears on the face acne, patients note expansion vascular network in the area of ​​the nose and eyes, which is a serious cosmetic defect.

It is quite difficult to suspect this pathology yourself. However, if a person turns close attention for these symptoms, it is quite possible to do this.

Clinical manifestations of increased secretory function

Increased stomach acidity is determined independently by specific signs. Clinical manifestations of this condition are characterized by severe symptoms due to the fact that large number hydrochloric acid leads to gradual erosion of the organ mucosa. As a result, the risk of developing peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum. In addition, the likelihood of gastroesophageal reflux increases.

The main sign of accelerated secretory function stomach - the appearance of severe heartburn. It appears when hydrochloric acid is released into the esophagus. Heartburn can occur at any time of the day, even for no particular reason. However, most often the provoking factor is the consumption of grapefruit or orange juices, spices, herbs and pickles.

To determine increased acidity it's enough to drink alkaline mineral water or soda solution. After this, the patient’s well-being, as a rule, will improve very quickly.

At elevated level HCl patients often complain of a sour or coppery taste in the mouth, which appears even from one type of sour food. In some cases, the patient just needs to think about apples, lemons, cucumbers, and he immediately becomes ill.

Belching appears after any meal. It is most pronounced when eating hot, fried, spicy or salty foods.

Hungry pain in the stomach, which occurs mainly in the morning or at a time when a person is very hungry, clearly indicates increased acidity gastric juice. This situation demands that the patient eat at least something. The patient's condition improves even after taking a small piece of bread.

People complain of constant heaviness in the stomach and bloating after eating. Abnormal bowel movements develop. The main feature of this symptom is diarrhea, which begins almost immediately after lunch.

While taking nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs medicines Severe stomach pain and nausea occur. Hyperacidity of the environment is a contraindication to the use of these drugs.

Other signs may include headaches, especially if the menu often includes fried, spicy, smoked or salty foods. A person loses his appetite, he develops apathy, weakness, loss of vitality, and he becomes irritable. Tongue coated gray-yellow coating. In some cases, nausea and even vomiting are observed almost immediately after eating.

Probeless research methods

How to find out the acidity of the stomach so that the result is as accurate as possible? In addition to probing, it is possible to use other diagnostic methods. They do not provide 100% accuracy, but are a good reason for conducting a more detailed examination.

There are 4 main ways to determine the pH of the stomach:

  1. Desmoid test according to Sali. This method is based on the fact that the patient, shortly before eating, swallows a small elastic rubber bag tied with catgut. Methylene blue is placed in it. The essence of the method is that in the case of increased secretory function of the stomach, hydrochloric acid and pepsin will digest catgut, the substance will enter the organ and, accordingly, be absorbed into the blood. Acidity is determined by urine, which is assessed three times - 3, 5 and 20 hours after taking a bag of methylene blue. Normal acidity is indicated the following indicators. The first portion of urine retains its natural color, the second becomes pale green, and the third becomes blue-green. Urine text results have important, on their basis, a decision is made to conduct further examination and prescribe treatment.
  2. Ion exchange resin method. The test is based on the ability of ion exchange resins to interact with low molecular weight compounds, in particular quinine, para-aminosalicylic acid, etc. If a large amount of HCl is present in the human stomach, it replaces indicator ions that come out of the resin, are absorbed into the mucous membrane of the organ and appear in the blood. They are subsequently excreted in the urine.
  3. The use of special tests developed in ion exchange resins. These are Gastrotest and Acidotest. The medications are taken in 2 stages: first 2 tablets of caffeine, then 3 tablets of coloring agent. The results are assessed depending on the color of the urine. A pink tint is normal, red is increased acidity, uncolored is decreased secretory function of the stomach.
  4. Test with Azur A. Allows you to determine insufficient quantity hydrochloric acid or achlorhydria (lack of HCl). Before the study, the patient must empty the bladder and take a urine sample for control. Then drink 50 mg of Betazol hydrochloride dissolved in water. After 50–60 minutes, the patient empties again and takes Azur A (dye). With increased stomach acidity, the color of the urine will be similar to or slightly darker than the control sample. With its deficiency, it is much lighter.

Litmus test

To determine the secretory function of the stomach, you can use a special litmus test. It is freely available and easy to use. A litmus strip placed on paper is an indicator for determining the pH of the environment. The test requires saliva, so the screening test involves placing a piece of paper on your tongue for a few seconds. Under the influence of liquid, the litmus strip will change color, depending on which the results are assessed. The norm is purple, acidic environment- red or pink, insufficient amount of HCl - blue.

To get reliable results, you should follow certain rules. Under no circumstances should you eat anything before the test. It can be done no earlier than 2 hours after a meal or 1 hour before lunch. Optimal time- from 10 to 11 am. This is due to the fact that during the day the secretion of hydrochloric acid may differ. For example, in the evening there is very little of it. It is strictly forbidden to consume carbonated drinks, as well as juices, especially sour ones. This may affect the results. On the day of the study, you are allowed to drink only non-carbonated drinking water.

Based on the results of 1 test, it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the acidity of the stomach. Indeed, depending on the products consumed on the day of the test, the results may be distorted. In addition, the speed of salivation affects the veracity of the data obtained. The higher it is, the greater the chance of getting unreliable results, since the liquid will not be concentrated enough. That is why it is not recommended to draw any conclusions from an analysis performed only once. Diagnostics should be carried out several times over 2-3 days and the average results should be calculated.

Products that help determine acidity

Depending on the amount of free hydrochloric acid, a person reacts differently to variety of products. Some of them reduce pain and remove unpleasant sensations, others provoke its appearance and worsen the patient’s well-being:

  1. Lemon. People with low acidity eat citrus and don’t even grimace. Moreover, they use it daily. After taking a piece of the aromatic fruit, a pleasant aftertaste is noted. With an excessive amount of hydrochloric acid, the taste of the fruit is so sour for patients that they cannot even remember it without shuddering.
  2. Baking soda. 1 tsp. dissolve the powder in 100 ml of warm water. The drug is used for severe heartburn, sour belching and hunger pains in the stomach. The solution neutralizes the effect of hydrochloric acid and reduces painful sensations and others unpleasant symptoms accompanying hyperacidity.
  3. Apple juice. Can provoke the appearance severe pain, especially when consumed on an empty stomach. These symptoms can also occur when eating a sour apple on an empty stomach. This indicates increased secretion of gastric juice. The absence of unpleasant sensations is the norm. And the constant need for sour fruits and citrus fruits is a sign of insufficient acidity.
  4. Millet porridge with butter. With increased secretion of HCl, it provokes heartburn.

It should be remembered that determining the acidity of the stomach at home is only a recommendation. At the same time, the results obtained are the basis for prescribing a more detailed examination of the patient in order to draw up an individual therapeutic regimen.

Many people wonder how to determine stomach acidity when symptoms of dysfunction and gastrointestinal disorders appear.

Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid, necessary for the body to digest food and protect against harmful microorganisms. An imbalance in the direction of increasing or decreasing the indicator leads to an inflammatory process in the stomach and intestines, which is fraught with gastritis, ulcers, decreased immunity and other problems.

The level can be determined both at home and in the laboratory.

Causes and dangers of changes in the acidic environment

Proper nutrition and healthy image life help to maintain the ideal functioning of the body for many years. The acidity level can be changed by:

  • Availability bad habits: drinking alcoholic drinks, smoking.
  • Unhealthy diet, consumption of spicy, fatty, salty, smoked and fried foods.
  • Moral fatigue, stress.
  • Regular lack of sleep.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Lack of vitamins.

Increased acidity leads to damage and thinning of the mucous membranes, which causes gastritis and ulcers. A decrease in this indicator affects the quality of food digestion, microflora and absorption of nutrients are disrupted.

When the immune system suffers due to insufficient disinfection, harmful bacteria, for example, Helicobacter pylori, begin to spread in the body. The latter can cause erosion, gastritis, and peptic ulcers.

Normal acidity level

If the indicator is violated, it changes general health and patient performance. In medicine, it is customary to distinguish 2 types of acidity:

  1. Stimulated. It indicates the amount of acid released during the work of the stomach and when using a number of drugs.
  2. Basal. Shows the level of acid produced when a person is hungry, that is, during the time range of inactivity of the stomach.

Has a neutral value (pH = 7.0) plain water. In this case, plasma pH = 7.35-7.5. How more content pH value in gastric juice, the lower the acidity of the patient’s stomach.

When measuring pH, it is important to take the test on an empty stomach. At the same time, the norm of acidity on the mucous membranes and in the lumen of the body of the stomach does not reach 2 units.

  • U healthy person The pH of the juice varies from 1 to 2.
  • If the hydrogen level exceeds 4.0, then this indicates a decrease in acidity.
  • In the antrum, the norm is 1.5-7.5. The limit limits are 0.9 and 8.5.

How to find out your acidity level

Determining the acidity of gastric juice can be done in several ways:

  1. Using probing.
  2. Using acidotest.
  3. Taking blood tests.
  4. Using litmus paper.
  5. Observing the body's reaction after eating certain foods.


For instrumental examination a thin and a thick probe are used. The first is needed to assess the activity of secretion and determine the level of acidity of the digestive organs. It is more informative, and the result is beyond doubt.

A thicker instrument gives an idea of ​​the quality of digestion of incoming food. For dinner, the patient should eat rice or buckwheat with raisins.. In view of individual characteristics of the patient's body, such a study may give false readings.

Carrying out an acid test

After devastation bladder the patient must take a special medicine. Urine is collected an hour after consuming the drug, then the patient drinks the prepared pill. Repeated urine donation occurs after another 1.5 hours.

The test material is compared by the color of urine with a colorimetric scale. This method allows you to determine acidity without gastroscopy, but has a high probability of error, so its use is quite rare in modern medicine.

Determination of the level of indicator in the blood

To find out the acidity from a blood test, a test is performed for biochemistry, the amount of pepsinogen, serum gastrin, antibodies to Helicobacter pylori, and the presence of urea nitrogen residues.

Using litmus strips

This method helps to quickly determine whether increased or low acidity in the patient's stomach. To use a litmus strip, it is placed on the tongue, this triggers chemical reaction. The resulting color is compared with a sample of the existing palette.

Low acidity is reflected in a bright blue color. The fact that the indicator is increased is indicated by shades of red. The study is carried out on an empty stomach, for at least 5 days in a row. Test strips for this can be purchased at the pharmacy chain.

The influence of food on acidity

Determine yourself this indicator You can by observing your body’s reaction to certain foods:

  • Lemon. People with low acidity can consume this fruit like a regular apple. For those with a reading above normal, lemon is very sour; they feel uncomfortable even thinking about it or looking at it.
  • Apple juice. Its use must be done on an empty stomach, observing the body's reaction. Pain and discomfort in the abdominal area indicate increased acidity. If the patient constantly wants to eat something sour, this means that the indicator is below normal.
  • Millet. Porridge is prepared from this cereal and consumed with the addition of butter. If heartburn appears after some time, then this is a clear sign increasing the indicator.
  • Soda. Half a teaspoon of the product is diluted in 150 ml of water and drunk on an empty stomach. If there is no belching, this indicates low acidity.

Such detection methods help the patient to know that there is a problem. But in order to carry out correct treatment, it is necessary to confirm the test results in a medical facility.

Symptoms of high acidity

To determine the acidity of the internal environment yourself, it is enough to observe characteristic features. When increasing permissible norm The patient is concerned about:

  • Heartburn, which is provoked by almost every meal.
  • Presence of a metallic taste in the mouth.
  • Belching of air, especially in the first minutes after eating.
  • Aching pain in the stomach area.
  • Bloating, heaviness and squeezing sensations in the abdominal area.
  • Abnormal stool, mainly constipation.

If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, then a secondary symptom gradually appears, indicating further development of the pathological process:

  • Lack of appetite.
  • Constant discomfort and pain in the stomach area.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • The tongue is coated with a yellow or grayish coating.
  • Deterioration general condition patient: weakness, apathy.

Causes of increased acidity

Changes towards an increase in the indicator occur when:

How can you reduce acidity?

In order for hydrochloric acid to be produced in the correct amount, it is necessary to normalize your diet and start taking medications to reduce its level. Fatty, fried, salty, sour and spicy foods are excluded from the diet. Carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea, citrus fruits, chocolate, confectionery and butter products.

Eating food should be done at least 6 times a day, in fractions. Evening snacks harmful to the body. When preparing food, preference is given to steamed, boiled and stewed foods. The food temperature should be optimally warm. At first, the patient is advised to grind food thoroughly and then chew it well.

It is preferable to include meat in the diet low-fat varieties, rabbit, chicken, turkey are suitable. It is better to cook porridge with milk; rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, and semolina are suitable for this. You can make cottage cheese, cheese, kefir from fermented milk, but these products must be with low content fat Yesterday's bread is suitable. It is better to refuse the loaf. Eggs must be soft-boiled.

From traditional methods considered the most effective fresh juice raw potatoes. It should be taken 50-100 ml 20-30 minutes before meals three times a day. In order for the patient's condition to improve, the course of treatment must continue for at least one month.

Drug treatment includes taking:

  • Antacids, because they create conditions for neutralizing hydrochloric acid. The most popular are Maalox, Gaviscon and Almagel.
  • Antisecretory drugs such as Gastrozol, Omeprazole, Omez.
  • Inhibitors proton pump(this is Nolpaza, Pantoprazole).

For peptic ulcers, De-Nol and Bismofalk are used.

Signs of a decrease in the indicator

Some symptoms, on the contrary, indicate low level acidity:

  • Belching with pungent odor, reminiscent of rotten eggs.
  • Presence of nausea, lack of appetite.
  • Bloating with constant rumbling inside.
  • Discomfort after eating, heaviness, pain, flatulence.
  • Defecation disorder.

Co. secondary characteristics diseases when digestion is impaired due to decreased acidity include:

  • Dry skin, acne.
  • Weight loss.
  • Brittle nails and hair.
  • The appearance of anemia, vitamin deficiency.
  • Decreased immune strength of the body.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • A sharp decrease in hemoglobin.

Reasons for decreased acidity

Having determined what the environment of the stomach is, it is necessary to identify the cause of complications, since incorrect treatment can aggravate the patient's condition. The main factor causing a decrease in acidity is the presence of pathology of internal organs.

For example, this condition occurs with gastritis, ulcers, stomach cancer, gastroduodenitis, and pancreatic islet cell tumors. This disrupts the functioning of the glands that are responsible for the level of hydrochloric acid secretion..

Laboratory methods in the clinic can identify the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which can also provoke a decrease in the indicator. Often the cause of the disease is a malfunction thyroid gland, which leads to metabolic disorders.

Methods for increasing acidity

When tests show a decrease in the indicator, it is necessary to take enzymes and HCl preparations. Natural gastric juice of animal origin is drunk during meals, 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. To start the process of bile secretion, doctors prescribe 20 drops of wormwood tincture half an hour before meals.

Oraza, Festal, Creon, Pangrol, Mezim are taken as enzymes. Recommended to drink vitamin complexes, for example, Calcemin, to restore the balance of nutrients.

Must be included in the menu fermented milk products, ginger root and foods containing vitamin C. To replenish zinc, it is useful to eat pumpkin seeds, legumes, potatoes, cheeses, breads, and cereals.

From folk recipes you can take a rosehip decoction, take half an hour before eating lemon juice or 1 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in water.

The acidity level can be determined independently or in a clinic by contacting a gastroenterologist. It is very important to do this in a timely manner, since both an increase and a decrease in the indicator are equally harmful to the body. When the number is higher than normal, damage to the mucous membranes occurs, which is fraught with ulcers.

When levels are low, immunity is weakened and the risk of infection increases. In addition, the digestion process is disrupted, the body does not receive essential vitamins. Most best way determination of acidity - probing.

When we talk about the acidity of gastric juice, we mean the amount of hydrochloric acid (HCl) it contains. She's playing vital role in the process of protein breakdown and enzyme activation. Increased or decreased acidity of gastric juice negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system and provokes the development of diseases of its organs.

The parietal cells of the main glands (fundus) of the stomach are responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid. Normally, secretion does not exceed 5–7 mmol per hour (before the start of digestion). The concentration of HCl produced is 160 mmol per liter. Acidity is measured in pH units.

The sight and smell of food increases the secretion of gastric juice. When food enters the stomach, acid production increases even more. Its functions are very diverse and are as follows:

  • It promotes protein swelling and activates pepsinogen. The acid converts it into pepsin, which is responsible for the breakdown of protein.
  • Causes antibacterial properties of gastric juice.
  • Provides an acidic environment necessary for the functioning of digestive enzymes.
  • Stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice. It is formed in the pancreas and contains enzymes that break down proteins, fats and starch.
  • Promotes the opening and closing of the sphincter located between the stomach and duodenum.

When diagnosing most pathologies of the digestive system, it is recommended to determine deviations in acidity. PH is checked in different departments stomach. The upper zone contains the bulk of acid-producing glands. The pH norm is 1.5-2. In the antral (lower) zone the indicators are significantly higher (pH up to 7.4). This is where hydrochloric acid is neutralized. Both values ​​are important when diagnosing diseases.

A change in pH up or down disrupts the process of digestion of food and its movement through the gastrointestinal tract. A lack of HCl in gastric juice reduces its protective functions. When acidity decreases, proteins stop being fully broken down. Vitamins and minerals are poorly absorbed. Elevated levels provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane (gastritis), the appearance of ulcers and heartburn. Too much HCl is just as dangerous as too little.

What does acidity depend on?

The stomach produces hydrochloric acid and neutralizes it. Reason for change normal indicators pH is:

  • imbalance in the secretion and neutralization of HCl;
  • poor nutrition;
  • disruption of the pyloric (lower) and esophageal (upper) sphincters;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse.

Acidity is of great importance for gastritis. At the onset of the disease, HCl secretion increases sharply. This situation is caused by irritation of the stomach walls due to inflammation. Gradually, this process leads to the death of mucosal cells responsible for the production of hydrochloric acid. Its level decreases and reaches minimum indicators, while the growth of pathogenic microflora increases inflammation. Significant atrophy of parietal cells due to gastritis can cause cancer.

The total acidity of gastric juice consists of several components:

  • free hydrochloric acid;
  • connected;
  • organic (acetic, milk, oil), coming from food.

Proper nutrition can normalize pH levels to some extent. Serious disturbances in the production and neutralization of hydrochloric acid require determination of the cause that causes them, and drug treatment. In this case, you will not be able to cope with the pathology yourself.

How do you know if the indicator is increased or decreased?

1. The exact level can be determined in the laboratory using special reagents or directly in the stomach. You won't be able to do this yourself at home. For laboratory tests, a certain amount of secretion taken from the patient's stomach is required. It is obtained during gastroscopy or fractional intubation. In both cases, a thin flexible tube is inserted into the stomach, through which its contents are sucked out. When performing gastroscopy, pH-metry is an additional study.

The main purpose of this procedure is to examine the walls of the stomach using a video camera built into the probe. You can also check the pH at the same time. Fractional sounding lasts from several hours to a day. All this time, the probe is in the stomach, and a small amount of secretion is periodically sucked out through it. All samples are sent to the laboratory and examined. This method allows you to get more full information about the processes of secretion and neutralization of acid and find out its indicators at different periods of time.

Both procedures are quite unpleasant. Therefore, many people have a question: “How is stomach acidity determined at home without gastroscopy and fractional sounding?” Today, there are several ways to test pH.

2. The most modern and informative method is electrometry. It is also possible to determine pH by changes in the color of urine under the influence of reagents. This method is rarely used because it has low accuracy.

3. You can check at home using litmus paper. The test is performed with saliva and urine. Strips impregnated with a special substance are sold in pharmacies. They change color upon contact with liquid. The pH level is determined by the color change, comparing it with the scale on the packaging. An increase in the acidity of saliva and urine indirectly indicates an increase in this indicator in the stomach. The test is best done at home in the morning on an empty stomach.

4. You can find out about the deviation yourself by certain symptoms. They appear when the pH changes up or down.

Increased acidity is indicated by:

  • frequent heartburn;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • belching with a sour taste;
  • tendency to constipation.

In some cases, there is redness of the tongue and white coating in its central part. Appetite usually does not change.

Symptoms of low pH:

  • bad breath;
  • flatulence;
  • extraneous sounds in the intestines;
  • diarrhea, less often constipation;
  • putrid belching.

A lack of vitamins and microelements, which are poorly absorbed at low acidity, leads to anemia, dry hair and brittle nails. An alkaline environment promotes the appearance of fungal diseases.

You can increase or decrease stomach acidity at home with the help of a properly selected diet. Alkaline products include plant origin: greens, vegetables, fruits.

Meats, cheeses and eggs, on the contrary, increase acid production. People suffering from its excess should limit the consumption of animal products.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by a violation of the pH level in the body. A significant decrease or increase in acidity negatively affects the functioning of the digestive organs and the body, so the logical measure when gastritis appears is to diagnose the acidity of gastric juice.

The main component of gastric juice is hydrochloric acid. The stomach has acid reaction for meals. Acidic environment It is considered aggressive for many harmful bacteria and viruses that easily enter human food, causing poisoning. Hydrochloric acid normally neutralizes their effect. Necessary for efficient digestion of food.

Between meals, a certain amount of gastric juice accumulates in the stomach. When a person eats, his appetite increases; the content of gastric juice in the body at this moment reaches one and a half liters. The normal level of acidity is considered pH value(pH) in the range of 1.5-2.5 units. The environment in the digestive organs is predominantly acidic. A pH level below 7 units is considered acidic, and from 7 units and above - alkaline.

Proper digestion is ensured by enzymes, the main one being pepsin. This enzyme is produced and acts if the acidity of the stomach is normal. The slightest disruption in acidity affects the quality of digestion and causes gastritis and other diseases. The rule also works in the opposite direction - gastritis causes disruptions in pH levels.

Hydrochloric acid is secreted by the stomach and neutralized in its antrum for normal absorption of food in the intestine. When an imbalance develops in the production and neutralization of hydrochloric acid, increased acidity of the body appears. If excess acid production occurs for a long time, there is a steady increase in it in the stomach and duodenum.

Symptoms of decreased acidity cannot be ignored; prolonged irritation of the gastric mucosa, especially in the presence of gastritis, is fraught with many concomitant diseases. Due to pathology, many digestive disorders develop:

  • gastroduodenitis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • gastritis of various types.

The following symptoms allow you to understand that acidity is increased:

  • heartburn − a clear sign diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, indicates this in combination with other signs;
  • burning sensation in the chest area and sore throat;
  • belching with a bitter taste;
  • the pain is aching, paroxysmal, indicating initial stage development of ulcers;
  • pain under the rib on the right side.

If you notice a number of symptoms, do not delay visiting your doctor. An increase in pH level is a dangerous dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, when long term the consequences are irreversible.

Signs of low stomach acidity

It is possible to determine the acidity of the stomach, if it is noticeably reduced, independently. Then you will need to urgently contact a gastroenterologist to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor will diagnose problems in the gastrointestinal tract and prescribe the correct treatment. Low acidity is no less dangerous than high acidity and causes a number of characteristic phenomena.

The main symptom of a low pH level is bad breath, which has a putrid taste like a rotten egg. The beneficial properties of hydrochloric acid are that the substance has an antiseptic, bactericidal effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Harmful bacteria enter the body, gastric juice processes contaminated food, preventing poisoning by waste products. If there is not enough hydrochloric acid, defensive reactions are decreasing. In a similar way, viruses and bacteria enter the intestines, destroying beneficial microflora.

A frequent companion to low acidity is constipation, alternating frequent diarrhea. Intestinal upset occurs due to weakening of the protective mechanisms in the stomach, it is important to try to maintain the correct balance of acids in the body. The cause of constipation is deterioration of intestinal motor function due to lack of acid. The disorder cannot be corrected by diet or stimulating methods. Only a temporary effect will appear, since the root cause has not been eliminated.

Fermentation in the intestines causes discomfort, pain and flatulence. Proteins are absorbed in the intestines, resulting in incomplete absorption. An excess of breakdown products accumulates in the stomach, negatively affecting the body, causing intoxication. Toxins help reduce the body's resistance to viral diseases, human immunity decreases. In combination with indicated symptoms fungal infections of the mucous membranes, scalp, palms and feet are noted.

When it slows down protein metabolism, decreased acidity leads to poorer absorption of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin deficiency is fraught with fragility and dryness of hair, skin, brittle nails and others. external signs. Organs and systems suffer from vitamin deficiency. Vitamin deficiency accompanies iron deficiency anemia. Together with atrophic gastritis anemia is considered a sign of Addison-Biermer disease. accompanied by B12 deficiency anemia.

Among the external symptoms of low acidity are troubles with skin. A person has acne on the face and body, dilation of capillaries on the face. Undigested food remains are visible in the stool. After eating, a person experiences heartburn, bloating and heaviness in the stomach.

How is stomach acidity determined?

A gastroenterologist knows how to reliably determine acidity in gastritis. Called indirect signs, from which conclusions about a decrease or increase are made. Let's name a list of justified methods that determine acidity to the nearest tenth. Among the methods mentioned are:

Treatment of pathological acidity

If low acidity is detected in a patient with gastritis without the presence of erosive damage to the mucous membrane, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • hydrochloric acid and medications that stimulate its production;
  • to restore normal enzymatic function is prescribed replacement therapy pepsidil;
  • depending on the symptoms, it is necessary to use medications with an antacid effect;
  • If there is an infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, antibiotic therapy is used.

At low pH traditional medicine suggests eating plants with a bitter taste − peppermint, wormwood or calamus. Traditional method disease control - adherence to the principles dietary nutrition. Patients with gastritis are advised to avoid whole milk, grapes, apricots, and fresh baked goods, which cause fermentation processes in the intestines. It is important to abstain from fried, spicy, fatty, smoked foods. You need to eat small meals and avoid long breaks between meals.

All these principles must be adhered to when high level pH. He is treated with medication according to the following scheme:

  • prescription of antisecretory drugs that reduce the production of gastric juice;
  • application antacid therapy at accompanying symptoms gastritis;
  • proton pump inhibitors that neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid.

During measures taken will ensure successful normalization of the secretory function of the stomach and remove unpleasant symptoms. Subject to availability chronic diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract, it is important to be attentive to the quality and benefits of food, to promptly seek medical care when the first signs of exacerbation appear.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract develop due to the fact that the acidity of the stomach is increased or decreased. There are diagnostic methods in medical institutions to determine its level. However, it is not always possible to see a doctor for examination and diagnostic measures.

Sometimes a person does not want to undergo probing because the procedure is not pleasant. However, at present there are enough recipes that help determine the norm of indicators without turning to specialists. Let's take a closer look at how to determine stomach acidity at home.

Only a qualified specialist can accurately note any deviations from the norm, up or down.

If clinical manifestations appear, you can try to determine the acidity of the stomach folk remedies independently, without visiting a medical facility:

  1. Indicators are special tests that allow you to see deviations from normal indicators, up or down. You can use litmus strips at home. Availability chemical process and a change in color indicates pathology:
    1. if the pH is increased, the color will change to red;
    2. with reduced stomach acidity the color will turn blue.

Anyone can identify stomach acidity on their own. The main condition is that you have to check it on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up.

There are many indicators that help answer the question: how can you tell if you have high or low acidity?

  1. Soda. You will have to dilute 1 spoon of soda in half a liter of water. The patient drinks half the serving. Belching, excessive regurgitation indicates an increase in the indicator.

  1. Apple juice. After a glass of juice on an empty stomach, the acid content increases, pain, heartburn, and bloating occur, which means the level is increased. When the indicators decrease, there are no symptoms.

  1. If there is a desire to eat exclusively sour foods, then there is not enough acid.
  2. Cereal porridge with butter. If you eat porridge, you can take millet porridge for an experiment, adding oil to it, then the patient will definitely develop heartburn due to increased acidity.

  1. Vinegar. Can be purchased in store apple cider vinegar, a prerequisite is that it must be natural, not refined. If symptoms of heartburn occur, you should drink a few sips of vinegar, previously diluted in warm water. If the acidity is high, the person will feel quick relief.

There are many ways to test your stomach acidity at home. But only a doctor can accurately determine the norm.


To understand how to find out the acidity of the stomach yourself, you should first consider the digestion process itself.

The main function in the digestion of food is performed by gastric juice, which consists mainly of hydrochloric acid. An important role is played by enzymes, hormones and substances that help break down food.

The juice is a colorless consistency mixed with mucus, sometimes with a pearlescent tint.

The main component is hydrochloric acid, which performs important functions:

  1. Processes proteins and makes digestion easier.
  2. Activates pepsinogen.
  3. It creates an acidic environment; the work of enzymes without this environment is simply impossible.
  4. Responsible for pancreatic secretion.
  5. Helps antibacterial effect stomach juice.

The level of concentration of hydrochloric acid in the human stomach determines the acidity in the stomach. There are norms of indicators, various deviations that cause discomfort in a person.

Important! To determine deviations, the patient will have to see a doctor; only specialists know the rules of how to check the acidity of the stomach and proceed to correction as soon as possible.


When it deviates upward, the intestinal mucosa becomes thinner, as the acid helps to corrode the lining. This leads to various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the acidity of gastric juice deviates to a lesser extent, then the balance of beneficial and pathogenic microflora is disturbed, and doctors diagnose viral or fungal pathologies.


Increased or decreased acidity of the stomach manifests itself with characteristic symptoms. This is the body’s signal about the development of diseases. Determining the acidity of the stomach independently begins with studying the clinical manifestations.

Decrease in pH

A decrease in pH is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Belching with an unpleasant, putrid odor.
  2. Bloating.
  3. Severe pain, discomfort in the abdominal area.
  4. Diarrhea followed by constipation.

Secondary signs include:

  1. The skin becomes dry.
  2. Brittle nails.
  3. Irritation and rash on the skin.
  4. Cuperosis.
  5. Apathy.
  6. Weight loss.
  7. Decreased hemoglobin in blood plasma.

Raising pH

Increasing the norm is a problem that leads to serious complications. Due to the increased content of hydrochloric acid, the intestinal walls are constantly irritated, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Heartburn after eating.
  2. Taste of iron.
  3. Belching after eating.
  4. Pain in the stomach area.
  5. Bloating.
  6. Problems with bowel movements.
  7. Pain after using pharmacological drugs.

Increased stomach acidity is also manifested by secondary symptoms:

  1. Loss of appetite.
  2. Indifference to life.
  3. Discomfort.
  4. Nausea and vomiting.
  5. The act of defecation is difficult.

If the patient is not bothered by the above clinical manifestations, then the indicators are at normal level. If any symptoms appear, you will have to consult a specialist to diagnose the pathology and clarify the question of how to normalize the acidity of the stomach.


When you contact a specialist, he will prescribe pharmacological agents that help restore balance. These include:

  1. Ranitidine.

  1. Omeprazole.

  1. Nizatidine.

  1. Activated carbon and others.

All drugs are effective; the cost will depend on the pharmacological agent and the manufacturer's company.

If the acidity level increases, it is necessary to avoid broths, spicy dishes, raw vegetables, soda, sweets. You can eat potatoes, carrots, cauliflower. And cereal porridges, mineral water, and jelly are useful.

A diet that lowers pH involves excluding fatty, salty, smoked, and spicy foods.

To normalize the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient will have to adhere to some recommendations:

  1. Avoid fried foods. Prepare your own food by steaming or boiling.

  1. Grind all food finely and chew thoroughly.
  2. The food should be warm. Eating hot or too cold food is not allowed.
  3. Use fresh food in your daily menu.
  4. Avoid marinades and spices.
  5. After eating, it is not recommended to lie down immediately; you will have to walk for about 40 minutes.

Folk remedies

  1. Herbs. Tinctures, decoctions, drops, for example, calamus and wormwood have a positive effect.
  2. You need to eat a little honey in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. Heartburn is relieved diluted in warm water soda.
  4. Shredded eggshell, ground into powder, taken orally in a course of several days. After therapy, relief occurs and attacks stop.
  5. Potatoes help not only restore the balance of acid content, but also reduce inflammatory reactions on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare you need to take 6 potatoes average size, grate and squeeze out the juice. Take half of the resulting juice on an empty stomach. Why is it recommended to lie down for 20-40 minutes. The course of therapy is 7-8 days.
  6. Carrot juice helps combat high acidity; preparation is similar to the potato recipe.
  7. Dill or flax seeds help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They will have to be taken several times a day, always in a course.

Important! Review and adjustment of nutrition are measures that will help relieve clinical manifestations. But they cannot completely get rid of the disease. The patient will have to see a doctor to confirm the diagnosis.

The specialist will prescribe a treatment regimen for complete cure. Will give recommendations: stomach acidity, how to determine it at home to identify pathology initial stage development.


The decrease in indicators is associated with poor neutralization of acid by alkali contained in gastric juice. These are signals from the body about pathology in the body. Over a long period, this condition contributes to the development of the following pathologies:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • skin rashes;
  • minerals and nutrients from food are not absorbed.


To prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal pathology, the patient must follow several rules and recommendations from the doctor:

  1. Eat right, the daily menu should be balanced, enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  2. You will have to eat foods containing fiber.
  3. You need to eat in small portions and completely avoid spicy, fatty foods.
  4. Give up bad habits.
  5. Pass medical examinations for preventive purposes.
  6. Avoid psycho-emotional shocks.
  7. Carry out timely drug therapy any pathologies.

If the patient has questions, he should consult a doctor to clarify possible adjustments to his lifestyle and diet.

At home, determining the acidity content in the stomach is possible only for advisory purposes. All information is only conditional and indicates significant deviations. Reliable results can only be obtained in medical institution under the supervision of the attending physician. To determine a treatment regimen and correct your health, you will have to seek the help of a specialist.