How to take tincture from beaver stream. From a fresh stream of beaver. Harm from beaver stream

Castoreum or castoreum is an aromatic substance that is produced in the anal glands of beavers. The liquid is very odorous; beavers use it to mark their territory; people use it for medicinal purposes. The beaver stream varies in color between males and females.

Chemical composition and features of beaver stream

Beaver stream is a secretory liquid of brown shades with a musky odor. Its chemical composition contains benzyl alcohol, acetophenone, borneol, o-cresol, benzoic acid, n-ethylphenol, guaiacol, which determine its beneficial properties and use.

In addition, resins and essential oils with complex chemical composition, which is why they remain not fully studied. The amount of nutrients found in essential oils and the resins of the beaver jet exceed a hundred.

It contains beaver gum and castorin - chemical compounds, which do not dissolve well in water, it is better to use alcohol to dissolve them. The alcohol solution of beaver stream is a viscous, colloidal liquid with healing properties.

Beaver stream contains organic acids, especially a lot salicylic acid, the use of which helps in the treatment of skin diseases.

There are micro- and macroelements - magnesium, phosphorus, copper, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, manganese, aluminum, zinc, silicon, nickel, titanium.

The chemical composition of a beaver's stream can vary depending on the time of year, the diet and habitat of the beaver.

Receiving a jet

In the old days, animals were killed to obtain beaver jets. However, now people have learned to do without unnecessary cruelty, and on fur farms they extract the secret from live beavers.

The use of special devices makes it possible to collect a beaver stream several times a day without human intervention. The liquid is collected in a container, and then it is cleaned of unnecessary impurities, while trying to preserve its beneficial properties.

Beavers use the liquid not only to mark territory, but also to heal wounds received in battles with rivals. Therefore, in wildlife It is not advisable to set traps on beavers - in this case, all the secret will be spent on treating the wound from the trap.

Please note that the beaver stream is not only a useful liquid secreted by the glands, but also paired glands placed in sacs and located at the anus. These glands also have medicinal properties, and they are used in the manufacture of various infusions and ointments.

Using the jet

The beneficial properties of beaver jets have been known to people for a long time. In those days when there were no pharmacies, no ointments, no antibiotics, the stream of a beaver was valued several times more than its warm and fluffy skin. The use of tinctures and ointments from it helped in overcoming diseases and illnesses.

The range of application of the substance was and remains quite wide, its unique properties used to heal ulcers and wounds, to treat paralysis, to strengthen nervous system and hearts. An alcohol tincture of beaver jet is almost a panacea for all diseases, but most often it is used by folk medicine, not official medicine.

Ointments made on the basis of beaver jets are used to treat various damages skin – frostbite, burns, non-healing and purulent wounds. It is used to lubricate sore joints with rheumatism. Beaver stream is used in the production of colognes and perfumes, and all kinds of dietary supplements.

What diseases does beaver stream help with? To answer this question, you will need to provide a whole list of diseases against which you can use medicinal properties jets. Tinctures and ointments from this unique raw material can be drunk and taken if you are concerned about:

  • Coronary heart disease;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Conditions after a stroke;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Edema of various origins;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Silicosis of the lungs;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Cystitis;
  • Prostatitis;
  • Urethritis;
  • Adenoma;
  • Adnexitis;
  • Radiculitis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Impotence.

In addition, the beaver stream strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thins cholesterol plaques, helps with insomnia, strengthens the nerves. Preparations from beaver stream normalize hormonal background and testosterone levels. The enzymes contained in it increase the activity of sperm, so it should be used for male infertility.

The beaver stream contains organic acids, minerals, and vitamins that help a person resist diseases during epidemics of viral diseases. If you take beaver stream tinctures in winter, you don’t have to get a flu shot in winter.

Recipes for preparations from the beaver stream

Tinctures, ointments and powder from the beaver stream can be made at home, and the medicinal properties of these drugs will be no worse than those of drugs from the pharmacy. We offer you several recipes according to which you can make the medicine yourself, but it is still better to drink them under the supervision of a doctor.

Recipe 1.

Tincture of beaver stream with vodka or alcohol. To make this tincture, you will need a fresh or slightly dried beaver stream, and high-quality alcohol - vodka or alcohol diluted to 70 degrees.

Preparation: Grind 100 grams of raw materials, put in a jar, pour 400 ml of alcohol. Close the jar tightly with a lid and place it in a dark place, not necessarily in the refrigerator. After 1 week, see what you got. A high-quality tincture with healing properties should have a cognac tint, but if the tincture is light, you will need to add a little more raw material and let it brew for another 1 week. If the color is too brown, you can dilute the tincture with a small amount of alcohol.

Application: for preventive purposes and for speedy recovery after any illness, you need to drink 1 tsp. tinctures 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For treatment, alcohol tincture should be taken 1 dessert spoon, 3 times a day before meals. For a person weighing more than 80 kg, the dose can be slightly increased.

Beaver stream tincture can be drunk with tea, coffee or diluted water. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months, then you will need to take a break for 1 month and repeat the treatment.

Indications: pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis.

Recipe 2.

From beaver stream you can make not only tincture, but also candles for rectal use. Making candles is not difficult. To do this, you need to buy rectal suppositories at the pharmacy, soften them in a steam bath until smooth, put a little crushed beaver stream into it, and mix. Place the mixture in molds and cool; candles should be stored in the refrigerator. Use - 1 suppository per night.

Indications: hemorrhoids, prostatitis, prostate adenoma.

Recipe 3.

Ointment made from beaver stream and badger or bear fat. To prepare it, take 200 grams of fat and melt it in a water bath. Add 100 grams of crushed beaver stream to it and mix. The mixture should be heated for 20 minutes and used hot to rub problem areas.

Indications: rheumatism, radiculitis, gout, arthritis. You can rub the same ointment on your chest and back at night. severe cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, and wrap the body with a warm cloth. At the same time for treatment colds need to drink tea from medicinal herbs having anti-inflammatory effects.

Recipe 4.

Tincture of beaver stream with vodka. The tincture is prepared as follows: Add 3 tablespoons of castoreum powder to 500 ml of vodka. Shake the bottle, cork it tightly and put it in a dark place for 10-15 days. Then strain.

Application: tincture should be taken 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Indications: ischemia, neuralgia, varicose veins, prostatitis.

Recipe 5.

Tincture of beaver stream and alcohol. Preparation: take 100 grams of raw materials and 3 liters of alcohol (70%). Grind the raw materials, mix with five tablespoons of alcohol and mix well. Place the mixture in a glass jar, pour out the remaining alcohol, and seal the jar tightly with a sealing lid. Place the container with the tincture in a dark place for 20-35 days. Then open, strain and bottle into bottles with a tight lid.

Application: the tincture can be taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, and can also be used for rubbing joints.

Indications: pulmonary silicosis, pneumonia, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Since ancient times, folk healers have valued the beaver family for the unique components contained in fatty deposits. The beaver stream has been used to treat both elementary ailments (hiccups) and serious illnesses (hysteria and plague). Medicinal infusion recommended for men with diseases of the genitourinary and reproductive systems.


Beaver stream what is it? This is the endocrine gland of the animal. It is produced by special beaver odorous substances - paired glands that are unique to the beaver family. Animals deposit biologically in the pouch active substances. They use them extremely necessary cases– in case of injury, illness or hunger. The beaver's stream is located on the belly under the skin next to the paired glands and genitals.
There is a secret to extracting the beaver gland; if it is not extracted correctly and is not separated from fat and blood, then the medicinal properties will be spoiled. It needs to be dried in a cool place for about a month.

Beaver jet medicinal properties and contraindications

Traditional medicine recommends taking beaver streams for almost all diseases, since beavers are very selective in food and feed only on the most healthy and nutritious plants. Research has shown that beavers feed on more than 150 species of plants.

The following substances have a therapeutic effect:

  • benzyl alcohol;
  • borneol;
  • p-ethylphenol;
  • acetophenone;
  • benzoic, cinnamic and salicylic acid.

In general, the secret gland contains about 50 substances useful to humans. She carries out both external and internal treatment.
Since this medicinal product completely natural, it has no contraindications. However, you need to know the measure and dosage, otherwise it may have a bad effect on your well-being.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of the tincture have wound healing and antitumor qualities. Beaver musk is endowed with the following properties:

  • general strengthening;
  • tonic;
  • stress-protective;
  • normalizing;
  • anti-infective.

The beaver jet has medicinal properties and the reviews from those treated are only positive. The yellow-brown substance helped women with many gynecological diseases, and men regained their sexual health. A properly assembled product can be given to children, but little ones are repulsed by the smell.


This medicinal product has no contraindications. It’s just that some people don’t like the sharp, characteristic smell, which you can get used to over time.

The use of beaver stream in folk medicine

According to traditional doctors, the beaver stream is necessary for both the sick and the healthy. Its application is relevant all year round, because the substance is a powerful immunomodulator. An infusion based on castroleum is used as a diuretic and vasodilator. The healing properties have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, genitourinary, nervous and immune systems. The beaver gland is used to treat vision, skin, infectious and viral diseases.

The beaver family is considered the best salvation for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. In ENT practice, medicinal concentrates of animal origin are also actively used. Alcohol tincture increases performance so much that a person can stay awake all night and be alert.
Excellent treatment of oncology, hepatitis A and B and jaundice with the beaver jet. Traditional healers recommend using the tincture to restore health after chemotherapy and laser correction.


The most popular way of using beaver stream among people is tincture with alcohol; alcohol only improves the healing properties of the gland. Beaver stream preparation of the tincture recipe is based on high-quality vodka or medical alcohol, previously diluted to 40-50 degrees. Grind the dried gland and pour it into a glass bottle, fill it with diluted alcohol and leave for three days. The product is prepared in a ratio of 100 g. raw materials per 500 ml of alcohol. Shake the mixture daily, and after 3 days pour it into plastic bottle larger volume. The resulting preparation must also be diluted with vodka to obtain a cognac color. It is impossible to say exactly how much liquid is required. It all depends on the size of the beaver stream and its concentration. Photos and videos of properly prepared food can be found online.

For women

Medicinal properties subcutaneous gland animals are very useful for women. They treat candidiasis, colitis and bartholinitis. Treatment of cysts and inflammation of the glands is also effective. For oral treatment of advanced ailments, you need to use vodka tincture or powder. The tincture is taken 1/3 tsp. three times a day during or after a meal, you can take 1 tsp. before bed. Both the smell and the taste are unpleasant, so before drinking, hold the coffee drink in your mouth and immediately take the tincture; it is better to wash it down with coffee too. Only this drink and chicory can “overpower” the smell of the beaver stream.

Beaver stream has medicinal properties for women and has been used in aqueous extract and powder. If a woman uses the powder, its dose should not exceed a match head. The powder can also be washed down or added to coffee; some people add it to bread. For the treatment of gynecological diseases, douching with aqueous extract. Microenema is done every other day, 1 ml. You can insert tampons for no more than an hour.

For men

Men in Rus' called the beaver stream Russian Viagra and showered it with praise. It treats prostate adenoma so effectively that even in advanced cases you can do without surgery. The medicinal infusion relieves pain when urinating, treats urethritis, impotence, premature ejaculation and prostatitis. A man over 40 years old, during age-related changes, should undergo a course of iron treatment once a year.

For men to decide sensitive issues you need to drink bean stream tincture for 4 months with breaks. In the first 15 days you need to drink 5 drops once a day a quarter of an hour before meals. For the next 15 days, take 5 drops. only 2 rubles/day In the second month you need to take 10 drops in the morning and at lunch. After a month's break, and again on the 4th month, drink tincture 10-50 drops, depending on the course of the disease and the age of the patient. For these purposes, the use of powder and pharmaceutical capsules will be effective.

Medicine reviews

“Elixir for all diseases” received only good reviews. The medicinal infusion is actively used for skin diseases, and the illness goes away in a couple of days. Women noted that a two-week course significantly improves their condition during the period of gynecological diseases. Reviews from mothers who gave the product to their children are not so enthusiastic. Therapeutic effect Indeed, it occurs immediately, but children have difficulty taking even capsules. In some children, bitterness causes vomiting. Reviews say that it is better to use the infusion in the form of oral drops.

Men are also delighted with animal products. Some people got rid of infertility with its help. Reviews say that sexual desire is noted after 55 years. However, everyone noted that the use of a beaver jet, the dose and course of treatment are selected individually. Some people get by with 5 drops for a month, while others need to drink 50 drops.

Beaver stream, or castoreum, has been used by people since ancient times to treat various diseases. There are several proven recipes for preparing beaver stream at home; it can also be taken in in kind(like powder).

What is a beaver stream?

Castoreum, beaver musk, or stream, is the name given to the contents of the anal sacs, which are produced by the odorous gland of the animal. The secretion of the glands can be obtained from both the male and the female, since it serves to mark the territory.

Using scent marks, animals receive information about who is leaving them. The contents of the glands, which are medicinal raw materials, is a mass reminiscent of wet sand, brown-green in color, with a pungent odor.

To preserve raw materials, drying of glands cut from the carcass of a hunted beaver is used. Therefore, most often beaver stream can be purchased in the form of dark brown leathery bags or in crushed form: pieces or powder. But fresh beaver gland can also be used for medicinal purposes, since extracting the alcoholic extract is a method of preservation.

If desired, purchased fresh beaver gland can be frozen until the time when it is possible to prepare the tincture. Their medicinal properties the raw material is not lost, but care must be taken to ensure that the frozen beaver glands are not thawed before the extract is prepared. You can grind them slightly thawed.

Beneficial properties of beaver stream

IN official medicine beaver stream extract is used as an adaptogen, i.e., a remedy that helps the body resist unfavorable or unusual environmental conditions. The contents of the glands include odorous substances guaiacol and benzoic acid, which have both antimicrobial effect, but the healing properties of the jet, based on this property, are used only by traditional medicine.

Among the properties that beaver stream tincture has are:

  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • increasing potency;
  • strengthening immune system;
  • help with fatigue and loss of strength.

The antiseptic, antispasmodic and sedative effects of the drugs help treat:

  • hematomas and swelling;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female and male genital area;
  • consequences of injuries and bruises;
  • colds;
  • convulsive conditions and mental illness;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • skin damage (ulcers, bedsores, hard-to-heal wounds);
  • osteochondrosis, arthritis and radiculitis.

Preparing beaver stream

The preparation of beaver stream tincture should begin by grinding purchased fresh or dry beaver glands. Dried ones can be chopped or grated if they are soft enough. At long-term storage the dry stream of beaver becomes hard, and you can grind it with a hammer or in a mortar, grinding the lumps as hard as possible. Fresh raw materials are easiest to cut into small pieces.

The methods by which the beaver stream was prepared have not changed to this day.. The simplest method is to infuse the crushed raw materials in alcohol. Vodka, alcohol, and moonshine are suitable for making tincture at home. Before preparing beaver stream, you need to purchase high-quality alcohol.

When using recipes with alcohol, you need to use a liquid with a strength of no more than 70% vol. In a stronger alcohol solution extraction of useful substances from any raw material occurs more slowly. Alcohol can be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and used in the proportion indicated in recipes for tinctures with vodka. Too strong moonshine is also recommended to be diluted with water to the standard strength of vodka.

Preparing to cook

Before mixing the ingredients and infusing the beaver stream, you need to weigh its amount. This will be necessary when calculating the volume of alcohol for the tincture.

You should know that during the course of treatment for tuberculosis, neuroses, chronic diseases genital area, etc., at least 500-700 g of dried beaver stream is required. IN fresh iron weighs about 1.5 times more, and this must be taken into account when purchasing it.

When making medicine at home, you need to know how to properly infuse raw materials. There is nothing complicated about this, but to better extract soluble substances from solid particles, the container with the tincture must be shaken periodically, mixing the layers of liquid. This can be done once a day. It is better to infuse in a dark place at room temperature. The container should have a tight lid; sometimes healers even advise rolling up the jar like canned food, or filling the cork with wax.

Recipe for Fresh Beaver Stream

The method of preparing medicine from fresh beaver stream involves cleaning it from meat and fat. There is no need to wash the gland, you just need to remove all excess so that connective tissue sacs with the contents remain.

For every 0.5 liter of vodka you need to take about 170 g of fresh raw materials. If the medicine is prepared for long-term use course treatment, then you should purchase at least 1 kg of beaver glands and prepare the tincture in large quantities at once, since it will take a long time to infuse.

Purified castoreum must be crushed together with a sand-like mass that is inside each gland. Place the ingredients in a suitable container, close it tightly and leave for 3-4 weeks without opening the lid. After this, strain the medicine and use it as directed.

There is no need to throw away the sediment: preparing a beaver stream involves it reuse. For secondary extraction, take 2 times less amount of vodka, but otherwise do the same. This tincture is used in the same ways as the first extract.

Tincture of dried beaver stream

The method of preparing the tincture from the dried stream differs only in the method of preparing the castoreum. Dry raw materials need to be turned into powder, so the extraction of useful substances will be more effective. When purchasing ready-made powder, all that remains is to mix it with vodka or moonshine. You will need:

  • 100-120 g crushed stream;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.

Place the ingredients in a jar, seal it tightly and leave in a dark place for 3-4 weeks, shaking the container periodically.

To soften bad taste drink and enhance its effect, beaver stream tincture can be prepared with additional ingredients:

  1. For 100 g of jet powder and 0.5 liters of vodka or moonshine, add 1 tbsp. l. propolis. After mixing the ingredients, the extract is prepared according to general principles.
  2. If you mix 100 g of dried beaver stream, 0.5 liters of vodka and 2-3 tbsp. l. bee honey, the drink will acquire less tart taste. How to infuse beaver stream is indicated in the basic recipe.

The use of tincture with bee products is prohibited for those who are allergic to them.

The infusion time for the beaver stream should be as indicated in the recipes. Obtaining an alcohol extract is slower than preparing herbal decoctions, so infusion for 2-3 days will be useless.

The amount of substances in the stream that get into the alcohol depends on how long the extract is infused: if the liquid is not filtered, but left along with the sediment, then as the tincture is stored, their concentration increases. This must be taken into account when using the medicine.

Preparing beaver stream with alcohol

To prepare with alcohol, beaver stream is taken in the same quantity as in previous recipes(with vodka or moonshine). The difference lies in the amount of alcohol taken to make the extract: for every 100 g of dried beaver jet powder or 150 g of fresh raw materials, you need to take 300 ml of 70% alcohol. Otherwise, infusion is carried out in the same way as with less strong alcohol.

Before cooking, alcohol can be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting solution is taken for tincture in the same quantity as vodka.

When using tincture with alcohol, there is a difference in doses: the dosage of alcohol tincture is reduced by 2 times in relation to vodka. This is explained by the higher concentration of dissolved substances in the stream, since 70% alcohol extracts them more efficiently from dry or fresh raw materials.

Methods of application

Considering the bactericidal properties of the drug from beaver stream, as well as its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory qualities, we can distinguish 2 ways to use the tincture:

  • outer;
  • interior.

Preparations based on beaver stream can be used as an external remedy for various diseases:

  1. If the problem is inflammatory diseases musculoskeletal system, then for treatment they use rubbing and compresses with vodka extract. When using an alcohol extract, you need to dilute it with water (1:1) to avoid skin burns.
  2. For ARVI, you can inhale vapors of vodka tincture. To do this, you can pour a small amount into a separate jar and inhale the vapors for 10 seconds (take deep breaths 1-2 times).
  3. For varicose veins, vodka tincture should be diluted with water (1:1). It is used as a lotion on nodes with dilated veins, applying a bandage soaked in the medicine for 5-10 minutes on the affected areas.
  4. To eliminate bruises and reduce pain from sprains or bruises, you can use rubbing and compresses. For a compress, use a cloth soaked in vodka tincture or an alcohol extract diluted 2 times with water. Keep the compress for 30-60 minutes.
  5. Difficult-to-heal festering wounds are washed with diluted tincture 5-6 times a day. To receive medicinal solution take 1 tbsp. l vodka product and 0.5 cups boiled water. When using alcohol tincture, increase the amount of water by 2 times.

For neuroses, insomnia and problems with the genital organs in men and women, during menopause traditional healers It is recommended to take a beaver stream internally.

Treatment regimens may be as follows:

  1. For prostatitis, adenoma prostate gland and gynecological diseases, take 1 teaspoon of vodka tincture, 3-4 doses per day before meals. The alcohol preparation should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio before use, and then consumed as directed. Treatment is carried out in courses of 1 month with a break of 1 week, and the total duration of such therapy can be up to 6-8 months.
  2. Taking the tincture helps a lot when vegetative-vascular dystonia And chronic fatigue. Dosage: 5-6 drops 2 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, after a 10-day break it can be repeated.
  3. To treat impotence, you need to find out your testosterone level, and then start taking the drug 1 tsp. 3 times a day, monitoring testosterone levels in the clinic. When it reaches the norm, take a break from taking the tincture, and then begin a preventive course: 5-6 drops per day for 1 year (without breaks).
  4. To activate the immune system when frequent colds, furunculosis, fungal diseases, take 15 drops of vodka tincture 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 week, then take a break for the same amount of time and repeat the treatment.

Beaver stream for disease prevention

In the autumn-winter period, beaver jet extract can be used in for preventive purposes. To do this, it is recommended to add 0.5 tsp to tea or coffee 3 times a day. drug. This method activates the immune system, and the risk of getting the flu is reduced.

Traditional healers also use another method of preventive treatment. During the cold period of the year, during ARVI epidemics, you can take the jet extract in the morning, before the working day. For this, 1 tsp. The drug is consumed 30 minutes before breakfast with a small amount of water, tea or coffee.

Beaver stream or beaver musk is a substance that is produced by a special gland of the animal, related to the endocrine glands. This unique substance, which contains more than 50 valuable natural compounds.

This yellowish-brown jelly-like substance with a strong, pungent odor has been known for its healing properties for a very long time. With its help, people have healed the most serious illnesses, not to mention simple health improvement body, increasing immunity, strengthening the body's defenses. Previously, in order to get a beaver stream, you had to kill the animal. Fortunately, they have now found a humane means of extraction that does not involve his death.

Some people mistake a beaver's stream for animal urine. But this is not true at all. This substance is castoreum, which, as we already know, is produced by the endocrine gland of the animal. A similar gland is also present in other animals, for example, musk deer. Let's find out why the beaver stream is so useful for humans and discuss the preparation of a tincture from it. We’ll also find out how else you can use it for treatment, besides tincture:

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, beaver jets have been used to treat the most various diseases. With its help they got rid of impotence, treated heart ailments, nervous diseases, healed wounds. For these purposes healing substance are still used effectively today. It is also used to treat vascular and kidney diseases. This product effectively removes headache, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Together with spa procedures, its use will help in the treatment of joint diseases, osteochondrosis, and radiculitis.

Musk found in iron is also used in perfumery. It is used in very small quantities in the manufacture of expensive perfumes. But still, first of all, the stream is used in medicine, both traditional and folk, because of its unusually useful, healing properties.

The beaver stream is used as a powder, suppositories, and ointments. But still, a tincture based on it is most often used. Let's find out how to prepare it:

Preparing the tincture

To prepare medicinal alcohol tincture, you need fresh or dried beaver stream and high-quality alcohol with a strength of no more than 70°. So, grind with sharp knife or scissors stream of beaver. Place everything in a clean jar, fill with alcohol at the rate of 100 g of crushed stream per 400 ml of alcohol.

Now put the well-closed jar on a shelf in a dark kitchen cabinet and forget about it for 1 week. After the expiration date, take out the jar and look: if the tincture turns out to be the color of dark amber, such a pleasant, cognac shade, the tincture is of high quality and effective. If it is pale, you should add more chopped stream and leave for another week. If the color is very dark, then, on the contrary, add a little more alcohol.

It must also be said that, of course, it is best to use 70° alcohol, since it is precisely this concentration that most fully “takes away” and absorbs everything useful substances from the medicinal ingredient that is placed in it. You can also use good vodka. But then take half a liter of vodka for 100 g of stream.

The finished tincture can be diluted with water before use, since not everyone can take such a strong remedy.

How to take:

For preventive purposes, as well as to improve general well-being take 1 tsp. half an hour before meals.

WITH therapeutic purpose you need to take 1 dessert spoon, at least 3 times before meals. If a person weighs more than 80 kg, the tincture should be drunk not at the dessert level, but at 1 tbsp. l. spoon half an hour before meals. You can add this remedy to tea or coffee, as you usually add a medicinal alcohol balm. Carry out treatment from 1 to 2 months. Then take a 30-day break and repeat everything.

There are no contraindications for taking beaver stream. Of course, if the recommended dosage for use is followed (this prerequisite successful treatment). The tincture has a high healing effect and is well absorbed by the human body. In addition to beaver stream tincture, you can prepare rectal suppositories and use them to treat, for example, adenoma. Here is one of the recipes:

Making candles

Buy these rectal suppositories with belladonna extract at the pharmacy (do not take those with ichthyol). Place them in a ladle and heat in a water bath until smooth. Now put a little finely chopped stream there in the ratio of 1 candle, a piece of stream the size of a match head. Mix everything thoroughly until the stream is completely mixed with the mass. Now pour it out medicinal mass into pre-prepared molds, cool. Then place it in the refrigerator and wait until it cools down. Use 1 candle before bed.


To prepare the ointment, dissolve 200 g of badger or bear fat in a water bath. Now add 100 g of beaver stream, crushed to a powder, into the hot mass, heat everything, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes. Then rub the hot ointment (not scalding, of course) into the sore joints.


You can take the jet powder in order to improve the health of the body. To do this, take a dose of powder (crushed substance) comparable to 2 match heads 2 times a day. But the tincture we talked about above is still more effective. Be healthy!

The unique substance of the glands of beavers - beaver stream - has healing composition. To understand why this remedy is so popular, you need to know its properties, indications for use and the effect it gives.

  • Castoreum or beaver stream - brown aromatic mass natural origin secreted by the glands of beavers.
  • These animals store in their glands nutrients, which are used during periods of illness, hunger or injury. A detailed study of the composition revealed that it contains more than 40 biologically active components that have the most valuable properties. The beaver diet includes up to 150 medicinal herbs that can relieve humans from various diseases.
  • In addition to the general strengthening, anti-inflammatory effects, tincture of beaver stream has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and endocrine systems. Improves blood circulation, prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis, increases potency, and activates brain function.
  • Pharmacology actively uses the elixir in the development of effective medicines. The following are highlighted from it:
    • borneol;
    • steroids;
    • salicylic acid;
    • benzyl alcohol, other drugs.

The use of the infusion is not limited therapeutic purposes. The properties of a substance with a persistent musky odor have been appreciated by perfumers who use it to create tart, sensual aromas.

Castoreum in history

Our ancestors appreciated the product: its price was 4 times higher than the cost of animal skin.

Since the 16th century, the extract has appeared on the list of official medicines:

  1. It was actively used in China, Egypt, European countries and Ancient Rus'.
  2. During military campaigns led by Alexander Nevsky, the substance was used for fast healing cuts, arrow wounds, tumors.
  3. Mao Zedong used it to treat diabetes.
  4. After being wounded during the capture of Kazan, Ivan the Terrible was quickly healed with his help.
  5. Peter I preferred to use this substance for quick removal hangover syndrome and treatment of colds.
  6. A.S. Pushkin used the remedy to get rid of joint pain. The poet was so amazed healing properties that he dedicated one of his creations to him - “Ode on a Beaver Stream”.
  7. In the 19th century, the infusion was used to treat mental illness, epilepsy, depressive states, psychosis.

After numerous studies of the substance, the Space Institute recommended it for use by astronauts.

Medicinal properties

This elixir is a unique substance that helps get rid of diseases more effectively than traditional medicine:

  • An excellent complementary therapy to non-natural treatment methods such as chemotherapy and laser therapy.
  • Leaving reviews about the beaver stream, men and women admit that the use of castoreum relieved both the underlying pathology and other problems:
    • When used for joint diseases, there was an increase in potency in the stronger sex and an improvement in well-being.
    • Common additional beneficial effect What women notice when getting rid of health problems is skin rejuvenation and overall strengthening of the body.

For men

Especially useful property beaver stream - troubleshooting genitourinary system men. It is not for nothing that people gave it the name “natural Viagra”.

  1. It cures prostate adenoma, inflammation of the urethra, impotence, premature ejaculation, prostatitis, pain when urinating.
  2. The prostate gland is called the “second heart” of men, and after 35 years this organ often begins to malfunction. Castoreum is an assistant in maintaining prostate health. It strengthens male strength and sexual desire.

If you have heart problems, you can use it after consulting a specialist.

For women

Use of the elixir by women eliminates:

  • thrush;
  • inflammatory process in the bladder;
  • candidiasis;
  • painful sensations in the chest;
  • other gynecological diseases.

Jet reduces development climacteric syndrome, significantly making life easier during menopause.

What other diseases does beaver stream tincture help with?

  • strokes;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • respiratory and pulmonary pathologies;
  • hepatitis A and B;

  • blood diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • furunculosis;
  • herpes;
  • radiculitis;
  • oncology;
  • viral diseases (staphylococci, different types mushrooms, etc.);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • convulsions;
  • for kidney diseases (inflammation, failure, stones).

In some cases, the drug is more effective than antibiotics.

Use for preventive purposes

  1. Taking the tincture is also recommended healthy people. In addition to preventing many diseases, it eliminates vitamin deficiency, increased nervousness, overwork, loss of strength. It is useful for athletes to increase endurance and increase the effectiveness of training.
  2. Treats migraine, nervous system disorders.
  3. The properties of enhancing metabolism and improving blood circulation accelerate postoperative rehabilitation.
  4. When drugs containing the substance are instilled into the eyes, inflammation goes away, vision improves, and itching is eliminated.
  5. If you use ear drops, your hearing improves significantly and the auditory nerve is restored.

Beaver extract is a unique phytoproduct. Due to the content of many active ingredients, it helps when traditional medicine powerless. However, like any remedy, it should be used with caution after visiting a doctor.


You need to take the elixir in courses.

  • The dosage and duration of the course should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account physical parameters such as height and weight.
  • It is believed that there are no contraindications for use. However, the possibility of intolerance to the substance must be taken into account. This natural medicine with 100% digestibility, therefore, apart from allergies, there are no other limiting factors for its use.
  • Thus, the main contraindications are allergic reactions. They can only be identified by trial, using a small amount of the product and monitoring the changes that have occurred in the body. For most men and women, the extract does not cause these symptoms, so this is a contraindication, rather an exception than a common occurrence.

The drug contains biologically active ingredients, the dosage prescribed by the doctor should not be exceeded. Otherwise, side effects may occur:

  • headache;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • insomnia.

In addition, it should be taken with caution during pregnancy, lactation, and children under 12 years of age.

Instructions for use of most dietary supplements based on beaver stream include pregnancy as a contraindication to taking the supplement.


  1. Taking an infusion of beaver stream is not very pleasant due to its peculiar smell and taste, so it used to be drunk with honey or herbal teas.
  2. It is recommended to use it with coffee, take a sip of the drink and, without swallowing, take the infusion. The coffee drink helps eliminate the bitter taste and smell. The elixir is recommended to be taken once a day in the morning.

For prevention, general strengthening you need to drink an alcohol preparation of 20 drops or eat a piece (like a match head) of dry beaver musk. The required dosage is prescribed by the doctor after examining the person and studying his condition. There are many indications for use - its healing properties help prevent or eliminate more than a hundred pathologies.

Therapy of bronchopulmonary and colds

This method of treatment is useful for all respiratory diseases, bronchial, pulmonary pathologies, including tuberculosis:

  • It is recommended to use the beaver jet tincture through inhalation: immediately after opening the jar, take 3-4 deep breaths.
  • You can drink it on an empty stomach once a day. This will support protective forces body, will boost immunity.

Therapy of varicose veins, edema

Common indications for taking the extract are varicose veins, the appearance of blood clots, and bruises:

  • The herbal medicine should be drunk and applied externally.
  • Apply the product to the steamed body, rubbing it into the affected areas.

In parallel with this, castoreum should be taken orally three times a day on an empty stomach, a teaspoon. The effect of this treatment appears three weeks after starting.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids in men, the drug is used in the form of suppositories.

You can make candles at home

  1. Buy regular rectal suppositories at the pharmacy and melt them in a water bath.
  2. Then pour crushed castoreum into the resulting mass, calculating an amount the size of a match head per candle.
  3. Stir the mixture well and pour into molds. Suitable for forms insulin syringes, cut off from the needle side.
  4. The forms are placed vertically, then placed in the refrigerator. When the mass hardens, it can be used.
  5. To do this, the candle is squeezed out of the mold with the plunger of a syringe and inserted into the anus at night.
  6. The course of treatment lasts 10 days.
  7. If necessary, repeat it after a short break.
  8. In addition, it is recommended to drink a teaspoon once a day.

Castoreum has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it is indicated for the treatment of vaginal and urogenital infections.

  1. To cure thrush or candidiasis, add 2 teaspoons of tincture to a glass of water, soak a gauze swab with the liquid, and insert it into the vagina.
  2. If the glans penis is affected in men, wrap the affected area in soaked gauze and put cellophane and thick underwear on top.
  3. In most cases, the pathology resolves after a one- or two-time procedure.

The second way to use the jet to treat urogenital infections is as an ointment.

  1. It is based on regular Vaseline. Add a small piece of crushed castoreum to a tablespoon of Vaseline and mix the resulting mass thoroughly.
  2. The ointment is applied to the affected areas of the external genitalia in a thick layer.
  3. Cover them with a sterile bandage and put on thick underwear so that the compress holds well.

The choice of method of application should be entrusted to the doctor: taking into account the nature of the infection and the type of pathogen, the specialist will select the optimal treatment regimen.

  • Thanks to the alcohol base, in the first case the skin (rashes, other negative manifestations infections) will dry out and recover faster.
  • The second case is more suitable for the treatment of pathologies whose occurrence is not associated with bacteria, since a fatty environment is favorable for their reproduction.

To use beaver musk, it is not necessary to have special indications for this. You can drink it to restore strength and increase the body's endurance, which is especially important during heavy physical activity.

How to prepare a drink from beaver stream that will quickly raise your tone and add energy:

  1. Add tincture (1 teaspoon) to warm tea or coffee.
  2. If these drinks cannot be consumed due to hypertension or insomnia, castoreum can be drunk along with herbal teas or berry infusions.
  3. The healing properties of the herbal product will quickly lift your spirits and give you a boost of energy.

How to prepare Castoreum

It is used in several forms: powder, alcohol tincture, rectal suppositories. To prepare the tincture, you should grind the pre-dried beaver gland, pour it into a container, and pour it with alcohol.

  1. The ratio of castoreum to liquid should be: 100 g per 600-700 ml.
  2. The mixture is infused for about a month in a dark place.
  3. It needs to be shaken every 3 days.
  4. The result is a cognac-colored liquid.
  5. The medicine should also be stored in a dark place, perhaps in the refrigerator.

If you need to cook powder:

  1. Separate castoreum from blood and fat.
  2. Then dry for a month in a place where direct sunlight does not reach.
  3. When the iron becomes hard, it is ground on a grater to obtain a powder.

Making candles is not particularly difficult.

Buy beaver stream at the pharmacy

If you are not a hunter, you do not have friends from the hunting community, it will be difficult for you to buy castoreum. In pharmacies there are preparations with beaver stream, depending on the composition, the price of herbal products ranges from 500 rubles to 2000. These include candles, tinctures, creams:

Drug name Manufacturer Price
Candles with beaver stream extract

extract in cocoa butter

MateriaBioProfiCenter LLC from 340 rub.
Cedar resin on cedar oil with beaver stream, 100ml. Sashera-Med 420 RUR
Nuxaden cream suppositories FITECO 360
The beaver's secret bee bread. Reinforced complex. Capsules Sashera-Med 430
Beaver stream extract - castoreum MateriaBioProfiCenter LLC 800
Rectal-vaginal suppositories Castoreol LLC "Liaton" from 500
Castocrine capsules