Enterofuril® - analogues are cheaper, the price of Russian and imported substitutes. Analogue of "Enterofuril" for children. "Enterofuril": a cheap analogue

Among the antimicrobial drugs, the expensive Enterofuril is distinguished - cheaper analogues can be found in every pharmacy.

Of course, the composition may be identical, but the effect on the body will still be different. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, it is worth reading the entire material.

The use of Enterofuril and its effectiveness

Interesting fact, but there is no evidence of the effectiveness of the drug, since no clinical studies have been conducted.

However, judging by the opinions of specialists and their patients, favorable outcome guaranteed during therapy.

Based on each individual case, the scale of effectiveness depends on the patient’s condition and the characteristics of the body.

Initially, the drug was registered in France.

Currently there are age restrictions for admission:

  • tablets with a dosage of 200 mg can be used in the treatment of adult patients;
  • 100 mg capsules are prescribed to children who have crossed the threshold of the 6th age;
  • the drug in the form of a suspension can be given to children from 2 months.

Enterofuril can be off-putting due to its price, which is why the population is switching to analogues of the drug.

After all, most people overpay for a well-promoted brand, but the active ingredient in the synonyms of the drug is the same. Finding a medicine similar to Enterofuril is quite easy.

Active ingredient

Enterofuril contains main component is nifuroxazide. It is he who helps defeat a number of harmful microbes. The substance has a pronounced antimicrobial effect and antiseptic effect.

The main component is indicated by the international name, which means that it will be quite easy to select analogues. Drugs similar to the original may have similar pharmacological properties, but have a lower price.

Composition and release form of Enterofuril

In addition to nifuroxazide, Enterofuril contains sucrose, corn starch, dyes, cellulose, gelatin and titanium dioxide. The drug does not belong to the group of antibiotics.

If we consider the oral suspension, it includes high-proof ethyl alcohol. That is, it should be used with caution, especially for people who have unhealthy liver and kidneys, problems with the brain and those suffering from alcoholism.

Provided that Enterofuril did not give a positive effect after the therapy, a consultation with a doctor is required with subsequent correction of therapy. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the initial dosage or select analogues of the medicine.

Among the features of the drug, one can note the lack of absorption into the blood, exerting influence at the location of the problem. And also, a gentle effect on the natural intestinal microflora. Enterofuril has high antibacterial activity and antiviral effect.

In the pharmacy, Enterofuril can be found in boxes of 30 capsules (dosage 100 mg), 16 capsules (dosage 200 mg) and a 90 ml suspension bottle.

Side effects

Enterofuril can cause adverse reaction body on medicine. List side effects small, mostly allergic symptoms.

Such as:

  • rashes on the skin (itching spots, hives, rash);
  • anaphylaxis;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • gag reflex, prolonged.

It is noted that taking the medication is incompatible with the consumption of alcoholic beverages.

In addition, it makes sense to rehydrate to improve the water-salt balance.

If children are prescribed a suspension, then the presence of congenital pathologies is first ruled out.

For example, a lack of enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of sucrose is considered an obstacle to treatment with Enterofuril.

Features of treatment

It is within the power of a specialist to tell the patient how to drink Enterofuril and get maximum result after therapy.

If you look at the description, the conditions for taking the drug are clearly stated there:

It is prohibited to use antidepressants or medications that contain ethyl alcohol in parallel with Enterofuril. Moreover, drinking alcohol is prohibited due to possible occurrence severe allergic reactions.

Sometimes in this situation, patients may experience breathing problems, spasms and attacks of tachycardia. During the day, the patient is provided with plenty of fluids.

For rotavirus

Enterofuril does not give results if it is found in the patient. The reason is that the disease occurs due to viral influence, and the drug can only kill the bacterial environment.

Due to the lack of effect, it is better to replace Enterofuril with enterosorbents or a number of probiotics, which are prescribed by a doctor according to the instructions.

For dysbacteriosis

This intestinal antiseptic allows you to eliminate the problem and improve the patient’s condition. The microflora of the tract does not suffer due to the effects of the drug, and pathogenic microorganisms are eliminated.

Also, Enterofuril is not able to be absorbed into the mucous membranes and exerts its effect only in the affected area. It is sometimes prescribed during antibiotic therapy.

For diarrhea

infectious type is very quickly stopped with the help of Enterofuril.

Nifuroxazide has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, which even at minimal doses inhibits the development of microorganisms.

With increasing dosage, their mass death was noted.

After Enterofuril is taken orally, the patient experiences a decrease in irritable bowel syndrome and an improvement in fluid absorption by the hematopoietic system.

For nausea

Usually in childhood vomiting occurs frequently various reasons. To eliminate unpleasant urges, Enterofuril is prescribed, because most often intoxication in children occurs due to poisoning.

If you take the drug on time, gag reflexes will no longer bother you, and the development of intoxication will stop. To achieve maximum effect, additionally prescribe.

Therapy for infants

During the period of debilitating diarrhea, Enterofuril is prescribed to babies, because it can be used after the 1st month of life. Pediatricians know that a suspension is suitable for use, which is prescribed three times a day, 100 mg.

Visually it looks like half measuring spoon for a single appointment. The duration of treatment does not exceed 7 days, the dosage per day is also not increased.

Stories from our readers!
“At first I used the drug during attacks, and then I took a course and was surprised by the result - I eat what I want, and my stomach behaves like it’s healthy. I’ve been thinking about getting treatment for a long time, but I couldn’t find the optimal drug.

Be sure to try it if you have stomach problems. I completely got rid of heartburn and digestive problems, I don’t get bloated after every meal. Amazing result!"

Enterofuril's analogs

Any pharmacy can boast of a large list of drugs that stop diarrhea even in the most acute course. For recovery intestinal microflora Budget analogues may be useful.

To select them, it is necessary to analyze the available means and choose one that is not inferior to Enterofuril in effectiveness.

Russian analogues

Drugs produced in their own country are always inferior in price to expensive originals. Even from a cheaper group of drugs.

Analogues may have a similar composition or have the same effect on the body:

  1. Ecofuril. Domestic analogue has good performance in the fight against infectious diseases. However, patients with high sensitivity to the components of the drug cannot be used in therapy. Also, you should not prescribe tablets to children under the age of one month and premature babies. Negative manifestations no, the exception may be slight hives or itchy sensations on the skin. Price per package 247 rubles.
  2. Nifural. IN lately many doctors prefer analogues; this drug is considered no less useful than the original. Bacterial diarrhea subsides quickly when treated with this medicine. A patient who takes the pill on time will not suffer from intoxication, deterioration and high temperature. It cannot be used by people with high sensitivity to the substances of the drug, pregnant women and children under 3 years of age. Also, you should not be treated with medication when lactation occurs. During treatment, rash or swelling may occur. Price from 270 rubles.
  3. Adisord. Of course, Enterofuril is rich in analogues, but is there any benefit from this medicine? Of course, it is important that diarrhea is not accompanied by the presence of helminthic infestations. In addition, the tablets have many contraindications, so they are prescribed with caution. Children under 3 years of age should not be treated with Adisord. Also, it is prohibited for persons who cannot tolerate nifuroxazide or substances similar to it. There are no restrictions on pregnant women taking the medicine, but consultation with a supervising doctor is still required. If you look at the instructions, it indicates a large number side effects, which very rarely appear in reality. More often found skin reactions or gain pain in the stomach. Packaging cost approx. 248 rubles.
  4. Levorin. A broad-spectrum medicine produced in various options– capsules, ointment, suppositories, solutions for making suspensions. Used for gastrointestinal lesions fungal type. Prohibited for use if the patient has problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver. Contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Approximate price 200 rubles.
  5. . One of the most budget-friendly analogues of Enterofuril, which is found in the form of tablets. The use is due to the presence of colitis, stomach problems and bacterial dysentery. It should not be prescribed to children under 3 years of age, pregnant or breastfeeding women, or people with glucose intolerance. Packaging price approx. 100 rubles.
  6. Sangviritrin. In pharmacies, the analogue is sold in the form of ointments or solution, it has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, relieves severe inflammation. Used in diagnosing infectious pathological processes. It should not be given to patients with asthma or epilepsy and to women during pregnancy. Analog price approx. 178 rubles.

Ukrainian substitutes

The effectiveness of treatment with Enterofuril from this manufacturer directly depends on the activity of the main substance in the composition.

From the list provided, you can choose analogues that will be cheaper:

  1. . On the counter it is presented as an oral suspension, which gives a pronounced effect in diagnosing infectious stomach problems. The use of the medicine for allergies is prohibited due to the possible worsening of the condition. The cost of a bottle is less 100 rubles.
  2. Nifuroxazide Richter. An antiseptic drug for treating the intestines that can prevent the development of extensive infection. It is prescribed for any type of diarrhea caused by intestinal bacteria. In very rare cases, treatment with it causes hives and breathing problems. In such a situation, treatment should be stopped. It’s difficult to call this analogue budget, since its price starts from 350 rubles.
  3. Lekor. Cheap analogues can also be worthy; for example, these capsules are in no way inferior to Enterofuril. Sufficient quantity active substance allows you to provide the patient with high-quality antimycotic therapy for intestinal infections. The medicine should not be prescribed to children or people with allergies. A package of hard tablets costs approx. 130 rubles.
  4. . Analogs are not found cheaper, since the price of this medicine is about 10 rubles. The tablets have big list contraindications, therefore you should not chase low cost. It is recommended to avoid taking them for people with allergic reactions, blood problems, acute hepatitis, and Graves' disease. The effectiveness of the analogue has been proven if infectious dysentery or enterocolitis has been diagnosed. Apply as preventive measure before intestinal surgery.
  5. Entoban. Are there analogues from natural ingredients By affordable price? Yes, this is exactly this drug. Brown capsules are included in the treatment regimen for intestinal disorders acute type. If the patient has individual intolerance components, then it is better to avoid using the drug. Packaging price no more 195 rubles.

Belarusian production

Analogs from this country differ in that almost all of them can be prescribed to young patients. They are quite safe, which does not affect their effectiveness.

The most popular ones are described below:

  1. Bactolact. Solution for suspension, which is classified as analogues of Enterofuril high quality. It is effective in patients of all ages. There is no list of contraindications. Packaging cost approx. 200 rubles.
  2. Bioflor. The probiotic, produced in the form of a suspension, is distinguished by its availability, as it costs less 100 rubles. The analogue has no contraindications.
  3. . The cheapest analogue described, since packaging can cost 20 rubles. It has a powerful antimicrobial effect, the main component is loperamide hydrochloride. An irreplaceable thing during therapy intestinal disorders acute course. It is prohibited to use the drug on early pregnancy, lactation, children under 8 years of age, patients with dysentery and intestinal obstruction.
  4. Enterosept. An absolute analogue of Enterofuril, which has a lower cost ( about 160 rubles ). The release form of the drug is yellowish hard capsules. Prescribed for prevention in the presence of infection in the intestines. People with allergic reactions and children under 6 years of age are prohibited from using.

Other foreign analogues

Enterofuril can be found on the pharmacy counter under a different name; the generic will be produced abroad. At the same time, many representatives foreign companies prefer to include other main components.

However, the impact on pathological process remains the same:

An important advantage of drugs in this group is that they have a less aggressive effect on the body than antibiotics. Their influence is local, pathogenic microorganisms are successfully eliminated. If you strictly follow the dosage, then there will be no problems with the balance of microflora.

For therapeutic therapy It is not necessary to take Enterofuril; its analogues are no less effective. Many consider the main disadvantage of the original to be its cost, while generics are more accessible to the population.

In addition, on the pharmacy counter you can find several dozen medicines with an affordable price tag.

When making your choice in favor of a medicine, you should pay attention to the country of origin. Drugs brought from abroad always have a higher cost.

After all, their price includes customs costs, fuel costs and certificates. Moreover, the initial amount is also affected by the promotion of the brand.

Is there a difference in the indications for use among Enterofuril analogues?

If we're talking about about absolute analogues of the drug, no significant difference is found. The reason is that therapeutic effect identical. The difference can only be in cost or dosage, as well as the form of release.

When considering anti-diarrhea drugs based on loperamide, it is worth noting their rapid effect on the body. But medications are aimed at stopping acute symptoms and are designed for short-term use.

There is no antibacterial effect, while Enterofuril has it. Also, due to high risk development adverse reactions, should not be prescribed to patients with liver and kidney problems.

Probiotics have quite a few differences with Enterofuril, especially since they are auxiliary drugs. In order to feel the effectiveness of the medicine, you will need to take it for a long time. Typically, such complexes are used as a preventive measure.

Without a doubt, Enterofuril is a very effective and high-quality drug, but its analogues are not inferior in effectiveness. Most of the described agents can be used to treat patients. According to experts, the restrictions arise due to personal intolerance to the components of the analogue.

"Enterofuril" is antimicrobial agent, used to destroy pathogenic microflora in the intestines not only in adults, but also in children. The drug destroys cell membrane bacteria such as:

  • Aemophilus influenzae.
  • Staphylococcus.
  • Salmonella
  • Enterobacter.
  • Klebsiella.
  • Proteus spp.

The medicine also helps restore the normal balance of intestinal microflora and has an antitoxic effect. Does not have a detrimental effect on beneficial bacteria, living in the intestines.

The drug is used to prevent acute attacks of diarrhea, restore normal functioning intestines. Available for oral administration in the form of capsules or suspension.

The use of "Enterofuril" and its effectiveness

The effectiveness of the drug has not been proven, since it has not been officially tested clinical trials. Judging by the reviews of patients to whom it was prescribed and the observations of attending physicians, one can see the beneficial effect of the medicine. When prescribed individually according to indications, the effect depends on the characteristics of a particular organism.

The medicine was initially registered in France.

IN at the moment The following age restrictions apply:

  • 200 mg capsules are approved for use by adults;
  • 100 mg capsules are recommended for children over six years of age;
  • the suspension can be used to treat children older than 2 months.

The only drawback of the drug is its inaccessibility to people with average incomes, since its price is quite high. But not everyone knows that when buying this drug, they just pay for trademark, and not for the contents of the medicine. Possessing all the properties that Enterofuril is endowed with, it is quite possible to find a cheap analogue.

Active ingredient

The main ingredient of the drug that helps fight harmful microbes, is “Nifuroxazide”, which has antimicrobial and antiseptic effects. Also this is his international name. Therefore, it is not difficult to find analogues containing the same substance as Enterofuril, the price of which will be significantly lower, and the properties and pharmacological action will remain at the same level.


"Stopdiar" contains the same active ingredient as "Enterofuril". The analogue is cheap, its price is from 170 to 270 rubles, but its effectiveness (the ability to destroy harmful intestinal bacteria and stop diarrhea) is no less.

The medicine is available in the form of 100 mg tablets and a suspension in 90 ml bottles. The advantage of the drug is that it is completely harmless, since its action occurs locally. It is not absorbed into the blood, does not enter other systems of the body, and is excreted only through the intestines.

The drug "Enterofuril": instructions for use (analogues - "Stopdiar" tablets, "Stopdiar" suspension)

"Stopdiar" tablets are approved for use in children over 6 years of age in the same dosage as in adults: 2 tablets every 6 hours. The duration of treatment depends on the disappearance of diarrhea symptoms and the doctor's prescription, but should be at least 6 days.

Analogue of "Enterofuril", just like original drug, it is forbidden to mix with alcohol, so when taking the product you should refrain from drinking drinks containing alcohol. It is allowed to use the medicine in the composition complex therapy, it does not interact in any way with other forms, since it acts exclusively in the intestines.

Analogue of "Enterofuril" from the group of sulfonamides

There are also drugs similar in their characteristics, antiseptics local action based on another substance. An analogue of Enterofuril, which causes the same effect, is Sulfanilamide, which is based on sulfanilic acid. Its antimicrobial properties were discovered about 60 years ago.

The active ingredient of one of the analogues is sulfaguanidine from the group of sulfonamides. This analogue of "Enterofuril" is produced for children from 6 years of age and for adults in the form of tablets of 500 mg. The drug has an inhibitory effect on harmful intestinal microorganisms, providing high concentration substances at the site of localization due to their slow absorption.

By pharmacological action sulfonamides, and specifically drugs with trade names"Fthalazol", "Sulgin", resemble "Enterofuril". Analogues are cheaper and much more accessible than their “brother”.

The active substance penetrates the bacterial membrane, disabling its ability to produce folic acid, which is the main source for its reproduction. The bacterium dies naturally upon completion of his life cycle without leaving any offspring.

The disadvantage of the drug "Enterofuril" is the price. Cheap analogues - "Sulgin" (costs about 30-160 rubles), "Fthalazol" ( average cost- about 30 rub.).

Instructions for use and features of "Sulgin"

Children under the age of three are allowed to use the drug only in emergency cases and under the supervision of the attending physician.

At acute attacks dysentery in particular in serious condition For adults, the drug can be prescribed in two courses - 6 and 5 days each with a 6-day break.

IN postoperative period for prevention bacterial complications the medicine is prescribed at 0.5 mg per 1 kg of weight for a week 3 times a day.

It should not be used to treat pregnant and lactating women, newborns, as well as people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug "Enterofuril" (and its analogue). Cheap drug"Sulgin" is not prescribed to people with diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, or liver.

Instructions for use and features of "Fthalazol"

The medicine is available in tablet form various dosages. The main active ingredient is phthalylsulfathiazole, which is effective in the following situations:

  • food poisoning;
  • infectious diarrhea;
  • dysentery;
  • colitis;
  • as a prophylactic agent in the pre- and postoperative period.

In terms of pharmacological action, drugs containing ftanylsulfathiazole resemble Enterofuril. Analogs are cheaper, but they are no less effective.

Since "Fthalazol" dissolves poorly in water and well in sodium carbonate, you should take the tablets with water with the addition of 2-3 g baking soda. Suitable for this purpose mineral water With high content sodium carbonate.

In especially severe cases of dysentery and diarrhea, the drug is used in two courses.

The dose of the drug should not be more than 21 g per course.

For children under three years of age, the medicine is prescribed at the rate of 200 mg/kg of body weight during the day in 3 doses. The course of treatment can be one day, but if severe forms poisoning and intoxication lasts a week.

For children over 3 years of age, the dose should be increased to 400 - 750 mg/kg.

"Fthalazol" is contraindicated for the treatment of people with acute hepatitis, with bleeding disorders, renal failure, hypersensitivity to phthalylsulfathiazole and other components of the product. It is forbidden to use it by pregnant women for up to 3 months.

Advantages of "Enterofuril" and its analogues over antibiotics

The main advantage of antimicrobial drugs is that they do not have a pronounced toxic effect on the entire body, therefore they are much more safer than antibiotics. Acting localized in the intestines, they effectively kill pathogenic microorganisms. If therapeutic doses are observed, they do not disturb the balance of natural microflora and do not cause dysbacteriosis.

It is not necessary to buy the original drug for treatment. After all, the huge drawback of the drug "Enterofuril" is the price! Analogs are cheap, so they are available to people with average incomes. There are also dozens of drugs with antimicrobial effects from a low price category.

When choosing medical supplies You should pay attention to the country in which they are produced. Foreign medicines will always cost significantly more than medicines from domestic manufacturers. The price of imported goods always includes delivery costs, customs duty and certification. How more popular brand company producing the drug, the higher its cost will be.

Advantages and features of using Enterofuril

The drug is available in the form of capsules and suspension. Taking Enterofuril is usually enough large doses: 2 capsules up to 4 times a day, in courses up to 7 days.

Of the advantages this tool worth noting:

  • activity regarding large quantity pathogens;
  • high bioavailability;
  • rapid attack therapeutic effect;
  • the drug does not have a systemic effect (does not affect other organs, acts exclusively in the intestines);
  • the drug does not affect the normal intestinal microflora.

Among the disadvantages of Enterofuril, in addition to rare cases allergies, it is worth noting that it requires frequent use and is quite expensive compared to analogues and substitutes.

Enterofuril is effective against:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • clostridium;
  • salmonella;
  • shigella;
  • cholera vibrios;
  • a significant number of other infections.

The drug is ineffective for diarrhea caused by helminthic infestation.

What can replace Enterofuril?

Analogues of Enterofuril according to the active substance

Drugs based on the same active substance, which may be no different, differ in the composition of excipients or in the form of release. Such analogues of Enterofuril include:

  • Ecofuril;
  • Ersefuril;
  • Nifuroxazide;
  • Stopdiar;
  • Lekor.

Loperamide-based drugs

A fairly large group of antidiarrheals with a pronounced effect. These include medications such as:

  • Diara;
  • Superilop;
  • Imodium;
  • Lopedium;
  • Diarex.


Drugs with a completely different mechanism of action that have positive influence on the intestinal microflora and contributing to its normalization. These include:

  • Enterol;
  • Bacteriophage;
  • Baktisubtil;
  • Hilak forte;
  • Yogulact.

These medications are most effective for diarrhea caused by intestinal dysbiosis.

Antimicrobials (Fthalazol)

Such drugs can be considered very conditionally analogues of Enterofuril; they do not have a pronounced antidiarrheal effect, but help fight infection.

Which analogue of Enterofuril is better?

Among synonyms (absolute analogues) there is not much difference in which drug to take, since therapeutic effect completely matches. Cheaper analogues of Enterofuril are Stopdiar and, the most expensive, Eresfuril. It should also be noted that enterofuril is available in dosages of 100 and 200 mg, Stopdiar - only 100 mg, Lecor - 200 mg, Nifuroxazide in tablets of 100 mg and in the form of a suspension.

Among loperamide-based antidiarrheals, Imodium is the most popular. Like all drugs in this group, it has a fairly rapid effect, but is intended to relieve acute symptoms and short (up to 2 days) administration. Does not have antibacterial activity. In addition, such drugs are contraindicated in severe violations liver and kidney function and have a number of side effects.

Preparations from the probiotic group are considered safe and have no obvious contraindications. They don't have quick effect and demand long-term use. Not suitable for treatment acute diarrhea, and are more often used as auxiliary, prophylactic agents or in combination with other antidiarrheal drugs. The most famous of this group is Hilak forte, which is a complex of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

The drug "Enterofuril", analogues of the drug (for example, the drugs "Stopdiar", "Nifuroxazide", "Ersefuril") are considered popular. They are prescribed for the treatment of infections in the gastrointestinal tract, for acute and chronic diarrhea without signs of helminthic infection.


The drug "Enterofuril" exhibits activity relative to gram-negative and the medication does not affect the saprophytic microflora, and also does not upset the balance in normal flora intestines. After oral administration active ingredient practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Antibacterial action observed only in the intestinal lumen. Removal is carried out with feces. The rate of transport from the body depends both on intestinal motility and on the dose taken.

Dosage regimen

The drug "Enterofuril" is recommended for patients from seven years of age to take 200 mg four times a day. For children from 2 to 7 years old - two hundred milligrams 3 times a day. For patients under two years of age, the drug is recommended in suspended form. The duration of treatment is no more than a week. An analogue of Enterofuril, the drug Ersefuril, is prescribed to patients from the age of six. Three to four capsules per day are recommended, divided into two or four applications.


An analogue of Enterofuril, the drug Nifuroxazide, is not recommended for newborns, including premature babies. Contraindications for all drugs in this group include intolerance to the components. The drug "Stopdiar" (another analogue of "Enterofuril") is not prescribed to children under six years of age. The advisability of taking it during pregnancy and lactation is determined by a specialist. Subject to availability vital signs An analogue of Enterofuril, the drug Nifuroxazide, is allowed for use. Other drugs are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

As practice shows, during therapy undesirable consequences occur quite rarely. The above may cause an allergic reaction.

As a rule, it is caused by intolerance to the components. If side effects develop (including those not described in the annotation), there is no therapeutic effectiveness during treatment, or the condition worsens, it is recommended to visit a doctor. The use of drugs by children should be supervised by a specialist.

More information

The analogue of Enterofuril, the drug Nifuroxazide, and other medications in this group are incompatible with alcohol - this may occur. In this regard, the use of alcohol-containing products during therapy is not recommended. During the entire treatment, it is necessary to replenish fluid loss in the body parenterally or orally (according to the patient’s condition). The drugs do not affect the ability to control transport and complex mechanisms.

The drug "Enterofuril". Price

Analogs of the drug can be purchased in pharmacies at prices ranging from 170 rubles and above. The cost of the medicine “Enterofuril” is from 160 rubles. Before purchasing and taking medications, you should consult your doctor.

Each of us dreams of learning to save. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially when it comes to health.

When buying an expensive drug at a pharmacy, we rely primarily on its high efficiency. Few people would independently risk replacing a medicine prescribed by a doctor with another with a similar effect. This is correct, no doubt. The attending physician knows best what to prescribe in each specific case.

But! After all, we often overpay for a well-promoted brand. There are many similar drugs with the same active substance and indications for treatment. After all, no one forbids asking the doctor to replace the medicine with a cheaper analogue, if this is of course possible.

Now we'll talk about the famous antibacterial drug with antidiarrheal effect – Enterofurile.



The main active ingredient is nifuroxazide - an antimicrobial agent, a derivative of nitrofuran, used for many intestinal infections occurring with diarrhea (diarrhea).

Additional substances in the composition: sucrose, corn starch, gelatin, dye, cellulose, titanium dioxide.

Nifuroxazide is not an antibiotic.

The suspension for oral administration contains 96% ethyl alcohol, so caution is required when taken by patients with liver, kidney, brain disease, alcohol or drug addiction.

If clinical improvement does not occur during treatment with Enterofuril, you must immediately inform your doctor (dose adjustment, additional therapy, or replacement with a stronger drug may be required).


  • is not absorbed into the blood, but acts in the intestinal lumen,
  • does not affect normal microflora,
  • has wide range antibacterial, antiviral activity,
  • safe for use in pregnant women, infants from 1 month of age (for suspension) and from 3 years of age (for capsules).

Release form

  • capsules 100 mg No. 30,
  • capsules 200 mg No. 16,
  • suspension 90 ml (5 ml contains 200 mg of nifuroxazide)


Enterofuril exerts its antimicrobial effect by inhibiting protein synthesis pathogenic microorganisms, which leads to their death and a weakening of the symptoms of diarrhea. You need to take it according to a certain schedule specified in the instructions, but preferably for no more than 7 days.

Dosage, choice of form, and duration depend on the cause of diarrhea, the age of the patient, concomitant diseases and other factors.

Enterofuril does not affect concentration or the ability to drive a car.

The cost of the drug in pharmacies ranges from 270 rubles for 100 mg capsules, from 300 rubles for 200 mg capsules, from 340 rubles for a suspension.

Cheap analogues of the drug

Like any other medicine, Enterofuril also has several substitutes containing nifuroxazide. For the treatment of children, with the consent of the attending physician, you can choose cheaper analogues, including in the form of a suspension.


Romanian drug produced in the form of a 90 ml suspension containing 220 g of active substance per 5 ml and 100 mg tablets No. 24.

Indications for use are acute or chronic diarrhea caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, treatment of colitis, intestinal dysbiosis, prevention of infections before operations on the abdominal organs.

Nifuroxazide can be prescribed to children from 1 month of age (suspension), and from 6 years of age (tablets).

Contraindications include individual sensitivity, allergies, and prematurity.

Nifuroxazide is not compatible with alcohol. With simultaneous use, the development of vegetative reactions is possible. varying degrees severity: tachycardia, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, feeling of fear, panic, dizziness, nausea.

The cost in the pharmacy is from 118 rubles for a package of tablets, from 215 rubles for a suspension. At the moment, this is the cheapest analogue of Enterofuril on the market.


Russian drug from ABVA-RUS. Available in the form of capsules of 100 and 200 mg. Safe for children over 3 years old.

The composition, in addition to nifuroxazide, includes the prebiotic lactulose, as well as cellulose, sucrose and other additional components.

The price of the drug is lower than Enterofuril, approximately 220 rubles (100 mg No. 30) and 350 rubles (200 mg No. 30).

Indications, contraindications, features of purpose are similar to other analogues.


Release form: tablets 100 mg No. 24 and suspension 90 ml. In addition to the active ingredient, the medicine contains starch, talc, and magnesium stearate.

There are age restrictions, admission is possible from 7 years. The instructions are practically no different from those of Enterofuril.

A package of tablets costs from 218 rubles, a suspension from 315 rubles.

Here, perhaps, is the entire list of cheap analogues. There are two more drugs (Ersefuril and Adisord), but their price is much higher than Enterofuril.

Summing up comparative characteristics Based on all the described remedies for the treatment of diarrhea, several significant conclusions can be drawn.

Not all Enterofuril analogues are suitable for treating infants. This is due to the additional substances included in the composition, which can cause allergic reactions in the form of Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, urticaria, stool disorders. Thus, if there is an urgent need to prescribe an antidiarrheal drug to a child from 1 month, in the best possible way Enterofuril and Nifuroxazide are suitable.

Some drugs contain a prebiotic, which of course will have a positive effect on eliminating intestinal disorders. For example, if the doctor recommended taking Ecofuril, then there is no need to additionally take other prebiotics. This way you can save a lot of money on getting rid of your illness.

The quality of treatment is influenced by the ease of administration (for adults - capsules, for children - suspension). All analogues of Enterofuril are produced in the same form, so there are no priority drugs here.

Any antidiarrheal therapy implies rational replenishment of lost fluid, especially in infants. After all, dehydration child's body more dangerous than diarrhea. In other words, you need the right drinking regime until complete recovery.

Safety during pregnancy and lactation

Separately, it is necessary to mention a special category of patients with diarrhea syndrome. If we recall the statistics, 90% of all prescribed medications cannot be used in pregnant or lactating women and newborns.

There is a simple and logical explanation for this. No one has ever conducted experimental tests on them. scientific research on the use of new medicines. This is prohibited by law.