Strong painkillers for headaches. Remedies for headaches and migraines

Only one or two percent of the total population of the planet does not have a headache. This is the most common type of ailment, which is familiar to people of all nationalities, classes, and ages. First aid in this case is headache pills. Let's see what drugs the modern pharmaceutical industry offers. Find out what to take when certain types headaches, what medications are allowed for pregnant, lactating women, and children.

What pills help with headaches?

In medical classification there are the following types headache:

  1. Tension.
  2. Hungover.
  3. Cluster.
  4. For oncological benign tumors brain
  5. Migraine.
  6. Caused by intracranial bleeding.
  7. For hypertension.

Headaches occur with colds, infectious diseases, internal diseases, when the weather changes, from stuffiness, overwork, so when choosing medications you should pay attention to the nature, localization of pain, give preference to drugs that are targeted or general action:

  • antispasmodics;
  • vascular;
  • normalizing blood pressure;
  • anesthetics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.

For migraines

The cause of migraine lies in dysfunction nervous system or blood circulation, and the reason (provoking factor) is stressful situations, changes in weather or phases of the moon, food allergy, fatigue, certain periods menstrual cycle. The attacks last several hours and occur in three phases:

  • initial – feeling of the warning signs of an attack;
  • the main one is the appearance of pain;
  • the final stage is a gradual decrease in pain.

To relieve an attack initial stage take painkillers for migraines (Diclofenac, Panangin, Ketanov, Farmadol), medications based on aspirin, ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibuprom, Imet, Brufen) . Drugs that help with severe headaches include:

  • "Kafergot";
  • "Migrenol";
  • "Digidergoth";
  • "Sumatriptan" ("Imigran").

With high blood pressure

Effective drugs that can lower blood pressure and alleviate the condition are:

  • Beta blockers (Egilok Retard, Atenolol, Bisoprolol) reduce blood pressure and eliminate pain and provide a long-lasting effect.
  • Tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Valium, Xanax) reduce the sensation of heat and headache, have a calming effect.

  • Antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Imipramine, Clomipramine, Fluoxetine, Nefazodone, Minceran) relieve tension and pain and enhance the effect of analgesics.
  • Antispasmodics for headaches eliminate vascular compression (Papaverine, Spazgan, Spazmalgon, Dibazol).
  • Combined drugs have a sedative and analgesic effect (Tempalgin, Brinerdin, Adelfan).

At low pressure

Treatment for headaches with low blood pressure cannot be the same. Some need to relieve the spasms that have arisen, some need to take painkillers, others need medications for migraines. Tablets that relieve pain during hypotension have the effect of increasing blood pressure and act as analgesics. These are caffeinated vasodilators, adaptogens, anticholinergics, alpha-adrenergic agonists:

  • "Citramon";
  • "Askofen";
  • "Pentalgin";
  • "Gutron";
  • "Bellataminal."

For a hangover

A hangover is accompanied by excruciating, head-splitting pain that occurs due to vasodilation. This condition is helped to relieve antispasmodics and analgesics, which should be taken along with drugs that remove from the body harmful substances and vitamins. Drugs that help cure a hangover have a combined effect. Their sample list:

  • Alka-Seltzer;
  • effervescent Aspirin;
  • "Zorex";
  • "Piel-Alco";
  • "Vega +";
  • "Alco-buffer";
  • "Antipohmelin";
  • "Guten Morgen";
  • "Alcoclean" and others.

Among the popular pills, we should highlight those that are effective for hangovers:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Solpadeine";
  • "Acetylsalicylic acid";
  • "Citramon";
  • "Ibuprofen."

How to get rid of headaches

When choosing how to treat a headache, you should take into account the causes of its occurrence, which can be:

  1. Colds or infectious diseases.
  2. Overstrain (mental, physical).
  3. stuffiness, strong odors.
  4. Poisoning.
  5. Osteochondrosis, other pathologies of the spine.
  6. Hyper- or hypotension.

Note that the medicine for the head has a number of contraindications and restrictions based on age (children, elderly people), acute and chronic concomitant diseases(kidneys, liver, heart, etc.), special conditions of the body (bearing a child, lactation). Let's take a closer look at how to relieve headaches during pregnancy and breastfeeding, or in a child.

During pregnancy

TO possible factors the occurrence of headaches during pregnancy is accompanied by changes in blood circulation and hormonal levels at the mother's. Any remedy for headaches during pregnancy is a potential “provocateur” of the development of fetal pathologies, deterioration of the woman’s general condition and the development of internal diseases, so you should take medications only after medical consultation.

It is strictly forbidden to take drugs based on narcotic substances, for example, tryptamine (“Zapmigren”, “Amigren”, “Antimigren”), drugs that can provoke bleeding (especially in the first trimester), delayed development of the child: “Aspirin”, “Citramon” , "Propranolol", "Ergotamine", "Nurofen". Conditionally approved medications include Panadol, No-shpa, and Paracetamol.

You should take pills only in extreme cases, and it is better to use safe, proven means:

  • rub your feet and temples with “Star”;
  • take a walk;
  • put a wet, cold towel on your head;
  • drink herbal tea or .

When breastfeeding

It is advisable for a nursing woman to refrain from taking any medications and to relieve headaches in safe ways:

  • sweet hot tea;
  • airing the room;
  • a walk;
  • head massage;
  • warm shower;
  • cold compress;
  • aromatherapy, etc.

If it is not possible to relieve a headache using one of the safe means, you are allowed to take the medicine, but you must choose it based on the contraindications indicated in the instructions. The only medicine that has no contraindications is Paracetamol. Conditionally safe pills considered: “Citramon”, “Ibuprofen”, “Naproxen”, “Ketoprofen”, but “Analgin” and all medications containing this component are contraindicated for a nursing woman.

To the child

Only a doctor prescribes tablets for the child’s head, and infants are not given medicine in this form at all (only suppositories or liquid preparations!). To quickly eliminate high temperature and headache, they give a triad injection. Many popular products have age restrictions, for example, “Aspirin” for children over 12 years old, “Piracetam” for over a year. Other drugs (“Analgin”) are given based on body weight. A relatively safe medicine is Panadol or its analogue Nurofen.

The only medicine that has no contraindications for children remains Paracetamol: for children under three years of age, rectally or in syrup, for older children - in tablets. Giving the drug is allowed only for obvious or one-time causes of headache: acute respiratory infections, sinusitis, overwork at school. If a child complains of constant malaise and pain in the head, then you should consult a neurologist.

Video: what helps with headaches

Maybe by various reasons, universal remedy from this misfortune does not exist. Thus, migraine can be caused by a decrease or increase in blood pressure, impaired blood circulation in the brain and difficulty transmitting nerve impulses due to a malfunction of the nervous system. Headaches can be caused by stress, fatigue, awkward posture, and even hunger.

But not only stretching of the walls of blood vessels provokes headaches - they can appear due to pressure changes cerebrospinal fluid, which is typical for tumors, brain injuries, meningitis and other serious diseases. In some cases, headache is a consequence of self-hypnosis during mental disorders and phobias, in some - a consequence of changes in hormonal levels, for example, on the days of menstruation and.

The best remedies for headaches

Once you find out the cause of your headache, you can make the right choice and the best remedy from her. Yes, when high blood pressure and circulatory problems, you should take Piracetam; for hypotension, tablets containing caffeine and codeine are suitable: Citramon, Pentalgin, Sedalgin, No-shpalgin, Unispaz, Solpadeine, Codelmix. To the best combined means for headaches include Nurofen Plus, Ibuklin, Brustan, Novigan. But you must understand that all such medications negatively affect the functioning of the heart and liver.

Such drugs as “No-shpa”, “Panadol” and “Paracetomol” have a gentle effect; they can also be taken by pregnant women, but only after consulting a doctor. It is better not to give headache pills to children under 12 years of age, but to use folk remedies. Tested for centuries, these safe means can be considered the most, therefore, when a headache is just beginning, it is worth trying to stop it with their help.

In cases where the cause of headaches is disturbances in spinal column– displacement of the vertebrae, compression of blood vessels, tightening of the neck muscles, etc., the best remedy will be therapeutic massage. Regular headaches caused by amino toxicosis - an excess of animal protein in the body can be relieved by simply changing your diet and introducing more vegetables, including those rich in plant protein.

Self-massage can have a good effect on headaches, warm bath with the addition aromatic oils mint, lavender, lemon and marjoram, hot bath for feet with the addition of dry mustard.

Headache is quite current problem, which requires a very serious approach. First of all, you need to find out the reason for its occurrence. The set of measures taken that will most effectively help cope with it will depend on this.

Tablets for severe headaches should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor. You should not prescribe them yourself without understanding the causes of this condition.

In some cases, even a severe headache is not a sign serious condition, and in others, a subtle headache may be a symptom of a serious pathological process. And independent prescription of pain therapy will lead to erasing the picture of a particular disease and, accordingly, to late diagnosis.

What pills to take for headaches

List of inexpensive and effective medicines for headaches is quite extensive, where the most common groups are:
  1. . Very widely used because they not only remove pain syndrome, but also fight inflammation. These are the familiar aspirin, analgin, and ibuprofen. They have virtually no side effects and have little effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Analgesics are antipyretics, a typical representative of which is paracetamol, used not only as an analgesic, but also as an antipyretic. This group also includes: aspirin, analgin, citramon, panadol, efferalgan, migrenol and many antispasmodics (spasmalgon, spasmoveralgon);
  3. Antispasmodics. If you suffer from painful spasms in the head, then you should purchase antispasmodics. They are easily confused with analgesics, although they belong to a different group of drugs. Antispasmodics are used to relieve spasms and eliminate pain. This type of medicine includes baralgin, spazgan, spasmalgon, Novigan, no-shpa. The pain caused by cramps occurs suddenly and gradually increases.
  4. Antidepressants- for example, amitriptyline, prescribed for chronic tension headaches accompanied by depressive syndrome.

You should choose medications only after a diagnosis has been made by your attending physician. The doctor will determine the dosage, tell you about contraindications, and prescribe an effective drug. Almost all of the medications listed in the article only eliminate the symptom – headache, but in no way affect its possible cause.

Popular headache pills: list

What to take for a headache? This question is very relevant for people who have headaches and do not know which remedy is right for them. Depending on the type of pain and its location, the doctor prescribes certain medications. Here are the most common headache pills:

It is impossible to find a better pain reliever for headaches, since each person’s body is individual. For the right choice medications, you need to consult a specialist in order to exclude dangerous diseases.

Headache during pregnancy, what pills are available?

During pregnancy, headaches can be prevented by walking a lot. fresh air and avoid stressful situations. If you still have a headache, you can simply lie down in a quiet and peaceful place, listen to your favorite music and apply a compress to your head.

Any remedy for headaches during pregnancy is a potential “provocateur” for the development of fetal pathologies, deterioration of the woman’s general condition and the development of internal diseases, so medications should be taken only after medical consultation.

It is strictly forbidden to take drugs based on narcotic substances, for example, tryptamine (“Zapmigren”, “Amigren”, “Antimigren”), drugs that can provoke bleeding (especially in the first trimester), delayed development of the child: “Aspirin”, “Citramon” , "Propranolol", "Ergotamine", "Nurofen". Conditionally approved medications include “Panadol”, “No-shpa”, “”.

You should take any pain-relieving pills only in extreme cases, and it is better to use other methods that allow you to relieve pain without using pills.

How to get rid of headaches without pills

It happens that a person considers himself an ardent opponent medications, then he can try to relieve the headache with the help of simple manipulations, which can also be attributed to folk remedies for headaches:

  • Use your hands. Acupressure and self-massage can help. Two key points for pain reduction using acupressure are on the webbing between the index and thumb(press until you feel pain under the ridges of the vertebrae in the back of your neck (press there with two thumbs).
  • Apply the balm to your temples with light movements " Golden star", menthol ointment or essential oil(mint or lavender);
  • For pain in the back of the head (most often resulting from overwork), you can use the following method: “shake” your head up and down 2-3 times, and then, loosening the tension in the neck muscles, make several circular movements with your head in one direction and the other . This “gymnastics” should be performed several times during the day.
  • Protect your eyes. Bright light, be it the sun, fluorescent lights, TV or computer screen, causes you to squint and strain your eyes, which ultimately leads to headaches. Not bad to wear sunglasses if you go outside. If you work indoors, take breaks while working on the computer and wear tinted glasses.
  • Apply an ice compress to your head; to do this, moisten the handkerchief very cold water and tie it around the forehead.
  • It is convenient to sit in a soft chair or take a horizontal position on the sofa, having previously created silence and twilight for yourself. Sometimes calm music helps.

Undoubtedly, all these remedies are good, but it is worth recalling that it is unwise to do without a doctor if a headache bothers you. long time, not responding to treatment with various drugs. Still traditional medicine has more opportunities not only to tame severe pain, but find and eliminate its cause.

All information on the site is provided for informational purposes. Before using any recommendations, be sure to consult your doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous to your health.

Headache pills can only eliminate the symptoms, but do not help cope with the causes of the illness. In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, you need to consult a therapist and find out the causes of the pain in your head. Modern pharmacology has powerful tools to eliminate pain of any origin. But pain is a signal pathological process, which violates normal work body. The task of any reasonable patient is to identify and eliminate this process, without waiting until serious damage is caused to health.

Can be taken for no more than 5 days. If the unbearable temperature is above 39 degrees, you need to call ambulance. What to drink for headaches?

  1. If the cause of the malaise is overstrain of the neck muscle (myositis), you need to massage and take any drug with paracetamol, ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid.
  2. If your head hurts from high blood pressure, medications containing acetylsalicylic acid are suitable. Caffeine medications help with low blood pressure.
  3. If the prerequisite is osteochondrosis or spondylosis, any non-narcotic painkillers with substances will do: paracetamol, ibuprofen or caffeine.

All medications have contraindications. Before use, you must carefully read the instructions. Do not exceed the dosage, painkillers from different groups do not mix with each other.

Increasing the dose or taking different painkillers does not enhance the effect of the drug, but increases the likelihood of side effects. Paracetamol-based headache remedies help:

  • with weather sensitivity;
  • migraines;
  • with vascular spasms;
  • psychosomatic pain caused by stress;
  • when nerve endings and blood vessels are pinched due to osteochondrosis.

Paracetamol in pure form(medicine paracetamol) is not contraindicated in pregnant women. This safe medicine for the head, which quickly eliminates symptoms. Which pharmacological preparations do they contain paracetamol?

  1. Paracetamol. The most cheap medicine, available at any pharmacy. Should not be consumed simultaneously with alcohol as it may cause liver damage. The substance acetaminophen (paracetamol) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, that is, it not only relieves pain, but also suppresses inflammatory processes. Due to this, the temperature at colds, decreases and improves general condition patient.
  2. Panadol contains paracetamol. More expensive product imported production. Compared to Russian analogue contains less paracetamol, but the bioavailability of the drug is higher, so Panadol acts faster and longer. You can take medications for headaches at elevated temperatures if the cause of the illness is known. What are the dangers of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs? They mask the symptom, relieve headache and fever. And at this time bacterial infection actively causes harm to human health. There are known cases of children dying from pneumonia, which developed without an increase in temperature, because parents gave their children headache medicine with paracetamol. Before eliminating headaches and elevated temperature, you need to see a doctor and find out what’s wrong.
  3. Calpol. Allows for short time eliminate heaviness and pain in the back of the head, temples and behind eyeballs. Just like any other drug with paracetamol, it has contraindications. Calpol should not be used if peptic ulcer stomach and intestines, as the risk of bleeding increases.
  4. Migrenol. Contains diphenhydramine, which enhances the effect of paracetamol. Migrenol affects concentration, so after taking it it is not recommended to drive a car or perform complex and responsible work. Migrenol is used to treat intense headaches such as migraines. Diphenhydramine relieves allergic reactions, but has a side effect - it causes drowsiness. This headache medicine is suitable for those who suffer from insomnia and pain at night. Limitation daily dose- no more than 8 tablets. You can take a maximum of 2 tablets at a time before going to bed.

There is a whole list of medications containing paracetamol and caffeine. These are for those who have low blood pressure. Hypertensive patients may get worse from medications with caffeine. Every person suffering from increased or low blood pressure, knows what his reaction to coffee is. If a cup of strong coffee usually causes pain, then caffeine tablets will help. If coffee makes you feel bad, on the contrary, your head starts to hurt, then you do not need to use medications with caffeine. What to drink for headaches with low blood pressure?

  • migrenol;
  • Panadol Extra;
  • Solpadeine Fast.

Effective tablets for headaches - citramon. Due to the relatively low price and excellent results, they are widely used.

Contains paracetamol, caffeine and acetylsalicylic acid. Not enough to combat low blood pressure symptomatic remedies. If headaches bother you regularly, you need to consult a cardiologist. In addition to citramone, acetylsalicylic acid, caffeine and paracetamol contain:

  • in Coficil Plus;
  • in Askofen P;
  • Citramone P and Citramone Ultra.

Various manufacturers use the name "Citramon" for tablets, which may vary in composition. You can clarify the composition by reading the instructions.

To relieve intense pain, medications containing paracetamol, codeine and phenobarbital are used. These painkillers affect your ability to drive and can be addictive if taken over a long period of time. They are usually prescribed when other drugs do not provide long-term effects, for example, for migraines. What to drink for a very debilitating headache?

  • solpadeine;
  • kaffetin.

It is important to remember that any painkiller can be used for no more than 1 week. If during this time the headache has not stopped, it means that the reasons are so serious that it is time to see a doctor. Combination drug Pentalgin Plus simultaneously contains:

  • paracetamol;
  • caffeine;
  • codeine;
  • propyphenazone;
  • phenobarbital.

This composition allows you to completely relieve pain and heaviness in the head in 10-20 minutes. Phenobarbital and codeine are narcotic drugs, so after using medications that contain them, you may have difficulty concentrating. If a person has a responsible job to do, it is not advisable to use such tablets. When taking a drug test (doping control), the tests will show barbiturates. Pentalgin plus analogues:

  • sedal M;
  • sedalgin - Neo;
  • pyralgin;
  • pentalgin N.

Tablets for severe headaches are available with a doctor's prescription. Migraine attacks prevent a person from working and coping with everyday tasks, so if you have constant and very painful headaches, you should not delay a visit to a therapist. The doctor will definitely select the appropriate one after the examination.

For colds and migraines, the best remedy for headaches is drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid. What can you take if your head hurts from ARVI, stuffiness, long and hard work?

  1. Aspirin is a deservedly popular drug. Available in regular and effervescent tablets. The release form of "Aspirin Cardio" is prescribed for high blood pressure, effervescent tablets suitable for colds, and regular aspirin can be used simply for headaches. It is important to follow the dosage and not use this medicine on a regular basis.
  2. Asphen, askofen, acelysin, cofitil. In addition to pain relief, the drugs also have an antipyretic effect. You can reduce the temperature after 38 degrees.

When taking all products containing acetylsalicylic acid, you should absolutely not drink alcohol. Combined with ethanol alcohol medicines cause severe poisoning. Take the tablets only neat drinking water. Askofen can be taken with milk or mineral water. Headache medications begin to act within 10-30 minutes after administration as they are absorbed. To avoid harm to the stomach, it is advisable to use headache tablets after meals. Acetylsalicylic acid is found in Alka-Seltzer, a hangover remedy that can also be used for common headaches.

In Russia, medications are used that have long been banned in all civilized countries. For example, analgin, which contains metamizole sodium. Analgin provides harmful effects on the bone marrow, which has been confirmed by numerous studies. However, doctors continue to traditionally prescribe this drug as a pain reliever. Names of other drugs that contain metamizole sodium:

  • baralgin M;
  • analgin Ultra;
  • tempalgin;
  • maxigan;
  • revalgin;
  • spazgan and spazmalgon;
  • took.

Analgin helps relieve pain during dental diseases, for headaches and muscle pain. Reduces temperature and eliminates aching limbs. When taken simultaneously with alcoholic beverages, it causes severe intoxication, rapid and severe intoxication, poisoning and dangerous consequences for the liver. Long-term use analgin turns out to be harmful to the stomach, bone marrow and liver. In emergency cases, when there is no other drug, you can take analgin, but if you have a choice, it is better to prefer a safer medicine for the head. What headache pills reduce fever and eliminate pain? Medicines containing ibuprofen help quickly and safely:

  • ibuprofen, ibufen;
  • burana, mig, ultracap;
  • Nurofen Express, Nurofen;
  • express Neo, fastik;
  • Brustan, ibuklin, next.

The drug Novigan, which contains ibuprofen, allows you to cope with headaches due to vasospasm. Therefore it is used when painful menstruation, migraine, psychosomatic stress. To reduce the chance of side effects, it is best to use Novigan after food.

It is difficult to meet a person who has never suffered from headaches in his life. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon - from minor mechanical damage to a serious neoplasm. In any case, it is important to find right decision- a cure for headaches. It is not a fact that it will cure the phenomenon forever, but it can overcome the main symptoms and unpleasant aching sensations in no time.

Why does my head hurt?

There are two main factors influencing this stateserious illnesses and functional disorders. The first group includes pathologies in the form of meningitis, encephalitis, and tumors. The second category includes overwork, lack of normal sleep, uncontrolled reception caffeine, alcohol. The remedy for headaches is different in each case, but basically popular drugs suitable for persons falling into the second category. If the sensation is caused by a pathology, it is necessary to diagnose and treat it.

Features of choosing a drug

Only a specialist can prescribe effective and high-quality medications for headaches, and several factors are taken into account.

  • The nature of pain. They can be dull or acute, recur in attacks or continue on an ongoing basis. The pain can be squeezing or bursting.
  • Availability additional symptoms: dizziness, nausea and vomiting, loss of balance and fainting, coughing, runny nose and sneezing. Depending on the presence of additional symptoms, the underlying disease may be diagnosed.
  • Localization location unpleasant sensation. Usually it's the forehead temporal region and the occipital part.
  • The reason why the pain in the head is caused. This may include stress, changes in weather conditions, hunger, diseases of a different nature and type.

Depending on a particular situation, we select effective drugs for headaches.

The best remedies for eliminating pain in the head

So, what should you drink for a headache to get rid of the symptom quickly? Let's look at a list of the most effective headache remedies that you can take immediately. Such groups of funds are divided depending on the main active substance.


By using this tool Mild or moderate pain can be treated. This group is prohibited for use if there are problems with the functioning of the liver and kidneys. As a side effect, a feeling of nausea may occur after use. This group of drugs includes several types of tablets.

  • Paracetamol;
  • Panadol;

Paracetamol + caffeine

When considering the question of what helps with headaches, one cannot help but pay attention to this group drugs. The caffeine in the composition helps to increase the vigor and effectiveness of the main type of active substance. The drugs help quick deliverance for headaches with low blood pressure. It is forbidden to use them if you have hypertension and insomnia, in order to avoid complications. The cost ranges from 100 to 200 rubles, in this range you can purchase several types, any tablet will help.

  • Panadol extra;

Metamizole sodium

If you need to choose effective and inexpensive means for headaches, it is worth paying attention to this group of drugs, which are characterized by a very strong antipyretic and analgesic effect. The remedies are widely used for headaches and toothaches. They cost up to 200 rubles, but they give a colossal effect.

  • Analgin;
  • Baralgin M;
  • Analgin ultra.

This is not all that you can drink for a headache. There are other drugs that are no less effective and no more expensive.

Acetylsalicylic acid + paracetamol + caffeine

This group of drugs is effective if the pain is of mild or moderate intensity. Helps you cope with unpleasant things painful sensations caused by colds and low blood pressure. The only disadvantage is that it can be taken several times, long-term use forbidden.

  • Citramon P;
  • Citramon ultra.

Each effective remedy– a kind of medicine for headaches, so you need to read the instructions and follow all the features and conditions of use.


The group of products based on this substance is the most extensive. These drugs have pronounced antipyretic and analgesic properties. They are effective and absolutely safe for health. Side effects may occur. However, these are the best remedies for headaches.

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Burana;

You can take any of these medications for headaches, since they can be taken without a doctor’s prescription, but following the instructions for use plays an important role.


Representatives of this group of products have excellent antispasmodic effect. They are most effective in cases where the pain is caused by vascular spasms.

  • Took;

All means have good effect for headaches. With a competent approach and taking into account the rules of the instructions, you can achieve amazing results.

Medicines allowed during pregnancy

Many expectant mothers are interested in the question of how to treat headaches so as not to harm the health of the fetus. For severe headaches, several medications will help in this case.

  • Citramon;
  • No-shpa;
  • Paracetamol.

It is forbidden to use aspirin and analgin, since these drugs can cause bad side effects.

Headache remedies for children

Even a child can get sick. Often there is a need to treat a child; in this case, the best remedy for headaches is the one that is safest. The most acceptable main substances contained in children's medications are elements such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. These painkillers are ideal for children from 4-5 years old, but consultation with a specialist will never be superfluous.

The most popular and in demand products

When considering medications for headaches, you should give preference to the most popular formulations. The most effective remedy is analgin, acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and paracetamol. These drugs of domestic origin, despite contraindications and side effects, can be used without a prescription and for any symptoms. Their analgesic effect can cure a disease of any complexity, be it migraine, cold or allergy. But before using any product, you should consult your doctor, especially if it is treating children.

So, we looked at what are the best medications to take for the first pain, and how to follow the instructions. Competently following the recipes and advice will help you get rid of the disease once and for all.