How to treat the intestines at home. Treatment of intestines with folk remedies at home. Wheat grain decoction

Evgenia Valerievna

Treating the intestines at home can have a significant positive effect. It is worth remembering that any chosen folk remedies must be fully agreed with the attending physician.

Treatment with celandine

Treatment with celandine is quite common for intestinal diseases. Celandine has a fairly rich spectrum of action. Helps well both with skin diseases and problems with gastrointestinal tract. A positive effect was observed in the treatment of various digestive problems, dyspepsia and inflammatory bowel diseases.

For treatment, you can purchase tablets, an extract, an infusion of the plant at the pharmacy, or prepare healing infusion from dried celandine yourself. To prepare a healing drink, you need to pour 1 teaspoon of dried celandine into a glass of boiling water and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and taken orally 1-2 times a day before meals.

Important! Long-term use of celandine infusion in large doses can cause liver disease. Before starting treatment, it is extremely important to consult with a specialist who can calculate exact dosage and will give the necessary recommendations.

Treatment after a course of antibiotics

Despite all the indispensability and benefits of antibiotics in the fight against pathogenic organisms, it is important to understand that taking them leads to the death of not only bacteria, but also your own microflora. After a course of antibiotics it is necessary to as soon as possible restore bowel function. Treatment after antibiotics can be done at home, following simple rules and principles.

First of all, it is necessary to normalize nutrition. It is important to consume fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits. You can resort to simple folk recipes:

  • you need to drink 0.5 liters daily cabbage brine before meals. Pickled apples will help restore microflora;
  • after waking up, you should drink a glass of fermented baked milk or yogurt;
  • During the day you need to eat several lingonberries. You can take it fresh berries or buy them dried;
  • it is necessary to replace the usual drinks with teas made from mint, chamomile, St. John's wort and currant leaf. You can prepare either single teas or mix all the plants;
  • Eat a small clove of garlic once a day with meals. This action will help kill putrefactive microflora;
  • can be cooked healing drink, mixing 2 glasses of water with a tablespoon of honey, sugar and adding 0.5 teaspoon of fresh (not instant) to the mixture. Let the mixture sit in a warm place for about an hour. The drink is drunk twice a day before meals.

Bowel treatment after daily enemas

Daily enemas, carried out for therapeutic or cleansing purposes, cause great damage to the intestinal microflora, “washing out” it. Usually, after daily enemas, patients complain of sharply worsened intestinal diseases. In this case, the following recipes can help with daily enemas:

  • decoction of fennel seeds - to prepare it you need to take 500 milliliters of boiling water and 3 tablespoons of fennel seeds. The mixture is placed on low heat and boiled for 5 minutes. After cooling, the broth is filtered and taken orally throughout the day;
  • pumpkin-flax paste - to prepare a sweet paste, take equal quantities of peeled pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, dried apricots, prunes and sunflower seeds. All ingredients are crushed, passed through a meat grinder, and taken morning and evening, a tablespoon for a month;
  • oil infusion of propolis - bring any vegetable oil to a boil, and then add crushed propolis and cook for another 5-7 minutes. Then the infusion is allowed to cool and filtered. Take one teaspoon of oil in the morning before meals.

Home Recipes

Any intestinal disease is enough dangerous condition requiring specialist supervision. The most common diseases are:

  • duodenitis;
  • gurgle;
  • enteritis;

For therapy inflammatory diseases intestines, choose herbs that have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. The best herbs are considered:

  • oak bark;
  • alder cones;
  • cinquefoil root;
  • sage;
  • calendula, chamomile.

The herbs listed above are used both individually and medicinal infusions are prepared from them.

Oak bark against intestinal inflammation

  • For the recipe you need to take 3 tablespoons of bark and pour a liter of boiling water over them. Place the mixture on the fire and, bringing to a boil, cook for 10-15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, it needs to be strained. After this, the prepared drink is divided into 5-6 equal parts, and I drink it throughout the day. Thus, intestinal inflammation can be treated for up to 10 days.

Alder cones for the intestines

  • The decoction is prepared in the same way as from oak bark, using the same proportions. However, in this case you need to drink it warm, and before meals.

Recipes based on herbal mixtures

  • A mixture of equal parts of chamomile, sage and yarrow has a good effect in this case. Pour a tablespoon of smecha into a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil. Then the broth is cooled and filtered, after which it is taken 5-6 times a day, a tablespoon.

Home therapy for dysbiosis

Dysbacteriosis - pathological condition intestines, which develops while taking antibiotics or due to poor nutrition. Symptoms of the disease are:

  • feeling of discomfort in the abdomen;
  • frequent or causeless rumbling;
  • stool disorders;
  • frequent abdominal pain regardless of food intake.

Treatment of dysbiosis at home should be subject to a certain algorithm. It is extremely important for the patient to adhere to the following rules:

  • it is necessary to normalize the diet. For example, when frequent diarrhea products such as crackers will be useful, boiled eggs and baked apples. It is very important to exclude any foods that can trigger fermentation processes. These include fresh baked goods and mushrooms. You should eat foods high in fiber and bran every day;
  • take natural probiotics. Probiotics are found in large quantities in dairy products, artichokes, bananas and garlic;
  • use herbal decoctions. You can purchase ready-made herbs in dried form at any pharmacy; in addition, if you wish, you can use fresh raw materials. However, it is important to remember that you need to collect herbs away from city limits and roads.

Herbal treatment

In this case, intestinal disease can be cured with the following recipes:

  • Eat flax seeds daily. The procedure must be repeated in the morning and evening, while the seeds can be eaten either dry or poured boiling water over them and left for an hour, after which they can be drunk along with the infusion;
  • drink celery juice. To cook something like this home remedy take only freshly squeezed juice, which is consumed in a tablespoon three times a day before meals;
  • plantain decoction. Pour a tablespoon of plantain leaves into a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and leave for 60 minutes. After this, the broth is filtered, a spoonful of copper is added to it and drunk in small sips throughout the day.

Treatment with garlic

Regular garlic has the unique ability to restore intestinal microflora and at the same time destroy pathogenic organisms. For treatment, you can use milk with garlic. For cooking this tool you need to take 2-3 cloves of garlic and chop them using a press. After this, pour a glass of milk into the garlic paste and bring to a boil. The broth must be cooled and strained. To remove bad taste You can add a teaspoon of honey to the milk. The product is taken 2-3 times a day before meals, 1⁄2 cup. In addition, you can use garlic pure form while eating.

Fermented milk products

Homemade kefir restores the intestinal microflora very well. To prepare it per liter warm milk add a few crusts of black bread and leave for a day in a warm place. After the time has elapsed, the drink is filtered and drunk throughout the day, regardless of meals.

Honey for the gastrointestinal tract

If you are not allergic to bee products, you can use the following recipes:

  • honey mash. To prepare it, you need to take 500 milliliters of water, one at a time big spoon honey and sugar. After this, you need to add 0.5 teaspoon of fresh yeast and place in a warm place for an hour. Drink the drink immediately after preparation;
  • honey water. Ordinary honey water has no less effect. To prepare it, take a tablespoon of propolis honey and dilute it in a glass. warm water. The drink is consumed after preparation 2-3 times a day.

Any problems with the intestines require immediate treatment. It is important to understand that the use of traditional methods must be agreed upon with the attending physician, otherwise such therapy can significantly aggravate the situation.

Specialty: General Practitioner
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov in 2010

More than 2000 years ago, Hippocrates said: “Everything, disease begins in the intestines.”

That is, the health of your intestines depends entirely on what we eat. We simply have to choose proper nutrition for the intestines.

However, not everyone knows this today... I hope today we will clarify everything...

First we need to understand how much our gut health impacts our mental, physical and spiritual health.

Just remember, for example, how irritable you were in lately? But at the same time, you yourself don’t understand why. Was there such a thing? Perhaps you cannot even understand what is happening to you.

And the cause of even seemingly such conditions may be an intestine clogged with toxins.

For even more people, simply going to the restroom is a heroic feat. And they only do it once every five or seven days. But even these people do not know that the cause of this may be an unhealthy intestinal condition.

By the way, have you ever wondered why, when you come to see a doctor with a certain problem, he often asks a question about your stool, and...? He may ask how often and how easily you go to the toilet.

After all, many different diseases begin with the intestines.

To get you started, here are some simple facts about the human gut:

1. More than 100 trillion microorganisms live in the human intestine.

That is, in our intestines 10 times more bacteria than we have cells throughout the body. This number may be difficult to understand... but can you imagine what impact 100000000000000 microorganisms can have on your condition?

After all, the intestines in the human body play one of the key roles in the digestion process.

The intestine is divided into the small intestine and the large intestine.

IN small intestine through cavity and parietal membrane digestion, hydrolysis of the main nutrients followed by absorption. It is in the intestines that complete breakdown of proteins and transformation of carbohydrates occurs.

The large intestine serves as a reservoir for feces. She's playing important role in the absorption of liquid, substances not absorbed in the small intestine, as well as in residual digestion.

2. Our bacteria in the intestines are more than 75% of the health of our entire immune system!

Do you often feel tired for a long time? And there is a reason for this... Often our immune system is weakened due to an imbalance of its own intestinal bacteria. This is in addition to the fact that we can be affected by both external and internal toxins.

You just need to correct this balance in the intestinal microflora (ideally there should be 85% beneficial bacteria and 15% neutral bacteria). Imagine if instead of 85% good bacteria You will suddenly have 50% of them, and the rest will be harmful. It is this part of the bacteria that will reduce your general level immunity.

3. When our guts become weakened, we are at risk of developing various autoimmune conditions and other diseases.

Improper bowel function is even manifested by weight loss, hypoproteinemia and hypoalbuminemia, anemia mixed type, edema, the occurrence of polyendocrine insufficiency.

At thorough examination patients with intestinal inflammation, most researchers state that the occurrence of nutritional status disorders in this category of patients is due to:

  1. disruption of digestion processes due to decreased activity of intestinal and pancreatic enzymes;
  2. disruption of absorption processes, the morphological substrate of which consists of the replacement of specialized cells with immature enterocytes;
  3. increase motor activity intestines;
  4. violation of the protein-synthetic function of the liver;
  5. increased loss of protein into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.

If you say in simple language, weakened intestinal system, plays a big role in our general condition and health.

Imagine if toxins from our intestines enter the blood capillary. Inflammatory and other unhealthy processes will automatically develop in our body.

How to quickly and easily understand that the intestines are polluted?

It's simple... Look around before you wash!

What did I want to say? The fact that leading experts in the field of nutrition and proper digestion spend a lot of time, well, I’ll tell you straight... analyzing poop!

The most amazing thing about working with clients is that they say that our stool is directly related to our health. Remember we talked about this above. Yes... The whole truth, in fact, is in your chair. Therefore, pay attention to how and how many times a week you go to the toilet. If this is rare and very difficult, the reason may be that the intestines are clogged with toxins.

What needs to be done to expel them and normalize intestinal function...

...Proper nutrition to cleanse the intestines

The basic principles of therapeutic nutrition are unchanged for all intestinal diseases:

  • Therapeutic nutrition should affect metabolism. It should treat and prevent diseases
  • It is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition
  • You need to diversify your diet plan
  • Therapeutic nutrition should be selected individually
  • Balance your diet. Must be taken into account chemical composition products
  • It is necessary to properly handle food in the kitchen
  • Therapeutic nutrition is most conducive to recovery. If it is combined with other therapeutic factors: lifestyle changes, physical activity, using clean filtered water and so on.

Let's talk about everything in more detail and in order. Let's try to figure out how you can cleanse your intestines with nutrition.

1. Increase stomach acidity for better digestion.

This is one of the most common things that experts see in a large table of causes of intestinal problems.

If we are unable to digest our food, we do not absorb enough nutrients and minerals... Even if we eat even more organic products of local origin.

Hydrochloric acid, which is naturally produced in our stomach when we eat in order to digest our food. And it, in turn, then passes into the small intestine for further digestion and absorption of nutrients. At first glance, everything seems very simple, perhaps? So? ...

But in reality everything is more complicated!

Look around... Our busy lifestyle and irregular diet causes a significant reduction in the secretion of this acid in the stomach. Some studies also note that the lack of useful substances in our food may even help stop the “production” of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

And it’s scary to imagine this...

If your food is not converted into its proper state for further passage and digestion in the intestines, then it will cause unnecessary stress throughout the digestive system.

The most effective and most quick way increase stomach acidity, use apple cider vinegar in your diet.

Apple cider vinegar for colon cleansing is a real godsend.

You can do this in various ways.

You can simply drink a glass of water first thing in the morning with a tablespoon of vinegar in it. We have already talked about this unique product more than once. This product is a real find for home medicine.

By the way, you can dilute apple cider vinegar with honey. This is a real bomb recipe for the health of not only the intestines.

The only thing you need to pay attention to when choosing this product is its quality and purity. Do not buy simple acetic acid with an alcohol content of 9%. This vinegar will burn your stomach and more. We recommend, as we do ourselves, that you make apple cider vinegar at home.

2. Include fermented foods (probiotics) to improve digestion and cleanse your colon.

What are fermented foods, you ask?

Yes, it's quite simple!

One of them is fermented milk products, which are in a great way to restore healthy intestinal flora. They heal the intestines well and immediately improve its health, as well as your mood and energy.

By the way, be sure to look at our article with very easy recipe colon cleansing at home.

Moreover, probiotics can also be in tablets or powder, at the nearest pharmacy. But be sure to beware of food products and yogurts packed with additives (sugar that kills or various “Es”). Yes, they may contain probiotics, but they can also be harmful to your health.

Instead, focus your efforts on finding raw, unpasteurized foods. For example, sauerkraut, or other foods that are naturally fermented (or make your own).

If you don't eat enough of them, start with small amounts and then increase their presence in your diet.

If you make these products yourself, use pure ingredients, natural unrefined cane sugar or unrefined sea ​​salt. You will see their effect on your body, if not instantly, then you won’t have to wait long.

This will improve your digestion, absorption of nutrients and ensure proper gut health.

Add homemade pickled cucumbers in a barrel to your healthy diet. It's so simple. By the way, if you make homemade wine yourself using healthy sugar or a little more honey for fermentation, then remember that it can also help you in cleansing the intestines and calming many inflammatory processes.

But don't overdo it with wine!

3. Eat a balanced diet.

We hear about this all the time. No matter what diet we start. Whether it’s a diet for weight loss or just to improve your health, all experts say: “Keep a balanced diet.”

This is extremely important!

Stick to it balanced diet. Include fiber-rich foods, healthy proteins, and oils from nuts (such as coconut, almond, and others), seeds, and algae.

By the way, flax seeds are great for cleansing the intestines.

Green smoothies

Green cocktails or, as it is now fashionable to call them, smoothies. They are a great way to support digestive function and gut health. Start your day with the right breakfast.

Most importantly, make sure you are getting a variety of nutrients from various types food products. Turn on your intuition, feel what you need now, what your body needs.

Once you have eliminated the toxic, processed food products from your diet and begin to work on healing and restoring your gut and your entire body. Later you will notice that you will become much more in harmony with your body.

Include more green juices in your diet, starting in the morning on an empty stomach.

Add more useful herbs and products for cleansing not only digestive tract, but also the whole organism. Everything works in the body together, as a single mechanism.

A special place should be given to fiber.

We have already talked about its importance for the health of the heart and blood vessels. It is equally important for intestinal health. This could be fruits, vegetables, legumes, more greens.

Indigestible fibers act as scrapers in the intestines and, together with water, help remove waste and toxins from the body. Therefore, remember the important thing - drink enough water. It is very necessary for the proper functioning of fiber.

Pay attention to cereals and grains

According to Rush University Medical Center (USA), some of them are readily available.

These can be whole grains include barley, quinoa, whole wheat flour, wild brown rice and oatmeal. This is the most healthy and proper nutrition for the intestines and more!

These products contain large number vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, antioxidants and phytochemicals (natural compounds from plants that have beneficial effects on the body).

Beware of foods like white flour and white rice.

Always remember that the health of your digestive tract speaks volumes. Therefore, it is very important to monitor his condition. And most importantly, it is not very difficult.

Make time for your meal. Sit down, relax and chew your food thoroughly.

Our modern society always lives “on the go.”

Look at yourself and your children. We are not used to sitting at the table with the whole family and often don’t even see each other. We eat where we have to.

Firstly, this is all sorts of nasty stuff, secondly, we eat so quickly that sometimes we even throw away what we haven’t eaten, and thirdly, we wash it down with killer carbonated drinks.

Therefore, we simply need to add to what we said above about the benefits of this or that food - eat slowly! No need to eat while driving or while working, etc.

Why do we live this way today? ...

If you are really in a hurry, make yourself a real healthy snack in advance that will not harm you.

Remember, mealtime is a sacred time.

This is a time to sit, relax and enjoy the pleasant tastes and aromas of healthy and favorite food. If you really have time to eat or have a normal snack, just do it. After all, we are all wrong actions, often make themselves felt a little later, when emergency assistance may be required.

We must move away from this fight-or-flight eating pattern and instead make time for a nutritious meal or, more simply put, begin to respect ourselves and our health.

Concentrate on your meal. This is one of the most important things we can do to improve bowel function. After all, improperly chewed and poorly digested food is bad for you. And it ends up in the intestines.

Initially, this will seem like an eternity for you, and for some it will even be funny. But take a small step forward first - start with 15-20 chews. This will have great importance for the health of your intestines.

This simple technique will easily reduce flatulence (bloating) and fatigue after eating.


As the same Rush University says, we need to limit some of the foods in our diet for good intestinal microflora.

Sugar. There are already tons of information about sugar. They all show one thing: refined sugar is poison. Repeated studies have already shown that sugar can lead to colon cancer...

Use healthy substitutes: stevia, honey, dates and other dried fruits and just fruits.

Red meat and smoked meats. As Dr. Rasmusen says:

You can eat some pure red meat - about two to four ounces of red meat per week. AND It is better to limit eating processed meat as it has very harmful ingredients such as preservatives that can cause cancer."

Gluten. We have already written a little higher that you should beware of premium flour, as well as any gluten-containing processed cereals, such as white rice. Because this is no longer flour, but practically pure gluten. He is capable of causing severe disorders, both in the stomach and further in our intestines.

Final Thoughts

All you have to do is make some plan for replacement harmful products more alive and clean, which are described above and your intestines will sing songs.

    Symptoms of illnesses include: various pain syndromes in the stomach area, colic, rumbling of fluid in the intestines, diarrhea (up to 15 times every 24 hours), abrupt change human body temperature (up to 40°), general weakness body. Loose stools are perhaps the most important sign of intestinal disorder (including small intestines). It will need to be treated comprehensively (including St. John's wort tincture).

    Chronic enterocolitis can lead to severe dehydration and cardiovascular failure. In this case, the patient needs to see a doctor and undergo the most effective methods diagnosing.

    The process of diagnosing the disease is quite broad and varied. The instrumental method is as follows: radiography, ultrasound examination, MRI and endoscopic research methods. Only after a detailed examination of the body can a suitable course of recovery be prescribed. Treatment of the intestines at home folk remedies(including with the help of propolis + St. John's wort) - this is a proven and effective way, which does not require large material costs from the patient.

    The mechanism of treatment with folk remedies

    Disorders of the absorption organ can be successfully treated with medications. But an increasing number of people prefer folk remedies. But you cannot undergo such a recovery course using your own means. First, contact a qualified professional to install accurate diagnosis and determine the level of development of inflammatory processes. Only after this is it rational to start therapy.

    Cleansing the digestive organs allows you to accurately diagnose the digestive system. Therefore this preparatory stage special attention should be paid.

    1. Oatmeal jelly. 250 g of grains are poured into 2 liters of boiled water. The liquid is infused for 30 hours. Next, the oats are transferred to a saucepan and boiled for about 60 minutes (low heat). The resulting jelly is slowly cooled. You need to drink jelly three times a day, instead of any food. Additional drinks allowed clean water. The cleansing course lasts about 5 days.
    2. Complex fruit decoction. 200 g apricots + 300 g apples (without peel) + 200 plums (without seeds). It is not advisable to use hard crusts. The fruits are thoroughly crushed and 2 liters of water are poured. The liquid in the pan is placed on low heat. The broth is boiled for about 30 minutes, then filtered. Fruits should be pounded until puree + add decoction. You can drink liquid throughout the day. It is rational to have breakfast and dinner with buckwheat porridge with vegetable oil. The course of admission is 5 days.
    3. Universal flax seeds. 1 tablespoon of seed is poured warm boiled water(120 ml). The infusion takes about 2 hours. Next you should add 100 ml olive oil and mix the ingredients thoroughly. You can drink the infusion on an empty stomach for up to 10 days.

    Effective formulation

    1. Propolis tincture is a universal mechanism for eliminating a huge number of ailments in the human body. His beneficial properties with gastritis, ulcerative exacerbations and other inflammations are simply invaluable. The recipe for preparing a healing “potion” is quite simple: 2 parts of liquid (boiled and settled) are mixed with 1 part of crushed propolis. The mixture is heated using a water bath to 80 degrees (no more than 60 minutes). After this, the propolis tincture is chilled and left for about 6 hours. Before pouring the “solution” into a dark container, it must be filtered. Experienced beekeepers know many cooking secrets of this drink(see reviews). When washing the patient’s mucous membrane, it is recommended to thoroughly dilute aqueous extract. Reception is carried out according to an individual scheme, which is agreed with the doctor. This way it will be much more effective to cure the pathology.
    2. St. John's wort (tincture and decoction). Treating inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract with the help of this plant is quite comfortable and effective. If tea from a healing representative of the flora relieves psychological irritation, then a decoction from it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach. 10 g of chopped herb is poured into 250 ml of hot water. The liquid is boiled for up to 30 minutes over low heat and then cooled. “St. John's wort - potion” should be strained and squeezed. The decoction is taken 85 ml three times a day (30 minutes before meals). If the patient is allowed to use infusions, then the alcohol option should be mentioned here. St. John's wort (tincture) is sold at any pharmacy kiosk and is a universal remedy. She doesn't have side effects and is affordable. You need to drink it in doses and in small sips.
    3. Green tea. Large leaves Grind in a coffee grinder to a powder. 1 tsp such an ingredient is poured with boiling water. Tea should be drunk 15 minutes before meals for 30 days.
    4. 370 g agave + 670 g honey + 370 g grape wine. The solution is used 1 tsp. twice a day (first 5 days). Next, the scheme changes to 1 tbsp. 2 times a day. Thus, it is necessary to treat the disorder for 14 days (read reviews about the effect using propolis + St. John's wort).
    5. Treatment pomegranate peels. The peels are finely ground in a coffee grinder. 1 tsp powder is poured into 1 cup of boiling water. The liquid must be boiled for about 15 minutes and left for about an hour. The decoction should not be combined with various drugs (especially antihistamines).

Intestines- This is the largest section of the gastrointestinal tract, which is located in the peritoneum itself. It originates from the lowest section of any stomach, and the end is located almost at the end of the anus. It is the most vulnerable, so it will be important to know how to cure the intestines with folk remedies.

Each section of the intestine performs only its own functions, but its overall job is to absorb food and digest it into feces. It also consists of its small intestine and its large intestine.

Any intestine is always diverse in its microflora, on which the favorable functioning of all other digestive organs greatly depends. It filters all microorganisms that enter there. Even with a minor infection, you can die maximum quantity important microflora organisms.

All symptoms of intestinal inflammation.

Pain– this is a characteristic existing symptom that has a pressing or simply bursting character, without a specific location. In this case, some pain sometimes occurs due to spasm of most of the smooth muscles that are located on the intestinal wall.

Weight loss- This is the result of insufficient or improper absorption of essential nutrients coming from the small intestine itself.

Nausea- this may indicate inflammation in the duodenum or in the small intestine itself. It is especially felt when food comes in.

Chair- which will be quite unstable, may weaken greatly and reach, and inflammation in the large intestine may be accompanied by.

Anemia (otherwise known as anemia) – this is an obvious decrease in the required hemoglobin in the blood. This is all due to the minimal supply of necessary iron, which ceases to be supplied due to intestinal inflammation.

Vomit– it happens during inflammation itself upper section intestines and usually occurs after eating. But in most cases, vomiting brings some relief.

Bloating – this is the onset of increased gas formation, due to the minimum of digestive enzymes, with intestinal inflammation.

Acute colitis (inflammation of the intestines) , are also accompanied by pain, . You can observe blood discharge in your stool, which often occurs. There is always nausea and weakness that manifests itself fatigue, sometimes vomiting. To all this is added, broken stool in the form of diarrhea. You can almost always avoid various pains and a feeling of bitterness in your mouth.

Chicory (purchase at pharmacies). You need to pour 10 grams of this herb into a mug of hot homemade milk. Wait about an hour for it to infuse sufficiently, then strain. Take exactly 4 times a day, with a dose of 50 ml each time. To distract from the bad taste, adding honey is allowed.

Important!!! It is very contraindicated if you suffer from other vascular problems. Another contraindication will be with.

Sage. Always available in pharmacies . You will need to take 10 grams of crushed leaves, pour into a 500 ml jar and add clean boiling water. The duration of infusion lasts 2 hours. You will need to take it 4 times per day, 100 ml each. This recipe is great if liver inflammation occurs.

Important!!! Refuse all pregnant women who have endometrium, endometriosis, uterine and breast cancer, who suffer from low thyroid gland, who has kidney inflammation, nephritis, unfavorable pyelonephritis, Sage is capable of raising, therefore it is excluded when. Do not accept long time, because poisoning may occur.

Apples. Great for all lovers healthy apples. If intestinal inflammation occurs, it is recommended to eat 1 kg of apples per day. Always use only the ripest and well-peeled apples. Applesauce together with honey works very well.

Important!!! Oddly enough, the recipe provided is suitable only for a small number of people, namely those who know for sure that all other digestive organs are healthy. Do not take if you have ulcerative colitis or the ulcer itself (especially if the acidity is increased) and if intestinal disease is accompanied.

Wheat. You need to rinse well 3 tbsp. l wheat using running water. Pour 1000 ml of water into a suitable saucepan, pour in the wheat and simmer over reduced heat for about 1 hour. After cooking, stir well and strain immediately. You will need to drink this entire decoction within 3 hours, preferably dividing it into completely equal shares. The course can be extended for a whole decade.

Watermelon. Select the ripest watermelon, remove all the inner pulp from it, and cut the remaining rind very thinly and put it to dry. Take 80 grams of dried watermelon rinds and pour 2 cups of clean boiling water. After 40 minutes, carefully strain, and drink the infusion itself in half a regular glass, up to 4 times a day.

Important!!! Do not drink with ulcerative colitis if (from 3 cm or more) when present renal failure, diabetes mellitus, final period of pregnancy, frequent stool disorders and any violations of the proper outflow of urine.

Collection No. 1. We collect identical and already crushed parts of cumin seeds, medicinal chamomile flowers, roots useful valerian, medicinal mint leaves. Pour 1 tbsp. l of this collection No. 1 with boiling water in the volume of a whole glass and immediately boil for exactly 4 minutes. We wait for it to cool on its own and then filter. Drink in the morning and always in the evening, 50 ml before meals. The course of the provided recipe is 1 calendar week.

Dill. You will need half a teaspoon of ground dill seeds, brew in a glass of clean boiling water. Set to reduced heat and cook for about 20 minutes. Wait 15 minutes and add boiled water to form the original volume, then melt 1 tbsp. l quality honey. We drink before meals, ½ part of a kitchen mug.

Important!!! Its seeds can lower blood pressure, so avoid it in case of deterioration of vision, if you feel a loss of general strength, for anyone who experiences sudden fainting and the seeds cause an allergic adverse reaction.

Ulcerative colitis is associated with inflammation that can occur in the colon as well as the rectum. It usually leaks for a long time. Almost many patients experience loss of appetite, accompanied by a decrease in their overall body weight. Diarrhea almost always occurs, where blood or some mucus is present, in in rare cases pus. In the left area of ​​the entire abdomen there is usually pain, an increase in temperature occurs, general weakness and sensitive aches occur.

Raspberry. To prepare your own decoction you will need its berries along with the leaves. Grind them to make 4 tbsp. l mixture. Boil 500 ml of water and add the mixture, let this mixture steep for 35 minutes. Take 4 times a day, a dose of 100 ml each time, always before meals.

Important!!! Discard immediately when an exacerbation occurs, if present, as well as in the bladder or when general erosion of the entire gastrointestinal mucosa is observed.

Pomegranate. We will only need its dried crusts. Grind 20 grams of these crusts until fine, pour in 250 ml of clean boiling water, be sure to bring to the boil, reduce the heat as much as possible and cook for exactly 25 minutes. After it has cooled, immediately strain it. Apply 2 tbsp. spoons, 2 rubles per day.

Advice!!! Use with caution when increased acidity the stomach itself, as well as the presence of even small cracks in the anus.

Yarrow. Buy it at any pharmacies. You will need 100 grams of yarrow, pour clean boiling water, close the container tightly and leave for 18 hours. Then carefully filter, bring to a boil, remove the lid and boil until the water has evaporated by half. Next add 1 tbsp. l glycerin and 1 tbsp. l medical alcohol. Take 1 month, 3 times a day 40 minutes before eating solid food.

Advice!!! In some people, this intake can cause, in others, an allergy with a rash or itching. Possible for pregnant women, but only after approval from a trusted doctor.

Bird cherry. Suitable fresh or dry, but preferably without seeds, because they contain acid that we don’t need. Take just 1 tbsp. spoon with a heap of bird cherry and boil for 6 minutes, then let it brew on its own for 2.5 hours. When you have completely strained it, start taking it 3 times a day, just a quarter of a regular kitchen glass.

Advice!!! Complete refusal for pregnant women, it can cause menstruation, for diabetes mellitus, especially type 2, and never exceed the described dosage.

Mumiyo. It has always been widely used for ulcerative colitis. A small part of it, 0.1 g, should be mixed with 1 tbsp. l water. The dose per day will be 0.2 g. Each dose is exactly 10 ml with a concentration of 1% taken orally. A residual dose of 0.1 g is used in the form of rectal suppositories. Colitis usually goes away after the 14th calendar day of use.

Advice!!! Do not exceed the dose and do not increase the period of use; it is also not suitable when any malignant tumors are present.

Chamomile. A very beneficial remedy. Brew 3 tbsp. l of this plant in 800 ml of boiling water and add 70 grams of honey to everything. Take up to 4 times per normal day. Treatment course– this is 40 calendar days, if the colitis is the most complicated, then take the necessary 2-week break and resume the additional course.

Advice!!! Competent gynecologists say that you should not get carried away with such a duration for pregnant women, as well as during the feeding period. This is necessary so as not to provoke hormonal imbalances.

St. John's wort. Mix it with water so that the proportion is 2 tbsp. l of this herb per 500 ml of pure boiling water. Take 2 hours and let it brew well. Take 25 minutes before meals, three times a day, 1/3 cup.

There is another one, another one therapeutic method. Mix it with high-quality vodka so that the proportion is 1:5. It takes 13 days for quality infusion. When you strain, use only 45 drops, no more than 3 times a day.

Advice!!! Not suitable for all lactating, pregnant women, after serious operations, especially after any organ transplant, after monthly intake Possible enlargement of the liver, sometimes provokes.

Now everyone has learned how to treat the intestines with folk remedies. But in any existing situation, you should definitely ask your active doctor. Only he is able to prescribe the completely correct and precisely selected treatment. Further, other recipes will be described, but always related to the treatment of the intestines.

Carrot seeds or dill seeds. These seeds have the most beneficial effect on the entire intestine. They dilate blood vessels well, and this provides accelerated absorption of products, reduces existing spasms of the intestinal muscles, improves correct work Gastrointestinal tract.

Crush the seeds of healthy dill (1 tbsp) and pour 250 ml of boiling water over them. It is advisable to cover the dishes tightly and leave them there for 20 minutes. Once cooled sufficiently, strain. The entire solution is stored in the refrigerator, and before treatment it is heated to approximately 30 C, the broth is divided into 80 ml and drunk evenly throughout the day, but only immediately before food. Children from 3 to 14 full years old: 1 tbsp. l 3 rubles per day.

The seeds obtained from carrots will have to be prepared in a completely different way. They are needed dry. It is recommended to additionally keep them in the sun for up to 4 hours. Another method will allow you to lightly dry them in the kitchen oven, at the lowest heat possible, or just preheat them for about 7 minutes. The resulting seeds must be ground into a fine mixture. Take 1 tsp of seeds with a drink plain water, up to 4 rubles per day.

Caraway. Allows you to save useful and necessary substances, for the digestive system, stops unfavorable bacteria, well relaxes the walls of the entire intestine. Added to food in the form of oil or seeds. You can brew 2 tbsp. l cumin seeds in a glass of water and wait 20 minutes. After self-cooling, strain and drink 3 times a day, with a dose of 70 ml. Store only in the refrigerator, no more than a day.

In any organism, there is always frequent renewal of all cells that are located in the intestinal mucosa. Sometimes, if there is a process of inflammation, then an acceptable failure in renewal may occur and regeneration occurs.

Some failures come with consequences. Minimal thickenings constantly appear at the location of the cells. With frequent regeneration, certain outgrowths are formed, and they are called polyps.

A unique drug. Finely grind exactly 12 tablespoons of peeled dessert seeds, healthy pumpkin, add to them 7 boiled yolks, which you first grind into a fine powder and pour 500 ml of vegetable oil all at once. Place the entire mixture in a steam bath and leave for 25 minutes. When finished, place everything in a sterile suitable jar. The reception will last 5 calendar days, 1 tsp on an empty stomach. We rest for 5 days and resume treatment. The duration of such therapy is until full use means.

Propolis. Treatment is carried out in two correct stages. Each stage must last 3 weeks, the stages are separated by necessary breaks during whole week. Stir 10 g of propolis (powder) in melted butter (100 g), then heat in a steam bath for 10 minutes and strain immediately. Treatment is carried out three times a day, 1 teaspoon of solution, which must be mixed with plain milk (200 ml).

Oak bark. Boil for about 20 minutes in a liter of water, exactly 2 dessert spoons of medicinal oak bark, on the lowest heat. Once completely cooled, place for storage where there is no light. Carry out treatment for 7 calendar days, before meals, 1 tbsp. l. After completing the course, take a short break (3 days) and resume re-treatment. It is recommended to undergo 3 such cycles of treatment.

Sea buckthorn oil. Use when polyps are located in the rectum. Boil for 2 hours, 1 kg of fruits medicinal sea buckthorn, in 1 liter of sunflower oil, using the lowest heat. Pour the hot oil into a special suitable glass container and remove it without exposure to light. Three times on a regular day, using your little finger, gently lubricate your anal canal. Before the last procedure (evening), you will need a herbal bath consisting of a decoction of yarrow or medicinal chamomile, useful St. John's wort or birch buds. Sit with any decoction for an hour, constantly adding a little boiling water.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) - this is an inorganic lesion that has occurred in the colon itself (for example, with colitis - this will already be an inflammatory process) and is functional impairment. Therefore, this is not an ulcer or even polyps, but a violation of only the motor function the intestine itself.

Symptoms of irritable bowel.

All patient complaints are similar to symptoms of flatulence, as well. The pain that occurs is always different, it is aching, in others it is stabbing, in others nagging pain. There may be diarrhea, or perhaps, in any case, you cannot avoid discomfort. However, the majority experience a feeling of satiety and nausea quite quickly.

There is also pain in the chest area, especially the left side. Most complained of muscle pain, especially in the joints, frequent urination, and a feeling of pain when falling asleep only on the left side. There is also an interruption in the beating of your heart. But do not rush to assign this diagnosis to yourself; let the doctor do it.

How to treat irritable bowel with folk remedies.

Peppermint. Using 1 teaspoon of this raw material, you need to brew it in a mug with boiling water and wait 15 minutes. Take 1 glass twice a day. Mint itself can relieve spasms of all muscles located on the intestinal wall. The recipe is also effective for flatulence (bloating).

Dill. Garden dill provides good digestion, relieves spasms. You need to brew the herb or its seeds, 1 tbsp. l in 2 glasses of clean boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink three times a day, each time ½ part of a simple glass.

Recommendation!!! Its seeds and even the herb itself can lower blood pressure, so it is better to avoid it in case of hypotension, when vision deteriorates, if you feel an ongoing decline in general strength, for anyone who experiences sudden fainting and a personal allergic adverse reaction.

Caraway. His useful fruits perfectly neutralize the onset of fermentation or decay and have a beneficial tonic effect on the intestines itself. Therefore, it is recommended to eat 3 grams of medicinal cumin fruits (powder), 4 times a day. You should drink it with plain boiled water, preferably warm.

The most powerful recipe. Mix just 1 part of the rhizomes (roots) of medicinal valerian, 3 parts of medicinal motherwort and cudweed and exactly 4 parts of heather. Pour 2 tbsp. l of this collection and brew in 500 ml of boiling water. The tincture should infuse for 12 hours. Regardless of your food, take 4 times a day, always 2 tbsp. spoons The recipe evens out the psycho-emotional state.

CONCLUSION: All problems with the intestines, namely the definition of the disease, correct treatment and it is better to let the monitoring take place under the proper supervision of a competent and trusted doctor. If anyone knows other wonderful recipes for intestinal diseases, please post them immediately in our comments. If you want, then, if possible and at your request, the administration will place them on the site. Share this article with other users. Just click on your social network (see icons below).


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The inflammatory process in the intestines can be caused by infection, poisoning, poor nutrition, autoimmune pathology, dysbacteriosis and other factors.

Treatment of intestinal inflammation is prescribed taking into account the cause of the disease and the prevailing symptoms. It includes:

  • medicines;
  • therapeutic nutrition;
  • herbal medicine.

Severe autoimmune inflammation may require surgery.

Drug therapy

Medicines for intestinal inflammation have an etiotropic, pathogenetic or symptomatic effect. Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • antibiotics,
  • hormones and cytostatics,
  • preparations of sulfasalazine and its analogues,
  • probiotics,
  • saline solutions for oral or parenteral use,
  • antispasmodics and prokinetics,
  • enzymes.
Etiotropic drugs eliminate the cause of the disease. Yes, when infectious inflammation intestines use antibiotics that are poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and act mainly locally. If a helminthic infestation is detected, they resort to anthelmintic drugs.

For ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, which are autoimmune inflammation of the intestine, pathogenetic agents are needed in the form of cytostatics and glucocorticoid hormones. Sulfa and mesalazine preparations in the form of tablets, suppositories and foam are also used as anti-inflammatory drugs. Using suppositories for intestinal inflammation can increase effectiveness active substance and minimize the risk of side effects. With a purpose fast healing erosions and ulcers, microenemas with sea buckthorn oil are also administered rectally.

To treat intestinal inflammation, medications that normalize the composition of the microflora are almost always indicated. These can be pro-, pre- and . At chronic enterocolitis sometimes required parenteral administration vitamins, since they are not formed or are poorly absorbed in the intestines.

To normalize intestinal tone and motility, the doctor may prescribe prokinetics and antispasmodics. The latter also have an analgesic effect. Depending on what predominates in the clinic - constipation or diarrhea - laxatives or antidiarrheals are used. To weaken and remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, enterosorbents are used. Treatment usually includes the administration of enzymatic agents, since the main digestion and absorption of nutrients occurs in this section of the digestive system.

If the inflammation is acute and accompanied by dehydration and severe intoxication (lethargy, fever), infusions are administered intravenously. Saline solutions help eliminate water and electrolyte imbalances and remove toxic substances from the body.

Important: prescribed medications for colitis or enteritis must be taken regularly in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, this will ensure a speedy recovery.


Drug therapy inflammatory lesion intestines must be carried out against the background of a diet. If inflammation is accompanied by diarrhea, then the menu includes rice, bananas, and wheat bread, which help eliminate diarrhea. If constipation predominates, then you need to eat more dried fruits, fermented milk drinks, fruits and vegetables.

All food must be prepared from natural ingredients. Regarding heat treatment, dishes should be steamed, boiled, stewed and baked. Fried and smoked foods cannot be eaten, nor can any spices be added. Spicy and salty dishes will already irritate inflamed bowel. Meals should be fractional - you need to eat little and often. Detailed information information about nutrition for this pathology can be obtained from the article:.

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies for intestinal inflammation often have a pronounced positive effect. For their preparation, plants with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, restorative and antispasmodic properties are used - chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, chicory, sage. For diarrhea, astringents and enveloping agents are used - oak bark, flax seeds, and so on. Below are several proven folk recipes.

Chicory infusion with milk

10 g of chicory or 1 tablespoon is poured into a glass of fresh hot milk and left for 1 hour. Strain the product and drink ¼ cup 4 times a day. To improve the taste and medicinal qualities of the drink, you can add a little natural honey to it. Chicory flowers and herbs have an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect for intestinal inflammation.

Blueberry infusion

3 tablespoons of berries are poured with boiling water (½ liter). If possible, it is helpful to add blueberry leaves. After 8 hours, blueberry infusion is taken 150-170 ml 4 times a day.

Sage decoction

Pour boiling water (½ liter) over sage leaves (10 g). After 1-2 hours, the decoction is ready. Use the product 100 ml 4 times a day. If you have intestinal inflammation and have not yet chosen how to treat it, then start with sage decoction. This remedy is not only very effective, but also simple to prepare.

Herbal collection

For cooking medicinal collection you will need yarrow, chamomile, shepherd's purse, nettle, calendula, coltsfoot and calamus root.

All ingredients are taken in equal quantities and mixed. For 1 liter of boiling water, 2 tablespoons of the vegetable mixture are needed. To infuse the product better, wrap it in a terry towel and leave it overnight. Take a decoction of ¼ cup 4 times a day ½ hour before meals. Treatment of intestinal inflammation with this folk remedy must be continued for at least 2 weeks.


Flax seeds in the form of a decoction envelop the intestinal mucosa and accelerate its recovery. 15 g of seeds are poured hot water(1 glass) and leave for several hours. Drink warm with the addition of a small amount of olive oil (1-2 teaspoons) in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 glass.

Wheat grain decoction

Wheat grits (3 tablespoons) are washed in cold water, place in a saucepan and add water (1 liter). Cook over low heat for 1 hour. Strain and drink warm during the day.

Important: before relieving intestinal inflammation using herbal medicine, you must undergo an examination. After all, symptoms of enterocolitis can appear in many serious diseases.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is usually required when severe course And ulcerative colitis, as well as in the event of complications (perforation, narrowing of the intestine). In these cases, the affected part of the intestine is removed, and the integrity and patency of the intestine are restored.

Artificial anus– colostomy

Sometimes, when most of the colon is removed, a colostomy is created on the wall of the abdomen, through which feces pass. Colostomy is an artificial anus that connects the lumen of the colon with the outer surface abdominal wall. Used for damage to the underlying parts of the intestine