After eating, the stomach hurts and the reason is swelling. Other causes of flatulence. Exercises for excess gas formation

Almost every person experiences bloating after eating, regardless of their health status. This occurs due to stretching abdominal cavity, as well as accumulation of gases and fermented food. Most often, pregnant women, as well as people who have reached middle age (30+), face the problem, however, even infants and teenagers can have certain manifestations of this condition. Why does the stomach swell, and how to deal with this scourge?

Typically, bloating has a number of symptoms, including abdominal pain, an increase in size, a feeling of heaviness and fullness. This condition may also be accompanied by rumbling and gas formation. What are the causes of this problem? Why is this happening?

It happens that the cause of bloating is an obstruction in the intestines, as a result of which the stomach swells after eating. Rumbling, heaviness and gases are some of the first symptoms indicating serious illnesses Gastrointestinal tract: tumors, varicose veins veins and intestinal obstruction.

Abdominal bloating after a meal also appears in patients suffering from the syndrome irritable bowel. Unfortunately, this disease has not been thoroughly studied, but it is known that most often it affects those who have an unstable psyche and constantly live on emotions. That is why after eating, gases, an enlarged abdomen and its soreness, as well as rumbling and flatulence may be noted.

Video “Bloating and Gas”

How to fix

Having dealt with the main reasons, we will tell you how you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of bloating. What can be done in this or that case?
If your baby suffers from a similar condition, try to place it in a “column” immediately after eating so that gases do not stagnate in the body and flatulence does not occur. In this position, the accumulated air comes out in the form of a belch, without causing the child a painful condition and constant pain in the stomach.

If the main reason is poor nutrition, then you need to completely reconsider your diet. Diet and suitable products eliminate bloating after eating.

  1. avoid spicy and fried foods, ingredients rich in fiber, dishes with high content fats, preservatives and spices;
  2. try to eat small portions and not overeat;
  3. Avoid eating sweets with trans fats, heavy foods that can cause fermentation, as well as gas and rumbling;
  4. drink as much as possible clean water and less juice from packs to avoid heaviness in the stomach;
  5. arrange at least sometimes fasting days, during which drink plenty of fluids and eat foods that are easily digestible and do not require unnecessary stress on the stomach and intestines. This will relieve you of discomfort, gas formation and flatulence;
  6. To avoid heaviness in the stomach and rumbling, follow the diet. This means that you need to eat in a calm environment, at least five times a day, without leaving long gaps between meals.

What to do if adjusting your diet doesn't help? Perhaps the cause of your illness is poor digestion. Well, in this case you cannot do without drugs that improve digestion processes in the intestines. These include Canadian yogurt, Lactovit, Creon, Festal. All of them are aimed at compensating for the lack of one or another enzyme in the body, which could facilitate the digestion of food and relieve you of the feeling of heaviness after eating.

If you periodically experience symptoms of bloating, sorbents will help you ( activated carbon). It should be taken based on body weight (about 5-10 pcs), after which relief will come. You can also use medications to reduce symptoms of flatulence and bloating. Gastal, Smecta, Espumisan and other drugs will cope with this. However, it is worth remembering that this is not a treatment option, but only temporary method eliminate discomfort.

Often the cause of rumbling is a sedentary lifestyle. This affects motor skills and digestion of food, causing gas, so be sure to exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day. If you are limited in time, try to walk more, and in the summer, swim in ponds and drive active image life. This will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in your stomach.

It happens that the cause of bloating is irregular bowel movements. To prevent gases from accumulating and causing flatulence, take the issue of going to the toilet very seriously.

To solve the problem of heaviness in the stomach and rumbling, empty your bowels at least once a day.

To treat bloating, you can also turn to the gifts of nature, on the basis of which folk recipes are made. If you suffer from gas and strong rumbling, use dill water. It is enough to pour a few seeds into 1 glass of boiling water and take the decoction an hour after infusion, two to three times a day.

Parsley decoction also works well in treating flatulence. It is enough to pour 20 grams of fruit into a glass of water, cook for 30 minutes, then consume 1 tbsp. spoon. This should be done 4-5 times a day.

Also try wormwood infusion if you have problems with heaviness in your intestines. It is enough to pour 1 tsp. dry herbs with boiling water and leave for half an hour. After the product is filtered, you need to drink it 1 tablespoon before meals, 30 minutes before.

Please note that if the stomach is bloated, then this is not a disease, but a symptom. It may indicate some kind of disorder in the body, so it is very important to consult a doctor in time and undergo treatment. Only the help of a competent specialist can eliminate the problem of bloating and find the reasons that caused this unpleasant condition.

Video “How to quickly get rid of bloating?”

In the video for the program “Live Healthy” you will learn how to get rid of bloating in the stomach for adults and children.

Often after eating, an uncomfortable condition occurs - bloating. After eating, you feel heaviness, especially after a festive feast. Such a malfunction in the digestive system occurs due to existing diseases.

Causes of bloating after eating

If there are no malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, and After eating, the stomach still swells, this is due to the consumption and incompatibility of certain foods.

Foods that cause bloating

The body of people with lactose deficiency produces a large amount of gases. This suggests that Products with milk sugar are difficult to digest due to a missing enzyme(lactose).

Often, the gastrointestinal tract has difficulty digesting coarse fiber.

Bloating after eating occurs due to consumption certain products or incompatible foods. Often, the gastrointestinal tract has difficulty digesting coarse fiber.

Here is a group of foods that cause bloating:

  • legumes (soybeans, corn, beans);
  • all types of nuts, seeds;
  • dairy products;
  • radishes, cabbage, pineapples;
  • yeast foods (baked goods, kvass);
  • sparkling water.

Diseases that cause bloating

If bloating occurs after eating, this may be a harbinger of existing gastrointestinal diseases:

  • bloating is noted when irritable bowel syndrome, in which motor function is impaired;
  • dysbacteriosis– lack of bifidobacteria in the microflora provokes the production of gases in the stomach after eating;
  • pancreatitis– failure of the pancreas (lack of enzymes);
  • intestinal obstruction– formation of watering, tumors in the intestines.

Bloating after eating can be caused by for various reasons. Disease is one of them.

Important to remember: with regular bloating, you should contact a specialist to determine the true cause increased gas formation.

Psychological causes of bloating after eating

People with increased emotionality, nervous overexcitation are located towards frequent violations intestinal peristalsis. After the resulting stress, manifestations of flatulence are possible, prolonged depression provoke excessive gas formation over a long period of time.

Other factors that cause bloating

Bloating after eating, possibly due to other factors.

Frequent constipation. When a person has infrequent bowel movements(once every two days), feces accumulate in the body, which leads to increased fermentation in the colon with significant gas formation.

Medicines. Flatulence is often the reason for treatment with antibiotics. A risk factor includes taking laxative medications.

Important to know: You should not abuse laxatives, as this disrupts the process of gas formation, which leads to bloating after each meal.

Senile syndrome. As the body wears out and people age, their metabolic processes, intestinal muscles weaken (age-related atony).

Air entering the stomach. When swallowing or chewing any food, air enters the stomach, this process is called aerophagia. When air is swallowed, the production of gases increases, which are released in small quantities through belching, and the rest enter the large intestine.

Changes during the menstrual cycle. Before menstruation, some women experience diarrhea, hyperemia, weakness, lower back pain, abdominal pain, excessive gas formation, and heaviness. Pathological changes go away on their own after menstruation.

Menopause. Excessive production of progesterone provokes a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract., which leads to constipation. Hormonal imbalance associated with menopause, and there may be delays in fluid excretion, which contributes to flatulence.

The main ways to treat bloating after eating

If an increase in gas production is often a concern, it is necessary to take curative measures. If there are no diseases that can lead to bloating, then you need to change your lifestyle.

Lifestyle changes to treat bloating

Dysbacteriosis is the most common cause flatulence to avoid this pathology it is necessary to consume bifidobacteria in the diet, to improve intestinal microflora.

If there are no diseases that can lead to bloating after eating, then you need to change your lifestyle.

To prevent bloating, you need regular active work intestines, which may include physical activity .

This especially applies to those people who lead sedentary image life or after eating they lie down to rest. Hiking, light gymnastics will significantly improve your health.

If foods that cause bloating have been noted, it is better to reduce their consumption to a minimum.

Diet for bloating

Sticking to proper nutrition, you can get rid of it forever excessive gas formation.

Please note: in cases where flatulence is caused by the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the diet should be adjusted by a specialist in each case individually.

Here special diet, thanks to which you can avoid the unpleasant sensations of excessive gas formation:

  1. For breakfast you can serve any cereal porridge, curd dessert, sour cream, prunes.
  2. Second breakfast – muesli with juice.
  3. A more thorough approach is required for lunch - carrot puree, boiled turkey, broth (preferably fish), unsweetened tea.
  4. For your afternoon snack, you can bake an apple or cook buckwheat porridge with steamed meatballs.
  5. For dinner, it is recommended to drink 200 ml of low-fat yogurt.

Thanks to this diet, you can forget about abdominal discomfort, cramps, and excess gas. You should give up processed foods fatty foods, oils of animal origin, millet, pearl barley.

For women who suffer from bloating during menstruation, a few days before critical days should adhere to this therapeutic diet, at the same time, it would not be superfluous to give up drinking coffee and reduce the amount of salt and granulated sugar consumed.

Medications to help relieve bloating after eating

There are completely safe medications that can be used to improve the condition in case of sudden excessive gas formation. The heaviness of the stomach can be relieved with the help of medications without consequences for health, however, in order to say goodbye to an unpleasant feeling A doctor's consultation is required to prescribe complex treatment.

Here is a list of some drugs that are in demand among the population against heaviness in the abdomen.

Name Group Action
Activated carbonEnterosorbentsAbsorbs poisons toxic substances, alkaloids. Helps with bloating by removing gases.
Mezim ForteEnzymesNormalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves absorption, recommended intake after eating.
PancreatinEnzymesIt has a similar effect to the drug Mezim Forte.
EspumisanDefoamersRemoves gases, recommended for use in cases of rapid removal of gases with blocking of new bubbles in the intestines.
Hilak ForteAntidiarrhealNormalizes intestinal microflora
EnterosgelEntorosobentRemoves toxins, restores microflora.
PhosphalugelEnterosorbentThe action is similar to the drug Enterosgel.

Traditional recipes for bloating

In folk medicine, there are a huge number of recipes against the accumulation of gases.

In the morning on an empty stomach you should drink fresh potato juice, after which you need to lie down for half an hour. Meals can be eaten no earlier than an hour later. Well therapeutic therapy 10 days, then a ten-day break after which repeated therapy with potato juice is required.

When your stomach swells, helps a lot dill water . Preparation: 2 tsp. dill seed per 200 ml of boiled water, leave for at least an hour. Take the prepared dose in 3 approaches during the day.

Wormwood – anti-bloating remedy, a recipe passed down to us by our ancestors. One tablespoon of dry raw materials should be filled with boiled water, left to infuse, and taken with 1 tsp. honey 3 tbsp. l. ready-made wormwood infusion. The drug is taken 30 minutes before each meal.

If your stomach is swollen, a hot decoction of cumin will help.. Cumin is poured with boiled water, kept for about 3 hours, it can also be prepared more quickly medicinal infusion, pour cumin with 200 ml of water, boil for 8-10 minutes. You need to take the decoction 4-6 times a day, 30 minutes before meals.

Beneficial properties for organs digestive tract has ginger root . You need to take it 1/4 tsp after eating. This folk recipe helps relieve the feeling of heaviness from overeating, leaving fresh breath.

What to do to prevent bloating from bothering you (prevention)

To prevent flatulence should be held healthy sleep, proper nutrition, not forgetting about an active lifestyle.

At existing diseases Gastrointestinal tract, you should not delay going to the doctor, hoping that the pathology will disappear on its own. Timely treatment will get rid of severe forms diseases, improper digestion, increased amount of gases produced in the intestines.

It is necessary to eat food in fractional portions, chewing well. good preventive method is periodic treatment with herbal enemas.

If you often suffer from bloating, you need to stop eating cooked eggs., they are best eaten raw. It is better to eat vegetables after steaming them.

If you have existing gastrointestinal diseases, you should not delay going to the doctor, hoping that the pathology will disappear on its own.

When the stomach swells, a feeling of heaviness arises, the mood disappears, and the desire for active pastime disappears. I want to lie down quickly so that the torment ends. There is no need to hide from the problem, the cause must be found and neutralized.

For accidental overeating, the first aid kit should have drugs that accelerate the digestion process (Mezim, Pancreatin), then no discomfort from festive feasts not scary.

Symptoms, signs and treatment of bloating:

Nutritionist B. Skachko tells how to get rid of bloating after eating:

Bloating is a condition in which a person is bothered by increased gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract.

How does bloating appear?

If flatulence becomes constant problem, then the person begins to wonder why constant bloating bothers him over a long period of time. Constant gas formation causes significant discomfort. IN in good condition When eating food, a small amount of air is swallowed, and a little later it comes back out, so only part of this air passes through the stomach into the intestines. Frequent bloating abdominal pain bothers those who swallow large amounts of air. At the same time, there is a constant feeling of fullness in the stomach. It is quite understandable that a person prone to increased gas formation is also concerned about the fact why bloating appears in an inappropriate environment.

Normally, gases are released about 10 times a day. In people suffering from increased gas formation, this happens much more often.

Very often, with increased formation of gases, a person is bothered by nausea and bloating. In addition to abdominal pain, vomit , belching , diarrhea . Temperature may rise, observed general weakness and dizziness.

Pain in the abdomen is a consequence of the accumulation of gases in the intestinal lumen. They irritate pain receptors in the intestinal walls. After releasing gas, the pain decreases. Pain may manifest itself in the form of periodic spasms, noted in different points belly. At the same time, the abdomen is enlarged and very tense. Severe bloating causes intense, but usually short-term pain.

Why does bloating appear?

Severe bloating and abdominal pain are often the result of eating foods that are rich in fiber. It is fiber, which is found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes, that provokes increased gas formation, as a result of which a person has a stomach ache, and bloating can bother him for a long time. Sometimes bloating causes lower back pain and other symptoms. The same problems occur due to frequent consumption of carbonated drinks containing carbon dioxide.

There are other causes of bloating in women and men. For example, the causes of bloating after eating can be determined by swallowing air during eating. A person swallows especially a lot of air, eating food hastily, talking while eating.

Sometimes severe bloating is the body's reaction to stressful situation. Due to emotional overload occurs spasm intestinal smooth muscle, slows down peristalsis .

Constant bloating often begins to occur as a person ages. The reason for this phenomenon is age-related weakness of the intestinal muscles. Symptoms of bloating can occur in women who are menstruating.

However, it is worth remembering that belching and bloating may indicate the development of chronic disease. Bloating, nausea, abdominal pain and other symptoms may occur with colon cancer , diverticulum , nonspecific ulcerative etc.

Sometimes the reasons lie in the intake of certain medicines. For example, antibiotics destroy intestinal microflora and provoke dysbacteriosis . If a person abuses laxatives, over time this leads to problems with the formation of gases.

Constant bloating and gas are common in people who suffer from constipation . Feces, which linger in the intestines, hinder the passage of gases. As a result, constipation leads to the fact that a person experiences periodic abdominal pain and frequent bloating.

Most often, those people who do not pay attention to the rules of a healthy diet complain about bloating and gas formation. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that if increased gas formation occurs, you must seriously adjust your diet. If gas formation occurs after a person has eaten some specific product, then you can suspect food intolerance. Some people are intolerant lactose , which can manifest itself both from the first years of life and later, in school age. At celiac disease the body does not accept proteins from cereals

Severe bloating during pregnancy is very common occurrence in women who are pregnant. Bloating on early stages begins to worry the woman due to the fact that the pancreas does not produce enough enzymes during pregnancy. As a result, food is not digested as intensively. During pregnancy, the uterus gradually enlarges and puts pressure on the intestines. Because of this, intestinal motor functions are disrupted, and the woman has a constant feeling of heaviness and bloating in the abdomen. We should not forget that during pregnancy a woman’s hormonal background , therefore they are often expressed precisely by bloating. Bloating as a sign of pregnancy can appear already in the first weeks. Despite the fact that bloating during pregnancy, as a rule, is not a pathology, if you constantly experience flatulence and bloating, you should tell your doctor about these symptoms. After all, a pregnant woman can develop colitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Heaviness and bloating in women can manifest themselves in different ways in the period before the onset of menstruation. As a rule, a woman gradually begins to feel that her bloating is increasing. Pain and bloating affect the entire lower abdomen, but sometimes painful sensations localized on the lower left or lower right.

Very often, newborn babies suffer from bloating. This phenomenon is usually called intestinal colic. The causes of bloating in newborns are physiological in nature: the child’s gastrointestinal tract has a special structure. Gradually, over time digestive system matures and the colic stops. However, severe bloating after eating in a baby may also indicate gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, consult a doctor if bloating and constipation bother your baby constantly.

Despite the fact that there are many reasons leading to bloating, sometimes increased gas formation is mistaken by a person for other ailments. In some cases, a person confuses bloating of the stomach and abdomen with heart attack , . Only a consultation with a doctor and examination will allow you to determine correct diagnosis. You should definitely consult a specialist if abdominal pain continues for a very long time and is accompanied by vomiting, weight loss, fever, and the appearance of blood in the stool.

How to get rid of bloating?

Often, to eliminate increased gas formation, it is only necessary to adjust daily meals. If a person manages to determine which foods provoke bloating, then simply eliminating them from the diet can normalize the situation. Sometimes intestinal bloating is caused by eating too fatty and fried foods. You can also temporarily reduce the amount of plant fiber in your diet.

If a person is worried about increased gas formation, then the most the best remedy Only a doctor can choose for bloating. Any medicines should be taken only after a correct diagnosis has been established. An attack of flatulence, caused by errors in nutrition, will help relieve such effective remedy, How activated carbon . It is necessary to thoroughly crush 3 tablets of coal and wash down the powder with water. For adult patients, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment with drugs containing enzymes that help break down lactose.

Which anti-bloating tablets to choose depends on the frequency of occurrence this symptom. If increased gas formation occasionally bothers a person, drugs based on. This and others known remedies. Such medications are also used in the postoperative period.

When asked what best medicine from bloating, can answer and traditional medicine. There are effective recipes herbal remedies, the use of which significantly alleviates the condition of adults and children prone to bloating.

Alternative treatment for bloating involves the use of recipes that include chamomile,caraway and dill seeds, valerian root, yarrow herb etc. Sometimes treatment with folk remedies allows you to completely replace any pills. However, uncontrolled use folk remedies may subsequently lead to unexpected unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is best to initially tell your doctor about all the symptoms that accompany bloating. The patient must inform him whether he is bothered by diarrhea , constipation , belching etc. It is especially important not to use folk recipes without a doctor's approval when treating flatulence in children. Moreover, when receiving herbal decoctions and infusions, the dosage, preparation characteristics, and time of administration are important - before or after meals. Even if a person has proven ways to get rid of bloating, this does not mean that in a particular case they will be effective.

To relieve the symptoms of bloating in a newborn, many methods are practiced. Can alleviate the child's condition light massage abdomen, applying a warm diaper to the tummy. If the baby is very restless, after consultation with the pediatrician, he can be given some medications. These are drugs with bifidobacteria And lactobacilli , antispasmodics, drugs that stimulate intestinal motility, products based on simethicone .

Flatulence often occurs in smoking people, as well as those who are accustomed to leading a sedentary lifestyle. If bloating is common symptom, it is advisable to eat food more often, but in smaller portions. It is advisable to always eat food in a calm environment, without haste. This way the digestive system will work more smoothly.

Flatulence is a condition of excessive gas production during the digestion of intestinal pulp. The reasons for the development of this condition may be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a violation of the enzymatic process, or the use of large quantity products fermentative and increased decomposition of crushed products. Both men and women, as well as infants and children, suffer from bloating. This situation of a delicate nature worries 24 hours a day, and is especially unpleasant during work, in transport or in public places. It is not possible to get rid of gases in these places, because they not only swell, distending the stomach, but also smell disgusting. Therefore, the question arises: “the stomach and gases are constantly swollen, what are the reasons, what to do?”

In some cases, intestinal bloating is accompanied by painful colic. Pain and gas formation do not always go together, that is, under certain conditions, an infectious agent affecting the intestines causes painful colic. When eating foods with a large number yeast - no pain is observed, but gases are present. The most common causes of bloating are foods and drinks containing sugar and yeast. These include: pastries, cakes, cookies, chocolate and plain candies, pies, kvass and beer.

Dairy products, legumes, cabbage, vegetables and fruits absolutely produce gases. From sauerkraut, pickles and marinade, the stomach also swells, and gases are released until the intestines are completely emptied. To find out why the stomach and gases are constantly swollen, reasons for what to do, you need to find out the main reason, because in addition to the food you eat, there are other factors that contribute to gas formation, intestinal spasms and disturbances. normal operation Gastrointestinal tract.

Constant flatulence develops as a result of:

  • Eating without interruption from work, during which a large amount of air enters the stomach with food, resulting in flatulence.
  • All types of rubber chewing gum lead to gas formation.
  • Constantly eating fast food.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as: hyperacid gastritis, gastroduodenitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholecysto-pancreatitis, colitis, proctitis, sigmoiditis, Crohn's disease.
  • Endocrine pathologies in the form diabetes mellitus, diffuse toxic goiter, hormonal imbalance sex hormones (estrogen and androgen).
  • Surgical interventions: operations on the gastrointestinal tract, removal of a quarter of the stomach, resection of a certain section of the small or large intestine, as well as operations on other vital systems.
  • Intoxication with various substances.
  • Constant use in food ration mayonnaise, canned vegetables, meat and meat dishes, as well as legumes and baked goods.
  • A sedentary lifestyle or pathologies that are bedridden and wheelchair-bound.
  • Pathological disturbance of intestinal enzymatic activity.
  • Dysbacteriaosis of various etiologies (most often pathology occurs due to long-term use of antibiotics wide range actions).
  • Intestinal strictures and neoplasms.
  • Intestinal polyps.
  • Worm infestation.

Advice! If bloating lasts more than a month, it is recommended to consult a gastroenterologist.

Timely examination can prevent serious complications, as well as detect pathologies on early stage development.

What to do if your stomach is often swollen?

Flatulence can be stopped by medications. At the same time, we need to reconsider nutritious diet and lifestyle. The drugs act on gas formation according to the principle of adsorption and defoaming. Adsorbents completely absorb gases, but along with the gases, nutrients are also captured (vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and bacteria necessary for normal fermentation of food pulp). It is strongly recommended to take these drugs for no more than a week, frequently and long-term use will lead to metabolic disorders. Defoamers are more effective and have no adverse reactions.

List of drugs for the treatment of flatulence:


Activated carbonProven and quality product for diseases and poisoning of the gastrointestinal tract.
CarbolectAdsorb gaseous foam and intestinal toxins.
CarbosorbHas a fast adsorbing effect. Good remedy to remove toxins after food poisoning.


EspumisanDissolves gaseous foam and normalizes intestinal function. The drug is available in capsules. For young patients, the drug is prescribed in the form of a suspension.
PepphysAntifoaming agent for intestinal flatulence of any etiology. Available in effervescent tablets.
AzulanA mild defoamer that relaxes the intestinal muscles.


No-ShpaPossesses antispasmodic effect. Eliminates gastrointestinal colic.
SpasmonetA strong antispasmodic with selective action.
SpasmlRelaxes the intestines and relieves colic.

Combination drugs

MeteospasmilA drug for relaxing the intestines and eliminating spasms and colic.
PepphysEnzymes with antifoam.

Pay attention! All drugs are approved by the Ministry of Health, but it is recommended to take them after laboratory and instrumental studies, and only as prescribed by a doctor.

A gastroenterologist will help with the answer to a delicate question: the stomach and gases are constantly swollen, what are the reasons, what to do? According to the results of the examination and laboratory tests will prescribe one of the indicated medications. In case of dysbiosis, he will prescribe probiotics (Bifidumbaketrin, Linex or Bifiform). Lactic acid bacteria will bring the intestines into a normal physiological rhythm, eliminating pathological fermentation and normalizing the composition of the intestinal flora. Bio-yoghurts or homemade yoghurts will also easily eliminate gas formation and stop flatulence with intestinal colic and diarrhea.

Popular traditional medicine recipes

Constantly swollen stomach and gases reasons, what to do if all this happened far from pharmacy points? There are two proven options: some physical exercise And folk decoctions, teas and tinctures.

The first option is special exercises

  • We put on looser clothes and lie on our stomachs, then raise our arms and legs up. We repeat the exercises up to 20-30 times.
  • We lie on our side and bend one leg at the knee, straighten the other and lift it up and down. Repeat 20 times. Then we turn to the other side and repeat the same movements.
  • We strain the rectus abdominis muscles up to 30 or more times.
  • We make rotational movements of the body: 20 times to the right and 20 times to the left. Then we bend downwards up to 20-30 times.
  • Massage the abdomen clockwise.

Additional information! If gases begin to be released and the abdominal area becomes lighter and freer, try to eat only foods that do not cause gas, and drink more strong black tea, it tones and relaxes the intestinal muscles, plus it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not eat anything 2 hours before bedtime.

Second option: traditional medicine

In nature, tablets are replaced with herbal infusions or decoctions. Since time immemorial, herbs have been used to treat all sorts of ailments, and to this day, they continue to help get rid of them. This is especially true for excessive formation of gases in the intestines. To relieve pain and spasms, the following healing recipes are recommended:

  1. Dill “water”: 2 tsp. pour 200 ml of boiling water over dill seeds and leave for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass 2 times a day before meals. The decoction helps with flatulence in both infants and children, as well as adults, the only difference is the dosage.
  2. A decoction of wormwood, raspberry leaves and acacia flowers: take dried herbs, a teaspoon each, and pour 300 ml hot water. Leave for 40 minutes. Drink 50 ml on an empty stomach. If not dried herbs, you can take fresh green ones, and instead of acacia flowers you can use its leaves.
  3. Ivan tea, chamomile, mint and oregano: all ingredients are taken in equal parts, pouring half a liter of boiling water. Can be consumed as hot tea. Given herbal tea relieves spasms and extinguishes gas formation.
  4. Ginger (one root) and mint. The root needs to be crushed and 10-12 fresh mint leaves added to the pulp. Poured hot water(300 ml) and settle for an hour. Use 50 ml.
  5. Bee honey: 200ml cold water dilute Art. l. honey Drink half a glass before meals.
  6. Almond oil (or almond seeds): 10 drops of oil per 100ml warm water or eat 10-15 almond seeds.

Diet adjustments

Flatulence can be eliminated by adjusting the nutritional diet. In addition to food main reason flatulence may be acute or chronic pathologies gastrointestinal tract. First, laboratory tests should be carried out and instrumental examinations to exclude any gastrointestinal diseases. Next, on your own or by consulting a nutritionist, bring your nutritious diet into “order.” All foods that cause bloating are excluded, as well as fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods. Or all of the above is used rarely and in small quantities.

Sweet products are replaced by rye bread and crackers. Legumes, soybeans and fresh cabbage— in some cases they are completely removed from the menu. And in some they are left, but in small quantities and once or twice a week. These products contain large amounts nutrients, are equal in calories meat products. All types of fruit are used except pears, gooseberries and plums. It is not recommended to consume milk, and fermented baked milk and kefir, as well as cottage cheese, are used in small portions. Carbonated drinks and juices with preservatives are completely excluded.

Bloating is a fairly common problem that at first glance seems harmless. However, frequent gas accumulation may be a sign of serious internal disease, therefore, ignoring symptoms will ultimately not be limited to just psychological discomfort. Why gases accumulate, how to deal with flatulence and what additional signs Is it worth paying close attention?

The causes of increased gas formation are, in most cases, disorders associated with the functioning of the intestines. As a result of improper absorption and removal of gaseous suspensions from the body gastrointestinal tract suffers from their excessive amount, which manifests itself in the form of bloating. Factors that provoke this condition are:

1. Malfunction of the enzyme-producing system. The so-called enzyme deficiency, which often causes a swollen stomach, may be a consequence of pathology of the gallbladder, pancreas (you can suspect it if the left side hurts), or stomach. A lack of enzymes also occurs with an unbalanced diet. As a result, lower section The digestive tract becomes a place of accumulation of undigested food debris, which triggers the processes of rotting and fermentation (the reason why the stomach is bloated).

2. Inability of the intestines to perform motor function. The answer to the question why the stomach is swollen is obvious in this case. Due to the stagnation of food debris, the gastrointestinal tract is stretched, which significantly aggravates the overall picture. Impaired motility leads to the development of fermentation processes, so unpleasant-smelling gases are intensively released.

3. Development of dysbiosis with acute deficiency beneficial bacteria in the intestine - one of the most common factors.

We can also highlight the following external reasons bloating:

  • The predominance of foods with coarse fiber, carbonated drinks, and legumes in the diet.
  • Ingestion of large amounts of air with food.
  • Tendency to overeat (with this option, treatment consists of correct mode food).
  • The effects of stress or severe fatigue when unable to cope with her functions nervous system triggers a spasm of smooth muscles, slowing down peristalsis.

Bloating, as already noted, can develop as a result of poor nutrition(discomfort appears after eating), and under the influence of work disorders internal organs. Therefore, in the case of a prolonged chronic process it's important to get through as quickly as possible comprehensive examination to reveal the real reason and exclude such pathological conditions, such as a hernia, intestinal obstruction, liver inflammation (more often the right side hurts), helminthic infestation.

An aggravation of the process may be indicated by nausea, vomiting, accompanying flatulence, severe diarrhea or, conversely, constipation, the presence of an acute abdomen.

Drug therapy

Treatment for flatulence is aimed at removing excess gases from the intestines and easing the symptoms of intoxication, which often occurs if the abdomen is bloated. Also, in most situations, there is a need to relieve a pain attack and eliminate stool disorders. The choice of medications depends on what reason led to the swelling of the stomach, and what phenomena are accompanied by bloating.

1. Defoamers.

The main purpose of such drugs is to destroy gas bubbles accumulating in the intestines. Taking these medications is effective for any degree of bloating. One of the most popular medications is Espumisan, based on a substance called simethicone.

2. Enterosorbents.

When the stomach is swollen and gases are actively released from unpleasant smell, the body suffers from intoxication due to rotting and fermentation of food in the intestines, therefore enterosorbents can be considered as necessary ambulance, capable of neutralizing pathogenic microflora. Atoxil, Enterosgel and regular activated carbon can cure this. The first two drugs are preferable due to the absence of the need for thorough chewing due to their powder and gel-like consistency.

3. Enzymes.

If the cause is a dysfunction of the pancreas or overeating, a deterioration in the condition is observed immediately after eating. Coping with nausea and others unpleasant symptoms Creon, Festal, Mezim, produced in the form of tablets or dragees, help, which promote more active digestion of food.

The main thing is not to take such drugs very often, otherwise the body may completely refuse to produce its own enzymes. If you have to treat the disorder in this way regularly, you should consult a gastroenterologist. It is also necessary to remember about the contraindication to treatment with enzymes – intestinal obstruction.

4. Probiotics.

Often, bloating is observed due to an imbalance of beneficial and harmful microflora in the final section of the gastrointestinal tract. When gas regularly passes and a feeling of heaviness occurs, probiotics are one of the first to be indicated in the treatment regimen. In order for the therapy to be as effective as possible, a preliminary analysis is carried out to determine the group of missing bacteria. Linex, Bifiform, Biolact and a number of similar drugs can cure bloating.

5. Prokinetics.

Insufficient intestinal motility becomes one of the reasons for a swollen stomach. Improving motor skills medications do not help to completely cure the disorder, but can significantly improve the condition by accelerating digestion and improving the passage of gases. Most often, Motilium is prescribed, which additionally eliminates heaviness, nausea, and heartburn that occurs with bloating. If there is a suspicion of intestinal obstruction or perforation of the intestinal mucosa, taking the drug is strictly prohibited.

6. Antispasmodics.

When the abdomen is bloated, in most cases it occurs pain syndrome, which the body-safe No-spa can eliminate. Sometimes such a drug is not enough, so the treatment regimen includes drugs from the trimebutine group, which simultaneously relieve pain and activate peristalsis.

7. Intestinal antibiotics.

Need for admission intestinal antibiotics occurs when there is an infectious nature of the swelling process. Hilak forte and Rifaximin, which only affect the intestinal mucosa, help to cope with bacteria that provoke gas formation and cure the disorder.

Diet features

When your stomach swells, only one drug treatment not enough. Among priority tasks there is also an organization proper diet, based on a number of principles, without which it is impossible to normalize the condition of a bloated abdomen:

1. Allowed cooking modes are stewing, boiling, steaming.

2. Dishes are served only warm and in small quantities. If your stomach is regularly bloated, it is advisable to eat food more often than usual - at least 5-6 times a day.

3. You need to treat bloating by completely eliminating food on the go and late meals.

4. You can drink water or other drinks only an hour after eating.

5. If your stomach is swollen, you should not consume it. chewing gum due to unreasonable activation of gastric juice production.

6. Sweet foods in combination with other foods can provoke gas formation, so juices and fruits are consumed separately from other dishes.

7. If you regularly pass gas, you need to drink at least a liter of clean water per day, which normalizes the processes of digestion of food and increases the effectiveness of treatment.

A diet for the treatment of excessive gas and bloating involves organizing meals using the following products:

  • Improving the peristalsis of beets, carrots and pumpkins, provided they are properly prepared.
  • Eggs in the form of a steam omelet or soft-boiled.
  • Lean poultry, fish, lean meat.
  • Boiled vegetable first courses.
  • Dried wheat baked goods.
  • Low-fat kefir and cottage cheese.
  • Porridge, with the exception of millet and pearl barley.
  • Weakly brewed green tea.
  • Citrus juices (in the absence of gastritis).
  • Greens added in small quantities to prepared dishes.

Nutrition organized in this way for bloating becomes an effective supplement. drug therapy. The main thing is to treat the disorder until symptoms are completely eliminated and lasting improvement occurs.