Very long periods. Why do you have long periods and what treatment methods exist?

A special stage in the life of a mature lady. The cessation of reproductive function entails numerous changes in the functioning of the body. Such changes include, among other things, the duration of menstruation during menopause.

Every woman approaching menopause needs to know which prolonged periods are within normal limits, and when they signal the development of diseases and pathologies. It is precisely these issues that are important for female representatives that will be discussed in this publication.

During menopause, a woman’s reproductive function gradually ceases, and the ovaries, which produce the bulk of sex hormones, fall asleep. Such changes affect the menstrual cycle. At each stage of menopause, different events occur that affect menstruation in their own way.

The following climacteric stages are distinguished:

  1. – time from the appearance of the first signs of ovarian dysfunction to last menstrual period. Normally it begins at 45 years of age. At this stage, the synthesis of sex hormones decreases and this leads to disorders menstrual cycle.
  2. – the last independent menstruation, which normally comes at about 50 years of age. Since they can only be established after the fact, menopause is understood as 12 months after menstruation, during which there was no more bleeding.
  3. – at this stage the ovaries completely stop hormonal function, and the woman no longer gets her period.

Thus, at the beginning of menopause, a woman’s menstrual cycle becomes irregular, and at the last stage it stops completely.

Menstruation during premenopause

During premenopause, the intensity and duration begin to change.

This is due to hormonal imbalance And irregular ovulation. In most women, the volume of blood discharge and the number of days during which it occurs decreases, but on the contrary, there is an increase in both parameters.

Prolonged periods before menopause are considered to be the norm only when there is an alternation of heavy and scanty discharge. There are two possible options. Firstly, long and heavy periods become scanty, and then strong again. Secondly, menstrual bleeding gradually becomes less heavy and irregular.

During premenopause it is possible following changes menstrual cycle:

  1. Delays occur. First for a few days, and then for a month or more. Doctors consider a delay of menstruation for up to 6 months to be within normal limits. If you don't have your period longer than six months, then this is a sign of menopause.
  2. Menstrual cycles become irregular. Menstruation comes for several months in a row, then it doesn’t last for 2-3 months, and then it starts again.
  3. During menstruation, a woman may experience painful sensations or emotional imbalance. Sometimes menstruation is accompanied by dizziness.
  4. There may be pieces of mucus in the discharge. After all, this menopause the endometrium begins to change. Only dark brown or scarlet color of blood with elements of mucus is considered pathology.

It is not always possible for a woman to independently determine whether changing periods are normal. If they take a long time, then you need to contact a gynecologist. It is better to hear that you are healthy than to miss the onset of a dangerous disease.

When to sound the alarm

About menorrhagia.

Long periods in premenopause are considered a pathology if:

  • last more than 7 days;
  • the volume of blood is such that one pad maximum size enough for an hour;
  • there are tissue particles or blood clots in the bloody discharge;
  • accompanied by fever, rapid pulse, clammy sweat, chills and a feeling of general weakness;
  • appear in the lower abdomen severe pain;

Violations of the norm include bleeding after sexual contact. In all of the above cases, a woman should consult a gynecologist. After all, the described manifestations are characteristics of uterine bleeding.

Only a specialist will be able to determine whether a woman has long periods caused by fluctuations in hormones, or whether she has started uterine bleeding.

Highlight following reasons uterine bleeding:

  1. Inflammatory process in the vagina.
    The walls of the vagina become thinner, and the mucous layer that protects them also decreases in size or disappears altogether. As a result, the vagina can be injured during sexual intercourse. After special treatment Ladies should always use a sensitive vaginal lubricant before having sex.
  2. Pathology of the endometrium - the inner lining of the uterus.
    As a rule, hyperplasia occurs - tissue proliferation. If this pathology is not treated, cancer may develop.
  3. The formation of fibroids - benign tumors that develop due to malfunctions thyroid gland or abnormal muscle activity of the uterus.
  4. The growth of polyps on the endometrium - benign neoplasms.
    When bleeding begins after intimate contact, doctors suspect the presence of polyps.
  5. Polycystic ovary syndrome.
    With this disease, there may be a long absence of menstruation, and then heavy bleeding.
  6. Diseases associated with blood clotting disorders.

Prolonged periods can occur due to improper use or sudden refusal of oral contraceptives.

Discharge during menopause and postmenopause

Menstruation during menopause should alert a woman.

They usually indicate two scenarios:

  • menopause has not yet occurred;
  • Some pathologies develop in the body, for example, malignant tumors.

Medical statistics show that women over 55 years of age are more likely to have fibroids, polyps and endometrial hyperplasia. In women over 65 years of age, bleeding will continue for a long time due to the development of a cancerous tumor. But you shouldn’t diagnose yourself and prescribe treatment on your own. To do this, you need to visit a gynecologist and undergo full examination.

You should know the main reasons for the appearance of spotting during postmenopause:

  1. Perhaps the vessels of the uterus have ruptured.
  2. The uterus atrophies.
  3. There is a malfunction in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.
  4. Pathology of other organs or systems has occurred. For example, the urinary canal is damaged.
  5. A serious problem has occurred in the body hormonal imbalance, And long time lack of female sex hormones.
  6. Reception hormonal drugs, including contraceptive pills.

When bleeding is coming more than a week, you need to contact a gynecologist.

During menopause, you should be more attentive to your health and not only regularly diagnose your body once a year and visit a gynecologist at least once every six months, but also gynecological examination for every health problem. Since the female body at this time is weakened and susceptible various diseases and pathologies.

How can you help yourself

There is information that helps a lady maintain her health, and sometimes even her life. Therefore, it is important for every lady to know if she has long periods during menopause, what she can do and what she absolutely cannot do. The best optionimmediate appeal for qualified medical care.

When there are blood clots or pieces of tissue, the body temperature rises, severe pain in the lower abdomen, chills or sticky sweat appears, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance, regardless of the time of day. It is important to know how to stop bleeding before emergency services arrive.

The woman should be in a horizontal position, and should be applied to the lower abdomen cold compress. It is strictly forbidden to heat the area intimate area or take a warm shower or bath.

In order to stop the bleeding before doctors arrive, you can use simple recipes traditional medicine:

  1. Must eat in large quantities honey.
  2. You should eat lemon, but the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, it affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Prepare an infusion of fresh parsley. To do this, you need to finely chop the greens and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 3 hours and drink in small portions.

Expert opinion

Alexandra Yurievna

Doctor general practice, associate professor, teacher of obstetrics, work experience 11 years.

In the case when a woman is in a remote area and an ambulance cannot quickly reach her location and there is no way to take her away by personal transport, then the following medications can be taken: Vikasol, Duphaston, Tranexam or birth control pills or oral contraceptives.

Bottom line

Long periods during menopause are not a harmless inconvenience for a woman. In such cases, it is necessary to see a gynecologist in order to identify the cause of prolonged menstruation. The publication lists cases in which immediate medical attention is needed.

If we stop the bleeding on our own, then this is only a temporary relief of the condition. It is important to contact a gynecologist as quickly as possible to establish a diagnosis and timely eliminate the cause of bleeding. We wish you good health!

What do you know about prolonged periods during menopause?

Every month, a regular and established menstrual cycle occurs in the body of any woman, which begins with the release of menstruation. Menstruation is a sign of healthy and normal functioning female reproductive system. Any deviations from the norm of this cycle will be interpreted as pathological causes. However, this will not always be the case. Scanty and long periods ( hypomenorrhea) can contribute to cycle disruption and cause anxiety and discomfort in their owner. In some cases, this may indicate existing problems and disorders, but there are also situations where this symptom does not pose any danger and is explained by completely harmless reasons.

IN in good condition menstruation lasts from 3 to 6 days, and blood loss is about 50-60 ml with mucus impurities. When periods are protracted scanty discharge less than the norm, you should use the help of a gynecologist. A harmless explanation may not be pregnancy or puberty for girls early age. But if prolonged menstruation is accompanied by unabated sensations of pain in the abdominal area, then this will be a signal for emergency medical help.

Possible causes of prolonged menstruation

The main consequence of scanty, prolonged periods is disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries and abnormalities in the functioning of the pituitary gland, which largely regulates the menstrual cycle. Inappropriate production of hormones will cause improper and insufficient blood circulation of the uterus, which subsequently leads to an inferior structure during the period of regulation. In this case, scanty periods occur.

Primary causes of hypomenorrhea:

  • rapid and severe weight loss due to dietary nutrition or pathological exhaustion;
  • impaired metabolism, anemia or vitamin deficiency;
  • mental disorder or fatigue;
  • genitourinary surgery or trauma reproductive organs during childbirth or abortion;
  • underdevelopment of the female reproductive system;
  • influence of hormonal contraceptives;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • exposure to harmful radiation and chemicals;
  • , pregnancy or menopause.

Hypomenorrhea - as a symptom of pregnancy

When fertilization of the egg occurs, the level of estrogen in the woman’s body drops and the “pregnancy hormone” - progesterone - begins to be produced. It helps protect the uterine mucosa and securely secure the fertilized egg. For this reason, menstruation during pregnancy is a very rare and undesirable occurrence. However, it happens that menstruation does not stop even during pregnancy, but the nature of the discharge changes slightly. Menstruation often takes on a brown color and is significantly reduced in quantity due to its protracted duration. Why might this happen? Let's look at the reasons:

Read also 🗓 Scanty periods started ahead of schedule

  1. Limited progesterone production due to physiological feature specific organism. Partial rejection of the mucous membrane and the fetus is possible, and, as a result, failure of the ensuing pregnancy. It is recommended to determine the concentration of progesterone and adjust its level to maintain the next pregnancy.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy. If the structure of the endometrium is defective, the fertilized egg is fixed outside the uterine cavity, and more specifically, in its tubes. Because of this, partial rejection of the mucous membrane occurs, and as a fact -.
  3. Incorrect development fetus Against the background of developmental pathology, improper attachment or rejection of the fetus occurs. The endometrium is sloughed off and released.
  4. Increased production of androgens. Excess of male sex hormones in female body leads to fetal rejection and pregnancy failure.
  5. Fertilization of two eggs at the same time. Due to the impossibility of normal attachment, the uterus rejects one of the embryos, which comes out with particles of the rejected mucous membrane in the form of scanty secretions.

You should remember and know that any bleeding during gestation is undesirable and can signal a possible failure and termination of pregnancy. To maintain pregnancy and protect yourself from possible uterine bleeding, it is important to immediately seek medical help.

Breastfeeding and postpartum discharge

IN postpartum period the woman’s body is cleansed of particles of the remaining placenta, thickened blood and other “waste” of the uterus. All this cleaning is spotting from the genital tract, and ends approximately 14 days after birth. But sometimes it's so long postpartum discharge may signal inflammatory process and introduced infection.

During this period, the production of progesterone continues, which prevents menstruation. But sometimes there are cases when there is a transformation hormonal levels, and there are scanty, protracted periods that do not correspond to the cyclic schedule. After a certain period, menstruation is restored and comes every month at the appointed time.

Poor regulation can also be caused by postpartum depression or stress associated with childbirth.

Pathologies of the reproductive organs as a sign of hypomenorrhea

Scanty long-term regula, having a predominantly brown color, may be the result developing pathology uterus and ovaries.

  1. Endometritis is an inflammation of the uterine mucosa.
  2. Endometriosis – changes in the structure of the mucous membrane and its possible growth into the cervix, vagina and abdominal cavity, which is a pathology.
  3. Endometrial hyperplasia is the growth of the uterine mucosa into its muscular walls. In this case, they are damaged small vessels endometrium, which is why scanty brownish discharge appears, similar to menstruation.
  4. Ovarian dysfunction – impaired secretion of hormones. Irregularities occur in menstruation, heavy periods are replaced by brown spotting and vice versa.
  5. Polycystic ovary syndrome is the formation of cysts on the ovaries. Happening hormonal disorders, and as a result – irregular, scanty bleeding.
  6. Uterine polyps are the appearance of overgrown formations on the endometrium. The disease occurs as a result of a serious hormonal imbalance; they are characterized by scanty bloody discharge, which is replaced by severe bleeding.
  7. Infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted can cause abnormal periods.
  8. Tuberculosis of the uterus and ovaries - occurs in the form of endometritis, characterized by long delays and scanty bleeding.

Read also 🗓 Scanty periods: causes, symptoms, treatment

Signs of hypomenorrhea

There are certain signs that characterize the development of hypomenorrhea, the appearance of which is a signal to seek advice from a specialist. Only an experienced gynecologist is able to identify real reasons scanty periods and prescribe effective treatment. You should immediately look at the amount and color of the discharge: blood discharge that lasts longer than usual, a volume of less than 50 ml, that is light or dark brown– such phenomena will signal the development of hypomenorrhea.

TO additional symptoms Hypomenorrhea also includes:

More often meager menstrual flow are accompanied by several symptoms, but exceptions are possible when menstruation passes without accompanying symptoms. In such cases, a medical examination will be required to confirm or refute dangerous pathological factors and illness.

Hypomenorrhea can be an undesirable symptom during pregnancy. Scanty bleeding can threaten termination of pregnancy and provoke miscarriage. Light and prolonged menstruation in the postpartum period may indicate normal physiological cleaning of the uterine cavity or the presence of pathological inflammation in it.

When is treatment required?

In the presence of pathological abnormalities in the body, it will acquire an abnormal character: discharge that will be less than normal or, conversely, very abundant, and its duration will be prolonged for long term. These malfunctions in the functioning of the female genital organs are signals for urgent medical examination. All of them mean the presence of pathology in the body, and during pregnancy these are symptoms that can lead to pregnancy failure and even infertility.

Hypomenorrhea can occur as a result of hormonal imbalance, and treatment will be aimed at adjusting the production of hormones. Sometimes scanty, prolonged periods will be a symptom of serious illnesses, such as cancer or tuberculosis of the uterus and appendages. In such cases, immediate examination and treatment is important.

Taking into account age-related changes in a woman’s body, the doctor will conduct a full examination and prescribe the necessary medications and procedures.

There are also cases when treatment is not required, and the problem of scanty periods is considered as a cause of puberty in young girls or period breastfeeding. Signs that occur along with prolonged menstruation can be suppressed by changing your lifestyle. Taking vitamins therapeutic massage and special baths can normalize the menstrual cycle.

There's no secret in healthy body women, as the Greek philosophers said. At the same time, about gynecological problems it is not customary to talk, although every girl wondered why her periods took longer than usual. Let's figure it out.

What is a normal menstrual cycle?

How many days should your period last? This is all individual and depends on heredity, the woman’s complexion and other factors. Most often, the question of why periods take longer than usual is asked by overweight women. In general, a duration of 5-7 days is considered normal, no more and no less. However, during menopausal changes or after the onset of menstruation, the duration can vary and can reach ten days. If the cycle is stable and 5-6 years have passed since the beginning of the first menstruation, then long or too long periods should alert the woman. Any change in the cycle may indicate pathology or inflammatory processes.

Why do my periods take longer than usual?

If a woman notices something, it is best in this case to contact antenatal clinic. Only a doctor will be able to make a clear diagnosis and say what is the reason for the changes. Meanwhile, below we will consider the main reasons for cycle failure.

The first one is hormonal changes. Hormones are responsible for everything in our body. In particular, progesterone is responsible for blood clotting and the duration of menstruation. If there is a deficiency in the body, bleeding will take longer than usual. In addition, this hormone is important for the onset of ovulation. If your period lasts longer than usual and in the last few days it is only available, then this is a sure sign that ovulation has not occurred. This means that conception becomes impossible.

The second reason why menstruation lasts longer than usual is dysfunction of the reproductive system (impaired ovarian function). In particular, this is indicated by long-term and heavy menstruation. In this case, you should definitely see a doctor, since possible reason problems - cystic formations, in other words, an ovarian cyst. This is quite serious, since a cyst is benign education which will not go away without medical intervention.

The third reason is venereal diseases. To completely exclude this factor, it is necessary to undergo appropriate tests.

Finally, the fourth reason is emotional stress. It is known that women are sensitive to the moral climate, which means that emotional overstrain can change normal cycle menstruation. It is impossible to say in this case how many days there will be a delay or how long the bleeding will lengthen.

Clinical picture, or how to determine the cause of the failure before going to the doctor

Various clinical picture Long periods may indicate the cause of the problem. Yes, painful copious discharge with mucus and clots that last more than a week may signal an ectopic pregnancy.

Long periods may indicate the onset of cervical erosion. Please note that if you have anemia, it will be very difficult to stop bleeding.

(producing more hormones) may also be a cause, with the normal menstrual cycle being altered. How many days your period lasts depends on this small gland. It should be noted that prolonged bleeding can provoke adenomyosis, or inflammation of the uterus, namely its muscle layer.

Contraceptives play an important role. Intrauterine device may cause prolonged bleeding, but in this case it should be abandoned immediately so as not to aggravate the situation. Hormonal pills can also provoke disruptions, as they change the balance of hormones in a woman’s body.

Prolonged bleeding - serious symptom, which may indicate the development of benign and malignant tumors. Yes, you need to ask yourself the question of why you have your period. takes longer ordinary. But this is not enough. Only timely correct treatment will help preserve life and health.

How to solve the problem?

When your period takes longer than usual, the main thing is to determine the reason. This is best done by a gynecologist. Many women are afraid to go to the doctor and put off the visit until the last minute. Meanwhile, the disruption of the cycle and the reasons that cause it do not go away on their own. Here you need specialist consultation and, in some cases, treatment.

If the cause of the failure is emotional overstrain, the most the right way- rest, relax, and minimize the effect of stress-forming factors, if possible.

Folk remedies for long periods

There are folk remedies, which help if your periods take a long time. What to do in this case? At a minimum, reduce bleeding. For example, you can make nettle tea or rosehip tea. However, it will only eliminate the consequence of the problem, and not the pathology or stress itself. It is better not to risk your health, but to seek advice from a gynecologist. But in any case, in order for the body to function normally, it is necessary to refuse bad habits and establish a balanced diet.

There are several special periods in a woman’s life when her menstrual flow differs from usual. One of them is menopause, which marks the cessation of monthly bleeding. If you experience long periods after 50 years, i.e. just before menopause, this may indicate pathology. You will learn more about this problem below.

Perimenopause and menstruation

Menopause is a period in a woman's life when her mental health gradually declines. reproductive function and the level of the sex hormone estrogen decreases until it is completely absent. These changes directly affect the menstrual cycle, which changes depending on the onset of a certain phase of menopause, of which there are 3. The first of them is premenopause. The next ones are menopause and postmenopause, or postmenopause. All of them are characterized by certain symptoms.

Premenopause includes the time from the first signs of menopause to the end of the last menstrual bleeding. In most cases this is around 45-50 years of age. This period is characterized as follows:

  • periods become irregular;
  • menstruation often disappears for several months up to six months;
  • the volume of discharge becomes less;
  • Your periods don't last as long as they used to.

Why do periods take longer?

The premenopausal period is dangerous because it separates normal menstruation from pathological ones it is very difficult. The reason is irregular cycle and the fact that protracted periods before menopause can also be common occurrence. Warning a woman properly heavy bleeding after the discharge became less voluminous or was completely absent for several months. It is difficult to unambiguously determine whether certain menstruation is normal, because you need to take into account individual characteristics body.

The cause of prolonged periods before menopause is often uterine bleeding caused by:

  1. Pathology of the endometrium. It consists of the growth of the endometrium due to a failure in the process of normal formation of the egg. With this pathology there is a risk cancerous tumors.
  2. Myomas. That's what they call it benign tumors, which develop as a result of malfunctions of the thyroid gland.
  3. Poor clotting blood. This pathology also often leads to long-term menstrual bleeding.
  4. Polycystic disease. This disease affects the ovaries and is characterized by long absence menstruation, and then releasing them in large quantities.
  5. Polyps. This is the name for neoplasms that are benign and harmless. Their negative impact consists of protracted periods before menopause and more.
  6. Discontinuation or improper use of oral contraceptives. This often leads to bleeding.

What menstrual irregularities after 45 years are considered normal?

Long periods before menopause can be considered normal at its very first manifestations. At the beginning, bleeding is heavy and prolonged. Then they often change to scanty and become strong again. Another option is that your periods gradually become less heavy and irregular. It turns out that menstruation can be prolonged in the following cases:

  • at the beginning of menopause;
  • during premenopause, which is characterized by alternating periods with scanty and heavy periods.

When long periods before menopause are a sign of pathology

Many women are not familiar with the cases in which menstruation is considered normal before menopause, so they delay consulting a doctor. This must be done in cases where the duration of bleeding is more than 7 days or its volume is such that one pad is enough for only an hour. In addition to these main factors, reasons for contacting a gynecologist during prolonged periods are:

  • availability blood clots and tissue particles;
  • fever accompanied by increased heartbeat, weakness, chills and sticky sweat;
  • bleeding after intimacy;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen.

What to do if your period lasts more than 7 days before menopause

The best answer to this question is to see a gynecologist, especially if you cannot stop the discharge on your own. It is worth giving up alcohol and cigarettes, because they can also cause protracted periods. Even if the situation has changed, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor, because temporary improvement often hides dangerous disease. Only timely treatment will help avoid consequences and maintain health.

How to stop bleeding during menstruation at home

Any intervention related to the menstrual cycle, especially before menopause, is dangerous because it often leads to gynecological diseases. If you are not embarrassed by such risks of disrupting your health, then you can try several methods. The first is oral contraceptives. If a woman is already using them, then there is no need to stop this process, and after one blister runs out, immediately start another. The same should be done when receiving birth control pills. They, like oral contraceptives, can stop long periods.

In addition to contraceptives, there are other drugs that are hemostatic. Among these are:

  1. Vikasol. It is an artificially synthesized vitamin K, which affects blood clotting and the formation of prothrombin. Low level the latter and leads to heavy periods.
  2. Tranexam. Modern remedy, available in the form of tablets or injections. It is also able to stop bleeding during menstruation.
  3. Duphaston. A progesterone-based medicine belongs to the group of non-steroidal hormonal drugs. The advantage is that they do not affect blood clotting.

Taking these medications does not guarantee that you will feel better. Medicines only provide temporary relief, so you should not rely entirely on pills or injections. Besides medications exist traditional methods stopping bleeding. These recipes use herbs and simple products, such as parsley, lemon or honey. Here's how to use them:

  1. Honey. This sweetness should simply be consumed in large quantities.
  2. Lemon. This fruit also needs to be included in the diet. The main thing is not to overdo it, because lemon affects digestive system.
  3. Parsley. The greens must be finely chopped and brewed with boiling water. After 3 hours, you can drink the product, but it is better to distribute it 3 times.

When to call an ambulance

Situations with protracted periods have already been listed above, when it is necessary to consult a specialist or even urgently call an ambulance. This must be done if one pad is not enough even for an hour. If blood clots or areas of tissue appear in the discharge, going to an ambulance should not even be considered. If health deteriorates due to fever, chills and rapid pulse, a woman also needs the help of doctors.

How to treat long periods in premenopause

To exclude diseases, a woman is prescribed a series of tests, including a blood test, coagulogram, ultrasound and cytology of a smear from the cervix. If all serious pathologies are excluded, then treatment of protracted periods is carried out oral contraceptives, sedatives and antidepressants. Additionally, estrogens can be prescribed, which are administered transvaginally. To reduce the risk of cancer, Duphaston is prescribed.

Video: menstruation during menopause in women

Menstruation occurs every month and usually lasts three to five days. But sometimes the bleeding drags on, and women wonder what to do when their periods have been going on for 10 days. This is a clear cause for concern and requires seeing a doctor. Only a specialist can understand the situation.

If a girl is active sex life, prolonged menstruation may indicate a miscarriage. The diagnosis can be made by a gynecologist, but if your period lasts more than 7 days, you should think about the reliability of the contraceptives you use.

Other reasons include:

  1. Intrauterine device - presence in the body foreign object may provide negative influence on its functions. Therefore, after installing the IUD, it is important to monitor your condition - prolonged menstruation indicates that the contraceptive method is not suitable for your needs. individual indicators and it should be abandoned.
  2. Hormonal contraceptives affect the cycle and can lead to disruption. The effect is observed almost immediately after starting to use the drug - menstruation becomes longer and causes discomfort.
  3. Hormonal imbalance – the reason why periods take a long time can be the hormones produced by the body. An increase or decrease in their number indicates serious changes - childbirth, gynecological operations, menopause, etc. In this case, the situation will normalize in a month or two, but if this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.
  4. Endocrine disorders are diseases that affect thyroid gland, often lead to cycle disruption. If long menstruation is the only sign, you need to check your hormone levels and undergo a course of treatment prescribed by an endocrinologist.
  5. Blood diseases – as a result of various influences work circulatory system may be violated. If platelets are not produced in required quantity, this is one of the options why your periods take longer than usual. Usually there are other signs - bleeding gums, cuts that take a long time to heal, etc.
  6. Endometriosis is a pathology in which endometrial tissue spreads to neighboring areas. In addition to heavy periods, a woman has a pronounced premenstrual syndrome, pain in the ovaries may occur.
  7. Polyps or fibroids are harmless neoplasms, but their condition must be monitored. They can cause your period to take longer than usual.
  8. Tumor – if diagnosed appropriately, all doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations should be followed.

Some of the diseases listed are safe, but they cannot be ignored at all. Each of them can cause negative consequences.

In some cases, when a woman comes to the gynecologist with a complaint about why her periods last more than 7 days, he does not find any violations. This happens quite rarely. In such a situation, the following factors may be the cause of long periods:

  • excess weight;
  • constant stress;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • acclimatization after the flight.

The listed reasons are not dangerous, but if possible the situation needs to be corrected, as it can provoke the development of serious pathologies.

Why is long menstruation dangerous?

If your period lasts longer than usual, significant blood loss begins, which may lead to the development of iron deficiency anemia. In addition, prolonged menstruation can signal a miscarriage if there was a pregnancy. And if conception for a long time not happening, worth going through comprehensive examination to find the cause of the problems.

Menstruation for more than 7 days can cause so much blood loss that a woman will feel weak. In such a situation, you need to go to the hospital or call an ambulance.

If menstruation does not end after a week, medical intervention strictly required.

If there is severe bleeding, it is better to take a comfortable position on the sofa and wait for the ambulance to arrive. Until then, the following methods will help alleviate the condition:

  • lie horizontally so that your legs are higher than your head;
  • a cold compress will relieve pain and stop discharge;
  • It is important to drink a lot of liquid – sweet tea or plain water;
  • if the condition worsens and the woman faints, you can give her any means to stop the bleeding.

The question of what to do if your period has been going on for 15 days can be answered unequivocally - call qualified specialists who will prescribe necessary treatment or they will give you a referral to a hospital.

  • Traditional Treatments

The following medications will help stop bleeding:

  • hemostatic – to improve blood clotting;
  • means for strengthening blood vessels;
  • medicines for uterine contractions;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • complex of vitamins.

If your period lasts a week, this is not normal, so take it yourself medicines is strictly prohibited. The only exception is hemostatic drugs, but only in extreme cases.

When the reason that your period lasts more than 10 days is a tumor or other neoplasm, you may need surgery. It is better to carry it out as quickly as possible so that the pathology does not spread to neighboring organs.

  • Folk remedies

If menstruation is underway two weeks, and the doctor prescribed treatment, additional remedies can be used alternative medicine. The duration of bleeding will help reduce the decoction prepared from horsetail. In addition, it will reduce their abundance. To prepare the infusion, you need to brew the herb, steep it, strain it and drink it every couple of hours until the bleeding stops.

Good results are obtained from a collection of oak bark, cinquefoil, yarrow, and raspberry. You can buy it at the pharmacy or make it yourself. The mixture is poured cold water, leave for at least four hours, then bring to a boil and cook for about ten minutes. Strain the finished broth and consume several times a day. Heavy bleeding will help stop the mixture of nettles and shepherd's purse. The herbs are brewed and kept on low heat for half an hour.

The situation of why menstruation takes a long time and smears should be dealt with by a specialist. Long menstruation always called specific reasons. It is important to detect them in time and quickly eliminate them in order to avoid negative consequences.