How folk remedies help with sweaty feet. The best remedies for foot odor from the people

All adults have sweaty feet, this is normal. This is how the body gets rid of excess heat and metabolic products. U healthy person fluid secreted by the skin glands appears during physical activity, in the heat, with excitement. Maintaining hygiene – the right remedy from sweating and foot odor. However, a timely shower or clean socks do not always save the situation. Sometimes the “aroma” coming from shoes indicates a medical problem.

Why do my feet sweat?

Not pleasant smell comes only from those who forget about hygiene - this is what many people think, looking askance at their acquaintances who exude “amber.” At the same time, the sweat of a healthy person – even very concentrated, even very “masculine” – has no odor. Secret skin glands 98% consists of water, the remaining 2% comes from chemicals, including proteins and lipids on which bacteria love to multiply. So the cause of the stench is the result of the vital activity of microorganisms, and not the sweat itself.

You shower regularly, change clothes often, wear comfortable shoes, do not respect leatherette, etc. artificial materials, are your socks constantly damp from sweat? Then start examining the body. Heavy sweating feet, an unpleasant odor occurs when:

How to get rid of sweaty feet and bad odor

About 80% of Russian citizens, as surveys show, begin the fight against unpleasant odor by generously spraying the body with deodorant. Well, the average person is embarrassed to complain to the doctor about the smell of their feet. Understanding the reasons sometimes comes too late. A person is admitted to the hospital with advanced mycosis or a hormonal disorder missed in the initial stage.

Shoe selection

WITH feminine logic, when ladies come for winter shoes and leave with high-heeled shoes, everything is clear. However, not all men can boast the right choice: They often buy shoes a couple sizes larger. No, not for growth. It's just that as you go up in size, the width of the shoe automatically increases, so it feels like it fits better. When choosing shoes, remember:

  1. Large shoes place more stress on your joints.
  2. Wearing shoes of a smaller size deforms the feet, leads to varicose veins, and increases sweating and foot odor.
  3. By evening, a person’s feet “sink,” so take your shoes at the time of day you plan to wear them. Ideally.
  4. When trying on shoes, be sure to walk in them - when walking, a person’s foot lengthens a little.
  5. Forget synthetic shoes: Genuine Leather“breathes”, and when worn, “adjusts” to the foot of a particular person.
  6. If you don’t want to give up heels, then at least choose comfortable shoes. Wearing stilettos with cramped calves and even cheekbones, but with your head held high, is not heroism, but self-mutilation.
  7. Wear even comfortable shoes with heels for no more than 4 hours.
  8. Don't trade your shoes with your friends. Shoes are a personal thing.
  9. Be sure to dry your winter or demi-season shoes after each wear and remove the insoles.
  10. Have changeable shoes at work.
  11. Membrane shoes are worn only with thermal socks or socks containing synthetics. Wool and membrane are incompatible - this combination causes your feet to get cold and sweat a lot.


Even people who do not suffer from foot odor must practice good hygiene. If you have excessive sweating or extremity odor, especially remember these rules:

  • wash your feet twice a day - this is the minimum;
  • After playing sports, take a shower;
  • When washing your feet, do not forget about soap;
  • after water procedures be sure to rub yourself with a towel, wear clean underwear and shoes;
  • so as not to become infected with fungus in any public places wear shoes;
  • eat less sour, spicy foods, sometimes sweat has an unpleasant odor due to improper eating behavior.

Professional remedy for foot and shoe odor

If you are sure that hyperhidrosis and unpleasant odor are not the result of choosing the wrong shoes or poor hygiene, go to a dermatologist. The doctor will rule out the presence of fungal infections of the skin of the legs, prescribe adequate treatment or refer you to another specialist - an endocrinologist. This doctor will report the presence or absence hormonal disorders. Identify the cause of sweaty feet, unpleasant odor didn't work? Then get ready for doctors to offer you to reduce sweating by injecting Botox, performing electrophoresis, or even surgery.

Medical and hygiene products

Drug treatment is prescribed depending on the cause of sweating and bad odor. If the problem is a lack of zinc, you will be offered vitamins; if you have mycosis, you will be prescribed antifungal drugs. The following products are good at killing bacteria and drying out the skin of your feet:

  1. "Lavilin." Excellent ointment, which has no odor of its own. So you can use it even during the day. Helps to permanently get rid of excessive moisture in feet even in one application.
  2. Lavender oil. It has a pungent, albeit pleasant smell, best used at night. Included in creams. It will not relieve hyperhidrosis so quickly, but it will cure mycosis.
  3. "Teymur's paste" will help reduce the activity of microbes. The course of treatment is no more than 4 days.
  4. Spray "Formidron" - feet will stop smelling after one use. First, remove the dirt, then treat your feet with a spray. The drug costs 14-20 rubles.

Massage and gymnastics

Stroking the skin and physical therapy can also become good remedy from sweating and foot odor. True, only in the case when hyperhidrosis is not associated with a fungal infection. Foot massage is carried out 4 times a week, it is better to do gymnastics daily. Both – after carrying out hygiene procedures. Can remove excessive sweating and odor proper organization working day.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are not inferior in effectiveness to fashionable ones medicines, and are cheaper. Powders, ointments, essential oils, « green pharmacy", vinegar, burnt alum, the ubiquitous Furacilin tablets.


These remedies will relieve you of hyperhidrosis, unpleasant foot odor, and will also be an excellent way to relax:

  • Sagebrush. For a glass of wormwood you will need two liters very hot water. Insist for 10 minutes, take twice as long for the procedure itself.
  • Chamomile. Foot baths made from chamomile infusion will relieve you of unpleasant odor. For 4 cups of flowers you will need 2 liters of boiling water. Keep your feet in the broth until it cools down.
  • Sage. The plant, like the previous one, is not only a threat to sore throats, but also a sure remedy for odor in shoes and sweaty feet. 2 tbsp. l. pour 3.5 cups of boiling water over the herbs. Cool, lower your legs into the basin.


  • Calming collection. This decoction can be used both in the form of baths and internally. Take 2 tbsp. l. sage, nettle, mint. Pour 2 cups boiling water over the herbs and boil for a minute. Orally - on an empty stomach (1-2 times a day), do anti-odor baths only at night.
  • Oak bark. It removes sweating and foot odor well. Add 4 tbsp to 1 liter of boiling water. l. bark, boil for 5 minutes, let brew. Do it at night for a whole week.
  • Rose hip. Pour cold water over the berries (1/2 cup per liter of liquid). Cook for 15 minutes. (fire should be low). Let the broth brew for the same amount of time, then dilute it with 2 liters of hot water. You need to treat the smell of your feet for 20 minutes.


Any baby powder left? Send an antiseptic, which perfectly dries the skin, to combat wet feet and unpleasant odor. After the shower, dry your feet well, sprinkle your feet generously with powder, working well between the toes. Put on socks and warm your feet with a hairdryer. You can use this method at night or during the day. Sweep hot water. Absorbs moisture well and prevents odor:

  • potato starch;
  • talc;
  • boric acid powder;
  • a mixture of table salt, cornstarch and soda.


Our people have one rather strange, from my point of view, rule - to force people who come to visit to take off their shoes. Judge for yourself: you came to a cultural society, put on an expensive, beautiful suit for the occasion, scrubbed up your new clothes...

Our people have one rather strange, from my point of view, rule - to force people who come to visit to take off their shoes. Judge for yourself: you came to a cultural society, put on an expensive, beautiful suit for the occasion, polished brand new shoes, and in return they give you old, well-worn house slippers!

Well, God be with them, with slippers, because the process of changing shoes at a party is often accompanied by much more unpleasant consequence- the spread of foot odor, very far from the wonderful aromas of the house of Chanel. There is, of course, an opinion that a real man should be “fierce, smelly and hairy”, but only a “chosen few” share it, so the issue of unpleasant foot odor is very, very relevant. What can you do to ensure that when visiting you there is no need to rush to the bathroom first thing, without even having time to say hello to the hosts? Dermatologist Evgeniy Valerievich Khmel, Feodosia, will help us figure this out.

Increased sweating zone

The fact is that there is a zone in the legs increased sweating. It is known that the leg contains thousands of sweat glands that produce about 200 ml of sweat per day. It's no joke - a cut glass! And if a person leads active image life, spends a long time on his feet (police units and military personnel who wear ankle boots all day long), is fond of sports, and, accordingly, his feet sweat even more. Of course, not only your feet sweat, but your entire body as a whole.

And this condition, according to our consultant, is called hyperhidrosis. In this article we'll talk about hyperhidrosis of the legs, when they not only sweat, but also the skin of the legs changes color from flesh to bluish (acrocyanosis), and even the stratum corneum of the skin softens. As Evgeniy Valerievich notes, sweat itself does not have any odor, because it consists of water and salt. The appearance of the “aroma” is due to the proliferation of bacteria, which eat our sweat with appetite and leave behind waste products.

Very often they put socks and closed shoes on their feet, thereby creating an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply - they like it, you know, to be dark and damp. And the stronger the sweating (for example, in rubber boots or socks made of synthetic materials), the more food the bacteria have and the stronger the “spirit”. "However, fungal infections the skin of the feet often also becomes the cause of unpleasant foot odor, and when a secondary purulent infection is added, this odor intensifies,” adds Evgeniy Valerievich.

How to solve the problem?

The first and simplest rule is: wash your feet, guys, and often! Regular warm soapy water, preferably using 72% laundry soap. Wash your feet several times a day if you sweat a lot and start to smell. The second commandment, equally hackneyed, but no less effective: say no to stand-up socks. This element of your wardrobe should be systematically changed, preferring socks made from natural materials, for example, cotton. Cotton has a much higher moisture absorption rate than synthetic fabrics.

Choose the right shoes. Closed-type shoes increase sweating and create an excellent environment for bacteria to multiply. Try not to wear the same shoes for several days in a row. I understand that you don’t want to take off your favorite sneakers around the clock until their natural demise, but it takes at least 24 hours for the shoes to dry out enough. To prevent bad foot odor, use deodorants or antiperspirants (optimally antiperspirants).

Deodorants for feet, as well as deodorants for other parts of the body, are created using antibacterial substances. Some stop sweating, others eliminate the odor caused by the proliferation of bacteria, and others do all this at the same time. It is also recommended to use special socks and insoles impregnated with deodorizing and antifungal substances, which must be periodically replaced with fresh ones.

“For excessive sweating of the feet, all kinds of baths are simply irreplaceable,” advises Evgeniy Valerievich. “This type of hygiene procedures is not only the most pleasant and uncomplicated, but also very effective.” Contrast baths help relieve fatigue and swelling, while reducing the amount of sweat produced. Prepare two basins - with hot and cold water.

Immerse your feet in hot water for 5–8 minutes, then in cold water for 15–20 seconds. The procedure must be repeated 5 times, ending with cold water. You can add it to cold water lemon juice. After performing these simple manipulations, lie down for 10–15 minutes with your legs elevated. For general hyperhidrosis (i.e. increased sweating of the whole body), air baths, swimming and daily contrast showers are recommended. Tea baths. Tea has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it contains tannins and a considerable amount of essential oils, which is very important for people whose feet sweat excessively.

The bath is being prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of tea are poured into a liter of boiling water, the broth is infused for 10 minutes, then filtered and diluted with two liters of hot water. The procedure takes 20–30 minutes. Vinegar baths. Pour 2 liters into a basin warm water, dilute a mug of apple cider vinegar in it and add a few drops of thyme oil. Keep your feet in the resulting solution for 15–20 minutes. Acidic environment kills foul-smelling fungus, and thyme essential oil, being a powerful antiseptic, destroys bacteria. But be careful: if there are unhealed wounds or cracks on your feet, the procedure is undesirable, since vinegar corrodes the skin, causing discomfort and burning.

Herbal medicine against sweating

Decoctions of various herbs help to cope with the problem of sweating feet. Here are some recipes: - Half a glass of chopped sage is poured with a liter of boiling water and left under the lid for 10 minutes. The bath takes 15–20 minutes. - A fragrant and effective infusion is obtained from mint, sage and ordinary nettle. A mixture of equal parts of all herbs is poured into a liter of boiling water and allowed to brew. Our consultant also recommends using oak bark, which is an excellent astringent, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic.

Tannin, found in abundance in oak bark, effectively destroys bacteria, tightens pores, and reduces sweating. To prepare this decoction, take 100 grams of oak bark, pour it with a liter of water and boil over low heat for about 20–30 minutes. Then leave for an hour. Keep your feet in the resulting broth for 15–20 minutes. But especially effective are baths made from the same oak bark, rowan leaves and wormwood, taken in equal proportions. This herbal mixture is poured with 2 liters of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. After completing the procedure, you need to pat your feet well with a towel and sprinkle with talcum powder.

It's not just food you can add salt to!

Try making a salt bath by adding half a cup of coarse salt to the water. Soak your feet in salt water for 15 minutes, then wipe them dry without rinsing. And, of course, always watch what you eat. When eating spicy foods such as onions, peppers or garlic, fragrant aroma products can be secreted through the sweat glands on the legs. And don’t be surprised if after such a meal your feet begin to “smell” even more! If you have tried everything suggested above, but the smell of your feet leaves much to be desired, feel free to consult a doctor. Perhaps the problem is much deeper and more serious. The specialist will identify the disease or determine the cause of excessive sweating and prescribe you a course of special medications.

A lot of people in force hereditary factor or acquired ailments suffer from the unpleasant aroma of their body. Some complain about bad sweat, some complain about too acrid sweat, while others tirelessly, but to no avail, struggle with sweating of the extremities.

A delicate problem - unpleasant foot odor

Many people have not only heard about this pressing and ubiquitous deficiency, but have also experienced physical and psychological discomfort. This is not only unpleasant for the people nearby, but also for the person who is looking for it every day. effective method solving problems with your potential health.

It is at the physiological level that we need to fight this deficiency as such. And you need to do this immediately if a pungent unpleasant odor always accompanies you, even when you have washed your feet properly. And, of course, it is recommended to solve the problem with the help of a doctor’s recommendations. And this means taking medications that affect the cause of sweating feet.

Recipe for foot odor No. 1

If you decide to use the drug "Furacilin" against foot sweat, then you should buy a blister yellow tablets, dissolve two pills in two liters of warm boiled water and take a bath for ten minutes. Please remember that you should not dry your feet with a towel after the procedure. After each rinse, they should dry naturally.

Such baths should be done no more than twice a day. For the next procedure, a new solution is prepared; under no circumstances use the morning bath in the evening. After all, water washes away germs. The water should be warm, not hot or cold.

Recipe for foot odor No. 2

An aqueous solution of Furacilin for foot odor (reviews say) is no less effective. To prepare the bath, dilute two tablespoons of the product in two liters of warm water. Also keep your feet in the resulting medicinal bath at least ten minutes. For each procedure, a fresh infusion should be prepared.

Consumption aqueous solution more. Tablets are more economical in this regard.

Recipe for foot odor No. 3

When the problem is so urgent that it requires an immediate solution, for example, a person is at work or at an extremely important meeting, Furacilin aerosol is used. It is enough to carry out the spraying procedure several times. It’s even better to do this when leaving home in the morning. Naturally, clean socks are mandatory. You just need to choose not synthetic ones, but natural cotton ones.

The medicine should be sprayed onto clean skin. If the procedure is performed at night and in the morning, your feet will not emit a foul odor during the day. If an aerosol is used, care must be taken to clean your feet before application.

Along with the aerosol, you can use antibacterial soap and take baths with it. Then the effect will be very stable and long-lasting. The so-called double attack on harmful microflora will not give bacteria a single chance to multiply.

Recipe for foot odor No. 4

Furacilin ointment is used at home at night. It is applied in a thin layer to the feet, after which it is rubbed into the skin with light massaging movements. At the end of the treatment, it is advisable to wear clean socks and rinse your feet in the morning. contrast shower, alternating warm and cold water.

Whichever recipe for combating foot sweat you choose, you should understand that the medicine “Furacilin” destroys a large number of bacteria and does it very quickly - within three to five minutes. The cleansed skin microflora remains as such for forty minutes after treatment. So, in order to prevent a very pungent foot odor, carry out procedures as often as possible, regardless of which form of the drug you prefer that is comfortable for you.

All the above suggested recipes should be used until the problem goes away forever. And this will be evidenced by dry shoes and socks without an intoxicating odor. The recommended procedures can be performed to treat the feet of adults and children.

As many people note about the drug “Furacilin” for sweating feet, it definitely helps, but if, along with performing foot baths, you also pay attention to your shoes. It should be made from natural materials - leather, fabrics, but not artificial cheap Chinese fakes. Compliance with hygiene rules plays a big role - you need to change your socks daily, do not wait until they are soaked unpleasant aroma sweat.

If the problem does not disappear after treatments with effective anti-foot sweat products, you should undergo thorough examination your health. In this case, you should not skip a visit to the doctor.

The drug "Furacilin" is good way decide delicate issue. It can also be replaced by such products as Formalin formaldehyde solution and Chlorhexidine solution.

Along with taking the drug, treating the inside of the shoes with a solution of vinegar or potassium permanganate often helps to get rid of unpleasant foot odor forever.

If the problem is stable, you need to change not only socks, but also shoes more often, and do not wear them for more than two seasons. You should also have a larger assortment of pairs, so to speak, to prevent the smell from becoming too concentrated and to allow the shoes to be ventilated more thoroughly.

This article focuses on the properties of all forms of Furacilin, which help in solving a delicate issue. If they do not help you, look for a solution to the problem with your doctor. In the end, let us just remind you that the smell is caused by the decomposition of waste products of bacteria, which instantly multiply in a humid, sweaty environment. Pay more attention to your feet. Constant hygiene, optimal temperature regime, natural things and shoes are the main components of the health of your feet.

The medicine "Furacilin" is a cheap remedy, which, according to people's reviews, has helped many get rid of the physiological defect forever. So don't go overboard expensive drugs, but try the domestic one. Various shapes these tools help you choose for yourself best option treatment even when you are away from home. And this is very important for those who, because of their problem, miss a lot in their lives, rushing to change the next pair of socks.

The drug "Furacilin" is a medicine for external use, safe and effective in solving skin problems. Once you've tried it in action, you won't have to think about foot odor anymore.

How to get rid of sweaty feet as soon as possible? This problem is present in large quantity men, and sometimes women too. Treatment of leg hyperhidrosis should be comprehensive. Using only creams or sprays is not enough, because intense sweating is often associated with internal or external factors which must be taken into account.

Main reasons

The feet become sweaty real problem for many people. But before you get rid of hyperhidrosis, you should consider the reasons for its development. Excessive sweating in the legs is associated with such factors:

  • absence proper care taking care of the skin of the feet (rarely changing socks, neglecting daily water procedures);
  • the use of low-quality shoes or insoles made of synthetic materials, which makes normal air exchange impossible;
  • wearing closed and too warm shoes in hot weather;
  • negative hormonal changes in the body;
  • presence of diseases cardiovascular system that disrupt normal blood circulation;
  • foot fungus;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • psychosomatics or being in a state of severe stress;
  • intense physical activity.

Taking some medications can cause increased sweating, which is always indicated in the instructions from the manufacturer.

Causes of unpleasant odor

The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the feet is not associated only with increased sweating. Human sweat has virtually no odor. An unpleasant odor is always associated with the activity of bacteria, which begin to multiply intensively in a humid environment.

Due to prolonged exposure to sweat skin softens significantly. Its upper stratum corneum becomes an excellent feed for bacteria and stimulates even greater activity.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor is also associated with the composition of human sweat. 99% is plain water, and only 1% is various substances. They are broken down by bacteria, resulting in the formation of isovaleric acid. It is she who has a repulsive and rather specific aroma.

Skin fungus and diabetes mellitus increase unpleasant foot odor.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

There are for men and women good news- it is very simple to cure hyperhidrosis and get rid of this problem forever. It is enough to follow the rules of hygiene, use some specialized products from the pharmacy or folk category and be attentive to your well-being. In the presence of diseases leading to hyperhidrosis, without them proper treatment It is useless to fight the problem.


The use of medications shows quite good results in the treatment of foot hyperhidrosis. A list of the best means is presented below.

Pasta Teymurova

A widely known antiseptic drug that helps reduce sweating of the feet. Teymurov's paste contains boric acid, zinc oxide, mint extract. Thanks to this, it produces an antibacterial, drying, cooling effect, and effectively fights fungus.

To reduce sweating lower limbs, the medicine is applied to problem areas of the skin several times a day. The course of treatment is one month.


This is one of the most effective and inexpensive means against excessive sweating, which contains a solution of formaldehyde. Formidron should be used very carefully as it can cause skin irritation in people with hypersensitivity.


It is a medicinal powder that is recommended to be applied to the feet to eliminate excessive sweating. The drug eliminates unpleasant odors, produces antibacterial and antifungal effects. To achieve the desired effect, before putting on shoes, sprinkle the powder on the feet and the space between the toes.

Antibacterial agents

There are other antiseptics that are effective against hyperhidrosis:

Folk remedies

Gives good results in the treatment of sweating feet folk remedies different composition and mode of action.

Homemade deodorant

To get rid of unpleasant foot odor, reduce sweating and destroy pathogenic microflora, you can use a homemade oil deodorant tea tree. To prepare it, pour 100 ml of water into any container with a spray bottle and add 10 drops of essential extract. This deodorant can be used several times a day as needed.

Foot bath with potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate has an excellent drying and antiseptic effect.

To treat sweaty feet with its help, you need to use the following remedy:

  1. A small amount of potassium permanganate is stirred in warm water to obtain a light pink solution.
  2. The feet are dipped into the bath and kept in the water for 20 minutes.
  3. Feet are wiped well.

Application of oak bark

To eliminate heavy sweating in the foot area, it is recommended to use products made from oak bark. There are several effective recipes that help the first time:

  • Pour 50 g of oak bark into a glass of boiling water and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. The decoction is filtered and combined with a liter clean water. Keep your feet in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.
  • Oak bark is ground into powder, for which you can use a regular coffee grinder. It is used as a powder that can reduce sweating and neutralize unpleasant odors.

Antiseptic bath

You can reduce sweat in the feet, prevent the development of fungus and cope with unpleasant odors if you take a bath daily according to this recipe:

  1. Dissolve a tablespoon of soda and salt in a liter of hot water.
  2. Add a few drops of iodine.
  3. Keep your feet in the resulting solution until the water cools completely.

Homemade rosemary and thyme spray

By decision unpleasant problem sweating can be treated with a homemade antiseptic spray:

  1. Mix a tablespoon of thyme and rosemary, pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes.
  2. The cooled broth is filtered and combined with 120 ml of apple cider vinegar.
  3. The resulting mixture is poured into a spray bottle and applied to problem areas several times a day.


This method of treatment is based on the use of weak electric field. As a result of the procedure, ions are introduced into the tissue, which partially blocks the process of sweat secretion. Iontophoresis is most often performed 2-4 times a week. To carry it out it can be used plain water or special solutions. Positive result noticeable after 6-10 procedures.

Minimally invasive treatment method

With the help of botulinum toxin injections, it is possible to overcome the problem of excessive sweating of the feet. for a long time. After the procedure, the result lasts for 6-9 months. The drug paralyzes the transmission of nerve impulses in tissues, making it impossible to sweat.

How to properly care for your shoes

To overcome sweating of the lower extremities, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing shoes and properly care for them. This consists of observing the following simple rules:

  • in summer it is advisable to wear only open shoes, which provides natural ventilation of the feet;
  • you should select models that are suitable in size and made from natural materials (leather, fabric);
  • it is recommended to periodically disinfect shoes using ordinary hydrogen peroxide;
  • To rid your shoes of an unpleasant odor, you can put a bag of black tea inside at night.


To prevent the development of hyperhidrosis, you must follow simple rules:

By following these simple rules, you will be able to quickly get rid of hyperhidrosis. A attentive attitude to your health and well-being will allow you to control the problem and prevent it negative impact for normal life activities.

Almost every person faces such a problem as the unpleasant odor that comes from the feet. It is generally accepted that main reason This phenomenon is caused by poor hygiene. In reality, this is not entirely true, since the appearance of an unpleasant odor is influenced by many other factors, including the quality of shoes and the characteristics of the body.

We need to talk in more detail about how to get rid of foot odor at home quickly, so we will discuss this topic further.

The most common misconception is that unpleasant foot odor is caused by sweat. According to experts, sweat is not always accompanied by a pungent odor, except in cases where a person suffers from various dysfunctions of the body. In fact, the appearance of odor can be influenced by many factors, among which the following can be highlighted:

  1. Low quality shoes. If you constantly use products made of synthetic materials and inappropriate sizes, this provokes an increase in the number of harmful bacteria. As a result, calluses, fungi and corns appear on the feet, and a very unpleasant aroma begins to appear from them.
  2. Features of the human body. Many people suffer from a variety of dysfunctions that have a significant impact on the appearance of a pungent and pungent odor from their feet. It can be varied chronic diseases And inflammatory processes, that is, an environment in which new bacteria and fungi actively form.
  3. Human lifestyle. If a person does not comply healthy image life, sleeps poorly, is often exposed stressful situations And nervous overstrain, and is also involved in active physical activity, then disorders appear in his body that lead to the development excessive sweating legs and decreased immunity. The same reaction is caused by drinking alcohol and smoking.
  4. Improper foot care and poor hygiene. Feet need special attention. A variety of fungi often appear on this part of the body, which can cause a pungent odor. Therefore, it is important to know how to care for your feet in order to prevent the occurrence of negative factors.
  5. Skin diseases and fungal disorders. This factor leads to the formation of harmful microorganisms on the feet, which, when sweating, spread throughout the body. Bacteria cause pungent odor, and therefore a person’s feet begin to emit an unpleasant aroma.

Important! Before you start taking measures against unpleasant foot odor, you need to establish the reasons why this problem appeared. This will help you get rid of negative factors more effectively.

If you are actively thinking about how to get rid of foot odor at home in one go, then you should prepare for the fact that one procedure may not be enough, and therefore the treatment will take a long period of time.

Of course, now there is a huge range of different medications for foot odor, but not every one of these remedies can boast of its effectiveness. In addition, the cost of these drugs is quite high, and therefore not every person can afford to spend a significant part of their family budget.

Based on this, many people prefer folk methods getting rid of unpleasant foot odor. Among the main folk remedies for sweating feet at home are:

  • salt, tea and contrast foot baths;
  • the use of decoctions of birch buds and oak bark;
  • a combination of nutmeg and sage;
  • baking soda;
  • boric acid and various essential oils;
  • apple cider vinegar and a combination of carrot juice and bell pepper.

Let's talk about each of these tools in more detail.

A daily foot bath is considered not only useful, but also the main remedy for sweating feet at home. Experts assure that if a person has problems with pungent odor, then stands as a daily hygiene procedure use foot baths. Moreover, this great way prevent the occurrence of unpleasant stench.
Baths are prepared on the basis of various components, in particular aromatic oils, oak and birch bark, sea ​​salt, tea and other components. Based on the selected component, the duration of the procedure will be determined.

Important! Before preparing your foot bath, make sure that main component doesn't cause you any discomfort allergic reactions. Otherwise, the problem may worsen and various skin diseases will appear on your legs.

Salt, contrast and tea baths are considered the most effective.
Salt baths are recommended to be used at least 3-5 times a day. To do this, mix half a glass of salt in one liter of warm water and mix thoroughly. Then, therefore, intensively wash your feet in salted water for 10-15 minutes.

Tea-based baths will help stop profuse sweating and, as a result, relieve you of unpleasant odor. To prepare such a bath, take 15-20 grams. dry tea leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water over it and let it brew for about 15-20 minutes. As an option, you can additionally boil the product. After this, add another 1.5 liters of water to the solution to create a more comfortable temperature, and place the legs in the resulting mixture. You need to sit like this for about 20 minutes. Daily use of this product will help cope with profuse sweating within the next 5-7 days.

Contrast baths help to almost completely stop excessive sweating and reduce blood flow to the feet. To do this, we gradually direct the flow to our feet cold water, gradually increasing the temperature to 60-65 C. Then we perform this procedure in the opposite direction, that is, we reduce the water temperature.

How a decoction of oak bark will help get rid of foot odor

One of the more effective means oak bark is considered to combat the pungent foot odor. To prepare a decoction based on it, take 3 tablespoons of grated dried oak bark and fill it with 0.5 liters of water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, and let it simmer thoroughly over low heat for the next 10 minutes. Next, leave the broth to brew for 2-3 hours in a dark room under a closed lid.

After the product is ready, dilute the oak bark decoction with boiled water in equal proportions and prepare a foot bath. Before placing your feet in the solution, you should wash them thoroughly using antibacterial soap. After the feet are thoroughly washed and dried, place them in an oak bark solution for 15 minutes. As practice shows, only 10-12 such procedures can help you forget about it forever. bad smell from the legs.

Birch buds contain active substances, which help reduce the risk of bacterial deposits forming on the skin of the feet. It is thanks to this useful property, birch buds It is considered an effective remedy in the fight against unpleasant foot odor.

To prepare the decoction, take 50 g. birch buds, preferably dried, place them in a glass container and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Close the container tightly with a lid and leave to infuse for 10-12 days in a dark and always cool room. At least 1-2 times a day, you will need to vigorously shake the container so that the birch buds well saturate the water with their active components.

After 10-12 days, the decoction is completely ready for use. To get rid of unpleasant odor for a long time and prevent the formation of skin diseases and the appearance of bacteria, we wipe the soles of our feet with a cotton swab 3-5 times a day. For the method to bring maximum effect, the treatment must be carefully followed for 2 weeks, after which you should take a break for a week and continue the course for the next 2 weeks.

How to get rid of foot odor at home using nutmeg and sage

No less active agent A combination of nutmeg and sage is considered to combat unpleasant foot odor. The combination of these substances will help tighten the pores of the legs, thereby reducing sweating.
To prepare the solution, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of chopped dried sage, mix it with 1 teaspoon of crushed nutmeg and pour two cups of boiling water. Mix the product thoroughly and leave to brew for 1-1.5 hours. This tool can be used as the main component for foot bath, or for wiping your feet. However, it is worth noting that you need to wipe your feet with this solution at least twice. Then the product will be effective, and you will quickly forget about such a problem as smelly feet.

Regular baking soda can be an indispensable aid in the fight against unpleasant foot odor. Active components baking soda absorbs excess water and helps cleanse skin pores, tightening them and thereby reducing sweating.

In order to prepare a solution from soda, you need to take a glass of hot water and dissolve 1 tablespoon of soda in it. Then dilute the resulting product in 1 liter of water and place your feet in it for half an hour. After this, we rinse them under running cold water and dry them thoroughly.

If you don’t have time for a bath, then you can soda solution treat cotton socks. Before putting them on, you should wash your feet with antibacterial soap and wipe your feet with the same soda solution. You must walk with this compress for at least 1.5-2 hours, after which your feet must be washed and dried thoroughly. Due to some characteristics of soda, the course of treatment cannot exceed 1.5-2 weeks, after which it is necessary to give the feet a break from soda for at least 3-4 weeks.

What essential oils will help get rid of unpleasant foot odor?

Some essential oils can also combat the pungent foot odor. natural oils. They can be used as a component for baths, or for daily wiping of feet.
According to experts, the most effective will be a combination of essential oils of pine, sage and eucalyptus. They must be mixed in equal proportions, and the feet should be treated twice a day. But for baths it is better to use essential oils of mint, sea buckthorn and eucalyptus, also in equal parts.

If you are thinking about the question of how to get rid of sweaty feet without resorting to outside help and at home, then ordinary herbal ingredients that are in the kitchen of any housewife can help you in this difficult task. It's about about carrots and bell peppers.

To forget forever about the problem of sweaty feet and unpleasant odor, you need to mix in equal proportions carrot juice with juice bell pepper. This remedy must be taken daily in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach, no more than 30-40 ml.

If you want to enhance the effect of the resulting mixture, you can also treat your feet with it. Rubbing your feet daily with the components of carrot and pepper juice will give you effective protection from the formation of fungal microorganisms.

When talking about how to get rid of foot odor at home with vinegar, do not forget about carefully observing the concentration of this substance. Vinegar is a very caustic substance, and if exceeded permissible dosages Injuries and burns may occur on your feet, so you must carefully follow the recipe.

You can get rid of unpleasant foot odor by using vinegar baths. To do this, take 1 liter of 9% apple cider vinegar, pour it into a metal container and heat it to a boil. Mix heated vinegar with 1 liter of water at room temperature and place your feet in this solution for 10 minutes. After this time, rinse your feet in cool water and treat the skin of the feet with pumice stone.

If your shoes have also become saturated with an unpleasant aroma, then you need to treat them in a solution of apple cider vinegar.

Important! Vinegar will not only help remove the unpleasant pungent foot odor, but will also kill all harmful bacteria.

If cosmetics and folk remedies turned out to be ineffective and did not help you cope with the problem of excessive sweating and pungent odor, then you should use medicinal pharmaceutical products. The range of such means is truly huge, but not every one of them has been able to prove its effectiveness in practice.

One of the effective medicines think Drisol. Its main task is to block the sweat glands on the legs. However, you should not use this remedy too often, as this may cause problems with swelling of your legs. In addition, Drisold often causes allergic reactions, so initially it is worth applying a small amount of the product to a small area of ​​​​the foot to see if it will cause any negative effects on you.

A medicine such as formidron has performed quite well. It can be used for a long period. However, remember that this drug often causes redness on the skin of the legs. If you experience such a reaction, then you should stop using the product.

Borozin will not only help eliminate odor, but also heal fungal diseases in the primary stages. Therefore, if cracks form on your legs, you should immediately go to the nearest pharmacy.

One of the most common remedies is Teimur paste. This drug is used to combat sweaty feet. However, pay attention to how your feet react. If redness appears on the skin, then you should stop the treatment course.

Additional tips on how to get rid of sweaty feet at home

To prevent the appearance of bad foot odor, you should use the following recommendations:

  1. Try to avoid shoes made from synthetic fabrics. It is the least comfortable for the feet, and therefore sweating increases significantly.
  2. Always try to dry your shoes, so that moisture does not remain in it. Bacteria develop most actively in a humid environment, so you should avoid this.
  3. If you have an unpleasant foot odor, you should consult a dermatologist before starting treatment. It will help determine the causes of the strong odor.
  4. Maintain good foot hygiene. Every day you need to thoroughly wash your feet using antibacterial detergents. Also, try to keep your feet dry at all times.
  5. Give preference to hosiery made from natural fabrics, in particular cotton and linen.

Video on how to get rid of unpleasant foot odor