Soluble chicory - beneficial properties and contraindications for health and weight loss. Is it true that chicory is a good and healthy substitute for instant coffee?

The chicory drink is probably known to everyone, even if not from personal experience, then from products on store shelves. What is it and what is its use? Let's figure it out today!

What is chicory

Chicory is a perennial plant with a thick and spindle-shaped root. Its stems are tall and covered with hairs. Flowers growing on stems are most often blue, but can be white or pink flowers. But no matter how beautiful the top is, the raw materials for the drink are prepared from the roots of the plant.

By the way, since chicory grows in large quantities in Russia and Ukraine, you can prepare it yourself without using purchased ingredients. Moreover, it is easy to do.

How to cook chicory at home

  1. Collect the chicory roots and wash them.
  2. Clean the clean roots thoroughly and rinse thoroughly again. There is a rod inside the roots that can be processed. Otherwise, if you don't want to, clean off the side shavings and use only those. It will take longer, but, as they say, it's a matter of taste.
  3. The prepared product must be passed through a meat grinder if the volume is large, or finely chopped with a knife if there are few roots.
  4. The crushed roots should be dried in the oven at a temperature of 100°C. After that, transfer them to a frying pan and fry until completely dry. If the number of roots was small and you used a knife to chop, then there would be little juice. In this case, you can immediately start frying, bypassing oven drying.
  5. Fry the roots until they are completely dry. When ready, they should have a persistent odor and yellowish color. brown.

Before preparing chicory, grind required quantity product in a coffee grinder and brew. If you choose not to remove the hard inner part root, then when brewing it can float in small chips on the surface. There is nothing wrong with this, literally in a couple of minutes everything will settle to the bottom and will not interfere with use.

This is how easy it is to prepare the most natural natural product. Yes, you need to tinker with it a little and it may seem easier to buy it ready-made, but this is how you can be sure of its healing qualities and 100% naturalness.

Chicory: properties

Now let's look at what harmful and beneficial properties this has. beautiful plant at internal reception.

Benefits of chicory

12 most useful and simply pleasant properties of chicory.

  • Great replacement for coffee. It tastes like coffee, so if you suddenly decide to give it up, or you like it, but for some reason it is contraindicated, switch to chicory. It is not advisable to consume it with milk; it is better to replace it with plant-based analogues, such as soy, coconut or rice. Sugar doesn't make the drink any healthier either. Chicory, by the way, is capable of uplifting and toning without causing harm to the body.
  • Good effect on the nervous system. The root contains large number B vitamins, which are known to have a positive effect on the nervous system. They charge with energy, give strength and are wonderfully invigorating.
  • Losing weight. The roots of the plant contain inulin, which effectively lowers blood sugar levels. This drink will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth, who cannot imagine their life without sweets and cakes. All harm from eating them will be neutralized. Thiamine, also known as B1, transforms carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy, B2 helps break down fats. Don’t forget about triterpenes, which activate metabolic processes And . And pectin dulls the feeling of hunger. It is enough to drink chicory after breakfast and lunch to stay full longer.
  • Help for diabetics. The previously mentioned inulin, which regulates blood sugar levels, will be very useful for diabetics who are forced to constantly monitor its content. However, chicory can only be used as aid treatment, but in no case the main one.

Chicory and milk. It was previously mentioned that chicory has a good effect on the functioning of the heart. vascular system, but if you look at the reviews about the drink, some complain that after switching from coffee to chicory they had problems with these organs. There is an answer to these inconsistencies. If you pay attention, the majority of those complaining tried to drink chicory with milk, like the once familiar coffee. And the point is not that the milk or chicory is bad - they just don’t go together as well as they might seem to taste. To resolve this issue, try replacing cow's milk to its plant analogues.

For varicose veins and problems with blood vessels. Chicory is very good at preventing disease, but it can cause harm when it occurs, so you should consult your doctor if you have such problems.

Liver. In moderation, chicory helps cleanse the kidneys, but experience shows that it is quite capable of causing harm. But this is only if you drink it in huge quantities.

Appetite. For some categories of citizens, the drink may cause an increase in appetite, it all depends on individual characteristics your body.

Insomnia. This feature also applies to sleep. By its nature, chicory is more of a sedative, but for individuals it really has an invigorating effect and can cause.

As you can see, there are not so many “harmful” sides to the drink. In addition, in fairness it is worth noting that all its disadvantages in 99.9% of cases occur only because it was exceeded permissible dosage. Drink it normally and then you will experience only its positive properties.

Chicory: contraindications

Before using any new product, you should always read about the contraindications that are inherent to it. This will avoid many troubles.

The first contraindication is due to the invigorating property of chicory. This quality can have a negative impact on work nervous system, hearts and blood vessels in people who have problems with them. But this does not mean that drinking the drink in this case is strictly prohibited. In small quantities and low concentrations it is quite acceptable. But in this case, a consultation with your doctor will not be superfluous.

Chicory is an allergen. Or rather, not the chicory itself, but the components of its root. If you ignore this point, then skin rashes secured. The plant may cause individual intolerance. Even though such cases are rare, they do occur. If you consume chicory in very large quantities, you can cause severe attack, which can be fatal.

It is not advisable to drink chicory if you have liver problems and gallbladder. The roots of the plant contain a lot of calcium oxalate, so it is prohibited in cases urolithiasis and in people who have a predisposition to it. Doctors confirm that in 80% of cases the appearance of kidney stones is caused by calcium oxalate. The latter, of course, is not only found in chicory.

If you have acute or chronic diseases, before consuming chicory, it is better to consult your doctor. This will be much safer, since each organism is individual.

Chicory during pregnancy

Coffee can rightfully be called one of the most popular drinks of our time, but it is no secret that during pregnancy it is generally advisable not to drink a grain drink. Chicory, although vaguely, still resembles coffee, but is it acceptable in an “interesting” situation?

Let's start with the fact that the harm of coffee is largely due to the caffeine content in it. Chicory does not have it in its composition, and this is already a plus. However, doctors still differ in their opinions about the admissibility of the drink for expectant mothers. But there is no clear justification that would show the danger for both the pregnant woman and the baby. Therefore, if a woman has no contraindications for health reasons, then small portions of the drink will only be beneficial.

The only thing you need to take into account is the composition. Please read it carefully before purchasing. The drink should not contain dyes, flavorings or preservatives. Otherwise there will be nothing useful in it.

Chicory during breastfeeding

As for the period of breastfeeding, everything is similar to the previous option. It is possible, but with caution. Firstly, you must know for sure that you have no contraindications for it. Secondly, start drinking it in very small quantities and watch how the child reacts to it.

If no negative reaction occurs, you can gradually increase the dose to an acceptable one. In any case, you shouldn’t overdo it even with such a healthy drink. Remember, it’s better to have too little than too much.

Chicory for children

Parents always wish only the best for their children and, first of all, everyone wants their most precious babies to be healthy. Many parents who consume chicory and want to share it healing qualities with children, they wonder, when can it be given to children and can it be done at all?

In fact, there is no clear answer to these questions. Pediatric specialists themselves are divided into two camps, where some are for and others are against. Some set age restrictions, not recommending giving it to children under two years old, due to the fact that the drink can negatively affect the formation of the nervous system. To be fair, it is worth noting that this fact has a right to exist. The fact is that chicory, despite the lack of caffeine in it, can excite like coffee. And this action is due to its effect on the nervous system.

But that's all. The drink is really very useful and can have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, thereby stimulating the immune system, which is good for children. If the child has no contraindications, then he can drink a small cup a day. Safety can be confirmed by the fact that the drink is included in the menu of kindergartens.

Chicory for weight loss

It is impossible to say that by consuming chicory you can lose weight just from one idea. In itself, it does not play a major role, but the fact that in this process it is one of the tools to combat overweight- it is known for sure. His chemical composition and its wide spectrum of action allows you to speed up the process of obtaining the desired results, but mainly only because when you use it, your metabolism improves and your intestines become more productive.

As a “weight loss” remedy, chicory is best used in conjunction with proper nutrition by reducing the number of calories you consume. In this case, new fats will not accumulate, and those that are available will begin to be actively processed.

If you don't like the bitterness that is often characteristic of chicory, you can remove it by adding skim milk. True, as we remember from the harm of chicory and milk, they do not really combine with each other.

Chicory for diabetes

Chicory is rightfully considered one of the most healthy drinks that can be used by patients diabetes mellitus. This is primarily due to the presence of fructose in the root of the plant, which is a worthy substitute for sugar.

The drink is also valued for its inulin, of which there is a large amount. It creates the effect of hypoglycemia. Chicory lowers blood sugar levels and prevents them from jumping, which is very useful for this disease. It is difficult to underestimate the benefits of inulin for impaired carbohydrate metabolism, which leads to impaired glucose tolerance.

Chicory can often be seen on the list of recommended drinks that help avoid diabetes complications. It is used during the treatment of obesity, it helps remove from the body bad cholesterol, reduces triglyceride levels. The drink gives a long-lasting feeling of fullness, so any diet with it does not seem so painful.

How much chicory per day?

Despite the fact that chicory is very useful, you should not get carried away with consuming it in large quantities. As is the case with many healthy products, there is a limit when even the most useful things, with their excessive consumption, begin to bring the exact opposite effect to the body, and chicory is no exception.

The optimal amount that can be set in the role daily norm, this is a couple of cups. It is this amount that will benefit and not harm. Anything more is already considered too much. Just remember the contraindications and do not drink the drink if you experience anything from the list.

How to cook chicory

Chicory is the world's most popular coffee substitute. And why all? Because it is very similar in color and taste to a drink made from roasted grains. But still, avid coffee lovers do not recognize the similarities between these comrades, characterizing the taste of chicory as bland and weakly aromatic. Therefore, in order to extract it healing properties, many simply add the ground product to their coffee. Chicory has a positive effect on the taste of the latter, making it even more intense.

So, how to cook chicory?

  1. Place 1-2 teaspoons of purchased or prepared chicory powder into a cup. The amount of dry product can be adjusted independently, depending on the desired strength.
  2. Pour boiling water over and let sit for about three minutes.
  3. After this, add milk or cream and sugar to taste.

Now the drink is ready to drink. Everything is very simple, tasty and healthy.

Chicory: recipes

In conclusion, we invite you to bake very tasty and healthy muffins that are easy to prepare and quickly eaten. They contain chicory extract, which makes them even more valuable.

Morning muffins

  • a glass of muesli;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • chicken egg;
  • a glass of kefir or natural yogurt;
  • four tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • three teaspoons of cinnamon;
  • a couple of teaspoons of baking powder;
  • half a teaspoon of chicory extract;
  • half an apple.
  1. Pour muesli with yogurt (or kefir). Cut the apple into small pieces.
  2. Preheat the oven well to 180°C. Grease the prepared muffin tins with oil.
  3. Sift the flour and add baking powder, cinnamon and vanillin.
  4. Beat eggs with butter and sugar.
  5. Add chicory to beaten eggs. It will give a beautiful brown color to baked goods.
  6. Add muesli there.
  7. While stirring, add flour.
  8. Add finely chopped apples and mix everything well again.
  9. Pack into molds so that the dough fills it 2/3.
  10. Bake the dessert for about half an hour, and then let them brew in the oven, turning it off, for seven minutes. Remove and leave for another 10 minutes.

Let's get acquainted first. Chicory - herbaceous plant family Asteraceae and includes two cultivated species and six wild ones. The name of this plant with beautiful honey-bearing bright blue flowers, similar to cornflower or chamomile, means “going beyond the fields.”

Common chicory (cichorium intybus). Other names: yellow grass, petrov knut, black companion, blue batogs, sickle grass, shkerda, shcherbak, endeviy.

The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of chicory. This drought-resistant perennial plant is widespread in the temperate climate zone. It grows along river banks, along roads, near settlements, in vacant lots.

Chicory root is used for medicinal purposes, and the root and leaves are used in cooking. In many countries, the plant is grown specially, setting aside entire fields for planting. In Russia, salad varieties are not grown, and wild plants taste harsh.

Benefits of chicory

The popularity of chicory is explained by the beneficial properties and composition of substances found in its roots.

In addition to plant proteins, they contain:

  • organic acids;
  • pectin;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

Of particular note is the high content of inulin (up to 60% of the dry weight of the root). This polysaccharide is perfectly absorbed and leads to a decrease in blood sugar, which is what chicory does valuable product in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with diabetes.

Chicory preparations help improve metabolic processes in the body and strengthen the nervous system, which is useful for sick, weakened people and those who want to lose excess weight.

Decoctions, tinctures and compresses from chicory root can be of great benefit to patients suffering from skin diseases, such as:

  • seborrhea,
  • neurodermatitis,
  • eczema,
  • chicken pox,
  • furunculosis,
  • acne,
  • psoriasis.

Chicory is a powerful diuretic, this is its benefit and harm at the same time. For people with high blood pressure, this property will be useful, but for people with low blood pressure, it can be harmful, since the pressure can drop even more.

Useful properties of chicory and recipes based on it

The beneficial properties of chicory have been known since ancient times. Another famous doctor Ibn Sina (Avicena) recommended taking the root of the plant in case of disorder gastrointestinal tract and inflammation of the eyes.

Medicine uses chicory decoctions as:

  • antimicrobial,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • diuretic,
  • choleretic,
  • antipyretic,
  • anthelmintic.

The glycoside intibin (which gives a bitter taste) was found in chicory roots, which is used in pharmaceuticals as a vasodilator, relieves attacks of tachycardia and, together with B vitamins, helps normalize the activity of the nervous system.

Traditional medicine recipes

Skin compress:
Pour boiling water over chopped chicory roots in a 50/50% ratio and apply to the affected area for 20 minutes.

A decoction for those who want to lose weight overweight:
Brew 1 teaspoon of crushed chicory roots like coffee in 0.5 liters of water, then cool, strain, take 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day.

These properties alone could deservedly create the popularity of chicory, however, the roasted and ground root of the plant is better known as a coffee substitute.

Chicory in cooking

The roots and leaves of cultivated species of chicory can be used in salads (with sweet peppers, cucumbers and onions), vinaigrettes (with pickles, green peas, carrots, onions, eggs).

Chicory in any form gives food a particularly piquant taste, stewed in vegetable or butter, with egg-butter sauce, used as a side dish for potato or meat dishes.

Chicory salad recipe


  • 300 g of young chicory leaves (can be replaced with lettuce leaves);
  • 200 g Roquefort cheese;
  • 10 walnuts;
  • 150 g watercress;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons apple cider vinegar;
  • 2 teaspoons of liquid honey;
  • salt;
  • pepper.


  1. Expand walnuts and separate the kernels from the skins.
  2. Toast the nuts over high heat with a few drops of olive oil. (Stir constantly with a spoon until well browned, this will take a couple of minutes).
  3. Once the nuts are toasted, remove them from the pan and leave them on a plate to cool.
  4. Chop the chicory and place it on a plate.
  5. Add heaping watercress.
  6. Sprinkle cheese on the dish.
  7. Spread the toasted walnuts evenly on top of the leaves.
  8. Mix vinegar, honey and olive oil in a separate container and season the salad, salt and pepper as desired.

The salad should be served immediately after preparation and can be used as an independent dish.

Chicory - coffee substitute

Chicory coffee is a product obtained from chicory root and used as a coffee substitute. It perfectly quenches thirst and gives vigor. Pregnant women and children over three years of age can drink it.

In the middle of the last century, when natural coffee had to be “procured,” chicory-based drinks were more popular. With the increase in coffee supplies, the popularity of chicory has declined, but still more people those who care about their health remember him.

People who need to give up coffee can start drinking chicory drinks. A morning cup of delicious coffee can easily be replaced with a chicory drink. Its aroma and taste are different, different from coffee, but no less pleasant.

Chicory coffee recipe

Chicory roots are dug up in the fall, cleared of soil, washed, cut and dried, then fried in the oven until golden brown. Before use, finely grind in a coffee grinder.


Chicory is brewed like coffee: 0.5-1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water. Sugar and milk to taste.

Advice: if at first the taste of the chicory drink seems unusual or not very tasty to you, then you can add a little ground coffee to it.

Properties of chicory coffee

Chicory coffee contains complex carbohydrate inulin (10 to 15%). Once in the body, inulin slowly lowers blood sugar levels, so it can maintain its level at a constant level.

Inulin is also considered a type of soluble fiber, which makes it useful for preventing constipation and for absorbing toxins from the intestines.

Since inulin is very resistant to action digestive enzymes, it reaches the intestines practically unchanged. There he is exposed to microorganisms of the intestinal flora, which use him in their diet. Thus, inulin is considered a prebiotic because it can stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria.

In addition to inulin, chicory root is rich valuable substance- intibine. Intibin stimulates the production of bile, which, in turn, increases appetite and promotes digestion.

Minerals, Omega 6 and Omega 3 acids
We must not forget that chicory coffee is rich minerals, including potassium, phosphorus and calcium, as well as essential fatty acids: linoleic (Omega 6) and alpha-linolenic (Omega 3).

Benefits of chicory coffee compared to regular coffee

Coffee is primarily a stimulant. Chicory can be considered as a regulator of digestion and intestinal function. Both coffees have diuretic properties, but they do so in very different ways.

Chicory has many advantages over coffee without the negative properties of caffeine, here are the main ones:

  • Coffee is a stimulant because the caffeine it contains increases cellular metabolism. Chicory contains a set of nutrients (magnesium, calcium, potassium, fiber, Apigenin, vitamin C, etc.) that increase diuresis without affecting the nervous system.
  • Caffeine has muscle relaxant effects. Chicory can also reduce muscle pain, but with the help of other components (apigenin, magnesium, rutin, etc.)
  • Both coffees have antioxidant properties.

Harm from consuming chicory and coffee made from it

Chicory roots are not toxic and do not exhibit any significant side effect, but there is a message that aqueous extract roots inhibits spermatogenesis in mice and exhibits pronounced contraceptive activity in rats. Such experiments have not been carried out on humans.

Harm and contraindications to consuming chicory:

  • Oddly enough, one of the contraindications to the use of chicory is associated with its beneficial properties. By promoting vasodilation, drinks from this plant can negatively affect patients suffering from varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
  • It is necessary to limit or completely avoid the use of chicory for certain types of gastritis.
  • This plant should not be used by people who have a tendency to form kidney stones, as the root is rich in oxalates.
  • Parents should be aware that increased appetite caused by chicory drinks can lead to weight gain in children.

Harm and contraindications to drinking coffee and other chicory drinks.

Chicory is known as instant substitute coffee or as an additive for it, and many have already heard that it has amazingly beneficial health properties and almost no contraindications. But in trying to find a good replacement for caffeine, are we doing ourselves more harm than good? If you want to learn more about what instant chicory is, what benefits it has for the health of men and women after 40–50 years, how much you can drink per day, and much more, read on.

What is chicory?

Chicory is the root of the chicory (endive) plant that is roasted and ground and is widely used as a cheap substitute. instant coffee or its flavoring. It enhances its smell and gives it a richer taste. Coffee with chicory has a more intense roasted aroma and a little more bitterness.

Chicory is grown in many parts of the world, the largest producers are in France, South Africa, USA.

It is also used as a seasoning in cooking and to add to food products and drinks.

What chicory looks like - photo

General description

Common chicory (Cichorium intybus var. Sativum) is a hardy perennial plant of the genus Chicory (Cichorium) of the Asteraceae family, the leaves of which are used in salads, and the root is used to make a drink.

His scientific name: Cichorium intybus var. Sativum. Another name for chicory is bitterweed. blue flower, roadside grass, Petrov's batogs, Tatar color, Tsar Root, Shcherbak.

Life expectancy in nature is 2 years, but under optimal conditions it can grow up to 5 years.

The stem is rough, vertical, smooth or partially hairy, grows from 90 to 180 cm in height. The entire stem is filled with bitter milky juice.

The flowers are from 2 to 4 cm wide and usually bright, light blue, less often white or pink. The petals are arranged in two rows: short on the outside and long on the outside. inside. Blooms from July to October and only in sunny days. Each flower lives only one day.

Chicory flower – photo

Chicory develops two types of leaves: large, lobed (like dandelion) leaves at the base of the plant and smaller, oblong or lanceolate leaves at the base of the plant. upper parts stem.

Edible parts: leaves and root. The flower is very bitter.

The root is about 5 cm in diameter and 15-20 cm in length, tapers like other root vegetables, and weighs 50-100 g.

How and what is chicory made from?

Chicory is not coffee; it is obtained not from beans, but from the roots of the plant. They are usually dug up in the fall, in the second year of life.

Then they are thoroughly cleaned and cut into small cubes. Next place on a rack and dry slowly by artificial means at temperatures from 40 to 50 ° C.

Fry them until they are firm and dark brown. The roasted roots are then ground like coffee beans.

What is the smell and taste of chicory?

Roasted chicory root has a coffee-like aroma but is caffeine-free. It has a naturally sweet taste, so no sugar is needed to make the drink.

How to choose and where to buy chicory

Fresh root is most often not found in supermarkets, except in specialized stores healthy eating. If you are gardening, you can grow chicory yourself on your own plot.

In grocery stores, chicory root is sold only in processed form: crushed into powder, granules, flakes, extract, etc. Visually, the product should look dry, without foreign additives or lumps.

There is also instant liquid chicory on sale - a thick, dark extract with a rich, bitter taste. It is produced in cans. The extract is easier to store and prepare than the powder product.

Drink fillers are added to some varieties of chicory: sea buckthorn, lemongrass, ginseng, cinnamon, blueberry, stevia. Natural additives enrich the taste and affect both the properties and the price of the product.

How and how long to store chicory

Store fresh powder and other forms of chicory in airtight containers away from direct sun rays. Use it as early as possible to avoid loss of taste and “breathing out” of essential oils.

If moisture gets into the powder, it will become hard and unusable.

Chemical composition

Chicory root contains several health-promoting plant compounds, minerals and vitamins.

Nutritional value of 100 g of chicory root (Cichorium intybus var. Sativum)

NameQuantityPercentage of daily value, %
Energy value(calorie content)72 Kcal 3,5
Carbohydrates17.51 ​​g 14
Protein1.40 g 3
Dietary fiber(fiber)1.5 g 4
Folates23 mcg 6
Niacin0.400 mg 2,5
Pyridoxine0.241 mg 18
Riboflavin0.030 mg 2
Thiamine0.040 mg 3
Vitamin C5 mg 8
Sodium50 mg 3
Potassium290 mg 6
Calcium36 mg 3,5
Iron0.80 mg 10
Magnesium22 mg 5,5
Manganese0.233 mg 10
Phosphorus61 mg 9
Selenium0.7 mcg 1
Zinc0.33 mg 3

Health Benefits of Chicory Root

The chicory plant has many medicinal properties and health benefits.

Health benefits and harms of soluble chicory after 40 - 50 years

Below are beneficial properties And side effects(harm) of a drink made from chicory root, especially relevant for people aged 40 - 50 years and older.

Chicory root is a caffeine-free, healthy herbal drink that can be drunk by both children (over 1 year of age) and adults. Manufacturers also use it as one of the ingredients in regular coffee powder.

Instant chicory Popular among those trying to reduce their caffeine intake and gain health benefits, it can also cause adverse side effects and has contraindications.

The chicory plant and its parts can cause hypersensitivity reactions, manifested as itching, allergic contact dermatitis, redness in the eyes, etc. This occurs in some people who are sensitive to it, especially those with allergies to ragweed, birch or chrysanthemum pollen, marigolds, daisies and other members of the Asteraceae/Asteraceae plant family.

If you have any problems negative symptoms After drinking chicory coffee, stop use immediately and consult a doctor.

Too much chicory in the diet can lead to digestive problems due to high content inulin.

Special Cautions

Chicory is able to stimulate the uterus, which, in turn, leads to its contraction. It also contains a substance that promotes menstrual bleeding, which can lead to miscarriage if consumed in large quantities. During pregnancy, any form of chicory is contraindicated for women. Be sure to read the ingredients on the coffee label before drinking. Chicory has not been thoroughly studied in pregnant women, but the risk of abortion does exist.

There is little research on the safety of chicory root for women who are breastfeeding. Check with your doctor to see if you can drink chicory if you have breastfeeding to avoid adverse symptoms.

Chicory can stimulate bile production. It may be harmful for people with gallstones. Do not use it without medical supervision if you have this problem.

Dosage of instant chicory - how much you can drink per day

Traditionally for use as an everyday drink - 3-5 g per day.

Even healthy adults should not get carried away and remember moderation: 2 - 3 glasses of chicory coffee per day are enough.

Use of chicory in cooking

Chicory greens are an excellent herb for cooking. Juicy leaves are added to salads, and young shoots are used in the preparation of marinades.

The young roots can be cooked like parsnips and served with sauce or in soups.

Roasted roots are used to add a bitter, mild flavor to coffee and tea or as a coffee substitute.

Powdered chicory is often added to baked goods.

How to make delicious homemade chicory kvass - video

Chicory has been linked to several health benefits and can be a good coffee replacement if you're looking to cut down on caffeine and don't have any contraindications. However, no studies have yet shown that chicory is better than regular coffee. But, if you like the taste of this drink, nothing prevents you from adding it to your diet and enjoying it.

Once upon a time, as a child, I drank a drink made from chicory with great pleasure. Back then it was called “children's coffee.” Then I somehow forgot about its existence. But a few months ago I accidentally came across a jar of instant chicory, remembered, bought the same one, and since then I’ve been drinking it from time to time with great pleasure. And then I took an interest and found out that it is not only tasty, but also healthy!

Chicory (lat. Cichorium) is a genus of perennial or biennial herbs of the Compositae or Asteraceae family. This is useful and aromatic plant, the most popular coffee substitute.

How to prepare instant chicory

To prepare the concentrate, which is sold in stores, first a strong “infusion” is brewed from the roasted dry root, and then it is dried in special sublimation ovens to obtain a powder. Which is already packaged in jars and bags.

Useful composition of chicory

Chicory root contains: vitamin C, pectin, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), resins, macro- and microelements (K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, P, etc.), carotene, organic acids, protein and tannins. Chicory contains a large amount beneficial inulin- about 40-60%, during the peak season the dried root can contain up to 75%.

Inulin can be considered almost the main beneficial component of chicory. This substance is a type of fiber that is especially beneficial for intestinal microflora. It also contains a large amount of fructose. Inulin helps normalize the functioning of all digestive system and improving metabolism. Soluble chicory fully retains the ability to normalize intestinal microflora. By the way, there is no inulin in either coffee or tea.

Beneficial properties of soluble chicory

Instant chicory in color and, especially, taste is very similar to natural roasted coffee, but chicory does not contain caffeine. While both tea and coffee contain caffeine. This feature makes chicory especially valuable, since drinks containing caffeine cannot always be consumed by people with certain diseases. Caffeine increases vascular tone, therefore, it is prohibited for people with high blood pressure. Caffeine-containing drinks are contraindicated if you have heart disease.

Soluble chicory has a sweetish taste. This feature helps you break the habit of adding sugar to drinks. Of course, this also makes chicory attractive and useful for people suffering from diabetes and or who are overweight.

Chicory helps dilate blood vessels, is able to relieve attacks of tachycardia, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and circulatory system, calms. It is also useful, as mentioned above, for the digestive organs. It is appropriate in the treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys and spleen.

Medicines based on it have choleretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Tinctures from this plant are also used externally. Chicory accelerates the healing process of old wounds, eczema and others skin diseases, such as: atopic dermatitis, furunculosis, psoriasis, etc. The effect of tinctures is of a drying nature, which helps in as soon as possible relieve inflammation.

Contraindications and harm

People suffering from varicose veins veins Vascular disease, asthma, bronchitis or chronic cough– these are diseases in which chicory is dangerous to health.

Ascorbic acid, which is present in chicory, can cause unexpected and unpleasant consequences in people whose bodies are predisposed to allergic reactions. It is known that hypervitaminization is as dangerous as vitamin deficiency. Therefore, you need to add chicory to your diet with caution and not forget that it is essentially a medicinal plant.

On a summer afternoon, you have undoubtedly seen a wildflower with large, delicate blue flowers. This is chicory, which contains a lot useful components and is a medicinal plant. Its other name is common chicory or wild wildflower that grows like a weed. It is widely used in folk medicine common chicory: its beneficial properties are multifaceted, it is known to many and is mainly used to prepare a wonderful, tasty and healing drink.

Known and loved by many chicory plant unpretentious, found everywhere, with a long root. It blooms all summer, and a large blue chicory flower is collected in a basket. The flowers of the plant are used in medicinal purposes, but still the most valuable thing in this plant is chicory root.

The uniqueness of the composition and benefits of chicory

chicory has unique composition and many medicinal properties

For those who want to find out what beneficial properties chicory has, it would be a good idea to find out what the composition of chicory is. Chicory root contains more useful substances. This:

  • inulin is a polysaccharide easily absorbed by the body,
  • a large amount of proteins,
  • vitamins A, B vitamins, large amounts of vitamin C,
  • pectin,
  • macro- and microelements (potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium, etc.),
  • essential oil,
  • mineral salts,
  • organic acids,
  • glycoside intibid,
  • carotenes,
  • bitter and resinous substances,
  • tannins.

It is the root that contains about 60% inulin - one of the most valuable components, which is a polysaccharide, a substitute for starch and sugar. Inulin is often used in the diet of patients with diabetes, as it is easily digestible. This allows you to use chicory for diabetes.

Potassium contributes to the normalization of the heart muscle, normal muscle tone of the whole body, iron has positive influence on the process of hematopoiesis.

B vitamins are essential for normal functioning nervous system, have a calming effect.

chicory will replace coffee for people suffering from high blood pressure, and at the same time will soothe, lower blood pressure and balance tone

The rich set of components in the plant suggests that chicory has multifaceted medicinal properties: anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, sedative, choleretic, antipyretic, diuretic and has a hypnotic effect.

Chicory is effectively used as a vasodilator for diseases such as ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, tachycardia, and anemia.

It has a positive effect on metabolism, has hepatoprotective and immunomodulatory effects, and is also effective against obesity, cholelithiasis, myocardial infarction, osteochondrosis, arthritis.

The root also contains a large amount of milky juice, the bitter substances of which can increase appetite, and a cup of chicory drink before lunch will help with this.

If you are also interested in the benefits of chicory, then thanks to its calming effect, it is useful to use in the fight against insomnia in adults, and, drunk in the morning, it will help to cheer up and recharge with energy.

This plant is healers traditional medicine recommended for use in treatment various diseases Gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and the central nervous system. Having a bactericidal effect, it is widely and successfully used in the treatment of eczema and old wounds; in the treatment and prevention of many diseases of the liver, kidneys, and spleen.

Chicory is also used as an antimicrobial and astringent.

Chicory often has beneficial influence on the digestive tract:

  • reducing lethargy, activates digestion,
  • eliminates heartburn,
  • helps develop gastric juice, digest food.

However, if there are erosions and ulcers in the digestive tract, chicory should not be consumed.

As already mentioned, chicory is very useful for diabetes, since it contains a lot of polysaccharide, a known substitute for sugar and starch, it can claim first place in the list of allowed products, which many diabetics choose so carefully, it has the ability to significantly reduce blood sugar and improves metabolic processes in the body, has a general strengthening effect.

It is worth noting that the usefulness of chicory also lies in the fact that chicory lowers blood pressure. Coffee lovers will enjoy the caffeine-free chicory drink: it will calm you down, relieve irritability, and restore tone. Chicory is considered a well-known coffee substitute; its main difference from coffee is that it does not contain caffeine at all, and will be good for people with high blood pressure. And in the morning, chicory instead of coffee will definitely give you energy, increased performance and a good mood.

To reduce blood pressure In addition to drinking the drink, you can take a bath with chicory decoction, which will also help relax and relieve emotional stress, will help the body calm down. But those who have low blood pressure should avoid drinking this drink.

Contraindications for use

consumption of chicory is contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins

Although this plant is quite famous and popular, and its long time consumed not only as a drink, but also, given the healing properties of chicory, it is often used to improve the health of the body. You should pay attention not only to whether chicory is healthy, but also to what contraindications chicory has. You should remember if you use chicory: the benefits and harms of it medicinal plant, as well as any other, can be closely related. On the one hand, chicory has a beneficial effect on the body: its benefits are obvious, thanks to its numerous positive properties, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the body, but harm from chicory is also possible.

It is necessary to understand in more detail why chicory is harmful: this plant should never be used by people suffering from varicose veins, and chicory is also contraindicated for use in various vascular diseases (for example, hemorrhoids). Only after thoroughly understanding what contraindications the chicory drink has can you include it in your menu. Only after consulting a doctor can you use chicory for gastritis.

If you consume this plant, you may be allergic to chicory, since its root contains a large amount of vitamin C- ascorbic acid, which can cause allergic reactions in some people. You need to be especially careful if you give chicory to children.

In addition, chicory can provoke or worsen a cough, so drinking chicory when coughing is also not recommended. A serious contraindication for the use of chicory is also individual intolerance, it is quite rare.

The undeniable benefits of chicory

Eating chicory during pregnancy will be beneficial

This drink can be drunk by everyone: chicory will be useful during pregnancy and for children, therefore, if you are concerned about the question of whether pregnant women can drink chicory, the answer will be positive if there are no contraindications for its use.

Chicory is often used as a drink during pregnancy. Can pregnant women drink chicory? We answered above, but now we need to find out the reasons. Expectant mothers often wonder if pregnant women can eat chicory. They can be calmed down. It is believed that chicory for pregnant women must be included in the menu because chicory during pregnancy will have a beneficial effect on the liver, cleansing it of substances harmful to the body, removing toxins, and facilitating the work of the heart muscle. It will stimulate work digestive tract, will improve, if necessary, appetite, eliminate heartburn, calm and tone the body, and normalize metabolic processes. Chicory helps normalize intestinal function and will help relieve a pregnant woman from constipation. Chicory can improve the quality of blood, cleansing and refreshing it, which is necessary for a woman who wants to endure healthy child, and pure maternal blood will contribute to the viability of her unborn child and will serve as a guarantee of the baby’s health. Therefore, the answer to the question will be only in the affirmative, and for them this drink will be one of the most useful.

If you are used to drinking this drink, then questions may arise as to whether chicory is good for breastfeeding, and is chicory really necessary for nursing mothers? There is no special data yet on how chicory behaves during lactation and whether chicory can be consumed by a nursing mother. It is important for every nursing mother to monitor very carefully how her baby reacts to the food product she eats: does he have allergic reaction and if necessary, adjust your diet.

Many mothers want to know whether their children can eat chicory. As already mentioned, chicory is extremely useful for most: a drink from it will also be useful for children, since feeling unwell it will help strengthen the immune system and improve body tone. It is useful to add milk to a drink for children, as chicory helps to better absorb lactic acids.

Can chicory be used for weight loss? Although chicory has a low calorie content, it promotes weight loss due to its high content of easily digestible inulin, a sugar substitute. It effectively lowers blood sugar and improves metabolism. This promotes weight loss. Having a diuretic effect, chicory accelerates the burning of fats and their removal from the body. The presence of sufficient potassium in chicory helps relieve the body of harmful substances. But, at the same time, it contributes to a significant stimulation of appetite, and therefore, if you are watching your weight or are prone to obesity, if it is difficult for you to restrain yourself in matters of nutrition, then you should not hope that chicory will help you lose weight. You can use instant chicory for weight loss, but it will play a supporting role. The main thing here will be effective physical activity and restricting daily caloric intake.

Chicory in treatment

a decoction of chicory root is used to treat diathesis in children

It is believed that chicory is a herb, which is why chicory is called medicinal herb. Chicory has long been known to traditional medicine healers as a reliable remedy for combating many ailments. IN modern medicine The medicinal properties of chicory are highly valued.

Questions often arise related to proper production and use. medicines, where chicory is used as a medicinal raw material: recipes will help with this, and this plant will become your reliable assistant in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

It is useful to use for the treatment of liver and kidney diseases; chicory is also used for pancreatitis for the normal functioning of the pancreas. During the day you can take chicory decoction without any restrictions. A decoction is prepared from 2 tablespoons of chicory, which needs to be brewed with a heel in a volume of 0.5 liters, adding to it after cooling a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a tablespoon of honey.

The following recipe will reliably stimulate bile formation: 2 tbsp. l. Chicory roots need to be boiled for half an hour in a water bath in 2 glasses of water, let it brew for 30 minutes, then strain. It is recommended to take this infusion before meals at least 3 times a day.

Thanks to its well-known antimicrobial properties, chicory is good at eliminating gastrointestinal disorders such as dysbiosis.

Decoctions, infusions, tinctures of chicory are effective in the treatment of skin diseases (eczema, seborrhea, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, acne etc.). They should be used externally.

Chicory is good for external use for children. To treat diathesis in children, you can use the following recipe: you will need crushed dried chicory root (4 tablespoons), which should be poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat for about half an hour in a water bath. The resulting cooled and strained decoction can be used for baths when bathing babies, you can resort to rubdowns or lotions.

What is the use of chicory today as remedy? An infusion or decoction of roots, inflorescences, and herbs is effectively used; these drugs will help improve digestion. To prepare this decoction you need 2 tbsp. l. pour boiling water (500 ml) over the raw material, boil, cool, strain. Take the prepared medicine 1/3 cup several times a day.

To prepare a decoction of the roots you need 1 tsp. Boil chopped chicory roots in a glass of water for 10 minutes, then strain, take half a glass before meals.

This plant is used not only in folk medicine - medicinal properties of chicory lately attract the attention of pharmacists. They are striving to use the intibin glycoside contained in the root to create medications that they plan to use to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system in the fight against tachycardia and to dilate blood vessels.

Among the people, chicory is widely used to treat skin diseases and acne. Chicory is also useful for hair. Its decoction can be colored gray hair. Chicory can also help with hair loss. You need to take 3 tablespoons of chicory and pour a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes, let it brew in a warm place for about 6 hours. This decoction will then need to be rubbed into the scalp. And from 2 tbsp. l. chicory root and 2 glasses of water, you can prepare a decoction, which you need to rinse your hair after washing.