For vegetative-vascular dystonia. Cure for all kinds of diseases. Antidepressants for VSD

Drug therapy in case of autonomic disorders it often plays a supporting role, because the main treatment is non-drug methods. Psychotherapy, adherence to the regime, exclusion of provoking factors and hardening of the body can effectively cope with most manifestations of VSD. If the symptoms greatly worsen a person’s quality of life and deprive him of his ability to work, it is medications that make it possible to eliminate the problem and relieve the patient from discomfort.

Autonomic dysfunction originates in disorders of the main systems of the body - endocrine, cardiovascular and nervous. This condition manifests itself with a variety of different symptoms inherent in other diseases. As a result, treatment of VSD is carried out comprehensively in two directions: the general disorders that cause autonomic disorders are eliminated and symptomatic therapy is used.

VSD - disease statistics

Taking a large number of medications at the same time can cause negative reactions in the body, so the drugs are divided into groups and used alternately. They start with the safest drugs that have a mild sedative effect on the nervous system. At mild form VSD preference is given to homeopathic and herbal remedies.

Medicines should be selected only by a specialist, focusing on the nature and type of VSD. According to the nature of the flow, they distinguish the following types autonomic dysfunction:

  • permanent– characterized by the constant presence of pronounced signs of the disease;
  • latentfor a long time develops without symptoms, hidden;
  • paroxysmal– periodically manifested by vegetative attacks.

Depending on the symptoms VSD is classified by type:

  • hypertensive– characterized by increased blood pressure, severe headaches, and dizziness. In the absence of adequate treatment, it often progresses to hypertension;
  • hypotensive– manifested by weakness, lethargy, increased fatigue, chilliness of the extremities, low blood pressure and fainting;
  • cardiac– characterized by pain similar to heart pain, tachycardia, shortness of breath.

To prescribe appropriate therapy, the doctor must first exclude the possibility of other diseases with similar symptoms and accurately determine the type of VSD. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, but under mandatory medical supervision, which allows to avoid complications and increase effectiveness by alternating medications.

Symptomatic manifestations autonomic disorders are divided into several types:

  • respiratory;
  • cardiac;
  • thermoregulatory;
  • dyspeptic;
  • psychoneurological.

Each type requires its own group of medications to eliminate symptoms.


Drugs in this group have a calming effect on the nervous system. This includes medications for plant based, barbiturates and products containing magnesium and bromine salts. Extracts medicinal plants are the safest and most effective, with virtually no side effects. Preparations with valerian (Novo-passit, Persen, Dormiplant) and hawthorn (Fitosed, Kratal) have proven themselves to be the best.

Barbiturates are considered heavy drugs, have severe side effects, and therefore are prescribed with caution. Some of these drugs are addictive, and exceeding the dose, even minimally, leads to poisoning. They are part of such well-known drugs as Barboval, Corvalol, Valocordin. The use of barbiturates is justified in case of severe cardiac manifestations of VSD, which cause suffering to the patient and are not amenable to other medications.

Magnesium preparations in the treatment of autonomic failures have a very positive and long-term effect. Magnesium is one of the most important chemical elements, necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and brain. Most often, Cardiomagnil, Magnerot and Magne-B6 are prescribed for VSD.


Tranquilizers are potent drugs that have a quick but short-lived calming effect. They relieve irritability, anxiety, fear and stress nervous system. New generation products do not reduce attention, do not cause drowsiness or addiction, and have fewer side effects. And yet, despite positive properties, tranquilizers are not recommended for pregnant women, people with weakened immune systems, those who have not yet turned 18, or those who are mentally unstable. healthy people.

For vegetative disorders, tranquilizers are prescribed only in cases of concomitant neuroses and vascular dystonia. You need to start with the most weak drugs, strictly observing the dosage prescribed by the doctor. For a stable effect, the drug is taken from 2 to 6 weeks, gradually reducing the dose to the minimum. In severe cases, the course of treatment is extended until a lasting positive result appears. The most popular drugs in this group are: Diazepam, Oxazepam, Seduxen, Nozepam, Elenium.


These medications are intended to relieve the symptoms of depression that characterize VSD. They effectively eliminate depression, relieve anxiety, increase appetite and normalize sleep. In case of autonomic dysfunction, antidepressants are prescribed first, since eliminating depression simultaneously reduces other manifestations of the disease, alleviating the patient’s general condition.

Despite the effectiveness of drugs in this group, they should be used very carefully and always under the supervision of a doctor. Long term use and exceeding the dose leads to the opposite consequences, causing increased symptoms and addiction. Do not forget about the side effects, which are expressed by various central nervous system disorders, heart rhythm disturbances, increased sweating and nausea. The safest and most effective antidepressants are Deprim, Azafen, Cipralex.

Nootropic drugs

Nootropics are medications that affect specific brain functions. They stimulate mental activity, increase learning abilities, and improve memory. Additionally, such drugs increase the brain’s resistance to adverse factors. Taking nootropic medications eliminates lethargy, apathy and general weakness, relieves psychomotor retardation, enhances clarity of consciousness.

These drugs can also be used by completely healthy people caught in extreme situation, which allows you to avoid the development of stressful complications. Nootropics have relatively low toxicity and side effects are infrequent. Despite this, you should not get carried away with such medications, and they should be taken carefully, adhering to the indicated dosage. Glycine is the safest, as it is well tolerated by the body and has virtually no adverse reactions. The main contraindication for its use is individual intolerance. Other well-known nootropics: Piracetam, Phenibut, Nootropil, Phezam.


Medicines from the adaptogen group are intended to increase the body's nonspecific resistance to harmful factors. There are several types of these drugs:

For vegetative disorders, it is best to use herbal medicines, as they are the safest for the body. They affect cellular level, normalizing metabolic processes, eliminating fatigue, headaches, asthenic manifestations, sleep disorders. But side effects And such drugs also have contraindications, so before use, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Lack of vitamins also greatly affects health and aggravates the course of any disease. Vegetovascular disorders are no exception, and therefore vitamin preparations included in the mandatory list of medications. The most commonly prescribed vitamins are A, B and E: retinol, folic acid, pyridoxine, tocopherol acetate and others. They are taken from the very beginning of treatment and combined with other drugs in the required dosage. After eliminating the main symptoms of VSD, the vitamin course is continued for some time to avoid relapses.



Higher education:


Kabardino-Balkarian state university them. HM. Berbekova, Faculty of Medicine (KBSU)

Level of education – Specialist

Additional education:


State educational institution "Institute for Advanced Medical Studies" of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Chuvashia

Vegetovascular dystonia is one of the most common diseases of the human neurological system. Because of this disease, people experience significant problems in everyday things. First of all, this concerns working capacity, the ability to study normally, etc. That is why, at the first sign, you must immediately begin a course of taking medications that will help eliminate all the symptoms of the disease.

Features of drug therapy

The list of medications that can help with VSD is quite extensive. This is primarily due to the fact that this disease characterized by many symptoms and signs. But you need to remember that in most cases you need to take no more than two drugs.

Drug treatment of VSD involves preliminary diagnosis of the disease in medical institution and consultation with a neurologist. Not all types of medications must necessarily be included in the treatment program, despite the fact that widespread advertising in the media constantly recommends and advises specific medications. You should be extremely selective and careful when taking medications, since each of them has its own side effects and contraindications.


Medicines for vegetative-vascular dystonia should be selected by analyzing their composition, and especially main component medicines. Natural-based sedatives are among the safest. Among them, the most popular are the following:

  1. "Valerian" is a drug that affects the body in different ways. It calms the central nervous system, reduces its arousal, and also helps normalize sleep.
  2. "Persen" refers to sedatives (sedatives) made from plant materials. The drug contains extracts of three plants - mint, valerian, motherwort. It has two main properties - a sedative and antispasmodic effect.
  3. Valocardin is a sedative that can be taken in states of agitation, fear, nervousness, imbalance and anxiety. It has a beneficial effect on the activity of an overloaded and excited heart; It is well tolerated by the body if you adhere to the dosage prescribed by your doctor.
  4. "Corvalol" normalizes brain functions (sedative effect, prevention neurotic symptoms and reducing their severity), prevents vascular spasms and eliminates them. Corvalol has a small number of contraindications and side effects. It can be used by almost everyone. Some doctors recommend that Corvalol be in every person's first aid kit.

Any sedative is relatively safe drug, but before using it, be sure to read the instructions. It is worth remembering that the sedative effect of some medications can be enhanced by Cinnarizine. That is why it should be taken with caution in combination with other drugs. Most often, “Cinnarizine” is prescribed for normalization cerebral circulation. This applies, inter alia, patients with VSD. “Cinnarizine” refers to blockers calcium channels, therefore it has a rather more pronounced number of side effects than sedatives.


Drugs such as tranquilizers are intended only for those patients with VSD who experience pronounced symptoms associated with stimulation of the nervous system. Patients should have a history of anxiety, anxiety, and paranoia.

The most popular and widespread tranquilizers for VSD include:

  • “Adaptol” is a drug that increases the amount of serotonin in brain structures, which slows down the processes of inhibition of the central nervous system.
  • "Afobazol" is a medicine for VSD that has anxiolytic effect, consisting in reducing worry, anxiety and fear.
  • "Gidazepam" - medicine, which has anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effects.
  • Buspirone is a drug recommended by many doctors, the indication for use of which is anxiety in patients.

It is prohibited to independently treat VSD and its consequences with tranquilizers. It is imperative that they be prescribed by the attending physician.

Antipsychotic drugs

For vegetative vascular dystonia, it is recommended to take such treatments as neuropleptic drugs. Their effectiveness lies in a number of positive qualities which they possess. Among them are a decrease in heart rate, normalization of heart rhythm, as well as a decrease in the level of blood pressure.

The most popular medications of this type include:

  1. “Neurispin” – antipsychotic neuroleptic, which is prohibited for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under 16 years of age.
  2. “Rudazin” - antipsychotic drug"balanced" spectrum. Along with the antipsychotic, a normal thymoleptic effect of its use is also noted.
  3. “Sulpiride” is an atypical antipsychotic with a “regulating” effect on the central nervous system.

Medicines in this group should be used with caution. They have a lot of contraindications and side effects. If the wrong dosage is selected, an adverse effect on the body of a sick person may occur.

Sleeping pills

Sleep problems quite often contribute to the deterioration of general health and the progression of vegetative-vascular dystonia. That is why many patients are recommended to take pills that help normalize their sleep patterns. Their list is quite extensive, but the most common include the following medications:

  • “Zolpidem” is a hypnotic drug from the group of imidazopyridines, which is used in many modern sleeping pills;
  • “Donormil” is a sedative and hypnotic drug, often prescribed for VSD;
  • “Dormikum” is a medication that has powerful anxiolytic, amnestic, hypnotic, anticonvulsant, sedative effects, and also relaxes skeletal muscles;
  • "Zopiclone" - sleeping pill non-benzodiazepine structure (cyclopyrrolone derivative).

Vegetative vascular dystonia cannot be treated with the above tablets, but they significantly help in alleviating its symptoms.


Quite often, to treat VSD, antidepressants are used to combat apathy, depression, decreased activity, and reluctance to perform any activities for normal life.

  1. “Amintiptriline”;
  2. “Sidnofen”;
  3. “Paroxetine”;
  4. “Coaxil”;

Antidepressants for VSD can only be taken if prescribed by the attending physician. Even choose for yourself the best remedy Not worth it in this category.


Such drugs for the treatment of VSD help improve concentration and also improve memory functions. Weakness in patients usually goes away after taking these medications. They stop feeling tired, dizzy and have headaches. Doctors most often recommend the following medications in this group:

  1. “Glycine” is a drug that improves brain metabolism. It should not be used together with many other drugs for the treatment of VSD.
  2. “Piracetam” is one of the main nootropics, which was one of the first to be produced. “Piracetam” has become the parent of many other drugs. Its effect in many countries is considered unproven, which is why “Piracetam” is not used in the West.” In Russia, it is widely used to treat many neurological and psychological problems. “Piracetam” is a remedy for VSD with rather conflicting reviews.
  3. “Noofen” is a drug whose dominant antihypoxic and antiamnestic effect is. The drug stimulates learning processes, improves memory, and increases physical and mental activity.

The above remedies are quite safe, but they are not always effective (“Piracetam” is even considered by some to be an outdated drug). Instead, neurometabolites such as Actovegin are sometimes prescribed. Injections of this remedy are not painful and are well tolerated by the body.

Cerebroangiocorrector drugs

The main effect of cerebroangiocorrectors is aimed at eliminating headaches and normalizing blood circulation in the brain. For the treatment of vegetative vascular dystonia, doctors most often recommend the following remedies:

  • “Cavinton” is different in that it dilates blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation, and also helps to better absorb glucose;
  • “Stugeron” is also characterized by vasodilation, but with all this it has almost no effect on blood pressure;
  • “Oxibral”, like other means, expands blood vessels and tends to influence antihypertensive drugs.

People with normal or reduced level Blood pressure cerebroangiocorrectors are not recommended.

Antihypertensive drugs

Most often, VSD is associated with an increase in blood pressure, so in most cases, doctors recommend that patients take various antihypertensive drugs. These drugs must be taken continuously for the rest of your life to treat persistent high blood pressure. These include medications:

  • “Anaprilin”;
  • “Bisoprolol”;
  • “Metoprolil.”

Antihypertensive drugs are not always necessary in the treatment of VSD, since some drugs, for example Corvalol, have the same effect as them. Myotropic antispasmodics are often successfully used to reduce blood pressure.

Hypertensive drugs

If VSD has developed as a hypotonic type, patients need to constantly increase their blood pressure. Most often they use folk remedies. If they do not help, doctors in most cases recommend the following two drugs:

  • "Caffeine";

These drugs have a good effect on the human body only in cases where he has no contraindications to taking them.

Medicines that affect the metabolic processes of the heart

If a patient feels pain in the chest near the heart, the doctor may recommend medications that help normalize metabolism. These include:

  • “Riboxin”;
  • “Mildranath.”

If the patient complains of arrhythmia, he needs to take the following cardiac medications:

  • "Concor";
  • “Barboval”;
  • “Corvaldin.”

Some of the above medications may affect blood pressure levels, so it is very important to be careful when using them. It is best to take a small dose first to understand how the medication affects the body.

Vegetotropic drugs

Vegetotropic drugs have a wide range of applications. They affect various parts of the nervous system, significantly improving the patient's condition. These include:

  • “Platiffillin”;
  • "Bellataminal";
  • “Bellaspon.”

These funds have vegetatively-vascular and emotional-affective properties, due to which patients receive positive treatment dynamics some time after taking them.


The main effect of antioxidants in VSD is to improve blood circulation; in addition, these drugs contribute to the supply of useful substances to the blood. Popular means of these groups are:

  1. “Cratal”;
  2. Succinic acid”;
  3. "Vitrum".

In addition to the above, there are quite a lot of other drugs in this group, among which Mexidol is worth highlighting.

Vitamin complexes

Vitamin complexes, which include B vitamins, have proven effective in the treatment of VSD. These include medications such as:

  • "Neurobeks";
  • “Neurovitan”;
  • "Neurorubin".

It has been proven that injection of vitamins is more effective than taking them in tablet form. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor in what form to buy the drugs.

Vegetovascular dystonia is a disorder associated with malfunctions of the autonomic nervous system, which in turn is responsible for the functioning of all organs, functioning internal glands and vessels.

Treatment of autonomic disorders should be based on measures aimed at eliminating general disorders - psychotherapy, hardening, proper nutrition, adherence to sleep and rest patterns - and drug treatment, which is carried out with the aim of getting rid of the symptoms of VSD. The latter occurs when the signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia are so intense that they interfere with a person’s ability to lead a normal lifestyle and reduce their ability to work.

For the treatment of VSD, different drugs are prescribed. It all depends on the type of vegetative-vascular dystonia and the accompanying symptoms. We will find out further what drugs can help a person with autonomic disorders.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD)

Symptoms for this disorder are varied. Sometimes a person suffering from VSD suspects that he has life-threatening diseases. Actually, nothing to do with dangerous pathologies vegetative-vascular dystonia does not have.

Here are the main signs by which the doctor will immediately identify VSD and prescribe treatment:

  • Feeling dizzy, feeling as if you are in an unconscious state, in in rare cases– short-term fainting (1-2 seconds);
  • Chills, tremors of extremities, cold feet and palms;
  • Increased heart rate, chest pain;
  • The person seems to be suffocating, constant shortness of breath;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Intolerance to heat, stuffiness;
  • Nausea, lightheadedness;
  • “Floaters in the eyes”, rainbow stripes;
  • Tinnitus;
  • Decreased or increased blood pressure;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Headache (occipital) pain;
  • Flatulence, stomach pain, intestinal disorders, constipation or diarrhea.

The listed signs are characteristic of exacerbations of VSD. However, these are not all the delights that the autonomic nervous system prepares when its work malfunctions. The worst thing is the fear of death, phobias, severe anxiety and panic attacks, which can manifest themselves in any situation and at any time.

The main signs of panic attacks (PA) are: a feeling of shortness of breath, palpitations, sharp increase pressure, darkening of the eyes, tremors of the limbs, frequent urination, nausea.

At this moment, the person is “preparing” to faint, but this, as a rule, does not happen. All symptoms disappear on their own after 20-40 minutes.

Important! Women and teenage children most often suffer from autonomic disorders. Men and older people are less susceptible to VSD.

Before prescribing medications for dystonia, the doctor will find out if there are any other problems. If all tests are normal and the symptoms are obvious, then the doctor will diagnose VSD. Next, the doctor will determine the type of disorder.

Depending on the symptoms, vegetative vascular dystonia is distinguished:

  1. by mixed type;
  2. according to hypotonic;
  3. according to the hypertensive type;
  4. cardiac.

Subsequent treatment will depend on the type of VSD.

All drugs intended for symptomatic treatment of VSD are divided into several groups. More on this below.

Sedatives in the treatment of VSD

Drugs with a sedative effect are always prescribed in the treatment of VSD. They are able to block the activity of the nervous system, relieve anxiety, agitation, promote falling asleep quickly. It is recommended to treat VSD with medications based on herbal ingredients, bromine, magnesium salts and barbiturates.

The safest are herbal remedies. They do not lead to undesirable effects and are indicated for treatment for almost everyone (except pregnant women, nursing mothers, small children). These medications do not have a negative effect on organs and systems and are usually well tolerated. You do not need a doctor's prescription to purchase them.

Herbal sedatives come in various forms. It is worth noting that the most effective for treating VSD are alcohol-based tinctures. The tablets produce a mild sedative effect.

What to take? The best drugs are considered to be the following:

  1. Valerian-based tablets - Persen, Novopassit, Dormiplant;
  2. Tinctures based on extracts of valerian root, motherwort, peony, passionflower;
  3. Preparations based on the St. John's wort plant - Negrustin, Deprim;
  4. Medicines containing hawthorn extract – Fitosed, Kratal.

Treatment of autonomic disorders associated with disturbances in cardiac function - tachycardia, heart pain, vascular spasms - is carried out with barbiturates. However, these drugs may cause unwanted effects. Therefore, they should be used with extreme caution.

Attention! Uncontrolled use of medications containing phenobarbital can cause addiction.

The most effective treatments for VSD are:





Bromine-based drugs are prescribed for asthenia, tachycardia and autonomic disorders.

Here is a list of effective ones sedatives for the treatment of VSD based on bromine:

  • Sodium bromide;
  • Bromine adonis;
  • Bromocamphor.

Products containing potassium are constantly prescribed to people with VSD in complex treatment. The fact is that potassium is vital important element for the brain and heart. Systematic use of such medications will eliminate anxiety, unreasonable fears, bad mood, sleep problems, and irritability.

Most often, doctors prescribe for the treatment of VSD:

Help with symptoms associated with autonomic failures will also help herbal mixtures with sedative and sedative effects. The most effective are considered to be: Fitosed, Fitosedan 2 and 3.

Treatment of VSD with tranquilizers

Unlike plant sedatives, tranquilizers have a more powerful effect. However, it is worth considering that these drugs have a lot of side effects and contraindications. Therefore, you should never purchase them yourself, much less drink them uncontrollably without consulting a neurologist or therapist.

Tranquilizer tablets are taken for dystonia as vegetative stabilizers - for psychopathic conditions and neuroses, which are accompanied by panic disorders, anxiety, restlessness, irritability and emotional instability.

They drink tranquilizers when the body needs to recover from strong emotional disturbances, calm down, able to return to normal severe stress, depression and resist the development of severe psychoses and mental illness. In addition, these drugs help when life has experienced difficult situation, which does not provide the opportunity to live and work normally.

Vegetative-stabilizing drugs - antidepressants - begin to act within a few minutes. However, the duration of the sedative effect is short - only a few hours. Therefore, drug treatment is recommended to be carried out over a course of at least 2 weeks. If you do not follow this rule, then VSD symptoms– anxiety, panic, fears, insomnia – can return immediately.

Important! Such drugs cannot be stopped abruptly. It is necessary to gradually reduce the initially prescribed dosage.

The most frequently prescribed and powerful drugs for the treatment of VSD are benzodiazepine derivatives (BDZ) - Phenazepam, Lorazepam, Gidazepam, Madazepam.

All other drugs contain either a smaller amount of BDT or are similar to them in chemical structure. Such medications have few side effects, do not cause drowsiness, and act more gently but weaker. The price of these drugs is noticeably higher.

New drugs in the treatment of VSD include tranquilizers from the group of diphenylmethane and 2-mercaptobenzimidazole derivatives – Afobazol, Atarax.

Antidepressants for VSD

Today, doctors' opinions on whether it is worth treating VSD with antidepressants, diverge. Some believe that drugs can improve mood, calm the nervous system, remove anxiety, fears, phobias, others argue that these drugs cause many side effects and develop addiction when used. uncontrolled reception. Therefore, before purchasing these drugs, you should consult a doctor (fortunately, most of them are sold only by prescription).

Attention! It is advisable to take antidepressants for vegetative-vascular dystonia in the stage of severe exacerbation and only for adults (over 18 years old).

The most frequently prescribed and effective antidepressants in the treatment of VSD are the following drugs: Paroxetine, Pyrazidol, Selectra, Remeron, Valdoxan, Azafen.

Treatment of VSD with nootropic drugs

Nootropic drugs for the treatment of VSD are always prescribed. These drugs have a direct effect on certain parts of the brain and regulate their activity.

Thanks to nootropics:

  • memory improves;
  • fatigue, weakness, apathy are eliminated;
  • rises mental activity(this is why nootropics are recommended for teenagers to take in puberty when the nervous system is especially labile);
  • clarity of consciousness increases;
  • psychomotor retardation is relieved;
  • sleep rhythm is normalized;
  • the emotional background is stabilized;
  • Excessive anxiety is eliminated.

Attention! Nootropic drugs have a minimum of side effects, are well accepted by the body, and are not addictive.

Here is a list of the most effective nootropics prescribed for the treatment of VSD:

  • Piracetam;
  • Nootropil;
  • Phenibut;
  • Noobut;
  • Nootropil;
  • Phezam;
  • Actovegin (used for severe violations cerebral circulation, available in the form of a solution for injections);
  • Cortexin (injection solution used primarily for inpatient treatment, which restores brain function).

Important! This group The medicine is characterized by its slow action, so it will not be possible to achieve results immediately. The course of drug treatment should last at least 1 month.

Antipsychotic drugs for the treatment of VSD

Doctors recommend taking antipsychotic drugs in the treatment of dystonia to correct and resume work autonomic system when tranquilizers were ineffective. In case of dystonic process, it is more advisable to use atypical antipsychotics, which have a milder sedative effect. Treatment medications are taken exclusively in a course of up to 14 weeks.

Neuroleptics for vegetative vascular dystonia are prescribed for:

  • restoration of blood pressure;
  • eliminating the syndrome of neuropsychic disorders;
  • treatment of cephalalgia (head pain);
  • treatment of gastrointestinal disorders;

The most commonly prescribed drugs for the treatment of VSD are:

  1. Ridazine;
  2. Sulpidir;
  3. Sonapax;
  4. Neurispin;

Attention! If antipsychotics do not help, the doctor usually prescribes antidepressants.

Cerebroangiocorrector drugs

Treatment of VSD with cerebroangiocorrectors is prescribed in case of poor cerebral circulation, the main symptoms of which are:

  • lightheadedness, frequent unconsciousness, dizziness;
  • headache;
  • “midges” in the eyes, a feeling of fogginess;
  • memory loss;
  • fatigue, weakness.

To treat VSD, doctors most often prescribe the following drugs with a vasodilating effect:

  • Cavinton;
  • Stugeron;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Oxybral;
  • Pentoxifylline.

All of the medications listed are prescribed in a course of 1 to 2 months.

Vegetocorrectors for the treatment of VSD

Vegetocorrector drugs affect both parts of the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic).

These medications eliminate many symptoms, including:

  1. increased sweating;
  2. irritability, nervousness, anxiety;
  3. weakness, fatigue;
  4. skin hyperemia.

Important! The composition of vegetotropic agents usually includes potassium, magnesium, and belladonna extract.

What drugs are used to treat VSD? This:

  • Bellaspon;
  • Platyfillin;
  • Belloid;
  • Bellataminal.

Treatment should be continued for several weeks, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Antioxidant drugs for the treatment of dystonia

Like cerebroangiocorrectors, antioxidants improve cerebral circulation and supply the brain with all necessary microelements.

It is recommended to take this group of drugs for the treatment of VSD:

  • to increase stress resistance;
  • to eliminate fatigue, weakness;
  • with memory impairment, inability to concentrate;
  • for problems with sleep;
  • to reduce pain;
  • to activate the body's protective functions;
  • to saturate the brain with the necessary amount of oxygen;
  • to prevent coronary disease.

Best from vegetative dystonia drugs that have antioxidant properties are: Kratal, Succinic acid, Mexidol, Neurox.

Other drugs

How else to treat vascular dystonia? With VSD, which is accompanied high blood pressure, it is recommended to take the drug Anaprilin, Bisoprolol, Metoprolol.

For the hypotonic type of VSD, the following are prescribed:

  • medications containing caffeine;
  • ginseng tincture;
  • lemongrass tincture;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • tincture of pink radiola.

Attention! To eliminate palpitations and other cardiac disorders, you should use the drug Panangin, Corvalol, Riboxin, Concor.

Often during treatment to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, the following are prescribed:

  • balanced vitamin B complex: Neurobex (labeled “neo”, “forte”), Neirovitan, Lactab Neurorubin Forte;
  • calcium preparations – mineral supplement Calcium Glycerophosphate, Calcium Gluconate-lect.

Often, in the treatment of VSD, antispasmodics and analgesic drugs Spazmalgon and Citramon are prescribed.

The problem of VSD is extensive and is constantly being studied, new ones appear medicines For . If strange symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor to start treatment as early as possible. The specialist will be able to modern means stop quickly unpleasant symptoms, maintaining health for a long time. Many complex diseases occur under the guise of VSD; it is advisable to find out the truth early.

Occurs when there is a mismatch between activities different parts autonomic nervous system – sympathetic, para – and metasympathetic. Normally, the sympathetic part activates activity (“hit and run”), the parasympathetic part inhibits, and the metasympathetic part, whose receptors are located directly in internal organs, coordinates all impulses. The frantic pace of modern life is partly to blame for VSD, but not only. Many people have a hereditary predisposition, a congenital weakness in the course of certain nervous processes. Provoking factors are infections, which are inevitable, “too much” alcohol, smoking, overwork, and pregnancy in women.

Other names for VSD are neurocirculatory dystonia. During the examination, no organic (irreversible) disorders are detected. However, transfer attacks of VSD extremely painful.

Experts distinguish 5 types:

Although the examination does not find structural changes organs, it will not be possible to “give up” on VSD. Firstly, the symptoms of VSD are painful: the heart is pounding, fear takes over, it is difficult to breathe, everything is compressed in the stomach. It is impossible to live or work in such a state - you need to wait until everything passes. If attacks are repeated frequently, then it is difficult to get joy from life.

Secondly, vegetative crises“they pave the way” for real diseases. The vast majority of those who suffered from VSD in their youth develop hypertension, persistent heart rhythm disturbances, diseases of the digestive canal. There is nothing to say about the emotional component; it is difficult for such a person to maintain composure and rationally assess the events of current life. In the treatment of VSD, psychotherapy is actively used, breathing exercises, biofeedback methods and medications.

Groups of medications

There is no standard, unified protocol for providing medical care for VSD, since the manifestations of the disease vary greatly from person to person. However, practical experience suggests that drugs from the following groups are more effective than others in treating neurocirculatory dystonia:

Historically, treatment of VSD began with sedatives, since symptoms are always caused by uneven processes of excitation and inhibition.

Selecting medications for VSD on your own is like shooting sparrows from a cannon. It is impossible to cure yourself - without examination and consultation with a doctor - but it is quite possible to harm yourself.

In the hospital at panic attack use Diazepam, Clozapine, Pyrroxan, Atropine. Doing this at home is dangerous, as you may miscalculate the dose and get the opposite effect.

For a course of treatment, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers from the group of so-called stress protectors or day tranquilizers, which protect a person from overload during daylight hours. These are like this popular drugs, like . These drugs reduce daytime emotional stress, but do not have a sleeping pill or hypnotic component. A person taking these drugs can go to work, carry out daily activities and, with small doses, even drive a car.

Correction of psycho-emotional state

The most important task, which is carried out by drugs of different groups:

All of these drugs are classified as psychotropic; the initial prescription and dose selection are carried out in a hospital, neurological or psychiatric setting. Only an experienced doctor can prescribe such drugs and adjust the dose.

All these drugs have different effects depending on the dose, the patient’s weight, age, gender, and concomitant diseases. Pick up suitable drug and the right dose is sometimes a difficult task for the doctor too; people react to medications differently. They always start with daytime tranquilizers to avoid side effects. Antipsychotics are used as a last resort if other agents are ineffective.

Correction of vegetative balance

It is performed with drugs that affect the sympathetic (activating) and parasympathetic (inhibiting) parts of the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic part is regulated with the drug Pirroxan, which has an adrenergic blocking effect. The medicine penetrates the blood-brain barrier or natural protective system brain, where it reduces the overall tone of the sympathetic part. The drug has an anti-anxiety and mild sedative effect, and is especially effective up to 5 years from the onset of VSD.

Etimizole has a good effect on the parasympathetic part. The drug increases the level of cortisol in the blood, and in patients with hypotension it can raise blood pressure. A pronounced effect of the drug is noted on the smooth muscles of the intestines, it calms spasms, palpitations after changing body position, and improves overall well-being.

The drugs are used in combination with other drugs, enhancing their effect with various herbal preparations.

Elimination of internal tension

All patients with VSD have unstable activity cardiovascular system, in which there is frequent heartbeat, a feeling of tension inside, lack of air, vague fears, and a feeling of lightheadedness. They get heartburn “out of the blue”, often loose stool, reaching the point of “bear sickness”.

Treatment of heart disorders is carried out together with a cardiologist. Most often, beta blockers (Anaprilin, Trazicor) are used to correct these disorders. The best drug This group is considered Visken, its effect is soft.

For increased intestinal peristalsis, accompanied by diarrhea, belladonna preparations are used, as well as Spasmolitin, Maxigan and the like. The prescription of these drugs is symptomatic and they are used in short courses.

Correction of metabolic disorders

Metabolic disorders always occur, especially in the brain. In addition, VSD often develops in those people who have already had damage to the central nervous system - trauma, chronic failure cerebral blood flow. Most often, metabolic and residual (residual) disorders manifest themselves as headaches. Therefore, anesthetics are ineffective for the treatment of headaches with VSD. If the condition improves when taking painkillers, it will not last long. Instead, drugs are prescribed that improve metabolic processes in nerve tissue. These are primarily vitamin complexes, including group B, without which treatment of nervous tissue is impossible. Amino acids, especially glutamine, have an excellent effect.

Nootropic drugs with a slight sedative effect are almost always prescribed. Encephabol, Deanol, Pyriditol and similar drugs work well for patients with VSD. They activate metabolic processes, increase the supply of glucose to the brain, reduce the formation of lactic acid, increase the resistance of brain tissue to oxygen starvation. All these substances block free radicals, which in itself is healing.

Maintenance treatment

Relief of the main symptoms takes from 2 weeks to a month. It is best to do this in a hospital, where it is possible to quickly correct all violations. In itself, removing a person from the circle of daily worries also has a therapeutic effect, as does a normal daily routine with extended sleep.

After completing the main course, adaptogens are prescribed for long-term use, which reduce the exhaustion of the nervous system. This herbal preparations complex action - lemongrass, eleutherococcus. You should not use these tinctures in the midst of an illness; they will only worsen the symptoms. These substances are prescribed in daytime until 6 p.m.

New drugs for VSD

Research into the phenomenon of autonomic instability is ongoing. IN recent years many good reviews received MagneB6, which regulates the transmission of nerve impulses. The drug directly affects irritability, intestinal cramps, heartbeat, discomfort in the body.

The homeopathic drug Tonginal (drops) is used primarily for the hypotonic type of VSD, especially to reduce the frequency of vegetative crises.

Not long ago, the medical scientific and practical complex “Biotiki”, located in Moscow, launched the production of the drug “”, which needs special mention.

The drug is a mixture essential amino acids– glycine, cystine and glutamic acid. The use of Eltacin for VSD refers to pathogenetic therapy or treating the cause of the disease. The drug is able to regulate intracellular metabolism, optimize redox processes, and protects the cell from lack of oxygen.

Initially, the drug was developed for the treatment of chronic heart failure, to prolong the life of such patients. But as often happens, clinical application It was revealed that the effect of the drugs is much broader than stated in the instructions.

First of all, Eltacin dramatically increases the tolerance to all stress - both physical and emotional, which is invaluable in VSD. People's performance is restored, their mood and understanding of their life prospects improve. This is due to the fact that the main effect of the drug is antioxidant. The drug inhibits free radicals, thereby protecting the body from a host of negative influences.

The following effects of the drug were noted:

  • reduces emotional stress;
  • regulates excitation-inhibition processes in the central nervous system, enhancing inhibitory ones;
  • reduces muscle tone;
  • regulates endocrine processes;
  • increases resistance to stress;
  • promotes tissue regeneration;
  • improves memorization;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • makes it easier to fall asleep;
  • reduces the pathogenic effect of alcohol;
  • improves microcirculation of the brain and internal organs.

Complex treatment of VSD using the drug Eltacin has many prospects.

Crashes in vegetative department nervous system arise due to stress, overload (mental and physical) and other reasons. According to experts, it is virtually impossible to eliminate the most common cause of disorders, vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), forever. That is why drugs and medications are interrelated, since they allow you to relieve emerging symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition. For example, tranquilizers serve as vegetative stabilizers, antidepressants lift a person out of a depressed state, etc. The correct combination of medications and their stable use against the background of compliance healthy image life is an important step towards a cure for the disease.

Today there is no ideal vegetative stabilizing drug, therefore several groups of drugs are used to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia:

  • Medicines with a sedative effect (sedatives);
  • Vitamins for general strengthening body;
  • Tablets to improve cerebral circulation;
  • Medicines from the groups of tranquilizers and antidepressants.

Only the attending physician can draw up a treatment plan. In some cases it will be necessary large number antidepressants, in others the emphasis should be on nootropic drugs. It is not recommended to make a diagnosis on your own, take pills or give injections, as you need to identify the root of the problem.

The most popular medications

Drugs for the treatment of VSD are available in various forms. For home use, patients prefer to use tablets, but in more advanced situations they have to perform injections. Treatment courses include medications:

  • Anaprilin. The medication is a beta receptor blocker. The drug helps against vegetative-vascular dystonia by significantly slowing down the impulses going to the heart. The effect allows you to reduce disruptions in heart rhythm. The heart contracts less and the chances of developing pathologies of the cardiovascular system decrease significantly. The medicine is also used for hypertension, as well as in the presence of panic attacks. The medication should be taken with caution, as there are certain risk groups. Anaprilin affects the tone of the bronchi and uterus, so it is prescribed with caution to pregnant women and people with asthma. Contraindications include advanced forms of hypertension and heart failure;
  • Afobazol. It has been used for a long time, it relieves attacks of fear and anxiety well. The first results can be noticed approximately 3-4 weeks from the start of the course of therapy. Patients note a general improvement in their condition and high spirits. Afobazol is used in tablet form and is taken exclusively after meals. Not everyone can treat VSD with this medication, as the drug has its own contraindications. It should not be used by pregnant women, women during lactation (breastfeeding) and children under 18 years of age. If you overdo it with the amount, the drug can cause drowsiness;
  • Gidazepam. This drug is prescribed in most cases of VSD, as it reduces the intensity and frequency of attacks, relieves symptoms of psychopathy and prevents the development of migraines. The result is achieved by slowing down the impulses of the central nervous system and reducing the degree of excitation of the meninges. In patients with disruptions of the autonomic system, there is an improvement in mental state and a reduction in feelings of anxiety and fear. Contrary to erroneous opinion For many people, the drug does not eliminate hallucinations and states of passion. At stressful situations Gidazepam has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. This remedy can treat sleep disorders (insomnia) and neuroses. of various nature. Do not use for myasthenia gravis (autoimmune neuromuscular pathology), pregnant women, or mothers while breastfeeding. Can be used with caution if you have pathological processes in the liver. The drug is available in the form of tablets for oral (by mouth) use. Among the side effects after using the medication are weakness, allergies, addiction, decreased reaction and decreased concentration.

Minor drugs

Constant use of antidepressants and tranquilizers for VSD makes a person inhibited. That is why the course of treatment should include medications to improve the general condition and increase brain activity:

  • Mexidol. Serves primarily to relieve anxiety, increase brain activity and stimulate the production of dopamine (a neurotransmitter). Long-term use The drug promotes a stable supply of oxygen to brain tissue and increased resistance to shock. The medicine belongs to the group of antioxidants and can speed up metabolic processes in the body and improve cerebral circulation. In case of VSD, it is used to relieve symptoms of cognitive disorders (memory impairment, weakened mental abilities) and neuroses. It is not recommended for use during breastfeeding, as well as for children under 18 years of age and in case of problems with the liver and kidneys. Cases of overdose are rare, but drowsiness sometimes occurs. Among the adverse reactions of the body can be identified allergic manifestations, nausea and dry mouth;
  • Cinnarizine. The drug is in demand for vegetative-vascular dystonia. It is used for general strengthening and its functions include improving blood circulation. This effect is useful not only for improving brain activity, but also for people who have cause of VSD is osteochondrosis or other pinched nerve tissue. Cinnarizine is used to stabilize the vestibular apparatus, so it is used by people who often get motion sickness. In general, this medication is not a direct cure for VSD, but only additional means. Used primarily to improve mental activity in children, as it has a non-toxic base. The use of the medication is prohibited only during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects of Cinnarizine include sweating, headaches and allergic manifestations;
  • Tenoten. The drug belongs to homeopathic medicines and serves to increase the body’s resistance to stress, relieve anxiety and fear, as well as increase the activity of the brain and other systems. After taking it, the patient’s sweating decreases and stabilises. mental state and attacks of dizziness are reduced. If necessary, Tenoten acts as a neuroprotector and normalizes the supply of oxygen, the synthesis of norepinephrine, etc. Contraindications for the drug include pregnancy and lactation. Side effects occur quite rarely, but among them the most active are heartburn, flatulence and allergies. The drug has an effect only 1-2 hours after administration;
  • Vinpocetine. Designed to improve cerebral circulation. Affects blood flow due to its vasodilating effect. In patients with VSD, after taking this medicine, the intensity of headaches decreases and increases mental abilities. It is prohibited to use Vinpocetine during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of cardiac pathologies and intolerance to the composition. Side effects are mainly associated with heart rhythm disturbances.

Combined medications

The use of combined drugs allows you to avoid many side effects and they are cheaper than the components included in their composition separately. In some cases, complexes are combined with each other to complement the effect. Among this group of drugs, the following drugs are in greatest demand:

  • Neuromultivitis. At VSD vitamins, especially group B, are extremely necessary for the body and this drug is a useful vitamin complex. It is based on thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin and other substances that are highly soluble in water. It is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and side effects include heart rhythm disturbances, hives, nausea and itching;
  • Novopassit. The product is a complex that can eliminate feelings of anxiety and fear due to its calming effect. It is based on natural ingredients of plant origin. The drug can also be used to solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract, sleep, and also with emotional overload. Doctors do not recommend using this remedy for myasthenia gravis and children under 18 years of age. Sometimes Novopassit causes drowsiness, stomach problems, weakness, etc.;
  • Phezam. This drug contains useful substances, increasing brain activity. Due to them, Fezam improves blood circulation and serves as a vasodilator and nootropic medication. The main active ingredients of the medicine are piracetam and cinnarizine. Prescribed for the treatment of many pathological processes of the central nervous system. Sometimes this remedy is also used to relieve headaches and to get out of a depressive state. The use of Fezam is prohibited for children under 5 years of age, people with kidney or liver failure, as well as pregnant women and during breastfeeding. Side effects after using the medication affect mainly the nervous and digestive systems. In more rare cases, allergic reactions occur to Phezam;

  • Ginkgo Biloba. The medicine is biologically active additives from the company Evalar. The drug serves as a neuroprotector, diuretic and antioxidant, helps with edema and ischemia (deterioration of blood supply). Due to the combined effect, feelings of anxiety and fear go away, and the patient’s sleep and mental state improve. It is not recommended to use Ginkgo Biloba during pregnancy and lactation. Adverse reactions most often include allergic manifestations, disorders gastrointestinal tract and headaches;
  • Actovegin. This drug is based on minerals, amino acids and other beneficial substances. It has a pronounced antioxidant effect, and also allows you to quickly remove all toxins from the body and improve blood circulation. The drug is available in the form of capsules and solution for injections. It is prescribed mainly for skin and vascular diseases. Among the advantages of Actovegin, one can highlight the virtually complete absence of adverse reactions. There are only allergic manifestations to the composition of the drug. Unlike most other medications, it is prescribed to children and pregnant women. The medicine can be used during radiation and chemotherapy, as well as after a stroke. In such situations, Actovegin will be extremely useful, as it accelerates the regeneration process and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. It is not recommended to use the medication only in cases of heart failure and fluid retention in the body.

Lifestyle change

It is quite possible to exist on medications alone, but without changing your lifestyle it is virtually impossible. The patient will have to follow the rules:

  • Compose proper diet nutrition. If you have VSD, you will have to give up harmful products, for example, fatty, smoked, spicy and canned foods, and eat more vegetables and fruits;
  • Give up bad habits;
  • Do physical exercise;
  • Get adequate sleep (6-8 hours a day).