Where can ulcerative colitis be cured? The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of ulcerative colitis: description of recipes, action and application, limitations. List of the most effective healing plants

From the article: "... I made a new portion of juice, sometimes half a glass, sometimes less. And so all summer and autumn."
The recipe is not mine, but taken from the Naturopath website.
Here are more recipes for colitis:
Scientists from Norfolk examined 25,000 county residents aged 40 to 65 years. Many volunteers were diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Nutritionists found that the diet of ulcer patients did not contain enough food rich in fatty acids, including oleic. Doctors are convinced that olive oil prevents the development of ulcerative colitis. It is oleic acid that protects the stomach by suppressing inflammatory mediators in the large intestine. To keep your stomach healthy, you need to consume 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil daily.

TREATMENT BY BOLOTOV. Ulcerative colitis.
1. drink 2-4 tablespoons of celandine enzyme every 3-4 hours.
2. be sure to consume 1-2 grams of salt 4-5 times a day with food.
3. The diet should contain meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, mushrooms and sour vegetables.
4. consume cabbage or (for heartburn) carrot cakes: 1-2 times a day, 2-4 tablespoons, alternating with raw potato cakes.
5. drink kvass made from wormwood, tansy, rowan fruits, and peppermint in unlimited quantities.
6. Make a special food paste from thuja. Recipe: take 1 kg of ground mass of young thuja leaves and mix with 1 glass of honey. Use 1 teaspoon of paste after each meal. The paste can be kept warm indefinitely. (other pastes are also useful - from red rowan and larkspur).
7. use for treatment yeast dough on rye flour, which is eaten raw, 2-4 tablespoons.
8. For cleansing, enemas are made from the celandine enzyme, diluted with whey or tea from wormwood or chamomile.
9. To nourish the body, they wipe it apple cider vinegar with honey.
10. Seeds or rhizomes of horse sorrel also help the patient well.



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Questions and answers on: nyak treatment during exacerbation

2013-02-05 19:04:49

Alexander asks:

Good afternoon I have UC, I would like to ask you a few questions. The exacerbation has already happened 3 times in 2.5 years, the last time in May 2012, now I think it’s starting again. Previously, when there was an exacerbation, doctors said light form since no ulcers are found. I read on the Internet about traditional methods treatment with Shetokoskogo balm with sea ​​buckthorn oil, I would like to try it, do you think this will cause even more harm??? And is it possible to play sports with this disease??? And which doctor should I contact, a proctologist or gastroenterologist during an exacerbation?

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Alexander. However, proctologists deal more closely with the problem of UC, but gastroenterologists also successfully treat mild and moderate forms. According to you, you have been ill for 2.5 years, during which time you should have decided on a permanent attending physician and be under his supervision. Now regarding your other questions. I think that it will not be worse from taking Shestakovsky balm (vinyline) and sea buckthorn oil, but we should also not forget traditional drugs (salofalk, pentasa, etc.). As for physical activity, then if these are loads of moderate intensity, then they are not contraindicated.

2012-07-24 02:53:22

Maria asks:

Hello, I'm 18 years old. Only last year I was diagnosed with UC when I discovered blood in my stool for the first time. Then I took prednisolone, sulfasalazine, salofalk in suppositories and the exacerbation passed. Since then there have been no exacerbations and now I take salofalk 500 hl 4 times a day and salofalk suppositories 2 suppositories 2 times a week. I follow a strict diet. But in last six months I started serious problems with immunity, I get colds every month (or even more often), as well as problems in the female part, bartholinitis every month and very severe thrush, when used local drugs They only last for a week and then start again. The doctor said that with such a small dose of sulfasalazine this should not happen. Please tell me what treatment for UC can be applied regarding bartholinitis and thrush? The gynecologist advised to remove the barolin gland, is this necessary? Is there another way out for my illness? And how soon can the dose of sulfasalazine be reduced? There have been no exacerbations for a year and I feel good.

Answers Lukashevich Ilona Viktorovna:

Dear Maria, you can reduce the dose of salofalk only after examining the rectum and confirming clinical and endoscopic remission. If the gynecologist sees the need to remove one of the Bartholin’s glands, then so be it. Regarding thrush, I think it is not related to the real use of salofalk, rather it is the consequences of taking prednisone. But this defect can also be treated, just longer than in relatively healthy patients.

2015-03-31 03:22:30

Konstantin asks:

I have had UC for 10 years (I did it in different times colonoscopy in three different places, took a bipsy, etc.). Approximately 40 cm of the colon is affected. I don't take any medications. No blood, no diarrhea. There is weight loss, decreased performance, mood, etc. This year there was a slight exacerbation (as expected - blood, intestinal pain, diarrhea, etc.), against the background New Year's holidays, but managed to go into remission, again without drugs. UC has not gone away, I feel it from time to time slight pain on the left side.
1. How typical is a case like mine for UC in terms of the nature of the course?
2. What do you think about Fecal Transplantation, which is gaining momentum in the West and which everyone is deciding on? more people with IBD, can they be solved even at home, out of despair? I heard that in Ukraine they began to use this method for the treatment of C.difficult.
I would also like to advise all patients with UC not to despair (the feeling that my grief is wider than the universe is also very familiar to me). It may also be useful to someone - despite the recommended diet 4b for UC - it is very important to look at what foods each UC patient has a reaction ( food intolerance) - personally, for me it’s potatoes (it becomes very bad), oats (everything inside burns, diarrhea), olive oil (severe weakness) and walnuts(blood appears). And the first, most severe exacerbation, with a stay in the hospital for 1 month, I had against the background of attempts to self-medicate UC with herbs.

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Konstantin. Your case is really not very typical. It is rare for anyone to be able to achieve remission of UC without the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also not typical that without treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs you manage to stabilize the spread of the disease. That is, the inflammatory process affects only 40 cm (in your words) of the colon and does not spread to other parts of the colon. However, the lack of anti-inflammatory therapy may have another negative effect. Against the background of untreated inflammation, processes of degeneration of the colon mucosa are possible; therefore, it is necessary to periodically perform fibrocolonoscopy and perform a biopsy of the colon mucosa in its various parts in order to identify dysplasia. Regarding the method of fecal transplantation, this method is very promising in various branches of medicine. Its effectiveness has been proven for the treatment of antibiotic-associated colitis, which is caused by Clostridium deficile. However, I have not yet seen enough data to support the effectiveness of this treatment for patients with inflammatory diseases intestines. In my opinion, this method is quite promising, I think we need to wait a couple of years and we will receive information about the use of this method specifically for the treatment of patients with IBD.

2015-03-29 22:38:31

Egor asks:

I am 32 years old and was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 7 years ago. After long-term treatment remission came, I forgot about the disease for 2 years - nothing hurt, I gained weight.
Now, for 8 months, an exacerbation has begun. I take Salofalk.
Since the beginning of the exacerbation, I have lost almost 15 kg, from 80 kg to 65. Constant colds, runny nose, fatigue and drowsiness. From time to time I have pain in my back, first in the upper part, now my lower back hurts a lot.
Tell me, could this be a consequence of UC? At the slightest hypothermia and draft - another cold, and take additional medications I don't want to at all.

2014-09-24 14:41:45

Anna Savvina asks:

Dear Fedot Gennadievich, could drugs such as a polarizing mixture + magnesia and vinpocetine in droppers cause an exacerbation of UC. A week after treatment with them, an exacerbation began in the neurology department. Despite the fact that I was always on a maintenance dose of Salofalk 2g

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello Savvina. I think that these drugs could not cause exacerbation of UC. Now we need to reconsider the dosage of salofalk. Do not delay your visit to your doctor. Good luck to you!

2014-03-22 10:02:43

Alena asks:

Hello! Please tell me how to achieve stable remission in UC?? I was diagnosed with total form of UC in December 2013, but I had problems with my intestines for about 2.5 years (exacerbations occurred about 2 times a year and lasted for 2-3 months, and then everything returned to normal), I just didn’t know my diagnosis and suffered through self-medication. After this diagnosis was made, I was given treatment: 10 days of metronidazole drops 2 times a day, trichopolum tablets 3 times a day after meals, salofalk 3 grams per day, folic acid 3 times a day, 1 tablet. After 1 month it became easier, but the remission is not stable, if I slightly depart from the diet, the stool is not normal (not liquid, but mushy) 3-4 times a day. But after a few days it returns to normal. I am very worried and want to achieve stable remission. It’s been a month since I reduced the dose from 3 grams to 2.4 grams. Maybe "SPRING" affects my immune system and can again increase the dose to 3 grams per day??? Thank you very much in advance!!!

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Alena.
It is impossible to answer your question in absentia. To do this, you need to see the patient, have data from an endoscopic examination of the colon, laboratory research. However, you are probably right, if exacerbations of the disease continue when the dose of the drug is reduced, then you need to either maintain effective dosage this drug or switch to other more effective drugs- or hormones or immunosuppressants (azathioprine, immuran). Talk to your doctor about further therapeutic tactics in your case.

2014-02-21 06:49:15

Vitaly asks:

Hello! Please help me with advice. I was diagnosed with UC in 2002 at the Vishnevsky Hospital. I was treated from 2002 to 2012, I was in remission, UC did not bother me, but I had a colonoscopy every year and everything was fine, they didn’t even believe that it was UC. And then in the fall of 2012 it started, with blood, mucus, I had a colonoscopy, the diagnosis was UC exacerbation, I was treated according to the regimen of prednesalone 40g with a decrease of 0.5; salofalk in granules 3g, zakofalk, creonne, alpha-normix, duspatalin. I went into remission and had no pain during treatment. In the fall of 2013, exactly one year later, UC worsened, I ran to my doctor, started treatment according to the regimen, pain began in the left side of the abdomen, bloating, stool without blood 2 times a day, during the day everything is fine, but in the evening it’s just a hell of a state that I want to the toilet but it doesn’t work, the air doesn’t come out, it’s as if the plug is clogged and there’s almost no peristalsis in the intestines, you start drinking water, it starts to slowly let go, but for good, I did a colonoscopy, UC but it’s going into remission, the process of inflammation is still present in the colon and sigmoid, but not strong, there are also partial diverticula 0.5-0.7 without signs of inflammation. Biopsy is normal, UC without pathologies. IN present time I drink salofalk in granules 1g per day, zakofalk, for pain duspatalin and in the morning duphalac, but during the day I feel fine, everything works and the air leaves and I go to the toilet well, but in the evening it all starts again, everything is blocked, the air does not leave, but I want to. Tell me what it could be and how I can at least try to get treatment or what other examination to undergo. In advance thanks a lot!

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello, Vitaly. Now you need to undergo a fibrocolonoscopy and a consultative examination at a specialized state proctology center. Sincerely, Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich

2013-10-23 17:27:53

Olga asks:

Hello, I am 45 years old, diagnosed with UC medium degree severity since 1998 Since that time, the disease has worsened twice - in 1998 (when the diagnosis was established) and in 2008. Both times the treatment took place without hormones. I underwent a planned video colonoscopy on October 23, 2013. Conclusion: UC of moderate severity, phase of moderate activity.
I have no complaints about my health. Intestinal release is regular, once a day in the morning, stool is formed, without blood.
I follow the 4-table diet, diet, all the advice and prescriptions of the gastroenterologist. What confuses me is that with such a diagnosis, I have no complaints about my health, nothing hurts, no loose stools. The gastroenterologist, the coloproctologist, and the doctor who performed the video colonoscopy are surprised by this. It just scares me (not that I feel good, but that there is a disease, but I don’t feel its manifestation). Can this be explained by the fact that I am tall? pain threshold? Have you encountered similar cases in practice?
It is very important for me to get a second opinion, because it scares me very much when doctors are surprised that there is something wrong with me.
Thank you in advance for your attention to my problem.

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich:

Hello? Olga. I had similar cases in my practice. Tell me if you had a biopsy taken from parts of your colon and describe the colonoscopy in full in your next letter. Perhaps after this I can tell you something.

2013-08-24 08:40:33

Olga asks:

Good afternoon My husband is 35 years old. two years ago I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. I completed a course of treatment, my condition improved, but blood-streaked diarrhea persisted all this time. We followed only a diet without medications. Recently, an exacerbation began again - weakness, loss of appetite... We underwent an examination - a colonoscopy. She showed that the area was affected sigmoid colon at a depth of 20 cm, further the mucous membrane is clean and normal. They don’t write anything about the rectum either. Now for 2 weeks we have been taking salofalk 4 times a day, enzistal 3 times, Duspatalin 2 times, microenemas with collargol. General condition improved, but stool 6-8 times a day with streaks of blood. I read on this site that with UC, the rectum is also affected, and in general the whole large intestine. Question: maybe we were diagnosed incorrectly? Our town is small and has few specialists. We want to go to a larger clinic. Tell me what examinations and tests need to be taken in order to accurately establish the diagnosis. Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answers Tkachenko Fedot Gennadievich.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a complex disease that can destroy a person’s health and cause a lot of harm. It is often accompanied by bleeding, fever,... This disease often referred to using the abbreviation - UC.

With the active intervention of doctors on initial stage you can overcome the disease. The advanced form becomes chronic, its treatment is difficult, and can ultimately be fatal.

Dangerous due to alternating exacerbations and remissions. During an exacerbation period they may rupture intestinal walls. Long-term illness sometimes leads to oncological diseases colon. If life-threatening complications begin, surgery is performed. In order not to start the disease, it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner. Most effective folk remedies, practice shows that drug therapy gives insignificant results.

Ulcerative colitis can be in acute or chronic forms

It is impossible to say for sure why some people develop ulcerative colitis. Doctors were only able to identify a number of directions that lead to such an illness. These are:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • disruptions in the immune system;
  • psychological aspect;
  • harmful effects of the environment;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

The disease progresses in stages. At first, the problems affect only the rectum. Next comes the spread throughout, with the submucosa and mucous layer being affected. Eventually the surface of the intestine becomes ulcerated. The calmer and more balanced a person is, the less danger there is for him from this disease. Stress and nervousness, on the contrary, complicate the course, so therapy for the disease includes restoring emotional stability.

Features of the disease

To determine adequate treatment, you need to know what form of the disease is and what stage the patient is at. Therapeutic manipulations should be carried out in the direction of restoring the mucosa and submucosa of all parts of the intestine. To do this, they use them, endowed with an enveloping effect, capable of healing and relieving inflammation.

UC has several stages:

  1. Spicy. This . When symptoms first occur.
  2. Chronic.
  3. Recurrent. Exacerbation replaces periods of normalcy.

UC has several forms:

  • Light (characterized normal condition a patient whose stool occurs no more than 5 times a day may have bloody stools).
  • Moderate weight.
  • Severe (disturbs more than 8 times a day, there is blood, pus, mucus in the stool). Requires mandatory hospitalization.

You can learn more about nonspecific ulcerative colitis from the video:

Herbal medicine in the fight against ulcerative colitis

Herbal medicine - excellent remedy in the fight against ulcerative colitis.

Not always medications can cope with UC. If it does not give results, you can turn to the gifts of nature to delay the operation. What medicinal herbs can they help?

These are plants whose infusions and decoctions have a gentle effect on the affected areas, enveloping them and healing them. Taking decoctions is also useful because taking them allows you to replenish the loss of fluid that is characteristic of this condition. The list of herbs that have proven themselves in treating this ailment is given below:

  1. Dried blueberries (berries) are a remedy that prevents putrefactive processes and protects against cancer.
  2. Strawberry, raspberry, and currant leaves support the liver.
  3. Nettle decoctions help improve blood clotting, prevent, relieve inflammation, and free the body from pus.
  4. Chamomile relieves inflammation, eliminates spasms, and has an antimicrobial effect.
  5. Peppermint calms and balances emotional state, reduces spasms, produces an antibacterial effect. This is a remedy for correcting the condition.
  6. Yarrow relieves diarrhea due to the presence of substances that have a bactericidal effect.
  7. Relieves inflammation, heals affected surfaces, removes pain syndrome. It has a laxative effect and helps with constipation.
  8. Cinquefoil has a healing effect and helps fight.
  9. Pomegranate (peel) is considered a reliable remedy for diarrhea. Able to relieve inflammation and destroy harmful microorganisms. Infusions are prepared for administration.
  10. Celandine has healing, anti-inflammatory properties, destroys pathogenic microflora. Has a beneficial effect on the emotional state, relieves nervous tension, anxiety.
  11. Wormwood removes all dangerous microorganisms from the intestines.
  12. St. John's wort improves motor skills, removes pus, reduces inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  13. Knotweed is a good antispasmodic; it also has a healing, anti-inflammatory effect.
  14. Alder helps in the treatment of ulcers, has astringent properties, so it can stop bleeding.

The herbs listed above are good in infusions and decoctions, either on their own or in combination with each other. You can take them in equal quantities or use them in general gathering one herb in more than others. This will help vary the desired effect.

If the decoction is enriched, then beneficial properties drugs will increase.

Chronic UC. How to normalize the situation?

Manifestations of nonspecific ulcerative colitis- this is constipation.

Manifestations of nonspecific ulcerative colitis are diverse. This may include constipation, diarrhea, pain, etc. discomfort. The specifics of treatment directly depend on those that are present at the moment.

If the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, then herbal teas include components that can stop diarrhea. You can take yarrow and chamomile as a basis. A little nettle and St. John's wort are also added there.

An infusion prepared from such a mixture will stop diarrhea, bleeding, reduce inflammation, and help get rid of rot. One spoon should be brewed with a glass of boiling water. The product will cook better if you keep it in a water bath and then let it sit for a while. The best option– leave in a thermos overnight. Take it in a glass before meals.

If you suffer from colitis, then you need to treat it a little differently. First, we need to restore motor skills. You will need herbs that can stimulate the functioning of the intestines and relieve inflammation. You can mix honey, chamomile, valerian, blueberries, mint, nettle. The preparation proportions are similar: a glass of boiling water per spoon of the mixture. the product is infused in a thermos overnight. Drink a glass before meals.

Acute colitis. Treatment options

We begin treatment acute colitis with a cup of green tea.

Treatment begins with simple green tea. You just need to brew it stronger. Its antimicrobial properties are capable of short time eliminate negative factors. Just buy not bags, but normal loose-leaf tea.

You can alternate taking tea with taking chamomile decoction. He must also be strong. 4 tablespoons are poured into a glass of boiling water. This mixture is kept in a water bath for about 20 minutes. When it is strained, it is drunk half a glass after meals.

An acute attack of colitis can be stopped by taking St. John's wort. It is brewed according to classic scheme(a glass of boiling water per spoon of the mixture). For a long time there is no need to insist on it. Half an hour will be enough. The product is drunk 3 times a day, a third of a glass is consumed at a time.

Fighting relapses

The knotweed will help in the fight against relapses.

The speedy normalization of the situation will be facilitated by the healing of ulcers and improved blood circulation in this area. To prevent increased bleeding, you need to take herbs that increase blood clotting.

These are knotweed, claret, nettle, and St. John's wort. It is better to take them not separately, but to include them in healing cathedrals. It is advisable to use local treatment methods, for example, with sea buckthorn oil. This is an excellent healing agent.

Enemas are done lying down late in the evening before bed. The volume of injected oil is 50 ml. For the procedure, take a small pear. After waking up, you need to drink 1 - 2 tablespoons of the same oil.

Homeopathy remedies

Often. Trying to get rid of , people try different methods. Homeopathy is one of them. Only self-medication is unacceptable here. We need a qualified homeopathic doctor.

A professional will never approach a task lightly. In order for his treatment not to harm, he must know everything about the patient. Therefore, a banal survey at an appointment can take several hours. The prescribed course of treatment may include medicinal plants, acupuncture, and massage.

Bolotov–Naumov effect

We eat a little meat, cottage cheese, fish and normalize the situation.

This disease has its own nuances. It is believed that ulcerative colitis is caused by improper functioning of the pylorus valve. It demarcates the stomach and duodenum.

If it cannot close in time, the contents and duodenum mixed. This phenomenon provokes the development of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It was found that it begins to work worse in the case frequent use alkaline food. It was these findings that were called the Bolotov–Naumov effect. Dr. Naumov has developed a number of recommendations that can help normalize the situation:

  • Half an hour after eating, dissolve large salt crystals.
  • On chronic stage eat vegetable pulp.
  • Meat, fish, mushrooms, cottage cheese, kefir should be consumed little by little.
  • Drink wormwood infusion half an hour after meals.
  • Kvass is prepared from kvass using milk whey. They drink it 2 sips every 2 hours constantly.

These recommendations help restore the tone of the pylorus and correct the situation. You cannot be indifferent to this disease. After all, every 10 people who get ulcerative colitis, according to statistics, die.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC) is a very serious and complex disease Gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by the appearance of ulcers on the colon mucosa. IN neglected form it is very difficult to treat. In addition, it greatly complicates a person’s life, depriving him of sleep and peace.

The main causes of the disease include hereditary predisposition; transferred infectious diseases; illnesses gastrointestinal tract; poor environmental conditions; emotional instability.

People with this disease complain of bloody, purulent or mucous discharge. In case severe course disease, the frequency of stool can reach twenty times per day. As a rule, the urge becomes more frequent at night.

In addition, fever appears painful sensations in the epigastrium, which worsen after eating. A patient with ulcerative colitis loses a lot of weight.

If you do not seek the help of a specialist in time, you may experience intestinal bleeding, rupture of the wall of the colon, formation of abscesses and fistulas, narrowing of the intestinal lumen.

The disease can become chronic, which, unfortunately, is very difficult to cure.

Ulcerative colitis: stages

The disease is divided into several stages.

  1. Chronic. The development of this stage is provoked by untimely treatment.
  2. Spicy. The manifestation of the primary symptoms of the disease is characteristic.
  3. Recurrent. Improvement of the condition is accompanied by exacerbation.

Forms of the disease

  1. Easy.
  2. Moderate weight.
  3. Heavy.

A mild form of the disease is characterized satisfactory condition, appearing no more than five times, sometimes with bloody discharge. In severe cases, fever appears loose stool becomes more frequent, bloody, purulent and mucous discharge appears.

What does everyone need to know?

Quite often in scientific publications or on television you can see ulcerative colitis and “coming hand in hand”. For some reason, many people believe that these two diseases are almost identical. Unfortunately, this opinion is extremely erroneous. Of course, among the ailments there are similar symptoms, but there are much more differences.

It is characterized by the presence of ulcers only on the colon mucosa. But with Crohn's disease, ulcers form on both the mucous membranes of the colon and small intestine. In addition, they can also appear in the stomach. Hence it follows that the treatment of these “related” ailments is different.

Therefore, do not self-medicate under any circumstances, and if suspicious symptoms appear, immediately contact the hospital. Incorrect treatment you can only make things worse.

Treatment of nyak with folk remedies

Drug therapy can bring only slight improvement, therefore, in this case, treating the disease with the help of drugs traditional medicine considered the most effective. Properly selected herbal medicine helps alleviate the course of the disease. In most cases, this is the only treatment.

Therapy medicinal plants is the “golden mean”. Especially in the case when medications are powerless against this disease, and it is too early to perform surgery.

List of the most effective healing plants

Medicines from plants should have wound-healing and hemostatic effects. In addition, they should help replenish the water-salt balance in the body.

  1. Blueberries help cleanse the intestines of putrefactive substances and help in the fight against cancer cells.
  2. Raspberry and strawberry leaves are best helpers liver in the “battle” with the disease.
  3. Nettle leaves improve blood clotting.
  4. Chamomile flowers have powerful antimicrobial and antibacterial effects.
  5. Yarrow helps cleanse the intestines of harmful microorganisms and stop diarrhea.
  6. Cinquefoil has a wound-healing effect.
  7. With the help of medicines from the dream, you can relieve inflammation, pain, and cope with constipation.
  8. Celandine will put things in order nervous system, will help in the fight against microorganisms harmful to humans, and eliminate the inflammatory process.
  9. With the help of St. John's wort, you can restore intestinal motility.
  10. Alder has an astringent, wound-healing and hemostatic effect.

Chronic stage of ulcerative colitis: treatment

People with availability of this disease often troubled by problems with stool. And therefore, when treating this disease in mandatory emphasis should be placed on these features. Colitis, which is accompanied by diarrhea, must be treated with those medicinal plants that have astringent properties.

Preparation of a fortifying infusion. You need to take chamomile, yarrow, nettle, St. John's wort and rosehip. There should be five parts of yarrow, one of all other plants. An infusion of this herbal collection has an antibacterial and hemostatic effect, helps eliminate diarrhea.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and pour a glass of water over them. Place it on water bath for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and leave to steep for a couple of hours. Drink one glass of infusion before sitting down at the table.

If the disease is accompanied by constipation, then it is necessary to use plants that have a laxative effect.

Recipe for making a laxative infusion

You will need chamomile, honeydew, valerian root, nettle, blueberry and mint. Three spoons of raw material must be poured boiled water and leave to infuse overnight. Take a glass of the product before meals.

Acute stage - treatment

Drinking strong brewed green tea will help treat this stage. It has an antimicrobial effect. It is recommended to drink loose leaf tea.

Preparation of chamomile infusion

One of the most effective plants for treatment acute stage is chamomile. Take four spoons of raw material and add water. Place in a water bath for half an hour, then strain. Drink half a glass of infusion after each meal.

St. John's wort infusion is an excellent remedy for stopping diarrhea during acute attacks.
Take one spoon of the plant and pour a glass of boiled water over it. Leave for thirty minutes. Drink 1/3 glass before each sitting at the table.

Recurrent colitis

During relapses, it is necessary to use preparations that help increase blood circulation and fast healing ulcers In addition, you need to take remedies from those plants that can improve blood clotting. These include: nettle, St. John's wort, jasmine and peppermint. These plants can be added to other healing herbal infusions.

Sea buckthorn enemas. For any form and any stage of the disease, the use of enemas is quite effective. It has wound-healing and regenerating effects. Place 50 ml of oil in a small medicinal bulb. Then insert it into the rectum. It is advisable to give an enema before going to bed. Take one spoon of oil in the morning.

Other effective remedies

  • Take dried raspberry leaves and pour boiled water over them. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Take 100 ml of the product four times a day before meals.
  • Take mint leaves and pour boiled water over them. Let sit for about 20 minutes. Take a glass of infusion half an hour before sitting down at the table.
  • To prepare the following remedy, you will need fresh pomegranate seeds. Take 50 g of seeds, pour a glass of boiled water over them and place on low heat for 30 minutes. Drink 2 tablespoons of the decoction twice a day.

Never let this disease take its course and don’t hope that everything will go away on its own. Only through timely and regular treatment can you weaken the course of the disease and prevent serious complications from occurring.

The disease nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC), characterized by chronic inflammation intestinal mucosa, occurs as a result of a combination of genetic factors with external reasons, which aggravate symptoms and serve as a sign of disease. The disease tends to worsen and increases the risk of rectal or colon cancer. Timely diagnosis and the measures taken can improve the quality of life and prevent dangerous consequences.

What is ulcerative colitis

UC is accompanied by destruction of intestinal cells and tissues against the background of immunoglobulin deficiency, which provokes the penetration pathogenic microorganisms into the tissue with subsequent inflammation. The disease occurs in the proportion of 100 cases per 100 thousand population. The definition carries a collective semantic load; the disease is divided into forms depending on the location, which, according to international classification ICD-10 code K51.


Symptoms of UC in adults have a wide range of manifestations, which leads to a lack of serious concern for the patient and the expectation that it will “go away on its own.” In the opposite cases (fulminant colitis), the patient is sent straight to the hospital. You should contact a specialist if you notice the following symptoms:

  1. Blood in the stool is the surest sign. These may be faint marks on toilet paper or bloody clots.
  2. Mucus fragments and purulent discharge V feces Oh.
  3. Diarrhea, in which the number of diarrhea reaches 20 per day.
  4. When the sigmoid region is affected, constipation is characteristic.
  5. Tenesmus (false urge to defecate). Often caused by accumulations of pus and mucus that come out instead of feces (rectal spit).
  6. Flatulence.
  7. Pain in the left side of the abdomen (left-sided colitis).
  8. Against the background of intoxication, fever develops and the temperature rises.

Extraintestinal manifestations of UC

Lesions outside the intestine caused by UC are diverse. Some are caused by the ileocolitic form (Crohn’s disease) - lesions in oral cavity, other - chronic form enterocolitis. In total, extraintestinal manifestations occur in no more than 20% of patients. Typical ones include:

  • erythema nodosum(inflammation of blood vessels in the skin and subcutaneous fat);
  • pyoderma gangrenosum (skin necrosis);
  • symptoms aphthous stomatitis in the oral cavity in the form of erosions;
  • various eye lesions: conjunctivitis, keratitis, uveitis, episcleritis, retrobulbar neuritis, choroiditis;
  • joint damage in the form of arthritis, increased fragility (osteoporosis) and softening of bones (osteomalacia);
  • necrosis of a separate segment bone tissue (aseptic necrosis);
  • a third of patients experience lung damage;
  • violation endocrine system leads to total damage to the liver, pancreas and biliary tract

Signs of ulcerative colitis of the intestine

As the disease progresses, damage to the mucous membranes intensifies, which leads to the formation of ulcers, sometimes penetrating to the layer muscle tissue. At chronic course peptic ulcer, conglomerates of cells (inflammatory polyps) appear, which are formed during the process of restoration of the affected intestinal epithelium. In severe forms of the disease, the colon thickens, its lumen narrows, and haustra (wall protrusions) disappear. In the acute phase, capillaries in the mucous epithelium expand and hemorrhages occur, leading to ischemic necrosis.


The exact etiology of the disease has not yet been established. There is a correlation between the psycho-emotional state that provokes the disease. Today, experts are seriously discussing three conceptually acceptable options:

  1. Genetic predisposition, including autoimmune disorders. There are a number of studies documenting large quantity patients are the same gene mutations. However, not all people with such pathologies are susceptible to the disease.
  2. Infectious pathology.
  3. Unfavorable factors external environment: strong contraceptives, strict diets.


For a systemic classification of UC, it is best to refer to the system of international classification of diseases. In accordance with this system, the disease is divided into forms:

  1. Chronic ulcerative enterocolitis (damage to the mucous membrane of the small and large intestines) – K51.0.
  2. Chronic ulcerative form ileocolitis, also known as Crohn's disease (damage to the ileum and colon) – K51.1.
  3. Chronic ulcerative form of proctitis (lesions of the rectal mucosa) – K51.2.
  4. Chronic ulcerative form of sigmoiditis (lesions of the sigmoid colon) – K51.3
  5. Pseudopolyposis (restructuring of intestinal mucous tissues, their dysplasia) – K51.4.
  6. Proctocolitis of the mucosal type (damage to the rectus, sigmoid and descending sections transverse colon, including the splenic angle) – K51.5.


Define distal nonspecific colitis a gastroenterologist may examine a patient and detect a number of specific signs. In addition to the visual inspection, laboratory diagnostics blood. The patient has a decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin (signs of anemia), an increased number of leukocytes, and C-reactive protein (which is an indicator of inflammation).

At immunological research In the blood of patients, an increase in the level of cytoplasmic antineutrophil antibodies is noted. The following instrumental methods are used:

  • endoscopy (rectosigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy) – detects the presence of ulcers, polyps, intestinal bleeding, atrophy of the colon mucosa;
  • X-ray - a contrast barium mixture is used, the patient is found to have dilation of the intestinal lumen and the formation of ulcers.

Treatment of ulcerative colitis

Treatment for UC consists of integrated approach symptomatic in nature. The goals of therapy include eliminating immune inflammation with medications, maintaining remission with folk recipes and patient compliance with diet, preventing the occurrence local complications. If the methods of classical drug therapy do not help cure the patient or their effect is weak, a surgical operation is performed.

Conservative therapy

Treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis begins with taking medications. Popular groups of drugs are:

  1. Antibiotics - used after surgery, for fevers and sepsis, toxic dilatation of the colon. From available medicines Trichopolum and Metronidazole are isolated at a dose of 10-20 mg/kg per day.
  2. Immunosuppressants or cytostatics - prescribed when corticosteroids are ineffective or continuous treatment. Azathioprine, Methotrexate, Cyclosporine are prescribed. The dose is determined by the doctor (from 25 to 100 mg/day), the course of treatment is at least three months.
  3. Immunomodulators - Timalin and Taktivin correct immunological imbalances, eliminate the inflammation process, and help cure the disease comprehensively.
  4. Angioprotectors – Parmidine, Trental.
  5. Enterosorbents – Polyphepan, Karbolen, Enterosgel, Vaulin.
  6. Intestinal antiseptics– Intestopan, Furazolidone.
  7. Antidiarrheal drugs – Almalox, Reasek, Imodium.
  8. Enzymes – Mezim, Creon, Pancreatin.
  9. Biological products (pre- and probiotics) – Lactobacterin, Bifikol.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

The first on the list of drugs for the treatment of colitis are non-steroidal drugs with anti-inflammatory effect and glucocorticoids. They are appointed individually and are divided into the following groups:

  1. Aminosalicylic acid preparations are salicylates that inhibit the synthesis of inflammatory mediators. These include Sulfasalazine, Mesalazine, Pentasa.
  2. Azo compounds – Olsalazin, Balsalazid, Salofalk, Mezakol. Available in the form of tablets, microenemas and rectal suppositories.
  3. Hormone therapy glucocorticoids - used in the absence of the effect of salicylates, they differ quick effect. The drugs are administered rectally or systemically. Popular drugs are Prednisolone and Methylprednisolone at a dose of 1-2 mg/kg body weight for a course of 10-20 weeks.


Great value has a diet for ulcerative colitis of the colon. During periods of exacerbation, the patient is recommended to fast, only water is allowed. At long-term remission need to stick to following rules power supply:

  • reduce the amount of fat, increase the percentage of protein, include in the diet lean fish, meat, cottage cheese, eggs;
  • give up coarse fiber, bananas, milk, chocolate, coffee, citrus fruits, strawberries, red apples, baked goods, spicy foods;
  • carbohydrates allowed include porridge, honey, jelly, jellies, compotes, and decoctions;
  • with high severity of lesions, the patient is transferred to parenteral and enteral nutrition;
  • as astringent use pomegranate juice.

Treatment with folk remedies

Chronic colitis accompanied by diarrhea and constipation, traditional medicine recipes will help cure them:

  1. Mix chamomile and yarrow in a 5:1 ratio, add equal amounts of nettle, St. John's wort and rose hips. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of water or place in a water bath. Drink a glass before meals to stop diarrhea and bleeding and prevent putrefaction.
  2. To restore intestinal motility, mix equal amounts of herbs: chamomile, honey, nettle, mint, valerian root, blueberries. Pour three tablespoons into a thermos with three glasses of boiling water overnight. Drink a glass before meals.
  3. For the treatment of edema, quick recovery cells and wound healing, it is recommended to do microenemas with sea buckthorn oil. Take 50 ml of oil into a bulb and insert it into the rectum while lying down at night. In the morning, empty your bowels and drink 1-2 tablespoons of oil on an empty stomach.

Surgical treatment

If conservative treatment doesn't help, it's shown surgery. Types of operations are colectomy (removal of the colon or part thereof), proctocolectomy (removal of the rectum and colon), proctocolectomy with ileostomy (without preserving the anus). The reasons for the operation are: