How to get rid of dry and wet cough at home. Useful tips: how to quickly get rid of a cough at home

How to get rid of dry cough at home? Many people ask this question, but only a doctor knows the correct answer, because sometimes a non-productive cough becomes a symptom of chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

Dry coughing is a manifestation large quantity pathologies with serious consequences. If this develops unpleasant sign, then you need to start fighting it as soon as possible. Almost everyone makes the mistake of trying to ignore the disease, hoping that the problem will go away on its own. You shouldn’t approach your own health with such indifference.

Causes and their relationship with treatment

Dry cough can occur in both children and adults. It causes physiological and psychological inconvenience, interferes normal sleep and human life. As a rule, the body runs out of strength to independently resist pathogens, so it needs help to recover.

Even a mild dry cough quickly exhausts a person. Colds and flu are not the only causes of this disorder. Etiology also includes reactions to drugs.

So, the main causes of dry cough are:

    Viral pathologies - colds or flu. A dry cough develops at the very beginning and can last even longer than other symptoms after recovery.

    An allergic dry cough occurs when you react to allergens from environment– animal hair, plant pollen, dust.

    External environmental pollutants – cigarette smoke, gas.

    Heartburn - a small amount of acid moves towards back wall throat and provokes irritation and cough.

    Side effects after taking certain medications.

    Stress, strong feelings and nervous breakdowns.

    A persistent dry cough most often becomes a consequence of pathologies such as asthma, damage to the heart, blood vessels, lungs, whooping cough and tuberculosis.

Treatment process

Dry coughs can be treated at home using methods that have been proven over the years.

How to treat dry cough:


Especially steam ones - the best remedy for relief of dry cough. This therapy copes well with pathologies at work respiratory system person. Inhalations transform an unproductive cough into a productive one and subsequently help remove phlegm, eliminate soreness, relieve inflammation and moisturize the mucous membranes of the throat and nose.

Steam inhalations are often organized at home. To do this, you need to boil water in a medium saucepan, add medicine, cover your head with a warm blanket and, bending over the container, breathe in the vapor.

For steam inhalations, saline solution, essential oils, various decoctions and infusions are used.

The most effective recipes inhalations to cure dry cough, for sale at home are:

Any inhalations must be carried out strictly 2 hours after meals, not earlier. Immediately after inhalation, eating is prohibited; it is not recommended to walk or talk loudly, much less scream. For young children, the procedure must be approved by a physician. The implementation of such treatment is prohibited when the temperature rises, when purulent sputum is separated, with pathologies of the blood vessels and heart, and in case of insufficiency of the lungs.

Decoctions for dry cough

Decoctions of medicinal plants provide excellent relief for dry coughs. The main contraindication to their use is bronchial asthma. Some components of prescriptions can also provoke allergies, so you must first obtain permission from a doctor to carry out the procedure so that he can explain how to treat, and not self-medicate, which can cause irreparable harm to health.

In order to understand how to get rid of a dry cough quickly, you should follow simple rules at home, facilitating this process:

Prevention of damage

To prevent the occurrence of a nonproductive cough, you should timely treatment dry cough and diseases of the respiratory system, symptoms of which include coughing.

    Engage in timely therapy.

    Help the immune system work well.

    Avoid contact with sick people.

    Drink plenty of fluids.

    Take vitamins and minerals.

    Get flu vaccines.

    Quit smoking and other bad habits.

    Avoid getting hypothermia.

    Monitor the air humidity level in the apartment.

    Ventilate the room daily.

There are a huge number of ways to treat dry cough. Some of them are aimed at reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process and sore throat. Others help moisten dry coughs. Traditional methods allow you to start treatment quickly and effectively, and are much cheaper than pharmacy ones medicines. The most effective of them are: rinses, compresses, inhalations, decoctions and lozenges.

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    Treatment options

    Cough is not a disease, but defensive reaction the body to the penetration of the pathogen into the mucous membranes of the throat. Its appearance is observed when a person falls ill with an acute respiratory infection, influenza, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia. An unpleasant symptom may indicate an allergy. U heavy smokers The cause of regular dry coughing is a bad habit.

    After a cough appears, it is not necessary to run to the pharmacy for expensive medications. Affordable and effective folk remedies help alleviate the condition.

    Treatment of dry cough folk remedies is symptomatic. It does not remove the cause of sharp spastic exhalations, but only softens the degree of their severity.

    To get rid of hoarse barking sounds for good, you need to eliminate the factor that causes them:

    For lovers tobacco products It should be remembered that it is impossible to get rid of the symptom without quitting smoking.

    To achieve the greatest effect, symptomatic treatment of cough with folk remedies is recommended to be used in combination with other therapeutic methods(reception medicines, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage).


    The most in a simple way The use of rinses is considered to help get rid of dry cough. The only disadvantage of this treatment is the impossibility of using it in young children. After all, it is difficult to explain to them that they cannot swallow the solution.

    The following are considered the most effective folk recipes:

    • In a glass of boiled warm water add a teaspoon of salt and soda. You can add a few drops of iodine or a teaspoon lemon juice. Gargle with the solution 5-6 times a day. The procedure is repeated daily. Stop rinsing after sputum begins to appear. Baking soda and salt relieve sore throat and swelling, causing pain and causing cough.
    • 300 g of beets are grated on a fine grater and the liquid is filtered. Add a teaspoon of vinegar and a pinch of sugar to the juice.
    • Pour into a glass (200 ml) carrot juice(preferably freshly squeezed). Add a teaspoon of honey and mix well. The resulting solution is poured into 200 ml of warm boiled water. Allow to cool to room temperature.
    • Medicinal herbs (coltsfoot, licorice, oak bark, chamomile, calendula) are poured with boiling water and left for about 60 minutes. Gargle with the resulting solution several times a day after meals. Dried plants are sold in pharmacies. The ingredients can be mixed or used separately.


    To relieve sore throat and symptomatic treatment of dry cough, use warm drinks:

    • Hot milk. You need to drink it in small sips so that you can drink a glass in 30 minutes. Milk helps soften cough, improves the formation of mucus, promotes the release of sputum from the bronchi, and removes hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the throat. For young children, the drink can be sweetened by adding a teaspoon of honey or sugar.
    • Egg mixture. Quickly helps to cope with cough at home. Add a teaspoon of honey to warm milk, butter and beaten egg.
    • Milk drink. The product copes well with prolonged dry cough. To prepare it, add 50 ml of birch sap to a glass of milk.
    • Hot milk with mineral water. The ingredients are mixed in a 1:1 ratio. This recipe is completely harmless and can be used even during pregnancy.
    • Milk with butter. The drug is taken before bedtime. Melt a small piece of butter in hot milk. If you additionally add a pinch of soda to the drink, you can get rid of an unpleasant sore throat.
    • Onion infusion. Place finely chopped onion and sugar in a small container. The mixture is left in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, the juice released should be drunk in slow sips, and the onion can be eaten throughout the day. The cough goes away after a few days.
    • Radish remedy. The drink removes the unpleasant symptom and enhances the immune system. To prepare it, cut a small depression at the base of the black radish and put two teaspoons of honey there. The vegetable is placed in a mug. After 12 hours it will form healthy juice. Take 3 teaspoons in the morning and before bed. You can additionally use carrots to improve the taste.
    • Lemon drink. Place the whole fruit in boiling water and cook for about 10 minutes. After this, the citrus is cut and squeezed into a bowl. Add honey and a tablespoon of sugar to the resulting juice. You can take the solution up to three times a day.


    An effective way to combat cough is to influence the pathogenic focus that has arisen in the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs using compresses. For this use:

    • Mustard powder. Place a teaspoon of dry mustard, a tablespoon wheat flour and sunflower oil. All ingredients are mixed well. The bag is given a flat shape and applied to the back for 10–15 minutes. The patient is wrapped in a woolen blanket. After such compresses, the dry cough stops.
    • Honey. A child or adult is stripped to the waist, coated with warm honey, and then loosely wrapped in plastic. The product should be on the patient's body until a feeling of warmth appears. After 3-4 procedures, the cough becomes wet and then disappears.
    • Heated vegetable oil. Small towels are dipped in it and the patient is wrapped in them. The person is covered with paper napkins and a blanket. The compress is applied for several hours.
    • Cabbage leaf. Several cuts are made on the surface of the leaf and 3 tablespoons of warm honey are placed there. The cabbage is applied to the patient’s neck, and a compress is insulated on top. The procedure should not take more than 8 hours.
    • Vodka. Sunflower oil, honey and vodka are mixed in equal parts. The resulting mixture is spread on a napkin, which is applied to the patient’s back at night. The patient must wash himself in the morning.


    For the symptomatic treatment of cough, decoctions are used. Their main ingredients are various plants:

    • Barley. Add 20 ground grains of the plant to a glass of hot water. The solution is infused for about 6 hours, then simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. The broth is allowed to cool. The medicine is taken 6-7 times a day, one tablespoon at a time. The product has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, so it copes well with the problem. In smokers, a dry cough changes to a wet one the very next day.
    • Viburnum berries. For 100 grams of berries add 500 ml of boiled water and a tablespoon of honey. Take the decoction 5 times a day. The product thins mucus and stimulates its release from the bronchi.
    • Viburnum and raspberry leaves. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities and poured with boiled water. After 10 hours of infusion, the decoction can be used.
    • Air. A tablespoon of plant roots is poured with 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting infusion is consumed several times a day 30 minutes before meals. Drink approximately 500 ml per day.
    • Marsh rosemary. 30 grams of the plant is poured with a glass of boiling water. Let it sit for a day and filter. The resulting solution is drunk 3 times a day, one tablespoon at a time. Taking a folk remedy promotes the transition of a dry cough to a wet one. It is recommended to drink the decoction for bronchitis.
    • Elecampane. Two teaspoons of plant roots are brewed in a liter thermos. After 15 minutes, the decoction is ready for use. Take two tablespoons every hour. The composition has a strong expectorant effect. The result appears after two days of use.


    The use of inhalations helps to relieve a person of an old dry cough (for example, left after a cold). It is more convenient to carry out the procedure using a nebulizer, but you can do it using a kettle or saucepan. For inhalation they often use:

    • Potato. Three medium tubers are boiled. The water is drained after boiling. The patient sits over a pot of potatoes and puts a blanket or towel on top. Hot vapors should be inhaled for half an hour. After the procedure, you should immediately lie down in a warm bed and try to sleep.
    • Thyme. The medicinal plant is boiled for several minutes. Remove the pan from the heat (no need to drain the water) and cool for a few minutes. After this, the person bends over the container and breathes medicinal vapors.
    • Sage, oregano, coltsfoot, chamomile. Place three tablespoons of any plant in a thermos and pour two glasses of boiling water over them. Infuse the composition for an hour, after which inhalation is carried out. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. Repeat inhalations twice a day for a week. In addition to reducing the intensity of a dry cough and the disappearance of a runny nose, after using the folk remedy, a decrease in the degree of inflammation is observed respiratory tract. Inhalation of plant vapors is carried out only for children over three years of age. To increase efficiency, you can add eucalyptus or menthol essential oils to the solution.

    At symptomatic treatment For dry cough using inhalation, you need to follow several rules: take a deep breath through your mouth and exhale through your nose; Perform the procedure no earlier than 30 minutes after walking in the air.

    Cough remedy for babies

    When treating dry cough in young children who cannot breathe over a saucepan or drink bitters, it is recommended to use lozenges. They are dissolved several times a day. They are effective in suppressing seizures. The most popular folk recipes for making them are:

    • Place about 10 tablespoons of sugar in a frying pan and wait until it starts to melt. Add a little warm boiled water and stir the mixture until liquid. The resulting composition is poured into molds (you can use teaspoons). To prepare milk candies, add 50 ml of ice milk at the last moment of cooking burnt sugar. It is lowered with a spoon to the bottom of the pan. Due to the low temperature, lollipops instantly form on the teaspoon.
    • Add a little sugar to the thyme decoction. The composition is boiled until thickened. Then pour into molds and allow to cool.

A cough is a forced exhalation of air through the mouth, accompanied by wheezing, barking sound, sputum production or its absence. Appear this symptom may for various reasons:

external factors, congenital prophets, acquired pathologies. Doctors say that wet cough better than dry. But what to do if it’s the latter that’s tormenting you?

Increasingly, patients resort to self-medication, explaining their refusal to see a doctor by lack of time, money or other excuses.

This is not an entirely correct approach, but if you belong to the group of people who want to get rid of cough at home quickly and without the help of a doctor, then you should learn the basic methods of dealing with this symptom.

Cough is most often caused by infectious diseases: viral, bacterial and fungal. Flu, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, nasopharyngitis - this is what can cause a painful symptom.

Less commonly, cough appears due to congenital anomalies of the aging respiratory system or acquired pathologies: cystic fibrosis, allergies, bronchospasm, asthma, COPD, adenoiditis, pleurisy, etc.

A painful symptom can occur due to blood diseases or even due to the presence of helminths in the body.

There is a so-called physiological cough, which occurs due to exposure to climate, dry air, and also when an irritant (smoke, perfume, dust) appears. Newborn babies often have a similar symptom.

Varieties and symptoms

Medicine knows several types of cough. Depending on which one is present in the patient, specific treatment is prescribed.

Also, by the nature of the symptom, you can determine the cause of its origin, which will help in short terms alleviate the patient's condition.

Cough is classified according to three main indicators:

  • character (unproductive or productive);
  • duration (constant, paroxysmal, short-term, episodic);
  • course (chronic or acute).

Also, any cough is divided into subtypes, each of which has its own manifestation:

  • dry– characterized by chest pain, lack of sputum, cramps and a painful condition for the patient;
  • wet– a slight, gurgling cough, in which mucus is coughed up.

Acute cough occurs abruptly and is often spasmodic in nature. Its causes may be infections, inhalation foreign body, dust, inhalation or allergy.

Chronic is a condition that occurs after an acute one. If the latter is not treated or treated incorrectly, then it acquires permanent form. Chronic cough characterized long course(from 3 months).

Treatment options

Before you get rid of a cough at home using a remedy recommended to you by someone, evaluate all the pros and cons of such treatment. If you plan to take the medication, be sure to read its instructions.

Dry cough can be treated in two ways:

  1. transfer of one subspecies to another (from dry to wet);
  2. blocking irritation and completely eliminating the symptom.

The choice of one method or another is given based on the causes of the cough.

For example, for irritation caused by tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, the second method of treatment is used, and for bronchitis, tracheitis or cystic fibrosis, the first is used.

Let's find out what methods will help you at home.

Selection of synthetic medications

Patients suffering from the described illness are wondering: how to get rid of it without seeing a doctor? For therapy to be effective, it is necessary to assess your condition.

Pay attention to whether there is irritation in the throat or pain behind the sternum during forced exhalations. This recommendation will give you the opportunity to make a primary diagnosis yourself, but to establish the exact cause, the patient must undergo mandatory comprehensive diagnostics.

Treatment of the symptom itself does not make sense until the underlying disease is cured.

If your cough is caused by throat irritation or allergies

Antitussives, as well as drugs that have a softening, antimicrobial and regenerating effect on the throat mucosa, will help get rid of a dry cough.

Please note that the independent use of these drugs is not recommended by doctors, since their improper use can aggravate the patient’s already deplorable condition

  • Sinekod – drops, tablets, suspension. This drug has an antitussive effect. It affects the cough center, blocking the symptom, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Effective for acute

Prohibited for use during pregnancy and in children under 2 months.

  • Stoptussin - tablets and drops. The medication has an antitussive and secretolytic effect. To some extent this remedy can be called combined, since it blocks the symptom itself, but at the same time has an expectorant effect and reduces the viscosity of sputum.

Stoptussin is contraindicated for children under one year of age and pregnant women in the first trimester.

  • Bronholitin – suspension combined action. The drug affects the cough center and also has a slight analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Bronholitin syrup relieves swelling from the respiratory tract, normalizes blood flow and has antimicrobial effect.

Prescribed to children from three years of age, prohibited for heart failure.

  • Libexin - tablets and syrup. The drug acts similarly to codeine, but does not cause addiction. Libexin dilates the bronchi, relieves spasm and pain, affects respiratory center, eliminating cough.
  • Falimint is a menthol-based drug. Causes a feeling of freshness, softens and has a slight antiseptic effect.

By acting on the lining of the larynx, the medicine eliminates cough in adults and children from 5 years of age.

The following medications will also help to soften an irritated throat, relieve a cough and eliminate sore throat: Ingalipt, Cameton, Tantum-Verde, Strepsils, Grammidin, Faringosept and many others.

Before using any of them on your own, you should consult a doctor.

Read more about cough syrup treatment.

If the cough is caused by inflammation of the respiratory tract

How to get rid of a cough that is caused by an infection? Often, with such a pathology, the patient can hear heavy breathing and there are wheezing in the bronchi. Using the above remedies in this case is not only inappropriate, but also very dangerous.

The use of antitussives will certainly relieve the painful symptom, but such therapy will not provide relief. This, in turn, will cause additional inflammation. What to do in this case? The following drugs prescribed by a doctor:

  • ACC – powder, tablets for suspension preparation. The medicine has an expectorant effect, helping to thin the mucus.

The medication also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Can be used in children from two years of age (in a certain form). The result becomes noticeable already on the first day of use.

  • Bromhexine – a drug in the form of tablets and syrup. Pairs perfectly with antimicrobial agents, enhancing their penetration into the bronchial secretions. Bromhexine thins mucus and promotes its gentle removal from the lungs. Prescribed for children from 6 years of age.

Ambroxol is an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Popular analogues are the drugs Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Halixol. The medicine is well tolerated and can be used in children of the first year of life.

  • Fluditec - syrup for children and adults. It is based on active substance carbocysteine. The medicine increases the amount of sputum, improves its elasticity, and easily removes naturally from the respiratory tract. It is important that this medicine may not be combined well with other medications, weakening their effect. Therefore, when using it independently, special care must be taken.

All expectorants and mucolytics are designed to turn a dry cough into a wet one. Therefore, already in the first days of treatment, patients may notice an increase in forced exhalations, but the sputum will be much easier to get rid of.

Herbal preparations - how effective are they?

IN lately More and more often, patients are trying to replace synthetic drugs with natural ones. They are considered to be safer, but no less effective. However, the myth that has become entrenched in people’s minds is just an assumption.

Many medications plant origin They cannot cope with a severe cough, and they can also cause severe allergies.

In medical practice, these drugs are used as additional drugs to the main drugs.

Preference is given to the following drugs:

  • Gerbion is a syrup of three types of action: expectorant, for dry cough and mucolytic. The drugs are approved for use in children from two years of age, and in some cases are prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.
  • Codelac Phyto is a herbal remedy with an antitussive effect. It also has an anti-inflammatory, calming effect, and reduces the viscosity of secretions. Prescribed for children from 6 years of age.
  • Doctor Mom - syrup, lozenges and ointment for external use. Suitable for use in children from 2 years of age. The medicine contains plant matter and essential oils. The drug relieves inflammation, has a regenerating effect on damaged tissue and has a slight antiseptic effect.
  • Mukaltin - known to everyone Russian drug for cough. Helps reduce viscosity bronchial secretions, relieves swelling and inflammation. According to various sources, the effect of the drug is observed after 1-4 hours. Doctors question the effectiveness of this drug.
  • Gedelix is ​​a syrup used in children and adults. The medication thins the mucus and then removes it using an expectorant action. The medicine also has an antispasmodic effect.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

In addition to drug treatment Physiotherapy is often recommended for dry cough. You must approach them carefully.

For example, it is better for young children not to carry them out on their own.. Physiotherapy includes warming up, treatment in unconventional ways. Before taking independent action in this direction, you should consult a doctor.

Mustard plasters for dry cough

This remedy has long been used not only to treat coughs, but also with its help to get rid of joint pain, symptoms of soft tissue bruises, various kinds inflammatory processes.

Mustard plasters are designed to have a warming and locally irritating effect, increasing blood flow to the chest area, they activate recovery processes in the body.

They contain essential oils of mustard and mustard powder. Today there are many varieties of this remedy, but almost all mustard plasters have the same method of application:

  1. separate the bags;
  2. soak them in water;
  3. apply to the back or chest, avoiding the heart area;
  4. cover with a soft dry towel and leave for 3-15 minutes.

Inhalations: hot and cold

Using hot inhalations for a long time It was customary to treat dry and wet coughs. However modern research have shown that in some cases such therapy can be harmful.

For example, if the cough is caused by laryngitis (inflammation of the vocal cords and mucous membrane of the larynx), then steam and hot air will aggravate the patient's condition. A similar situation is observed in patients with fever.

Therefore, the use of hot inhalations must be approached very carefully. Typically, essential oils diluted in boiling water or plant decoctions (chamomile, sage, eucalyptus) are used for them.

You can breathe in the steam while covering yourself with a towel or through a homemade kufa.

Cold inhalations are used in modern medicine very often.

With the invention of a device called a nebulizer, this type of inhalation became widespread.

It is with a dry cough caused by a spasm that such procedures are very effective.

Inhalations with a nebulizer are indicated for adults and children for any type of cough, as well as for high fever.

The following medications are used to prepare the solution:

  • Berodual
  • Pulmicort
  • Pulmozyme
  • Berotek
  • Fenoterol and others.

You can also use regular saline solution, soda or mineral water.


You can find reviews from some consumers talking about how to quickly get rid of a cough using ointments. Some methods promise elimination of this characteristic literally overnight.

The effect of using ointments is similar to the effect of mustard plasters. They have a local warming and blood flow activating effect.

However, they are not used as a separate method of treating cough, since they have a weak effect on the source of the disease.

Ointments Doctor Mom, Doctor Tice, Vicks Active– contain plant substances that have a warming and anti-inflammatory effect.

Cream Badger and Pulmex baby– can be used for small children, unlike previous products.

Camphor oil – has a warming effect. Cannot be used in children under 2 years of age, as well as in persons with heart disease.

Badger or goat fat – effective means for the treatment of cough. The peculiarity of these substances is their specific smell, so this method will be unpleasant for many.

When rubbing, follow the basic rules:

  • Warming up can be carried out only in the absence of elevated temperature;
  • rub the area of ​​the chest, back, neck and feet immediately before bed;
  • after treatment, you should not run, walk, drink or eat cold things;
  • Avoid contact of drugs with the heart area and nipple skin.

Traditional methods of treatment

These herbal remedies came to us from past centuries. And many of them continue to be effective and frequently used.

The huge advantage of home treatment methods is their safety, and the absence side effects, as well as the ability to give them to children up to one year old.

Modern medicine has not denied their effectiveness for a long time, but only joint reception medicines and the following:

Honey. The beekeeping product has mass beneficial properties. It disinfects, softens, regenerates. It is important to choose really high-quality honey. Many people prepare hot milk with honey.

This remedy is believed to effectively combat dry cough. However, some experts believe that honey should not be heated, as all its beneficial properties disappear.

Rinsing sore throat . Gargle with a decoction of chamomile, sage or other herbs that have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. You can replace the herbal solution with saline solution.

Ginger - excellent remedy to improve immunity. If your dry cough is caused by a cold, this will help you. ginger drink. To prepare it, use 20-25 grams of root and one lemon. Brew the ingredients with a liter of boiling water, consume 2-3 cups per day.

Onion decoction, according to many patients, effectively eliminates dry cough. To prepare the medicine you will need 100-200 grams of onion and 2 liters of water. Boil, strain and take a glass twice a day.

Aloe juice is natural antibacterial agent. You need to take it very carefully, as allergies may occur. Usually one teaspoon of juice, divided into several doses per day, is enough to feel better.

Dry cough is a very insidious symptom. It can appear during harmless diseases, or it can occur due to the formation of a tumor.

Therefore, the treatment of this symptom must be treated very carefully. And before you start, be sure to consult your doctor.

Independent attempts to get rid of cough, without a medical diagnosis, are acceptable only as a temporary measure aimed at alleviating symptoms, but not as full-fledged therapy.

When treating cough at home, follow these basic recommendations:

  • take medications in strictly prescribed doses;
  • do not overuse medications;
  • do not combine antitussives with expectorants;
  • If you develop an allergy or feel unwell, contact a medical facility immediately;

If you do not feel better within 2-3 days, you should see a doctor, as you risk developing a chronic cough.

Elena Malysheva. How to cure a cough?

Attacks of dry cough lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and bronchi. Sputum is not released, but accumulates in the respiratory tract. Bacteria remain in the alveoli of the lungs and cause complications of the inflammatory process. Symptoms of a dry cough appear with allergic reactions to irritants, flu, colds, stressful situations and heart diseases. Debilitating attacks are treated with folk remedies: compresses, inhalations and decoctions.

Fat, bran and soda

A patient with a dry cough should place several plates or cups of water in the room. The liquid evaporates, moistening the air and the mucous membrane of the larynx. Itching and irritation are reduced, and the cough calms down. For colds or flu, add finely chopped onion, garlic or oil to the water tea tree. The components saturate the air with phytoncides and ethereal vapors, which have antibacterial properties.

If the cause of the cough is inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract, gargle soda solution every 60 minutes. Take 20 g food additives and a cup of warm water. For bronchitis and colds, inhalations are prepared from soda. Pour 1 tsp into a porcelain teapot. dry powder, brew with boiling water. Place a paper cone over the spout and inhale the fumes through a homemade tube. At severe cough Chamomile essential oil is added to the inhalation solution. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 40 degrees.

Badger fat copes with inflammation of the bronchi and stimulates the release of purulent secretions. The product, melted in a water bath, is cooled to a pleasant temperature and massaged into the chest. The treated areas are covered with plastic bags or cling film, and wrapped with a woolen scarf.

Sputum is removed with internal lard:

  • Heat 100 g of unsalted product in a dry frying pan.
  • The liquid is poured into a jar, and the remaining lard is thrown away.
  • Place 40 g of natural cocoa in a container.
  • Cool the mixture to 60 degrees, add 200 ml of linden honey.

Expectorant paste is dissolved in boiled milk: 30 g per cup of base cold remedy. The medicine is taken for dry coughs and for the prevention of bronchitis in the autumn-winter period. The mass is stored in the refrigerator.

Debilitating cold symptoms can be eliminated within 24 hours with rye or wheat bran. You will need 500 g of dry raw materials and 2 liters of distilled water. The mixture, brought to a boil over low heat, is simmered for 60 minutes. Using gauze, separate the jelly from the cake and pour it into a thermos. The drink is consumed warm with sugar or honey. You can add ginger or cinnamon for a warming effect. The finished jelly is drunk a day before.

Cranberry, ginger and cloves

A barking cough accompanied by fever and headaches is treated with regular green or black tea. The drink is consumed warm, adding a pinch of cinnamon to the liquid, ground ginger or several branches dried mint. This composition dilutes sputum, cleanses the lungs and bronchi from accumulated pus and disinfects the upper respiratory tract.

Tea is replaced or supplemented light chicken broth and also boiled milk with a pinch of turmeric and a spoon of linden honey.

Have expectorant properties fresh leaves basilica The workpiece is crushed and the juice is squeezed out, the resulting ingredient is mixed with grated ginger root and lemon juice in equal proportions. The spicy medicine is taken twice a day, washed down with tea or a decoction of dried fruits.

An antitussive syrup is prepared from basil. Add 2-3 spice leaves, grated cinnamon stick and a pinch to a glass of boiling water. ginger root. Seasonings are boiled for 5 minutes, seasoned with 30 g of chopped orange peel and remove from the stove. Honey is added to the cooled mixture. Receives a bitter syrup, which should be consumed twice a day, 1 tbsp. l. after eating. The medicine softens the larynx and removes soreness the first time.

Cranberry juice soothes colds and dry coughs. Add half a glass of the drink to 100 ml of honey and drink the resulting product in one gulp. Treatment lasts at least 1 week, even if the symptoms disappear on the second day. Cranberry not only removes pus from the respiratory tract, but also strengthens the immune system, protecting against flu and diseases of the genitourinary system.

Stimulate the release of sputum with cloves. The spice contains essential oils that soothe irritation and soreness. They take away the strong barking cough, treat sore throat and bronchitis. During the day you need to chew 2-3 cloves.

Endowed with antiviral and expectorant properties ginger tea. The drink is consumed immediately after the first signs of a cold appear. The medicine is prepared from fresh root or powder, which is brewed with boiling water. The product is infused for 20 minutes, seasoned with a slice of lemon and linden honey to enhance the antibacterial effect of the drink and improve its taste.

Barking cough can be removed with banana pulp. The substances contained in the yellow fruit envelop the mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi, relieving irritation. The sweet center is peeled, mashed with a fork and brewed with a glass of hot milk or water. The mixture is simmered for 5 minutes over medium heat. The result is a slimy jelly, which needs to be cooled to room temperature and then added a little honey. If you drink a glass of banana medicine every day, dry cough will go away on the third or fourth day.

Potatoes, lemon and almonds

A sore throat is suppressed by raisin syrup. A glass of dried grapes is mixed with 100 g of sugar. Add 200 ml of water and cook until the mass thickens. The dried fruit remedy is taken twice a day. Eat 2 tbsp at a time. l. syrup.

Lemon medicine is recommended for children and adults. Citrus is dipped in hot water and hold until it softens. Cut the fruit, squeeze out the juice and mix with 2 tbsp. l. pharmaceutical glycerin. Sweeten with honey and mix thoroughly. Adults take 30 ml twice a day, and children – 1 tsp. syrup.

Sputum is thinned with potato inhalations. Whole tubers, including the skin, are boiled in a small amount of water. Cover yourself with a towel and inhale the fumes through your mouth and nose. You can cool the potatoes to 50 degrees, put a paper cap on the pan and inhale to remove sputum.

For a prolonged cold, which is accompanied by a barking cough, take freshly squeezed lemon juice. The citrus component and honey are combined in equal parts, stirred and eaten before the main meal.

Potatoes are used not only for inhalation, but also for preparing an expectorant compress. The tubers, boiled together with the peel, are kneaded until smooth. Add 30 ml of vodka or moonshine to the mixture and vegetable oil. Olive, flaxseed and sesame have anti-inflammatory properties. The potato preparation is wrapped in a piece of cotton cloth and applied to the chest. The cake should not be too hot so that there are no burns on the skin. The compress is covered with cling film and a woolen scarf is tied on top. Leave the potato mixture for 15 minutes. The cake is not applied to the heart area, otherwise tachycardia or arrhythmia may occur.

The barking cough will disappear within a day if the patient takes almond paste. Soak 100 g of nuts in hot water and leave overnight. In the morning, filter, remove the swollen film and grind the workpiece. Melted butter and a pinch of sugar are added to the mixture. You can form the almond paste into balls or simply eat the medicine with a spoon. Take 100 g of nut product per day, washed down with tea or milk with honey.

Herbs and mustard oil

A dry cough that occurs due to stress or nervous fatigue can be removed with alcohol tinctures from medicinal plants:

  • motherwort;
  • hawthorn;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • sleep-herbs;
  • peony roots;
  • nettles

This method is not suitable for children, but adults are recommended to drink 30 drops natural preparation twice a day. Alcohol tinctures are combined with meditation and relaxing baths. Soothing infusions of valerian, lavender inflorescences or chamomile are added to bathing water.

Barking cough caused by stress is treated with herbal mixtures of cudweed, thyme, peony, heather and valerian. Take 15 g of components per cup of boiling water and leave in a sealed container for 30 minutes. Drink with or without sweetener.

Herbs treat not only nervous, but also cold cough. A collection of birch buds, black currant leaves, mint, chamomile and eucalyptus has proven itself well. Grind and mix 30 g of medicinal plants, measure out 1 tbsp. l. tea leaves and add 500 ml of boiling water.

Sputum is thinned with pine inhalations. Use pine or fir buds, spruce branches. The aromatic component is steamed with boiling water in a porcelain teapot and left for 20 minutes. Place a paper cap on the nose and carry out the procedure. Coniferous inhalations last 10 minutes. The respiratory tract is warmed up 2 hours after eating. After the procedure, they refrain from eating, do not scream and do not go outside so that the inflammation does not intensify.

Children and adults with a dry cough are recommended to drink a decoction of 40 g of coltsfoot mixed with plantain and licorice roots. Take 30 g of the second and third components. For this amount of herbs you will need 500 ml of boiling water. The finished drink has a pronounced aroma and a light brown tint. The strained product is drunk with lemon, ginger, sugar or honey.

Mustard oil soothes a tickling and barking cough. The product can be found in pharmacies and large supermarkets. Pour 60 ml of mustard oil into a cup or deep bowl, add 2 tsp. lemon juice and season the mixture with a pinch of salt. The medicine is placed in the microwave for 30 seconds. The mixture, warmed to room temperature, is drunk in one gulp and not eaten. Take 1 time per day. Treatment with mustard oil and lemon juice is contraindicated for diseases of the digestive tract.

A severe cough that causes nausea or vomiting can be soothed by the juice of white cabbage. The leaves of the vegetable are dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes, passed through a meat grinder and squeezed. Add a little sugar to the resulting liquid and drink 50–100 ml three times a day.

Elderberry berries relieve soreness and spasms in the bronchi. The workpiece is mixed in equal proportions with the kernels walnuts. For 100 g of paste, take 500 ml of water and bring the mixture to a boil. The strained product, cooled to 40 degrees, is sweetened with honey. Drink 25 ml of elderberry decoction three times a day.

Traditional recipes cope with barking and dry cough in a week. The main thing is to adhere to the proportions, do not forget to drink decoctions and not smoke during the treatment period. And to speed up recovery, you can combine decoctions with compresses and steam inhalations.

Video: how to get rid of cough in 1 day

Rather, it is a symptom that clearly indicates the presence of a cold, allergy or other ailment.

Coughing helps clear the body of phlegm, and therefore pathogenic bacteria.

However, this applies to wet cough.

A dry cough causes irritation of the bronchi and larynx, so the main goal of therapy is to transform it into a wet one.

The causes of cough, as well as its form, are varied. With the flu, there is a constant (dry in the first days) cough, with gradual expectoration of sputum.

At tracheitis V acute form The cough brings pain and is accompanied by purulent discharge.

At bronchitis There is a loud cough. Sputum appears from the first days of the disease. If the disease is chronic, then the unpleasant symptom is a constant companion of the sick person, especially in the morning.

For pneumonia Characterized by a painful cough that changes from dry to wet and back. In addition, it is invariably accompanied by sputum production.

Dry hacking cough is present in chronic pharyngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis.

An untreated cough due to a cold or flu can lead to a more serious illness - pneumonia. A acute bronchitis with a cough that is not given importance can develop into chronic form and cause asthma or pneumonia.

Therefore, it is necessary to fight cough. And you can do this at home. The main thing is to be patient.

How to get rid of a cough at home - inhalation

Inhalations are one of the simplest and effective methods cough treatment.

1. The most affordable way- breathe over a container of hot water into which a teaspoon of soda and a couple of drops of iodine are thrown. This composition softens the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, destroys bacteria, and makes breathing easier.

2. Inhalations using medicinal herbs. Coltsfoot, calendula, sage, mint, and eucalyptus are suitable. To begin, throw a handful of herbs into a saucepan, add water, and boil slightly. Then, having covered themselves, they breathe therapeutic steam.

3. Inhalation over boiled potatoes is a good old way to treat cough. Potatoes are boiled in their skins until soft, then they are covered and the healing vapors are inhaled. Be careful not to get burned!

4. Steam inhalation With essential oils. Aroma oils have an amazing effect in the fight against cough. As a rule, the oils most often used are mint, cardamom, cedar, frankincense, rosemary, and cypress.

First, pour hot water into a bowl, then drip 2-3 drops of your favorite oil into it, cover your head with a towel and, closing your eyes, deeply inhale the medicinal vapors.

Why is it useful? this procedure and inhalations in general? During treatment, a sick person enters the body through breathing. medicinal substances, which make sputum more viscous, and in this state it is easier to remove it from the respiratory system.

Inhalations make it possible useful components act directly on inflamed areas from the nasal sinuses to the bronchioles. For this reason, the procedure cures even the most persistent cough.

Inhalations have their contraindications. They cannot be carried out with pulmonary insufficiency, hypertension, high temperature, atherosclerosis, nosebleeds.

Inhalations for children should be performed only after consulting a specialist. After all, some medicinal components can cause an allergic reaction. And what is very important, the duration of the procedure for children should not exceed 5 minutes, and inhalations are generally contraindicated for children under 2 years of age.

Inhalations can be carried out in different ways. For this they use special device, a paper tube, or perform the procedure by bending over a container with a solution.

How to get rid of cough at home - external treatment methods

Thermal procedures are effective against cough. However, it must be remembered that they are carried out only in the absence high temperature bodies.

1. Mustard plasters. They are placed on the chest, bypassing the area of ​​the heart, and kept covered for 10 to 30 minutes. If it bakes too much, then remove the mustard plaster.

2. Potato cake- An excellent cough remedy. First, boil the potatoes in their skins until soft, then mash them with a fork, add a few drops of vodka and a spoonful of vegetable oil. The cake is wrapped in cotton cloth and carefully applied to the chest so as not to burn the skin. Cellophane and a warm scarf are placed on top. Keep this compress for 10-15 minutes.

3. Helps with severe cough compress from visceral fat (badger, goose, pork) with the addition of garlic, mustard and vodka. The fat is rendered for an hour in a water bath, cooled and combined with chopped garlic (3-4 cloves), a small spoon of mustard and vodka.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed, transferred to a cloth and applied to the chest. Compression paper is placed on top and tied with a scarf. The procedure is done immediately before bedtime. For greater effectiveness, give the patient tea (linden or raspberry). The compress is not removed until the morning.

4. Oil compress. It is prepared by combining honey, vegetable oil and mustard (all in a tablespoon). The mixture is applied to the back and kept overnight.

How to get rid of cough at home - medicinal herbs

Medicinal plants have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant effect. Therefore, they are indispensable in the fight against colds and cough.

1. Coltsfoot widely used as a cough remedy. Prepared from the plant healing composition: 2 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for about an hour. Drinking healing infusion three times a day, half a glass. The plant is not recommended for use during pregnancy.

2. Plantain- no less effective for coughs. It is consumed as tea. 2 small spoons are poured with boiling water (1 glass), infused and drunk twice a day with the addition of honey.

3. Thyme is natural antibiotic. It has a strong anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. For pneumonia, bronchitis, accompanied by a cough, take a mixture of a tablespoon of herbs and half a liter of boiling water.

4. Good for coughs ginger tea. And no wonder. After all, ginger is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory product. The tea is prepared as follows: the fresh root of the plant is crushed, brewed with boiling water, allowed to brew (10 minutes) and drunk with the addition of lemon juice and honey.

5. Sage, perhaps the most common plant used for coughs. Healing infusion prepared in this way: traditionally pour a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water, infuse, filter and combine (in equal proportions) with warm milk. Drink half a glass 2 times a day.

How to get rid of a cough at home - everything ingenious is simple

1. Honey and milk- the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to coughing. This method is the simplest and truly effective when there is no time or desire to use more complex recipes. So, a mixture of hot milk with the addition of honey and butter helps to calm a cough (especially at night).

The composition must be drunk hot, in slow sips. After taking it, it is better to wrap your throat and chest with a scarf or, wrapped in a blanket, go to bed.

2. Lemon. The product is extremely rich in vitamins (especially vitamin C), which makes it effective in fighting cough. The lemon is crushed, the juice is squeezed out and combined with honey. Take a little at a time several times a day.

4. Black radish- a powerful antitussive agent. It is washed, the middle is cut out and the cavity is filled with honey. Let it brew for a day. Then they consume healing honey a small spoon several times a day.

5. Garlic famous for its antibacterial effect. It is indispensable for any cold. Garlic also helps with coughs. Cooking recipe remedy is as follows: you should boil 5 cloves of garlic in milk (300 ml). Then the composition must be infused, cool slightly, strain and drink 50 ml several times a day.

6. Lemon with glycerin. First, boil the lemon in boiling water for about 10 minutes, then cut it and squeeze out the juice. The juice is combined with glycerin (2 large spoons). Mix everything thoroughly and add honey.

Delicious and healthy syrup for cough, children are given a teaspoon several times a day, while adults will need a tablespoon of the product.

A cough associated with a cold accompanies a person throughout his life. Simple effective methods getting rid of unpleasant symptom coupled with general therapy They will help you get back on your feet faster and start leading your usual lifestyle.