Why do my ears itch? The inside of the ear itches: causes, characteristic symptoms and methods of treatment

Itching in the ears can quite often bother the patient with some allergic diseases, for eczema and dermatitis of the auricle, diseases of the external auditory canal, as well as for otomycosis. Another cause of itching in the ears is insufficiently hygienic maintenance of the skin of the ear canal.

Treatment of itching in the external auditory canal

With frequent manifestations of itching, in mandatory You should visit your local GP. He will determine the cause of the phenomenon and prescribe treatment, once cured. general disease The itching will go away on its own. If there is unbearable itching in this area, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with Propoceum ointment once or twice a day. The doctor can prescribe complex ointments - with belladonna extract and anesthesin; with menthol, diphenhydramine and boric acid; with menthol, anesthesin and novocaine. These ointments are good at eliminating not only itching, but also pain. An effective remedy against itching in the ears - sofradex. If the cause of itching allergic dermatitis, the use of ointments is indicated: lorinden C, flucinar, hyoxizone, kenalog. If a fungus has settled in the ear, sinaflan ointment is prescribed. It has antifungal and antipruritic effects (the ointment is contraindicated during pregnancy).

Advice from a practical doctor. If you are worried about itching in your ears, but you can’t get an appointment with an otolaryngologist in the near future, you can follow some of our simple tips:

  1. Carefully treat the skin of the ear canal with a cotton swab moistened with warm boric alcohol (Spiritus Acidi borici 2%). The cotton wool should be tightly wound onto a match, moistened with boric alcohol and wiped over the skin, but do not insert the match into the external auditory canal too deeply, so as not to injure the eardrum.
  2. If itching is severe, you can simply drop it into your ear. boric alcohol. This product slightly bakes the skin and relieves itching well.
  3. It often happens that a person experiencing severe itching in the external auditory canal, takes a match, hairpin, pin, knitting needle or some other sharp object and begins to “influence” the walls of the canal with this object. At the same time, the possibility of injury to the thin and delicate skin that lines the passage increases significantly. This entails the possibility of infection, because even a small scratch on the skin is fraught with the development of external otitis. Sometimes, to relieve itching in the ear, it is enough to press forcefully on the tragus of the auricle several times.

The thought of impending rain visits every person familiar with folk signs whose ears suddenly begin to itch. Of course, it is possible that itching outside and inside the ears coincides with changes in the weather, but often this is not the reason at all.

Constant itching of any part of the body may indicate the development of dermatological and other diseases. When the outside of the ear itches unbearably, the first action a person will take is to scratch the skin with his nails. This is fraught with the formation of microcracks in delicate skin and subsequent infection of the wound by pathogens.

The causes of discomfort may be the following:

  1. Allergic reactions. Jewelry made with nickel, dust mites, shampoo, synthetic materials and food can trigger the development of allergies, which will manifest themselves in itching, rashes and peeling of the earlobes and ears.
  2. Otomycosis. Treatment with certain ear drops provokes the development of a fungal infection. On early stages The disease manifests itself as itching and flaking of the skin, in later stages - dark coating and pain.
  3. Psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. Very often these diseases begin their manifestation with obsessive itching the outside of the ears and the area behind the ears.
  4. Otitis externa. After hypothermia, poor hygiene, or water getting into the ear canals, the outer ear can become inflamed. Severe swelling develops and you can scratch your ear without severe pain impossible. It happens that otitis externa caused by staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus and fungi.
  5. Eczema. The development of eczema can be triggered by improper or incomplete treatment of otitis media and neglect of personal hygiene. The skin on the outside of the ears becomes covered with weeping wounds that itch very much.

Causes of itching inside the ear

Why do the insides of the ears itch? There may also be several options:

  1. Accumulated sulfur. Earwax is the most common irritant that causes itching inside the ear. Timely and proper cleaning inner ear canals without deep insertion of ear sticks. Surprisingly, a lack of sulfur can also cause the skin to dry out and begin to itch.
  2. Water procedures. Once inside the ear canals, water prevents air and sound from moving freely. A water plug is formed, which, fluctuating, irritates delicate and sensitive skin.
  3. Foreign bodies. Often, small children, while playing, stick small construction parts or beads into their ears. In addition to the fact that, being inside the auricle, they cause itching and pain, foreign objects can cause irreparable harm to the child’s hearing and health.
  4. Ticks and insects. In the spring-summer period, cases of visiting doctors with the problem of insects getting into the ears increase. Get rid of discomfort is possible only by means of extracting stimuli.
  5. Injuries. Mechanical damage to the skin also causes severe painful sensations, redness and inflammation of the skin, itching.

When the reason is not visible at first glance

A continuous feeling of itching and discomfort in the ears and on the skin around the ears may be a symptom of:

  1. Otitis. To the itching should be added high temperature, weakness, deterioration general condition and well-being.
  2. ARVI and colds. Since colds affect the nasopharynx, which swells, you may experience a feeling of severe itching deep inside the ear.
  3. Liver and kidney diseases. This is how the body will react to excess toxic substances, which do not filter the liver and kidneys.
  4. Age. Degenerative processes occurring in the body of an elderly person also affect the skin. Irritation, inflammation, appearance age spots and itching are frequent companions of people over 50 years of age.

What reasons can cause itching outside and inside the ears, when neither wounds nor any other ones are visible? visible damage and provoking factors?

Causeless and asymptomatic itching may indicate problems:

  1. with the nervous system
  2. in the functioning of the digestive tract,
  3. with circulatory disorders.

Itching for no specific reason may indicate initial stage development of diabetes, lymphogranulomatosis and other tumor formations. Those suffering from causeless itching need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. A consultation with a neurologist and psychotherapist is necessary.

It is important to remember that itching for no reason or caused by any obvious factor should not be ignored. Diagnosis and detection ear diseases An otolaryngologist is involved. An examination with an otoscope, tank cultures and flora examinations will help the doctor diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In more difficult cases You will need consultations with a dermatologist, allergist and other specialists.

When an unbearable desire to scratch his ear appears, a person is rarely interested in the origin of such a strange phenomenon.

For most, itchy skin appears natural reaction body.

And for the experts folk signs Itching in the ears can easily tell you about approaching bad weather or news.

Therefore, the condition when the inside of the ears itch is often left without proper attention.

However, when constant, unbearable itching appears, the problem comes to the fore, attracts all the patient’s attention, distracts him from normal activities, and requires searching reliable way getting rid of an unpleasant feeling.

Ears itch inside: reasons

Anyone can have itchy ears. And such a feeling does not always indicate the presence of serious pathologies. Behind the process of skin itching there is a complex mechanism based on specific signals that, when irritated, are sent by nerve receptors located in the upper layers skin. Peripheral branches and the central part are directly involved in this mechanism. nervous system, transmitting response commands, causing itching. The ear is no exception. It contains a sufficient number of itching receptors, which, when a favorable situation arises, cause a desire to scratch the inside of the ear.

Irritation of nerve skin receptors can occur under the influence of external factors of the following nature:




In such cases, the ears begin to itch when various irritating elements enter directly into the ear canal. The causes of external irritation can be either natural or pathological character.

Common irritants may include:

Sulfur. Significant formation of sulfur secretions, combined with sweat and fat, accumulating in the ear canal, causes a reaction that is accompanied by itching. It is easy to get rid of unpleasant sensations by carrying out timely hygiene procedures ear cavities.

However, the excessive enthusiasm of many patients to clean their ears with rough cotton swabs can have the opposite, aggravating effect. When sticks or other devices are inserted deeply into the ear, the wax is compacted, which leads to the formation of plugs.

In such cases, it is quite difficult to cope with the problem on your own and the help of an otolaryngologist is required. The doctor will perform a standard procedure for rinsing the ears, which will help get rid of plugs and the desire to scratch the inside of the ear.

Sulfur deficiency. Oddly enough, if there is insufficient production of sulfur secretions, which act as a kind of lubricant and protection in the ear, irritation of the skin receptors also occurs, which is manifested by scratching the ear.

Water. When liquid penetrates into the ear canal during swimming, diving, bathing, an obstacle to free penetration arises sound waves and air. Such a water plug, actually making slight oscillating movements in the ear, causes mechanical irritation and itching.

Insects and foreign objects. Children often face the problem of foreign objects getting into their ears. Out of carelessness or curiosity, they stick various small objects into their ears, which causes a desire to scratch inside and even pain. But even adults are not immune from insects getting into the ear canal. You can get rid of unpleasant itching inside the ear only after removing the irritant.

Fungal infection. When affected by a fungal infection, redness and inflammation are observed against the background of itching. The inside of the ear begins to itch more when water gets in. Otomycosis, as fungi are called ear pathologies, are treated only with antimycotic drugs, which can be selected by the doctor after identifying the type of fungus.

Dermatological pathologies. Dermatitis, eczema and even psoriasis can occur in the ears. Such serious diseases are accompanied by the formation of scales and papules that provoke itching. Pathologies can be caused by chemical external irritants, as well as hereditary factor, disruptions in the immune system, hormonal system, nervous conditions.

Allergens. The inside of the ears can itch when hygiene products in the form of soap, shampoo, and shower gels get into them. An allergic reaction can be triggered by hats, headphones, and pillows.

Mechanical damage. Microcracks in the ear canal or on the eardrum, resulting from inaccurate hygiene procedures or direct trauma, cause a feeling of itching.

But if your ears itch inside in the absence of external irritants, you need to look deeper for the cause. Itching caused by internal pathologies has more complex mechanisms. Hormonal, physiological and neurogenic processes may be behind such a reaction. Finding out the cause of such itching is much more difficult.

Scratching in the ears may be a symptom serious illnesses in the form:

Various types otitis. Any ear cavity can become inflamed, causing painful sensations, ear congestion, general malaise, weakness, fever.

Colds. For irritation or swelling of the pharynx, throat, nasal cavities pathological process can also affect the ears, causing itching in them.

Hormonal or metabolic pathologies causing imbalance in the body. The inside of the ear may often itch due to diabetes mellitus.

Toxic substances , produced in the body during diseases of the kidneys, gallstones or liver. The inside of the ears may itch as a reaction to toxic food poisoning.

Allergies. For food, chemical, household allergies under the influence of histamine produced by the body, skin itching occurs, which can also be observed in the ear canals.

The age factor can also be a cause of itching inside the ears. With age, irreversible processes occur in the body, accompanied by degenerative changes. Complex of hormonal, immune, physiological age problems may be accompanied by idiopathic itching.

Ears itch inside: diagnosis of possible diseases

It is almost impossible to cope with itchy ears on your own. A competent examination is necessary to identify provoking factors.

If your ears itch unbearably inside, you should not solve the problem with cotton swabs or other objects. Such methods only aggravate, but do not solve the problem.

To find out the cause of itching you need to contact an otolaryngologist. Often the problem of itching can be solved by one specialist. The doctor will use an otoscope to examine the inside of the ear canals. If irritants in the form of sulfur, foreign objects, or wounds are detected, no further examination is required, and the problem is solved immediately by washing and treating the skin.

If you suspect an infectious, fungal, inflammatory process examination of the flora will be required using bacterial cultures of the obtained materials from the ear canal, throat, nose, which will help identify the causative agent of the pathology and select antimicrobial drug.

If dermatological manifestations of the disease or the presence of mites are observed, the doctor will refer you to a dermatologist for treatment.

If other pathologies are identified, the help of an allergist, immunologist, endocrinologist or neurologist will be required, who, in turn, will determine a set of diagnostic and therapeutic measures.

There are situations when the patient is tormented by scratching inside the ears, but the diagnosis does not reveal obvious reasons that can provoke such a pathology. In such cases they talk about idiopathic itching. With causeless itching in the ears, the patient is referred to a psychotherapist, since any ear pathological reactions in the form of noise, itching, ringing can be neurogenic in nature, that is, caused by nervous shocks, stress, depression, unstable psycho-emotional state.

Itchy ears inside: medicinal and traditional methods of treatment

It is not advisable to attempt to treat itchy ears on your own until a diagnosis has been made.

Even if the cause of itching inside the ear is the accumulation of wax or dirt, picking the ear canal will not solve the problem. To properly clean the ear canals, you need to perform external hygiene procedures. Washing with soap and removing secretions and dirt from the surface can eliminate many problems.

If there is intense wax production, as well as if the ear canals are heavily contaminated due to working in dusty conditions, you can take advantage people's councils:

1. Rinse the ear canals soda solution, prepared from 5 gr. baking soda dissolved in 100 ml of water. For instillation into the ear, use a warm solution, introducing 5 drops into each ear.

2. Use 6% vinegar, which is used to wipe the ear canals, which helps soften the wax.

3. Instill hydrogen peroxide into the ear canals to soften wax formations. Vegetable oil can also be used for the same purposes.

4. Vegetable oil You can also push out any insects that have gotten into your ear.

If there are dense wax formations, an ENT specialist can help by rinsing the ear canal with a special syringe.

For more serious problems, in which the inside of the ears itch, you will have to resort to drug treatment. Only a doctor can choose an effective course of treatment, based on the results of preliminary examinations.

For otomycosis, antimycotic drugs such as Miconazole, Ketoconazole, Levorin, Amphotericin, which can suppress the activity of fungi, are prescribed. External treatment is carried out with ointments Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, Naftifine.

For the treatment of otitis media, erysipelas it is advisable to use antibacterial agents. Therapy is carried out with drops such as Otofa, Otipax, Normax, Tsipromed, Sofradex, as well as antibiotics in the form of Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Netilmicin tablets.

Dermatitis, eczema and other dermatological pathologies are treated with antihistamines Clarisens, Tavegil, Zyrtek, Suprastin. Corticosteroid ointments are used locally, as well as rinsing with solutions of Resorcinol and Furacilin.

At allergic reactions, of various origins, prescribe antihistamines that help eliminate inflammation, irritation, and itching.

Following the recommendations for hygienic care behind the ears, as well as preventive measures in the form of ironing linen and towels, wiping alcohol solutions telephone receivers, refusal to wear other people's headgear, use of natural hypoallergenic cosmetics and care products can significantly reduce the likelihood of itching inside the ears.

Quite often, people have quite itchy insides of their ears. What to do in such a situation and how to get rid of it become extremely important issues. These problems cause many unpleasant moments, causing serious discomfort. The fact that the ear itches and hurts can be caused by a number of various kinds reasons, both serious and not very significant. However, in any case, it is necessary to respond to this.

The main causes of ear itching

Of course, when the ear hurts and itches inside, this does not always indicate the presence of significant and serious illness. There can be a great many reasons. Some require it immediately fast response and implementation of various measures, while others, on the contrary, give certain time to correct the situation.

First of all, people who have felt this type of pain directly inside the ear should refrain from exercising wrong actions. Sometimes some people grab sharp objects, trying to scratch the ear canal and get rid of the itching. All this can lead to extremely serious consequences, because, for example, a sharp hairpin with excessive zeal can easily pierce or damage the eardrum.

This may lead to serious consequences, up to a decrease or complete loss of the ability to hear. When the need arises to scratch your ear, you can only use cotton swabs specially designed for this purpose. They have a soft and rounded end, and if not deeply immersed, they are not capable of causing damage to the human ear. If the cleansing process fails to relieve symptoms and the itching remains, you should contact to a specialized specialist- otolaryngologist. It is this doctor who will be able to identify the causes and prescribe effective treatment.

So, why do your ears itch when you're sick? This is directly related to the type of disease. Based on the list above, we can make a very obvious conclusion that there is no way self-treatment If you have problems with your ears, you cannot practice. A doctor must be visited. Especially in a situation where ointments, cleaning the ear canals, and rinsing did not help. In addition, immediately before going to a specialist, you should not use any medications, because they can change the real picture, and the diagnosis will be made incorrectly.

The most striking symptoms

What to do when a person’s ear itches inside will be determined by the symptoms accompanying the itching. Usually a combination of several various symptoms allows you to most accurately determine the disease and accordingly choose the most effective and high-quality treatment, so as not to get complications in the form of chronic diseases.

When there is very strong itching in the ear canal, in which a person experiences a great desire to scratch from the inside, this may indicate that some insect has entered the ear directly. In this situation, it is forbidden to try to pull it out on our own, using improvised means, such as tweezers. This can lead to very serious problems, including hearing loss. The right way out We will drop warm oil into the ear canal, which will force the insect to get out of the ear on its own. After this, the ear needs to be cleaned and treated.

When, as an accompanying symptom, itching is accompanied by sharp pain, shooting in nature, body temperature increases greatly, mobility is limited, due to the fact that this is accompanied by an increase in pain, this indicates the presence of inflammation of the middle ear. With otitis media, the inside of the ear almost always itches, regardless of the degree of the disease. In this case, it is necessary to carry out complex treatment, which will be prescribed by a specialized specialist.

When dry, or vice versa, wet films and crusts form, the ear hurts and itches inside, which only an otolaryngologist can tell you how to treat. After all, these symptoms can be caused by both bacterial and fungal problems, and allergic reactions, or skin diseases. To accurately determine the cause, the doctor prescribes mandatory tests. In this case, it is important to do this as quickly as possible in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

In some, it's enough in rare cases, severe itching may not have any symptoms that accompany it. Or, it is not caused by any disease, and health problems are minor. Also, illness may be a definite cause. psychological type, for example, in old age, in the case of senile insanity, schizophrenia or hysteria. However, if there is a disease of the ear canal, the inside of the ear is almost always very itchy. A qualified specialist can tell you what to do. Also, a little bright expressed reasons have diseases caused by genetics or endocrine causes.

Visual symptoms of ear itching are also present, usually caused by severe untidiness, lack of proper hygiene, e.g. large quantity sulfur or due to water ingress.

Preventive measures and effective treatment for ear itching

The main and key rule in order to ensure the health of the hearing organs is to maintain hygiene and keep them clean. At the same time, you should not thoroughly clean them of sulfur every day. She's playing important role and is produced by the human body for a reason. It is required to avoid drying out of the outer part of the ear and is a serious barrier to various microorganisms that can harm health.

What should be done, from the point of view of prevention, to prevent a situation where the ear itches inside:

  • You cannot clean the ear canal without lubricating or softening it with anything, in other words, “dry”. Doctors advise doing this after taking a shower or washing your hair.
  • Cleaning your ears should only be done with products specifically designed for this purpose, such as cotton swabs. This is done to prevent damage eardrum, which can lead to hearing problems or complete loss. Cleaning should be done superficially.
  • Don't try to remove it maximum quantity earwax, being sure to remember that she protects human ear from various bacteria And . Of course, when earwax is produced in excess and your doctor advises it to be removed, this should be done on a regular basis. If this requirement is not met, a lot of sulfur will accumulate in the ear canal, it will thicken and turn into a plug. As a result, it will be impossible to cope with them at home; you will need to carry out the so-called rinsing with water and a syringe in the doctor’s office.
  • In addition, many experts advise regularly wiping your phone and various personal items to remove bacteria from them. Also, it is not recommended to use other people’s hats. Be sure to use caps in the pool, which will protect against water getting into the ear canal.

So, what to do if the inside of your ears itch? The doctor prescribes treatment depending on the symptoms. Moreover, it is worth noting that you should not take any medications, because it will be very difficult for an otolaryngologist to make a correct diagnosis in such a situation. Symptoms accompanying itching in the ear canal can directly indicate infectious or any other problems, and in each individual case, treatment will be different. And it is a competent specialist who will be able to choose the most effective plan actions.

As a rule, when ear itching occurs, most people try to cope with it on their own, for example, by carrying out various hygienic actions. Quite often this method leads to success. However, if the problems are caused by serious reasons, then you should not worry or panic too much. IN modern conditions, almost all problems can be corrected and cured, in addition, diseases in this area do not pose any threat to life.

If there is an effective and correct approach to correcting the situation that has arisen in the ear canal, it will be resolved with virtually no consequences. First, you should most accurately identify all the symptoms, both obvious and hidden. After this, it will be much simpler and easier to determine the real nature of the disease.

You cannot take any action on your own; only a specialist can fix everything correctly. The basis for treatment will be an examination of the patient, thorough examination ear canal and test results. You should also try not to scratch the skin, otherwise it will be much more difficult for the doctor to decide what to do if the inside of the ear itches.

Under no circumstances should you leave the situation to chance. Separately, it is worth noting the situation in which, in some newspapers and magazines, attention is not paid medical side question, but mental or even magical. There are many signs. For example, what to do when it itches right ear inside, such sources say unequivocally - expect strong changes. In their opinion, the right ear is a clear harbinger of potential good news. In turn, itching of the left ear, on the contrary, can bring troubles and failures, in other words it is negative factor. Moreover, the more it itches, the more changes and news will happen.

However, in most cases, you should not interpret the signs, but deal with the situation with scientific point vision.

Tips for relieving itching

Currently, as in various medical sources, and in the sources traditional medicine, official recommendations are given, tested by doctors and ordinary people, designed to relieve or completely stop itching in the ear canal. These include many actions that are performed before the otolaryngologist prescribes direct treatment. Among the most frequently encountered tips is the need to wipe the ears with a special cotton swab, which has been previously generously moistened in a six percent vinegar solution. This needs to be done several times a day.

To reduce pain and itching as much as possible, some people recommend dripping warm oil into your ears. This action carried out when a person is lying down. Using the rinsing method, you can seriously reduce the growth of bacteria and germs in the ear. It is performed with a solution of water and a syringe using a syringe and a special bulb medical nature. If the inside of the ear itches, you should try by all means to get rid of it, but this should be done as carefully as possible, under the close supervision of an otolaryngologist. After all, it is quite obvious that the disease in each specific case is of a purely individual nature.

The only correct and accurate answer to the question of what to do if the inside of your ears itch can only be given by doctors who deal with these types of diseases.

On your own, you can only roughly determine the cause and try to eliminate the symptoms. However, if problems caused by serious diseases cannot be eliminated at home, the most professional and effective examination and treatment is required.

Common causes of itching and solutions

Next, we will highlight the most obvious methods of treating the most common diseases that are accompanied by itching in the ears. Note that any reason can be eliminated easily and without severe consequences, if you consult a doctor in time.

  • Otitis.

Implementation effective treatment external and otitis media is carried out on an outpatient basis. It is important to note that internal otitis requires significantly more extensive and attentive treatment, and often requires emergency and urgent hospitalization. In this case, various types of local drugs are used as a method of treatment. These usually include ear drops that contain an antibiotic and drops that act as pain relievers. Various systemic nature can be prescribed exclusively in case of serious problems everything human body generally.

  • The so-called otomycosis.

In this case, treatment is carried out special drugs antimycotic nature of the action. First of all, you need to completely clean the ear canal of excess wax, fluid and various types of secretions. After this, treatment methods aimed at combating the fungus should be applied directly to the location of the ear itching. These usually include washing the ear from the outside using special solutions. In addition to the main treatment with antibiotics, it is necessary to effectively take care of how the body feels as a whole. It is necessary to carefully strengthen the immune system. This is done through taking various kinds of vitamins and getting rid of other diseases that can indirectly have an effect.

  • Dermatitis.

This disease can only be cured after being prescribed by a specialized doctor. It is produced depending on the unique characteristics of the disease. This is done either with the help of special compresses or with the help of medications. Careful and comprehensive supervision by a specialist is required.

  • Allergic diseases.

In the case of such diseases, which can also occur due to the bite of various insects, doctors usually prescribe medications antihistamine action, which contribute to the fastest and effective elimination problems that have arisen.

There are many symptoms that accompany itching. Sometimes, they are not a consequence of a serious illness, but if the primary methods of assistance do not bring relief, a trip to the doctor cannot be avoided. In general, based on all of the above, at the present time, when a person’s ears are very itchy inside, only a doctor can answer why and what to do.

There are many signs among people: left hand itches for money, and the right one - for an unexpected joyful meeting, ear itches- someone is gossiping or there will be a quarrel with someone. But when itching in the ears torments you for more than one day, so much so that you can’t even sleep, there’s no time for signs.

The mechanism of itching in the ears

Itching is an unpleasant sensation that makes a person want to scratch. The mechanism of its occurrence is similar to the mechanism of pain. The appearance of itching is a signal from the body that something is wrong, that inflammation is taking place. Itching can be caused by external factors, and internal, for example, the formation of an excess amount of histamine or bile salts in the body.

Itch receptors are found in the upper layer of the epidermis and on the mucous membranes. When these receptors are irritated, a person experiences discomfort and a persistent desire to scratch the itchy area. By the way, in muscles, joints and internal organs There are only pain receptors, there are no itching receptors, so if there is a problem in the internal organs, a person can only experience pain.

Although itching is sometimes called soft shape It can cause just as much pain and trouble. Scratching in the case of severe, incessant itching brings only short-term relief, and then it only gets worse, because constantly scratching a person violates the integrity of the skin and only aggravates their own discomfort.

Severe, incessant itching always indicates the presence of health problems, so it should be taken as seriously as pain - look for the cause and eliminate it.

Why do my ears itch?

The itching sensation can be bothersome both externally and when the auricle and lobes itch, so does the inside of the ear. In this case, there is a desire to take a cotton swab and scrape it inside the ear canal.

If the ears itch on the outside and this sensation is also accompanied by redness of the skin, then we may be talking about allergic reactions or dermatological diseases. An allergy can be to anything, for example, to the hat a person is wearing. More precisely, on some material in the composition of this headdress: wool, acrylic or lurex.

If we're talking about O skin diseases, then, most likely, it is not only the ears that are itching; the itching is also disturbing in other parts of the body. In this case, consultation with a dermatologist is required.

There are many reasons why an itching sensation appears inside the ear canal, and all of them are not harmless. We may be talking about a fungal infection of the external auditory canal, or the presence of ear mites, allergies, incipient inflammation of the middle ear, cerumen, water getting deep into the ear canal, and even diseases such as diabetes and trophic changes in blood vessels.

Child's ears itch

Some babies may scratch or rub their ears when they feel sleepy. If your baby rubs his ears before bed and then sleeps soundly healthy sleep, then everything is in order. If the sleep is restless, the baby often wakes up and cries, rubs his ear on the pillow, and even more so, if the temperature has risen, you need to urgently call a doctor, since we are talking about otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear). Very young children, when otitis occurs, can make pendulum-like movements of the head and scream during feeding, as sucking increases pain and itching in the ears. You need to know that vomiting and even diarrhea can also be symptoms of otitis media. In young children, otitis media can cause complications in the form of bacterial meningitis. Meningitis develops rapidly and is deadly for the baby. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of otitis media, it is necessary to urgently consult an otolaryngologist.

What to do if your ears itch?

It's better to start with what not to do. There is no need to try to get rid of itching by using foreign objects or ear sticks in the ear canal. Such a procedure, even if there is a banal sulfur plug, cannot help, but you can harm yourself in this way.

If itching and a feeling of stuffiness in the ear appeared after visiting a pool or swimming in a pond, water most likely got into the ear. You can help yourself by lying on a flat surface on your side, with your affected ear down. After some time, the water should flow out. If this method does not help, you can drop 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide into the affected ear and lie on your side again. Trying to force water to flow out with a cotton swab or blowing into your ear with a hair dryer (some believe that the water should evaporate after this) is dangerous! If you cannot force the water to flow out with the help of hydrogen peroxide, most likely there was a wax plug in the ear canal, which swollen due to exposure to water and blocked the ear canal completely or partially. Only an otolaryngologist can help solve the problem.

You should also consult an otolaryngologist when the cause of itching in the ears is cerumen plug. The doctor will remove it using a special probe with a hook or perform a rinse. The choice of method for removing the cork depends on its type. Contrary to popular belief, sulfur plugs are not formed due to neglect of hygiene rules. The formation of a plug can be caused by increased secretion of sulfur, a congenital narrow or tortuous ear canal, and even too dry and hot air in the room. Under no circumstances should you attempt to remove sulfur plug on one's own. Firstly, the risk of injury is very high, and secondly, only a doctor can say for sure that the cause of discomfort in the ear is the plug and not something else.

If the feeling of itching inside the ear is also accompanied by pain, these are symptoms of inflammation of the middle ear. The disease is fraught with complications in the form of hearing loss and partial deafness; otitis media is dangerous for children possible development meningitis or encephalitis. Most often, otitis develops as a complication of ARVI. In the case of otitis media, treatment will be more effective the earlier it is started. If a child has a high fever after suffering from an acute respiratory viral infection, viral infection proceeded from severe runny nose and there are symptoms of otitis media - it is better to urgently call an ambulance.
Antibiotics are used to treat otitis media, antihistamines and compresses to remove pain syndrome. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

When the itching sensation is accompanied by redness of the skin in the ear canal, discharge from the ear cavity, constant plugs and crusts, it may be a fungal infection. The diagnosis is called "onomicosis", cause fungal infection Maybe long-term use antibiotics, ear canal injuries, water getting into the ears, and even using someone else’s headset or, for example, earplugs. Before starting treatment, the doctor needs to determine what kind of fungus has settled in the ear: yeast or mold. Then treatment is prescribed, usually complex - antifungal drugs local effects and tablets for oral administration.

If all the above-described diagnoses are excluded, and ears itch, then we can talk about allergies, the onset of diabetes mellitus, vascular or hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders. If any of the listed diseases develops, then in addition to itching in the ears, a person will also be bothered by other symptoms, in each case they may be different. Then you no longer need a consultation with an otolaryngologist, but the help of other specialists.