What antihistamines are allowed during pregnancy. List of approved antihistamines during pregnancy

If you have allergies during pregnancy, it is important to choose the right medications that will not harm the baby. Among antiallergic medications there are drugs that have passed the necessary tests and are approved for use during this period. The drugs are prescribed by the doctor depending on the duration of pregnancy, as well as their characteristics. Third generation medications are considered the safest for the expectant mother and fetus.

Allergies during pregnancy

Allergies in a pregnant woman may occur to the following irritants:

  • food products, especially chocolate, citrus fruits;
  • dust;
  • flowering trees and plants;
  • household chemicals;
  • latex;
  • medicines;
  • animal hair;
  • books, fabrics, furniture, other household items.

Ventilation of rooms, regular wet cleaning, and cleaning of upholstered furniture will help reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions. The expectant mother should avoid places where smokers gather. During active flowering of plants, it is better for her not to go to parks or go to the country.

To successfully combat pathology, it is important to identify the allergen at an early stage and eliminate contact with it. To relieve symptoms, you can take some antihistamines during pregnancy.

Allergy medications

Since an allergic reaction indicates the presence of problems in the body, you should immediately contact an allergist and begin therapy to avoid negative effects on the fetus. All antihistamines are available at pharmacies without a prescription, but they should not be used without consulting a doctor.

Today there are 3 generations of antiallergic drugs. They all differ in quantity side effects, duration of impact on the body, risks of drug addiction.

First generation of antihistamines

The first generation was developed at the beginning of the 20th century and is still successfully used in the fight against allergies. The most known remedy- Suprastin. A pregnant woman should take it with caution and only under medical supervision. Its use is prohibited in the 1st trimester; it is safest to use it in the 3rd trimester.

Diphenhydramine can be used from the 2nd trimester, but with great caution, in small doses. The drug can provoke uterine tone and lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

Tavegil and Pipolfen are considered dangerous drugs, as they increase the risk of developing birth defects in a child. If a woman constantly takes them, during pregnancy these drugs are replaced with safer ones.

Second generation of antiallergic drugs

Azelastine is the most safe remedy from 2nd generation. During clinical trials, it was proven that there was no effect on the intrauterine development of the child. Despite this, it is not recommended to use it in the 1st trimester, when all the fetal organs are formed.

Loratadine is allowed to be taken while pregnant if the benefits of the medication outweigh the risks to the embryo. Astemizole is prohibited as it has a toxic effect on the fetus.

Antihistamines are very often used to treat allergic reactions and pathologies. It is very difficult to completely get rid of allergies and their predisposition. By using antihistamines You can only partially get rid of the symptoms; this disease cannot be completely cured. A pregnant woman should be especially careful when taking them; almost all of them are contraindicated because they can negatively affect the fetus in utero.

What allergic reactions can occur in pregnant women?

1. Allergic rhinitis, with it it becomes difficult nasal breathing and a stuffy nose, the nasal mucosa swells, the discharge is watery.

3. Urticaria.

How should you take antihistamines correctly during pregnancy?

Pregnant women often experience an allergic reaction and it is very difficult to choose medications that can be used to relieve allergy symptoms during pregnancy. Remember that during pregnancy you need to be careful when using antihistamines, only after consultation and recommendations of a doctor. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is prohibited to use drugs of this group. In the second trimester, only after permission and very great need can you use antihistamines. You also need to pay attention to the fact that this group drugs is not remedy, which is completely safe and can be used.

Is it possible to take natural antihistamines during pregnancy?

These medications help relieve an allergic reaction. Natural antihistamines include vitamins; they do not harm the unborn child, but rather relieve allergic symptoms:

1. Ascorbic acid or vitamin C. You need to take it from 1 to 4 grams per day, in this way you can completely get rid of respiratory allergies. Using ascorbic acid, you can prevent an anaphylactic reaction. But remember, only after you consult your doctor can you take vitamins. Ten days, 500 mg per day.

2. Vitamin B12 is a universal natural antihistamine. It is taken to reduce dermatitis and. The drug should be taken for three to four weeks at 500 mg.

3. Pantothenic acid is used to relieve symptoms, you need to take 100 mg, always at night. Then the dose is gradually increased, which can be taken once or twice a day.

4. Nicotinic acid helps get rid of allergy complications. Most often it is used when an allergy to plant pollen occurs. It should be taken up to 300 mg per day per month.

5. Zinc helps protect against allergies to cosmetics, perfumes and household chemicals. This trace element must be taken in combination with aspartate or picolinate. You can't take one, it's dangerous because it can cause anemia.

6. Oleic acid is the main component olive oil. Prophylactic Olive oil is a remedy for allergies.

7. Linoleic acid and help prevent reactions such as itching, runny nose, tearing and red eyes.

Remember, to prevent an allergic reaction in the body, you need to know the allergen and not come into contact with it anymore. To do this, special tests are carried out, for which potential allergens are used - herbal extracts, pollen, animal skin, medications, etc.

Are antihistamines dangerous during pregnancy?

1. Diphenhydramine should never be used throughout pregnancy, because it can cause or premature birth. Betadrine should not be used for the same reason. This drug prescribed if a pregnant woman is very ill.

2. Suprastin can be taken, but only starting from the second trimester of pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor.

3. Tavegil should not be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy. This drug is used very rarely, only if there is a threat to life, because it has already been confirmed that it has a negative effect on the fetus.

4. Bicarfen should not be taken under any circumstances during pregnancy.

5. Flonidan can be prescribed only in rare cases.

6. Safe drug is Zyrtec, but it is very important to follow the dosage when using it.

7. In the second trimester, you can take Pheniramine.

8. The well-known antihistamine drug Ditek, which is produced in the form of an aerosol, is also very dangerous during pregnancy, the reasons and how it negatively affects the fetus have not yet been identified, but it is better to stop using it. It is also worth giving up drugs such as cromolyn- sodium, histaglobulin, ketotifen. Remember that taking antihistamines is dangerous for the unborn baby, which is why it is so important not to self-medicate; it is best to consult a specialist who will recommend the drug that is suitable for you.

10. In the second and third trimester, you can use Allertek.

11. Fexadin can be used only in cases where there is a risk to the fetus.

So, it is very important during pregnancy to control the intake of antihistamines; in no case should you self-medicate, because almost all antihistamines are dangerous to the fetus and negatively affect internal organs. It is best to pay attention to natural antihistamines. And you need to understand that all antihistamines only relieve symptoms and do not cure. And they are only used in cases where there is a threat to the life of both the mother and the unborn child. But every pregnant woman should understand that taking medications affects the baby. Therefore, if the allergy is tolerable, you do not need to immediately grab the medicine.

The prevalence of allergic reactions is increasing every day. This is due to the difficult environmental situation, food quality, birth defects immune system. Pregnant women are not immune to this problem.

The difficulty of treating such patients is that the doctor is very limited in prescribing antiallergic drugs. medicines.

In the instructions of many of them, pregnancy is absolute contraindication because of proven negative action for the fruit. For other medications, the gestation period is included in the list relative contraindications. This means that such drugs can only be used in cases where the benefit to the mother is much higher than the potential risk to the fetus. How and when to treat allergies in pregnant women? We will try to answer this question in this article.

Dangerous allergy symptoms

Treatment of allergies during pregnancy should only be done when the woman has a history of severe episodes of the disease. Ignoring such manifestations can not only complicate pregnancy, but also negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. Because of this risk, some women refuse the opportunity to have children. In this case, to medical problem a psychological component is added.

If a pregnant woman has an allergy, then it is necessary to tell a specialist about it. antenatal clinic during the first visit.

The gynecologist will collect an anamnesis of the disease and note complaints in the exchange card. After this, the management plan for such a pregnant woman will be discussed with an allergist - a specialist who treats allergic diseases.

As a rule, damage to the mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctivitis) or nose (rhinitis) does not require drug therapy. Exacerbation of these diseases is most often observed from the 4th month of pregnancy. Absence clinical manifestations in the first trimester is explained by the fact that during this period of time endocrine system Women actively synthesize cortisol, an anti-inflammatory hormone that has an antiallergic effect. A pronounced pathological process in the nasal mucosa or conjunctiva leads to a deterioration in the quality of life of the pregnant woman, but does not cause a significant negative effect on the fetus.

Allergy treatment is justified if:

  • severe form of urticaria;
  • swelling of the mucous layer bronchial tree when there is difficulty breathing;
  • anaphylactic shock.

The above conditions are dangerous to a woman’s life. In addition, constant swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract leads to a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the fetal tissue. The consequences of such hypoxia are various disorders in the development of the child’s organs and systems.

Why do allergies develop?

There are several successive stages in the development of an allergic reaction. They determine the severity of clinical manifestations and the severity of the condition. Highlight:

  1. The initial encounter with an allergen, which is most often of a plant or food nature. IN recent years The number of cases of drug allergies has increased.
  2. In response to an allergen, the human immune system produces special protective compounds - antibodies.
  3. Under the influence of antibodies from mast cells The human body releases inflammatory mediators into the blood, including histamine.
  4. Histamine penetrates the mucous membrane through capillaries internal organs, causing characteristic reactions in the form of hyperemia, edema, breathing problems and others.

Allergy treatment

Treatment allergic pathology For pregnant women, the process is complex. It should be handled exclusively by an allergist. He is able to assess the severity of clinical manifestations, carry out the necessary diagnostic procedures, determine the amount of therapy required.

The first step in treating allergies is identifying the allergen and avoiding contact with it. In addition to this, medication may be prescribed.


Antihistamines are most often used to reduce allergy symptoms. The first representatives of this class of drugs were synthesized back in 1936. Since then, ideas about the genesis of an allergic reaction have changed, constantly being supplemented by new discoveries, but the use of the first generation of drugs still remains advisable. On at the moment There are three generations of antihistamines. Their mechanism of action is related to:

  • By blocking histamine receptors. In this case, the drugs bind to specific areas on the surface of the receptors, preventing histamine from depositing on them.
  • Reducing the production of inflammatory mediators by mast cells.

Despite the constant improvement of allergy medications, there are no absolutely safe medications for pregnant women. Any antihistamine should be prescribed only if its benefit outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. Such treatment cannot be chosen independently, since the likelihood of harming the unborn baby in such a situation increases many times over.

First generation

First generation antihistamines have a pronounced antiallergic effect, but they are not safe for use during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the molecules of chemical compounds that make up medications are able to penetrate various natural barriers, including the placenta. With the help of such medications, it is possible to relieve acute allergic reactions, such as Quincke's edema or anaphylactic manifestations. Their use for daily use is prohibited by the instructions. Representatives of the first generation of drugs - Suprastin, Tavegil.

Second generation

The second generation of antihistamines also effectively relieves allergic symptoms, while having fewer side effects. Their use during pregnancy is limited. The doctor must assess the risk-benefit ratio. If the second criterion prevails over the first, then the appointment may be justified.

Most secure chemical compound during pregnancy is loratadine. It provides quick effect in eliminating allergy symptoms, while not penetrating the nervous tissue and not inhibiting brain activity. Loratadine is not advisable to use in the first three months of pregnancy, since there is no data on the effect of the drug on the formation of fetal tissue.

Third generation

This generation of antihistamines is by far the most modern. Pregnancy is one of those conditions in which drugs are used with caution, under the supervision of the attending physician. Animal studies show no negative effect on the fetus, but convincing data in humans have not yet been collected.

The third generation of antihistamines includes molecules of levocetirizine, fexofenadine, and desloratadine.

They can all be used in pregnant women, but the need for their use, dosage, and duration of treatment should be determined by a specialist.

To summarize, we can say that antihistamines during pregnancy should be used exclusively under the supervision of an allergist. Their use is highly undesirable in the first 90 days, when active formation fetal organs. From the fourth month of pregnancy, in the presence of severe symptoms, it is better to use modern medications that will provide a guaranteed therapeutic effect with a minimum of side effects.

Allergies are represented by an atypical response of the immune system to any irritant that has entered the body. Sometimes familiar, harmless substances can provoke a painful reaction in the body. Allergies can manifest themselves in various organs, body systems. Faced with such a problem, expectant mothers consult with specialists. They are interested in the question: which antihistamines during pregnancy are less dangerous for their baby.

Types of allergies in pregnant women

To easily recognize the signs of an atypical reaction of the body to allergens in such a delicate situation in women, you need to know what types of allergies there are:

  • . This type of reaction is considered the most common in pregnant women. It is observed not seasonally, but at any time of the year. Most often it appears from the second trimester;
  • Conjunctivitis. It occurs when a certain allergen gets into the eye. Rarely occurs on its own. It usually accompanies rhinitis;
  • Dermatitis, urticaria. Skin reaction manifested by redness, rash on the dermis, itching, peeling of the epithelium;
  • . Fixed this pathology in 2% of pregnant women. Its exacerbation is observed at the end of the 2nd trimester;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • Anaphylactic shock.

Any type of allergic reaction should be treated under the supervision of a specialist. This condition of the mother is dangerous due to hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus. The development of fetal hypoxia is provoked by spasms of placental vessels, which occur when taking certain medications, swelling of the nasal mucosa, pulmonary tissues, respiratory failure. Having diagnosed an allergy in a pregnant woman, the doctor prescribes certain antihistamines for pregnant women.

Causes of an allergic reaction

During pregnancy, there is an increased production of cortisol by the body, which exhibits antiallergic activity. Given this feature, pregnant women rarely suffer from signs of allergies. But there are exceptions. It is more difficult for pregnant women to get sick, because many medications are contraindicated for them due to their special situation.

How do antihistamines work?

Pharmacists have developed three generations of antihistamines. They have the same principle of action, the difference is represented by the accuracy and selectivity of attachment of drug molecules to the receptor sites of the body.

Histamine is responsible for causing immediate allergy symptoms. This organic compound is produced by special mast cells, then it attaches to 3 types of receptors. These receptors are located in different places:

  • stomach;
  • nervous system;
  • most body tissues.

Under the influence of antihistamines, free receptors are occupied and blocked for a certain period. At the same time, there is a decrease in the severity of the allergic reaction.

Effective antihistamines during pregnancy

Pharmacists have created antihistamines for several generations. Over time, medications improve. This is manifested in the following points:

  • decreased addiction;
  • reducing the severity of side effects;
  • reducing the number of side effects;
  • increasing the duration of action of the medication.

First generation drugs can be used in the treatment of acute allergic conditions in pregnant women (the annotation states that they are prohibited while pregnant). The most common ones are:

  • "", "Chloropyramine". They are used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters (provided that the benefit to the mother significantly exceeds the potential risk to the fetus);
  • "Tavegil", "Clemastine". Reception by pregnant women is allowed only vital signs(if it is impossible to use another medication). In a number of cases, negative effects on offspring were observed when studies were conducted on pregnant rats. Limb defects and heart defects were recorded in the offspring;
  • "Diphenhydramine." Prescribed only in extreme cases due to the ability to cause increased excitability of the uterus;
  • "Pipolfen", "Promethazine". These medications are not prescribed during pregnancy.

Second generation antihistamines include the following:

  • "Astemizole". Due to the toxic effect on the fetus, its use during pregnancy is prohibited;
  • "", "Claritin". Pregnant women are prescribed after an adequate assessment of such risk/benefit indicators;
  • "Azelastine." According to the tests carried out, a dose exceeding the therapeutic dose does not have any effect teratogenic effects for the fruit. But it is not recommended for pregnant women to take it in the 1st trimester.

The third generation includes the following drugs:

  • "Fexofenadine", "Telfast". It is used against allergies in pregnant women only as prescribed by a specialist;
  • "Zyrtec", "Parlazin", "Cetirizine". Pregnancy is not considered an absolute contraindication for the use of these medications. According to studies conducted on animals, these medications do not have a teratogenic, mutagenic or carcinogenic effect on the offspring;
  • "Desloratadine", "Levocetirizine". The medications do not have a cardiotoxic effect.

What antihistamines can be taken in different periods pregnancy, we will consider below.

1st trimester

This is a period when all antihistamines are strictly contraindicated.

2nd trimester

This period of pregnancy does not have such strict restrictions as the first. Experts emphasize that not a single antihistamine guarantees absolute safety for the unborn child.

During this period of gestation, doctors may prescribe the following medications:

  • "Suprastin";
  • "Zyrtec";
  • "Desloratadine";

3rd trimester

Usually characterized by a decrease in the manifestation of allergic reactions. Pregnant women experience significant relief. Doctors may prescribe antihistamines, taking into account possible risks to the fetus and benefits to the mother. Used against allergies:

  • "Zyrtec";
  • "Desloratadine";
  • "Claritin";
  • "Azelastine."

How to alleviate (eliminate) allergies during pregnancy?

Experts warn expectant mothers that there is no antihistamine that is completely safe to use. To remove allergic signs they advise trying natural antihistamines ( certain vitamins). These substances will help cope with unpleasant symptoms without harming the fetus.

Among the vitamins, the following have an antiallergic effect:

  • B12. It is classified as a universal natural antihistamine. Used in the treatment of dermatitis, allergic asthma. The doctor may prescribe a course of treatment for 3 to 4 weeks. You should take 500 mg of the vitamin per day;
  • C (ascorbic acid). You can minimize the signs of respiratory allergies by taking 1–4 g of acid per day. This vitamin prevents anaphylactic reactions;
  • Pantothenic acid. Prescribed for allergic rhinitis. 100 mg of the drug can relieve the symptoms of the disease. It should be taken before bedtime. Over time, the dosage can be increased (250 mg);
  • Zinc. Prescribed to reduce allergies to household chemicals, perfumes, and cosmetics. It is recommended to take it in a complex compound (aspartate, picolinate). A pure microelement can cause the development of anemia. The therapeutic course is about a month. Daily dose 50 – 60 mg;
  • Nicotinic acid. Reduces the severity of allergy symptoms. Indicated when the body reacts to plant pollen. The therapeutic course is about a month. Daily dose 50 – 60 mg;
  • Linoleic acid, fish oil. They help prevent the development of allergic reactions (itching, runny nose, red eyes, lacrimation, redness of the dermis);
  • Used to prevent allergic reactions.

Such antihistamines during pregnancy will bring more benefit to the mother and will not harm the fetus. Taking vitamins is allowed only after consulting a doctor. The dosage and course of therapy are prescribed by a specialist.

Allergy medications prohibited during pregnancy

When carrying a baby, the expectant mother needs to think first of all about his health. The symptoms of an allergic reaction can be simply unbearable, but taking medications without consulting a specialist is strictly prohibited. There are a number of drugs that are prohibited during pregnancy. This list is quite long:

  • "Betadrine." The use of this medicine is prohibited at all stages of pregnancy;
  • "Diphenhydramine." The drug can have an effect on contractile function uterus. It cannot be used throughout pregnancy;
  • "Tavegil". Taking this medication may cause birth defects in the fetus. It is prohibited during gestation;
  • "Claritin." When carrying a fetus, a doctor can prescribe this medication only for health reasons;
  • "Pipolfen." It is prohibited to take this drug during the entire gestation period;
  • "Astemizole". Capable of having a teratogenic effect (in other words, causes developmental defects). It is not prescribed to pregnant women;
  • "Ketotifen." Its use in pregnant women is contraindicated due to the lack of data regarding its effects on the fetus;
  • "Cromolyn sodium";
  • "Zafirlukast";
  • "Hystaglobulin."

The use of antihistamines can be dangerous for the unborn baby. Pregnant women should not take risks or self-medicate. A specialist should prescribe an antiallergic medication after examining the patient and identifying the allergen.

It is impossible to completely exclude the occurrence of an allergic reaction during pregnancy. If for an ordinary patient this is not a particular problem, then for pregnant women it is not so easy. The main problem is choosing the optimal drug for allergies during pregnancy, which will be effective and safe.

Predisposition to certain types Allergens can be determined before conceiving a child by contacting a specialist.

The effect of allergies on the fetus

As evidenced clinical trials, a direct allergic reaction in a pregnant woman does not have a particularly harmful effect on the fetus. The thing is that allergens, having contacted specific immunoglobulins in the blood (antibodies), cannot pass through the placenta. However, allergies are different. Severe forms such as anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema will always affect not only the health of the mother, but also the fetus. At the same time, mild forms (allergic rhinitis or conjunctivitis) can indirectly affect the development and formation of the child. As a rule, a mother’s allergies affect the baby through:

  • Deterioration general condition pregnant.
  • Features of treatment, in particular, antiallergic drugs used during pregnancy.

Prohibited drugs

Not all antihistamines that can suppress an allergic reaction can be prescribed to pregnant women. Some medications are absolutely contraindicated regardless of the stage of pregnancy, while others may have significant restrictions on their use. Here are some specific examples:

  1. Diphenhydramine can increase the excitability and contractility of the uterus ahead of schedule.
  2. Terfenadine leads to a decrease in the body weight of a newborn baby.
  3. Astemizole has a very negative effect on the intrauterine formation of the fetus.
  4. Allertek and Fenkarol are contraindicated in early stages bearing a child.
  5. Tavegil is used only in extreme cases when the patient's life is at risk.
  6. Pipolfen has a negative effect on the fetus.

Currently pharmaceutical market crowded various analogues Diphenhydramine, Terfenadine, Astemizole, Tavegil, Pipolfen and other antihistamines that are not recommended for use while carrying a baby. If in official instructions It is indicated that the medicine is contraindicated in pregnant women, which means it cannot be used under any circumstances.

Approved drugs

What can you drink for allergies during pregnancy? It should immediately be noted that not a single antiallergic drug should be taken without the approval of the supervising physician. Prescribing antihistamines is considered appropriate if the expected therapeutic effect of taking the medication significantly exceeds possible risk for the fetus. What allergy pills can be prescribed during pregnancy:

  • Loratadine.
  • Cetirizine.
  • Suprastin.
  • Chlorpheniramine.
  • Benadryl.


A representative of the second generation of antihistamines is Loratadine. It perfectly helps stop an allergic reaction, eliminate increased vascular permeability and tissue swelling, and cope with itching. Most allergic diseases and conditions (rhinitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria, dermatitis, angioedema etc.) are an indication for the use of Loratadine. What are the possible side effects from taking it:

  • Headache.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Weakness.
  • Depressive state.
  • Increased irritability.
  • Various functional disorders digestive organs.
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose or mouth (bronchospasm).
  • Problems with urination.
  • Disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
  • Blood pressure surges.
  • Heartbeat.
  • Painful sensations in joints and muscles.

Targeted clinical studies on animals have not documented the negative effects of antihistamines in therapeutic doses on the fetus. For women who have severe problems with the functioning of the kidneys or liver, the dosage of the medication should be adjusted.

Loratadine is available in tablets and sells for 16–20 rubles per pack. Analogs of this drug are Claritin, Loragexal, Lomilan, Claridol, Clarisens, Clarotadine, Tirlor.

Any antiallergic drug used during pregnancy without the approval of a medical specialist can provoke extreme severe consequences for woman and fetus.


Suprastin is one of the first generation antihistamines. The therapeutic effect begins 20–30 minutes after application. The pharmacological effect of the drug lasts for 3–5 hours. Almost all types of allergic diseases are considered an indication for the use of Suprastin. The decision on the possibility of using this antihistamine during pregnancy is made by a specialist doctor.

Extreme caution should be exercised when using Suprastin in patients suffering from glaucoma, renal and/or liver dysfunction, cardiovascular pathology. If the drug is taken at night, it is possible that the clinical manifestations of a disease such as reflux esophagitis will increase. Side effects are almost identical to those of Loratodin.

In some cases on initial stages treatment, antihistamines provoke drowsiness, fatigue, decreased concentration and dizziness. During therapy, it is better to refrain from driving a car and professional activities, requiring precise manipulations and high concentration attention.

In pharmacies, a package of Suprastin tablets can be purchased for approximately 120–140 rubles. Among analogues, the most popular are Suprastinex, produced by the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Egis, and domestic Chloropyramine.


A classic antiallergic drug that can be prescribed during pregnancy is Cetirizine. One of its distinctive features is that it penetrates and accumulates in the skin quite easily. Therefore, Cetirizine is considered the drug of choice for therapy allergic dermatitis and urticaria. This medicine is very effective for persistent or seasonal allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis.

A number of studies demonstrate the absence of pathological effects on the fetus. The antihistamine does not lead to developmental defects or disruption of the development of the child. There was also no negative effect on a woman's fertility. However, Cetirizine can be excreted in mother's milk. We would like to remind you that both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, antiallergic treatment is completely prescribed and monitored by a medical specialist.

In some patients, taking this antihistamine may cause side effects. adverse reactions which usually go away after stopping the drug. Let's list the most common ones:

  • Headache.
  • Weakness.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Nausea.
  • Liver dysfunction.

Depending on the manufacturer and the number of tablets in the package, the price of Cetirizine can range from 55 to 85 rubles. Drops of this medicine will cost you 230–250 rubles.


Of the first generation antihistamines that have a pronounced antiallergic effect, one can also mention Chlorpheniramine. Available in pharmacies under the trade name Piriton. Used successfully for all types of allergic reactions varying degrees gravity. The dosage and frequency of administration is determined by a specialist, taking into account the patient’s condition and the nature of the pathological manifestations. Side effects are similar to any first generation antihistamines. In the event of any unwanted clinical symptoms You should stop taking Chlorpheniramine immediately.

If you have a tendency to allergic reactions(for example, rhinitis or bronchial asthma), then you need to discuss in advance with your doctor which medications will be effective against allergies during pregnancy.


Today, many patients prefer Benadryl, which is available in the form of tablets and syrup. It has been clinically proven that this antihistamine has several properties simultaneously:

  1. Antiallergic.
  2. Bronchodilator (dilates the bronchi, suppresses cough).
  3. Sedative (calming effect on the central nervous system).
  4. Anticholinergic (suppression of nerve impulse transmission).

The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed within half an hour after taking the drug. Duration therapeutic effect lasts for 4–6 hours. You can purchase this drug without a prescription. However, pregnant women can take it only after consulting a specialist doctor. It is possible that adverse reactions typical of first-generation antihistamines may occur, such as fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, loss of strength, surges in blood pressure, disorders digestive system, neurological disorders, etc.

If the medicine is ineffective for several days, it is recommended to stop treatment and consult a doctor who will adjust the treatment.

Medicines for mild forms of allergies

According to clinical statistics, allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis or dermatitis most often occurs in a pregnant woman. What are the main medications for mild forms of allergies during pregnancy:

  • Tablets (Suprastin, Cetirizine, Loratadine, etc.).
  • Nasal drops (Aqua Maris, Marimer, Pinosol, Salin).
  • Eye drops (Allergodil, Cromohexal).
  • External agents (Fenistil-gel, Diphenhydramine, Elidel).

A pregnant woman should not use an antiallergic drug without obtaining consent from the attending physician. It is worth noting that during early pregnancy, most allergy medications are contraindicated.


Special attention attention should be paid to preventing allergies in pregnant women. What measures should be taken to avoid the development of allergic diseases:

  1. Stick to a hypoallergenic diet. However, the latest scientific research show that by eliminating allergenic foods to which you are not allergic from your diet, you may be doing significantly more harm than good. For example, omega-3 fatty acids, which are rich in fish and shellfish, contribute to the normal formation of the fetal brain, or folic acid contained in peanuts helps prevent defects in the development of the neural tube (spina bifida).
  2. Completely eliminate foods that may cause an allergic reaction.
  3. It is strongly recommended to avoid contact with potential allergens. This mainly applies to household cleaning products, new cosmetics, etc.
  4. Clean the apartment regularly.
  5. Quitting smoking. It has been proven that children whose mothers constantly smoked have a significantly increased risk of developing allergic forms dermatitis and bronchial asthma.
  6. Do not self-medicate. Uncontrolled reception using various medications may result not in improvement, but in serious consequences for both the woman and the child.

Before using allergy medication during pregnancy, always carefully read the instructions for the drug.


Causes of allergies in pregnant women

Experts name many reasons for the occurrence of allergies - unfavorable ecology, the presence of synthetic substances foreign to the body, and hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy. But with all this, the paradox is that it is impossible to predict the immune response female body it is simply impossible to react to irritants. Theoretically, everything looks logical. During pregnancy, the body produces increased cortisol - steroid hormone, which increases endurance and has a powerful anti-allergic effect. Therefore, the severity of the reaction, even in women with allergies, is noticeably reduced, especially starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, when a sufficient amount of the hormone accumulates in the blood. However, in practice, there are three possible options for the development of allergies during pregnancy:

  • exacerbation of allergic reactions, incl. the appearance of symptoms in women who have not previously suffered from allergies;
  • maintaining allergic reactions at the same level, regardless of the timing and course of pregnancy:
  • improvement of a woman's condition during pregnancy.

All this once again confirms how imperfect knowledge is modern man in this branch of medicine.

How dangerous are allergies for a pregnant woman and her unborn child?

For the most part, allergy symptoms cause trouble for the expectant mother. They have little effect on the child - the fetus is reliably protected from substances causing allergies in the mother, the placental barrier. The risk that a child will be allergic is 40% if the mother suffers from allergies, 20% if only the father suffers from it, and 70% if both parents have it.

However, it should be noted that with long-term development pathological process Allergy negatively affects the condition of the fetus. Instead of directing its energy to its development and growth, the mother’s body fights allergens. Therefore, the situation cannot be ignored under any circumstances. And first of all you should start with local funds- nasal drops and sprays, ointments, creams, etc. The use of tablets and injectable drugs is resorted to only as a last resort.

Nasal drops for allergic rhinitis during pregnancy

From the modern arsenal of means used to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman, there are 3 main groups of nasal drops and sprays:

  • preparations based on sea salt or saline solutions - Aqua Maris, Aqua Spray, Marimer, No-sol, Salin. When treating the nasal mucosa with a hypertonic saline solution, allergens are physically removed from the surface of the mucosa. The method is simple, safe and effective. An additional plus is that you can make your own solution for rinsing the nasal cavity;
  • preparations based on essential oils - Pinosol. However, taking into account the fact that essential oils are allergens, these drops should be used with caution. It is best to first check the body's reaction to them. To do this, put 1-2 drops of the drug on the bend of your elbow. If there is no redness or burning of the skin in the area of ​​application within 24 hours, you can use the drops as directed;
  • homeopathic medicines - Delufen, Euphorbium compositum. These products are absolutely safe for a pregnant woman. The only contraindication from manufacturers is an allergic reaction to the components, but the concentration of active substances is so minute that this probability is extremely low.

Important! When treating allergic rhinitis, it is prohibited to use vasoconstrictors! They impair blood supply to the mucous membrane and long-term use lead to necrosis (cell death). As for sprays containing hormonal agents, for example, Nasonex, Nazofan, Flixonase, their use must be agreed with your doctor.

Antiallergic ointments during pregnancy

The approach to using creams, ointments and other external agents is the same as when using nasal drops - hormonal drugs should be used only as a last resort. For dermatoses of pregnant women, doctors often prescribe ointments of the following groups:

  • to moisturize and nourish the skin - most often these are ointments containing dexpanthenol (Panthenol, Bepanten, Heppiderm). It is a provitamin involved in the synthesis process skin, and has a beneficial effect on it during various types of inflammation;
  • anti-inflammatory - Fenistil (can be used from the second trimester), Psilo-balm, Elidel, Psoriaten. The first two drugs are actively used in pediatric practice(Fenistil - for children from 1 month), so they can be used during pregnancy.

If there is a need to prescribe hormonal ointments, you should definitely consult your doctor. The most popular options for pregnant women are chlorine-containing glucocorticosteroids, for example, mometasone (Elocom, Momederm). The peculiarity of this active substance is that it is practically not absorbed into the blood and has no effect systemic action on the body. Also when long-term use it has fewer side effects typical of steroid hormones.

Allergy pills during pregnancy

To one of the safe and effective ways Relieving allergy symptoms includes vitamin therapy. In addition to traditional complex vitamin preparations for pregnant women, the doctor may additionally prescribe vitamins A, C, and B vitamins ( pantothenic acid, nicotinic acid, cyanocobalamin).

Despite the lack of a clear understanding of the mechanisms of formation of allergic reactions, it has been established that the state of the body’s immune system depends 70% on the state of the intestines, 20% on the liver and 10% on other factors. That's why good effect prescribes medications that help normalize the functioning of these organs - hepatoprotectors (Antral, Glutargin, Liv-52, Karsil, Essentiale) and bacterial agents to correct the condition intestinal microflora(Symbiter, Fluvir, Bifi-form, Lactofiltrum, Prema Duo).

As for classical drugs for the treatment of allergies, the so-called. There are no antihistamines that can be called absolutely safe during pregnancy. Therefore, they should be prescribed only if local and nonspecific remedies are ineffective and only as prescribed by a doctor. Only a doctor, having weighed the benefits and risks for the mother and unborn child, can choose best option treatment. For the purposes of this article, we only note that during pregnancy the use of the following drugs is prohibited:

  • Diphenhydramine - increases the tone of the uterus, can provoke premature birth;
  • Suprastin ( active substance chloropyramine) - in premature babies can cause retinal detachment, up to total loss vision;
  • Tavegil (active ingredient clemastine) - has a negative effect on the formation and development of the nervous system of the unborn child

Drugs that are subject to a relative ban include products containing:

  • loratadine - Claritin, Agistam, Lorano, Alerik;
  • fexofenadine - Altiva, Tigofast, Fexofast;
  • cetirizine - Allertek, Cetrin, Zodak.

And we will not tire of repeating again - no self-medication! Take all medications, even over-the-counter and completely harmless ones, only after consultation with your doctor!

Allergy prevention

Preventing a disease is easier than treating it. In the case of allergies, this is quite difficult, because... It is often very difficult to determine exactly what exactly caused such a response from the body. You have to use trial and error, which takes a lot of time. For example, the author of the article was able to get rid of dermatitis only after a complete change of household chemicals, and it took about a year to understand that this particular measure helped. But this doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Here is a list of recommendations that help in most cases:

  • exclude from your diet foods that are considered allergens - honey, coffee, citrus fruits, smoked foods, canned food, strawberries, raspberries, baked goods;
  • If you are allergic to pollen, leave the house as little as possible and do not travel out of town during the flowering period. Try to use air conditioners, be sure to wash the filters in them at least once a month;
  • get rid of dust collectors in the apartment, which are traditionally carpets, books, soft toys. We are not advocating throwing everything away, but putting all these things in boxes and plastic bags is within your power;
  • Regularly do wet cleaning in the apartment, ventilate the rooms, wipe off dust.

Important! Try not to use household chemicals when cleaning;

  • do not have animals and fish at home, refrain from visiting houses where there are animals.

Also good preventative measure in the fight against allergies can be physiotherapy - halotherapy (sessions in salt room), electrophoresis, darsonvalization.

Be healthy!


Treatment of allergies during pregnancy comes down to suppressing them. analogue), at the rate of 1 tablet of the drug per 5 kg of person’s weight 2-3 times a day. the entire first trimester of pregnancy, then only on the recommendation of a doctor. 1 What you need to know about allergies during pregnancy. It is important to remember that in the first and third trimester, taking medications is extreme. Allergies during pregnancy can worsen, so the expectant mother should. from taking medications - especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, when. Allergies during pregnancy develop in approximately 35% of women who. funds in the first trimester, because it is in the early stages that everything is laid down. Each of these conditions has specific symptoms. If the disease appears within 1-2 months, it is not recommended. Prevention and treatment of allergies during pregnancy. 2nd and 3rd trimesters);; allertek (after 14 weeks);; pheniramine (after the end of the 1st trimester). Allergy during pregnancy Allergy is a very unpleasant condition of the body, accompanied by specific symptoms. Dermatitis, rhinitis. Allergies during pregnancy are not uncommon, and their symptoms are. In the 1st trimester, the placenta has not yet formed, which means the fetus has no protection. 11 08 - 1 . soy | 11.11., 19:15:17 . You can take medications, but only as prescribed by the doctor with whom you are registered. I am allergic to citrus, 9 months pregnant!!! what to drink, the doctor says. It is possible that allergy medications may cause a decrease. The main thing in the treatment of allergies during pregnancy should not be. Go to the section Groups of antihistamines during pregnancy - Pregnant women from the 1st trimester. from allergies during pregnancy. Go to the trimester section - It is difficult to choose allergy medications for children. Treatment of ARVI during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester: what. Go to the section Antihistamines during pregnancy 1st trimester - Relief of allergic manifestations occurs during this period. 01/12/2007 — Global theoretical foundations use of drugs for. A logical conclusion follows from paragraphs 1, 2 and 3: prescribe to a pregnant woman. 03/22/2016 — Allergy medications for pregnant women. Author: Likar.info Friday, March 01, Rating: Allergies during pregnancy are a concern. What are the causes of allergies during pregnancy? . I haven’t been able to get pregnant for 1.5 years, now I’m already in my third month... Taking medications for allergies during pregnancy is a sensitive topic. Each. Their use may be especially unfavorable in the first trimester, when it is going on. 16 04 — If necessary, it can be used in the treatment of acute allergic reactions in pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. Materials on the topic. Allergies during pregnancy: why does it appear and why is it dangerous? . 1st Trimester: first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Especially dangerous. 31 08 — What are the dangers of allergies during pregnancy? . active substances (serotonin, histamine and others), causing symptoms allergies. Home Allergies in mothers Ointment for allergies during pregnancy: how to relieve itching and irritation on the skin? . Medicines are very important in treatment. ointments if the allergy occurred in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. This one. 4 08 - What allergy medications can be taken safely? Flushing the nasal cavity saline solutions 1-2 times a day may also help. Return to the section Second trimester of pregnancy. 7 02 2017 - During pregnancy, allergies may not make themselves felt (especially if they pose a threat to the unborn child, especially in the first trimester. Safe medications are described in the table below. What to do if allergies occur in pregnant women? . 1. Allergy on the face. These are small reddish dots or large ones. in the form of rashes, sometimes there are specific symptoms - flatulence,... A thick mop in a month. 07/13/2017 - Antihistamines during pregnancy The appearance of allergies. Therefore, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the list of permitted... But if symptoms are detected in a pregnant woman, the attending physician is obliged to: Tell! Who took Suprastin during pregnancy? . I suffer from allergies and am pregnant at the beginning


Antihistamines during pregnancy. Pregnancy and allergies

And although huge changes occur in a woman’s body with the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother does not always receive an unpleasant gift in the form of allergies. If there is a predisposition to this disease With the onset of the waiting period for the toddler, several scenarios are possible:

  • A new life - a toddler in the mother's womb - does not affect the course of allergies in any way. If a woman knows that certain products environment (cosmetics, household chemicals, some food products, etc.) cause an atypical reaction in her, then she just needs to avoid contact with them.
  • During pregnancy, the intensity of allergic manifestations decreases. In some cases, an increase in the level of the hormone cortisol leads to the fact that the allergy “recedes”.
  • Carrying a baby is accompanied by increased allergies. Increased load, which the body of a pregnant woman experiences, in some cases leads to an intensification and exacerbation of diseases that were present even before the birth of a new life in the woman’s womb. Similar ailments include, for example, bronchial asthma.

Triggering an allergic reaction

Why is it that in some cases atopy does not keep itself waiting, while other pregnant women do not even know what an allergy is? What triggers an allergic reaction?

  • The appearance of an allergen. An allergic reaction to something occurs as a result of contact with a provoking component. The latter can be pollen, animal hair or insect venom, or a cosmetic or food product. Interaction with the provoking allergen triggers a reaction, which results in an allergic response.
  • Repeated “meeting” with an allergen. It is no secret that acute atypical reactions (anaphylactic shock, angioedema) occur almost immediately and after the first contact with the allergen. As for other manifestations of atopy, there is an accumulation effect when, after repeated encounters with an irritant, the production of antibodies begins and a response is formed.
  • Effect of antibodies on mast cells. As a result of the interaction of antibodies and mast cells, their contents are released from the latter, incl. histamine. It is he who is responsible for the appearance of rash, lacrimation, swelling, hyperemia and other “companions” of allergies.

Manifestations of allergies during pregnancy

Depending on the reasons that caused the allergic reaction, the following manifestations of atopy are possible:

  • Rhinitis. Allergic runny nose is the most common and widespread manifestation of allergies in expectant mothers. It is not seasonal and can occur from the first weeks of pregnancy. In this case, congestion appears in the area of ​​the nasal passages, swelling of the nasal mucosa, there is a discharge of watery mucous secretion, and a burning sensation in the larynx may occur.
  • Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye - conjunctivitis. This manifestation of allergy in most cases is combined with a runny nose. Swelling, hyperemia (redness), itching in the eyes and eyelids, and lacrimation are observed.
  • Urticaria is a blistering rash on the skin accompanied by severe itching.
  • Symptoms of bronchial asthma.
  • In more severe cases - anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, which can lead to suffocation, extensive urticaria.

Manifestations of allergies can not only cause discomfort to a pregnant woman, but also pose a threat to the child in her womb, since there is a risk of oxygen starvation. Taking antihistamines during pregnancy is aimed at alleviating the manifestations of atopy, reducing the discomfort they cause a pregnant woman, and normalizing her condition in general.

Therapy for allergies

To effectively combat allergies and their manifestations it is necessary integrated approach. It should include not only taking medications (if necessary), but also measures to prevent relapse of the disease. The latter include nutritional correction if atopy is caused by food products, minimizing, or better yet completely eliminating, contacts with allergens - dust, animal hair, pollen, chemicals, cosmetic products. Largest quantity Women have questions and concerns about taking antihistamines during pregnancy. Therefore, to eliminate atopy, you should combine medications with traditional methods of alleviating allergic reactions.

Antihistamines during pregnancy

When allergies occur in pregnant women drug therapy is prescribed especially carefully. The doctor assesses the severity of intoxication and determines the need for drug correction, because it is important not only to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother, but also not to harm the baby in her womb. What antihistamines can be used during pregnancy, and what therapy should you categorically refuse, even without regard to the waiting period for the baby?

Types of antihistamines

The development of antiallergic drugs has been going on for many years, and with each new generation of drugs, pharmacologists strive to increasingly reduce the level of toxicity of drugs, as well as ensure their selective effect active ingredients. What antihistamines can be used by women during pregnancy? There are 3 generations of antihistamines:

  • 1st generation. Medicines in this group have the most extensive effect, therefore they not only block histamine receptors, but also affect the functioning of other body systems. Many of them have a sedative effect - they cause a feeling of drowsiness and reduce reaction. Side effects include dry mucous membranes, and there is a risk of the child developing heart defects. Medicines in this group are Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Pipolfen (Diprazine), Tavegil, Diazolin, Zyrtec, Allergodil.
  • 2nd generation. Medicines in this group, like their predecessors, are also not particularly popular, since in varying degrees, but have a cardiotoxic effect. The difference is the absence of an inhibitory effect on the woman’s nervous system. Among the drugs in this group are Claritin, Fenistil, Astemizole.
  • 3rd generation. This category of drugs includes the most modern means, which have neither a sedative nor a cardiotoxic effect. However, even these drugs cannot be guaranteed to be safe for a pregnant woman and her baby. Medicines in this group include Desloratadine (Telfast, Edem, Erius), Fexadine.

The work of antiallergic medications is aimed in two main directions - neutralizing histamine and reducing its production.

Antihistamines during pregnancy 1st trimester

As you know, the first weeks of bearing a baby are especially important, since it is during this period that the formation of the future person occurs. That is why even the most seemingly small interventions can have negative consequences. Relief of allergic manifestations during this period occurs without the participation of pharmacological products. The exception is extremely severe cases that threaten the life of a woman or her baby. Therapy is strictly prescribed by a doctor and carried out under medical supervision.

Antihistamines during pregnancy 2nd trimester

Having stepped into the second trimester, thanks to the formed placental barrier, the baby becomes more protected from external influences, including from the influence of the drugs that his mother is forced to take. However, most antihistamines that can relieve allergic manifestations, and during pregnancy as well, penetrate into the systemic circulation to a greater or lesser extent. During this period, drug correction of the condition is allowed, but carefully and strictly according to indications.

Antihistamines during pregnancy 3rd trimester

Despite the proximity of the baby's birth, the danger to the baby from the components of antiallergic medications still exists. If a woman’s condition requires intervention, the doctor can prescribe the most gentle medications taking into account the woman’s situation. Before giving birth, taking antiallergic medications should be stopped, as their effect can suppress the work respiratory center baby.

What antihistamines are allowed during pregnancy?

The intervention of antiallergic drugs during the first weeks of gestation is highly undesirable. But already in the second and third trimesters, depending on the clinical manifestations, the doctor may prescribe medicinal correction allergic manifestations.

  • Suprastin. Not recommended for use in the first and third trimesters.
  • Zyrtec. The drug may become a doctor's choice, since animal studies have not shown negative effects as a result of using the drug. Pregnant women did not participate in the studies.
  • Cromolyn sodium will alleviate the condition bronchial asthma. The drug is not recommended for use during the first 12 weeks of gestation.
  • Eden (erius), Caritin and Telfast. Not proven negative impact components of these medications on the health of the mother and her child, no studies have been conducted. Drugs can be prescribed strictly for health reasons.
  • Diazolin. It is acceptable to use the medication in the third trimester.

Some vitamins will also help reduce some manifestations of atopy:

  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Helps cope with allergic rhinitis.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Reduces the susceptibility of the female body to respiratory manifestations of allergies.
  • Vitamin PP (nicotinamide). Reduces the manifestations of atypical reactions of the body to plant pollen.

One should also take into account the fact that antiallergic drugs themselves can provoke atopy.

Antihistamines prohibited for use by pregnant women

A number of antiallergic medications are strictly prohibited for use by pregnant women, regardless of the stage of pregnancy.

  • Tavegil. The medicine is strictly contraindicated, since experimental testing on animals has shown the development of pathologies.
  • Diphenhydramine. The medicine is prohibited even later expectations of the little one, as he is able to increase uterine tone. As a result, pregnancy may end earlier than expected.
  • Astemizole. The drug is contraindicated for use as it has a toxic effect on the fetus (studies were conducted on animals).
  • Pipolfen. Medicine prohibited for use during the entire period of pregnancy.
  • Terfenadine. As a result of taking this tool The baby may be behind in weight.
  • Fexadine. Use by pregnant women is prohibited.

Prevention of allergies during pregnancy

A few simple rules will help prevent the appearance of atopy:

  • Eliminate stress, try to devote enough time to walks, rest and relaxation.
  • If you have not yet acquired a pet, put this question off until the baby is born. If you already have a pet, it is better to give it to relatives or friends for a while.
  • Observe hypoallergenic diet. Watch what you eat and don't overdo it allergenic products(milk, honey, chocolate, citrus fruits, brightly colored fruits and vegetables (e.g. strawberries, beets, eggs).
  • Carry out regular wet cleaning and change of bed linen.
  • It is advisable to go out during the flowering period of “allergic” plants; be careful with your indoor garden.

Subject to availability skin manifestations allergies good help provide various mash, ointments and decoctions prepared from the gifts of nature. Chamomile, calendula, celandine, nettle, string, and clay have proven themselves well.

Unfortunately, if preventative and traditional methods do not bring long-awaited relief, taking antihistamines during pregnancy cannot be avoided. A consultation with a doctor and a competent risk assessment will allow you to choose the optimal therapy.


Allowed drugs during pregnancy: what medications can you take?

A huge number of people face allergies. Men and women of any age are affected; children are highly susceptible to allergic reactions. Therefore, research in this area and the development of new drugs is very active.

Vitamin preparations for allergies

Do not forget that not only antihistamines, but also some vitamins can help in the fight against allergy symptoms. And pregnant women usually have a more trusting attitude towards them.

  • vitamin C can effectively prevent anaphylactic reactions and reduce the incidence of respiratory allergies;
  • vitamin B12 is recognized as a powerful natural antihistamine, helps in the treatment of dermatoses and asthma;
  • pantothenic acid (vit. B5) will help combat seasonal allergic rhinitis and reaction to household dust;
  • Nicotinamide (Vit. PP) relieves attacks spring allergies to plant pollen.

Traditional antihistamines: allergy tablets

Newly emerging drugs are effective and do not cause drowsiness. However, many doctors try to prescribe more traditional remedies to pregnant women.

For drugs that have been on the market for 15-20 years or more, enough statistical data has been collected to talk about their safety or negative impact on fetal health.


The drug has been known for a long time and is effective in various manifestations allergies, it is allowed for both adults and children, and therefore is also allowed for use during pregnancy.

In the first trimester, when the fetal organs are forming, this and other drugs should be taken with extreme caution, only if absolutely necessary. During the rest of the period, suprastin is allowed.

Advantages of the drug:


  • causes drowsiness (for this reason it is prescribed with caution in last weeks before birth);
  • causes dry mouth (sometimes dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes).


This drug does not have the same speed of action as suprastin, but it effectively relieves the manifestation of chronic allergic reactions.

It does not cause drowsiness, so there are restrictions on use only in the first 2 months of pregnancy; during the rest of the period the medicine is allowed for use.

Advantages of the drug:


  • short-term effect (requires taking 3 times a day).


Refers to new generation drugs. It can be produced under different names: Cetirizine, Zodak, Allertek, Zyrtec, etc. According to the instructions, cetirizine is prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Due to the novelty of the drug, there is not enough data on its safety. But, nevertheless, it is prescribed to pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester in situations where the benefits of taking it significantly outweigh the risk of side effects.

Advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • performance;
  • does not cause drowsiness (except for individual reactions);
  • dose 1 time per day


  • price (depending on the manufacturer);


The active ingredient is loratadine. The drug can be produced under different names: Loratadine, Claritin, Clarotadine, Lomilan, Lotharen, etc.

The same as with cetirizine, the effect of loratadine on the fetus has not yet been sufficiently studied due to the novelty of the drug.

But studies conducted in America on animals showed that the use of loratadine or cetirizine does not increase the number of fetal development pathologies.

Advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action;
  • performance;
  • does not cause drowsiness;
  • dose 1 time per day;
  • affordable price.


  • Use with caution during pregnancy.


Refers to new generation drugs. Produced in different countries under different names: Fexadin, Telfast, Fexofast, Allegra, Telfadin. You can also meet Russian analogue- Hyphastus.

In studies on pregnant animals, fexadine showed side effects with long-term use in large doses(increased mortality due to low fetal weight).

However, when prescribed to pregnant women, no such dependence was identified.

Advantages of the drug:

  • wide spectrum of action
  • performance
  • reception 1 time per day.


  • prescribed with caution during pregnancy;
  • effectiveness decreases with long-term use.


The drug in capsule form is currently not available on Russian market. Pharmacies have drops for oral administration and gels for external use.

The drug is approved for use in infants, and therefore is often prescribed to pregnant women.

Gel for local treatment can be used without fear, it is practically not absorbed and does not enter the blood. Fenistil is part of antiherpetic emulsions.

Advantages of the drug:

  • safe even for infants;
  • average price range.


  • not very wide spectrum of action;
  • limited release forms;
  • Possible adverse reactions.

These drugs vary in price and form of release (tablets for daily use, injectable drugs for emergency cases, gels and ointments for local application, drops and syrups for children)

Drug name Release form, dosage Volume/quantity Price, rub.
Suprastin Tablets 25 mg 20 pcs 150
Solution for injection 5 ampoules of 1 ml 150
Diazolin Dragee 50/100 mg 10 pcs 40/90
Cetirizine Cetirizine Hexal tab. 10 mg 10 pcs 70
Cetirizine Hexal drops 20 ml 250
Zyrtec tab. 10 mg 7 pcs 220
Zyrtec drops 10 ml 330
Zodak tab. 10 mg 30 pcs 260
Zodak drops 20 ml 210
Claritin Loratadine tab. 10 mg 10 pcs 110
Claritin tab. 10 mg 10 pcs/30 pcs 220/570
Claritin syrup 60ml/120 ml 250/350
Clarotadine tablet 10 mg 10pcs/30 pcs 120/330
Clarotadine syrup 100 ml 140
Fexadine Fexadin tablet 120 mg 10 pcs 230
Fexadin tab. 180 mg 10 pcs 350
Telfast tab. 120 mg 10 pcs 445
Telfast tab. 180 mg 10 pcs 630
Fexofast tab. 180 mg 10 pcs 250
Allegra tab. 120 mg 10 pcs 520
Allegra tab. 180 mg 10 pcs 950
Fenistil Drops 20 ml 350
Gel (external) 30g/50g 350/450
Emulsion (external) 8 ml 360

Antihistamines with side effects on the fetus

Previously used antihistamines had a significant sedative effect, some also have a muscle relaxant effect. In some cases, it has been useful in treating allergies and even relieved nausea, but the effect on the fetus can be extremely negative.

It will be difficult for a lethargic and “sleepy” child to take his first breath, this threatens aspiration, possible pneumonia in the future.

The intrauterine influence of these drugs can manifest itself as fetal malnutrition, which will also affect the activity of the newborn baby.

  • Diphenhydramine

may increase uterine tone and cause contractions ahead of schedule

  • Tavegil

has a negative effect on fetal development

  • Pipolfen
  • Astemizole (Gistalong)

affects liver function, heart rate, has a toxic effect on the fetus

To avoid harmful effects on the fetus, antihistamines are not recommended for pregnant women during the first trimester. During this crucial period, when all the organs of the unborn child are being formed, the placenta has not yet formed and substances entering the mother’s blood can affect the health of the fetus.

During this period, medications are used only if the mother’s life is threatened. In the second and third trimester, the risk is lower, so the list of acceptable drugs can be expanded.

However, in any case, preference is given to local and symptomatic treatment, antihistamine tablets prescribed in small doses and for a limited period.