The use of dead bees in folk medicine. Treatment with bee death - effective recipes and their use in home therapy

It has long been known that the doctor treats, and nature heals. Elixirs from dead bees, the recipes for which have been passed down for many generations, will help strengthen the body, cure many ailments, and increase performance. By using bee death treatment, you can avoid not only long-term use medications, but also surgery.

Following recipes for preparing medicines, we will tell you in detail how to use dead bees in medicinal purposes.

Alcohol tinctures

Tinctures are prepared from raw materials crushed in a blender: 1 tbsp. l. product per 250 ml of vodka or other liquid containing 40 percent alcohol. The container for the elixir must be made of dark, opaque glass. Having tightly closed the stopper, you need to remove it to infuse away from the sun for 14 days. It is advisable to shake the bottle every day. Take medicine from dead bees, diluting it with water or tea.

  • For heart pain, dilute 15-20 drops of the elixir with water and take 1-2 months once a day after meals. This is enough to feel better. When using a bee kill, treatment is faster.
  • If hypertension is a concern, take bee dead, treatment of which should be carried out strictly according to the following scheme: age = number of drops, divided into two doses. For example, at the age of 40, take 20 drops after breakfast in the morning, 20 drops after dinner. A month of treatment, then a break for six months. Repeat the course and you won't remember your blood pressure.
  • For fibroids, take a tablespoon of tincture prepared according to the recipe before meals:
  1. 1 tbsp. pour ½ liter of vodka over raw materials;
  2. leave for three weeks;
  3. strain, squeeze out.

Drink 3 times a day for 2 months.

Take a month off and, to consolidate the healing process, it is advisable to repeat it.

  • For treatment diabetes mellitus 55% infusion is used. To lower sugar levels, drink only 15 drops of tincture per day with tea or water after meals.
  • Treatment of adenoma gives positive results prostate gland bee death. The recipe is as follows: fill a half-liter bottle halfway, add 70% alcohol two fingers higher than the level of the substance. In 14 days, the liquid will infuse and can be taken up to 3 times a day, diluting 10 drops in a tablespoon of water.

Water decoctions

Water decoctions with dead fruit speed up treatment thyroid gland, liver, remove lamblia from the body. They are used to improve immunity and for multiple sclerosis.

Elixir recipe: add 2 tbsp to ½ liter of water. l. product, let simmer for half an hour over low heat and set aside. Let it sit for a couple of hours. Store the strained broth for 2 weeks and only in the refrigerator.

Treat for 21 days, then take a break for 10 days and repeat. Since the medicine should not be stored for more than 14 days, you will need to brew it fresh several times. In this case, it is better to combine internal decoction and compresses with bee death. Treatment of the thyroid gland with a comprehensive method will improve the condition faster.

Eat positive reviews about the use of medicine from dead bees after a stroke and for the prevention of this disease, as well as for narrowing of blood vessels in the brain.

Recipe for a decoction for mastopathy. Steam 200 g of dry bees in boiling water for 30 minutes. Squeeze and apply to inflamed area. Cover the lotion with cellophane film, wrap it and hold it until it dries.

This method of treatment is also used for varicose veins.

For a spinal hernia, an infusion is used: 100 g of bees are steamed for 20 minutes. A cloth is placed on the back, steamed dead meat is laid out on top, covered with cellophane and insulated. Leave until dry.

Preparation of ointment

When treating varicose veins, ointment is used. Mix a tablespoon of the powdered substance with 100 g of petroleum jelly and put it in a clay or glass container for storage.

After slightly warming the product, rub it in with light movements. sore spot. This method is used for thrombophlebitis and arthrosis. The joints become mobile, inflammation is relieved, pain goes away.

Frying in unrefined will help with myopia. sunflower oil dead

The medicine is washed down with milk, using a cooled teaspoon 2 times a day before meals.

A month of treatment, a two-month break, and then repeating the course again.

This method is also good for treating destruction vitreous eyes.

Kill bacteria and viruses, normalize the microflora of the mucous membrane, promote fast healing wounds - these properties of medicines with bee death make the treatment of stomach ulcers painless.

To cleanse the intestines, take dead meat dried in the oven to a powdery state. The dry powder is washed down with water, and the dose of the medicine is increased gradually, starting with a fifth of a teaspoon, and adjusted to 1 tsp. Drink in the morning and before dinner in the evening. This will cleanse the body of cholesterol.

This method cures pancreatitis.

Medicine from dead bees is a panacea for many ailments, and cancer is no exception.

Thanks to active substance chitosan is increasingly used as drugs from dead animals in the treatment of cancer and metastases. It is able to regulate the pH of the body, which allows lymphocytes to destroy malignant cells, and the ability to envelop blood vessels from the inside does not allow them to move cancer cells to other organs.

In addition, the components of chitosan, when released into the blood, support the patient’s body, suppressing intoxication. As a result, the appetite is restored and the patient’s weight loss stops.

Using infusions, decoctions and alcohol elixirs, you can significantly improve your condition.

For treatment, tincture of dead wood is used together with 20% propolis tincture. But treatment for cancer in cancer should be auxiliary.

Dead bees, the treatment of which stops the growth of thyroid cysts, is indispensable in the general therapeutic complex.

When taking medications, listen to your body and, if necessary, change the course of treatment or dosage of the drug.


Dead bees have almost no contraindications, but as a beekeeping product it can cause individual intolerance. To avoid harm, it is worth determining whether you are allergic to medications made from this substance. To do this, you need to rub the dry bee in the elbow bend and wait 5 minutes. If the skin does not react with redness, then individual intolerance no, and you can improve your health with medicines based on death.

Also, pregnant women and young children should not use alcohol infusions.

Eat, take medicine from dead bees and adhere to a healthy lifestyle, wellness will last a long time!

Treatment with drugs based on dead bees is known in folk medicine since ancient times, as a result of which only a few recipes for their preparation have reached us. The benefits of the presented component should be fully clarified, as well as proper preparation homemade medicines.

Video: Recipes from dead bees

How to collect and prepare a remedy from dead bees?

Dead bees are dead bees. The worker bee does not live long, only from 1 to 6 months, so bee family is constantly updated. Death differs into varieties depending on the time of death of insects:

    • Summer - when bees die near the hive various reasons. The summer collection is small, since insects carry dead bees away from the hive, but it is of higher quality. This collection contains more bee venom, and it is the main component for preparing medicine.
    • Winter - bees did not survive the winter due to hunger, cold or disease. Winter is considered less useful - feces remain in the corpses of insects, in addition, the bees could die due to infection. It is better not to take drugs from the winter dead.

Dead bees should be collected starting in early summer and stored in a cardboard box. Bees that show signs of mold or have died as a result of chemical exposure should not be used. Raw materials can also be placed in the freezer, but they are frozen only once.

Typing required quantity dead bees, you must first sift them through a large-mesh sieve to separate out small debris, wax and bee fragments that are unsuitable for use. Then put in the oven to dry for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 50 degrees. Then you should cool the bees and grind them in a coffee grinder or mortar. The powder should be fresh with a good smell.

Drug recipes

Based on the given “semi-finished product” you can prepare various shapes medicinal drugs useful for treating diseases of adults and children. This various tinctures: with alcohol, vodka, water, vegetable oil and even moonshine. There are also decoctions, steams, ointments, creams and even unusual “roasting”. They can be easily made at home. They are useful simply for maintaining immunity and preventing colds.

Alcohol tincture

Preparation alcohol infusion ki looks as follows:

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of powder into 200 ml of 70% medical alcohol;
  • place the mixture in a dark, airtight container and put it in a warm place for 2 weeks;
  • In the first week, shake every day, then once every 3 days.

After time, strain the tincture and store in the refrigerator until use. Not recommended for use if you have stomach diseases.

Vodka tincture

The cooking recipe is practically no different from the alcohol composition:

  • Pour 1 tablespoon of podmore into 250 ml of high-quality vodka;
  • mix and place in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Strain the finished tincture through a double layer of gauze. Store in a cool place and use as a lotion or internal use.


Due to their illness, not everyone will benefit from a tincture of alcohol or vodka. They are also not intended for use on children. Therefore, a regular infusion would be appropriate here. This cooking method does not require additional costs.

The recipe looks like this:

  • take 2 tablespoons of chopped dead bees;
  • pour one glass of boiling water;
  • Place the mixture for infusion in a warm place - maybe in the oven for 15 minutes.

Strain the cooled infusion and store in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take it warm, so it is better to prepare it after use.

Podmor based ointment

The ointment is used as a pain reliever. Helps relieve tired legs and painful sensations from the joints. Preparation proceeds as follows:

  • mix 1 tablespoon of powder with 200 ml of warm vegetable oil
  • leave for several hours, covered with a towel.

The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator and used externally to rub diseased lesions. You can prepare an ointment with the addition of other bee products.


This composition is useful for use in diseases of internal organs, when alcohol solutions prohibited for use. A decoction of dead bees is prepared from 1 tablespoon of dead bees and 0.5 liters of boiling water. All components are mixed and cooked over low heat for 2 hours. Cool the resulting mixture at room temperature, strain and store in the refrigerator. Tinctures and decoctions made with water have a short shelf life, so they need to be prepared in small quantities and renewed every 3 days.


The steam is used as a compress to apply to the inflamed area. To prepare, take 100 grams of dead bees, not crushed, and pour hot water, but not boiling water. Then the steam is infused for at least a quarter of an hour. The resulting mass is squeezed out through gauze and a compress is applied to the sore spot until it cools completely. Use with caution, because inflammatory processes do not accept such treatment.

Using the powder in its pure form

You can use powder from dead bees in pure form. This has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system and overall tone. There is no need to spend a lot of time preparing a special composition. Just add a pinch to porridge, salads and other foods 2 times a day.

Video: How to cook dead bees?

What are the benefits of dead bees?

Although this drug is very useful, it can be used along with traditional ways treatment, because death is folk recipe treatment and serves more to support and stimulate the healing process. Use any means based on death regularly and for a long time - only then can you expect positive results.

Dead bees are used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Cardiovascular manifestations - you should take the infusion one tablespoon per day. A self-prepared product reduces blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots.
  2. Joint pain – it is necessary to use ointments and compresses from steam. For steaming, you can take not powder, but dead bees.
  3. Diabetes mellitus - you should drink alcohol tincture 15 drops 2 times a day in the morning and evening for a month. This method of treatment perfectly reduces blood glucose levels and improves the overall tone of the body.
  4. Oncological diseases - you can use both alcohol tincture and infusion in case of contraindications to the use of alcohol-containing products. Take the alcohol tincture according to the number of years you have lived, gradually increasing the dose.
  5. Prostatitis, prostate adenoma, impaired potency - diseases of men can be cured by using a tincture of vodka or alcohol. Just 15-25 drops 3 times a day after meals for 3 months and all unpleasant manifestations will disappear without a trace. In addition, all bee products increase male strength because they contain a lot of protein. Regular use of this drug will help you get rid of potency disorders and diseases of the genitourinary system.
  6. Liver diseases – there is a significant cleansing of the liver from toxins, as well as the removal of Giardia, which is useful for use as a treatment for children and adults.

Children should be given medicine to boost immunity and prevent colds, but only in cases where the child is not allergic to bee products. Children under one and a half years old cannot be treated with death.

Death treatment takes place without consequences if a person is not allergic to bee products. Of course, you should not resort to traditional medicine before medical examination in order to find out the causes of the disease and unpleasant symptoms. It is very important to first identify the disease, and only then begin to treat it with traditional medicine. Use tinctures containing alcohol carefully. If after consuming you suffer from heartburn and other discomfort, it is better to choose a safer and more pleasant composition for yourself, using any recipe from the above.

Death of bees - medicine

What is dead bees? These are dead bees at the bottom of the hive, dying mainly during the wintering period. It can be different. Podmor from nosematous bees smells bad and it is undesirable to use it for medicinal purposes for preparing infusions, gels, ointments, etc. It is better to bury it deeper in the ground or burn it in an oven.

It’s another matter if the bees died in the hive from hunger or old age, and not as a result infectious disease. It's easy to find out. We pulled the hive out of the winter hut in the spring and listened: they were silent. You open the box and see the whole mass of bees on the frames at the top. This means that they reached the ceiling and ate all the honey, and here they died of hunger. You look at the frames - they are empty, without honey... This dead fruit can be used by a beekeeper for medicinal purposes. They died because of your fault - you did not give them food for the winter, you took too much of it from them.

Biochemist scientists studying dead bees and its effect on humans have scientifically proven that the chitinous cover of a bee has the properties of suppressing inflammatory processes in humans, stabilizing blood pressure, providing beneficial influence on the blood supply system and the condition of blood vessels... In the chitinous cover of bees, scientists have found valuable medicinal substance– heparin.

Dead bee - contains the most valuable biologically active complexes and has an anti-inflammatory, adaptogenic, vascular strengthening, diuretic, choleretic, antispasmodic effect.

How to treat joint pain and varicose veins? Pour 100 g of dead bees into a saucepan, fill with hot water, but not boiling water. Let it brew under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Lightly squeeze out excess moisture in gauze. Place the steamed bees directly in gauze on the painful areas, wrap them in plastic, and secure with a bandage. After an hour and a half, remove the steam and wipe the treatment areas with a damp towel. The result is noticeable after 3-4 sessions.

Bee steaming is good for women against breast mastitis. Only in this case it is advisable to cover the bees not with polyethylene, but with fresh cabbage leaf. After using the bee steam, wipe the chest in the sore spot with a damp towel, lubricate it with honey - and again under a cabbage leaf for 2-3 hours. Recovery will come quickly.

For kidney disease, an alcoholic infusion of dead bees is recommended. How is it done? Dry the dead bees in the air (you can also in the sun), grind them into powder in a mortar and pour 2.5 tablespoons of this ground dead dead with good vodka, 0.5 liters. Leave in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. Strain. Take 15-18 drops in ¼ glass of warm, sweet honey water for diseases not only of the kidneys, but also for constriction of blood vessels in the brain (headache), hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, loss of strength, memory loss and Parkinson's disease (trembling limbs).

To increase immunity and prevent dementia, the tincture can be used daily for six months in a dose equal to one drop per year of life (at 60 years old - 60 drops). Observations showed that after a course of treatment with tincture, older people became more active.

Cream and liniment from dried dead bees ground into powder – 1 tbsp. a spoonful of podomor with 150 g of olive oil or honey is rubbed warm into areas affected by varicose veins, hands, on the surface of sore joints, in the back for pain in the spine, and in case of radiculitis - in the sacrum.

A decoction of dead bees - take a full tablespoon of dead bees, add 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat in a closed container for 2 hours - cures men of prostate adenoma. Cool this decoction, strain, add honey to taste and take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day before meals for a month. For speedy recovery for patients, add 5-6 drops of real Armenian cognac “Ararat” to a spoonful of decoction, 5 stars.

The same decoction effectively helps those who sit for a long time in front of a computer or TV screen or live in environmentally unfavorable areas.

A decoction of dead bees helps eliminate them from the human body. harmful products vital activity - excess chlorine and sodium, which are the main causes of hypertension. It reduces the absorption of food poisons into the blood, heals and renews it with normal nutrition.

Dead bees are truly a source of medicinal natural remedies! And if your bees died as a result of an unfavorable winter, do not kill yourself. Carefully collect every single bee. Dry them, and they will help you do good to your family and friends, neighbors and all those who turn to you for help.

Dead bees (dead bees) - 1 cup (2007)

I pour 100 g of dead meat into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for 21 days, filter, squeeze and take a tablespoon three times a day before meals. This is how I treat atherosclerosis. Podmora infusion also helps with diseases such as goiter and prostatitis. They are “fermented” with both vodka and alcohol.

ALCOHOL EXTRACT is usually used to stabilize blood pressure, for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver, and cerebral vessels. The extract is also prescribed for the treatment of prostate adenoma and sexual disorders - impotence and frigidity (15-20 drops after meals for 1-2 months). The extract is also useful for older people. Observations show that after a course of treatment ( daily use within 6-12 months, one drop per year of life, i.e. for a 70-year-old person - 70 drops) they became more active, their usual illnesses were noticeably alleviated. To prepare the extract, 1 glass of dead bees (30 g) is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka or 70o alcohol, left in the dark for two weeks, then filtered.

How to cook dead bees?

Currently the centers alternative medicine Several options for treating death are used for health purposes. Among them there are those that can be used independently (of course, after preliminary consultation with doctors).

Poor decoction. To prepare it, you need dead food that is no more than 3 to 6 months old, or even better, fresh. One tablespoon of this dead food is boiled for 30 minutes. in 0.5 liters of water over low heat. The resulting liquid brown filter through a gauze filter and apply one tablespoon orally on an empty stomach for 3 to 4 months. To improve the taste, you can add a tablespoon of honey to the resulting broth. Main indications for use: prostate adenoma, chronic diseases of the lungs, liver, gastrointestinal tract, muscular system and central nervous system.

Raspar the death. Podmore is poured (steamed) with hot water and applied to the source of inflammation. Indications: mastitis, panaritium, vessels with their obliteration or varicose veins (thrombosis), chronic diseases internal organs, in the treatment of which heparin is currently actively used.

Liniment of death. Podmore is boiled in sunflower or olive oil (a tablespoon of podomor per 200 ml of oil) for 20 - 30 minutes. Liniment is used for rubbing in pain and vascular syndromes.

Fried bee bodies. It is used to treat myopia using the following method: a teaspoon of fresh dead meat is fried for 5 – 6 minutes. in 50 ml of oil. The resulting mixture is consumed orally, a teaspoon before meals, for 1 to 2 months. Treatment course repeat after 2 - 3 months.

Recipe for the prevention of prostatitis: A glass of bee pestilence (who pours it completely into a jar to the top) for 2 weeks in 0.5 liters of alcohol, filter the tincture. Store in a dark place. Apply for a month. Three times a day, 30 minutes after meals, a glass: a teaspoon of tincture in a glass of water. It tastes and smells bad, but they say it helps.

There is a good demand for dead bees though. Only when I threw them all away after the winter did I remember that it was possible to sell them.

At the market I approached a honey seller and asked how trade was going? He replied that there was only honey left, all the pollen that he had prepared had already been sold. Podmorom says he doesn’t trade because he’s not there, but they ask him often. Doesn't know the price. The next day I brought him about a liter jar of dead food, but after the holidays I didn’t go to the market yet, I don’t know why I sold it. True, I also gave him a printout on the use of podmora. He also said that the clean Kapan wax was dismantled. There was some article in the local newspaper on traditional medicine; they took 150 grams of everything according to the recipe. I gave it myself in the spring liter jar I gave a death to a businessman I knew just like that, and he brought me 100 pieces in the summer. glass jars with a screw cap for mayonnaise (1 liter), I think I made the right decision, it just happened that way.

6. “Ferment” with both vodka and alcohol.

1 tbsp. a spoonful of powdered dead fruit is poured with 200 ml of vodka (100 ml of alcohol) and left for two weeks, shaking daily for 5-10 minutes.

To stabilize blood. pressure, with coronary sclerosis, heart attack, kidney diseases, endocrine and neurological diseases, atherosclerosis, endarteritis, etc.

Heals... a dead bee

The lifespan of a bee is inversely proportional to its hard work. In the summer, when bees work 15 hours a day and fly from flower to flower at a speed of 21 km per hour, they live up to six weeks. They live for several months in winter. In the spring, beekeepers, removing bees from winter huts, clean the hives of debris and dead bees - the bodies of dead bees. Did you know that even after their death, bees can benefit humans? However, very few people know about this amazing healing remedy, and even those who have heard about the healing properties of bee death consider it something like a healer’s potion and believe in it no more than in powders from dried frogs and infusions from bats’ legs. But in vain. Recently, scientists have substantively proven that it is valuable precisely because of the substances found in the chitinous cover of bees - heparin and heparoids, which are able to suppress inflammatory processes, stabilize blood pressure, and have healing effect on the blood system, the condition of blood vessels. Apitherapy has long considered dead bees a powerful medicine, tested by apitherapists since the 19th century.

FRIED BODIES OF BEES are used in the treatment of myopia using the following method: fry 1 teaspoon of fresh dead bees for 5-6 minutes in 50 ml of vegetable oil, then cool and chop. Take a teaspoon orally before meals with milk for 1-2 months. Courses of treatment can be repeated after 2-3 months.

An industrial look at waste

Dead bees are a rare remedy for healing the body these days. The chitinous cover of a bee contains many valuable chemicals, which can help with the inflammatory process, to stabilize blood pressure, and also have a beneficial effect on the blood supply system and the condition of blood vessels.

Due to the widespread use of beekeeping in our country, it is possible to obtain chitinous raw materials (dead bees) on a significant scale. As of 2004 in Russian Federation There are 3.29 million bee colonies in all categories of farms. The strength of a bee colony (the mass of worker bees in a bee colony, measured in kg) is on average 3.5 kg. In summer, during the period of active honey collection and in spring after wintering, the bee colony is renewed by almost 60-80%. Thus, the annual raw material base of dead bees can range from 6 to 10 thousand tons, this makes it possible to consider dead bees as a new promising source of insect chitosan along with traditional types raw materials.

There are various types chemical modification of insect chitosan to convert it into a water-soluble form (succination, dikirboxylation, etc.), but the most promising is the creation of low molecular weight chitosan, distinctive feature which are new unique properties. Chitin, obtained from bees, is a complex substance with melanin, which has a number of biological properties characteristic of both chitin and melanin of animal origin. It is recommended to store apizan in a dry, cool, dark place. Chitosan has many properties that make it attractive to wide application: As animal feed, nutrition and cosmetics, biomedical products, agriculture and the environment.

In fact, many people take dietary supplements derived from chitosan to improve their health. Many of them believe that chitosan helps them fight a number of ailments, reducing high content cholesterol in the blood, high blood pressure, allergies and symptoms of arthritis. Consumers also report improved skin, hair and nails. Chitosan has a number of benefits, including the ability to stimulate the growth of bifidobacterium, a beneficial intestinal bacterium.

One of the invaluable properties of chitin and its derivatives is the ability to sorb (purify). In living organisms it mainly performs protective function, protecting internal organs from the penetration of all kinds of toxins. When used as an enterosorbent (a means of cleansing the body through the gastrointestinal tract), chitosan exhibits interesting properties. Thus, its ability to neutralize excess secretion is promising. hydrochloric acid stomach, it has a positive effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and much more.

Thus, dead bees are a promising source for obtaining high-quality apisan for cosmetic and food purposes, as well as a number of by-products, such as feed protein and melanin, a natural dye.

Dead bees.

So what is bee death? As sad as it may be, dead bees are the bodies of dead bees, which even after their death can be of benefit to humans. In their chitinous cover there are such valuable substances like heparin and heparoids, they are able to suppress inflammatory processes, stabilize blood pressure, and have a healing effect on the blood system and the condition of blood vessels. Dead bee is useful for myopia, varicose veins and prostate adenoma. As a laniment ointment, Podmor helps with thrombophlebitis and various joint diseases.

Apitherapy has long considered dead bees a powerful medicinal drug, tested by apitherapists since the 19th century.

Fried bee bodies are used in the treatment of myopia according to the following method: 1 teaspoon of fresh dead bees is fried in 50 ml of vegetable oil for 5-6 minutes, then cooled and crushed, taken orally a teaspoon before meals, washed down with milk, for 1-2 months. Courses of treatment can be repeated after 2-3 months.

Podmora steaming is steamed in hot water the body of bees, it is usually applied to the focus of inflammation with mastitis and panaritium, varicose veins. This procedure is carried out as follows: 100g of dead meat is poured very hot, but not boiling water, and left for 15 minutes, then the resulting mass is lightly squeezed through gauze, a triple layer of gauze is applied to the diseased area and a bundle with wrung out bees is placed on top, covered with cellophane and secured elastic bandage, and leave this compress until it cools.

Linement from dead bees - used for joint pain, thrombophlebitis, prepare as follows: bee dead is ground into powder and mixed with hot olive oil(a tablespoon of powder per 200 ml of oil). Store in a dark glass bottle in the refrigerator. Rub in for pain (pre-warm up).

Alcoholic extract of dead bees - usually used to stabilize blood pressure, with cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the kidneys, cerebral vessels, 15-20 drops are prescribed after meals for 1-2 months. The extract is also prescribed to older people daily for 6-12 months in a dose equal to one drop per year of life (for a 70-year-old person = 70 drops); observations show that after the course of treatment, people became more active, and their usual illnesses were alleviated. Preparation of the extract: pour a tablespoon of crushed dead fruit into powder with a glass of 40-proof vodka and leave for 2 weeks. The extract is used to treat prostate adenoma and sexual disorders - impotence and frigidity.

Bee dead: treatment and application.

Dead bees are simply dead bees. They are in the apiary all year round, but during the season, most of the bees die outside the hive, and the bees take the corpses from the hive away from the house. Maximum quantity Death of bees in the apiary occurs during the spring inspection of bee colonies; it is at this time that it is most convenient to prepare it for future use.

It should be borne in mind that you can not use all the dead meat, but only the one that is well preserved, i.e. fresh, absolutely dry, without mold or smell. If during the wintering dead bodies and garbage were periodically raked out of the hives, then by the spring inspection they remain fresh and clean, meeting the necessary requirements.

The dead fruit must be sifted through a colander or a sieve with a large mesh to separate it from small debris. After this, the dead meat is dried in the oven or in an oven at a temperature of 40-450C. Such dead meat, suspended in linen bags in a dry, ventilated area, can be stored for quite a long time.

The active ingredient in bee death is chitin (chitosan). Chitosan-melanin complex, obtained from dead bees, helps reduce high levels cholesterol in the blood, prevents atherosclerosis, cleanses the intestines, normalizes its function, reduces the absorption of toxins, which makes possible prevention diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acts as a prophylactic against the risk of developing diabetes.

Chitosan activates the healing of burn and wound surfaces without scarring; when applied to a wound, it has a hemostatic and analgesic effect.

There is an opinion that chitosan is capable of binding and removing radionuclides and salts of heavy metals.

Preparations from dead bees are water infusions and alcohol tinctures. There is an opinion (it is, in particular, expressed by T.V. Ruzankina) that alcohol tinctures should absolutely not be taken, since they supposedly, when combining ethyl alcohol and bee venom, “produce substances that lead to sharp fall blood pressure." Any opinion has the right to exist, however, I note that, firstly, there is very little poison left in dead bees, secondly, the combination of it and alcohol does not occur in the patient’s body, and thirdly, bee venom gets into human stomach is decomposing. Moreover, N.P. Yorish tested a method of treating the consequences of bee stings with an alcohol-containing mixture. He recommends preparing and drinking 1 glass of the mixture every 3-4 hours next line-up: vodka -200 ml, honey - 50 g, ascorbic acid- 1 g, boiled water– 1 liter. Drinking alcohol during treatment is absolutely unacceptable.

To prepare the tincture, grind the dried at a temperature of 40-500C in a coffee grinder, add 40% alcohol at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon of dead water per 200 ml of alcohol. Keep the mixture for 3 weeks in a tightly sealed dark glass container. Shake the liquid daily during the first week, and every 2-3 days in subsequent days. It is good to add ground eucalyptus leaves to the mixture at the rate of 10% of the dead weight. Store in a dark place under a tight seal.

An aqueous infusion of dead fruit is prepared as follows. 2 tbsp. spoons of dead water pour 500 ml cold water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 2 hours. The finished infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, but it is better if the storage rules are the same as for herbal infusions, i.e. no more than 3 days. Bee pestilence is treated various diseases, but its main property is to increase immunity, and when good immunity The body copes better with any disease. In the language of traditional medicine, dead bee preparations have blood purifying properties. By “cleansing” and “rejuvenating” the blood, they cleanse the entire body. They don't have side effect and have no contraindications. People over 40 years of age are not only allowed, but are strongly recommended to take this miracle elixir twice a year just for prevention.

Let me note that before you start taking podmora, you should (or at least it is advisable) to cleanse the body, namely the intestines. Not everyone realizes how much rubbish accumulates in him throughout his life, but pathologists know this well. For a month, or better yet two, you should give two liters of enemas. Water for enemas is taken at 20-250C. For one liter add tbsp. a spoonful of salt without a slide. You can also add Art. spoon apple cider vinegar(provided that everything is in order with the intestines). The first time it is enough to pour in 250-300 ml. Gradually increase the volume of liquid to 2 liters. After 15-20 days, you can start taking podmora.

There is another, technologically easier way. It, however, requires free time in the morning, and consists of the following.

In the evening, an infusion of rose hips is prepared. 3 tablespoons dried fruits, previously crushed, pour 500 ml of boiling water into a thermos and leave to infuse overnight.

Bee death for hypertension

Bee dead: application, recipes for preparing tinctures and decoctions

We have all heard about the healing properties of honey. But do you know anything about one more by-product beekeeping, bee subsea and how it can be used?

Dead bees are the main source for the production of chitosan and melanin, which have unique medicinal properties. Active ingredient chitosan heals well skin, affected by burns, without leaving scars, is able to anesthetize and stop bleeding.

The main feature of melanin is its ability to absorb ultraviolet rays, effectively protecting the skin, binding heavy metals and other harmful elements, and melanin-based creams have bactericidal properties.

The use of chitosan and melanin mixed in various proportions enhances the properties medicinal drugs. Thanks to the use of chitosan-melanin complex, the level of cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced, intestinal function is normalized, there is a decrease in the body's intoxication with toxins, and the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus is reduced.

At home, dead bees themselves can be used for medicinal purposes. It should be noted that experts distinguish winter deadstock, which has accumulated in the hive over the winter, and spring-summer-autumn deadstock, which was collected during the field season. Dead bees collected in winter period, is not recommended to be taken orally, since their stomachs are full feces However, the winter “harvest” is successfully used in folk medicine in the form of ointments and tinctures for external use.

In the spring-summer and autumn periods, deceased individuals are carefully selected from the hive, thoroughly dried and stored in the freezer. Bee dead collected during this period is used in the form of decoctions and steams, tinctures and ointments, and sometimes it is simply fried.

Be sure to look at some tips for choosing high-quality bee pollutants, this is a very important point:

I will give some common traditional medicine recipes for using dead bees for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

To enhance the beneficial properties of dead bees, it is recommended to use propolis. It is better to dissolve it in advance in alcohol, which you will later use when preparing tinctures.

The effect of using the tincture can be identified increased activity, cheerfulness of spirit and body. A beneficial effect of Pomor bee tincture on the immune system has been noted, cardiovascular system, there is a decrease in cerebral vascular pathologies. The tincture is recommended as the most effective prophylactic with developing dementia.

  • Podmore is also used to treat mastitis, mastopathy and varicose veins veins The recipe is to steam 200 grams of bees in boiling water and leave for half an hour. The steam obtained in this way is then lightly wrung out and applied through thick gauze or a cloth to the inflamed area and covered with cellophane.
  • A common recipe for the treatment of joint and muscle pain, thrombophlebitis: dead bees are crushed and poured with 1 glass of hot vegetable oil. Store in the refrigerator and rub into the skin at the first sensation of pain.
  • Recipe for Giardia: prepare a tincture of giardia with alcohol and apply 25 drops daily for a month after eating. It should be noted that the use of dead bees and tinctures from it are destructive against pale spirochete and streptococci.

Not everyone knows what bee death is. This is the name given to bees that have died. You can cook them healing agent, which cures many diseases. During the year, bees constantly die, but it is difficult to collect them, because these insects carry their dead brothers as far as possible from the hive. Therefore, in sufficient quantities, you can get it in winter, when the bees are sleeping. To do this, you need to periodically check the hive and select dead bees. Good, usable dead food, clean and fresh. No mold or signs of obvious disease. If you manage to collect such specimens, they make healthy decoctions and tinctures.

Video: Recipes from dead bees

What do decoctions of dead animals treat?

  1. There are bees' wings unique substance- chitin. It successfully removes various inflammations and reduces blood pressure.
  2. Chitin contains a lot of heparin, so death transforms circulatory system human, makes blood vessels elastic.
  3. Absorbs and removes toxins from the body.
  4. Reduces cholesterol. People who drink bee decoctions are less likely to develop diabetes.
  5. Quickly heals wounds and promotes the resorption of sutures.
  6. Rejuvenates the body.
  7. Helps lose weight.

How to properly prepare a decoction

To prepare dead meat for making a decoction, it must first be cleared of debris. To do this, the dead bees are sifted through a large colander, only clean, mold-free insects are selected. Place on a baking sheet and dry well in the oven. It takes two hours to dry.

Recipe: after this, take two large tablespoons of dry dead meat, put it in a pan and fill it with half a liter of cold water. Place the container on the fire and boil for 10 minutes. Then reduce the heat to the lowest setting, and simmer it on the stove for about half an hour. After this, leave the pan for two to three hours, let it cool. Then, through three-layer gauze, strain the finished broth. This recipe improves the condition of various diseases.

Thyroid treatment

For diseases of the thyroid gland, drink a decoction of dead bees. It must be taken for three weeks. Half an hour before meals, half a glass. If the thyroid gland is very enlarged, it is recommended to apply compresses. Soak a piece of gauze well in the strained out fish and place it on your throat. Keep for at least two hours. Repeat for 10 days in a row, then take a break for a week, and then repeat again.

Decoction for joints

When joints hurt and with arthritis, you need to make lotions from the decoction. Treatment should begin with five minutes, gradually increasing the time. When the count reaches 15 minutes, stop for 10 days. If you bruise your knee or elbow, a decoction lotion will also help.

Recipe for treatment. Apply well-soaked gauze to the sore spot and the swelling will quickly go away. Dead bees contain an anesthetic substance, so a bruise or sprain will immediately stop aching and hurting.

Blood pressure

If your blood pressure often rises, you need to drink a decoction. Recommended dose: half a glass before meals.

Diabetes mellitus

A decoction of dead bees reduces blood sugar levels. This folk remedy has been known for a long time. Bees contain a substance that helps stimulate the pancreas, and therefore reduce blood sugar. Take a quarter glass before meals and remember to monitor your glucose levels.

Podmore for weight loss

Many women are surprised to learn that eating too much can significantly reduce weight. And this is no coincidence, because it stabilizes metabolism, which means that food is well absorbed and fat stops being deposited in unnecessary places.

To get rid of overweight should be handled responsibly. If you decide to start taking a decoction of dead bees, then it is better not to stop halfway, but to complete the entire course to the end, and then this recipe will not disappoint you.

    Making a weight loss drink is easy. You need to take 4 large spoons of dead meat, add a liter of water and simmer for two hours over low heat. When the liquid has cooled, strain and add two tablespoons of honey and a few teaspoons of propolis tincture. Stir the medicine until the honey is completely dissolved. Be sure to take half a glass three times a day before meals. This decoction reduces hunger and breaks down fats in the body. Metabolism accelerates and kilograms quickly disappear.

If you don’t have time to stand at the stove for a long time, you can make a decoction of dead meat in a thermos. The recipe for this is very simple:

    Scald a dry thermos with boiling water. Pour a spoonful of dead meat into it and pour boiling water over it. Infuse all night, and in the morning add honey and propolis. It is advisable to prepare such a decoction for one day. Because fresh liquid is healthier, but after a few days it loses its properties. As a last resort, the broth can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than three days!

To achieve a stronger effect, it is good to dilute the finished decoction with tinctures of different medicinal herbs. This enhances the effect of the drug.

Decoctions with herbs:

  • In the treatment of impotence, dead bees are very effective. You can just drink the decoction, or you can dilute it medicinal herbs one to two. Easy recipe and effective. Brew calamus, sage, aloe and yarrow in a steam bath. Cool and dilute the decoction with them. Mix the product well and add honey. Herbs, in tandem with podmor, increase blood flow in the scrotum, the treatment will pass better and will give quick results.
  • If your skin has a lot of pimples, is inflamed and unsightly, lotions from the dead will help clear it. To get rid of this disease there is such recipe: Brew strong decoction calendula, dissolve a spoonful of honey in it and dilute with evaporated dead fruit. For a glass of calendula, half a glass of decoction of dead bees . Application: soak a piece of gauze generously in the liquid and apply a compress to your face. Keep for 15 minutes. Podmore will relieve inflammation, and calendula, enhanced healing properties Podmora, quickly cleanses the face.
  • It has long been known that death restores hair follicles. Cosmetologists successfully use this product for baldness. You can help your hair at home. To do this, prepare a decoction of dead bees, evaporate it well and cool it. Separately, coltsfoot flowers, calamus grass and nettle are infused. Mix both compositions and rub thoroughly into the roots of your hair every day. This recipe will not only relieve hair loss, but also reduce dandruff.

For pain in the joints, knees, and bones, in addition to the decoction, it is advisable to use steam from dead meat. If the treatments are combined, the effect will be greater.

Video: Medicines from the dead

How to prepare steam?

Raspar is easy to prepare. Here is the recipe: Pour two tablespoons of dried bees into a deep pan, pour a glass of hot water into it . The steam is ready.

Important! Do not pour boiling water under any circumstances. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, and then carefully strain the resulting broth into a mug. Place the steamed, soft bee bodies on a clean cloth and apply to problem areas. The compress is covered with cellophane on top and tied with a warm scarf. You need to keep it until the steam has completely cooled down.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

When a lot of salts accumulate on the spine, it is difficult to turn your head, your back hurts, a decoction of dead bees can also bring relief. The steam from this product is applied to the neck and lower back. Treatment begins with five minutes and gradually increases to 15 minutes. It has been noticed that relief will come faster if you drink the decoction in the morning and evening.

The remarkable thing is that dead bees have virtually no contraindications. It is useful for everyone, both adults and children. To avoid catching the flu or a cold in winter, drink a couple of spoons of Podmor in the morning. Immunity is restored very quickly. And if you carry out preventive measures constantly, you can forget about a runny nose and cough.

Do not forget that before you begin treatment with bee death, you need to cleanse your body. To do this, a week before you start taking it, give up sweets, fatty and salty foods. Go to the bathhouse! Start doing physical exercise and then decoctions from dead animals will be able to better help your body.

In the apiary, the bodies of dead bees can be found throughout the year. In order to collect high-quality dead bees, it is optimal to do this in the spring, performing an “inspection” of the hives. During this period, beekeepers remove dead individuals from bee houses after wintering. To provide proper use death of bees, it is worth paying the most attention close attention its freshness, quality: the presence of mold is excluded, bad smell, plus, it should not be treated with chemicals. As a rule, in the spring beekeepers receive clean, fresh dead fruit, the characteristics of which fully meet the requirements.

The most valuable composition of unique raw materials

Scientists were able to thoroughly study the chitinous cover of bees, thanks to which conclusions were drawn about the extreme value of the substances present in it, such as chitosan and heparoids. The bee body itself contains useful propolis, valuable honey, wax, pollen, drone, royal jelly, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, valuable minerals. In addition, the composition of the pestilence contains poison and hormone-like substances.

It is noteworthy that the fatty substances contained in dead fish have properties that are superior in healing properties to the famous fish oil. As a consequence, medicines from dead bees, in many cases they are used with medicinal, and often with for preventive purposes. In particular, heparin, obtained by extracting from the chitinous integument of honey plants, is used to produce very expensive, effective medications.

Widest Application

Today, medicine from dead bees is in demand in various areas. In particular, it is used when necessary to improve the condition of blood vessels, to stabilize pressure, eliminate inflammatory processes body. It has the ability to increase immunity, relieve human body from worms, tuberculosis bacillus, lamblia, mycoplasma. With the help of preparations with a base - dead bees, it is possible to remove toxins - heavy metals in the form of salts, radioactive isotopes. Possessing anti-radiation properties, Podmor serves as the basis for the creation of drugs for cancer.

Using bee kill

The effective use of dead bees has been known for a long time. Galen, a famous physician from Ancient Greece, practiced the treatment of carbuncles, various diseases gums using mortar. The famous thinker Pliny managed to heal dysentery and eye diseases.

Today there are many options for how to use dead bees - effective decoctions, tinctures, alcohol solutions, powders.


To prepare the decoction without any problems, add 1 tablespoon of water (0.5 liters) and simmer for 2 hours on low heat. After this, you need to infuse the broth for another two hours and then strain. A monthly course of administration involves consuming 100 grams of decoction 1 - 2 times per day. Afterwards there is a ten-day break, and then the course is repeated.


To prepare the steam, you will need to steam the dead meat (100 g) with hot water (15 minutes). Next, the resulting mass is squeezed out well through gauze. It is recommended to apply gauze to the sore spot. It is also possible to apply compresses with bee mass laid on top of gauze. The compress is fixed with a bandage, after which it is covered with cellophane film and left until it cools.


Podmor powder is made by frying bee bodies (1 teaspoon) for 5 minutes in vegetable oil (50 g). Next, the mixture is cooled, crushed, taken on an empty stomach - 1 tsp. (1 - 2 months).


For proper preparation of the ointment, podmore (1 tbsp) is kneaded into powder and poured vegetable oil(1 glass). The product is stored in the refrigerator.

Alcohol tincture

About the product, alcohol tincture from dead bees: application and reviews are positive, since its entry into the human body occurs very quickly. There are no difficulties in preparing an infusion of dead bees containing alcohol. To do this, you will need to grind the dead meat (1 tbsp), which should be filled with vodka (400 grams) or another liquid (containing 40% alcohol), leave for 3 weeks, periodically shaking the infusion. Practicing the use of alcohol tincture from dead bees will undoubtedly be necessary, depending on certain disease. As a rule, the drug is taken as follows: 15 - 20 drops after meals (twice a day).

It is quite logical that the question: “What diseases will the tincture of dead bees most effectively help with?” — the answer will contain a large list of diseases. In particular, it helps stabilize blood pressure, improve the condition of the cardiovascular system, and heal kidney diseases. Treatment of cerebral vessels by killing bees is also effective, as noted by many medical professionals.

Women suffering from manifestations of mastopathy are recommended to lubricate their breasts in the mornings and evenings with a product - effective tincture from dead bees, in addition, it is necessary to take the infusion orally (1 tbsp - three times a day on an empty stomach).

In the presence of edema, a tincture of dead bees in vodka is taken on an empty stomach. You should start with 10 drops, then the dose is increased by a drop (after 2 days). Having brought the intake to 20 drops, the product must be taken for three weeks. Next, you will need to take a month-long break and then resume taking it according to the old regimen.

The first symptoms of the flu are a signal to initiate treatment with tincture of dead bees, plus wax moth(equal parts). This infusion is taken three times a day. To enhance effectiveness, it is recommended to drink the infusion with honey water.

To guarantee increased immunity in older people, carry out prevention senile dementia, it will be useful to use a tincture of dead bees (six months to a year). The dose is calculated individually - the patient’s age is taken into account (the number of droplets corresponds to the years already lived). According to research, tincture of dead bees in vodka: use and reviews from older people speak of positive result. The product increases activity and makes chronic ailments easier.

Unique medicinal properties tinctures of dead bees will come in handy when treating varicose veins, goiter, and fibroids.

Men's health

With the use of bee death, you can achieve healing of problematic male ailments. In particular, treatment of the prostate with death of bees, an unpleasant adenoma, is very effective. In patients who consume dead fruit regularly, there is a decrease in tumors, restoration of urine outflow functions, and normalization of prostate secretions. As a rule, the greatest results are obtained from a course carried out over several months.

A decoction containing honey and propolis is very effective. Podmore (1 tbsp) is simply filled with water (half a liter), boiled for two hours on low heat. After settling (2 hours), the broth is filtered, honey (2 tbsp), propolis (2 tbsp) are added. This decoction is taken for a month 2 times a day. After a week's break, the intake should be resumed. Greatest effect observed from taking at least four courses.

For prostatitis and adenoma, the medicinal properties of the tincture from dead bees will be enhanced if equal proportions of drone homogenate and wax moth extract are added to the product. The product is taken three times a day (1 tsp).

When faced with the problem of impotence, you must know how to treat bee death. To heal sexual dysfunction, you need to learn how to make a tincture from dead bees: 1 tsp. powdered product is poured with boiled water (0.7 liters), then boiled over low heat (2 hours), infused (3 - 4 hours), filtered. The following are added to the decoction: pollen (1 tsp), May honey (2 tbsp), alcoholic extract of propolis 10% (3 tsp). The drug is taken 2 - 3 times a day (1 tbsp). Recommended course 2 - 3 months.

Recipes for joints

Today, in practice, effective treatment of joints with death of bees is noted; these diseases are perfectly cured with the use of alcohol tincture and ointment.

Dead bees - contraindications

Absolutely all medications have a certain list of contraindications for use. It is logical that this also applies to bee death. Proper Use The product eliminates any negative side effects.

The use of podmor is not recommended during pregnancy, implementation breastfeeding. Also this remedy not suitable for people with marked cardiovascular failure, mental disorder. Killing bees is not recommended for patients who have suffered from a heart attack or stroke. Persons who are intolerant to any beekeeping products should not use the product. Toddlers (up to three years) are included in the list of persons for whom bee killing is not recommended due to high risk manifestations of a negative reaction of the body.