Causes of acetone odor from the mouth. Diabetes mellitus and acetone smell. How to get rid of the problem

There are a large number of diseases internal organs and pathologies that can provoke acetone halitosis in adults and children.

The intense smell of acetone indicates aggressive pathological processes occurring in the body. The reason is a significant increase in the level of ketone bodies in systemic blood flow, which arises as a response to a stressful situation for the body (provoking nutritional factors, body temperature rises to high numbers), when the process of complete breakdown of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates is disrupted. Ketones or ketone compounds are intermediate products of lipid, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, consisting of a combination of acetone (propanone), acetoacetic acid (acetoacetate) and beta-hydroxybutyric acid (beta-hydroxybutyrate). During further splitting they serve additional sources energy. Formed during oxidative transformations in the liver and lipid tissue.

The presence of ketone compounds in the systemic circulation is considered normal for the body. Safe levels ketones do not cause the appearance of a pathological odor of acetone from the mouth and a disturbance in general well-being.

An unbalanced diet consisting mainly of lipids and proteins promotes excess accumulation of ketone compounds. This leads to intoxication of the body with unbroken metabolic products and provokes displacement acid-base balance body in the direction of increasing acidity, which manifests itself in the form acetonemic syndrome and acidosis. Conditions arise due to enzymatic scarcity and the inability of the gastrointestinal tract to break down lipids to required level. As a result, a pathological increase in ketones occurs. Having reached critical levels, acetone and its derivatives have negative influence on the body.

ICD-10 code

R19.6 Bad breath [bad breath]

Causes of acetone odor from the mouth

The main causes of acetone halitosis are as follows:

  • stressful conditions;
  • diabetes;
  • food and toxic poisoning;
  • lack of sufficient carbohydrates in the diet;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • renal failure;
  • congenital deficiency of digestive enzymes.
  • significant increases in body temperature in infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Risk factors

The provoking factors for the appearance of the smell of acetone from the mouth are:

Symptoms of acetone odor from the mouth

Symptoms depend on the level of accumulated acetone compounds in the body. IN mild form- weakness, anxiety, nausea. A urine test confirms ketonuria.

Symptoms of the condition moderate severity consist in the following manifestations: dry, coated tongue, increased thirst, severe acetone halitosis, frequent shallow breathing, abdominal pain without clear localization, dry skin, chills, nausea, confusion may be noted. Indicators of ketone compounds increase in the urine.

The severe condition of acetonemic crisis is identical to diabetic coma, in which the symptoms are the same as in a moderate condition with the patient possibly falling into unconsciousness.

The diagnosis of ketoacidosis is made based on clinical symptoms And laboratory tests. Serum tests show hyperketonemia (up to 16-20 mmol/l when the norm is 0.03-0.2 mmol/l) and the presence of high levels of acetone in the urine.

The smell of acetone from the mouth of an adult

The reasons that cause the smell of acetone from the mouth are identical in childhood and adulthood. Distinctive Features are caused by provoking factors. Acetone halitosis in adults, in most cases, is observed in diabetes of the first and second types. A strong acetone odor from the mouth in adult patients is often associated with neurological disorders, anorexia, thyroid and parathyroid glands, proliferation of tumor tissue and diets (especially those associated with prolonged therapeutic fasting).

An adult has the adaptive potential to unfavorable living conditions. Long-term accumulation and long-lasting high level ketone compounds in the systemic circulation leads to the exhaustion of compensatory capabilities and the active manifestation of symptoms hidden disease accompanied by the smell of acetone from the mouth.

Smell of acetone on breath after drinking alcohol

With prolonged and frequent use alcoholic drinks The smell of acetone may appear. The reason is that when alcohol is broken down by liver enzymes, the alcoholic toxin acetaldehyde is released through the lungs, which is perceived by outsiders as the smell of acetone on the breath.

It indicates a sharp shift acid-base balance to the acidic side (acidosis). A decrease in the liver's resistance to alcohol provokes the smell of acetone from the mouth due to the consumption of drinks containing alcohol.

Smell of acetone and urine from the mouth

For nephropathies and development renal failure The smell of acetone is accompanied by an ammonia smell from the mouth. The kidneys remove toxins and waste products from the body. If the renal filtration function is impaired, the efficiency of the process of evacuation of harmful substances decreases and their accumulation occurs. One of its signs is an ammonia smell, which is similar to acetone. They are often confused. To clarify kidney pathologies when ammonia or acetone halitosis occurs, you should consult a urologist or nephrologist.

The smell of acetone from the mouth as a symptom of the disease

The acetone smell may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Based on the smell of your mouth, you can make a preliminary conclusion about your state of health. As a rule, when it smells bad, the reasons for this lie in oral cavity or in gastrointestinal diseases.

The smell of acetone from the mouth of an adult indicates pathologies that can be very serious. It is important to know the main reasons for the appearance of the smell of acetone, and then proceed to treatment.

Main reasons

Acetone appears as a result of insufficient breakdown of proteins and fats. If your breath starts to smell like that, then there may be a strong increase in proteins and fats in the blood.

The cause may be pathological processes that lead to serious consequences without treatment.

The main reasons for the smell of acetone include:

  1. Diabetes. It is this bad breath that often indicates diabetes, as it is the first sign of the disease. The problem appears more often in older people with overweight. Despite the sufficient amount of glucose in the blood, the patient’s body begins to starve and use other sources to obtain the necessary elements.
  2. Fasting and diets. In adults, the smell of acetone on the breath appears during prolonged fasting or diets for weight loss. In addition, the problem may be in using only protein products. All people who suffer from anorexia have the smell of acetone on their breath. For treatment, you need to start eating normally, and if you have no appetite, then get examined by a doctor and receive proper recommendations for rehabilitation therapy.
  3. Liver and kidney diseases. Similar organs in an adult work as a filter, sorting useful substances and unnecessary, harmful. At the same time, the liver and kidneys are removed from the body, but if a failure occurs, then there are more harmful compounds in the blood, and the breath smells of acetone. A similar smell when the functioning of organs is disrupted appears already on late stages pathological process, you can additionally establish a number of other symptoms.
  4. Pathologies of the thyroid gland. As a rule, diseases are caused by a failure in the release of hormones, after which proteins and fats in the body begin to actively disintegrate, and the smell of acetone appears from the mouth. People with gland diseases begin to quickly become irritated, they can flare up for no reason, and their mood changes dramatically. After this, sleep worsens, appetite increases, but body weight decreases.
  5. Infections. When infected with various infections, dehydration begins in the body, which leads to protein breakdown. Often we're talking about about intestinal infection and you need to seek help from doctors for treatment and provision of the necessary assistance.

There are other reasons why you might smell like acetone. For example, the smell of acetone on the breath of an adult appears if he drinks a lot of alcohol.

If kidney failure is noticed in an adult, then the smell is complemented by ammonia. A urologist or nephrologist can diagnose the condition and prescribe treatment.


If you smell acetone from your mouth, you need to remember and understand that this problem can indicate serious illnesses.

There is no point in achieving fresh breath until the causes of the odor are eliminated.

Doctors can make an accurate diagnosis only after collecting all the data from the patient’s words, as well as after examining the oral cavity and collecting a general history.

The smell of acetone is a sign of various human diseases, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle. Treatment depends only on these factors and symptoms, which may complement bad breath.

Patients can try to independently detect acetone in their urine. To do this, buy a test called “Uriket” at any pharmacy. After this, you need to urinate into the container and put the test in for a few minutes.

Based on how many ketone bodies there are, the test begins to change color. The brighter the shade, the more acetone in the body. Of course, an adult will definitely have a smell if the content is high.


The smell of acetone from the mouth is not an independent disease, so it is necessary to exclude the reasons that caused it. similar manifestation.

If the cause is diabetes, then you will need to use insulin, which is administered throughout your life in a certain dosage.

Can be used for type 2 diabetes medicines, which will reduce the amount of glucose and normalize the smell.

Doctors advise using it for treatment mineral waters, which contain alkali, such waters include “Borjomi” and “Luzhanskaya”.

Before drinking mineral waters, you will need to remove all gases from them.

In some cases, doctors recommend using enemas to get rid of the smell of acetone from the mouth.

The solution used is a 3% or 5% soda solution, which is heated to 40 degrees before administration. Before the enema is installed, the colon is cleansed.

You can remove the smell of acetone from your mouth using homeopathic remedies. Doctors may prescribe treatment with Avsenicum Album.

This medicine is made from arsenic and must be taken if acetone syndrome occurs.

As a rule, the syndrome can occur with infectious diseases that are complemented by severe weakness bodies.

Such a drug can significantly reduce the severity of the syndrome, relieving symptoms. You need to drink the medicine 1 tsp. every 10 minutes, diluting 5-20 granules of the product in 100 ml of water.

One more homeopathic remedy What can cope with the aroma of acetone from the mouth is “Vertigohel”.

This medicine helps normalize nervous system, and also works as a vasodilator. It is often prescribed if the smell is accompanied by vomiting. You can take the medicine one tablet three times a day.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is rich in a variety of remedies and recipes that can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as cure certain diseases.

In addition, there are products that not only improve the functioning of internal organs, but can freshen breath from the mouth and rid people of the aroma of acetone.

Is it true, traditional methods are a temporary solution, since you will need to accurately understand the cause and remove it, and not mask your breathing.

You can prepare compotes from fruits or herbs to remove the smell, use fresh cranberry juice, sea buckthorn juice, and also various decoctions and infusions.

Rose hip-based products help with acetone. The rosehip berry itself has a positive effect on the body, including strengthening immune system, restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves metabolism.

For diabetes, diseases of the liver, stomach and other organs, blackberries can be used.

The berries contain a lot of glucose, as well as fructose and acids, there are a large number of vitamins and microelements, due to which the smell of acetone disappears and the functioning of organs is normalized.

The leaf of the blackberry bush itself contains a lot of ascorbic acid.

Centaury is often used to remove the smell of acetone. It is used for gastritis with increased secretions, as well as for malfunctions digestive system, for diabetes.

For cooking remedy you need to pour 2 tsp. herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave the product to brew for 5 minutes, after which the product is drunk in doses throughout the day.

To quickly get rid of bad breath It is necessary to use rinsing agents. You can buy them in stores, or you can make them yourself using folk remedies:

  1. To rinse the mouth, use a decoction that can be made from oak bark, chamomile, sage or mint. Similar herbal remedies are brewed in a glass of boiling water and only 1 tbsp is needed for cooking. Rinsing with infusions is carried out about 5 times a day, and even better after meals. The course of therapy to obtain permanent freshness from the mouth is 7-14 days.
  2. In order not to prepare decoctions and waste time, you can use the usual sunflower oil. It is also used as a mouth rinse. It should be used 3 times a day and rinse the mouth with it for about 10 minutes. The oil effectively kills bad odor from the mouth and also destroys bacteria. After rinsing, you need to spit out the contents, and then rinse everything with water. Swallowing the oil is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to poisoning.
  3. If you don’t have an antiseptic on hand for rinsing, then peroxide can replace it. To prepare a solution that will kill pathogenic microflora and give freshness to your breath, add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. medicines and stir thoroughly.

You should use the rinse solution for no longer than 4 days, and the procedure itself should take about 5 minutes.


If a strong one appears, pungent odor, then there may be an exacerbation of certain diseases. At this time, it is especially important to adhere to nutritional rules. In addition to your diet, you need to drink plenty of water.

All fatty foods should be removed from the menu, as well as foods rich in proteins. Meat, baked goods, vegetables and fruits are excluded fresh, as well as milk.

All food should be quickly absorbed and its composition should be dominated by carbohydrates. Can be used:

  1. Porridge on the water.
  2. Baked apples.
  3. Crackers.

After 7 days of such food it is added to the menu fermented milk products, and after another week you can start eating boiled dietary meat (chicken, rabbit, nutria, veal), bananas.

Thus, you can introduce little by little various products except milk. Doctors do not recommend drinking it for about 2 months.


To prevent the smell of acetone, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Control and systematize your daily routine.
  2. Provide good sleep, which consists of a minimum of 6-8 hours.
  3. More is spent in the fresh air.
  4. Start playing sports to improve your health and intestinal motility and other gastrointestinal organs.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day.
  6. If the smell appears in type 2 diabetes, then you can remove the smell of acetone by adjusting your diet.
  7. It is not recommended to overheat in the summer.
  8. Needs to be minimized stressful situations so as not to burden the nervous system.

Using the tips described, you can prevent the smell of acetone from appearing in your mouth, and if it does appear, then use methods to get rid of it.

It must be remembered that such a manifestation in some cases may indicate the development of diseases that require diagnosis and prompt intervention so that there are no complications.

Useful video

Smells from human body or from the mouth can tell a lot about a person’s health status. Of course, in many cases, the cause of the smell can be improper or poor hygiene, but there are also specific odors, such as the smell of acetone on the body, and this has nothing to do with hygiene or poor quality clothing. Why a person smells of acetone is another question.

A person can give off such an odor in general - the body, mouth, urine, and this suggests that it appeared as a result of one of many diseases:

Why does there be an acetate smell?

This normal condition, sweat itself has no odor, since it plain water with some impurities. But the appearance of the odor is caused by bacteria that sweat, warm body is an exceptional location for rapid development.

If a person experiences any changes in his or her health, then this or that odor is added to the fetid odor of bacteria. When the body smells of acetone, this indicates that the body is not able to qualitatively break down the food it absorbs, the absorption of glucose is disrupted, because of this, the cells are energetically starved and the separation of fats is in progress, as well as the formation of ketone bodies, that is, the appearance of acetone.

The smell of acetone is a symptom of disease

If the body smells of acetone, this indicates that it is approaching diabetic coma, while the smell from the skin and from the oral cavity may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

At the same time, to identify the full picture and stage accurate diagnosis necessary:

  1. Conduct an analysis of the medical history;
  2. Perform a general examination of the body and skin;
  3. Take a blood and urine test;
  4. Define hormonal levels thyroid gland in the blood;
  5. Consult an endocrinologist.

What causes body odor?

Of course, if the body emits bad smell, it could be anything from poor nutrition before eating certain foods.

Sweat may also smell vinegary, which may indicate problems. respiratory tract, and in women about problems with the breasts or the body smells of chlorine with a diseased liver,
a mouse smell indicates skin diseases.

But if the body smells of acetone, this can indicate not only diseases:

  • Long-term fashionable diets, such as “Kremlevka” or completely devoid of carbohydrates, aimed at low calorie consumption;
  • Taking medications for a long time;
  • Fasting;
  • Dehydration of the body.

In any case, the appearance of the smell of acetone from the body or from the mouth is a sign of a disturbed metabolic process and increased breakdown of fats.

What does an unpleasant smell mean?

An unpleasant odor is a signal to active actions, the problem cannot be left for later. After all, many diseases that cause the presence of chemical impurities in the smell of sweat are quite formidable. And if you do not contact specialists in a timely manner, the consequences may be irreversible.

This is especially true for small children, because before the onset of puberty, children do not smell of sweat at all. If parents smell an unpleasant odor from their baby, they should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Why does sweat smell like acetone?

The skin partially performs excretory functions, and in some diseases, when the kidneys cannot cope with their excretory functions or when there is excess accumulation, it takes on part of the work.

If, for example, a person suffers from diabetes, with increased acetone he experiences, during which the skin, along with sweat, removes substances that are toxic to the body, hence the acetone smell of sweat.

How to deal with unpleasant odor?

If there is an unpleasant odor from the skin, a person finds himself in a kind of isolation, since it is extremely unpleasant for others to communicate with him. Naturally, in such cases, the main thing is to undergo a medical examination and begin a course of treatment. However, along with these medical measures, you can and even need to follow several recommendations:

need to

  • Wipe contaminated areas on the fabric with salt if items natural salts more is needed than in the case of synthetics;
  • Rinse woolen items in water with vinegar or citric acid;
  • Gasoline removes the smell of sweat from fur products;
  • Of course, you can resort to dry cleaning, but this method is not affordable for everyone.

To prevent your shoes from smelling foul odor, you need to

  • Wash your feet daily;
  • Use special talcs and gels;
  • Change several times a day, which should be cotton;
  • It is advisable to have several pairs of shoes.


Any sweat smell has its own reasons. It is not for nothing that in ancient times people identified problems in the body by the smell of sweat. In any case, if an unpleasant odor of sweat appears, you should immediately seek help from specialists. You shouldn’t leave the problem for later, pouring on perfume and deodorants.

This is especially true for the smell of acetone, which can cause long time hospitalization or develop lifelong health problems. After all, diabetes mellitus, which is the most common consequence of the smell of acetone, is incurable and leads to severe consequences and complications, is a cause of premature mortality.

Update: October 2018

A breath odor as atypical for humans as acetone always alarms and frightens people; it is very difficult to confuse it with other aromas. Its source is air from the lungs.

That is why the smell of acetone from the mouth has a peculiarity - it cannot be gotten rid of by brushing your teeth. There are not many conditions and diseases that are characterized by acetone breathing. Some of them are absolutely safe and physiological, while others should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor (see).

How is acetone formed in the body?

The body of any person receives most of its energy from glucose. It is this that is carried by the blood throughout the body and enters every cell. If the amount of glucose is insufficient, or it cannot get inside the cell, then the body is forced to look for other sources of energy. Typically this source is fat.

As a result of the breakdown of fats, they enter the bloodstream. various substances, including acetone. Having appeared in the blood, it begins to be excreted by the kidneys and lungs. In the urine, the test for acetone becomes positive, and in the exhaled air a characteristic strong smell acetone from the mouth (smell of soaked apples).

Causes of acetone odor
  • Fasting, diet,
  • Diabetes mellitus ()
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Liver and kidney diseases
  • Predisposition in young children

The smell of acetone when fasting

The fashion for all kinds of diets has embraced the entire female and part of the male population. Moreover, some of the dietary restrictions are not related to medical indications, but with the desire to meet beauty standards.

  • It is precisely these “non-medical” diets that often lead to deterioration in health and appearance.
  • A diet with a complete refusal of carbohydrates can lead to energy deficiency and increased breakdown of fats.
  • As a result, the body will be filled with harmful substances, intoxication and disruption of the functioning of all organs will occur.
  • The smell of acetone, loose skin and nails, weakness, dizziness and irritability - this is an incomplete list of all the consequences of a strict carbohydrate-free diet.

Therefore, the development balanced diet For those losing weight, an experienced nutritionist should do it. It will also help you get rid of the consequences of independent attempts to correct your figure. The smell of acetone from the mouth itself does not require treatment.
TOP 5 dangerous low-carb diets:

  • Kremlin diet
  • Atkins diet
  • diet of Kim Protasov
  • protein diet
  • french diet

The smell of acetone in diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is the most common and most alarming reason acetone breath odor in adults. There is excess sugar in the blood that cannot penetrate the cell due to insulin deficiency, resulting in a dangerous condition - diabetic ketoacidosis. More often it occurs when the blood glucose level is above 16 mmol per liter.

Signs of ketoacidosis in diabetes:

  • smell of acetone from the mouth, positive test for acetone in urine
  • dry mouth, extreme thirst
  • abdominal pain, vomiting
  • consciousness may be depressed to the point of coma

If the above symptoms occur, you should urgently call ambulance, since without treatment, ketoacedosis can result in deep coma and death. People with risk factors need to pay particular attention to the symptom of acetone odor from the mouth.

Risk factors:

  • type 1 diabetes mellitus, which was discovered for the first time.
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus with incorrect and untimely administration of insulin
  • infections, operations, pregnancy and childbirth with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Treatment of diabetic ketacidosis:

  • Insulin administration is the most important part of treatment. To do this, IVs are placed in the hospital and the drug is slowly administered for a long time.
  • Treatment of dehydration
  • Maintenance proper operation kidneys and liver

To prevent ketoacidosis, patients with diabetes should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations, administer insulin in a timely manner and pay attention to all warning signs.

The diagram below clearly shows why the smell of acetone occurs from the mouth during fasting and diabetes:

The smell of acetone for thyroid diseases

The smell of acetone from the mouth, which is caused by improper functioning of the thyroid gland, is very warning sign. When produced increased amount hormones. This condition is usually successfully controlled with medications. But sometimes the level of hormones becomes so high that the metabolism noticeably accelerates.

  • this condition occurs when hyperthyroidism is combined with thyroid surgery
  • pregnancy and childbirth
  • stress
  • inaccurate examination of the gland

Since the crisis occurs suddenly, all symptoms also occur simultaneously:

  • strong smell of acetone from the mouth
  • excited or inhibited state (up to psychosis or coma)
  • high temperature
  • abdominal pain, jaundice

Thyrotoxic crisis is a very dangerous condition that requires medical intervention. Such patients are given IV drips to eliminate dehydration, stop the release of thyroid hormones, and support the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Treating this condition at home is impossible and life-threatening.

Liver and kidney diseases

The main organs responsible for cleansing our body are the kidneys and liver. They are the ones who take on everything harmful substances, filter the blood and participate in the removal of toxins. At chronic diseases these organs (hepatitis, kidney inflammation), the excretory function is disrupted, harmful substances accumulate in the body, including acetone.

In severe cases, the acetone smell comes not only from the patient’s urine and mouth, but even the skin emits acetone vapor. After treatment with liver disease or, often with hemodialysis, this unpleasant symptom leaves.

How to determine the presence of acetone in urine yourself?

To do this, you can purchase special Uriket test strips in pharmacies (50 pcs. 130 rubles).

It is enough to place the test strip in a container with urine; depending on the concentration of ketone bodies in the urine, the color of the tester will change. The more saturated the color, the greater the amount of acetone in the urine.

The smell of acetone in children with a predisposition to acetonemia

Many parents note that their children periodically have a specific smell of acetone in their breath. For most children, this happens 2-3 times in their lives, and some exhale acetone until they are 7-8 years old. Most often the smell appears after viral infections and poisonings accompanied high temperature. This phenomenon is associated with the baby's limited energy reserves.

If a child with such a predisposition gets sick with ARVI or any other infection, then his body may not have enough glucose to fight the disease. Typically, the blood sugar level in such children is at the lower limit of normal, and during infections it decreases even further. The fat breakdown mechanism is activated to produce additional energy. The substances formed during this process, including acetone, enter the blood. If there is a lot of acetone, it can cause symptoms of intoxication (nausea, vomiting). This condition in itself is not dangerous; it will go away on its own after recovery.

What should parents of a child with a predisposition to acetonemia do?

  • When you smell acetone for the first time, be sure to check to rule out diabetes.
  • In case of infectious diseases, poisoning, teething, you need to give the child sweet tea or sugar.
  • You can slightly reduce your food intake a large number fat
  • If the smell is not pungent, and it is not always possible to detect it, then you can buy special test strips for determining acetone in urine.
  • If an odor appears and if there is vomiting or diarrhea, oral rehydration solutions should be used, 2-3 spoons every 15 minutes (Oralit, Rehydron).
  • The smell of acetone from a child’s mouth is not a reason to panic. All features of such children usually disappear by 7-8 years.

Algorithm of actions when the smell of acetone appears from the mouth

The acetone smell is an important signal from the body, a reason for examination by a doctor and more. attentive attitude to your health.

When a person suddenly starts to smell acetone from the mouth, this causes well-founded concern. This substance has a specific, recognizable aroma, so it is very easy to distinguish what acetone smells like. And since this smell comes from the air from a person’s lungs, even very thorough brushing of teeth does not get rid of this manifestation.

Acetone breath is a sign certain diseases and states of the body. Some conditions are normal from a physiological point of view and are not dangerous. But there are a number of diseases in which the smell of acetone is felt from the mouth, which is undoubtedly a reason for immediate appeal see a doctor and get the right treatment.

How is acetone formed in the human body?

Most of the energy in the body comes from glucose . The blood carries glucose throughout the body, and thus it enters all tissues and cells. But if there is not enough glucose, or there are reasons that prevent it from entering the cells, the body looks for other sources of energy. Typically these are fats. After their breakdown occurs, various substances, including acetone, enter the bloodstream. It is with this process that the causes of acetone in the blood in adults and children are associated.

After this substance appears in the blood, the kidneys and lungs begin to secrete it. Consequently, the test for acetone in the urine becomes positive, a strong smell of urine is felt, and the air that a person exhales gives off the aroma of pickled apples - a characteristic aroma of acetone or the smell of vinegar from the mouth appears.

The main reasons for the appearance of a characteristic odor:

  • starvation , dieting, severe dehydration;
  • hypoglycemia in patients;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • disposition towards acetonemia in children.

Let's consider the listed reasons in more detail.


Sometimes it seems that modern world Almost everyone goes on a diet from time to time – both women and men. Some people practice even more extreme methods to get rid of extra pounds by practicing fasting. It is by adhering to diets that have nothing to do with medical indications or doctor’s recommendations that over time people notice a deterioration in their health and unpleasant changes in appearance.

If a person tries to completely eliminate carbohydrates from the diet, this can cause a lack of energy and too active breakdown of fats. As a result, an excess of harmful substances is formed in the body, and intoxication , and all organs and systems will function differently than in a healthy person.

When following a very strict no-carb diet, you may notice many negative changes over time. In this case, a constant feeling of weakness begins to bother you, periodic, severe irritability appears, and the condition of your hair and nails deteriorates significantly. It is after such diets that the smell of acetone appears from the mouth.

Anyone who wants to lose weight should first visit a doctor and consult with him about a possible diet. You definitely need to go to specialists and those who are already celebrating negative consequences diets

Those who are losing weight must remember the most dangerous systems nutrition and diet:

  • – it provides for a very serious restriction of carbohydrates. Preference is given to protein foods. The diet is unbalanced and dangerous for the body.
  • – provides a low-carbohydrate diet for a long time. Carbohydrate intake is intentionally limited so that the body switches its metabolism to use fat as energy fuel. With such a nutritional system, the level in the blood sharply increases ketone bodies , a person often feels weak and develops digestive problems.
  • – lasts five weeks, the basis of the diet during this time is fiber and protein food. The amount of fat and carbohydrates consumed is very low.
  • – sticking to it, you need to eat exclusively protein foods. This diet is extremely dangerous for health. Fans of this diet justify its safety by the fact that it is not long-term - no more than two weeks. However, even during this period a person can significantly undermine his health.
  • – with such a food system, dietary meat, fish, herbs, vegetables, and fruits are allowed. Sweets, fruit juices, and bread are prohibited. Moreover, daily food portions are very small. Therefore, already within the 14 expected days of the diet, the body’s condition may worsen.

Diabetes mellitus

It is with this serious disease that the smell of acetone most often appears from the mouth of adults. In diabetes, there is an excess of sugar in the blood that does not penetrate the cells due to insulin deficiency. As a result, a dangerous condition for the body develops, called diabetic ketoacidosis . This happens if the blood glucose level is more than 16 mmol per liter.

Marked following signs diabetic ketoacidosis:

  • positive test for acetone in urine;
  • aroma of acetone from the mouth;
  • abdominal pain;
  • feeling of intense thirst;
  • vomit;
  • depression of consciousness is possible.

If such symptoms develop, call immediately emergency assistance. After all, if you don’t provide medical care A patient with ketoacedosis may fall into a deep coma and even die.

Pay special attention to the smell and taste of acetone in the mouth for people who have the following risk factors:

  • first discovered type 1 diabetes mellitus ;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus , provided that insulin entered incorrectly and untimely;
  • surgical interventions, infectious diseases, and childbirth in people with type 2 diabetes.

It is important to understand that this manifestation can be a serious signal. Therefore, if the taste and smell of acetone appears in the conditions described above, it is important to immediately consult a doctor, who will determine the reasons for the taste of acetone in the mouth.

Treatment for diabetic ketoacidosis is as follows:

  • Insulin is administered - this is the main part of the treatment. For this purpose, long-term administration of the drug using a dropper is practiced.
  • Treat dehydration.
  • Take measures aimed at maintaining the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

To prevent the development of ketoacidosis, people with diabetes must strictly follow all the recommendations of their doctor, take insulin on time and promptly respond to all alarming symptoms.

Thyroid diseases

If, due to disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, the breath smells like acetone and the smell of acetone appears in the nose, then such signs should be considered an alarming signal.

In people suffering from thyroid hormone production, the production of thyroid hormones is too active. As a rule, a person takes medications to normalize this process. But sometimes the production of hormones occurs too actively, and as a result, the metabolic processes in the body. As a rule, this happens in the following cases:

  • if hyperthyroidism is combined with surgery on the thyroid gland;
  • after severe stress;
  • during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • due to inaccurate examination of the gland.

Such crises occur suddenly, so all the signs appear at the same time. Excitement or retardation develops, up to psychosis or coma , abdominal pain, fever, jaundice . There is also a strong smell of acetone from the mouth.

It is important to understand that thyrotoxic crisis is very dangerous condition, and in this case you need to urgently seek medical help. In this case, the patient is given a drip to eliminate dehydration. Medicines are also used to stop the production of thyroid hormones and maintain the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Such causes of the smell of acetone in the nose and mouth should never be eliminated at home, because this can be life-threatening.

Liver and kidney diseases

The liver and kidneys are organs that cleanse the body. They filter the blood and ensure the removal of toxins. But if they develop chronic diseases these organs, the excretory function is impaired. As a result, harmful substances accumulate, including acetone. If we are talking about severe conditions, then not only does your breath smell of acetone, but your urine also stinks of it. It is problems with the kidneys and liver that are often the answer to the question of why an acetone odor emanates from the human body. Often, if a child’s urine smells like acetone, this is also caused by liver and kidney diseases. After treatment of liver or kidney failure, application, this symptom disappears.

Determination of acetone in urine

It’s easy to detect bad breath – acetone has a specific aroma. It is easy to find out whether there are ketone bodies in the urine. This can be checked using special tests.

To determine this indicator yourself, you need to buy a test strip for acetone in urine. Special stripes Uriket can be purchased at any pharmacy. This strip should be placed in a container with urine. Collect urine carefully to avoid foam. And depending on the concentration of ketone bodies, the color of the tester will change. Accordingly, the more saturated the color of the strip, the higher the concentration of ammonia in the urine.

Why does the smell of acetone appear on the breath of children?

There may be many answers to the question of why your breath smells like acetone. If the causes of the smell of acetone from the mouth of an adult are associated with the conditions discussed above, then the smell of acetone from the mouth of a child is felt due to other reasons.

If a child is predisposed to acetonemia, he periodically develops such an odor. These manifestations periodically occur in children under eight years of age. As a rule, such bad breath in a child of 1 year, at 2 years old and in older children appears after an infectious disease or poisoning has been suffered, and the body temperature has risen to high performance. The reasons for the smell of acetone in a child’s mouth are due to the fact that his energy reserves are limited. And if a baby with a predisposition to acetonemia will fall ill with an acute illness respiratory disease or other infectious disease, there may not be enough glucose for the body to fight the disease.

Typically, children with this predisposition have low blood sugar levels. If the body attacks infectious disease, these figures are declining even further. As a result, the process of active breakdown of fats begins in order to obtain additional energy. In this case, substances are formed that subsequently enter the blood, and acetone is among them. At large quantities With acetone, even a child may experience symptoms of poisoning - nausea, vomiting. This can happen to a baby under one year old, and to an older child. These signs disappear on their own after recovery.

You can find out more about why your child’s breath smells like acetone by visiting a doctor and taking a test. necessary tests. Many experts talk about this, including Evgeny Komarovsky. But conscious parents still need to consult a doctor about this. You need to consult about the smell of acetone small child, and about problems with the pancreas, and about the development diabetes mellitus , and other serious conditions.

What should parents do if their child is predisposed to acetonemia?

Immediately, as soon as acetone is smelled from the mouth of children, the glucose level should be checked to exclude the development of diabetes. If your blood sugar is elevated, you should contact a specialist and conduct further research.

If the symptoms of acetone in a child are accompanied by infectious diseases, teething, poisoning, you should give your baby sweet tea or sugar. It is recommended to reduce the amount fatty foods on the menu. In this case, it is possible to treat children with acetone at home, but only if all serious illnesses are excluded.

If the aroma of acetone is not strong, you should initially make sure that it is increased. You can use test strips for this.

Answering the question of how to treat acetone in children if they are bothered by vomiting and other symptoms of intoxication appear, we note that experts advise giving the baby oral rehydration solutions. You need to give him such drugs every 15 minutes, a few spoons. Medicines can be used Oralit .

For parents who are wondering what to do if their child’s acetone is elevated, it is important not to panic about this. As a rule, such signs gradually disappear by school age.

But it is still important to act according to a certain scheme so as not to miss development serious illnesses. What to do if your baby’s breath stinks of acetone? You must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • If we are talking about a child under 10 years old, you need to determine the blood sugar level.
  • If the child is healthy, diabetes has been ruled out, and he smells acetone for the first time, you should give the child sweet tea. Drinks containing sugar should be given to the baby during vomiting, infections, or after stress.
  • If a child has diabetes mellitus, the smell of acetone is a signal to urgently consult a doctor - in this case, you need to call an ambulance. When the baby gets help, it is necessary to adjust his diet and treatment.
  • It is important for adolescents and adults who have “acetone” breath to have their liver and kidneys examined.
  • Those who have this symptom associated with diet or fasting should include more carbohydrate foods in their menu.

It is important to understand that the aroma of acetone from the mouth is an important signal from the body, and it should never be ignored.