St. John's wort - benefits and harm. St. John's wort - beneficial properties, uses, recipes and treatment with St. John's wort

St. John's wort tea should always be kept on hand. The crazy pace of life makes a person spin like a squirrel in a wheel. Undermine the mental and physical health easy and simple. But restore vital energy much more problematic. However hopeless situations doesn't happen. Wonderful tea will come to the rescue.

Legendary perennial

It is noteworthy that St. John's wort has attracted people's attention since ancient times. True, differently than today. According to folk legends, the grass grew on the spot where the blood of a lightning bird wounded by a monster was shed. The firebird brought heavenly fire to earth, which is why the flowers of St. John's wort are so bright, deep yellow.

Miniature suns in a clearing

Further, popular beliefs claimed that if you fumigate your home with St. John's wort, the herb will be effective in the fight against evil spirits. The magic flower protected the premises from ghosts, and with the help of the juice it was possible to charm the young groom. But these wonderful properties St. John's wort is a thing of the past. Today, the perennial is valued for its ability.

Application in medicine

St. John's wort is recognized by pharmacologists as a medicinal plant. It is used to make over-the-counter antidepressants. Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of perennials in the treatment premenstrual syndrome, chronic fatigue, headaches and rheumatic pain.

This means that the herb will definitely help with the listed ailments if used in folk medicine.

What are the benefits of perennials?

To understand the benefits of St. John's wort tea, you need to carefully study the composition of the plant.

Its flowers and leaves are rich in flavonoids, carotene, essential oil, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, vitamins P and PP, choline, saponins and other trace elements.

Flavonoids are beneficial for the body in that they relieve spasms in the intestines and intestines, restore peristalsis, that is, they have a beneficial effect on the digestion of food in general.

Vitamin P has a strengthening effect on capillaries, relieves spasms and improves venous circulation.

The benefit of tannins is to provide an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, but the essential oil of the perennial has a detrimental effect on the proliferation of Staphylococcus aureus.

For the mind and nervous system

It is believed that it is very useful for schoolchildren and workers associated with intellectual work to drink St. John's wort tea in the morning. This measure will increase concentration, prevent mental stress, and help you absorb information more productively.

Those who occupy positions that require special resistance to stress should also not bypass this tea. Among the beneficial properties of the herb is the ability to normalize intracranial pressure, that is, to eliminate headache caused by stress.

Attention! St. John's wort is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

You will find the best time to collect and prepare St. John's wort.

In the fight against colds

St. John's wort tea has gained wide recognition in the treatment of many colds. It alleviates the patient's condition with otitis, rhinitis, and sore throat. It is advisable to use tea at the very beginning of ARVI, at the slightest suspicion of the disease.

And if an epidemic is raging around, then this is a signal to receive healthy tea, How prophylactic and something that strengthens the immune system.

Important! Scientists have proven that the plant accelerates the removal of drugs from the body. This means that taking St. John's wort tea and tablets at the same time will reduce therapeutic effect the latter. Don't make a mistake!

We treat teeth

Of course, after reading the title of the item, everyone hopes that we are talking about an effective painkiller. Not at all. Dentists recommend St. John's wort tea for rinsing inflamed gums with stomatitis and periodontitis. But to relieve severe toothaches, it is better to take medication.

A separate line about prohibitions

Despite numerous beneficial properties St. John's wort, tea should be drunk only after contraindications have been studied.

So, tea can be harmful in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance
  • overdose
  • allergies to the composition
  • pregnancy
  • hypertension.


Long-term consumption of drinks with St. John's wort is strictly prohibited. Usually, 1-3 weeks are enough to alleviate a person’s condition caused by a particular illness. Exceeding the duration of the course entails tangible consequences: gastrointestinal disorders, headache, vomiting.

About tea for children

It’s no sin to repeat that according to the instructions to pharmacy fees, children under 12 years of age are prohibited from using St. John's wort! It makes sense to consult a pediatrician.

Caution - pregnant

Doctors do not recommend expectant mothers to indulge in this tea. There are two reasons. The first is caused by the ability herbal collection increase blood pressure, which can harm the fetus. The second is due to the likelihood of an allergic reaction. Why take the risk?

Best before date

Stale St. John's wort tea that has been left in the teapot for more than a day will not bring any benefit, but will cause harm to an already weakened body. The result is obvious - allergies, intestinal disorders and liver problems.

Away from the sun

Tea is believed to increase skin sensitivity to sun rays, and therefore in the summer, when planning to work outside or relax on the beach, it is better to refuse the life-giving drink, in order to avoid provoking burns, pigmentation or allergic rashes.

Well, after considering the beneficial properties and contraindications for taking St. John's wort tea, we should move on to studying popular recipes for its preparation.

Secrets of delicious tea

Pure St. John's wort

Having encountered the herb for the first time, the question naturally arises: how to brew tea from St. John's wort correctly, what are the proportions of water and dried flowers?

There is nothing complicated. For 1 tbsp. l. collection you will need 200 ml (glass) of boiling water. The herb is infused under a closed lid for about 15 minutes. Leaves that have settled at the bottom are a signal that the tea is ready. This means you can taste it, add sugar or honey to taste, dilute it with water if you think the drink is too strong.

In any case, tea should be enjoyed and enjoyed.

Experiments with additives

Making St. John's wort tea is not limited to recipes with just one perennial. The monotony of the drink will quickly tire you.

Take note of the following combinations.

No. 1 – Linden

Brew equal amounts of St. John's wort and linden, add a slice of lemon and sugar to taste. This diaphoretic and diuretic tea is an indispensable assistant in the fight against high temperature during the cold season. Remember this and stock up on lime blossom in advance.

No. 2 – Blackcurrant

If you are planning to prepare pure St. John's wort tea in the manner described above, do not be lazy to add a couple of twigs (up to 10 cm long) to the herb. The result is a flavorful drink rich in vitamins to strengthen the immune system.

No. 3 – Melissa

Add a couple of lemon balm leaves to traditional St. John's wort tea. The drink will sparkle with fresh notes, allow the body to relax and focus on rest. Anxiety will recede into the background, the body will be filled with bliss and calm.

No. 4 – Raspberry and oregano

Adding 3-5 raspberry and oregano leaves to the brewed tea will give the drink an interesting fruity aroma. Is it worth reminding that the leaves of these plants are an invaluable source of many vitamins and microelements? The main thing is that the dried leaves and stems are prepared on time and properly stored.

No. 5 – Rosehip and lemon

St. John's wort goes well with useful fruits rose hips and lemon pulp (or zest). It will turn out delicious and healing tea. Just remember that rose hips have a mild diuretic effect. Should you drink this drink at night?

So, it's time to take stock. St. John's wort tea is an amazing product given to man by nature. The ability to use the gift competently is the key to peace of mind and Siberian health.

St. John's wort is considered one of the most effective and effective plants. It is actively used in medical practice herbalists. For many diseases, St. John's wort is used, the benefits of which are simply invaluable. Since ancient times, steppe healers have used fresh juice St. John's wort to heal purulent wounds. In the Middle Ages, healers recommended a decoction of this plant for melancholy. St. John's wort is part of herbal medicinal preparations.

Composition of St. John's wort and its properties

St. John's wort - perennial herbaceous plant. There are more than 400 species in nature, of which only two are found in our country. This is (ordinary) and tetrahedral. Both types are medicinal. The stems of the plant are tetrahedral and yellow.

The benefits of St. John's wort directly depend on the rich composition of this plant. It contains:

  • Tannins. Thanks to them, St. John's wort has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, astringent, and hemostatic properties.
  • Essential oils. St. John's wort provides antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, sedative, expectorant, regenerating, and diuretic properties. Helps speed up metabolism.
  • Flavonoids. They increase the flow of bile, strengthen blood vessels, and reduce blood clotting. They have antiviral and diuretic effects.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Nicotinic, ascorbic, isovaleric acids.
  • Carotene.
  • Phytoncides affect the development of fungi and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Saponins remove mucus from the bronchi and enhance the secretion of glands. They reduce cholesterol, act as a laxative, sedative effect. But an excess of this substance can cause nausea, dizziness, and vomiting.
  • Choline. Adjusts functions nervous system, restores liver cells, reduces the likelihood of heart disease. Increases sperm motility. May accelerate lipid metabolism.
  • Hyperforin, hypericin improves the condition of the nervous system, has a hypnotic and sedative effect.
  • Vitamins P, C, E, A remove toxins from the body and normalize metabolic processes. Participate in lipid metabolism and slow down skin aging.
  • Bitterness improves appetite and normalizes gastric secretions.
  • Micro and trace elements (magnesium, manganese, potassium, copper, selenium, zinc, iron) normalize blood balance. They strengthen bones and participate in metabolic processes.

Application of St. John's wort

Traditional healers, having studied St. John's wort, its benefits and harms, actively use it in the treatment of various diseases. It is also used for general immune support. In medicine, St. John's wort is used as an anti-inflammatory and astringent for the following ailments:

  • for liver diseases;
  • with colic;
  • with diarrhea;
  • when coughing;
  • for lung diseases;
  • to strengthen gums.

Application in cosmetology

St. John's wort contains substances that can restore the epidermis of the skin. Pediatricians recommend bathing babies in a bath with St. John's wort infusion, this helps remove signs of diathesis and dermatitis.

St. John's wort is used to prepare lotions, body and hair masks. Hair rinse based on St. John's wort has excellent strengthening and restorative properties. It helps get rid of dandruff.

The plant is used for both oily and dry hair. Products with St. John's wort are recommended for weakened hair, dandruff, skin irritation, slow hair growth, damaged ends, dullness.

The benefits and harms of St. John's wort for women

The benefits of St. John's wort in treatment have been noted gynecological diseases. St. John's wort infusion helps normalize irregular menstrual cycle. For thrush, tampons with this infusion are effective. This plant helps in the following cases:

  • For mastitis, prepare a mixture of a spoonful of infusion and butter. This mixture is used to lubricate the inflamed areas.
  • For irregular menstruation, you need to make an infusion from a collection of herbs: rue, yarrow, mint, St. John's wort. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, then strain and drink the day before.
  • In case of hormonal imbalance due to stress, you can prepare an infusion of valerian, St. John's wort and blackthorn flowers. Pour boiling water over the mixture.

Has a healing effect on the entire body. Women should not take a decoction of this plant for too long, otherwise the herb will cause harm and increase the level of testosterone, the male hormone. This can contribute to excessive body hair growth.

Simultaneous use of St. John's wort and birth control pills leads to a decrease in the effect of the latter. It is not recommended for pregnant women to take St. John's wort; they can only use the healing properties of the plant externally.

The benefits and harms of St. John's wort for men

St. John's wort can be called a powerful aphrodisiac. It improves blood flow, increases libido, and promotes arousal. Decoctions and infusions of the plant are recommended for men with prostate inflammation and delayed erection. These drinks help you relax, relieve psychological problems with an erection.

Men can take herbal during the day if they are very tired. Gradually, problems with potency will disappear. But you cannot drink such a drink without a break; you must take a two-week break. If the drink is taken in courses, the effect will be greater, and negative consequences will not arise.

Recipes for preparing St. John's wort potions

Healing decoctions and infusions, medicinal oil, tea, and ointment are prepared using St. John's wort. You can purchase medicinal raw materials at a pharmacy, or you can prepare the herbs yourself in the summer.

St. John's wort oil

To prepare the oil, take 20 g of fresh St. John's wort, add 200 ml of cold-pressed natural oil. It can be pumpkin, flax, olive or sea buckthorn. The mixture is kept for one and a half months in a dark room, stirring regularly to prevent mold from forming. Avoid exposure to sunlight, otherwise the oil will lose its anti-inflammatory properties.

The oil is filtered through cheesecloth; it should turn out to be dark ruby ​​in color, have a bitter taste and a specific aroma. This remedy is used to treat ulcers, burns, bedsores and wounds. You can treat mouth ulcers with gingivitis and stomatitis with this oil. It is enough to drink a spoonful of oil on an empty stomach so that after the course the ulcer will heal. This oil also helps in the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is taken orally in a teaspoon on an empty stomach. External use is also possible.

St. John's wort tea

To cook medicinal drink, you need to take a glass of boiling water and a tablespoon of St. John's wort. Brew, leave for 5 minutes. You can drink this drink every day for no longer than two weeks. St. John's wort tea is beneficial; it can improve overall health and relieve depressive state, strengthen the immune system, protect against viral infections.

You can add other medicinal herbs to St. John's wort: eucalyptus, sage, marshmallow root. For a liter of boiling water you need to take a tablespoon of the mixture.

To improve the condition of gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis, ulcers, heartburn, blueberry leaves, rose hips and fireweed. Take a tablespoon of herbal mixture per liter of boiling water. The tea is taken for ten days in the morning, lunch and evening.

St. John's wort decoctions

A decoction for the treatment of the liver and gall bladder. Take 2 tbsp. l. oregano, 1 tbsp. spoon of St. John's wort, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of sandy immortelle inflorescences. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. The decoction is divided into three doses. Drink for two weeks.

A decoction for inflammation of the ovaries. 2 teaspoons of St. John's wort are mixed with 1 teaspoon of stinging nettle, 2 teaspoons of motherwort, 2 teaspoons of chamomile. 2 tbsp. pour spoons into a teapot, pour boiling water over the herb. Wrap it up and let it sit for about 12 hours. Take 10 days, 100 ml in the evening and morning.

When using any products with St. John's wort, you need to sensibly assess all the harm and benefits so that the treatment brings tangible results.

St. John's wort is an extraordinary plant with a huge list of healing properties, an unsurpassed leader in its healing properties. Our distant ancestors used it to treat various diseases. And this natural healer was called nothing less than “a cure for 99 diseases.”

The herb St. John's wort contains many substances that are useful and necessary for our body. Moreover, among the components there are also toxic substances that can be harmful to health. It is not for nothing that animals stay away from this weed; it is poisonous to them. That's why the plant is called that.

Linguistic experts believe that the word “St. John’s wort” came into the Russian language from the Kazakh word “dzherabai” (wound healer). And in fact, this medicinal plant with small golden flowers is used as an anti-inflammatory, astringent, hemostatic drug. It perfectly helps fight germs and quickly heal wounds. In addition, it improves blood circulation internal organs, stimulates the functioning of capillaries, is an excellent antispasmodic and choleretic agent, increases vitality.

You can find St. John's wort in forests and among bushes, in wastelands after deforestation, in meadows and dry clearings. Medicinal raw materials can be prepared throughout the summer. It is recommended to cut only the top of the stem with flowering inflorescences, approximately 15-20 cm. Dry, as usual, in attics, under a canopy, where there is no direct sunlight and there is good air ventilation. Store for 2-3 years in linen bags or boxes. Preferably in areas that are well ventilated.

Composition of St. John's wort

The composition of St. John's wort is quite rich. These are vitamins A (beta-carotene), P (rutin), PP ( nicotinic acid or vitamin B3) and C. Vitamin A is extremely beneficial for vision, skin and hair. Ascorbic acid(vitamin C) supports the immune system, tones, and normalizes other processes in the body. Moreover, the benefits of vitamin C increase many times over in combination with other vitamins contained in St. John's wort.

The plant also includes:

  • tannins(tannins), they are characterized by astringent and antibacterial properties.
  • essential oils and resins that help fight germs and inflammation.
  • phytoncides acting as alkaloids.

What are the benefits of St. John's wort?

In the distant past, our ancestors declared with full confidence that St. John's wort itself is capable of finding a “weak” place in the human body and immediately begin to treat it. This natural healer has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole and on each organ separately.

St. John's wort decoction has long helped patients with gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcers, problems with gallbladder and renal failure.

Nervous system: St. John's wort is indispensable for the human nervous system; it helps relieve tension, overcome stress and tone the body. It is used for pain relief menstrual pain and during menopause, for the treatment of neuroses, headaches and insomnia. By the way, St. John's wort occupies a worthy place in the composition of antidepressants.

Circulatory and cardiovascular systems: St. John's wort has wonderful property- He relieves spasms blood vessels . Thanks to this, the functioning of the heart muscle and the entire circulatory system is normalized. Given the hemostatic ability of St. John's wort, it is used to treat postoperative (surgical) wounds.

St. John's wort quite successfully helps fight inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, vocal cords, female organs, and also for pneumonia and bronchitis.

St. John's wort is an excellent treatment for joints; it is able to relieve a diseased joint from inflammation and swelling, and ensure its painless movement. For fast healing purulent wounds and strengthening the walls of damaged capillaries, St. John's wort is used externally.

At allergic reactions take a bath on the skin with the addition of St. John's wort decoction.

St. John's wort tea recipes

Among the people, St. John's wort is most often used in the preparation of complex herbal teas. Here are the most traditional of these recipes.

But first, let's remind you of some nuances. Firstly, it is best to use porcelain dishes for brewing tea. In this case, the drink retains all useful substances. Secondly, the kettle should be warmed up before brewing. hot water, then add dry raw materials and pour boiling water at the rate: one glass of boiling water for 1-2 teaspoons of herbal mixture. Infusion time is 5-10 minutes and the tea is ready.

Tonic tea

prepared from a collection of herbs: rose hips, St. John's wort and oregano. This tea should be steeped for 30 minutes, because brewing rose hips requires a longer time.

Refreshing tea

Dry leaves are used for brewing black currant and St. John's wort herb in equal parts. Pour boiling water over and infuse tea as usual. But it is recommended to drink such tea only in fresh.

Healing tea with St. John's wort

For this tea, cranberries are used in combination with St. John's wort. The drink is great for treating ARVI. It is better to prepare this tea in the evening, so that there is enough time for infusion. all night. And drink it the next day. Moreover, it is advisable to make decoctions separately. Pre-squeeze the cranberry juice and store it in another container, and use the flesh for the decoction. In the morning next day You should mix both decoctions, add pure cranberry juice and sugar (to taste).

St. John's wort infusion

Chop medicinal inflorescences, 1 table. Pour boiling water over a spoon (1 cup). Wrap it up and keep it like this for half an hour, drink 50 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals. This infusion is useful for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

Decoction for internal use

Composition of 1 tbsp. spoons of crushed St. John's wort and a glass of water should be boiled for 15 minutes, then it should be cooled and placed on a sieve. Drink 1/3 cup of the decoction three times a day before meals. It helps with intestinal disorders, sleep disorders, neuralgic problems, bleeding in women.

St. John's wort decoction as an external remedy

Traditional medicine recommends such decoctions for any skin rashes and even skin tuberculosis. St. John's wort perfectly cleanses the skin of pathogens. It can be used to treat wounds, burns, dermatitis and others. skin diseases. It can also be successfully used as disinfectant solution for rinsing the mouth and throat - for stomatitis, gum inflammation, sore throat, etc. St. John's wort compresses are recommended for women during mastitis. The decoction is made as follows: take 1 glass of boiling water for 2 tablespoons. spoons of herbs and heat in a water bath for 15 minutes.

Tea with St. John's wort - possible harm

St. John's wort has been a very popular medicine for many centuries, but like any other remedy it has its limitations and side effects.

St. John's wort should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers, old people and teenagers, as well as anyone who suffers from hypertension. The fact is that the herb St. John's wort to some extent increases blood pressure. And this can result in a pregnancy failure or a jump blood pressure.
As mentioned above, St. John's wort has a slight toxic effect, so it should not be consumed constantly. Otherwise, signs of poisoning may appear (discomfort in the intestines, pain in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth). Besides, toxic substances have a depressing effect on our perception (increases photosensitivity).

Anyone taking tea with St. John's wort should keep in mind that after a portion of this tea it is advisable to avoid sunbathing on the beach, as sensitivity may increase under the influence of St. John's wort skin to the sun's rays, which means serious burns are possible.

Too much strong tea or infusion, especially in overdose, can lead to an attack of gastritis. The person feels spasms and pain in the stomach area.

It is necessary to use St. John's wort with other medications very carefully. St. John's wort enhances metabolic processes, including the removal of other drugs from the body, which negatively affects treatment.
Taking St. John's wort infusions for too long is fraught with sexual disorders in men and women. In addition, pain in the heart may appear and blood clotting may increase, regardless of gender and age. Therefore, before starting treatment with St. John's wort, it is necessary to consult with specialists (nuropathic doctors, nutritionists, etc.). In any case, it is healthier to brew tea from different ingredients: milk, rosehip, raspberry syrup. In addition, change them more often.

And one more thing. St. John's wort is capable of concentrating cadmium, a completely unhealthy element. This danger especially exists if raw materials were collected in environmentally unfavorable areas, near highways and roads. Naturally, there will be little benefit from such raw materials.

Ultimately, of course, the beneficial properties of St. John's wort far outweigh the side effects. It is important to treat the use of St. John's wort responsibly and with understanding. In this case, its golden flowers will only bring you benefits.

So, tea with St. John's wort has been known since ancient times. They were treated in Ancient Greece and Rome. It strengthens all organs and systems of the human body and even its aura. Currently, St. John's wort is recognized official medicine many countries of the world as a strong medicine and is widely used along with other medicinal plants in herbal medicine and cosmetology. St. John's wort can cleanse oily and combination skin, relieve acne And age spots. It is also used to tighten pores, moisturize and nourish the skin. Many people cook from it medical supplies(essential oils, tinctures, etc.) are included in herbal preparations.

This plant is considered one of the most effective in treating diseases. gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. The beneficial properties of St. John's wort have been known for many centuries; it is used to make tinctures, compresses and teas. The mentioned compositions are also used as prophylactic agents.

How is St. John's wort useful?

The plant contains flavone compounds, acids - ascorbic and nicotinic, carotene, essential oils, tannins and resins. All of the listed components help normalize the functioning of the nervous system, have a calming effect on the lining of the stomach, promote the digestion of food and restore metabolic processes. It is recommended to drink teas with this herb as a preventive measure during periods of influenza epidemics. St. John's wort, the benefits of which are known to the body, are:

  • presence of vitamin E, necessary for protection against free radicals;
  • in the content of carotene, which is beneficial for vision;
  • in the presence of phytoncides, natural antimicrobial compounds.

St. John's wort - beneficial properties for women

Representatives of the fair sex use the plant not only as remedy, but also as cosmetic compositions. Ice from the herbal infusion is used to wipe the skin of the face and neck, this helps get rid of wrinkles and signs of aging. The benefit of St. John's wort for women also lies in its high content of hypericin, which has a mild antidepressant effect. Girls suffering from PMS symptoms or menopause, they can quickly get rid of them if they drink tea with this plant.

St. John's wort - beneficial properties for men

Representatives of the stronger sex should also not refuse products based on this herb. The hyperoside contained in them strengthens the walls of veins, arteries and capillaries, thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, including heart attacks and strokes. But this is not the only benefit of St. John’s wort for men; doctors also highlight the following advantages:

  1. Tea with this herb helps reduce the risk of aortic aneurysm. This disease often causes feeling unwell, and in some cases fatal outcome in men. Cardiologists advise that after 40 years, include tea with St. John's wort in the diet, this will reduce the likelihood of developing of this disease.
  2. Rutin and phytoncides help get rid of inflammatory processes genitourinary system, which often occur in men after 35 years of age.

The healing properties of St. John's wort and its use

The herb, in addition to the listed substances, also contains other components necessary for the human body, the properties of which become most pronounced when mixed with other plants. St. John's wort exhibits beneficial properties not only if it is the basis of a medicinal product, but also when it is used as additional component. For example, it is most reasonable to drink tea with the mentioned plant and lingonberry leaves, and if you combine the tincture and honey, you can quickly get rid of the flu or sore throat. St. John's wort, when used with other herbs, increases the benefits, especially:

  • in combination with mint it will help relieve stomach pain due to gastritis;
  • when mixed with chamomile, it is more effective in treating inflammatory processes;
  • in combination with oak bark relieves bleeding gums.

Treatment of depression with St. John's wort

Insomnia, anxiety states and, as well as other symptoms of this disease, will go away much faster if you drink the tincture of this plant for 1 month, 1 tbsp. l mixed with 50 ml of water. Treatment with St. John's wort for depression is auxiliary; it does not cancel the medications prescribed by the doctor. The specialist must be informed that it is planned to combine traditional methods And pharmaceutical products, otherwise the matter may end up worsening. Doctors say that the tincture helps eliminate associated symptoms diseases. St. John's wort, the beneficial properties of which are used in treatment
  • depression, contributes to:
  • normalization of sleep;
  • reduction of anxiety and apathy;
  • improvement of appetite and general strengthening effect.

How to drink St. John's wort to treat the intestines?

To relieve constipation, it is recommended to use herbal decoction immediately after a meal or half an hour before a meal. It will calm the stomach and help digest food; tannins will contribute to this. The product is drunk warm; it should be prepared immediately before use, otherwise it will do more harm than good. It's important to remember that similar method should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers. A decoction of St. John's wort, the use of which helps with constipation and increased gas formation, is used as follows:

  • treatment is carried out for 2 weeks;
  • Drink the decoction 3 times a day, half a glass;
  • It is allowed to combine treatment with medications.

What are the benefits of St. John's wort tea?

This drink is allowed to be drunk daily, but people with sensitive skin It is better to give it up in the summer. Tea with St. John's wort increases photosensitivity, that is, the reaction of the epidermis to exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Hypertensive patients are advised to limit the consumption of the drink to 200 ml per day, otherwise the pressure may increase. For everyone else, this product will help improve sleep and general health, and also slow down the aging process of the body.

Tea with St. John's wort - benefits:

  • saturating the body with vitamins E, C, PP;
  • improved vision;
  • reducing the negative effects of stress and chronic fatigue.

St. John's wort tincture - recipe

To prepare products with this herb, you will need to buy it at the pharmacy or collect it yourself in an environmentally friendly place and dry it. After this, you can start mixing the ingredients yourself. Below are the most popular recipes products with St. John's wort. When making any of them, do not break the rules, and then the composition will be useful and safe.

St. John's wort (vodka tincture) - recipe


  • dry grass (1 part);
  • vodka or alcohol (7 parts).


  1. Mix the ingredients after grinding the plant.
  2. Remove the container with the composition for 3 days in a dark and cool place.

Tea with St. John's wort


  • 1 tsp. dry plant;
  • boiling water.


  1. The teapot is heated by steam.
  2. St. John's wort is poured into it and 200 ml of boiling water is poured.
  3. The drink is infused for 15 minutes.

Herbal decoction