Effective treatment of colds with folk remedies at home. Quick treatment of colds with folk remedies

With the onset of cold weather, many people experience such unpleasant sensations as a runny nose, sore throat, and general weakness.

A cold begins gradually and if measures are not taken to eliminate it in time, it will lead to a worsening of the condition.

Folk remedies for colds - gentle treatment

At the first sign of a cold, people often tend to go to extremes. So, some hope that everything will go away on its own in a week, and some rush to the pharmacy and buy all kinds of medications in the hope of quickly getting rid of the disease.

Treatment of colds is best done with safe, mild, but the most effective means that traditional medicine offers.

1. Medicine beer based. Grind 2 yolks with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Heat half a liter of beer (preferably light), add chopped lemon zest and 2 cloves.

Slowly pour the beer into the yolk mixture and, stirring, heat the mixture on the stove for several minutes. Cool slightly and drink before bed. Then put on warm wool socks, wrap yourself well in a blanket and go to sleep.

2. Onion broth effective remedy from a cold. Finely chop a small onion and pour boiling water over it. Cover the top and let stand for a couple of minutes. Drink the remedy quickly before you die useful substances, located in the bow.

The taste of the decoction is not very pleasant, but such treatment will quickly bring the expected result.

3. Used successfully for colds red or black currant fruits. You can make an infusion, freshly squeezed juice from them, or use them in the form of jam.

4. Drink from rose hips easily copes with colds. Grind the dry berries of the plant. Place a 1 liter container on the fire cold water and throw in 5 tablespoons of fruit. Boil the mixture thoroughly (10 minutes), wrap it up, and let it sit overnight.

In the morning, strain and drink 1 glass as tea several times a day, adding what you like best: honey, jam or sugar.

5. Coltsfoot- a medicinal plant that helps relieve inflammation during colds, destroy harmful microorganisms, and cause profuse sweating.

To prepare the medicine, take 3 tablespoons of the herb and pour boiling water (500 ml) into a thermos. It takes half an hour to infuse the decoction. Then drink it throughout the day, a third of a glass.

6. Yarrownatural antibiotic. A decoction of the medicinal plant is prepared as follows: pour 1 tablespoon of yarrow flowers and leaves with a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then set the mixture aside to infuse. After 45 minutes, strain the broth through a strainer and drink a tablespoon every hour. The remedy can be alternated: oral administration - gargling.

7. Garlic great for colds. Grind the head of garlic and add 2 chopped lemons and a stick of softened butter. Mix everything, or better yet, beat with a mixer. Spread the mixture on bread and eat this sandwich throughout the day, washing it down with hot tea.

8. Another garlic-based recipe. Grind 3 slices of the product and pour into a glass hot milk. Cover with a towel and let sit for a while. After 15 minutes, strain the mixture and drink in small sips. You need to drink 3-4 glasses of this product per day.

9. Horseradish juice and honey, taken in equal proportions, perfectly fight colds. To prepare a medicinal potion, grind the horseradish roots in a meat grinder. Then put the mixture into a clean jar, adding a little warm water.

Close the lid and let it brew. Squeeze the mixture and mix the resulting juice with honey. Take the medicine every morning and evening, a tablespoon.

10. To lower body temperature and improve general condition the body is used raspberry. A decoction can be prepared from the fruits and leaves of the bush. A decoction of raspberry stems is also used to treat colds.

To do this, chop a few stems and pour boiling water over them. Let it brew. The richer the color of the decoction, the more effective it is.

11. Linden has long been used in the treatment of colds. Brew linden blossom along with apple peel. Let it brew. Consume, adding honey, a cup several times a day.

Treating a runny nose: folk remedies for colds

It’s quite easy to deal with such a manifestation of a cold as a runny nose:

1. Washing effective at first. It can be done using ordinary water. Pour some water into your palm and draw it in with one nostril, closing the other. Get the water into your mouth, then spit it out. Do it alternately with one nostril and then with the other.

2. To enhance the effect, you can use saline solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, stir and rinse your nose as usual.

3. Aloe juiceeffective remedy from a runny nose. Place 3-5 drops of plant juice into both nostrils several times a day.

Treating a cough: a folk remedy for colds

Proven recipes for treating a sore throat and cough due to a cold:

1. Drink several times a day hot milk, adding a little honey and butter to it.

2. Before meals, take a teaspoon medicine prepared as follows: combine 50 g of softened butter and the same amount honey. Add a teaspoon of dry mustard. Mix everything well. Cold medicine is ready!

3. Onion jam treats cough in both adults and children. Mix a glass of finely chopped onion with a glass of sugar. Place the mixture on the fire and simmer for several minutes. Children should take a teaspoon of medicinal jam every hour. For adults, the dosage should be doubled.

The onion-based remedy can be prepared a little differently. Mix sugar and water (100 g each), heat the mixture on the stove. While stirring, add the chopped onion. Boil it. Take 1 tablespoon every hour. The healing composition is so effective that the result is visible after the first spoon.

As a rule, people do not pay too much attention to the symptoms of a cold and continue their usual rhythm of life. But, as they say, everything takes its time.

  • It is strongly recommended not to suffer a cold on your feet. At first, the body needs to create all the conditions so that it can quickly cope with the disease. The best thing you can do is stay on bed rest.
  • If there is a slight increase in body temperature (up to 38* C), do not rush to take antipyretics. Let your immune system fight off viruses.
  • During cold periods, use more products, containing vitamin C. There is a lot of it in fresh fruits (oranges, apples, kiwis, lemons, persimmons) and vegetables (cabbage, onions, garlic).
  • During illness, avoid heavy protein foods, which require a lot of energy to digest. Drink more liquid, removing toxins from the body. It is useful to drink tea with lemon, raspberries, black currants, rosehip decoctions with the addition of honey, and viburnum tea. The drink should be warm, not hot.
  • In order to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body, at the first sign of a runny nose, rinse your nose. If you have a sore throat, do not hesitate to gargle.
  • The procedure can be performed using chamomile decoction - anti-inflammatory universal remedy or iodine-saline solution. Gargle frequently: every 1-2 hours.
  • Among other things, treating colds will be effective if you use inhalations with decoctions of chamomile, eucalyptus, and sage.
  • During the period of illness, it is strictly forbidden to freeze. Feet especially need warmth. Before bed, take a hot foot bath. Then put on your wool socks and get into bed.
  • Will complement all measures to combat colds - good sleep, which is an important part of treatment.
  • The main cause of a cold is simple hypothermia. During cold weather, it is recommended to dress according to the weather. When leaving home, look at the thermometer. This will help to some extent avoid the disease.
  • If a person with a cold appears in the house, try to protect the rest of the family members as much as possible. To do this, use gauze masks and frequently ventilate the room. It is also necessary for the patient to provide individual dishes, cutlery, and towels.

Which treatment method to choose for unpleasant sensations related to colds - it's up to you. The main thing is not to start the disease, but to take timely measures to eliminate it.

You can cure a cold very quickly if you choose the right medications. You don’t even have to resort to taking pills to get rid of a cough or runny nose due to a cold. Let's find out which cold remedy is considered the best. Traditional recipes can quickly cope with the disease and return you good mood. Here are some tips for using traditional medicine:

The best folk remedy for colds

For adults, when the first signs of a cold appear, you can use a hot beer-based drink. This is the best remedy in the fight against colds and is very effective. Method of preparation: Grind 2 yolks with 2 tablespoons of sugar until a thick foam forms. Take 500 ml. light beer, heat to 45 degrees and add 1/2 tsp. l. cinnamon, two sticks of cloves, and the zest of one lemon. Pour the yolk mixture into a saucepan and, without ceasing to stir, add warm beer to it. Stirring, heat over low heat for 5 minutes, then cool slightly. At night, drink one glass of hot drink, put on woolen socks, cover yourself with a blanket and sweat. Very effective treatment.

The best cough remedy for colds

To quickly get rid of a dry cough when you have a cold, onion mixture helps. To prepare it, take a clove of garlic, ten onion heads, pass through a meat grinder after peeling, add a liter of milk and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes, then add three tablespoons and honey. When treating a cold, take a tablespoon of the mixture 3 times a day before meals. It should not be taken on an empty stomach so that the gastric mucosa is not damaged.

This folk remedy is effective for coughs. Taken in equal parts lemon juice, glycerin and honey, mix everything. Take 1 tsp. a day three times.

Freshly squeezed radish juice will help with a severe cough, take orally. This remedy has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. To prepare it, take one part of radish juice (black), two parts of honey and mix. Take a tablespoon, four times a day.

The best remedy for runny nose for colds

If you have a runny nose, you can simply rinse your nose using warm water and soda. When a cold has started, it is better to do inhalations, breathe over boiling water with fir oil or over chamomile decoction.

Heat coarse salt in a frying pan. Pour hot salt into a bag and apply to your sinuses. Salt is good because it keeps you warm for a long time.

Garlic is good for fighting various colds. At the first symptoms of a cold, you can use the following folk remedy: dilute 6 crushed cloves of garlic in one glass of milk. Place on the stove and bring to a boil, then cool, take a teaspoon several times a day.

The best remedy for sore throat due to colds

If you have a sore throat, gargling will help. various decoctions herbs You can choose from: chamomile, sage, tricolor violet. They are getting ready as follows: one spoon of herb per 200 grams of water. Pour boiling water over the herb and leave for about 20 minutes. Can be taken orally or rinsed five times.

The best means are also:

gargling with decoctions of chamomile, sage or saline solution;

throat tablets, such as Strepsis, Minton, Septolete (the main thing is to follow the indicated dosage);

reduction, or better yet, complete cessation of smoking, alcohol, spicy and salty foods;

plenty of fluid intake, preferably in the form of teas, decoctions or fruit drinks (drink everything warm);

Time-tested recipes for the best folk remedies

One of the most famous and effective folk remedies is to combine a teaspoon of pepper with a glass of vodka. The effect is usually felt immediately. This happens due to the fact that the pepper expands blood vessels. Vodka only serves as a “flavor softener” and adds “extra” warmth.

The most known remedy for the treatment of colds - bed rest. It’s worth forgetting about household responsibilities, work, TV for a while and just being in silence and relaxing.

Instead of antipyretic antibiotics, which, by the way, are not always able to help, it is better to brew herbal tea. It may contain linden, currants, raspberries, rowan, mint, lemon balm,

At the first symptoms of a cold, our grandmothers recommended this folk remedy: during the day, inhale the vapors of a fresh onion or cut a clove of garlic, wrap it in gauze and put it in your nose. The effectiveness is explained by the fact that onions and garlic contain phytoncides, which kill the viruses of many colds.

If you have aloe or Kalanchoe growing at home, then you don’t have to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine. The squeezed and mixed juice of these plants is the best medicine. It needs to be instilled a few drops into the nose several times a day.

If your temperature rises above 38.5 o, it is better to refrain from eating and drink plenty of fluids if you have a cold. This is explained by the fact that during high temperatures some dehydration begins, and food is poorly digested. And a lot of energy is spent on digesting food, which can be used to recover from a cold.

Best home remedies for colds

If you feel a general malaise and feel the urge to crawl under the covers and remain in silence because your whole body aches and your head hurts, do not wait for further signs, but go. The course of treatment must begin immediately. Every person manages to catch a cold more than once a year. And, probably, everyone has in stock medicines that have stood the test of time. But it also happens that someone gets sick for the first time, and all subsequent treatment advice will turn out to be not only useful, but also effective.

You can try to be cured without folk remedies, by going to the nearest pharmacy. Almost everything modern means against colds contain loading dose paracetamol and vitamin C¸ which are necessary to completely get rid of a cold.

At the first symptoms of a cold it is necessary hot shower. It will help warm up your back and chest.

After a shower, you need to rub yourself with a narrow and warm towel and go to bed, wrapped in a blanket. This is done in order to sweat and thus get rid of the temperature.

It is important to constantly monitor the “temperature” of your feet, that is, keep them warm. For these purposes, a cold remedy such as foot baths with the addition of mustard, or a mustard “hot water bottle” at night, which is warm socks with dry mustard poured into them, or children’s mustard plasters purchased at the pharmacy, is perfect for these purposes.

You need to drink warm herbal tea, perhaps with the addition of honey or propolis. Suitable for tea are chamomile, mint, coltsfoot, lemon balm, currant or ready-made herbal teas which are sold in pharmacies.

Instead of cold drops sold in pharmacies, aloe or Kalanchoe juice, garlic or onion juice are perfect. Products containing phytoncides are the best remedy for colds. It is recommended to inhale the vapors of onions and garlic, do inhalations with the addition of lemon, chamomile, ginger, sage, inhalations from potato broth.

If the temperature has risen above 38.5, then you can bring it down with such a remedy as rubbing the body with alcohol or water and vinegar.

Star balm helps with a runny nose.

It can also help to keep you warm when you have a cold. badger fat who need to rub their chest and back, roll into warm clothes and go to bed.

For a severe cough that accompanies a cold, a folk remedy such as onion juice mixed with honey is recommended. You need to take a tablespoon every two hours.

And, of course, the best medicine is prevention before illness. This frequent walks on fresh air, airing the apartment, vitamin complexes, proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Dangerous temperature changes, slush in spring and autumn, wet feet, hypothermia, cause colds. Many people get lost when they appear pathological symptoms. What to do? Run to the pharmacy for medicine, just rest at home, hoping that everything will go away on its own? Meanwhile, effective folk recipes against colds, based on components that are in every home, will help cope with the disease. It is useful to take into account ideas for preparing remedies for treatment at home and get better quickly.

What is a cold

The human body is designed in such a way that harmful and beneficial microorganisms. This continues as long as the immune system guards health. Hypothermia provokes a weakening of protective forces, as a result, favorable conditions arise for the development of viruses and the appearance of colds. The reasons for the uncontrolled proliferation of harmful microorganisms are:

Cold is a generalized common name for the group respiratory infections flowing in acute form. The disease begins with inflammation of the upper respiratory tract as a result sharp narrowing vessels during cooling. At the same time, exchange process in the nose, the mucous membranes may swell. Characteristics of a cold:

  • infection by contact, household, airborne droplets;
  • incubation period up to two days;
  • full recovery within a week, subject to fighting the disease;
  • the appearance of complications - otitis media, bronchitis, sinusitis, tracheitis - in the absence of treatment.

To avoid dangerous consequences, it is important to start counteracting the disease from the appearance of the first symptoms. Folk remedies will help with this. Colds, unlike respiratory infections, are characterized by less pronounced symptoms. When the disease develops in a person, the following are observed:

  • temperature not higher than 38.5 degrees;
  • runny nose – with damage to the nasal mucosa;
  • cough - when the infection passes into the lower respiratory tract, usually on the third day;
  • slight malaise;
  • slight weakness;
  • redness of the throat, sore throat;
  • nasal congestion;
  • sweating;
  • chills;
  • sneezing;
  • headache.

Treatment of colds with folk remedies at home

Even doctors recommend that when cold symptoms appear, starting treatment with the use of recipes from traditional healers. You need to give the body time to activate its own immunity without using pills. Folk remedies for colds help cope with symptoms from the first days. For treatment the following are used:

  • decoctions of medicinal herbs and plants;
  • inhalation;
  • nasal drops;
  • gargles;
  • massage essential oils;
  • compositions for rinsing the nose;
  • cough rubs;
  • nasal ointments;
  • compresses;
  • baths for hands and feet.

To quickly cope with the disease, if you have a fever, it is recommended to stay in bed. Effective treatment Colds are possible if you follow a number of rules. If you are sick at home, you must:

  • regularly ventilate the visit;
  • do wet cleaning daily using disinfectants;
  • maintain the room temperature at about 22 degrees;
  • organize nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, nutrients;
  • give him a large amount of liquid - decoctions, fruit drinks, water, tea;
  • provide the patient with separate dishes and a towel.

If you exercise regularly, you can avoid colds. But when the disease occurs, it is important to maintain personal hygiene to prevent infection of other family members. It is advisable to use gauze bandages. When the first signs of the disease appear, it is recommended:

  • start treatment immediately folk remedies;
  • rinse your nose to prevent the spread of infection;
  • gargle to remove pathogens;
  • dress warmly to prevent hypothermia;
  • take a steam bath;
  • sleep more.

Folk recipes for colds include a huge variety of ingredients. Wide Application find:

  • medicinal herbs– chamomile, sage, lingonberry, calendula;
  • plants – linden, aloe, walnut, oak, pine;
  • vegetables - onions, garlic, beets, cabbage;
  • berries – cranberries, raspberries, currants;
  • bee products – propolis, honey;
  • alcohol, vodka, wine, beer;
  • eggs;
  • ginger;
  • lemon;
  • red pepper;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • essential oils;
  • milk;
  • soda;
  • horseradish.

Folk remedies for runny nose and colds

The accumulation of mucus in the nose leads to the spread of infection to the bronchi and lungs. If you have a runny nose, you should rinse your nose regularly. Traditional healers recommend using a syringe - injecting the composition into one nostril so that it flows out of the other along with mucus containing viruses and bacteria. This procedure reduces swelling, restores breathing, and clean mucous membranes absorb medications better. It is recommended to rinse your nose:

  • solution sea ​​salt– a teaspoon per glass of water;
  • a weak decoction of sage, chamomile;
  • alkaline mineral water.

To cope with a runny nose during colds, it is useful to use folk remedies. Good results are distinguished by:

  • aloe juice in the nose - instill 3 drops into each nostril until symptoms disappear;
  • warming up the sinuses with hot water boiled egg, wrapped in cotton fabric, activates blood circulation;
  • composition for oral administration - 5 crushed cloves of garlic per glass of milk, boil, let it brew for an hour, cool, drink a spoon several times a day.

To ease breathing during nasal congestion, turundas are made using folk remedies. A mixture of equal parts honey and aloe is effective - the tampons last for 2 hours. When a runny nose appears, it is recommended to make a composition, apply it to the turundas, and insert it into the nasal passages for 10 minutes. The course of treatment is up to two weeks. Equal parts of the components are heated in a water bath. Composition includes:

Treatment for colds with fever

Doctors do not recommend using antipyretics in the first days of illness so that the body can cope with the infection itself. If symptoms of intoxication appear - severe headache, aching joints, nausea, it is allowed to use folk remedies for colds. Improves condition, reduces temperature:

  • a decoction of berries and raspberry leaves - pour a spoonful of raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leave, drink at night with honey;
  • Brew linden blossom mixed with apple peel, leave for 30 minutes, drink several times a day instead of tea.

To lower the temperature of an adult, traditional healers recommend this recipe. You need to make a decoction, which includes equal parts of mint, St. John's wort, linden color, chamomile, birch buds. Pour one spoonful of raw material into a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, and strain. Next, you need:

  • drink 150 ml of decoction with a spoon of honey;
  • after 30 minutes, take 50 ml of vodka;
  • dress warmly;
  • crawl under the blanket;
  • sweat.
  • give cranberry juice with sugar or honey;
  • make compresses with yarrow decoction;
  • put on socks soaked in a solution of water and vinegar in equal proportions;
  • place a cabbage leaf on your forehead;
  • give an enema with a solution of soda - a teaspoon in a glass of water, or chamomile decoction.

Fast-acting folk remedy

There are situations when it is necessary to urgently cope with cold symptoms. Aloe will come to the rescue. You need to make cotton pads, moisten them fresh juice, put it in your nose for half an hour. Repeat the procedure up to five times a day. You can get rid of the disease in a day if you apply a burning rub. The sick person is rubbed on his chest and back at night, given tea with raspberries, and wrapped up. To prepare the composition you should:

  • take a glass of vegetable oil;
  • add 2 spoons of red ground pepper;
  • mix;
  • keep in a water bath for 30 minutes;
  • use chilled.

Folk remedies for colds help to quickly cope with the infection. It is useful to drink tea with honey and ginger before bed or brew dried echinacea. Helps quickly eliminate signs of infection healing composition based on beer. It is consumed hot at night, wrapped up in order to sweat and feel healthy the next morning. According to the recipe you need:

  • grind 2 tablespoons of sugar with two yolks;
  • heat half a liter of light beer to 50 degrees;
  • add lemon zest;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • two carnations;
  • mix with the yolk mixture;
  • boil for 5 minutes.

A medicinal cocktail helps to cope with cold symptoms overnight. The entire amount of the drink should be drunk within two hours before bedtime. After 30 minutes, wrap up and go to bed. To make a cocktail you need:

  • take 1.5 liters of warm water;
  • put a spoon table salt;
  • add 1 gram ascorbic acid from the pharmacy;
  • pour in the juice of one lemon;
  • mix all ingredients.

Remedies for throat and colds

Redness, soreness, and problems with swallowing are frequent accompaniments of colds. Regular rinsing helps to cope with these symptoms. It is recommended to use folk remedies for treating colds that relieve inflammatory processes in the throat:

  • rinsing up to five times a day with a decoction of chamomile and sage;
  • hot foot baths before bed;
  • take a teaspoon orally three times a day, a mixture of equal parts of grated apples, onions and honey;
  • carry out irrigation with a solution of soda and salt - a spoonful per 0.5 liters of water.

It is useful to drink three glasses of hot medicinal product a day, for the preparation of which you need to chop a head of garlic and boil it in a glass of apple juice. Traditional healers recommend gargling for a sore throat. The procedure is carried out every two hours. Useful to use:

  • alcohol pharmacy tincture propolis – a spoon in a glass of water;
  • boiled dry blueberries - 100 grams per half liter of boiling water, the amount should be reduced by a third;
  • tincture of oak bark in vodka, aged for a week - a teaspoon per two glasses, diluted with water - 20 drops per 200 ml.

If there is no fever during colds, the throat is treated with steam inhalations. The duration of breathing over the hot composition is 10 minutes. The solution is poured into a container, and the patient is covered with a blanket. For the procedure the following are used:

  • steam from boiled potatoes;
  • essential oils of mint, pine, eucalyptus added to hot water;
  • a solution of soda, salt with the addition of a few drops of iodine;
  • decoction of oak bark, chamomile, sage - a teaspoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water.

Herbal treatment

Medicinal plants For colds, they are used in the form of decoctions. They are taken orally, used for inhalation and gargling. To prepare the product, you will need 200 ml of boiling water per spoon of herb. Traditional healers recommend a decoction of plants for illness:

  • coltsfoot - relieves inflammation, causes sweating, drink 1/3 glass during the day;
  • yarrow - a natural antibiotic - take a spoonful every hour and gargle;
  • chamomile - antibacterial agent for inhalation, oral administration, oral irrigation, nasal rinsing.

Cope with cough colds The herb wild rosemary helps. The plant promotes liquefaction, removal of mucus, and has an antiseptic effect. When using wild rosemary, it is important to follow the dosage; it is forbidden to treat pregnant women with the herb due to the presence of toxic components in the composition. To prepare the infusion:

  • take 300 ml of boiling water;
  • steam 5 grams of chamomile and wild rosemary;
  • stand for an hour;
  • strain;
  • drink in three doses throughout the day.

Recipes with vodka

Folk remedies using alcohol are recommended at the onset of the disease, when there is no fever. Medicines with vodka have a warming effect, activate blood circulation, and help eliminate toxins. They drink a vodka cocktail before bed, wrap themselves in a blanket to sweat and feel better in the morning. For preparation:

  • take a glass of vodka - 50 ml;
  • add 3 drops of radish juice, which has an antibacterial effect.

During a cold, a tincture of young pine cones will help cope with the illness. It has an expectorant, disinfectant, antimicrobial effect, boosts immunity. Take the medicine by spoon three times a day. To prepare you need:

  • take 100 grams of green, young cones;
  • grind;
  • pour vodka;
  • keep in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks;
  • strain.

Vodka for colds does not have to be taken orally. Traditional healers recommend:

  • Apply a warm compress to a sore throat. Dilute the vodka halfway with water, moisten a napkin, apply it, and wrap a warm scarf on top.
  • Rub your back and chest when high temperature. It is necessary to mix water, vinegar, and vodka in equal proportions.

Recipes with honey

This product is present in numerous folk remedies due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, tonic properties, and the presence of trace elements and vitamins. Honey, when combined with other products, is used for cold symptoms. It is useful to make a healing mixture, which is taken a teaspoon once a day for prevention and three times for treatment. For preparation:

  • mince 300 grams of ginger;
  • Peel a large lemon and chop;
  • add 200 g honey;
  • mix;
  • put in a jar with a lid.

The combination of honey and garlic helps to cope with cold symptoms, strengthen the immune system, and counteract most harmful microorganisms. It is useful to take a spoonful of this folk remedy before bed for a week. Cooking medicinal composition in this sequence:

  • chop the garlic;
  • add an equal amount of honey;
  • put in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Horseradish, thanks to its antibacterial properties, the presence of vitamins and microelements, helps to cope with the symptoms of colds. Adding honey increases the effectiveness of the medicine. The product is consumed in the mornings and evenings, one spoon at a time. To prepare it you will need:

  • grind 0.5 kg of horseradish through a meat grinder;
  • add 100 ml of water;
  • keep covered for 2 hours;
  • squeeze through several layers of gauze;
  • put the same amount of honey;
  • mix.

Recipes with milk

Not all adults can consume this product due to lactose intolerance. Milk contains necessary for the body during a cold, vitamins, proteins. It is included in many recipes for folk remedies. If you are sick, it is useful to drink a glass at night warm milk, to which 10 drops of garlic juice are added. The drink prepared according to the following recipe has healing properties:

  • grate a medium onion;
  • squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth;
  • heat 200 ml of milk;
  • add a teaspoon of juice;
  • drink before bed.

Using hot milk with honey helps eliminate the symptoms of the disease if you take it and go to bed. For a dry cough, it is useful to prepare a remedy that has a soothing effect. Use it in the evenings until symptoms disappear. You should heat a glass of milk and add the following ingredients (in teaspoons):

  • baking soda – 0.5;
  • honey – 1;
  • butter – 1.

Medicinal teas

Traditional methods cold treatments involve drinking large quantity liquids to remove toxins. Healing teas have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, general strengthening effect depending on the components. A drink made from rosehip works well against colds. To prepare it you need:

  • grind the dried fruits;
  • pour 5 tablespoons of berries with a liter of water;
  • boil for 10 minutes;
  • leave covered overnight;
  • drink instead of tea, adding honey.

Raise protective forces A drink with antiviral properties helps with colds. Medicinal tea has a diaphoretic effect, facilitates breathing during nasal congestion. Drink a third of a glass in the morning, afternoon and before bed. The recipe requires:

  • boil half a liter of water;
  • put 2 tablespoons of grated ginger into it;
  • keep on fire for 10 minutes;
  • add a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla, coriander;
  • leave for 10 minutes.

A favorite tea for many, it helps to cope with colds and increases the body's defenses. The ingredients of this drink are a teaspoon of grated ginger and a slice of lemon. Brew everything with boiling water in a glass, keep covered, and consume with honey. Tea, which has an anti-inflammatory and antitussive effect, is prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs and is drunk three times a day, 200 ml. Place a spoonful on a glass of boiling water:

  • peppermint;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • oregano.

Diet for colds

Some experts recommend fasting in the first days of illness to mobilize internal forces body. Before this, you should cleanse the intestines to avoid intoxication with decay products. Nutritionists advise for colds:

  • eat food with easily digestible carbohydrates to provide the body with energy - rice, oatmeal, sweet fruits;
  • consume animal protein to support the production of antibodies, increase the bactericidal activity of blood serum - cottage cheese, eggs, fermented milk products, lean meat, fish.

Plays an important role in colds drinking regime. Toxins are removed from the body along with urine. It is useful to drink rosehip decoction, cranberry juice, tea with currants, raspberries, lemon, juices, vegetable decoctions. The diet should contain:

  • antioxidants found in walnuts, onions, garlic, broccoli, spinach;
  • vitamin C – sauerkraut, bell peppers, apples, oranges, kiwi;
  • products containing zinc - liver: lentils, beef, flax seed;
  • beta-carotene – dried apricots, beets, pumpkin, tomatoes;
  • vitamin A – butter, egg yolk, hard cheese, liver.

When you are sick, along with folk remedies for colds, you need vitamin D, which stimulates the immune system. If you can't be in the sun, you should eat sea ​​fish– mackerel, salmon, herring – cod liver, caviar. You cannot do without B vitamins. It is useful to consume:

  • riboflavin (B 2) – improves cellular immunity, found in cottage cheese, cheeses, almonds, raisins;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) – activates protein metabolism, included in buckwheat, potatoes, beans, millet, yeast.

There are a number of products whose use is prohibited during a cold. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of salt and marinades, which retain fluid in the body, to avoid edema. The following are prohibited:

  • pears, grapes, cabbage, which enhance fermentation processes;
  • drinks containing caffeine - black, green tea, coffee;
  • milk, which increases mucus formation;
  • fat, smoked food;
  • spicy food;
  • spices.


Cold - unpleasant disease, which always strikes at the most inopportune moments. Of course, it is best to prevent any illnesses, but if suddenly you were unable to protect yourself from ARVI, then you can quickly recover without any pills or drops. The best thing is to treat colds with folk remedies. Their properties are not inferior to expensive foreign medicines, and some types of herbs are much better than pharmaceutical drugs.

Principles of traditional medicine

With the onset of illness, treatment should be started immediately. And the sooner it is started, the faster the disease will be overcome.

To get rid of a cold, you should:

  1. Use medications that help treat viruses.
  2. Use remedies to treat cough and ease breathing.
  3. Treat a runny nose.
  4. If you have a sore throat, use products that relieve inflammation and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.
  5. Increase immunity.
  6. Use products that help reduce temperature and increase sweating.

Treatment of colds with folk remedies is carried out comprehensively, taking into account all the characteristics of the body. You can use several traditional medicines, but only after consulting a doctor.

Recipes for quick relief from colds

There are many traditional medicine recipes that can quickly get rid of a cold.

At the end of spring, when lilacs bloom, you can collect and drink infusions of the plant’s flowers. To do this, steam a spoonful of flowers with a glass of boiling water. The product is taken half a glass twice a day. You can prepare a tincture from lilac buds. To prepare it, collect half a glass of flowers and pour half a liter of vodka. The product is infused for a couple of weeks. Take twenty drops three times a day during a cold. The composition is stored in the refrigerator.

The following remedy helps get rid of colds well: motherwort is crushed and mixed with chicory root powder in equal parts. Take a teaspoon of the mixture and steam it with a glass of boiling water. The composition is infused for an hour, after which it is filtered. Take half a glass three times a day.

A remedy prepared from a tablespoon of burdock steamed with a glass of boiling water has an antipyretic effect. The composition is placed on water bath and warms up for fifteen minutes. After cooling, the product is filtered. Take the medicine one tablespoon warm five times a day. For a sore throat, it is recommended to gargle with burdock infusion every four hours.

Dandelion can be used to treat colds using folk remedies. All parts of the plant have unique properties, capable of getting rid of ARVI very quickly. Leaves, flowers, roots have antipyretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare a medicine from dandelion, you need to pour a teaspoon of the composition with a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Afterwards the product is filtered. Take a tablespoon of the composition five times a day.

The cold will go away quickly

Sedge has proven itself well in the treatment of colds with folk remedies. To prepare a medicine from a plant, you need to take two teaspoons of rhizomes and pour half a liter of boiling water over them. The composition is infused overnight. Take one hundred grams three times a day before meals.

When you have a runny nose, a decoction of raspberries or strawberries helps to clear the airways. It is taken orally, inhaled: breathe through the nose over a bowl of decoction.

Onion juice helps get rid of a runny nose. To prepare it, you need to twist a small part of the onion in a meat grinder. Then the juice is squeezed out of the pulp and diluted with plain water 1:2. 1-2 drops of the product are instilled into each nostril.

At severe runny nose When it is not possible to clear the nose with other means, prepare a beetroot solution. It is made according to the same principle as onion, but diluted differently: adults are given a solution of 1 to 1, and children - 1 to 2 or 1 to 3 (depending on age).

Raspberries and blackberries show good results in treating colds with folk remedies at home. This unique plants, which are taken as immuno-strengthening agents and more. They have many beneficial properties. To prepare a remedy, take one hundred grams of fresh or dried (can be frozen) raspberries or blackberries and pour boiling water in a volume of two hundred grams. The product is infused for twenty minutes. Honey is added to berry tea to taste. Take the product at least three times a day as tea. This medicine has a diaphoretic effect, strengthens the immune system, and helps fight viruses.

Linden blossom is indicated for coughs and as a means to boost immunity.

Cold Treatment Methods

For the prevention and treatment of colds with folk remedies at home, the following remedies help well:

Ways to quickly get rid of a cold

Since ancient times, colds have been treated with ginger tea and honey. To prepare it you will need a quarter cup of grated ginger and two hundred grams of honey. The mixture is boiled for ten minutes. This composition is added to tea one teaspoon at a time.

Thirty grams sea ​​buckthorn oil mixed with 20 grams of calendula, a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of propolis. For a runny nose, turunda is moistened in this composition and injected shallowly into the nose for twenty minutes.

Aloe helps get rid of a runny nose. To do this, five drops of juice are placed in each nostril.

It is useful to eat strawberries before bed.

Sage and wormwood are used to treat colds and flu using folk remedies. These herbs are taken in equal parts, filled with water and brought to a boil. The composition is used for inhalation for coughs and runny nose.

You can treat a runny nose with wild rosemary. To prepare the product, take five grams of wild rosemary and mix it with fifty grams of vegetable oil. The product is boiled for five minutes. After cooling, the oil is placed two drops into each nostril.

Treating a cold

Onion milk is used to treat colds in adults using folk remedies. To make it, take half a liter of milk and one medium-sized onion. It is grated and poured with boiling milk. The composition is infused for ten minutes. Take warm within an hour. This remedy helps to cope with even the most severe cough. This remedy is used not only for ARVI, but also for pneumonia and bronchitis.

The following remedies can also be used to treat colds:

Traditional medicine for colds

To treat colds with folk remedies at home, it is recommended to use eucalyptus and marshmallow. Eucalyptus leaves have a disinfectant, astringent action, and marshmallow - enveloping, anti-inflammatory properties. The plants are taken in equal parts and steamed with a glass of boiling water. The product is cooked for ten minutes. Wash your nose with the prepared decoction three times a day.

Burdock is a good remedy for the flu. During the growing season, it is recommended to take the newly obtained plant juice one tablespoon three times a day. The rest of the time it is used alcohol infusion. To prepare it, take a glass of juice and pour half a glass of vodka. The product is infused for a week in a dark place. Take a teaspoon twice a day.

Lemon juice mixed with one hundred grams of honey helps with colds. Everything dissolves in a liter of boiling water. The composition is drunk throughout the day. Instead of water, you can use rosehip infusion prepared from two tablespoons of berries and a liter of boiling water.

Grandmother's methods

At severe cold In Siberia, an alcoholic infusion of wormwood has been used since ancient times. This method helps to quickly recover from cough and ARVI. To prepare the product, take twenty grams of wormwood and fill it with a bottle of alcohol. The product is infused for a day. Take a teaspoon three times a day. You can use vodka instead of alcohol. If alcohol is used, then the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Raspberry leaves can be used to treat colds and coughs using folk remedies. To prepare medicine from them, take four spoons of the raw material and pour two glasses of boiling water. The product is infused overnight, and in the morning it is filtered and applied half a glass three times a day. You can gargle with this mixture.

Mustard powder helps a lot. It is poured into socks and worn for two days. You can add mustard powder to foot baths: take them for ten minutes.

Treatment of colds in children with folk remedies is carried out lime color. The flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for twenty minutes. The composition is filtered and taken as tea. If your child is not allergic to honey, you can add it directly to tea. It is recommended to take this remedy at night.

Adults should take alcohol tincture eucalyptus. To prepare it, take twenty grams of leaves, pour it with alcohol, cover it and leave it for a week. The product is filtered, and the remainder is squeezed into a tincture. The medicine is taken in a dose of twenty drops, diluted in a small amount of boiled water.

For adults and children, a decoction is recommended as an antipyretic pearl barley. For treatment, one hundred grams of water is poured with a liter of water and simmered over low heat for twenty minutes. The product is filtered and the decoction is taken immediately at night. To improve the taste, add a tablespoon of honey to the composition. For children, the dosage is lower.

Herbs and other remedies to fight colds

To make a cold go away quickly, treatment with folk remedies involves the use of mustard-salt baths. To prepare them, take a bucket of water, add two hundred grams of ordinary salt and one hundred and fifty grams of mustard powder. Everything is mixed well. The composition is used for foot baths: leave the feet for about ten minutes, then rinse them warm water. Then put on warm socks and go to bed. In case of vein disease, this remedy is contraindicated.

Herbal remedies are used to treat throats and colds using folk remedies. They provide positive impact on the respiratory system, immune system. Good result gives the following remedy: mix two parts of coltsfoot leaves, raspberries, and one part of oregano. Then take a tablespoon of the mixture and steam it with a glass of boiling water. The product is infused for twenty minutes and filtered. Take warm at night.

You can make a remedy by taking elecampane, sage, primrose, pine buds in equal proportions, peppermint, calendula, licorice root, St. John's wort, thyme. Then pour a spoonful of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for twenty minutes, then filter. The product is taken fifty grams three times a day.

Treatment with folk remedies for colds on the lips, runny nose, ARVI and other diseases is carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Each type of pathology involves the use of certain infusions, decoctions, ointments and more. Thus, folk remedies for the treatment of colds on the lips include sage decoction, toothpaste and other ingredients.

Other treatments

Folk remedies for treating the ear for colds, as well as for other pathologies, include a variety of methods. Infusions, decoctions, oils and ointments, and tinctures help to cope with any disease. With timely treatment, any illness will go away quickly. In just two days you can get rid of acute respiratory viral infections and a runny nose if you start treatment correctly and in a timely manner.

At the first symptoms of a runny nose, it is recommended to rinse the nose with the following remedy: take half a teaspoon of salt and dissolve it in a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture is used to wash the nasal passages one by one. During washing, the head is tilted forward down and to the side. First, wash the nostril that will be at the top, and then the other.

A good vitamin cocktail is carrot juice, mixed with vegetable oil and honey. The composition is taken half a glass five times a day. This product helps to boost the immune system, recharge it with vitamins, and increase the body’s resistance.

Each folk remedy has its own indications and contraindications for use. Therefore, in order not to harm yourself, you should consult a doctor before using any traditional medicine.

During the cold season, people often catch colds. In autumn, this is facilitated by damp, rainy weather, in winter - by frost and wind. They activate bacteria and viruses. Once inside a person, microbes cause a sharp deterioration in health, nasal and throat congestion. Strengthen your immune system and get rid of unpleasant symptoms Can folk remedies for colds. Many ancient medicines are palatable, effective, and easy to make at home.

Why do people get colds?

IN human body there are many bacteria, the negative effects of which are successfully blocked immune system. In the off-season, its function is weaker, and it does not always cope with pathogenic microbes. A person becomes vulnerable to virus attacks. During this period, the slightest hypothermia often leads to the onset of the disease.

Most often, acute respiratory infections do not pose a serious threat to humans, so you should not immediately take medicines and pills. Give your body time to deal with the problem on its own. Folk methods can help in the fight.

Despite the fact that it is easy to overcome a cold without traditional treatment, call a doctor at home for a consultation. You shouldn’t “fly” to the hospital on your own - it’s better to do without heroism. Let a specialist conduct an examination and assess your condition. This will help to identify in time severe form illness and will protect you from complications.

Symptoms of acute respiratory infections

Start off common cold caused by hypothermia may increase the temperature, but it does not have such acute symptoms like flu or sore throat. When it appears:

  • the temperature on the thermometer shows no more than 38.5 degrees;
  • the person feels weak and headaches;
  • sneezing and runny nose appear;
  • the throat becomes inflamed.

The painful condition develops gradually. The cough begins only on the 4th day, when pathogenic microorganisms from the nasopharynx penetrate the respiratory tract and affect the bronchi.

In some cases, the disease is severe. You should be wary and immediately call a doctor if the thermometer rises above 39 degrees, you feel body aches, severe chills, and phlegm when coughing brown or with drops of blood.

Mandatory examination by a specialist is necessary if symptoms are observed in young children, expectant mothers, the elderly, and also when it is not possible to cure a cold with folk remedies within a week.

First actions

It is necessary to isolate the patient from others. This is necessary to protect them from infection. Acute respiratory infections are quickly transmitted through the air. Therefore, when in contact with a sick person, you must always wear a cotton-gauze bandage.

  • When people have a cold, they need separate dishes for eating and clean fresh air. The room should be regularly ventilated and wet cleaned.
  • To destroy viruses, it is advisable to use phytoncides of onion and garlic, placing small saucers with chopped vegetables in the room.
  • The onset of the disease causes loss of appetite. If this happens, do not force the patient to eat. During this period, it is better to switch to a lighter diet enriched with vitamins. Then the body will use all its strength to fight the disease.
  • To quickly cure a cold, you need to drink a lot. The patient must drink 1.5 liters of clean warm water per day. It helps eliminate toxins. It is also useful to include rosehip decoction, cranberry juice, and birch sap in your diet.

A cup of hot tea with honey, lemon and sound sleep under a warm blanket. Having sweated at night, a person with a cold will feel significant relief in the morning.

How to bring down the temperature?

If, when measuring the temperature, the thermometer shows that it has risen above 38 degrees, it must be urgently lowered. Folk remedies against colds quickly help with this.

One of the simplest and effective ways - healing tea. It is brewed from linden blossom or raspberry leaves. To prepare the drink, 1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over the raw materials in a mug, cover with a lid and wait a quarter of an hour. Then add honey to the drink if desired. You need to drink it in small sips and go to bed. Profuse sweating will lead to rapid decline temperature.

Treatment of colds with folk remedies does not require exotic infusions and does not involve complex recipes. Helps normalize the temperature with 9% vinegar diluted with water. For the product to work, take a quarter glass of water heated to 38 degrees and dilute it with vinegar by half. Soak a cloth in warm liquid, wring it out lightly and wipe your feet, under your knees, palms, armpits and temples. After rubbing, you need to cover yourself with a sheet and lie down for 15 minutes. During this time, your body temperature will drop, and then you can put on clothes.

What helps with a runny nose?

During colds, a runny nose constantly bothers you. Rinsing your sinuses with a saline solution helps make breathing easier. It's easy to do.

  • Pour boiled water into a glass warm water and dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in it.
  • Take a rubber syringe with a soft tip, pour boiling water over it and fill it with salty liquid.
  • Lean over the sink and begin to gently inject the solution into your left nostril. Gradually, water will fill the nasal cavity and will pour out of the other nostril.
  • Then you need to carry out the procedure with the right nostril and blow your nose well.

To overcome a runny nose, rinsing should be done every few hours.

You can quickly relieve nasal swelling with dry heat. Heat the salt, place it in a thick cloth or clean sock and place it on the bridge of the nose. Make sure the salt is not too hot, otherwise you may burn your delicate skin.

For a runny nose caused by a cold, it is useful to use an effective traditional treatment vegetable oil. You will need to measure out 50 ml of oil, pour it into a ceramic bowl and place in a water bath. Simmer it for 40 minutes. While it cools, peel 3 garlic cloves and half a small onion. Grind them and add to warm oil. Stir and leave to brew for 2 hours. During this time, vegetable phytoncides will fill the oil healing properties. Wipe your sinuses with it 4 times a day. Congestion will quickly go away, breathing will become free and easy.

How to treat a sore throat?

Folk remedies for treating colds quickly relieve a sore throat. A common and effective medicine is a solution of soda and salt. It soothes irritation and relieves swelling well. In a glass of warm water, mix half a teaspoon of soda and salt and gargle.

  • Chamomile is an excellent remedy for treating colds. Tea made from it makes breathing easier, relieves pain, relieves inflammation and soothes. Measure out 1 tsp. dried flowers, pour 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew a little. Then you need to strain the product, add honey, lemon and drink it instead of tea when your throat hurts.
  • Healing herbs are indispensable in the treatment of colds. How to quickly calm down painful sensations when swallowing? Use sage. It contains astringent components and has a bactericidal effect. Prepare an infusion of 1 tbsp. l. herbs and 250 ml of boiling water. When it cools down, add a spoonful of salt to it and gargle every few hours. The pain will go away quickly.

An effective folk remedy for colds - onion juice - helps you recover. Squeeze it out of the onion and drink 1 tsp. after eating. This recipe should be used with caution by people suffering from gastritis or ulcers.

You can reduce swelling and inflammation of the throat with a solution based on essential oils. To do this, add 3 drops each of thyme, pine and cypress oil. They enrich the liquid with antibacterial properties and help fight infection if you gargle with the product three times a day.

Coping with a cough

Treatment methods for coughing during a cold vary. When it just starts, a honey cake helps a lot. Mix in equal proportions:

  • flour;
  • vegetable oil;
  • dry mustard;

Knead and form into a flat cake. Place it on plastic, place it on your back near the lungs and wrap your body. Keep the compress for about 3 hours before going to bed. The cough will go away quickly, leaving no complications.

If sputum from the bronchi is difficult to separate, shortness of breath is tormenting, treatment with folk remedies based on herbs helps alleviate the condition.

  • To prepare it, combine pine buds, sage and licorice root in a 1:1:1 ratio.
  • Measure out 1 tbsp. l. mixture, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for about 3 hours.
  • Then filter and drink 2 tbsp. l. every 4 hours until you feel better.

Juice soothes a cough black radish. To prepare it, wash the vegetable, cut off the top and make a hole. Place a spoonful of honey in the cavity, cover with the top and place the fruit in a glass of water. After a couple of hours, the radish will form healing juice. You need to take the medicine slowly and put the honey back on. The next day it will be much easier.

An effective remedy for a runny nose, sore throat and cough is inhalation. Before treating a cold with this method, take your temperature. Doctors allow the procedure to be done if it is no more than 37 degrees.

  • Inhalation based baking soda thins mucus and cleanses the bronchi. Boil a liter of water and add a large spoon of soda. Lean over the container, cover your head with a towel and breathe in the steam for 10 minutes. Try not to bend too low to avoid burning your larynx.
  • The healing steam of pine needles quickly clears the nose and copes with coughs during a cold. You will need to pour 2 tablespoons into a liter saucepan pine buds water, bring to a boil, cool slightly and inhale.
  • It is useful to use medicinal herbs for the procedure. Mix sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, linden in equal proportions. Take 2 large spoons of the mixture and boil in a liter of liquid. Before inhalation, add a pinch of soda to the water. The disinfecting, anti-inflammatory properties of these herbs quickly cope with colds.

Inhalations that treat cough should be used shortly before bedtime. The procedure causes sweating, so after it you must change into dry clothes.

Cold prevention

In order not to have to treat the disease, in the autumn-winter period it is necessary to increase protective function body. Traditional recipes are perfect for this. You can strengthen your immune system and prevent colds delicious medicine, which in its consistency resembles jam.

  • Take a large lemon, pour boiling water over it, cut into pieces.
  • Wash and grind 300 g of ginger root with a meat grinder along with citrus.
  • Add 200 g of flower honey to the healing paste, stir, put the mixture in a glass jar, and cover with a lid.
  • Store in the refrigerator. You need to take the product 1 tsp. once a day, stirring in warm tea or water.

Garlic is a serious weapon against viruses. For the prevention and treatment of colds, folk remedies based on it provide an amazing effect. For cooking medicinal paste clean several heads, rub them and mix with natural honey 1:1. Eat 1 tbsp. l. every afternoon for a month. Then take a break for 2 weeks and prepare the medicine again.

Traditional methods of treating colds include royal jelly. It should be combined with honey in a ratio of 1:100 and taken 1 teaspoon after meals three times a day. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks. Do not forget that when taking the medicine, you should not take the medicine with a metal spoon. Use wooden or glass cutlery for this to avoid oxidation.

Always carry a handkerchief with you and drop a little on it. essential oil fir trees When people around you sneeze or cough, cover their nose. Healing substances in oil will prevent viruses from entering the body and prevent infection. Preventive measures against colds will be effective when used systematically. Combine them with sports, walk more in the fresh air, and toughen up. Then the cold will not bother you or will pass in a mild form.