Yarrow - beneficial properties and contraindications for treatment. Use of yarrow. Yarrow

They have long been known in Rus' healing properties yarrow, popularly called reznik, soldier's herb for its hemostatic and wound-healing properties.

Yarrow's medicinal properties are mentioned in the myths of Ancient Greece; the ancient Greek physician Dioscorides used it to stop bleeding from wounds, calling it “wound herb.”

Yarrow is a genus of plants in the family Asteraceae or Compositae; there are about 150 species of these perennial herbs, which are distributed mainly in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere; there are many varieties of yarrow in the Mediterranean and in the mountains.

On the territory of Russia, the most common yarrow is common; it grows in almost the entire territory, except for the north of Siberia and the Far East; it grows in meadows and forest edges, in the steppes, along roads, along the edges of fields.

Common yarrow description

Achillea millefolium L.

Common yarrow grass is a perennial plant 15 - 80 cm high with a long creeping rhizome, single or several erect stems, bare or slightly pubescent, branched in the upper part, which end in beautiful corymbose inflorescences of white or less often pinkish color, formed from small flowers collected in small numerous baskets with tiled wrapping.

Yarrow leaves are oblong-lanceolate, up to 15 cm long, 1-3 cm wide, basal leaves with short petioles, the upper ones are sessile, alternate, dissected into numerous small lobules, hence the name “yarrow”.

It usually blooms in June - September; fruits, oblong silvery achenes 1.5 - 2 mm long, ripen in August - October, in one plant up to 25,000 achenes. It propagates by seeds dispersed by the wind, and new plants are formed from buds on the rhizome.

Common yarrow is a medicinal plant, medical purposes They use yarrow grass, cutting off the upper part with inflorescences and leaves up to 15 cm long during active flowering in dry weather, as well as the roots. Yarrow inflorescences are also prepared, and fresh young leaves are also collected in May, when they first appear. Dry the grass by tying it into bunches, in the shade or in drying ovens at a temperature of 40°C. Dried grass is cut with garden shears and stored in a closed glass container for 2 - 3 years.

Yarrow herb contains essential oil - up to 0.8%, alkaloids achillein, betonitsin, stachydrine; organic acids, vitamins C, K, carotene (provitamin A); bitter and tannins, resins, microelements.

Closely related species are also used and harvested for medicinal purposes: noble yarrow and Asian yarrow.

The scientific name of the genus Achillea is given in honor of Achilles, one of the famous heroes of the Trojan War, who knew how to heal and proved healing power yarrow, curing King Telephus from a wound inflicted by a spear. The memory of this is preserved and does not fade for three thousand years.

The name of the species millefolium, translated from Latin as “yarrow,” is associated with the strong dissection of the leaves. It is also called bloodgrass, whitecap, fragrant grass - the flowers and leaves have a strong bitter aroma.

Yarrow beneficial properties and contraindications

How is yarrow useful?

Yarrow preparations have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, anti-allergenic, hemostatic, bactericidal and wound-healing effects.

The plant is often used as a strong hemostatic agent; it is used for internal pulmonary, nasal, uterine, gastrointestinal, hemorrhoidal bleeding and external bleeding in the treatment of wounds and cuts.

The hemostatic property of yarrow is due to the content of the alkaloid achillein in its chemical composition. At uterine bleeding- heavy menstruation, inflammatory diseases uterus preparations of yarrow can enhance uterine contractions.

As an anti-inflammatory agent, yarrow is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the kidneys and bladder, liver, gynecological and skin diseases, and in the treatment of diathesis. Yarrow improves the functions of the secretory glands of the gastrointestinal tract and enhances the secretion of bile.


  • Individual intolerance.
  • Use of drugs orally during pregnancy.
  • If you have low blood pressure or thrombophlebitis, take with caution - do not exceed the recommended dose of the drug, monitor your health.
  • Caution is required when long-term use yarrow preparations - possible dizziness, skin rashes.

Yarrow herb is used for a wide variety of diseases, it is a very popular herbal healer in folk medicine, along with chamomile and St. John's wort.

Preparations from the yarrow herb are used in folk medicine to stimulate appetite and improve digestion; for colds, leucorrhoea, liver diseases, anemia and headaches; for pulmonary tuberculosis, suffocation, cough; as a wound-healing and hemostatic agent during heavy menstruation; for nervous diseases, hypertension, toothache and to increase the amount of milk in nursing women.

Yarrow herb is used for metabolic disorders, diathesis and rashes - it is taken orally and at the same time used for medicinal baths.

Since ancient times, people have applied crushed fresh herbs or dry leaves scalded with boiling water to wounds, washed the damaged skin surface with decoctions, and made an ointment with yarrow flowers. For a small wound or abrasion to heal quickly, it is enough to apply crushed yarrow leaves to the wound. A compress made from yarrow herb heals abrasions and calluses on the feet.

Infusions, decoctions, and tincture of yarrow herb increase blood clotting, stop bleeding, improve appetite, and promote digestion.

In the form of decoctions, they are used for bloating, inflammation of the bladder, and rapid heartbeat.

As a hemostatic agent for internal bleeding:

  • Infusion of yarrow herb: pour one tablespoon of crushed dry herb with 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a sealed container for 1 hour, strain. Take from 1 tbsp. l. up to 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.
  • Herbal powder: prepare a mixture of equal parts of yarrow and nettle leaf powder, mix. Take 0.3 g of powder 3 times a day with meals.

For gastrointestinal diseases, to stimulate appetite:

Infusion of yarrow herb: 1 tsp. Pour two cups of boiling water over the chopped herbs, leave in a sealed container for 1 hour, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 15 - 20 minutes before meals.

For gastritis with low acidity It is recommended to drink 1/3 cup of fresh infusion of gastric juice before meals.

For chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer:

Decoction: two tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over chopped yarrow herb, simmer in a water bath or low heat for 20 minutes, strain. Take 100 ml 4 times a day before meals for a month.

To improve metabolism, appetite, liver diseases, women's diseases and as a general tonic:

Accept fresh juice from yarrow herb 1 tsp. with honey 3 times a day before meals.

Infusion of yarrow herb for external use : 2 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over yarrow herbs, leave for 4 hours in a tightly sealed container, strain. Use for washing wounds and cuts.

The infusion can be used for gargling, for diseases oral cavity, teeth; for enemas for hemorrhoids.

For the treatment of bleeding or long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, boils, use:

  • fresh juice from yarrow leaves,
  • chopped fresh leaves or
  • scald with boiling water and soak the dry leaves, wrap in gauze and apply to the wound.

Tincture of yarrow herb application:

Pour 50 g of dry herb into 250 ml of vodka, leave in a dark place in a sealed container for 1 week, strain, squeeze. Drink 30 drops 3 times a day as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Decoction of yarrow roots application:

One tsp. crushed dried roots, pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain after cooling. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 4 - 5 times a day.

Yarrow uses to cure eczema:

Use a strong infusion of yarrow (for external use) to steam sore spots and take 1 tbsp of yarrow infusion orally. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Grinding fresh young leaves to extract juice and placing them in your nostrils can stop nosebleeds.

Watch a video about the herb yarrow - medicinal properties and contraindications:

Common yarrow video

Yarrow tea brewed in a mixture with other herbs, which softens its bitter taste, drink at internal bleeding, hemorrhoids, boils and skin rashes. Yarrow is included in laxative, appetizing, stomach teas, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

It is very good to add yarrow flowers when brewing tea in winter with for preventive purposes- warms, gives flowers pleasant aroma, awakening memories of summer.

Yarrow herb in medicinal preparations

Yarrow herb is included in stomach, laxative and appetizing preparations, for some diseases of the cardiovascular system.

1. For pain in the heart, rapid heartbeat:

  • Valerian root - 2 parts,
  • motherwort grass - 2,
  • yarrow herb - 1,
  • anise fruits - 1

One tbsp. Pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Take 1/4 - 1/3 cup 2 - 3 times a day.

2. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Wormwood herb - 3 parts,
  • yarrow herb - 1

One tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 20 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. l. 15 - 20 minutes before meals to stimulate appetite.

3. For gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice:

  • Celandine grass - 1 part,
  • yarrow grass - 2,
  • chamomile flowers - 2,
  • St. John's wort herb - 2

One tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 20 minutes. Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3 times a day 20 - 30 minutes before meals.

4. For diseases of the liver, gall bladder, urinary tract:

  • Chicory root - 1 part,
  • Horsetail grass -1,
  • yarrow herb - 1,
  • St. John's wort herb - 1

One tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 30 minutes. Take 3/4 - 1 glass 2 - 3 times a day 15 - 20 minutes before meals for hepatitis and liver cirrhosis.

  • Rhubarb root - 2,
  • cumin flowers - 3,
  • yarrow herb 5

One tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 30 minutes. Take 3/4 - 1 glass at night cholelithiasis. For urolithiasis, take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

The use of yarrow in cosmetology

Yarrow grass and flowers are used not only for medicinal but also for cosmetic purposes in many countries. Its anti-inflammatory properties are used.

A steam of yarrow and chamomile flowers is used to wash the face - the skin becomes velvety, matte, removes oily skin, for this purpose it is good to brew a mixture of herbs in a thermos.

Herbal infusions are used for skin itching, for the treatment of acne skin. A decoction of inflorescences is used to wipe the face and make lotions to remove acne.

Infusions and extracts of yarrow are used in lotions and nourishing creams to improve complexion and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Yarrow in ornamental gardening

Common yarrow is widely used in ornamental gardening; many varieties have been bred with different stem heights and colors of inflorescences; it is unpretentious to soil and growing conditions, grows on sandy and rocky soils, but does not tolerate shade; Serves as a decoration in any corner of the garden.

Yarrow at “Gardens and People” in Sokolniki:

Other types of yarrow are also grown - noble yarrow, meadowsweet, club-shaped, felt, a wide variety of varieties and colors, they are used as borders, to decorate flower beds, and in bouquets.

Yarrow is also used as a honey plant.

This is an aromatic plant, has a spicy and tart taste. Yarrow leaves and inflorescences are used in the preparation of soups, meat and vegetable dishes, sauces. Used in alcoholic beverages. Yarrow should be used as a spice in small quantities.

Yarrow in folk medicine is used to strengthen the body, as a hemostatic, blood purifying, diaphoretic, wound healing agent.

In the article Yarrow herb medicinal properties and contraindications we looked at the use of yarrow in folk medicine, as well as in other areas of our lives. There are so many beneficial properties in such an inconspicuous herb that grows under our feet and is part of the Nature around us, which has great healing power.

Be always healthy and beautiful!

  • How to make a decoction of yarrow for the heart

    Cooking should take place in an enamel pan or glass container.

    • crushed dry or fresh grass filled with cold water;
    • then leave it for several hours, always with the lid closed;
    • then boil the infusion over low heat, stirring constantly, for about half an hour;
    • the cooled composition is wrung out through a gauze cloth.

    This decoction is used to treat colds as an expectorant, kidney stones, heart and gastrointestinal problems, and severe headaches.


    To treat different diseases, the decoction should be drunk in different proportions.

    1. For stomach ulcers and gastritis, drink the liquid three times a day, half a glass.
    2. To increase appetite, drink 1 tbsp 20 minutes before eating. l. three times a day.
    3. To relieve inflammation of the bladder, it is recommended to drink a quarter glass 4 times a day.

    Wellness treatments

    Place the enamel pan with this mixture on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes.

    Important! Squeeze out the cooled broth and strain. Take 2 tablespoons during the fasting day, and the next day there will be no trace of the symptoms of diarrhea.

    Chamomile and yarrow

    The use of a decoction of these two medicinal herbs is widespread in the treatment of inflammation and diseases of the female genital organs. Baths and tampons soaked in this decoction help fight thrush and other fungal diseases and inflammation of the vulva. For cervical erosion, which in an advanced state can lead to cancer, it is recommended to douche with a solution of yarrow and regularly use tampons. This method of douching is acceptable for treatment inflammatory processes and in pregnant women.

    Attention! To quickly heal wounds, swelling and bruises, separate decoctions of yarrow and chamomile are prepared. we will tell you about the grass in detail.


    • you should brew 30 grams of each herb in different containers;
    • leave for about half an hour, strain;
    • the decoctions are mixed and slightly heated over low heat.

    You need to moisten the gauze in the still hot liquid, apply it to the desired place and wrap it with a towel. This compress is kept for an hour.

    It is an integral part of many compresses, infusions for baths, masks for cleansing and strengthening the skin.

    faces. Has a disinfecting effect for problem skin, purulent rashes and acne. Noticeably reduced allergic reactions on the face.

    Skin care with yarrow is possible at any age. For teenagers suffering from oily skin, the use of toner is recommended. Its preparation consists of infusing two tablespoons of dry herbs in hot water for half an hour. Rubbing the face twice - thrice a day without the need to rinse clean water Very quickly it will show its results in the form of the disappearance of oily shine on the face.

    We have already written about the benefits and various means. Homemade masks will also help.

    1. Whipped egg white is mixed with several spoons of broth, a gauze cloth is moistened and applied to the face and neck for a quarter of an hour.
    2. Then rinse off with cool water.

    If you are sure that the yarrow was collected in a clean, uncontaminated place, you can wipe the skin with freshly squeezed juice of the plant instead of a decoction.

    Important! For mature people with loose skin, it is useful to wipe it with a frozen decoction of yarrow in the form of cubes. This slows down the aging process of facial skin, refreshes it and improves cellular nutrition.

    Yarrow will also be an excellent helper in the fight against dandruff and brittle hair. you need to brew 30 grams of chopped herbs and leave in a thermos for one hour, strain. An hour before washing your hair, rub it in from the roots to the very ends of your hair, then wrap it in a towel. You can also add a decoction to your shampoo. The course of therapy is 10–15 days.

    The anti-dandruff mask is prepared as follows:

    • well crushed herb (2 tbsp) pour into one glass cold water and put on low heat for a third of an hour;
    • leave to infuse for 2-3 hours, strain and pour in 3% vinegar (2 tbsp.).

    The finished mixture is rubbed into the scalp, covered with cling film and a towel. After 20 minutes you can wash it off. It is useful to carry out the procedure once a week for up to three months.

    Benefits of decoction

    Yarrow is used as a mouth rinse for toothache. The decoction is useful to drink for headaches, allergies and skin diseases. Has a beneficial effect on blood clotting, internal organs. For example, it is good to do enemas for hemorrhoids; the intestines will also get rid of excess gases.

    Who should not and why - contraindications

    It is important to adhere to the correct dosage of yarrow decoction. Otherwise, poisoning, dizziness, allergic rashes on the skin. If a person already has increased blood clotting, consumption will lead to thrombosis.

    Cooking too strong decoctions and infusions can cause severe heartburn, especially if the acidic environment of the stomach is increased. If an allergy occurs when touching the herb, it means that there is an individual intolerance and in such cases it is prohibited to take any decoctions, infusions, baths or ointments containing yarrow.

    Health and prosperity to you!

    Yarrow is the exact translation of the Latin word millefolium. The plant got its name in honor of the famous mythical hero Achilles; according to legend, it was yarrow that healed his wounds. Of course, a plant bush does not have a thousand leaves, which cannot be said about flowers; there can be several thousand of them on one plant.

    This plant has many names in Russian: soldier's grass, carpenter's grass, cut grass, blood grass, white porridge, whiteheads, nose cleaner, etc. Name of yarrow in other languages:

    • in English- milfoil, yarrow;
    • in German- die gemeine Schafgarbe;
    • in French- myriophylle.


    Yarrow is a genus of plants that belongs to the Compositae family. It belongs to the perennial herbaceous plants and is characterized by a large number of erect stems, which reach 90 cm and are covered with leaves in a regular pattern. Root system It has a thick creeping rhizome and many thin roots. The inflorescences are presented in the form of small baskets that form racemose inflorescences.

    Yarrow has two types of leaves: marginal short-tongued leaves, which can be yellow, red, pink or white; and tubular - yellow and white.

    The fruit of the plant is represented by an achene, which can be ovoid or oblong, flattened.


    Yarrow has many varieties. Science already knows about 100 species, but most often you can find:

    • Noble yarrow (Achillea nobilis)– this plant is a perennial, its height can reach 65 cm. The grayish-green stems are straight and slightly branched at the top. The flowering period occurs in June, at which time it is covered with a huge number of white flowers.
    • Large-headed yarrow (Achillea macrocephala)– This plant grows for many years. The stem reaches a height of 60 cm. It has white flowers that form baskets. The leaves are lanceolate and entire. This plant usually blooms in August, is easy to care for and can grow in full sun in open areas.
    • Common yarrow (Achillea millefolium)– this species is also perennial. The height of the stem is 70 cm. The leaves are arranged in a regular order. This plant has two varieties of inflorescences: ligulate (white, purple or pink) and tubular (yellow). This species blooms in July and is represented by a huge number of varieties.
    • Ptarmika or sneeze grass (Achillea ptarmica)– this plant is perennial and is presented in the form of a bush, the height of which is 1 meter. The foliage has a linear-lanceolate shape. The flowers are pearly white in color. The plant blooms for no more than 35 days.
    • Achillea ptarmicifolia– this perennial plant has a height of 60 cm, characterized by small and narrow foliage. The flowers are white and cream in color. The flowering period occurs in June.
    • Meadowsweet yarrow (Achillea filipendulina)– plant height reaches 1.2 meters. The foliage is distinguished by its delicacy, and the flowers have a yellow and golden hue. It blooms for only one month - June.
    • Yarrow (Achillea atrata)– this plant is only 10 cm high and creates carpet thickets. The flowers are white and form small baskets. This plant blooms mainly in July and loves soil with sufficient moisture content.
    • Achillea ageratifolia– this plant grows in a single cover up to 15 cm in height, but can form bushes whose height is 25 cm. The leaves have a gray-white tint, and the flowers are white. It blooms for only one month - June.

    Where does it grow?

    Yarrow grows mainly in the northern hemisphere, namely in the temperate and arctic zones. Large quantity varieties are also found in mountainous areas. Many varieties of yarrow grow in the Far East, Russia and Central Asia. This grass grows on forest edges, clearings or steppe slopes. It is usually found in steppe, forest-steppe and forest zones between bushes.


    • It has a strong aroma and slight bitterness.
    • blooms from June to September, the flowering period depends on the species.
    • Flowers, aerial parts and grass are used for consumption and treatment.
    • is universal remedy for many diseases.

    Nutritional value and calorie content

    100 grams of yarrow contains 23 kcal.

    Nutritional value product is as follows:

    • whites 0.4 g.
    • fats 0.0 gr.
    • carbohydrates 5.0 gr.

    You can find out more information about the beneficial properties of yarrow from the program “1000 and one spice of Scheherazade”

    Chemical composition

    The grass and inflorescences of yarrow contain alcohols, resins, bitterness (sesquiterpene lactones matricen, millefolide, matricarine, balchanolide and others), tannins, essential oil (0.85%, it contains proazulenes (25–30%), L- camphor, cineole (8–10%), esters, camphor, β-pinene, L-limonene, thujone, caryophyllene), alkaloids, organic acids (salicylic, acetic, formic and isovaleric acids), flavonoids (quercetin, luteolin and others ), coumarins, inulin, methyl betaine (0.05%), aspargine, carotene, choline, vitamins C and K. Yarrow seeds contain up to 21% fatty oil.

    The inflorescences contain:

    • ash– 7.99 mg/g
    • macroelements: K (potassium) – 30.70 mg/g, Ca (calcium) – 10.90 mg/g, Mn (manganese) – 2.60 mg/g, Fe (iron) – 0.20 mg/g;
    • microelements (CBN): Mg (magnesium) – 0.07 mg/g, Cu (copper) – 0.68 mg/g, Zn (zinc) – 0.14 mg/g, Mo (molybdenum) – 5.60 mg/g, Cr ( chromium) – 0.02 mg/g, Al (aluminum) – 0.03 mg/g, Se (selenium) – 0.80 mg/g, Ni – (nickel) 0.22 mg/g, Sr (strium) – 0.04 mg/g, Pb (lead) – 0.03 mg/g, B (boron) – 39.60 µg/g

    The above-ground part contains:

    • ash – 11,57%
    • macroelements: K (potassium) – 35.90 mg/g, Ca (calcium) – 11.80 mg/g, Mn (manganese) – 2.60 mg/g, Fe (iron) – 0.20 mg/g;
    • microelements (CBN): Mg (magnesium) – 0.09 mg/g, Cu (copper) – 0.74 mg/g, Zn (zinc) – 0.68 mg/g, Co (cobalt) – 0.13 mg/g, Mo ( molybdenum) – 3.20 mg/g, Cr (chromium) – 0.02 mg/g, Al (aluminum) – 0.04 mg/g, V (vanadium) – 0.02 mg/g, Se (selenium) – 6.25 mg/g, Ni (nickel) – 0.20 mg/g, Sr (strontium) – 0.13 mg/g, Pb (lead) – 0.03 mg/g, I (iodine) – 0 .05 mg/g, B (boron) – 44.40 µg/g.


    Yarrow helps in the treatment of varicose veins, increases bile flow and can treat burns


    Yarrow is a poisonous plant, so you should be extremely careful when internal use. If you take this plant for a very long time, you may experience a skin rash, dizziness, and nausea. Herbal decoctions for long-term use can cause heartburn, especially those people who have increased acidity stomach.


    • during pregnancy
    • with increased blood clotting
    • with thrombosis
    • children under 6 years old
    • for individual intolerance

    Medicines containing yarrow cannot be used in the postoperative period and during pregnancy


    The plant oil is intended for external use. It has many useful properties: bactericidal, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and analgesic, therefore it has found great use in various problems:

    • with insect or animal bites, skin itching, purulent wounds;
    • for chemical, solar or thermal burns;
    • for acne, various skin diseases;
    • at allergic dermatitis;
    • for toothache, bleeding gums, stomatitis;
    • for hemorrhoids.

    The oil is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin 3-4 times a day. There may be some slight redness or tingling that goes away after a few minutes.

    Oil extract is effective for headaches and joint pain, arthritis and neuralgia


    Preparation of fresh juice from yarrow leaves:

    • It is necessary to collect the leaves and rinse thoroughly under running water.
    • Using a blender or meat grinder, grind the leaves.
    • The prepared gruel is thoroughly squeezed out.

    The juice helps in the treatment of skin irritations, is used for periodontal disease, and is also used in the form of lotions. It helps in the treatment of anemia, and its regular use also prevents the deposition of stones in the liver or kidneys.

    Consume fresh juice of this useful plant You need 1 teaspoon three times a day.


    In cooking

    • Yarrow leaves, flowers and shoots are used to create seasoning, and it is added to salads or vinaigrettes.
    • Dry young leaves go well with meat and fish dishes.
    • Dry grass is added to the dough.
    • In dry form, yarrow is used in the preparation of compotes, or for flavoring jellies and mousses, and is also an ingredient in liqueurs, table wines and kvass.
    • The leaves of the plant in powder form are used to season and flavor vegetable and potato soups.

    When adding yarrow to food, you should strictly adhere to the recipe, because it has bitterness. Therefore, in order not to spoil the dish, you need to add only ½ teaspoon for 4 servings.

    Borscht with yarrow


    • 500 ml meat broth
    • 70 grams of carrots
    • 100 grams of beets
    • 100 grams cabbage
    • 25 grams of potatoes
    • 50 grams of onions
    • 10 grams of yarrow powder


    On meat broth boil carrots, cabbage, beets, onions and potatoes. When all the vegetables are ready, add yarrow powder. For dressing, use onions and carrots. Serve hot with a boiled egg, sour cream, and garnish with herbs.



    • 20 grams of yarrow leaves
    • 400 ml cranberry juice
    • 200 ml honey
    • 3 liters of water


    Bring water to a boil, add yarrow leaves and simmer over low heat for up to 10 minutes. Leave the drink for 3 hours to infuse. Strain using a strainer or gauze. Add cranberry juice and honey to the drink. Mix well.

    In medicine

    • Leaves, pagons, and flowers of yarrow are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes, and are also indispensable for severe bleeding.
    • Yarrow is indispensable in the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers, flatulence or painful periods.
    • This plant is widely used for dysentery.
    • The components of the herb have a beneficial effect on increasing appetite and improving the metabolic process.
    • A decoction of this plant is widely used to treat nosebleeds, malaria, hemoptysis, and tuberculosis.
    • Yarrow infusion increases lactation and is used for nervous disorders, diathesis or urinary incontinence.
    • This plant eliminates bleeding gums.
    • Yarrow is used for atherosclerosis.
    • For hemorrhoids beneficial influence give enemas from a decoction of herbs.
    • Yarrow helps in the treatment of headaches and colds.
    • This herb has positive impact at varicose veins veins
    • This plant helps with diarrhea, hypertension, anemia and liver diseases.
    • Yarrow is an excellent remedy for eliminating worms.
    • For skin diseases, different recipes for baths based on this herb are used.

    Yarrow helps in the treatment of various diseases:

    • for intestinal spasms or angina pectoris– tincture: take 2 table. spoons of dried flowers and leaves, pour 200 ml of 40% vodka and leave for 7 days, while the tincture should be stored in a warm place away from sun rays. You need to take the medicine only 20 drops before meals three times a day;
    • for ulcers or eczema– bath: 1 cup of dry yarrow leaves should be poured with 3 liters of boiling water, then left for 30 minutes. The infusion must be filtered and poured into the bath. Better procedure Take before bed for 15 minutes. After the bath, you need to wrap yourself in a warm sheet. The course of treatment is two weeks;
    • at diabetes mellitus or for weight loss– decoction: 1 table. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of dried leaves, leave to brew for 30 minutes, and strain using a double layer of gauze. The decoction should be consumed ½ cup three times a day after meals;
    • for rapid wound healing– ointment: 2 table. spoons of leaves need to be poured with boiling water until a paste forms, then add 20 grams of Vaseline. Apply the ointment to problem areas thin layer;
    • at severe cramps stomach– you need to mix chamomile flowers and yarrow leaves in equal proportions. Take table 2. spoons of herbs and pour 1 cup of boiling water, then leave for 20 minutes and strain using a strainer or cheesecloth. You need to drink the product up to 4 times a day, half a glass;
    • for hemorrhoids– tea: 2 tables. Pour a liter of boiling water over spoons of dried leaves. Use instead of tea;
    • for cystitis– decoction: you need to take 20 grams of the plant and add 200 ml of water, put on fire and cook for 10 minutes. Leave to brew for half an hour and strain thoroughly. Use the decoction 1 table at a time. spoon 3-4 times a day after meals;
    • for painful menstruation– 1 table follows. Pour a spoonful of dry leaves into a glass of hot water, leave to brew for two hours, then strain. Use 3 times a day, 1 table. spoon on an empty stomach;
    • in case of poisoning– 3 table. spoons of chopped herbs should be poured into 400 ml of boiling water, then cook for up to 5 minutes over low heat, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Drink 70 ml of decoction 3 times a day before meals.

    In cosmetology

    Yarrow is an excellent remedy for the skin of the face and body, because it tones, strengthens and disinfects. Based on it, various masks, decoctions, infusions, compresses, etc. are made.

    The plant helps eliminate allergic reactions on the face, relieves acne, and is used in the treatment of boils.

    Yarrow is actively used for various hair problems such as dryness, brittleness, gray hair, flaking of the scalp, which indicates a lack of vitamin A. The plant extract makes hair soft, silky and healthy.

    For oily skin, face cream with yarrow is best suited.

    Hair growth infusion

    You should take 10 grams of dry yarrow inflorescences, chop them and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Then pour the product into a thermos and leave for one hour. Strain the infusion and first take only 2 tablespoons. spoons. They need to be rubbed into the roots of the hair, and then used on the hair. After an hour, wash your hair using shampoo. Next, the remaining broth is used to rinse the hair, after adding required quantity water. In this case, you need to take 2 tables. spoons per liter of water.

    Common yarrow has many varieties:

    • Cerise Queen (flowers have a cherry-red hue)
    • Paprika (flowers have a burning red-cherry hue)
    • Red Velvet (inflorescences have a burgundy tint)
    • Walther Funche (salmon flowers)
    • Great Expectations (bright yellow flowers)
    • Marie Ann ( yellow flowers)
    • Terracota (orange-brown inflorescences)
    • Lilac Beauty (flowers have a lilac tint)
    • Summerwine (predominantly raspberry color)
    • Summer Pastels (pink-orange flowers)
    • Pretty Belinda (blooming) pink color)
    • Appleblossom (white and pink inflorescences)
    • White Beauty (white flowers)
    • Lachsschonheit (salmon pink or cream flowers)
    • Fanal (white or yellow inflorescences)

    Popular decorative varieties of yarrow ptarmika:

    • The Peri (stem height 75 cm, snow-white flowers)
    • Boule de Neige (stem height from 45 to 60 cm with snow-white flowers)
    • Perry's White (height from 80 to 100 cm, white flowers)
    • Perle Blaupunkt (height from 50 to 60 cm, double flowers)
    • Balerina (white double flowers that turn dirty gray over time)
    • Schwellenburg


    Yarrow can germinate both in the sun and in the shade; it is an unpretentious plant. Can be propagated by seeds or vegetatively. Seeds should be planted in spring or autumn. They are planted in beds or in the form of flower beds. In early spring, seeds can be pre-planted in special cups and grown indoors, and then transplanted into open ground. You need to know that yarrow seedlings are small, so they are often confused with weeds.

    If you propagate the plant in the spring, you must use division of the rhizome. In the summer, you can use cuttings for propagation. Yarrow can grow in one place for up to five years. After this period, it needs to be transplanted to another place. When replanting, it is very important to dig up the plant along with the roots, then carefully divide the bushes and plant them separately. With the arrival of autumn upper part The plant is cut off, and only shoots remain, the height of which should be up to 10 cm.

    Yarrow loves fertilizer, so you need to fertilize the soil three times a month. It is important to use fertilizers for the first time before flowering, then during the flowering period itself, and the third time after flowering.

    In the article we discuss the medicinal properties and uses of yarrow. You will find out what helps healing herb and how to prepare tinctures, decoctions, ointments based on it.

    Using them, you can easily cope with burns, wounds, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, stop bleeding, and improve your appearance.

    Composition and properties

    Useful properties and composition of yarrow:

    • Tannins and essential oils have an anti-inflammatory effect. Indispensable for allergic and atopic dermatitis, purulent wounds,.
    • Flavonoids. Have a positive effect on gastrointestinal tract. Relieves spasms, reduces gas formation and bloating.
    • Akhillenin. Annoys taste buds, helps increase appetite. The herb is often prescribed to small children, with a little honey added to the decoction to hide the unpleasant bitter taste.
    • Choline. The substance is able to quickly stop blood, without forming blood clots. Therefore, it is used even for heart attacks and strokes, thrombophlebitis.

    How to take yarrow

    In order for yarrow to help cope with the disease, it not only needs to be collected and dried correctly, but also taken in the right dosage. Dosage forms may also vary.

    A decoction of yarrow stems and leaves


    1. Yarrow – 1 teaspoon.
    2. Water – 250 ml.

    How to cook: Combine the ingredients and boil over medium heat. Be sure to let it sit for a few hours. Strain through cheesecloth.

    How to use: Take 50 ml per day.


    • The product is great for controlling bleeding. It is especially often used in obstetrics, after a difficult birth or severe blood loss of the mother in labor.
    • Can be used during weight loss. The decoction works, relieves swelling, eliminates toxins and waste. The only negative is that the drink increases your appetite.
    • Herbalists recommend taking the decoction to children to get rid of worms and stomach colic.
    • Women are prescribed during painful menstruation, with severe PMS.
    • Taking the decoction at night can help you cope with insomnia and depression.

    Decoction of inflorescences


    1. Flowers of the plant - 2 tablespoons.
    2. Water – 0.5 l.

    How to cook: Combine the ingredients and boil for 10-15 minutes.

    How to use: Wash your face with the decoction every day.

    Result: The product will help you quickly get rid of boils.

    Tincture of common yarrow

    It is also good to use yarrow in the form of tinctures. They are prepared with water or alcohol. If there are problems with cardiovascular system, stomach, intestines, it’s better to forget about alcohol.


    1. Yarrow – 30 g.
    2. Water – 250 ml.

    How to cook: Take out the thermos and place the necessary components there. The water must boil for the plant to give up everything beneficial properties. Let it brew for 2-3 hours, strain.

    How to use: Take 100 ml of tincture daily. It's better to do this on an empty stomach. Remember that the liquid can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.


    • Excellent for intestinal pain. Relief comes quite quickly.
    • The tincture is taken as an enzyme that helps digest food faster.
    • Doctors recommend the drink for gargling during sore throat and laryngitis.
    • Can also be used externally as a compress.

    Pregnant and lactating women should take it with extreme caution.

    Yarrow tincture with alcohol


    1. Medicinal plant – 60 g.
    2. Vodka or alcohol – 100 ml.

    How to cook: Grind the herb thoroughly. It should be in powder form. Take a glass container and mix the ingredients. If you use rubbing alcohol, be sure to dilute it with water. Close the container tightly and store in a dark place for less than a month. Strain the tincture.

    How to use: Take 15-20 drops orally. Do this no more than 3 times a day.

    The tincture will help get rid of cystitis and improve blood composition in case of hepatitis. Contraindicated for people with alcohol addiction suffering from high blood pressure.

    The tincture is also popular for external use. I use it to treat wounds and abrasions. If there are burns, it is better to use a water-based product.

    Fresh juice


    1. Healing herb – 1.5 kg.
    2. Honey – 1 teaspoon.

    How to cook: Grind the inflorescences, leaves, and stems of the plant. Squeeze the juice thoroughly.

    How to use: Take 1 teaspoon, after adding honey. This ingredient will improve the effect and kill the bitter taste.


    • Increases the number of red cells in the blood. Juice is indispensable for anemia.
    • Helps cope with jaundice and hepatitis.
    • Used for internal bleeding. If this happens, it is better not to treat at home, but to consult a doctor.

    You can often find information that yarrow juice helps increase lactation. Experienced gynecologists do not recommend doing this. The drink will add bitterness to the milk, and the child will refuse the breast.


    Professional athletes often use yarrow-based ointments. The effect they produce is amazing; bruises and contusions disappear within a few days.


    1. Yarrow flowers - 3 tablespoons.
    2. Lard (lard) – 150 g.

    How to cook: Take fresh inflorescences (dry ones will not work), chop them well, mix with lard.

    How to use: Apply a thin layer to the wound or bruise. Place polyethylene on top and wrap with cotton cloth. Leave the bandage on for several hours, preferably overnight. After removing the compress, rinse the wound with boiled water and repeat the procedure.

    Result: The wound will heal quickly, the hematoma will resolve.

    You can also take yarrow in tea form. This excellent remedy in the fight against hemorrhoids. But the drink should not be consumed constantly, as poisoning may occur.

    Experts also use liquid extract of the plant. But it is very difficult to get it yourself; it is better to purchase it at a pharmacy kiosk.

    Add yarrow decoction to the filled warm bath, bathe your baby for a few minutes. You will notice how itching and skin pigmentation go away.


    In folk medicine, yarrow is used quite often. But not everyone can take tinctures and decoctions based on the plant. There is a certain list of contraindications:

    1. Pregnancy.
    2. Children's age (up to 6 years).
    3. Hypotension.
    4. Individual intolerance.

    An overdose may cause malaise, dizziness, vomiting, skin rashes and itching. If you notice similar symptoms, immediately stop taking yarrow-based medications.


    Yarrow is a plant that is found throughout Russia. Even in Ancient Greece there were mentions of it.

    The famous Achilles used it as a hemostatic drug. Commander Suvorov sent soldiers into battle only after they put yarrow in their duffel bag. By applying medicinal herbs to the wound, it was possible to relieve inflammation and avoid infection. The herb acted as a local antibiotic.

    Nowadays, the medicinal properties of the plant have almost been forgotten. Many summer residents consider yarrow a weed and mercilessly cut it down on their plots. They do it in vain. After all, grass can really relieve many ailments.

    Finding a plant is easy. It reaches 80 cm in height and has beautiful leaves. Outwardly, they appear to be cut into thousands of small pieces. A valuable element is the inflorescences.

    Yarrow blooms all summer, including a couple of autumn months. The flowers are small. They have a pinkish or white color (it all depends on the type of yarrow and climatic conditions).

    Collecting grass is not difficult. The only thing is that you may need a spatula. The plant has strong root. It is better to dry in an open space, not expose to direct sunlight, in order to preserve all the beneficial properties.

    For better effect, herbalists tie the plant into bunches. Thus, mold and rot do not appear. It is better to store the finished herb in a glass container. Duration – 2-3 years.

    Bloom yarrow begins in May and ends in September, offering mankind many benefits, allowing the use of almost all its parts - stems, baskets and foliage. But most of all, the military knows about yarrow, its beneficial properties and contraindications, since the plant has a pronounced hemostatic effect.

    Benefits and main indications for use of yarrow

    Good grass is also:

    • increasing blood clotting, which helps faster healing wounds;
    • antimicrobial effect is used to get rid of bacterial infections;
    • the ability of carotene to transform into vitamin A improves vision and has a positive effect on the growth and condition of hair and nails;
    • Vitamin C in the herb “engages” in strengthening the immune system;
    • the plant has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, which allows it to be used for burns and some skin diseases;
    • the medicinal properties of yarrow herb also extend to increasing the amount of milk during lactation;
    • due to its diaphoretic effect, the plant is indicated for normalizing body temperature during febrile conditions;
    • the stomach and the entire digestive system also receive many positive benefits from taking yarrow, especially with diseases such as gastritis colitis. And the active components in the herb have a stimulating effect on intestinal motility, also preventing diarrhea, if necessary. If you have poor appetite, then it will help solve this problem;
    • the plant is known as an effective diuretic;
    • allergies are also within the capabilities of this herb;
    • Regular use of yarrow also normalizes blood pressure;
    • The activity of the liver also improves and excess bile is removed.

    If you need to get rid of extra pounds, then the plant will help with this by accelerating metabolism.

    Yarrow is also used in veterinary medicine as a remedy against worms, diseases of the stomach and intestines.

    Many women are concerned about monthly bleeding severe pain And copious discharge. A prepared herbal decoction will significantly alleviate these symptoms.

    Yarrow also effectively solves the problem of lactation. And it heals urinary tract ailments such as cystitis and pyelonephritis, and also removes stones and sand.

    For men

    For men, the plant is indicated for problems in the sexual sphere, restoring potency, which is explained by its positive effect on the nervous system.

    The herb also has a beneficial effect on the production of testosterone in a man’s body, which is again useful for sexual life.

    For those who work in heavy production or with excessive intellectual stress, the plant is also indicated for quickly restoring the body.

    Regular use of the decoction will have a preventive effect against the development of diseases of the genitourinary tract, gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

    During pregnancy

    Pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, are strictly prohibited from taking this plant in any form. The reason is provoking a miscarriage due to a significant increase in uterine contractility.

    And in general, a plant at any stage of pregnancy can negatively affect its course, causing premature birth or pathology in the newborn.

    Yarrow - general characteristics

    The healing properties of yarrow are due to its composition with the presence of many elements that have different effects on the human body.

    Chemical composition

    Yarrow contains:

    1. Chamazuleni esters.
    2. Camphor with thujone and achillein, borneol and cineole.
    3. Glycosides in the form of apigenin and luteolin.
    4. Tannins and resins.
    5. Amino acids and organic.
    6. Carotene vitamin K.
    7. Ascorbic acid and bitter substances.

    The foliage of the plant contains poisonous elements (thujone and achillein), which can cause intoxication in large quantities.

    Collection and preparation

    The best time to collect grass is the beginning of June, cutting off the tops up to 15 cm, and not touching more than 3 leaves. To do this, use a knife or pruning shears.

    Collect leaves before flowering begins - at the peak of their development, cutting off at the base of the stem.

    For collecting flowers optimal period June-August is the flowering period of the plant. They are cut with scutes, not exceeding a length of 4 cm. Before leaving them for drying, they must be freed from the receptacles and wrappers.

    To dry, grass and leaves need to be collected in bunches and hung in a room that is well ventilated and has a roof.

    To prepare flowers, you need to prepare paper or spread, spreading them out evenly and leaving them in the heat. If you choose a stove for these purposes, then the temperature should be within 50 degrees.

    You can prepare yarrow for therapeutic and prophylactic use in different ways- decoction, tincture or infusion. It is recommended to mix it with other plants, such as string or chamomile.

    A decoction of the plant is recommended for douching and enemas if you suffer from genitourinary problems and constipation.

    To receive maximum benefit it is necessary to brew the herb correctly:

    • Pour 2 large spoons of the dry composition with water (room temperature) and leave alone for several hours;
    • pour into a bowl of water and boil for half an hour;
    • strain and add water to the original volume (1 cup).

    By taking a bath with the addition of this decoction, you will help your body get rid of many gynecological and skin diseases.

    The infusion is prepared in almost the same way, but you don’t need to boil it, just pour boiling water over it and let it brew until the composition cools completely.

    To prepare a tincture useful for digestive system, lungs, for speedy healing of wounds and elimination of blood loss, you will need to pour dry or fresh grass with an alcohol composition in a ratio of 5/1, respectively. Take from 35 to 45 drops up to 3 times a day or apply a bandage moistened with the prepared composition to the sore spot.

    You can buy yarrow extract at the pharmacy, taking it three times a day, 5-7 drops, diluting it with water. The composition is considered an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic. The extract is also effective for liver ailments with gallbladder And helminthic infestation, as well as neurasthenia and insomnia.

    Various herbs combined with yarrow

    A very common practice in folk medicine is to combine various herbs with yarrow, for example, chamomile, which will relieve acne.

    A drink brewed in 1 liter of boiling water and 1 large spoon of St. John's wort with yarrow helps against cholecystitis and liver ailments.

    The herb of the plant together with nettle, taken in equal quantities (1 tbsp), and poured with half a liter of boiling water, infused for 3 hours, are useful for menstruation, if they are painful. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day, 7 days before the start of menstruation and in the first days.

    From diseases inflammatory in nature bladder and kidneys are mixed with celandine and yarrow.

    At malignant formations bladder or kidneys, to the previous composition, tenacious bedstraw, fireweed (flowers) and marsh grass are added. This composition will slow down the development of the disease.

    For gastritis, gastrointestinal spasms and various diseases Mint with yarrow helps with inflammation.

    Trophic disorders due to stomach ulcers with duodenum are treated by combining with calendula. Plantain, chamomile, St. John's wort and yarrow also help heal similar diseases.

    Any dosage form This plant can have some toxic effects, which does not allow taking medications based on it without consulting and recommending a doctor.

    Not shown and long-term use, as well as exceeding the dosage for the same reason.

    Yarrow also has contraindications for use:

    1. Age up to 6 years.
    2. Pregnancy.
    3. Individual intolerance to the components in the composition.
    4. AND severe hypotension(low blood pressure).

    If there is a tendency to blood clots and increased secretion of the gastric glands, then consuming the plant is also not recommended.

    If you do not follow medical recommendations and exceed the dose or take medicines from yarrow for too long, you may experience side effects in the form of a skin rash and dizziness. And this is the basis for immediately stopping the use of medicines with yarrow, so be careful and responsible. Health to you and your loved ones!

    Benefits of yarrow herb for skin

    Medicinal properties:

    1. Tones and cleanses;
    2. Improves microcirculation;
    3. Smoothes wrinkles;
    4. Soothes inflammation and irritation;
    5. Effective against acne and comedones.
    • alkaloids;
    • alcohols;
    • resins;
    • tanning elements;
    • essential oil;
    • organic acids;
    • flavonoids;
    • inulin;
    • coumarin;
    • vitamins K and C;
    • mineral complex.

    Recipes with yarrow have a beneficial effect on all types of epidermis. Herbal decoction perfectly cleanses and tones the skin. Yarrow essential oil helps with inflammation, pimples and blackheads.

    Corrects age-related changes, tightens the oval line and smoothes out wrinkles natural masks and cryomassages with ice cubes. We advise you to watch best recipes ice cubes for facial skin.

    Yarrow decoction

    As a result: to cleanse the skin, remove decay products, and regulate moisture in the skin, it is worth using a proven product. Redness and inflammation disappear, accelerates the treatment of purulent formations.


    • 2 tbsp. spoons of grass;
    • 600 ml water.

    Production and method of application: place yarrow with water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Afterwards, reduce the pressure and hold for about ten minutes. After removing the sediment, pour into a cosmetic bottle.

    Application: wipe instead of a cleanser, make compresses on acne, and also use it to prepare rejuvenating and tonic compositions.

    Yarrow infusion

    In summary: to strengthen facial vessels and accelerate the microcirculation process, it is worth using yarrow for facial skin.


    • Art. spoon of herb;
    • 150 ml alcohol.

    Production and method of application: throw the flowers into a bottle of alcohol, shake daily for a week, then strain and store away from sunlight. Before use, combine with other components, just five drops per ten ml of the main composition is enough.

    Application: add a few drops to masks and ready-made cleansing compositions.

    Yarrow tonic

    As a result: for fresh skin, removing traces of lack of sleep and fatigue, improving metabolism in tissues.


    • 100 ml of decoction;
    • 5 ml flax oil;
    • 3 drops essential oil bergamot.

    Production and method of application: combine all components and pour into a bottle with a dispenser. Moisten a cotton pad and wipe the surface after or instead of washing.

    Application: use for a month or twice a week, morning and evening.

    Yarrow lotion

    In summary: to care for problematic dermis with enlarged pores, rashes and unhealthy complexion, you should use natural cosmetics.


    • 5 ml of yarrow infusion;
    • 100 ml mineral water;
    • 10 ml pantothenic acid.

    Production and method of application: add medicinal to non-carbonated mineral water alcohol infusion and vitamin. Apply ready-made remedy on cotton wool or sponge, wipe your face after steaming in the evening, avoiding contact with eyelids and nasolabial triangle.

    Application: use throughout three weeks, then take a break and you can perform cosmetic care again.

    Cosmetic ice

    As a result: at home, one of the most effective procedures for coping with age-related changes. Lymphatic drainage improves, the skin becomes softer, more elastic, all types of folds are smoothed out, including static wrinkles.


    • 60 ml of yarrow decoction;
    • Art. spoon of olive oil;
    • a teaspoon of cocoa butter;
    • 15 drops of tocopherol.

    Production and method of application: prepare a decoction of herbs, add nutritional fluids and youth vitamin. Ready composition pour into molds and freeze. In the evening, after cleansing the skin, apply ice cubes along the massage lines, from the center of the forehead to the temples, from the chin to ears, from the corners of the mouth along the cheekbones to the temples.

    Application: carry out lifting sessions twice a year, ten procedures per course.

    Natural compounds cope well with the main problems of all types of epidermis. Facial care thanks herbal recipes saturates tissues with useful substances, prevents dryness and flaking .

    To cleanse problem skin, restore relief and reduce secretion, you should regularly use natural ingredients. We recommend you try it effective remedy against pimples and acne - regetsin.

    Anti-wrinkle mask

    As a result: you can restore firmness and elasticity, saturate the skin with vitamins and acids thanks to a home procedure. Wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes soft and velvety.


    • a teaspoon of yarrow juice;
    • banana;
    • 10 ml cream.

    Production and method of application: mix milk cream thoroughly with banana puree and healing juice. Steam the covers with warm compress, distribute the composition with a spatula. After half an hour, carefully remove the residue and repeat the procedure twice a week.

    Acne mask

    Bottom line: it is effective to use yarrow oil to treat acne and acne. Sebaceous ducts are deeply cleansed and narrowed, color is restored, redness disappears, and thanks to antiseptic properties, prevents the spread of infection.


    • 5 drops of yarrow essential oil;
    • 10 gr. rice flour;
    • 5 gr. plantain herb.

    Production and method of application: grind rice together with plantain leaves in a coffee grinder, dilute the mixture green tea, introduce essential drops. Remove makeup from the face and spread the mixture into a thin layer. After fifteen/twenty minutes you can wash your face.

    Rejuvenating mask

    As a result: restores turgor, reduces the appearance of sagging, removes excess moisture, normalizes oxygen breathing effective procedure. For lasting results, apply five/six masks.


    • 40 ml of yarrow decoction;
    • 10 ml sunflower oil;
    • 10 gr. gelatin.

    Production and method of application: pour collagen crystals with hot broth, add unrefined oil to the swollen viscous mass. Clean the skin of makeup and steam it, spread it with a brush, after treating the eyelids, eyebrows and nasolabial triangle with a nourishing emulsion. After resting for half an hour, remove the resulting film.

    Cleansing mask

    As a result: for normal skin worth using herbal mask to maintain youthful and elastic skin. The composition removes keratinized epidermis, removes decay products, and whitens the integument.


    • 5 ml of yarrow juice;
    • 5 ml aloe juice;
    • 10 gr. pea flour.

    Production and application method: squeeze juice from plants through a press, add to bean flour, dilute mineral water. Spread the paste-like mass on the oval in a circular motion. After seven/eight minutes you can wash your face.

    Yarrow and chamomile mask


    • 5 gr. yarrow;
    • 5 gr. chamomile;
    • 5 ml wheat oil.

    Production and method of application: grind dry herbs to a powder, add moisturizing oil. Moisten your face thoroughly and only then distribute the composition. After fifteen minutes, wash your face and perform cosmetic procedures once a week.