Cypress essential oil: beneficial properties and use in cosmetology. Cypress essential oil: properties, benefits, indications and contraindications. Cypress oil in cosmetology for skin, hair, hands and nails

Cypress oil

Sources and methods of obtaining

Cypress oil get method steam hydrodistillation from needles, shoots and branches of evergreen cypress (Cupressus sempervirens). Another name for the plant: Italian cypress. The yield of essential oil is about 1.3-1.5%.

Color cypress oil is colorless, light yellow or yellowish green, aroma – sweetish, deep, resinous with smoky, balsamic and woody notes.

Compound: The composition of cypress oil includes alpha-pinene, cymene, tannin, cydron, sabinol, myrcene, terpeniol, terpinolene, linalool, cadinene and other substances.

Compatibility: bergamot, cardamom, cedar, lavender, frankincense, marjoram, juniper, rosemary, sandalwood, pine, styrax, clary sage and all citrus oils.

Description of the ether carrier

Family: Cypressaceae (Cupressaceae).

Cypress - an evergreen perennial tree with a conical or spreading crown. Reaches a height of up to 30 meters. The dark green leaves are small, needle-shaped or scale-like. The flowers are small. The cones are elongated cylindrical or spherical brown-green in color. The fruits ripen in the second year of the tree's life.

There are about 20 types of cypress. Various sources include Cypress in the genus different quantity species.

The northern coast of the Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of cypress. Currently, the tree is also distributed in the Balkans, the Middle East, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and Crimea, in North Africa, Himalayas, China, USA, Italy and England. The essential oil is obtained in France, Spain and Morocco. Cypress prefers to grow in subtropical and tropical climates.


The word "cypress" comes from the Greek word "sempervirens", which means "to live forever." Perhaps this is why the cypress often acted as a symbol afterlife. Back in Ancient Egypt Sarcophagi and houses were decorated with cypress branches as a sign of mourning, and cypress trees were planted in cemeteries.

It is known that the foundation of the first Christian temple was cypress. In the Bible, cypress is mentioned as a tree that grew in garden of paradise. According to some reports, cypress is the same “gopher” tree from which Noah’s ark was made. It is also believed that the cross of Jesus was made from cypress.

In pagan times, the cypress tree was dedicated to the Roman god of the underworld, Pluto. IN Ancient China he was a symbol of the immortal soul of man. The sacred tree was cypress among the Persians and Indians. Cypress groves were planted around cities to protect them from evil spirits.

There are several legends about cypress. The ancient Roman poet Ovid described in his work “Metamorphoses” a sad story about the young man Cypress, who accidentally shot his friend a deer while hunting. In order to mourn him forever, the young man turned to the god Apollo, and he turned him into a tree. According to the Crimean legend, the beautiful girl Cypress was waiting for her beloved from the voyage. But upon learning of his death, she raised her hands to the sky and froze, turning into a tree.

Thanks to resinous cones and cypress needles, ancient healers helped patients with serious illnesses. chronic illnesses. And Avicenna mentioned the absorbent, hemostatic and astringent properties of cypress oil in his works. In China it was used to improve liver function, in Tibet to cleanse the body, and in Greece to treat lungs, wounds and ulcers.

In Ancient Phenicia and Crete, ships and buildings were built from cypress wood, sarcophagi were made in Egypt, and statues of gods were carved in Greece. In famous paintings by Cézanne and Van Gogh, cypress trees are often found in Mediterranean landscapes.

The oldest cypress in the world is now 2 thousand years old and grows in Mexico, in the village of Oaxaca.

Impact on the body

Cypress oil has many medicinal properties along with other pine essential oils. It is also known that the antimicrobial effect of cypress is higher than that of cedar, fir, pine, and juniper. It suppresses the development of a huge number of pathogenic microbes (staphylococci, tubercle bacilli and others).

Cypress oil:

  • normalizes metabolic processes in the body;
  • treats ulcers in gastrointestinal tract;
  • is a diuretic;
  • regulates lymphatic system;
  • relieves pancreatic problems and prostate gland;
  • prevents varicose veins;
  • strengthens venous walls and frequently bursting vessels;
  • helps with numbness of the limbs;
  • relieves pain from liver and renal colic;
  • reduces water retention in the body;
  • improves the circulatory system and strengthens blood capillaries;
  • stops bleeding;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • relieves colds, bronchitis and flu, coughing attacks due to asthma and whooping cough;
  • removes painful sensations for arthritis and rheumatism;
  • relieves cramps and spasms;
  • relieves menopausal problems;
  • relieves pain and reduces blood loss from hemorrhoids;
  • regulates the menstrual cycle and reduces heavy menstruation;
  • helps with fungal skin infections, wounds, cuts and bruises;
  • strengthens the body's immunity;
  • calms anger, irritation, stress;
  • tones, promotes concentration;
  • effectively fights insomnia.

Cosmetic effects

Cypress essential oil:

  • used to care for oily and sensitive skin;
  • relieves blackheads, pimples, acne and dermatitis;
  • improves the overall condition of the skin;
  • relieves excessive sweating of the feet;
  • used as a natural deodorant;
  • gives smoothness to the skin;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • strengthens hair roots;
  • helps get rid of dandruff;
  • improves hair structure;
  • stimulates hair growth and prevents baldness.

Methods of internal use of cypress oil

Cypress oil helps with whooping cough, coughs, and colds. Mix 2-3 drops of oil with 1 teaspoon of honey, jam or wine. Take the product 2-3 times a day after meals. The mixture should be washed down with juice, tea or natural yogurt.

Get rid of uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, urinary incontinence and menopausal disorders can be treated with a tincture of crushed cypress cones. Pour 20 g of buds into 200 ml of alcohol and leave the mixture for 10 days. Take 10-12 drops 2 times a day before meals.

Methods for external use of cypress essential oil

Massage: 4-5 drops per 10 ml of vegetable oil. Use for cellulite, varicose veins and poor circulation, as well as numbness of the limbs and cramps.

Baths: 4-5 drops. Helps relieve irritation, anger, insomnia, stress, menstrual and rheumatic pain.

Baths from increased sweating legs: 20 drops of oil per 1 liter of water.

Aroma medallion: 2-3 drops. Helps you concentrate, gather strength and thoughts, and increases performance.

Oil burner: 4-6 drops per 15 sq.m. Eliminates unpleasant odors from the room, repels insects, improves mood and overall tone of the body.

Inhalations: 1-2 drops per 200 ml of water. Hot procedure – 4-7 minutes, cold – 6-8 minutes. Excellent product at nervous tension, insomnia, various diseases respiratory tract.

Compresses: 4-5 drops per 10 ml of carrier oil. Used for hemorrhoids, wounds and cuts, various skin inflammations.

Enrichment of cosmetics: 4-5 drops per 10 ml of base. Used in shampoos, hair lotions, face and body creams.

Other uses

Cypress oil is used in medicines, as well as in the cosmetics and perfume industries. Cypress is especially popular in men's compositions.

Cypress essential oil helps repel insects, kills fleas on pets, and also deodorizes pets.

Cypress trees are often grown in gardens and parks as ornamental plants. This tree is also used as a hedge.

Cypress wood is soft and light. It is often used in construction and shipbuilding, in the manufacture of furniture, small wooden products, as well as church utensils - rosaries, crosses, icons, etc.


Cypress oil should not be used in the first months of pregnancy, with increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis or high blood pressure.


Coniferous trees that resemble slender candles are usually planted on personal plots. Cypress groves have a beneficial effect on the human body with just their aroma. Cypress oil is made from young shoots, bark and twigs. The hood emits an unusual smell. Cypress essential oil is widely used in cosmetology due to its rich content of beneficial properties. The sweet, invigorating, woody aroma is used for aromatherapy.

Beneficial properties of cypress oil

Despite the bright smell and concentration of the product, the hood coniferous tree tolerated by many people. The oil is consumed internally medicinal purposes, used for prevention colds, do inhalations. Cypress squeeze is indispensable cosmetic procedures. Universal application provided by the beneficial properties of cypress oil.

The product provides:

Toning effect. The substances that make up the ether awaken cells and have an invigorating effect on humans. Cypress oil is included in toners and day creams for the face.
Deodorizing effect. Using a pine hood, unpleasant odors are eliminated. The aroma is absorbed into the skin and hair. After using the product, a pleasant woody smell emanates from the body and curls.
Anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves irritation and redness on the skin. Helps even out complexion and heal small wounds.
Rejuvenating effect. Cypress oil can stop skin aging. Has tightening properties. The skin becomes elastic, elastic, swelling goes away, and facial contours are tightened.
Calming effect. Owners sensitive skin react painfully not only to cosmetics, but also to touch. Cypress essential oil relieves discomfort and eliminates skin tightness.

The use of cypress essential oil in cosmetology

Coniferous tree extract is found in face and hair care products. If you have not found such a remedy, then prepare medicinal composition on one's own. To do this, add 3-4 drops of ether to the finished cream or shampoo. Or prepare multi-component masks. Next, use the product as directed.

Cypress essential oil is used in cosmetology:

For hair. Used for, helps to activate the growth of strands, eliminates dandruff. Returns hair elasticity, softness and shine. The curls become pliable, fit well, and do not become electrified.

For the face. Used to care for healthy skin. Helps eliminate problems associated with rashes, skin diseases, and excess oiliness.
For the body. Used as additional component at . Cypress oil is extremely relaxing, penetrates deep into the skin, and leaves a sweet aroma. Helps get rid of the “orange peel”, promotes weight loss, gives the skin softness. Essential oil is included in therapeutic and soothing baths.
For hands. Hands exposed active influence. Frequent contact with water, weather conditions and household products makes the skin dry and irritated. Cypress oil helps restore softness to your hands and covers the skin with a protective film.
For nails. Used as a strengthening agent. Nails get useful substances, feed on essential oil components. As a result, they become denser, do not delaminate, and the nail plate is leveled.
For legs. Cypress essential oil eliminates sweating. Cosmetology salons actively use this product. Add 2-3 drops of concentrate to the steaming bath.

For good mood, to raise tone and give vigor, aromatic procedures are used. To do this, add the product to a special pendant or lamp.

Cypress essential oil for hair

There are various ways to use cypress extract. Add the product to your shampoo, comb it with oil, or prepare a conditioner. These methods have a preventive effect and are suitable for healthy hair. Restorative and therapeutic effect achieved by preparing homemade hair remedies with cypress essential oil:

Shampoo. The basic ingredient is liquid soap or organic shampoo. Add water to the soap component. 2 times less than the main ingredient. Next, add 10 drops and... Then add cypress oil. For 200 gr. 10 drops of ether are allowed. Next, wash your hair as usual. The shampoo will help strengthen the hair follicle and...

Mask. Made from vegetable oils. Will do. The components are mixed and heated in a water bath. For hair medium length take 20 drops cosmetic oils. Then add 5 drops of ether to this mixture. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, then distribute throughout the strands. Wash off the mask with shampoo and water with lemon juice or vinegar. The product helps get rid of dandruff and improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Cypress oil for face

Steam bath. Used for problematic and oily skin. Fights sebaceous shine and rashes. To prepare a bath, add a mixture of essential oils to hot water. An extract of cypress and is used. 3-4 drops of each product. Next, bend over the bowl and cover yourself with a towel. In 15 minutes of the steam procedure, the pores will be cleansed and your face will steam. At the end of the session, wash your face with cold water.
Cleansing mask. It is recommended to use the product after a steam bath. The result is a double effect: skin cleansing and nutrition. necessary substances. Prepare a mask from jojoba oil and cypress ether. The composition is applied to the face, residues are left after 10 minutes. removed with a napkin.

For daily care, use tonic or ice with the addition of cypress oil. To prepare the tonic, take 30 ml of water and a mixture of essential oils. Cypress will also work. To make ice, prepare honey, water and cypress oil. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and 4 drops of ether to a glass of liquid. The ingredients are mixed and poured into an ice tray. The products are used twice a day.

Cypress oil for body

Ether is not used in pure form. To apply to the skin, dilute the pine extract in the base component. Olive oil also gives softness to the skin. Rubbing the composition into the skin, provide a light massage action. This way, you will contribute to better penetration of the product into the epidermis. Essential oils will eliminate dry areas, smooth the skin, and give it elasticity.

Before applying cypress oil, check individual intolerances. To do this, apply the prepared mixture behind the ear. For the first 2-3 minutes, feel a slight tingling sensation. This reaction is acceptable. If discomfort continues, stop using the prescription.

15 January 2014, 15:22

Cupressus sempervirens L.

Cypress essential oil- Russian

Oil of Cypress

essence de cypres - French.

Cypressenol - German

Family: Cypress

Country origin: Spain

Methodreceiving: Steam distillation of pine needles. (on average, from 70 kg of raw materials you can get 1 kg of high-quality essential oil)

Color and smell: pale yellow liquid with a sweetish-balsamic, pine smell, with a slight hint of incense (Arctander 1960)

Key words: rosacea, rosacea, oily skin, oily dandruff, cellulite, sweating, allergic rhinitis, varicose veins, lymphostasis.


  • monoterpenes (65-85%) : α-pinene, Δ3-carene, limonene, myrcene, β-pinene, limonene, γ-terpinene; Karen
  • sesquiterpenes: α-cedrene (cedrene), caryophyllene, humulene, germacrene D
  • monoterpenols: terpinen-4-ol, linalool
  • sesquiterpene alcohols: cedrol(cedrol), cadinol
  • esters: terpinyl acetate, bornyl acetate, 2E 4Z decadienyl isovalerate

Antioxidant activity : (ORAC) 24,300 μTE/100g

    High antioxidant activity cypress essential oil is associated with a synergistic combination monoterpenes. A study by Grassmann et al., 2003 showed that isolated pinene had lower antioxidant activity, rather than the “natural” combination of monoterpenes in the essential oil. (East African juniper oil was studied)

    Δ3-carene - a component of essential oils of the cypress and pine families - is unstable and susceptible to oxidation. Optimal storage conditions for these essential oils are without access to light and air.

  • In vitro, myrcene is an antagonist of acetylcholine, the main mediator of central and peripheral nervous system. (Craig 1994).
  • The ester 2E4Z-decadienyl isovalerate, contained in cypress essential oil, has a pronounced aroma of juniper berries.

Data clinical trials in vivo in humans:

  • A combination of essential oils of birch, cajuput, eucalyptus globulus, clove, wintergreen, lemon, Roman chamomile and cypress (Solution Cryo R) has shown its high efficiency for sports ankle injuries and knee joint. Massage using these oils significantly improved joint mobility. (Le Faou et al., 2005).
  • Inhalation of essential oil causes various subjective perception aroma depending on physical activity. For example, inhalation of cypress essential oil after physical activity made a much more favorable impression than before it, in contrast to orange oil, the smell of which, on the contrary, was more attractive before physical activity(Freidman 2002)

  • The drug "Rovatinex", registered by the Russian and European Pharmacopoeia for treatment and prevention urolithiasis- is a combination of monoterpene compounds.

Therapeutic properties of cypress essential oil:

  • antimicrobial
  • antiseptic (disinfectant)
  • anti-inflammatory
  • antihistamine (antiallergic)
  • antipruritic
  • expectorant
  • cough reducing
  • diuretic, diuretic
  • veno- and lymphotonic
  • deodorizing


Cypress essential oil can almost always be found in mixtures for the treatment of cellulite. Its lymphatic drainage effect allows you to remove excess fluid from the intercellular space. This procedure is one of the steps of any anti-cellulite program.

  • Acne;
  • Hives, itchy skin;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Rosacea;
  • Products for the care of large-pore, comedon-prone skin
  • Products for oily skin that reduce oiliness;
  • Skin pastiness (reduced elasticity associated with slight swelling of subcutaneous fat)
  • Cellulite (stimulation of lymph flow)
  • Oily seborrhea (dandruff)
  • Deodorants
  • Remedies to reduce foot sweating

Cypress essential oil is considered one of the best oils that has the effect of improving tone venous wall. Together with the stimulation of lymphatic drainage, these properties of cypress make it the oil of choice in gels, tonics, and lotions for “tired legs.”

  • Pyoderma, sycosis, furunculosis
  • Eczema, dermatitis
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Whooping cough
  • Bronchitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Varicose veins
  • Lymphostasis, swelling of the legs at the end of the day associated with impaired lymphatic drainage
  • Arthritis, rheumatism

Pairs with: bergamot, cedar, juniper, lavender, sandalwood, lemon, orange, clary sage, rosemary, pine.

Toxicity, precautions:

R.I.F.M - In the form of a 5% solution does not cause irritation to human skin or sensitization reactions.

I.F.R.A. - no restrictions on use in perfumery and cosmetics

There is no phototoxic effect.

Oil components are subject to polymerization (myrcene) and oxidation (carene). Oxidation products have local irritant effect. Observe oil storage conditions.

A number of aromatherapists point to the property of essential oil to irritate the kidney tubules when taken internally for a long time (more than 14 days)

Due to the lack of data on the effect of essential oil on the tone of the uterus, there are recommendations to refrain from using cypress essential oil during pregnancy and lactation (Lis-Balchin)

Additional information:

The incense smoke of cypress often accompanied sacrifices in Ancient Egypt, and the cypress tree itself is a sacred symbol among many peoples.

The Egyptians also practiced inhalation of juniper and cypress using a double pot: a hot stone was placed in one of the pots, and a hot infusion was poured onto the stone. A second pot, with a hole in the base through which straw was inserted, was placed on top, allowing the patient to inhale the rising steam.

In addition to needles, cypress essential oil can be produced from pine cones. This is oil lower quality.

Aromatherapist Recipes :

Brittle Capillary Skin Care Blend (V.A.Worwood s127)

  • Parsley EO - 20 drops
  • EM geranium - 10 drops
  • Cypress EO - 5 drops

Dilute the essential oil in vegetable oil to the required concentration, add borage oil, or black currant or evening primrose oil.

Rosacea Day Blend ; recommended as a second step after 2 weeks of using the Rosacea Day Blend with German Chamomile (see German Chamomile) (V.A. Worwood s133)

  • Cypress EO - 15 drops
  • EM geranium -15 drops

Dilute EO in vegetable oil to the required concentration.

Anti-cellulite lymphatic drainage mixture (V.A.Worwood s146)

  • Lavender EM - 4 drops
  • Grapefruit EO - 8 drops
  • Cypress EO - 5 drops
  • Juniper berries EO - 3 drops
  • Basil essential oil - 4 drops

Add 6 drops of the mixture to aromatic bath, or

(promoting the removal of excess fluid from the intercellular space) mixture mixture 1 (V.A. Worwood s146)

  • Cypress EO - 8 drops
  • Fennel essential oil - 10 drops
  • Grapefruit EO - 12 drops

Dilute in vegetable oil to the required concentration and use for anti-cellulite massage.

Anti-cellulite diuretic (promoting the removal of excess fluid from the intercellular space) mixture mixture 2 (V.A. Worwood s147)

  • Cypress EO - 15 drops
  • Lemon EO - 15 drops
  • Juniper EO - 5 drops

Dilute in vegetable oil to the required concentration and use for anti-cellulite massage.

azvest EO in vegetable oil to the required concentration

Bath salt "Detoxifying" (E. Zimmermann)

  • Juniper berry essential oil - 10 drops
  • Grapefruit EO - 5 drops
  • Lemon EO - 5 drops
  • EM Atlas cedar - 8 drops
  • Rosemary EO cineole type - 4 drops
  • Cypress EO - 6 drops
  • 500 g sea salt

Mix the oils and salt thoroughly. Use 5 tbsp. spoons of salt for 1 full bath.

Balancing mixture for the care of skin prone to oiliness and comedones (V.A.Worwood s127)

  • Cypress EO - 8 drops
  • EM geranium - 10 drops
  • Lemon EO - 10 drops
  • Rosemary essential oil - 2 drops

Dilute the EO mixture in vegetable oil to the required concentration. After some time, blot off the excess mixture with a napkin.

Massage lymphatic drainage mixture for cellulite (Ruth von Braunscweig)

  • Orange EO - 4 drops
  • Mandarin EO - 4 drops
  • Grapefruit EO - 6 drops
  • Rosemary cineole essential oil - 5 drops
  • Cypress EO - 3 drops
  • 70 ml vegetable oil
  • 30 ml aloe gel

Massage problem areas with a stiff brush after warming procedures. If possible - daily.

Basic antibacterial and anti-inflammatory mixture for sycosis (bacterial inflammation of hair follicles ) (D. Wabner)

  • Petitgrain EM - 5 drops
  • Palmarosa EO - 3 drops
  • EM tea tree- 1 drop
  • Vetiver EO - 1 drop
  • Cypress EO - 1 drop
  • 20 ml evening primrose oil
  • 30 ml aloe vera gel.

Twice a day, treat the affected areas with the mixture. Apply the mixture to clean skin.

Draining mixture for the care of skin prone to pastiness (V.A.Worwood s132)

  • Lavender EM - 10 drops
  • Sandalwood EM - 5 drops
  • Fennel essential oil - 10 drops
  • Cypress EO - 5 drops

Dilute the essential oil in vegetable oil to the required concentration.

Body oil "Spring tone" (E. Zimmermann)

  • Juniper berry essential oil - 5 drops
  • Grapefruit EO - 6 drops
  • Cypress EO - 3 drops
  • Atlas cedar EO - 4 drops
  • 50 ml vegetable transport oil

Use for massage

Stimulating hair mixture (V.A.Worwood s160)

  • Rosemary EO - 3 drops
  • Basil essential oil - 1 drop
  • Lemon EO - 15 drops
  • Cypress EO - 2 drops

The mixture makes 4 ounces of base shampoo.

Blend for foot baths, deodorizing, against unpleasant odor and excessive sweating legs (Ruth von Braunscweig)

  • Cypress EO - 5 drops
  • Lavender EM - 3 drops
  • 1 tablespoon heavy cream or honey

Dissolve EO in cream, add to 5 liters of warm (37°C) water. Do a foot bath for at least 10 minutes every evening.

Blend for mature skin care, restorative (H. Zimmermann)

  • EM roses - 2 drops
  • Cypress EO - 1 drop
  • Sandalwood EM - 2 drops
  • 10 ml argan oil
  • 5 ml oil grape seed
  • 30 ml rosehip oil30 ml

Deodorizing aromatic sea salt for feet (H. Zimmermann)

  • Common juniper essential oil - 5 drops
  • Lemongrass essential oil - 3 drops
  • Cypress EO - 3 drops
  • Lavender EM - 4 drops
  • Peppermint EO - 2 drops
  • 250 grams sea salt

Mix sea salt and oils thoroughly. Use 1 tablespoon of the mixture per foot bath.

Aromatic sea salt for foot baths with a deodorizing effect (E. Zimmermann)

  • EM geranium - 15 drops
  • Rosemary essential oil - 10 drops
  • Atlas cedar EO - 7 drops
  • Cypress EO - 8 drops
  • 500 g sea salt

Mix everything. Use 2 tablespoons of mixture per 1 bath.

After taking a bath, apply nourishing foot cream

"First aid" for severe hot flashes in perimenopause. (Ruth von Braunscweig)

  • Peppermint EO - 1 drop
  • Clary sage essential oil - 1 drop
  • Cypress EO - 1 drop
  • ¼ liter of cold mineral water

Use for washing.

Aroma massage mixture that helps to concentrate and improves attention (E. Zimmermann)

  • EM Atlas cedar - 3 drops
  • Lavender EM - 3 drops
  • Cypress EO - 2 drops
  • Bergamot EM - 4 drops
  • 50 ml base vegetable oil

Blend "Before the exam" " (E. Zimmermann)

  • Neroli EM - 4 drops
  • Roman chamomile EM - 2 drops
  • Bergamot EM - 4 drops
  • Petitgrain EM - 2 drops
  • Cypress EO - 1 drop
  • Melissa essential oil - 2 drops

Mix essential oils in a dark glass bottle. Apply the mixture to the aroma pendant, or inhale directly from the bottle.

Aroma mixture for concentration (E. Zimmermann)

  • Lemon EO - 4 drops
  • Petitgrain EM - 3 drops
  • Cardamom EO - 1 drop
  • EM peppermint- 1 drop
  • Cypress EO - 1 drop
  • 50 ml vegetable base oil

Use the mixture for massage or for taking a bath, dissolving the essential oil in 1/2 cup of heavy cream.

Mixture at venous insufficiency, initial stage varicose veins(Ruth von Braunscweig)

  • Grapefruit EO - 8 drops
  • Lavender EM - 4 drops
  • Cypress EO - 5 drops
  • Juniper EO - 3 drops
  • 30 ml tamanu oil
  • 40 ml vegetable base oil
  • 5 drops of sea buckthorn oil

Once a day, rub the mixture with light massage movements along the veins.

Venotonic mixture for chronic venous insufficiency(D. Wabner)

  • Lemon EO - 4 drops
  • Cypress EO - 4 drops
  • Juniper EO - 3 drops
  • Immortelle EM - 1 drop
  • 20 ml tamanu oil
  • 30 ml base vegetable oil

Apply the mixture once a day with light massage movements along the veins.

Mixture for those prone to venous insufficiency(V.A.Worwood 218)

  • Cypress EO - 10 drops
  • Peppermint EO - 5 drops
  • Lemon EO - 5 drops
  • EM geranium - 10 drops

Light gel for those prone to venous insufficiency. (H. Zimmermann)

  • Peppermint EO - 2 drops
  • Cypress EO - 2 drops
  • EM myrtle - 2 drops
  • Lavender EM - 3 drops
  • Grapefruit EO - 4 drops
  • 50 ml aloe vera gel

Apply the gel with light massage movements along the veins.

Blend to reduce leg swelling at the end of the day(V.A.Worwood 218)

  • Ginger EO - 3 drops
  • Cypress EO - 2 drops
  • Lavender EM - 2 drops

Dilute the essential oil in vegetable oil to the required concentration. Rub in with light massage movements along the veins.

Mixture at chronic tonsillitis (Wu Wei Xin)

  • Cypress EO - 2 drops
  • Lemon EO - 2 drops
  • Clary sage essential oil - 2 drops

Rub the interscapular space

Mixture at allergic rhinitis, itchy dermatoses(Ruth von Braunscweig)

  • Cedar EM -6 drops
  • Cypress EO - 12 drops
  • Manuka EM - 2 drops

Dilute the essential oil in a vegetable oil to the required concentration, rub the mixture into the affected areas of the skin or the bridge of the nose.

Hives Itching Relief Blend(Wu Wei Xin)

  • Ginger EO - 2 drops
  • Cypress EO - 2 drops
  • Damask rose EM - 3 drops
  • 15 ml vegetable transport oil

Blend to increase libido(Wu Wei Xin)

  • Ylang-ylang essential oil - 2 drops
  • Evergreen cypress essential oil - 2 drops
  • Clary sage EO - 3 drops
  • 15 ml vegetable transport oil

Rub the lumbar area

Lightweight gel that helps with leg swelling at the end of the day(H. Zimmermann)

  • Peppermint EO - 2 drops
  • Lavender EM - 3 drops
  • Cypress EO - 2 drops
  • Palmarosa EO - 4 drops
  • EM geranium - 2 drops
  • Juniper essential oil - 2 drops
  • 100 ml base gel


Information about the properties of essential oils and indications for their use contained in the descriptions of individual essential oils on our website is presented for information only and cannot be considered as a medical prescription for the treatment of a particular disease. In addition, the information posted is not complete and exhaustive. Be sure to read the literature on essential oils before you start using them. Particular caution should be exercised when using essential oils for pregnant women and children. Please remember that essential oils are highly concentrated substances that require proper dilution before use. It is very important not to use essential oils in excessively high concentrations. Before you start using essential oil, do a tolerance test - do not apply large number essential oil, previously diluted in vegetable oil, on an area of ​​skin (elbow or wrist) and observe the reaction for 24 hours. Avoid getting essential oils into your eyes. Keep them out of the reach of children and animals.

Use only high quality essential oils. With skillful and competent use, essential oils can bring you a lot of benefits and positive emotions!

The legendary cypress trees, whose majestic and elegant silhouettes are so beloved by us in the idyllic Tuscan landscapes, are without exaggeration one of the most popular evergreens. Bright and seemingly aloof, unapproachable in nature, they soar upward with narrow arrows, attracting attention with an amazing combination of nobility and sophistication.

Cypress trees have long been perceived as an integral, natural part of Mediterranean gardens and reliefs; they have been sung by poets and artists over the course of the millennia-long history of cultivation and cultivation. Plants, so lovingly painted on the canvases of Van Gogh and Cezanne, have been considered not only decorative, but also symbolic and even magical since ancient times. It is no coincidence that cypress trees are so often planted in cemeteries: still civilization Ancient Greece and Rome considered cypress a plant symbol of the underworld and planted it in honor of the gods of death.

But no less, cypress was considered a plant and healing. The most active practice of using cypress trees, in particular the oil from this tree, developed in Tibet, where to this day it is used as a unique cleanser, and in China, where it was the main tool for treating liver diseases. Cypress oil and ancient world, and in the Middle Ages was one of the most valuable, without losing the status of popular and possessing wide range healing properties and today.


Cypress aroma oil, like most essential oils from coniferous and evergreen crops, is extracted from young shoots and needles of the plant, crushed and steam distilled. It is very similar to other representatives of the class of coniferous plants and in its external characteristics- fluidity, lightness, rapid absorption into the skin, pale color with light yellow nuances.

The aroma of cypress oil is very complex; it is not so easy to recognize among the group of pine odors. It represents a kind of symbiosis of tones close to the aromas of highland conifers and tea tree. The scent of cypress oil is based on smoky-balsamic shades of sweet aroma, complemented by a variable spectrum of undertones of spicy, resinous, deep woody, warm and somewhat solemn nuances.

This oil goes well with essential oils of bitter orange, and.

Impact on the emotional sphere

The emotional impact of cypress oil is calming, stimulating to accept change, find peace and balance. It helps you come to terms with bereavements, get used to the blows of fate, adapt to changes and help you find your path in life.

At the psycho-emotional level, this warm and complex aroma oil allows you to balance emotions, eliminate too much frequent changes mood, tendency to tearfulness and irritability, aggressiveness and causeless anger. Perfectly blocks emotional outbursts in stressful situations. In addition, cypress oil can clarify consciousness, enhance concentration and improve mental functions.

This is a protective oil that protects against negative influences and life's troubles, promoting inner comfort and healing. Cypress oil is considered an aphrodisiac that prolongs lovemaking.

Application in cosmetology

The cosmetic properties of cypress oil are actively used in the production of products for sensitive skin prone to various dermatological reactions and irritations, as well as for the care of thin skin. It is believed that cypress oil can effectively eliminate acne and prevent the formation of capillary patterns and rosacea itself.

Ideal oil for daily care for combination skin, restoring elasticity and blood circulation to dry, aging skin. Thanks to active astringent properties Great for toners and scrubs.

This essential oil is also effective for solving the problems of excessively oily skin, normalizing the oiliness of the scalp, while simultaneously stimulating hair growth, preventing dandruff and strengthening the hair structure.

Due to the properties of deep penetration and effects on cellular metabolism, cypress oil can be used for.

It effectively heals cuts during shaving and helps get rid of papillomas and warts.

Providing both an astringent and deodorizing effect, it unique oil can reduce sweating, eliminate excessive sweating feet and eliminate unpleasant odors.

Medicinal properties

Cypress oil has an effective effect on work circulatory system and helps solve problems with blood pressure, prevention of atherosclerosis, varicose veins veins, bleeding gums, excessive bleeding.

Oil extracted from the needles of this impressive representative of evergreens perfectly relieves spasms. digestive tract, quickly solves problems with hemorrhoids, but is most often used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In particular, cypress oil helps soften mucous membranes in catarrh, has general anti-inflammatory activity, exhibits mild antitussive properties, and quickly eliminates hoarseness.

Cypress aroma oil helps regulate hormonal levels during menopausal changes, it improves menstrual cycles, relieves pain symptoms and is perfect as an adaptogen at the initial stage of menopause, can be used for ovarian dysfunction and uterine bleeding.

Cypress oil is popular both in medicine and in cosmetology due to its rich composition, which allows you to get rid of many diseases, improve appearance skin, as well as hair. In this publication, we will consider what beneficial properties the product has, for what ailments it should be taken, and how to carry out therapy correctly, and what contraindications there are for use.

General information

Cypress oil typically has a pale, slightly yellowish color and a pronounced aroma of pine with the addition of sweet notes. There are several varieties of cypress trees - the color and consistency of the oil depends on this factor - for example, some types of oils can have a deep azure color with notes of a woody smell, sometimes the aroma of incense can be mixed with it.

Various parts of the tree are used for raw materials - it can be fruit, cones, needles themselves, or branches. Chemical composition The amount of cypress oil depends directly on the parts from which it was extracted, as well as the method of distillation. However, in one case or another, it is worth indicating the common ingredient components that are present in any cypress oil:

  • amino acids;
  • terpene alcohols;
  • hydrocarbons.

It is due to the above components that the oil is endowed with many beneficial properties. It should be used with caution, and before use, be sure to consult with a therapist in order to exclude possible individual intolerance to the components of the oil.

What are the beneficial properties of the product?

The benefits of cypress oil were discovered quite a long time ago - and every year scientists manage to discover more and more beneficial properties of this substance. The oil can be used in many ways; with regular use, it allows you to get rid of and prevent a large amount of various ailments. So, let's look at what results can be achieved using this valuable product:

  1. Remove harmful toxins from the body that can accumulate over time due to poor health. environment, bad habits- such as smoking, overeating, alcohol abuse.
  2. It has a pronounced diuretic effect, due to which you can get rid of excess fluid in the body (and, accordingly, edema), improve the functioning of the kidneys, as well as the urinary system.
  3. Has an antiseptic effect - eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. Promotes rapid healing of shallow wounds and abrasions.
  4. In cosmetology, the oil is in particular demand due to the fact that it allows you to get rid of dermatological problems, even out complexion, and tighten the skin. Cypress oil also strengthens hair follicles - if you make masks with the addition of this product regularly, you can ensure that your hair becomes thicker, and the hair itself becomes thicker, more elastic and stronger.
  5. It tends to constrict blood vessels, so the oil should be used by people who have poor clotting blood.
  6. Eliminates cramps and also has the ability to relieve muscle spasms.
  7. Using cypress oil, you can eliminate the “orange peel” that most women suffer from. childbearing age. This is due to the fact that the product speeds up metabolism and improves fluid outflow - but it is the accumulation of water in the tissues and blood stagnation that provoke the appearance of cellulite.
  8. Effectively fights diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Therefore, cypress oil must be in the first aid kit for people who suffer from frequent viral infections, bronchitis, asthma.
  9. Has antihistamine effect. To put it simply, it eliminates the manifestation of allergic reactions, so cypress oil will be useful both as a treatment and as a prevention for people suffering from allergies.
  10. Acts as a powerful aphrodisiac – if you suffer from low libido, you often don’t feel like making love with your significant other – eucalyptus oil will help eliminate this problem, and in as soon as possible. Even if there are no problems with sexual desire, it is worth using eucalyptus oil, since it increases blood flow in the pelvic area, thereby increasing the sensitivity of all erogenous zones.
  11. Promotes normalization hormonal levels– this factor will be especially relevant for women. Can be used during menopause for relief general condition, and also during premenstrual syndrome, during menstruation - in order to reduce pain.
  12. Positively affects the functioning of the nervous system. Cypress oil will be very effective if you suffer from insomnia, baseless anxiety attacks ( panic attacks). It will also be useful to do aroma baths and massages using of this product, if you need to increase activity, eliminate depressive state and apathy.

Important! Before using the product, you must read the terms and conditions of use. There is no need to increase the concentration of cypress oil for baths and face masks - otherwise you can achieve the exact opposite effect: allergic reaction in the form of rash and swelling.

You can also use cypress oil in cases where you need to get rid of unpleasant odor bodies, in the house, from clothes. In addition to the fact that the substance is an excellent antiseptic and kills all harmful microorganisms (they are the ones that contribute to the appearance of an unpleasant odor), the oil has a very pleasant, light aroma - and all this without harmful additives, which certainly contain deodorants.

Apart from all the above qualities, it is also worth briefly mentioning the following:

  1. Cypress oil promotes weight loss and may reduce appetite.
  2. It increases concentration and makes it much easier for a person to remember even large amounts of information.
  3. Can eliminate migraines.
  4. Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - in particular, it can eliminate bloating and colic.
  5. Reduces the level bad cholesterol, and therefore prevents the occurrence of such dangerous disease like atherosclerosis.

From all of the above, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: it is not for nothing that this product is so popular among specialists of any category, because it can help prevent many diseases and significantly improve appearance.

Who should not use it?

It was already indicated above that the oil should not be used by people with individual intolerance to the components of the drug - since this can provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Cypress oil also promotes the activation of hormonal levels and has a diuretic effect - due to which it is not recommended for use by women carrying a child, this can negatively affect both the condition of the pregnant woman and the development of the fetus.

It was stated above that the oil also has a vasoconstrictor effect and enhances blood clotting. Due to this factor, it cannot even be healthy people take for more than 21 days, and if a person already suffers from increased viscosity blood, arterial hypertension, has a tendency to form blood clots - especially since the product can only be used after consultation with a qualified specialist.

There is also no need to use the oil for therapy in children under 12 years of age. If a child suffers from frequent bronchitis, it can be used as inhalation, but again - after consulting a doctor and only in the composition complex therapy, because for treatment chronic bronchitis Inhalations alone are not enough.

  1. In cosmetology. It can be used separately or enriched with all kinds of creams and face masks. The oil actively fights various facial rashes, irritations, fungal infections, herpes, and redness. The oil has a very pleasant, woody aroma, it tends to remain on the skin for a long time, and this is especially true for people who suffer from hyperhidrosis. Rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin, while experts recommend the product for use specifically by people with oily epidermis. This is due to the fact that moisturizers that do not create a film effect on the skin are extremely difficult to find, and cypress oil is ideal for this purpose.
  2. In trichology. If you are actively losing hair, of course, first of all you need to review your diet and include foods rich in calcium, vitamin E, and olive oil. You can also solve the problem using external remedies - and cypress oil will help with this. Just add a couple of drops to your shampoo or conditioner - you will notice a pronounced effect after a couple of months of use. You can mix cypress oil with almond, olive, and cypress oil to make various masks at home - you can not only prevent hair loss, but also accelerate its growth.
  3. Dermatological problems. Thanks to the product, you can once and for all forget about such phenomena as papillomas, warts, fungal infections skin. You can add it to your favorite creams, or cook healing composition on one's own. In addition to the fact that eucalyptus oil helps get rid of various diseases of the epidermis, it remarkably nourishes and moisturizes the skin, saturates it with vitamins, microelements and useful minerals.

Important! Doctors do not recommend using eucalyptus oil in its pure form. The best option is to mix it with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:3 respectively. It is believed that the best option in this case it will be almond oil, it also has a very beneficial effect both on the skin and on the functioning of internal organs.

How to use cypress oil?

It is clear that the oil is very beneficial for both skin, nails, and hair. But the product must be used taking into account the required dosage in order to achieve the desired effect.

Let's consider all the nuances in more detail:

  1. We enrich shampoos. The best thing is to use olive, avocado and cypress oils. For 200 grams of care product you will need 10 drops of each type of oil. It’s worth noting right away that the mixture will turn out to be quite greasy - therefore, after the first wash with the addition of essential oils, you will need to wash your hair again so that your hair is not greasy.
  2. We take care of your facial skin. Thanks to cypress oil, you can eliminate the manifestations of rosacea on the face, remove inflammatory process, rejuvenate the skin and make it healthy, glowing. You can do steam baths - add 5 drops of oil to a container of boiling water (can be mixed with cypress, juniper, lemon oils), bend over the bowl, cover your head with a towel so that the steam does not escape. Wait 15 minutes, then use a soft cleansing scrub and wash with cold water. For rejuvenation, the oil is added to skincare products - 7 drops per 200 ml of product.

To sum up all of the above, we can say with confidence that cypress oil is a truly precious product that can be used in many areas. Its cost is reasonable, so if you want to improve your health and improve the condition of your hair and facial skin, this product is worth a try.

Video: essential oils guide