Unloading after gluttony. Pharmacy products and herbal preparations. Reviews and weight loss results

When do we usually eat too much? That's right, on holidays. If during the upcoming holiday you suddenly realize that you just overate, then you need to take urgent action. Because overeating without proper measures, firstly, threatens with extra centimeters on the sides, and secondly, your digestive system can rebel against such an amount of heavy and complex food.

The following tips will help you.

5 emergency measures to neutralize the consequences of overeating:

1. Dancing

If the holiday party where you overeat involves dancing, let's dance! Cardio exercise will provoke the body to supply energy to the cells. The food will begin to be digested, and the calories will go into energy rather than fat. But it is advisable to dance for at least 30 minutes.

2. Walk in the fresh air

Go for a walk. Fresh air will speed up the metabolism and it will be easier for the body to cope with the task of assimilation of food. Try to breathe deeply, it is useful to bend several times in each direction - as a result of this, the food in the esophagus will become more mobile.

3. Ginger tea

You will feel better if you drink a cup of ginger tea in small sips, maybe with lemon. But ginger and lemon must be natural! Ginger activates digestion, relieves heaviness, prevents the formation of excess gases, and speeds up metabolism.

4. Pharmacy products and herbal preparations

You can prepare for possible overeating in advance by purchasing Festal at the pharmacy (take with meals). In addition, pharmacies have ready-made herbal teas, relieving heaviness, improving digestion and having a laxative effect.

5. Chewing gum

Ordinary chewing gum, preferably mint. Enzymes from abundantly secreted saliva will enter the stomach, which will also speed up the breakdown of food.

What to do the next day

After an evening/night meal, it is advisable to give the digestive system a little rest. And the body needs time to cleanse itself. Here are some more useful tips:

  • It is recommended to start the next day after gastronomic excesses with natural lemonade, which can be prepared as follows: squeeze one lemon into a glass, add water and drink.
  • Then, throughout the day, follow without sugar, ginger tea or warm water with lemon.
  • Good for the first meal or buckwheat porridge with bran, because the fiber will help cleanse the intestines and keep the stomach happy.
  • Also, a little physical activity will be a good help for the body: a light set of morning exercises, jogging.
  • It will help you get your life back after overeating and...


Very important point. Some people think that a couple of hungry days after overeating will save the situation with extra pounds. But in fact, it's the other way around.

Such a contrast is incredibly stressful for health. Firstly, the body does not cope well with such changes. Secondly, when it does not receive food, defense mechanisms are activated, and therefore everything that you eat after fasting days, your body, frightened by the subsequent lack of food, will put it in reserve into new fat cells.

Conclusion: mindless spontaneous fasting is a direct path to weight gain. Of course, you should limit your diet after holiday overeating, but you need to eat and definitely regularly.

What food will be optimal for the next few days after overeating:

  • eat an omelette, soft-boiled eggs, a little porridge or cottage cheese with tea;
  • for lunch you need protein and vegetables: it can be chicken, baked or boiled without skin, fish or other seafood, supplemented fresh salad or stewed vegetables;
  • for dinner - vegetables, in any form, as well as low-fat cottage cheese and kefir;
  • During the day, it is advisable to have three main meals and two snacks;
  • the last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • the interval between meals is at least 2-3 hours;
  • It is better to eat fruits in the first half of the day;
  • you can afford for lunch (before lunch), but no more than 150 kcal (this is, for example, 3 chocolates or 30 grams or three halves of marshmallows or 40 grams of dried fruits or 1 big banana), instead of sweets for lunch there can be cheese or (no more than 30 grams);
  • drink water separately from sweets, ginger tea, green tea, ;

Such a diet will return your “pre-holiday” weight within 1-2 weeks, improve metabolic processes and even speed up your metabolism.


Life without holidays is long way without a visiting yard

Holiday - great way for a person to relax and regain strength for work. There are more than a hundred such opportunities in the Ukrainian calendar: these include public holidays, professional holidays, as well as festivals, memorable dates etc.

If we add personal significant dates to this number (birthday, wedding anniversary, etc.), then for each of us there are a considerable number of celebrations per year. And, of course, on a holiday you can’t do without a feast filled with tasty, but high-calorie food, which leads to an unwanted increase in a person’s body weight. About how not to dial at the holiday table extra pounds and unload after overeating, for readers Epoch Times shared by a nutritionist medical center“Veslava”, chief freelance nutritionist for the adult network of the main health department of the Dnepropetrovsk Regional State Administration, member of the Association of Dietitians of Ukraine Maryana Nikolaevna Murdiy.

- What dishes do you prefer at the holiday table in order to maintain your figure and not gain extra pounds?

Murdiy M.N.: It’s no secret that most people associate any holiday celebration with abundance festive table and anticipation of pleasure from delicious food. And rarely does anyone at this moment think about the benefits or harm to our health of a particular product or dish, much less about the calorie content. The main thing, after all, is that it tastes good. Therefore, most dishes at the holiday are not only tasty, but also very high in calories. And the combination and combination of foods from different food groups and consuming them at once in large quantities puts a significant nutritional load on the body. So what should we do? Sitting at the table with a “sour look” and counting calories?

To avoid a stressful state for the body caused by overeating, and not to deny ourselves the pleasure of holiday dishes, following simple recommendations. Firstly, we don’t go hungry during the day, waiting for the feast to come, that is, we follow a diet (the last meal before the feast is at least 3-4 hours in advance). Secondly, don’t forget to drink your daily norm clean water(30–50 ml per kg of weight). Thirdly, we start the meal with a large portion of vegetable salad, seasoned vegetable oil. And, most importantly, we try to adhere to the healthy plate rule at the table.

What kind of rule is this? During each meal, a person should eat a quarter of a plate of vegetables (non-starchy, low-carb, which includes most vegetables, any greens), a second quarter of fruits, a third of grains and/or starchy vegetables (porridge, pasta, bread, flour products, potatoes, beets, rutabaga) and last quarter protein foods, preferably fish. Plus, you need to consume some kind of dairy or fermented milk product with such a plate.

The diameter of the plate for women should be no more than 20 cm, for men - 24 cm. By following the rule of a healthy plate, we can try it at the festive table variety of dishes and at the same time do not overeat.

If you still can’t restrain yourself from overeating delicious food, what should it be like? fasting food after the holiday to regain your previous weight?

Murdiy M.N.: U healthy people or practically healthy people who do not suffer from any diseases, especially the digestive organs with insufficient secretory function, food load, i.e., “overate” and “drank too much,” can cause only minor short-term health disorders, accompanied by discomfort, a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach, as they say, you have eaten to the point of faintness. If such a condition has befallen you, then it is necessary to next appointment food (not earlier than 3-4 hours later) or the next day to unload the body, but under no circumstances starve. Fasting day options: light vegetable salads(without added salt), seasoned with vegetable oil, or whole vegetables and fruits (for example, raw or baked apples) in the amount of 250 grams 6-8 times a day.

You can also do a fermented milk fasting day: 250 grams of kefir (without added sugar) 6-8 times a day or 70 grams of low-fat cottage cheese 5 times a day. In addition, 2 glasses of tea without sugar, 1 glass of rosehip decoction, 2 glasses of low-fat kefir. And don’t forget about a sufficient amount of clean water and timely bowel movements. And for a faster return to normal weight, increasing physical activity.

To maintain a slim body composition, is it necessary to exercise or is it enough to properly plan your diet?

Murdiy M.N.: By correctly composing your diet, i.e., observing correct ratio useful nutrients and energy balance (the amount of energy supplied from food must correspond to the costs of our body), we certainly control our weight within normal values for our body composition and stay healthy.

But, in order to be not only slim, but to have a trained heart that is not afraid of physical activity, a toned body with beautiful muscle definition, to stay on for many years flexible and mobile in the joints and maintain density bone tissue(prevention of osteoporosis), we need regular exercise.

Any holidays involve meetings with friends, a feast and, as a result, a feast of the belly. It’s hard to imagine how you can limit yourself to consuming culinary delights on days like these. However, tasty, but very high-calorie food can later retain a reminder of itself in the form of extra centimeters on the waist, kilograms on the scales, or a feeling of discomfort.

They will help correct the situation fasting days.

"Loose weight"

The concept of "walking", "jumping" or "loose" weight is quite common. It means a couple of kilograms that periodically come and go. The reasons for this are abundant feasts and holidays. And if measures are not taken in time, the increase may become permanent. And then, unfortunately, no express diets can help.

As an “ambulance” in such situations, it is recommended to arrange fasting days. They represent a special short-term diet, limited to a set certain products or just one ingredient at all.

After the holidays, arranging such fasting days is useful not only for returning the old slender shapes, but also as an improvement in health, since excessive food consumption has never benefited anyone. Such “easy days” help return the metabolic process to normal, remove accumulated waste and toxins and improve functioning. digestive system.

Two types of fasting days

All fasting days are usually divided into two large groups. The first category is composed depending on nutrients predominant in the diet:
Proteins: meat, fish and cottage cheese days
Fats: butter, sour cream days
Carbohydrates: vegetable, fruit, cereal days

Also, fasting days may have a different classification: depending on the type of products on the daily menu:


You can arrange fasting days with individual schedule and frequency. However, nutritionists recommend the optimal interval - 1-2 times a week. In order to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins from time to time and maintain a stable weight, you should “unload” 1-2 times a month.

One of the most optimal fasting days is following a mono-diet. Firstly, it is convenient, since the diet will contain only one product, which should be consumed in small portions 5-6 times during the day. Secondly, this is an effective way to get in shape after the holidays.

There are fasting days. In addition, this mono-diet cannot get boring, because its observance is limited to only one day. Perceiving the process as healing and necessary for the body, you will even be able to enjoy such a weight loss procedure, which cannot be said about most long-term diets.

Despite the significant benefits, fasting days represent little stress for the body, because they disrupt the usual routine. Therefore, if you have certain chronic diseases of the digestive system, it is better not to get carried away with “fasting days”, but before following them, consult your doctor or a practicing nutritionist.

While following a fasting diet, there are no restrictions on the usual rhythm of life. Work, study, sports and any other physical activity are not prohibited. However, if you experience a feeling of weakness or dizziness, it is recommended to have a couple of cubes of refined sugar with you, just in case, which you need to put under your tongue.

The best period for fasting days for women is the first half of the menstrual cycle.

At independent choice“product of the day”, preference should be given to the ingredient with the lowest calorie content.

An important component of any diet, including fasting days, is drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid.

The day before the start of the “unloading day” and the day after, the following products should be excluded from the menu: alcohol, sweets and flour, as well as smoked and salty foods.

Fasting days after holidays

1. If you have eaten too much fat

Traditional holiday table dishes contain large number fats and proteins. It is these culinary delights that linger in the stomach the longest, and it takes a lot of time to digest them. In addition, such food requires high production digestive enzymes, and it happens that the liver and gallbladder they don’t always cope with such a load. This leads to indigestion, feelings of discomfort, heaviness and pain.

What to do: You can help yourself in such a situation by abstaining from food for 12-24 hours, that is, complete fasting, during which you are allowed to drink regular non-carbonated drinks. mineral water with the addition of a small amount lemon juice. Also, as an “first aid”, it is recommended to arrange a kefir fasting day, which will help normalize digestion and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

2. If you have eaten too much salty and spicy food

After such meals, excess fluid accumulates in the body, which can cause noticeable swelling of the face in the morning. Therefore, the main task of a monoration is to remove accumulated water from the intercellular space and, thereby, help the functioning of the kidneys.

What to do: In order to restore balance in the body, improving digestion, it requires magnesium salts and fiber. Ideal option– fasting day of 1.5 kg of boiled broccoli and cauliflower. Additionally, you should use green tea without sugar and water with cranberry juice in a 1:1 ratio.

An alternative to cabbage is a glass of rice, boiled without adding salt and 1.5-2 liters of still mineral water or 1 liter of dried apricot compote without added sugar.

3. If you have eaten too much sweets

Consequences overuse sweets, as a rule, are expressed in heartburn, belching and mild nausea. Excess sugar in the blood increases glucose levels, but since it is quickly broken down, the decrease in “sugar reserves” quickly decreases, causing an irresistible desire to enjoy something sweet again. And the feeling of acute hunger that arises along with this will provoke you to eat much more than the usual portion.

What to do: You can stop this process only by including protein and fiber in your diet. It is recommended to have a fasting day with kefir-fruit smoothies.

For 1 liter of kefir, take 500 grams of any berries to taste and, after mixing all the ingredients until smooth, drink in 4 small portions.

Also in an efficient way will be following a diet of slow carbohydrates. This could be eating 1.5 kg of boiled potatoes during the day or the same amount of vegetables in the form of soups or steamed dishes.

4. If you drank too much alcohol

The most common symptoms are headache, dizziness, nausea and sweating. In addition, it feels extreme thirst, which means that brain cells are in dire need of fluid, as alcohol causes them to dehydrate.

What to do: The main components of fasting days in this case are fermented milk products, sauerkraut, citrus fruits, oatmeal with water or boiled poultry. These ingredients help remove toxic substances, as well as soothe an irritated stomach and intestines, normalizing digestion.

5. If you ate something stale

Food intoxication, as a rule, is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms in the form of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills and a slight increase in temperature. If all these signs disappear within 24 hours, then you can do without a visit to the doctor. We need to help the body cope with the problem on its own.

What to do: In such cases, a fasting day consists of drinking a large amount of liquid (2-2.5 liters). Weak green tea without sugar is also allowed. It is advisable to completely give up food for a day, with the only exception being baked apples.


Individual poor tolerance to “hungry days”: sharp pains in the abdomen, dizziness, nausea, fainting, low blood pressure, sleep disturbance and other symptoms.
Underweight and signs of exhaustion.
Diabetes mellitus 1st type.
Chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.
Pregnancy and lactation period.
During menstruation.

Types of fasting days

The benefits of fasting days after heavy overeating have been proven without doubt. However, you should know moderation in everything and carry out mono-diets as needed for your health.

For such “unloading” after the holidays, your stomach will definitely thank you!

Going to visit is always a holiday!

Overeating - “It’s nothing, it’s just an everyday matter”, as another cartoon character said. Happens to everyone. And if the hospitable Rabbit helped Winnie the Pooh eliminate the consequences of overeating, then advice from Shape magazine will help you and me.

Today, blog readers will learn how to behave correctly the next day after overeating. It turns out that this behavior should be different depending on what exactly we overate. Interestingly, very often in these cases like is treated with like.

So we'll talk today about fasting days and first aid after overeating.

After overeating, Shape magazine advises us to spend from 1 to 3 fasting days, which ones depends on what we overate the day before.

Fasting days contribute:
1) reducing body weight (due to a low calorie diet);
2) normalization of metabolism;
3) Removal of metabolic products and toxic substances from the body.
Approved by Shape magazine.

We ask ourselves the question: “What happened?” and looking for an answer.

1. Ate too much fat.

Traditionally, holiday foods tend to be high in fat and protein. Such food lingers in the stomach and is difficult to digest, hence the feeling of heaviness and discomfort. In addition, fatty and high-protein foods require the production of large amounts of digestive enzymes, and our liver and gallbladder often cannot cope with such an attack. As a result, food is not completely digested, the pH of the intestines changes, and putrefactive processes develop. This may manifest itself as digestive upset, including food poisoning which lead to diarrhea. Bitterness in the mouth is one of the symptoms of gallbladder dysfunction.

Ambulance. To normalize acid-base balance in the body, which, in case of overeating fatty and protein foods, shifts to the side acidic environment, you need to eat apples, carrots, oranges, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), celery - they help maintain alkaline environment and restore acid-base balance in the intestines. Vegetables and fruits are healthier to eat raw because dietary fiber improve digestion and excretion of metabolic products from the body

Fasting day after an excess of protein-fat foods: kefir.
- Divide into 5-6 doses (200 ml each) and drink 1.2 liters of 1% kefir or unsweetened drinking yogurt during the day.
- If you prefer cottage cheese (400-600g) for unloading, then it should also be low-fat and it is better to supplement it with fruits or berries (blueberries, strawberries - can be frozen).

2. We ate too much sweets.

This can also negatively affect your well-being. The next day you may feel heartburn, belching and mild nausea. Excess sugar will increase blood glucose levels, and reducing dietary sugar intake will cause glycemia ( reduced content blood sugar) which will make you want sweets and cakes again.

Ambulance. The next day after overeating sweets, try to avoid simple carbohydrates– sources of “fast” energy, which, if not consumed urgently, will inevitably turn into fat folds in problem areas.

To maintain blood sugar levels and avoid glycemia (low blood sugar), you should arrange a fasting day on “slow” carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates must be replaced with non-sugar vegetables and fruits. Eat porridge cooked in water, which can be enriched with inulin, which significantly reduces blood sugar levels.

The fasting day after overeating sweets is spent on slow carbohydrates. This can be 1.5 kg of baked potatoes or 1.5 kg of vegetables/fruits in the form of pureed soups in 4-5 doses.

3. We ate too much salty and spicy food.

Excess water has formed in the tissues of the body, which is why you are horrified by the sight of your own swollen face in the mirror. Our task is to bring out excess liquid from the intercellular space.

Ambulance. Rice-compote fasting day, due to the normalization of potassium-sodium balance in the body, excess fluid is removed from the body. Also suitable for such unloading are vegetables rich in magnesium salts (a natural diuretic and laxative), for example, cauliflower, broccoli and spinach. Drink green tea, lingonberry or cranberry juice, do not add salt to dishes and limit the serving size.

Fasting day after overeating salty and spicy foods: rice and compote. 750g of dark rice in 4-5 doses and 1.5 liters of dried apricot or cranberry compote - drink throughout the day.

4. Drank too much alcohol.

Most likely you are experiencing severe headache, which may be accompanied by nausea, dizziness and sweating. Brain cells want to drink because... the alcohol caused them to become dehydrated.

Ambulance. Drink plain or mineral still water and sorbents. Natural sorbents - leggins - are found in carrots, peaches, potatoes, tomatoes, and pectins - in apples, bananas, beets, cabbage, carrots.

Succinic acid and other organic acids contained in fermented milk products, sauerkraut and citrus fruits, will accelerate the elimination of toxic alcohol metabolic products from the body. If you feel hungry, eat a portion of boiled poultry, pasta or a plate oatmeal on the water. Oatmeal will soothe irritated stomach lining.

Fasting day: Optimally, fast and drink water. If you are very hungry, eat a bowl of oatmeal with water.

5. Ate something not fresh.

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, weakness, chills, fever up to 37-36C and the need to visit the toilet every 15 minutes are common companions of food intoxication.

Ambulance. On this day, it is better to fast and drink at least 2-2.5 liters of plain or mineral still water. The amount of water you need to drink will depend on the amount of fluid you are losing.

Helps well in such conditions drinking plenty of fluids water or weak green or black tea, the pulp of baked apples, rich in pectin substances that can bind and remove toxins, and etherosorbents such as activated carbon, for example, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

Fasting day. It is better to give up food altogether for a day. Drink 2-2.5 liters of water during the day.

Taking into account inclinations modern man to self-medication and self-flagellation, the “strong-willed” decisions of those affected by food to arrange fasting days for themselves are quite understandable.

This is where we get rid of unpleasant symptoms, and an attempt to reproach and punish oneself for abuse. But are fasting days always a way out of this situation? And if you decide to take such a step, then it is better to find out in advance about all the pros, cons, side effects and possible outcomes.

Payback after overeating

The price for overeating can be nausea and vomiting, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and sometimes even noticeable bloating. The stomach, not having time to process an excessive amount of food, begins to send it semi-digested to the intestines. The situation is aggravated by the lack of function enzyme systems, all this leads to frequent semi-liquid stools, and sometimes diarrhea.

A diametrical problem is also possible - constipation, which also does not lead to lightness in the stomach.

Stagnation of a large amount of undigested food in the intestines can lead to the formation of putrefactive fluids; these breakdown products can seriously poison the body. Hence the skin problems bad smell from the mouth and bad smell sweat, general deterioration condition.

Also, after overeating, drowsiness, decreased performance, physical activity and dulling of mental activity.

In addition, frequent overeating can cause psychological problems, lower self-esteem, cause depression or affect your sex life.

After overeating: removing symptoms

The first thing you need to do is stop. Awareness of the very fact of overeating and refusal of further abuse will already become the basis for improving the condition.

If your health after overeating not only leaves much to be desired, but also raises serious concerns for your health, you should consult a doctor. If no frankly frightening conditions are observed, then lie down to rest. Within 30-40 minutes you will begin to feel better.

The only point is don’t lie on your stomach, don’t make it harder for your stomach to do its job. But to help the gastrointestinal tract light massage stomach or a warm heating pad will not hurt.

If overeating makes itself felt, but you feel the strength to go for a short walk fresh air, then don't give it up. Light physical activity will stimulate the intestines, relieve it of accumulated gases and help normalize digestion.

A glass of tea with ginger, green tea or a special herbal mixture to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will ease the condition. A few tablets of digestive enzymes - pancreatin or its analogues - can also help.

However, they are not a panacea; over time, the effectiveness of the tablets will decrease, and the body, accustomed to outside help, will no longer cope with the necessary amount of work, which will lead to a worsening of the situation.

Fasting days after overeating

One of the most popular replacements for long-term diets and a way to “cure” from overeating is the practice of fasting days. The advantages include the opportunity to quickly rid the body of toxins and waste, give rest to an overworked gastrointestinal tract, and even lose a little weight.

The essence of the practice is to regularly, or after overeating, give up your usual food and its volumes, replacing it with some less high-calorie and healthier foods.

There is meaning in such diets as long as reason does not give way to fanaticism. Soberly assess your capabilities and do not abuse such fasting; your body, exhausted by hunger, will certainly take revenge on you as soon as free access to food opens again. And getting rid of the consequences of overeating and automatically preparing yourself for the next overeating is at least illogical.

Do not try to exhaust yourself with excessive exercise on fasting days. physical activity. Nutritionists even advise avoiding fitness clubs and gyms, allowing the body to calmly go through a stressful situation.

Don't push yourself with diuretics and laxatives, but don't forget to drink more water. You can also increase your overall tone by visiting a sauna or herbal barrel, but these procedures must also be approached carefully - it is unlikely that such activities will be usefully carried out on the first day after a heavy overeating. It is better to plan them as the final stage of unloading, when your condition has already returned to normal.

Control yourself as you return from fasting days to the normal rhythm of life. Beware of overeating again - this can aggravate the problem and further upset your digestion.

It is worth remembering that fasting days are contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children and teenagers;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • for diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver;
  • with a general weakening of the body by illness.

In all of the above cases, it is imperative to consult a doctor, otherwise an attempt to improve your health may turn into disaster.

  • You should not eat with company - a large number of friends can gradually increase you to an undesirable size. If an irresistible desire to eat attacks you at night, then a glass of kefir will come to the rescue. It will not only fill the emptiness in the stomach and soul, but also help with the functioning of the intestines.
  • Avoid snacking while watching TV, laptop or reading a book. Being carried away by what is happening on the screen, we disconnect from the process of eating and cease to control it. After all, it’s a shame to swallow a treat and not taste its incomparable taste due to excessive concentration on the fate of your favorite character in the series.
  • By chewing your food thoroughly, you will feel pleasantly full without the accompanying heaviness in your stomach.
  • And lastly, give up any type of fast food - you will be healthier!