Fennel seeds are used in cooking. Fennel seeds: beneficial properties, contraindications, benefits and harm. Hand and face mask

Fennel is an umbrella plant similar to dill, known since the time of Euclid.
Fennel has always been valued as a spice because it tastes like anise and has subtle notes of mint and cumin.

Today fennel finds wide application both in medicine and in cooking, in food production, in agriculture (animal feed), in the production of perfumes.

Use of fennel in medicine

Fennel has proven itself as natural healer. Its effect on the human body can be described as universal. Fennel is used for colds, intestinal disorders, constipation, to normalize metabolism. Common fennel reliable assistant in treatment female body. “Dill water,” as fennel is called, is popular among parents of infants. It saves babies from colic and bloating.

Treating the respiratory system with fennel

In folk medicine, the property of fennel to remove inflammatory processes V respiratory tract, nasopharynx. Fennel has an antispasmodic, expectorant effect and helps with sore throat.

Recipe for sore throat and persistent cough. You need to take 1 tablespoon of fennel fruit and add 0.5 liters of water or milk. Bring the mixture to a boil until it evaporates by half. Cool, strain, drink in small sips, constantly washing your throat.

Has fennel ordinary indications in the treatment of bronchitis, due to its antibacterial and expectorant properties.

Recipe for bronchitis. It is necessary to heat the milk, but not to a boil. Add 5 drops of fennel essential oil to a mug of milk. Drink in small sips, wrapped in a blanket. You can add a little sugar to improve the taste.

Treatment of the digestive system with fennel

The digestive organs are the main application of fennel. “Dill water” relieves spasms, colic, reduces gas formation (flatulence), treats constipation, having a mild natural laxative property. Fennel is also safe for the digestive system of infants if the dosage is strictly observed.

The use of fennel in the treatment of the genitourinary system

Fennel has diuretic properties, but its effect on the human body is very mild, so this plant is used for urolithiasis and its prevention.

Recipe for kidney stones. You need to take dry herbs and fennel seeds (1 tablespoon), pour boiling water and leave. Drink the cooled infusion during the day, 1/3 cup, divided into 5 doses. This recipe is suitable for people who want to lose excess weight.

The use of fennel in the treatment of gynecological diseases

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The female body - complex mechanism, functioning properly thanks to hormones. The seeds of the miracle fennel plant contain a natural hormone, similar in its functional properties to estrogen. The actions of this hormone are aimed at maintaining women's health: painless menstruation, comfortable menopause, fast recovery after childbirth, increasing lactation when feeding an infant. Here are some recipes.

Recipe for restoring the menstrual cycle. You need to take fresh beets, carrots, fennel greens. Squeeze the juice in a juicer, mix equal parts of beet juice, carrots, fennel leaves and drink half a glass 2 times a day.
Treatment of eye diseases

At inflammatory diseases eyes, conjunctivitis, even cataracts, fennel can become an indispensable helper. Cataract insidious disease, difficult to treat, but it has been experimentally proven that fennel has indications for use in this eye disease. True, the treatment process is long, ranging from 1.5 to 2 months.

Recipe for curing cataracts. You need to take enough fennel fruit to cover two eyes. The seeds must be ground and the resulting mass transferred into small cotton bags prepared in advance for this procedure. If there are no bags, you can take several layers of gauze. Immerse in hot water for 2-3 minutes, cool to a comfortable temperature and rinse the eyes. After this, immerse them in hot water again, place them warm on the eyes, and cover them with cellophane until cool. Such procedures should be done twice a day until the eyes become healthy.

Treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders

Fennel contains substances that normalize metabolism. He deduces excess liquid, thanks to its diuretic properties, cleanses the intestines. Regular consumption of decoctions of fennel seeds and roots can cope with obesity. Fennel contains a rare essential substance - anethole, which tones the intestinal muscles, accelerating its emptying.

Fennel is a natural hepatoprotector - it cleanses the liver and relieves inflammation in the bile ducts.

Recipe for losing weight and lowering blood sugar

You need to take 1 teaspoon of fennel fruit, 2 teaspoons of nettle, brew with boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap in a towel. After the broth has infused, strain. Should be consumed throughout the day.

The use of fennel in cosmetology

Fennel oil, made from the fruits of the plant, has indications for use in acne, “orange peel” (cellulite), acne, beginning wrinkles. The method of use at home is as follows: a few drops of essential oil are added to the cream, tonic, bath. Even a slight presence in cosmetics fennel can work wonders and fight skin problems.

As you can see, fennel is unique natural medicine, which has indications for use in many diseases. Ancient healers, based on own observations, believed that if you chew fennel seeds daily, you can ensure a long life without disease.

The fennel plant, amazing in its properties, is not known to everyone in our country. The fact is that fennel grows massively in southern countries, while in our country its closest relative, dill, is more common.

However, with medical point fennel is much more valuable in terms of amazing properties Hippocrates and Avicenna wrote about this wonderful herb with a sweet anise smell. IN Ancient Greece It was believed that fennel drove away evil spirits, and therefore this herb was kept in every home. It was used to treat stomach diseases and was taken as tonic and used to combat cough. It is no coincidence that fennel is still widely used today in aromatherapy, cosmetology and alternative medicine, calling it nothing more than “pharmacy dill.”

In this article, we will take a closer look at this amazing plant, learn about the beneficial and medicinal properties of fennel, and also provide several valuable recipes with this medicinal herb.

Chemical composition of fennel

This may seem surprising, but the composition of fennel is in no way inferior to popular vegetables and fruits, which we consume every day with pleasure and health benefits. This is a real storehouse of vitamins A, PP, B1, B2, B6 and B9. Fennel is especially rich in ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and a powerful antioxidant - tocopherol (vitamin E). Interesting and mineral composition this plant, which boasts the presence of potassium and magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, sodium and manganese, copper and iron.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the high nutritional value of pharmaceutical dill, because fennel seeds contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates (0.2–1.24–7.29, respectively), fatty oils, which are represented by petroselinic, oleic, linoleic, palmitic acids, as well as essential oils, flavonoids and glycosides. All this allows the use of fennel not only in cooking and cosmetology, but also in alternative medicine. Moreover, the seeds of this plant are used to produce many medicines.

Healing properties of fennel

1. First of all, the value of the greens in question lies in their antifungal and antiseptic properties. Eating the seeds of this plant helps destroy harmful microbes, which cause damage to the body and cause a number of infectious diseases. And to disinfect premises, fennel essential oil needs to be added to an aroma lamp at the rate of 4 drops per 10 sq.m. premises.

2. Fennel is an excellent antispasmodic that quickly and effectively eliminates stomach cramps and cramps. Products based on it are ideal for solving digestive problems, in particular, eliminating flatulence and getting rid of bloating. A decoction of this plant is especially popular in pediatrics, where it is called “ dill water" This remedy quickly calms babies, relieving them of gas and stomach colic.

3. The plant in question also comes to the rescue in cases where it is necessary to cleanse the body of harmful products exchange and accumulated toxic substances. In this regard traditional healers decoctions and infusions are often used to cleanse the liver, both in case of organ disease and after serious feasts with alcohol and fatty foods. Fennel is also used in folk medicine as an anthelmintic.

4. With the help of pharmaceutical dill, colds are perfectly eliminated. This plant is effective for all types of cough, including dry cough with difficult sputum. In addition, fennel decoction helps reduce the temperature and get rid of fever faster.

5. Fennel infusion is used as an excellent diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent, which helps with cystitis and other infectious diseases in the genitourinary system.

6. Organic acids present in fennel perfectly cleanse blood vessels and maintain their elasticity, which normalizes blood pressure and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

7. The seeds of pharmaceutical dill contain natural analogues of the hormone estrogen, thanks to which a decoction based on it is a real salvation for women during menopause. Moreover, its benefits are noted for insufficient lactation in nursing mothers.

8. Fennel seeds have a calming effect on the nervous system, thanks to which products based on this plant help to quickly cope with stress and get rid of anxiety states and prevent depression. Fennel tea can also be used to combat insomnia.

9. Pharmacy dill provides beneficial influence on genital area men and women, increasing sexual desire and relieving potency problems.

10. Finally, presence in fennel unique substance Anethole allows us to call this plant a natural remedy against cancer. On at the moment There are ongoing studies that show the effectiveness of fennel in the fight against stomach cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer. But today there is every reason to say that eating fennel is an excellent prevention of cancer.

In addition, by adding fennel seeds to your diet, you can get a boost of energy for the whole day and not remember about fatigue until the evening.

Using fennel for weight loss

If you regularly add fiber-rich fennel bulbs to your diet, you will definitely start losing weight over time. Fennel effectively helps normalize metabolism in the human body, suppresses hunger, and stimulates work digestive tract. As a result, the process of burning fat occurs, toxins and impurities are eliminated.

The low calorie content of this plant also contributes to the weight loss process: fennel fruits contain only 49 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, and the stems contain only 30 kilocalories.

To get rid of extra pounds Fennel can be used in various ways:

  • To reduce appetite, it is recommended to chew fennel seeds, which additionally have a mild diuretic effect. The seeds of this plant delicately cleanse the body and give it vitality and energy.
  • you can make a tea based on the plant that improves digestive processes and relieving flatulence.
  • the plant can be used for cooking vegetable dishes– salads, soups or for cooking vegetable stew. This will allow you to diversify your diet, eat nutritiously and at the same time lose weight.
  • During a diet, mood may deteriorate due to the emerging feeling of hunger, the load on the nervous system increases, and the body experiences stress. Aromatherapy based on plant essential oil will help you calm down and get into a positive mood.
  • Fennel oil is used to massage the skin and problem areas in the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. This massage accelerates blood circulation, helping to get rid of subcutaneous fat.
  • An excellent addition to a massage would be adding fennel oil to baths with sea ​​salt. After these procedures you will feel calm, relaxed, balanced and healthy.

The use of fennel in folk medicine

Now let’s talk about the most popular recipes with pharmaceutical dill, which help with the most various diseases no worse than store-bought medicines.

1. “Dill water”
To relieve your kids from bothersome gas and painful stomach cramps, you need to prepare the following remedy. Pour 5 g of fennel seeds into 200 ml of boiling water and let this product brew for half an hour under the lid. The finished product, 90 ml in volume, should be divided into equal parts and given to the baby in 6 doses throughout the day. In this case, the baby should be given exclusively warm infusion (36-37°C). And in addition to getting rid of stomach problems, such a drink will be useful for the baby’s skeletal system.

Addition. Fennel is included in the drug Plantex for newborns and Vitaon (Karavaev balm).

2. Fennel infusion
In case of cough accompanying colds, take a handful of dry seeds of the plant and turn them into flour using a coffee grinder. Pour two teaspoons of this flour into 400 ml hot water. After putting the product on the fire, bring it to a boil and keep it on low heat for 40 minutes. The resulting decoction should be allowed to cool, after which all that remains is to strain it and you can take 50 ml three times a day until complete recovery.

Addition. For periodontal disease and stomatitis, it is useful to rinse with this product. oral cavity several times a day, and if pustules appear on the skin, the decoction should be wiped over the affected skin. The procedure should be repeated 4-5 times a day until the problem disappears.

3. Fennel tea
To strengthen protective forces body, fennel should be brewed as tea. To do this, the dried leaves of the plant need to be poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 tbsp. 150 ml hot fennel boiled water. Take this tea once a day for a month, and you will definitely notice positive changes in your body. If desired, treatment can be repeated a month later.

Addition. This tea will perfectly help calm the nervous system and improve sleep. Just take it for this purpose thirty minutes before bedtime.

However, these are not all the properties of the tea in question. It will be useful for nursing mothers who have problems with the production breast milk. Moreover, you can rub your eyes with this tea in case of conjunctivitis, and you can also simply wash your face with it every morning, carrying out a kind of rejuvenating therapy for the facial skin. If you wash your hair with fennel tea and rinse your hair, the hair roots will noticeably strengthen and stop falling out en masse, and the hair itself will gain a natural shine and a healthier glow.

4. Fennel tincture
To cleanse blood vessels, you need to prepare a fennel tincture. For this purpose, crushed plant seeds are taken in the amount of 3 tablespoons, 1 tablespoon each. crushed St. John's wort flowers, celery foliage, European hogweed fruits, dogwood berries and berry foliage (currants, strawberries or raspberries). All ingredients are mixed and loaded into a glass bottle, and 2 liters of natural white wine are poured on top. Having sealed this mixture, it is left to infuse for a month in a dark, dry place. The finished product is filtered and taken 2 tbsp. per day for 1-2 months.

5. Fennel essential oil
If you want to disinfect a room or want to conduct an aromatherapy session, simply purchase fennel essential oil at the pharmacy. By adding a few drops to the aroma lamp, you can enjoy the vapors of this wonderful oil, receiving the desired calm. It is better to carry out such procedures before bedtime.

In addition, fennel oil can be taken internally. By adding 3-4 drops of oil to a glass of water and sweetening this product with a spoon of honey, you will get excellent medicine from digestive problems. If you add 10-15 drops of oil to a glass of water, you will get a product for inhalation or compresses. Mix fennel oil with olive or almond oil and use this mixture for massage. But that's not all. If you add a few drops of this product to skin creams, you can get a powerful anti-aging agent that will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.

Fennel in cosmetology

1. Anti-acne cologne
Take pure alcohol(50 ml), add 10 drops each of lavender essential oil and oil tea tree, as well as 5 drops of fennel oil. Mix the product thoroughly and let it brew for 2-3 days. After soaking a cotton pad in it, simply wipe your face with it 2 times a day, and after two weeks there will be no trace of acne left.

2. Cellulite remedy
To prepare this mixture, combine 10 drops of geranium, fennel and juniper oils. Add 10 drops of lemon oil to the oily liquid and dilute all 100 ml of jojoba oil. Let the resulting mixture sit for a couple of days, after which you can apply it to the skin and massage problem areas, rub into them ready-made remedy 2 times a day for 15 minutes.

3. Hand and face mask
Grind one large quince, and add 1 tsp to the resulting mass. full-fat cottage cheese, chicken yolk and 4 drops of fennel oil. Mix the ingredients until an oily mass is obtained and immediately apply it to the skin of the face and hands, literally for 10 minutes, then rinse warm water. Carry out procedures 1-2 times a week.

Use of fennel in cooking

Fennel is considered a famous ingredient in many dishes in the most different countries peace. This aromatic green is especially appreciated in Mediterranean cuisine, where boiled fennel stalks are served as an independent side dish. Basically, fennel is found in the kitchen in the form of a spicy seasoning for soups, salads, stews, marinades and many other dishes. Dried fennel seeds are used to season vegetables during canning and are added to sauces and confectionery products. And in India, fennel seeds are fried and eaten as a delicacy, which, among other things, is a great breath freshener. And also this healthy greens frozen for the winter so that even in cold weather you can enjoy a tasty and aromatic dish with fennel seasoning.

Fennel contraindications

Surprisingly, with all the benefits that this wonderful plant gives the body, it has practically no contraindications or restrictions on its use. If there is fennel individual intolerance(nausea and dizziness will indicate this), you should not consume it and use it in for cosmetic purposes. An overdose of fennel can also lead to nausea and vomiting, and at the same time cause serious disorder stomach.

In addition, it should be remembered that this plant increases the tone of the uterus, which means that it is better for pregnant women to avoid it. Moreover, fennel increases the production of breast milk in nursing mothers, which means that new mothers need to use this remedy only in extreme cases.
Take care of yourself!

Fennel – medicinal plant, known to Hippocrates and Avicenna. The ancient Greeks believed that the aroma of this plant gives strength to a person and drives away evil spirits. It is often used in cooking to add a subtle anise flavor to dishes. But fennel has many beneficial properties. Some contraindications to the use of pharmaceutical dill cannot be excluded.

In folk medicine and cooking, the seeds, roots, and leaves of the plant are used. Essential oil helps with cosmetic problems. Medicinal dill contains camphor, fatty oils, and organic acids. The leaves and stems contain carotene, B vitamins, and ascorbic acid.

Thanks to this composition, the plant can be used as a diuretic, antispasmodic and disinfectant. Preparations based on dill have a gentle effect, which makes it possible to use it to treat flatulence even in infants.

Useful properties fennel recognized official medicine, many medications are produced based on it.

A fennel drink will help reduce the temperature of a cold, remove mucus, and eliminate a runny nose. Ethereal oil solution plants - antifungal agent. It should be poured into the aroma lamp to disinfect the room - for every 10 square meters. I need 4 drops of aroma oil.

Important! A solution of 170 ml of water and 3 drops of oil helps restore the liver after feasts with alcohol and fatty foods. This drink helps with various food poisoning.

Fennel root - beneficial properties

Benefits of medicinal dill roots:

  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • frees blood vessels from excess;
  • effectively fights colon cancer.

Dry crushed root is used in baking bread, producing dietary confectionery.

Important! Fennel root is the best prophylactic against heart attack.

Beneficial properties of seeds

Preparations based on dill seeds improve digestion, eliminate bloating, flatulence, insomnia, and cough. Decoctions and tinctures can be taken not only internally, but also used in the treatment of conjunctiva and purulent wounds.

What are the benefits of medicinal dill seeds:

  • natural mild sedative;
  • eliminates spasms and pain;
  • effective diuretic;
  • helps during lactation;
  • normalizes metabolism.

In ancient times, fennel seeds were chewed like gum - this helped freshen breath and prevent the development of caries.

At home it will not be difficult, the main thing is to adhere to certain rules.

Fennel seeds are indispensable for new parents. In newborns, the digestive system is not fully formed, so they are constantly bothered by gases. This problem is a real disaster not only for infants, but for all household members. A decoction of medicinal dill seeds helps eliminate spasms and reduce the formation of gases.

Brew 5 g of seeds with boiling water (200 ml), leave covered for 30 minutes. Give the child a warm broth (36-37 degrees). The taste of the medicine is pleasant and does not cause a negative reaction in children.

The maximum volume of the drink should not exceed 90 ml. It should be divided into 6 doses.

The decoction contains a lot ascorbic acid, which will have a beneficial effect on the child’s immunity. The drink helps strengthen skeletal system, improves calcium absorption.

You can buy ready-made powder or dill water at the pharmacy. But the difference with a homemade decoction will only be in price. Tea is useful not only for children, but also for adults.

Beneficial properties of tea

Most often, tea is made from medicinal dill. Its beneficial properties have a beneficial effect on the condition of the adult and children's nervous systems. The drink helps strengthen the immune system, improves intestinal and stomach function.

For children, such a drink will be a tasty remedy against worms, will help them cope with colds faster and improve their appetite.

There are many recipes for making a healing drink.

You can simply brew 10 g of seeds in 220 ml of boiling water, cool for a quarter of an hour. Take 110 ml before each meal. This drink can not only be drunk, but also used to wash sore and dry eyes.

  1. This tea can be used for rinsing for stomatitis and periodontal disease.
  2. For a cold, you need to add 3 g of ground ginger to classic tea.

Fennel and mint

  1. Mix 15 g of parsley leaves, fennel seeds, mint.
  2. Add 45 g of buckthorn bark.
  3. Mix everything and grind.
  4. Pour 260 ml of boiling water over the collection and leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Heat for 3 minutes in a water bath.

The medicine helps with hypertension, stomach problems, nervous system. You should drink 45 ml on an empty stomach. Duration of treatment – ​​2 months.

A healing drink for constipation, nausea, flatulence, and poisoning can be prepared using fennel oil. Dilute 3 drops of oil in 130 ml, add 5 ml of honey.

How to use for various diseases

The beneficial properties of dill allow it to be used to treat many diseases.

Cough, bronchitis

Add to 220 ml warm milk 6 drops of fennel oil, drink before bed.

You can do inhalations with dill oil. For 1 liter of boiling water you need 10 drops of essential oil.


Grind 12 g of medicinal dill seeds, pour 270 ml of boiling water over the powder. Leave the broth for at least an hour.

Divide the resulting amount into 5 parts and drink throughout the day.

For joint problems

Dilute 11 drops of fennel oil in 55 ml of water. Make compresses twice a day to reduce pain in arthritis and arthrosis. This remedy also helps with purulent inflammations on the skin.

Dill seeds are a reliable helper for women. The plant is widely used in gynecology, cosmetology, and helps lose weight.

An infusion of medicinal dill seeds helps normalize female cycle, eliminate the unpleasant manifestations of menopause and PMS. Fennel fruits help increase milk production and improve its quality.

Which we wrote are also very popular.

Tea for lactation

Mix 240 ml of water and 10 g of crushed raw materials. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer for 2 minutes.

The low calorie content of fennel allows it to be effectively used for weight loss. Dill seeds satisfy the feeling of hunger; just chew them for a few minutes.

For weight loss

  • medicinal dill seeds – 10 g;
  • chamomile and linden inflorescences – 5 g each;
  • nettle – 4 g.

Pour 450 ml of boiling water over the mixture and leave for 20 minutes.

The drink removes excess fluid, calms the nerves, improves digestion, and speeds up metabolic processes.

Women suffering from insomnia need to fill their pillow with medicinal dill seeds - sleep will become calm and pleasant.

With regular use of fennel, you can enlarge your breasts naturally.

Fennel essential extract is used to prepare masks, aromatic baths, it is used to enrich creams, shampoos and anti-cellulite massage products.

What are the benefits of oil:

  • eliminates shallow wrinkles;
  • tightens the contours of the face and body;
  • removes swelling and bags under the eyes;
  • helps get rid of acne and other skin rashes;
  • promotes collagen production.

Fennel oil is all-purpose – cleanses oily skin, moisturizes dry skin.

To take a bath, you need to mix 7 drops of oil with a base (sea salt, base oil). To improve the composition of the cream and shampoo, you need to add 25 drops of fennel oil for every 50 ml of cosmetic product.

Firming mask

Mix raw yolk, 15 g of white clay, 12 ml of olive oil. Add 3 drops each of fennel and neroli oils.

  1. Apply the mask to the face and neck, rinse after half an hour.
  2. You can repeat the procedure every other day.

Use oil in pure form Only suitable for lubricating small areas. At first, you may feel a slight tingling sensation.

For hair

The oil is also useful for hair - it makes curls strong, strong, accelerates growth, and eliminates dandruff.

Mix fennel oil (4 drops) with 12 ml of burdock or almond oil(you can use any vegetable oil). Rub the products into skin scalp 40 minutes before washing your hair.

Use in cooking

At fennel pleasant aroma, slightly spicy taste. The stems are used in cooking, dried and fresh leaves, inflorescences, seeds and roots. It goes well with meat, fish, and is used for cooking dietary salads. Desserts are also prepared with it - puddings, pies, cookies.

  1. Italians pickle fennel, add it to pizza, and use blanched stems as a garnish.
  2. The inflorescences of the plant are used for canning; it improves the smell of the marinade.
  3. To prepare delicious light salad you need to chop raw fennel, half an apple, add a few slices of orange or grapefruit, some nuts. The dish can be left undressed, or natural low-fat yogurt can be used for dressing.

Diet soup

  • fennel – 2 small petioles;
  • celery root, leek, carrots - 110 g each;
  • potatoes – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Cut the leek into medium cubes, divide the fennel into large pieces, cut the peeled celery and carrots into cubes. Sauté all vegetables in oil for 3 minutes.

Peel the potatoes, chop them into small pieces, cook until half cooked, add vegetables, add salt. When the potatoes are cooked, the soup is ready.

Serve with a small amount of chopped nuts and fresh carrot juice.

Fennel is a powerful aphrodisiac for men and women. And the aroma oil of this plant will allow you to achieve complete harmony.


Contraindications for consuming fennel are personal intolerance, epilepsy, chronic diarrhea. Pregnant and lactating women should use medicinal dill with caution.

An overdose may cause stomach upset and allergies in the form of rashes.

Fennel is a tasty, dietary vegetable; it can easily be grown on personal plot. There are benefits in all parts of the plant - from the root to the seeds. By preparing medicinal dill for future use, you can get a reliable and effective assistant from many diseases.

Fennel is a member of the Umbrella family. It looks like dill, but tastes and smells like anise. This plant can serve almost completely as food, from seeds to greens. Fresh fennel greens (stems, leaves) have a rather pleasant sweetish taste; they are used together with the bulbs in the preparation of soups, salads and other dishes. Fennel seeds (pre-dried) can be used as a seasoning for confectionery, all kinds of sauces, fish and meat dishes, as well as when canning vegetables.

Fennel has two cultivated types: common (pharmaceutical dill), used as remedy, and Italian, used as a vegetable.

The countries of Asia Minor and the Mediterranean are considered to be the birthplace of fennel. This plant was cultivated in ancient times in Rome, Egypt and Greece, and some sources also call China and India its places of growth. Fennel is cultivated everywhere except Antarctica. In the wild, it can be found in North African areas, as well as in Asia, South and North America and in Europe.

Preparation and storage

Due to the fact that fennel does not ripen at the same time, harvesting occurs in several stages. The first combing is carried out at the moment the fruits acquire a yellowish-brownish color, during which they become hard with clearly defined oil passages in the form of dark longitudinal stripes. During this period, only the ripe middle umbels are cut out, and a few days later, when most of the seeds have hardened, the rest of the plant is cut off. Such a selective process of harvesting fennel requires special care, however, the quality of the material in this case will be higher than with mass plucking or mowing.

After harvesting, the plants must ripen and dry. The place for this can be a field (in clear weather) or a special dryer (in cloudy weather). After complete drying, the fennel fruit splits into two half-fruits. The shelf life of raw materials reaches three years. Store it separately from other types, using a dry room with good ventilation.

Composition and medicinal properties

Fennel contains many beneficial substances. Its greens are rich in vitamins, especially ascorbic and folic acids, as well as micro- and macroelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, copper. The fruits contain fatty oil(up to 12%), essential oil (up to 5%), sugar and proteins.

Composition and medicinal properties of fennel

  1. Fennel fruits have a normalizing effect on the digestive system and help in the treatment of diarrhea, flatulence, and constipation.
  2. The plant has wound-healing, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effects. Fennel can also be classified as anthelmintic, antispasmodic, diuretic and expectorant.
  3. Fennel is part of the drug "Anetin", which is prescribed for central nervous system excitability, neurasthenia, as well as for chronic colitis, chronic coronary insufficiency, insomnia, organ spasms abdominal cavity, for inflammatory skin diseases, including acne.
  4. Fennel fruits and seeds are also beneficial for those patients who suffer from gastritis, gout, hepatitis, pulmonary diseases, cystitis, urolithiasis. They are prescribed for stomatitis and pharyngitis, as well as for vegetative-vascular dystonia and angina.
  5. Taking fennel preparations in small doses helps pregnant women cope with toxicosis, and nursing mothers with a lack of milk. It is also recommended for use for menstrual irregularities.
  6. The homeopathic medicine "Foeniculum", which contains fennel, belongs to effective means for loss of appetite, cough, asthma and bloating. It is also prescribed to stimulate milk production in nursing mothers and as a drug that improves vision.
  7. A decoction of fennel seeds helps cope with conjunctivitis and purulent skin diseases.
  8. The essential oil of the plant has a restorative effect, and it also takes an active part in cleansing the body.
  9. Use in folk medicine

    Infusion of fennel fruits for colds, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, neurasthenia, flatulence, spastic colitis

    To prepare the infusion, you need to pour two tablespoons of pre-crushed dried raw materials with one glass of boiling water, then place the solution in a water bath. After a quarter of an hour, remove from the bath and let it brew for 45 minutes at room temperature, then strain and squeeze out the remainder well. The resulting infusion should be taken orally, one-third of a glass three times a day.

    Infusion of fennel seeds “Dill water” for infants with flatulence

    Brew a small handful of plant seeds in a glass of hot boiled water, then let the resulting solution steep for an hour. After it has cooled, strain and give it to the child to drink, checking the dosage with your pediatrician.

    Fennel tea for coughs, flatulence, headaches

    Pour one heaped teaspoon of crushed fennel seeds into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for ten minutes, then strain through cheesecloth and drink one glass two to five times a day. To combat a cough, you can add honey to fennel tea, and for flatulence, it is better to drink it unsweetened.

    Infusion of fennel seeds for conjunctivitis and purulent formations on the skin

    Mix fennel tea with the same amount of boiled water and rinse the eyes or affected areas of the skin with the resulting solution.

    Infusion of a mixture of herbs for gastritis and stomach ulcers

    To prepare the infusion, you need to take identical parts of each plant: fennel fruits, licorice roots, chamomile leaves, marshmallow roots and wheatgrass. Pour two teaspoons of the mixture into half a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Drink a glass before bed.

    Fennel essential oil for the treatment of chronic cough

    Add ten drops of fennel essential oil for adults and three drops for children into a glass of warm milk or tea. Stir and drink. The drink can be replaced with a piece of sugar, onto which the same amount of oil should be dripped.

    Contraindications for use

  • A contraindication to the use of fennel is individual intolerance.
  • In addition, it is not recommended to take large doses to children under the age of six, pregnant women, as well as women during lactation and people suffering from epilepsy.
  • The oil extracted from fennel seeds is a toxic product, so its use is contraindicated for patients suffering from hypertension.


Today's spotlight is on an important player in the world of spices: fennel, whose humble seeds are known for their medicinal properties and varied culinary uses. The benefits of using this spice on a regular basis are many. Fennel seeds have health benefits that help regulate blood pressure, fight diseases, improve vision, alleviate asthma, etc. Here you will learn everything about fennel: what it is, how it is useful, contraindications for use, how and what dishes to cook with it, and much more.

What is fennel?

Fennel is a dense and crunchy bulbous vegetable that upper part which looks like dill. All parts of the plant are edible, and the seeds, which have a warm, bright flavor similar to anise or tarragon, are used as a seasoning in sweet and savory dishes around the world.

Fennel seeds (fruit) are especially popular in Italian, Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine.

What fennel looks like - photo

General description

Fennel is a perennial herb belonging to the Umbelliferae family, which also includes caraway, dill, anise, etc.

The scientific name of fennel is Foeniculum vulgare mill.

Synonyms: finokio, pharmaceutical dill, Voloshsky dill, sweet anise, sweet cumin.

This plant is native to Southern Europe and is widely distributed throughout Europe, the Middle East, China, India and Turkey.

Common fennel consists of a white or pale green bulb from which closely spaced stems grow. The stems are covered with bright green lacy leaves.

This plant can reach up to 2 meters in height and has golden-yellow flowers in umbels that produce fruit.

The seeds (fruits) resemble anise in appearance. They are oblong or slightly curved, about 3-4 mm long, light brown in color with thin vertical stripes on the surface.

The bulb, stem, leaves and seeds are all edible.

Fennel and dill - what's the difference between them?

Fennel leaves are very similar to fresh dill, so they are often confused and considered to be the same plant.

The table will demonstrate the difference between fennel and dill.

External differences in the photo:

How to make fennel seasoning

Fennel seeds are used as a seasoning, but all parts of the plant are also edible:

  • Roots are pulled out in early spring in the second year of life or late autumn in the first year.
  • Leaves and stems are cut before flowering.
  • Umbrellas - cut off until the buds have fully blossomed.
  • Seeds – Harvest when the seed heads turn light brown. Collection is carried out in the early hours to avoid seed loss. The stems are kept under shelters until they are dry, then they are threshed and cleared of stray impurities and debris before being sent for sale.

What is the smell and taste of fennel?

Fennel seeds have a pleasant anise-like sweet-spicy aroma and taste.

The leaves and stems are used in salads, but the main attraction of fennel is the bulb itself. It's very dense and crunchy, and a bit like licorice and anise. It has a fresh, bright taste.

How to choose fennel

Choose bulbs that are bright white, unblemished, heavy and dense. The stems should be firm. Avoid bulbs with outer layers that are too loose or cracked.

It's best to buy fennel with the stems still attached, or at least with some stems remaining. Such bulbs last longer than those from which they are completely removed.

When purchasing seeds, look for them in colors ranging from bright green to light green. The freshest and best quality are usually bright green, plump, with a strong fennel aroma. Old seeds lose this bright color over time.

How to store fennel

Whole seeds should be stored in a cool, dry place in an airtight container, away from sunlight. The spice will not lose its aroma for 6 months.

Store ground fennel in airtight containers in the refrigerator and use as soon as possible: it has a short shelf life as it quickly loses its flavor due to the evaporation of essential oils.

Fresh leaves are best consumed immediately. In the refrigerator they retain their beneficial properties for 3-4 days, but the aroma gradually disappears.

Wrap the bulbs tightly in film or a damp cloth and place in the refrigerator. They will be usable within 10 days.

Chemical composition

Fennel contains many health benefits nutrients, compounds, antioxidants, dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins.

Nutritional value of fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare) per 100 g.

NameQuantityPercentage of daily value, %
Energy value 345 Kcal 17
Carbohydrates52.29 g 40
Squirrels15.80 g 28
Fats14.87 g 48
Dietary fiber 39.8 g 104
Niacin6,050 mg 37
Pyridoxine0.470 mg 36
Riboflavin0.353 mg 28
Thiamine0.408 mg 34
Vitamin A135 IU 4,5
Vitamin C21 mg 35
Sodium88 mg 6
Potassium1694 mg 36
Calcium1196 mg 120
Copper1.067 mg 118
Iron18.54 mg 232
Magnesium385 mg 96
Manganese6.533 mg 284
Phosphorus487 mg 70
Zinc3.70 mg 33,5

Physiological role

Fennel seeds have the following effects on the body:

  • carminative;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • expectorant.

Useful properties of fennel

Fennel seeds contain flavonoids such as kaempferol and quercetin. These connections act as powerful antioxidants, removing harmful free radicals from the body, thereby providing protection against cancer, infections, aging and degenerative neurological diseases.

Fennel is also rich in fiber: 100 g of seeds contain 39.8 g of dietary fiber. Most of it is metabolically inert insoluble fiber, which helps bulk up food, absorbs water throughout digestive system and relieves constipation.

Additionally, fiber binds to bile salts (derived from cholesterol) and reduces their reabsorption in the colon. Thus, it reduces the level of "bad" LDL cholesterol in blood serum. Along with flavonoid antioxidants, fennel's dietary fiber helps protect the colon lining from cancer.

Fennel seeds contain health-promoting volatile essential oils such as anethole, limonene, anisealdehyde, pinene, myrcene, fenchone, chavicol and cineole. It is known that these active substances have antioxidant, digestive, antimicrobial properties.

Fennel seeds are concentrated in minerals such as copper, iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, selenium, zinc and magnesium. Copper is necessary for the production of red blood cells. Iron is required for the formation of red blood cells. Zinc is an important cofactor in many enzymes that increase sperm activity and regulate digestion and nucleic acid synthesis. Potassium is a component of body cells and fluids that help control heart rate and blood pressure. Human body uses manganese as a cofactor for the important antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

Fennel seeds are a vital storage for many important vitamins: A, E, C, as well as B vitamins such as thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin and niacin.

The seed oil is used to treat coughs, bronchitis and as a massage oil for the treatment of joint pain.

10 Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds

  1. Helps regulate blood pressure. Fennel seeds are also rich in potassium, which helps control heart rate and blood pressure.
  2. Works as a diuretic - if you drink fennel tea regularly, it helps remove toxins and reduces the risk of problems with genitourinary system. They also stimulate sweating.
  3. Useful for indigestion, bloating and constipation. Fennel seeds contain estragole, fenchone and anethole, which have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties. Fennel tea is often used for newborns to relieve colic and aid digestion.
  4. Reduces asthma symptoms. Fennel seeds and their phytonutrients help clear sinuses. They fight bronchitis, phlegm accumulation and cough as they have expectorant properties.
  5. Helps cleanse the blood. Essential oils and the fiber in the seeds are very beneficial in flushing out toxins from the body, which helps cleanse the blood.
  6. Improves vision. Fennel seeds contain vitamin A, which supports normal vision.
  7. Treats acne. If fennel seeds are consumed on a regular basis, they provide the body with valuable minerals such as zinc, calcium and selenium. They are very beneficial for balancing hormones and maintaining healthy skin.
  8. Protects against cancer. The seeds also have very powerful free radical scavenging properties. It helps protect the body from various types skin, stomach and breast cancers. Fennel seeds also have very powerful chemomodulatory effects.
  9. Increases the secretion of breast milk in nursing mothers. Fennel seeds contain anethole, which is considered a phytoestrogen. It imitates properties hormonal estrogen, which is usually involved in the growth of mammary glands and increased milk secretion in women. Estrogen is also responsible for female secondary sexual characteristics. Some women use fennel seeds to simply enlarge their breasts, although no evidence supports this effect.
  10. Helps reset overweight. Dietary fiber in fennel - important factor for weight loss, as it works as a “filler” in the digestive system. The result is an increase in satiety and a decrease in appetite, making a person feel fuller longer and reducing overall calorie intake.

The daily dose of fennel for adults is 5 to 7 grams of seeds or 0.1 to 0.6 milliliters of oil.

Contraindications (harm) of fennel

Fennel is safe to consume as a spice, but may cause allergic reaction if you are already allergic to carrots or celery.

Do not eat fennel seeds large quantities. Compounds in fennel may be neurotoxic in high concentrations and can cause hallucinations and seizures.

Not recommended for patients with oncological diseases, especially those with estrogen-dependent cancer. However, fennel tea is good for relieving stomach cramps and vomiting after chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Use of fennel in cooking

All parts of fennel—the base, stems and leaves, and seeds—can be eaten, and the seeds can be used as a seasoning in many recipes.

Fennel seeds

Add whole fennel seeds or chop them. They are used in both sweet and savory dishes. If you decide to use them whole, be sure to lightly crush the seeds using wide part knife to release the aromatic oils.

As spicy seasoning seeds add:

  • to fish, meat and vegetables, especially dried;
  • as a filling for pies, used for sprinkling buns and cookies;
  • in soups (fish, vegetable, pork);
  • in second courses (fish, pork);
  • in marinades for vegetables and pickles from cabbage, cucumbers, apples, watermelons.

If the presence of seeds in ready dish not advisable, you can put them in a pan in a gauze bag and remove them at the end of cooking.


Before you cook fennel, you most often need to cut it into pieces. Here's how to do it:

  1. If the fennel bulb still has stems attached, cut them off as close to the junction as possible.
  2. Cut the onion in half. Cut off the tough root part. Then make a cut from top to bottom through the middle of the fennel bulb.
  3. Cut the resulting halves into quarters. Peel and discard the wilted outer layers.
  4. Cut each part of the fennel into slices. With the quarter still on its side, slice it crosswise to create small pieces.

The fennel bulb can be used whole as a side dish or cut lengthwise into 2 parts. It can be boiled and grated or stewed.

  • The onion is used in fresh in vegetable salads.
  • Add when stewing fish and meat.
  • Pairs well with fish, especially salmon.
  • Fennel can be stewed or grilled.


  • Fennel stems (petioles) are similar to celery, but have a distinct anise flavor.
  • They are blanched and eaten half-raw or added to salads and vegetable side dishes.
  • Fennel stems can be used in vegetable preparations for the winter.


  • Fresh shoots with leaves and still immature umbrellas are placed in a barrel when sauerkraut is pickled, or in marinades for mushrooms and vegetables.
  • Cut into salads.
  • Add to soups and vegetables when stewing.
  • When fresh, they are finely chopped to sprinkle on baked meat.

How to make fennel tea - recipe

This is the simplest recipe.

  1. Take a teaspoon of fennel seeds and grind them in a mortar.
  2. Place them in a cup, cover with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Strain, add some honey, basil leaves, black pepper or other ingredients of your choice.

Fennel leaves can also be used in a similar way, as long as they are in excellent condition. Infuse the leaves in boiling water for 15 minutes.

Fennel salad – video

How to replace fennel

Anise seeds can be used as an alternative to fennel as they have a similar flavor. Anise has a stronger flavor, so a smaller amount will be needed when using this replacement. Cumin and dill can also be used as fennel substitutes.

If you use fennel as a vegetable, you can replace it with stalks of bok choy (pak choy) or celery. If you want to duplicate just the flavor of the fennel and not the volume in the dish, you can also use a teaspoon of anise seeds for every 1/2 pound of fennel bulb the recipe calls for.

Fennel has earned its popularity due to its numerous medicinal properties and varied culinary use. If you are a fan of the flavor of anise, you will love this spicy vegetable! When adding fennel to your diet, use it in moderation and consider contraindications for use.