Chemotherapy drugs - a review of modern drugs. What drugs are used during chemotherapy? The most effective drugs for chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one of the components of antitumor treatment, which is based on the effect toxic substances and poisons.

The goal of using chemotherapy is the absolute destruction of the tumor, stopping the growth of the tumor, reducing its size, and eliminating metastases. Before starting chemotherapy, a person undergoes a mandatory examination. Timely use of chemotherapy allows one to achieve significant results in the treatment of a malignant process.

Types of chemotherapy drugs

The chemotherapy procedure can be carried out using various groups drugs. The choice of antitumor agent depends on the specific clinical situation. The following groups of drugs are used for chemotherapy:

I. Alkylating agents. This class of antitumor chemotherapy drugs was one of the first to appear. The active components of drugs are nitrogen mustards, which exhibit toxic activity. The mechanism of action of these substances is an internal break in the DNA of the cancer cell, which leads to its death. This type of chemotherapy has pronounced antitumor activity, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of all types of cancer.

Antitumor drugs with alkylating agents include: Cytoxan, Cisplatin, etc.

II. Anthracyclines. Many representatives of this class antitumor drugs have vegetable origin. When the substance enters the body, the DNA chain breaks. In addition, drugs in this group prevent the re-formation of cancer cells.

III. Antimetabolites. The vast majority of antimetabolites consist of natural components. One of the representatives of antimetabolites is an analogue folic acid. The principle of action of these substances is based on the introduction into metabolic processes inside a cancer cell, which leads to its death.

This includes drugs such as Methotrexate, Cytaribine, 5-fluorouracil, etc.

IV. Antibiotics. This group of chemotherapy drugs affects the DNA of a cancer cell, preventing it from dividing.

Antitumor drugs-antibiotics include Bleomycin and others

V. Vinkalkaloids. This group of drugs contains vinca alkaloids. Once in the body, these substances stop the process of new cancer cells appearing.

Vincalcaloids include: Vinblastine, Vindesine, Vincristine

VI. Camptothecins. The principle of action of these medications is to block the process of DNA formation in cancer cells.

The drugs Etoposide, Irenotecan, and others belong to the category of campothecins.

VII. Platinum preparations. Medicinal substances containing platinum have pronounced activity. Once in the body, these substances are cross-linked cancer cells from the inside. Platinum drugs are most often used to treat testicular and lung cancer.

Chemotherapy drugs

Chemotherapy drugs are primarily used to treat oncological diseases:

But chemotherapy drugs are also used to treat the following diseases:

Drugs that have a cytostatic effect are used to treat diseases unrelated to cancer. In this case, we are talking about treatment benign neoplasms, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, lupus nephritis.

Drugs before chemotherapy

Before starting chemotherapy, patients are given an appointment herbal preparations, which help strengthen the body's defenses. These medicines have detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects. Taking these substances will make it easier to tolerate chemotherapy.

Emend, paloxi, etc. are taken before starting chemotherapy

Antiemetic drugs during chemotherapy

This type of medicine is used to eliminate the discomfort and nausea that is typical when administering chemotherapy drugs. The main reasons for vomiting during a course of chemotherapy are damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach walls by chemotherapy drugs, as well as a negative effect on the nervous system.

Most often prescribed by doctors the following drugs: Emend, Zofran, Emetron, Kytril, Lorazepam, etc.

Drugs during chemotherapy

During chemotherapy, the patient additionally takes the following groups of medications:

Immunomodulators that help normalize the functioning of the immune system.

Oncoprotectors. This group of drugs is used to stop the division and growth of foreign cells.

Antidepressants and antipsychotics to help combat depression.

During chemotherapy, drugs are prescribed such as: Kytril, Zantac, Zofran, Neupogen, Neulastim, Cipralex, Paloxi, Dexamethasone, etc.

Drugs after chemotherapy

During the recovery period after chemotherapy, the following medications are used:

Hepatoprotectors. The purpose of taking these drugs is to restore liver function.

It should be noted that Israeli doctors do not prescribe hepatoprotectors to patients, because They believe that there is no particular benefit from them, and the load on the body increases.

Drugs that increase the concentration of leukocytes in the blood (Neupogen, etc.)

Drugs to normalize work gastrointestinal tract(Losek)

New chemotherapy drugs

Most modern techniques Targeted chemotherapy is considered, during which the penetration of chemotherapy drugs into the cancer cell is observed. Newest groups drugs are able to stop cytostatic metabolism, having minimal effects on body tissues.

Chemotherapy drugs produced in Israel

Modern Israeli industry produces all types of chemotherapy drugs that meet safety and quality criteria. Each drug is subject to mandatory certification.

1. Paclitaxel

2. Oxaliplatin

3. Blenamax

4. Veraplex

4. Vinblastine

5. Vincristine

6. Doxorubicin

7. Carboplatin

8. Megaplex

9. Fludarabine

10. Fluorouracil

11. Cyproterone

12. Cisplatin

13. Etoposide

You can purchase all chemotherapy drugs through our company Professional Medical Service (We treat in Israel) by calling by the following phone numbers+7-495-150-90-20 (Russia), +972-52-398-37-66 (Israel) or by submitting a request for a free consultation.

We are on Viber and WhatsApp.

Chemotherapy in oncology is the leading direction in prescribing treatment course patients by administering antitumor drugs of various groups. Is this the main treatment or an addition to the main one? surgical method if the operation is effective.

Depending on the mechanism of action, all chemotherapy drugs are classified according to the classification into cytostatics, anticancer antibiotics, platinum antibiotics, anthracyclines, taxanes, vincalkaloids, anthracyclines, alkylating agents, although the degree of impact on cellular processes and the tumor varies.

The best drugs for chemotherapy

According to research, the use of immunostimulants with a wide range of effects on tumors in the body is effective during chemotherapy. Today, many effective chemotherapy drugs have been developed to:

Most effective drugs for new generation chemotherapy:

  • alkylating agents (Ifosfamide, Melphalin, Procarbazine, Cyclophosphamine, Busulfan, Decarbazine) as powerful antitumor agents containing nitrogenous and planinic toxic compounds, aimed at eliminating the suppression of tumors of any size and any type of cancer, in particular leukemia and negatively affecting charged particles in DNA molecules;
  • antimetabolites (Antifolate, Metrotrachait, Fluorouracil, Thymidine, Gemcitabine, (Cytarabine) as analogues of folic acid, applicable in the treatment of childhood leukemia, promote repair inhibition of synthesis in DNA, improvement of hematological levels in the blood, introduction into metabolic processes, creation of new DNA structures. Applicable in the treatment of cancer of the breast, head and neck, pancreas, stomach, anus, esophagus, colon;
  • anthracyclines as powerful anticancer drugs (in particular Daunorubicin), leading to the formation of free oxygen radicals, inhibition of DNA synthesis, topoisomerase fermentation, DNA repair. Daunorubicin is toxic to the heart muscle, which oncologists should take into account when prescribing the drug, as well as Bidarubicin, Epirubicin, Mitoxantrone;
  • anticancer antibiotics (Bleomycin, Adriamycin, Methotrexate Vidarabine, Thymidine, Fluorouracil, Gemcitabine, Cladribine, Fluorouracil) as new generation drugs, but can lead to adverse reactions: severe intoxication in the gastrointestinal tract, convulsions, bone marrow suppression;
  • vinca alkaloids (Tubulin, Vinorelbine, Vinblastine, Vincristine) as less toxic herbal preparations with periwinkle (leaf) extract to destroy cancer cells;
  • platinum drugs, leading to the destruction of their DNA structures, suppression of functions and death of malignant cells. Chemotherapy is carried out and platinum is used as an active ingredient in the composition: Oxaliplatin, Carboplatin, Cisplatin can have a strong platinum effect, but toxic damage to renal structures and the development of neuropathy are possible;
  • cytostatics with combined effects (Dacarbazine, Procarbazine, Hydroxyurea, Capecitabine, Gemzar, Gemcitabine Fluorouracil 5), promoting the integration of cancer cells into the genetic apparatus, preventing their division;
  • anthracyclines (Adriblastin, Rubomycin, Podophyllotoxin) to collect free radicals, inhibit topoisomerase, leading to the death of cancer DNA cells and structures.

When carrying out therapy, topoisomerases2 can be included in the course with the aim of integrating into DNA structures, exerting an inhibitory effect on cancer cells and metastases, and stabilizing polymerase microtubules. All chemotherapy drugs differ in their principle of action and the presence of side effects. When prescribing them, doctors first develop treatment protocols so as not to cause severe harm the patient's body upon their administration.

What medications will help you recover after chemotherapy?

For rehabilitation purposes, patients are prescribed herbal medicines to restore the body, in particular the kidneys in case of damage, when the patient exhibits signs of diarrhea and vomiting. Appointed:

  • Uromitexan as a means to restore blood composition in the event of swelling, infiltration and necrosis of epithelial cells in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Filstim for restoration of microflora in immune system ;
  • Lactogon, Neurorubin, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, Lactovit forte;
  • Gepadif, Glutargin, Karsil, Essentiale Forte N for the restoration of liver cells, when toxic substances lead to severe stress on the liver, difficulty in the functions of hepatocytes, and changes in blood parameters;
  • cardiotonics to restore the affected cardiovascular system;
  • Kvamatel, Nexium, Proxium to restore intestinal function.

Many patients after chemotherapy begin to suffer from depression, in particular duodenal depression, in the event of a release large quantity hormones into the duodenum, the development of the inflammatory process and imbalance of neuropeptides. In this case, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antioxidants are prescribed.

It's no secret that even a single course of chemotherapy not only leads to side effects, but also has a detrimental effect on the body as a whole. The main task of doctors when developing treatment for oncology is to have the maximum impact on cancer cells, reduce their rate of reproduction, and prevent the spread of metastases throughout the body.

It is the use of chemotherapy drugs in combination that will allow achieving stable remission, preventing tumor proliferation and metastasis, thereby prolonging the patient’s life. At the same time, drugs during chemotherapy are a severe blow to the immune system and many organs: heart, kidneys, liver. They kill not only pathological, but also healthy cells in the body. What to do? To prolong life, there is nothing else left and this is the best antidote (in particular platinum drugs) in the fight against tumor cells in the body today. So far, oncologists have not come up with anything different or better.

Informative video

This is the main treatment or an addition to the main surgical method if the operation is successful.

Depending on the mechanism of action, all chemotherapy drugs are classified according to the classification into cytostatics, anticancer antibiotics, platinum antibiotics, anthracyclines, taxanes, vincalkaloids, anthracyclines, alkylating agents, although the degree of impact on cellular processes and the tumor varies.

The best drugs for chemotherapy

According to research, the use of immunostimulants with a wide range of effects on tumors in the body is effective during chemotherapy. Today, many effective chemotherapy drugs have been developed to:

  • effects on the active phase of the G2 cell cycle;
  • stimulation of DNA structures and mitotic proteins.

The most effective drugs for new generation chemotherapy:

  • alkylating agents (Ifosfamide, Melphalin, Procarbazine, Cyclophosphamine, Busulfan, Decarbazine) as powerful antitumor agents containing nitrogenous and planinic toxic compounds, aimed at eliminating the suppression of tumors of any size and any type of cancer, in particular leukemia and negatively affecting charged particles in DNA molecules;
  • antimetabolites (Antifolate, Metrotrachait, Fluorouracil, Thymidine, Gemcitabine, (Cytarabine) as analogues of folic acid, applicable in the treatment of childhood leukemia, promote repair and inhibition of DNA synthesis, improvement of hematological levels in the blood, introduction into metabolic processes, creation of new DNA structures. Applicable in the treatment of cancer of the breast, head and neck, pancreas, stomach, anus, esophagus, colon;
  • anthracyclines as powerful anticancer drugs (in particular Daunorubicin), leading to the formation of free oxygen radicals, inhibition of DNA synthesis, topoisomerase fermentation, DNA repair. Daunorubicin is toxic to the heart muscle, which oncologists should take into account when prescribing the drug, as well as Bidarubicin, Epirubicin, Mitoxantrone;
  • anticancer antibiotics (Bleomycin, Adriamycin, Methotrexate Vidarabine, Thymidine, Fluorouracil, Gemcitabine, Cladribine, Fluorouracil) as new generation drugs, but can lead to adverse reactions: severe intoxication in the gastrointestinal tract, convulsions, bone marrow suppression;
  • vinca alkaloids (Tubulin, Vinorelbine, Vinblastine, Vincristine) as less toxic herbal preparations with periwinkle (leaf) extract to destroy cancer cells;
  • platinum drugs, leading to the destruction of their DNA structures, suppression of functions and death of malignant cells. Chemotherapy is carried out and platinum is used as an active ingredient in the composition: Oxaliplatin, Carboplatin, Cisplatin can have a strong platinum effect, but toxic damage to renal structures and the development of neuropathy are possible;
  • cytostatics with combined effects (Dacarbazine, Procarbazine, Hydroxyurea, Capecitabine, Gemzar, Gemcitabine Fluorouracil 5), promoting the integration of cancer cells into the genetic apparatus, preventing their division;
  • anthracyclines (Adriblastin, Rubomycin, Podophyllotoxin) to collect free radicals, inhibit topoisomerase, leading to the death of cancer DNA cells and structures.

When carrying out therapy, topoisomerases2 can be included in the course with the aim of integrating into DNA structures, exerting an inhibitory effect on cancer cells and metastases, and stabilizing polymerase microtubules. All chemotherapy drugs differ in their principle of action and the presence of side effects. When prescribing them, doctors first develop treatment protocols so as not to cause severe harm to the patient’s body during their administration.

What medications will help you recover after chemotherapy?

For rehabilitation purposes, patients are prescribed herbal medicines to restore the body, in particular the kidneys in case of damage, when the patient exhibits signs of diarrhea and vomiting. Appointed:

  • Uromitexan as a means to restore blood composition in the event of swelling, infiltration and necrosis of epithelial cells in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Filstim to restore microflora in the immune system after chemotherapy;
  • Lactogon, Neurorubin, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, Lactovit forte;
  • Gepadif, Glutargin, Karsil, Essentiale Forte N for the restoration of liver cells, when toxic substances lead to severe stress on the liver, difficulty in the functions of hepatocytes, and changes in blood parameters;
  • cardiotonics to restore the affected cardiovascular system;
  • Kvamatel, Nexium, Proxium to restore intestinal function.

Many patients after chemotherapy begin to suffer from depression, in particular duodenal depression, in the event of the release of a large amount of hormones into the duodenum, the development of an inflammatory process and an imbalance of neuropeptides. In this case, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antioxidants are prescribed.

It's no secret that even a single course of chemotherapy not only leads to side effects, but also has a detrimental effect on the body as a whole. The main task of doctors when developing treatment for oncology is to have the maximum impact on cancer cells, reduce their rate of reproduction, and prevent the spread of metastases throughout the body.

It is the use of chemotherapy drugs in combination that will allow achieving stable remission, preventing tumor proliferation and metastasis, thereby prolonging the patient’s life. At the same time, drugs during chemotherapy are a severe blow to the immune system and many organs: heart, kidneys, liver. They kill not only pathological, but also healthy cells in the body. What to do? To prolong life, there is nothing else left and this is the best antidote (in particular platinum drugs) in the fight against tumor cells in the body today. So far, oncologists have not come up with anything different or better.

What drugs are used during chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is one of the leading areas in the treatment of oncological pathologies. Most often, patients are treated with polychemotherapy, which involves the administration of several antitumor drugs of different groups.

Chemotherapy can be used as the primary treatment or as an adjunct to surgery and radiation method therapy.

Types of chemotherapy drugs

All chemotherapy drugs are classified into several groups, according to their mechanism of action:

  • Alkylating agents;
  • Anthracyclines;
  • Platinum drugs;
  • Anticancer antibiotics;
  • Vinkalkaloids;
  • Cytostatics;
  • Taxanes, etc.

Each group of drugs can affect different phases cellular processes and life cycles.

Alkylating agents

The principle of action of drugs in this group is based on the formation of covalent bonds with the DNA chain.

It has not yet been determined exactly how the death of cellular structures occurs after an alkylating effect, but it is clear that these drugs cause an error in the processes of reading genetic information, which leads to the suppression of the formation of the corresponding proteins.

However, there is a glutathione system - a natural immunity from alkylating agents, therefore, with an increased content of glutathione, the effectiveness of alkylating agents against malignant tumor will be reduced.

But due to the use of these drugs, there is a possibility of secondary cancer, the most common form of which is leukemia, which manifests itself several years after chemotherapy.

The main representatives of this group are drugs like Cyclophosphamide, Embiquin and Ifosfamide, Chlorambucil and Busulfan, Procarbazine and BCNU, nitrosourea-based products.

Anticancer antibiotics

These drugs are in no way related to commonly known antibiotics. The mechanism of their effect is to slow down the gene division of cancer cell structures.

Anticancer antibiotics can affect different cellular phases, so sometimes their mechanisms of action are slightly different. Drugs of this group in terms of adverse reactions are most dangerous for pulmonary structures, because due to the formation of free oxygen radicals they have a toxic effect on the lungs.

The most famous anti-cancer antibiotics are Adriamycin and Bleomycin. Most often it is used in polychemotherapy together with Cytotoxin.

Antibiotics should not be confused with antimetabolites, active substances which are integrated into the genetic cellular apparatus. As a result, when the cancerous cell structure divides, it is destroyed.

These are the drugs Methotrexate, Gemzar, Gemcitabine, Fludarabine and Cladribine, 5-Fluorouracil, etc. The latter drug can suppress adverse reactions bone marrow, causes severe intoxication of the gastrointestinal tract system, provokes the appearance of neurotoxins, causing seizures seizures and coma.

To avoid such consequences, Thymidine is prescribed to cancer patients as an antidote. An analogue of 5-Fluorouracil taken orally is capecitabine, but it has identical side effects.


Medicines in this group include Adriblastin and Rubomycin. They contain a specific anthracycline ring that interacts with DNA cells.

In addition, the components of these drugs may suppress chemical reactions, occurring during the formation of the enzyme topoisomerase (II), and form free group radicals that damage the structural basis of the DNA of cancer cells.

The drugs Daunorubicin and Doxorubicin also belong to the anthracycline group and are of natural origin - their active component was isolated from soil fungi. They form free oxygen radicals that disrupt the integrity and inhibit DNA synthesis.

Anthracyclines are very effective against cancer processes, however, they have many dangerous side effects such as cardiac toxicity. Free radicals generated by these drugs can damage the cellular structures of the myocardium. Therefore, the use of this group of drugs requires special monitoring by a doctor.


This antitumor drugs, which is of plant origin (based on periwinkle leaf extract).

The components of these medications are capable of binding tubulin (a specific protein), from which the cytoskeleton is formed.

It is necessary for cells at any phase, and its destruction disrupts chromosomal movements during division, which leads to cancer cells destruction.

Vinkaalkaloids are also distinguished by the fact that malignant-abnormal cellular structures are more sensitive to vinkalkaloids than normal cells.

For drugs of the vinca alkaloid group, neurotoxicity is the most common side effect. The most famous vinca alkaloids are drugs like Vindesine and Vinorelbine, Vincristine and Vinblastine.


Platinum drugs are toxic heavy metals and affects the body by a mechanism similar to alkylating agents.

After penetration into the body the components platinum drugs begin to interact with DNA molecules, destroying their functions and structures, which causes the death of the malignant cell.

Among the most commonly used platinum drugs in chemotherapy are:

  • Cisplatin (especially used for testicular and lung cancer), but it often causes kidney damage;
  • Carboplatin is the second generation of platinum drugs and has a significantly less toxic effect on renal structures;
  • Oxaliplatin is a representative of the third generation, most effective against colon cancer; it is not toxic to the kidneys, but can cause neuropathies.


These drugs have a combined mechanism of action similar to the medications already described. Some of them are similar to alkylating agents (for example, Dacarbazine and Procarbazine).

There are cytostatics that act by analogy with antimetabolites (Hydroxyurea). Corticosteroid drugs, often used in anticancer therapy, also have excellent cytostatic properties.

Frequently used cytostatics include drugs like Apetitabine, Taxol, etc.


This medications, affecting microtubules present in every cellular structure. As a result, cell division processes are disrupted and further cell death occurs.

This group of antitumor drugs includes: Docetaxe, Paclitaxel, etc.

Taxanes have a fairly wide range of applications: lung cancer and breast, prostate and head, esophagus and bladder, as well as ovarian and gastric malignant oncopathologies. The most common side effect of taxanes is a decrease in the number of blood cells.

Anticancer activity study various substances continue.

New generations of antitumor drugs are being released that have a greater therapeutic effect and fewer adverse toxic reactions.

Such means include:

Increasingly, specialists are trying to use targeted chemotherapy, which involves the use of drugs latest generation.

Xelox chemotherapy: scheme

Chemotherapy according to the Xelox regimen involves oral administration of the drug Xeloda with Oxaliplatin. This treatment regimen is most effective against advanced colorectal cancer.

But in lately Many discoveries were made that made it possible to slightly change the Xelox combination. It is usually used to treat metastatic intestinal cancer, advanced gastric and mammary glandular cancer.

The updated chemotherapy treatment according to the XELOX regimen gives patients new opportunities, because when Avastin is added to polychemotherapy with Oxaliplatin and Xeloda, survival rates significantly increase, and there is no progression of oncopathology.

Recovery Tools

Since chemotherapy is accompanied by a lot of side effects, and cancer processes greatly undermine health, after anti-cancer treatment it is necessary to help the body recover.

For this purpose, cancer patients are prescribed traditional medicines and herbal remedies. Scheme for each patient rehabilitation treatment is selected individually.

Typically, restorative therapy is prescribed during chemotherapy or immediately after it in order to reduce the severity of side symptoms and eliminate damage to intraorganic structures from the toxic effects of anticancer drugs.

Increased leukocytes

Since hematopoietic functions are inhibited during chemotherapy treatment, the number of blood cells is significantly reduced, including leukocytes.

All patients who have undergone chemotherapy treatment develop leukopenia, accompanied by critical low performance immune status.

Therefore, it is extremely important for such patients to normalize the leukocyte level.

Normally, the level of leukocytes is about 4-9 x 10 9 /l, however, after anti-cancer therapy they are reduced by five.

Immunity is pathologically reduced, but it is so necessary for further resistance to malignant tumor processes. To restore the previous level of leukocytes, patients are prescribed drugs like Imunofal or Polyoxidonium.

If they are ineffective, more powerful drugs are indicated, for example, Batilol, Leukogen, Cefaransin, Methyluracil, etc. In addition, an increase in leukocytes is achieved through extracorporeal pharmacotherapy, which involves the introduction of drugs into the bloodstream together with the infusion of donor red blood cells.


During chemotherapy treatment, a serious burden is placed on the liver structures, because antitumor drugs also destroy healthy structures. Toxins accumulate in the body and are removed by the liver.

To restore the liver, patients are prescribed hepatoprotective drugs such as:

In order for the toxins accumulated in the liver to be eliminated more quickly, it is recommended to drink various liquids abundantly and often: rosehip decoction, water, cranberry juice, etc.


In all patients, due to reduced immunity, infectious processes develop, and the opportunistic microorganisms present in the body acquire pathogenic status. Since the body is exposed to general toxic effects, fungal infections develop.

According to statistics, 100% of patients experience candidiasis; they are often worried and staphylococcal infections, which lead to the formation of inflammatory and necrotic foci, thrombosis, bleeding and sepsis.

Lack of necessary restorative treatment in most cases ends in death. Therefore, supporting the immune system with drugs such as Polyoxidonium and Antiox is so important. Bioactive immunomodulators Bisk, Nutrimax, Ursul, etc. are also prescribed.

Medications for side effects

Chemotherapy is accompanied by a host of side effects such as anemia and nausea, baldness and brittle nails, taste changes and problems with appetite, gastrointestinal disorders and fluid retention, urinary disorders, etc.

Therefore, to alleviate the condition, patients are prescribed additional drugs to relieve side symptoms.

Anti-nausea pills

Nausea is usually caused by toxins that are released during the breakdown of a cancerous tumor and enter the body with chemotherapy drugs. This is a normal reaction of the body.

To relieve nausea, special medications are prescribed such as:

Medicines like Vistaril, Compazin and Torekan will also help reduce nausea.

It's better to choose rectal suppositories, since they are directly absorbed through the intestinal mucosa without causing additional irritation to the stomach. Most effective candles are Compazine and Kytril.


Since cancer patients suffer from not only nausea but also vomiting after chemotherapy, they are also prescribed antiemetic drugs.

Especially severe vomiting observed after drugs of the cytostatic group like Cisplatin. When this drug was administered, all patients vomited up to 20 times per day.

To suppress acute vomiting that occurs on the first day after chemotherapy, Tropisetron, Granisetron or Emetron, Dolasetron or Ondasetron are indicated. Antiemetics are also prescribed: Lorazepam, Marinol, Haloperidol, etc.

Vitamins for oncology

After chemotherapy, the body needs vitamins. It is best to get them from natural sources, since during the recovery process after chemotherapy treatment it is forbidden to take multivitamin complexes, usually containing B vitamins, namely B 6, B 2 and B 1, which promote the growth of malignant cancer cells.

But vitamins like tocopherol (E), ascorbic acid, retinol (A) and vitamin D, the body must be enriched after chemotherapy treatment. You can take them in the form of medications or eat foods rich in them.

The antiulcer drug Omez is often prescribed to patients after chemotherapy.

The purpose of this prescription is to protect the gastric structures from adverse reactions of toxic anticancer drugs.

The drug is usually prescribed 3 days before chemotherapy and continued for a week after treatment.


Heptral is a strong hepatoprotective drug designed to protect the liver. It is often prescribed to patients after chemotherapy as part of rehabilitation treatment.

Heptral normalizes metabolic processes in liver tissues and stimulates the restoration of hepatocytes.

The drug is taken in tablet form between meals. Daily dosage is 2-4 capsules or 0.8-1.6 g. If after chemotherapy the patient experiences severe forms of cholestasis, then Heptral is prescribed in injection form.

Rehabilitation after chemotherapy at home

The rehabilitation period after chemotherapy is accompanied by a fairly wide range of complications, the most common of which are enteropathic lesions and nausea and vomiting syndrome, alopecia and decreased immunity.

Enteropathy occurs against the background of an accumulation of toxic substances that enter the body along with chemotherapy drugs.


The drug is produced in the form of white silicon dioxide powder. It is taken orally in suspension form, after dissolving the powder in water. Active ingredient penetrates the gastrointestinal tract, where the largest toxic accumulations are located.

Polysorb molecules bind toxins and remove them with feces. Moreover, silicon dioxide itself does not accumulate in the body and does not disrupt metabolic and digestive processes.


The drug is produced in the form of a paste, which is ready for use. Usually the drug is prescribed for a period of 1-2 weeks. You need to take it three times a day, about a couple of hours before eating or taking medications.

A single dose is 15 g. If the consequences after chemotherapy treatment are severe, then the dosage can be doubled, but only for the first 3 days of administration, then it is gradually reduced to normal.


Anyone who has experienced such treatment probably shudders at the mere word chemotherapy. I was the first to undergo red chemotherapy, the most lethal one. After it, I completely lost hair, all over my body and face. In addition, I constantly felt sick and vomited, motor coordination was impaired, gastrointestinal problems appeared, and much more. In my case, the goal of chemotherapy, unfortunately, is to prolong my life as much as possible, since I will no longer be able to recover. My body is too weak, so now I am undergoing chemotherapy courses with drugs in tablets (Capecitabine, Xeloda, Tutabine + hormone therapy). The procedure is very difficult, but there is no way to survive without it.

When I was diagnosed with CC, it literally came as a shock to me. I never expected that at my age, I’m 39, I could encounter such a disease. The oncologist suggested platinum chemotherapy. Having heard enough stories about this terrible treatment, I prepared for the worst, but after the injection there were no ailments at all, I remained same appetite, and, oddly enough, there was no nausea and vomiting at all. I have already completed two courses with a month break. Hair began to fall out, blood became completely nonexistent, as did the immune system, but, fortunately, the promised problems with the stomach and intestines never happened. There are still 2 courses left. I hope for the best, but we'll wait and see.

Price of medicines

Prices for chemotherapy drugs are quite different and depend on the group and generation of the drug.

  • Vinblastine – from 145 rubles;
  • Vincristine – from 100 rubles;
  • Vinorelbine - from 6914 rubles.
  • Mitomycin – from 4250 rubles;
  • Epirubicin – from 280 rubles.
  • Adriblastin – from 230 rubles;
  • Zavedos – from 2800 rubles;
  • Cyclophosphamide – from 20 rubles;
  • Doxorubicin – from 100 rubles.
  • Methotrexate – from 99 rubles;
  • Fluorouracil – from 260 rubles;
  • Xeloda – from 2380 rubles;
  • Mercaptopurine – from 860 rubles;
  • Cytarabine – from 720 rubles;
  • Ftorafur - bran.
  • Cisplatin – from 140 rubles;
  • Carboplatin – from 430 rubles;
  • Oxaliplatin – from 1210 rubles.

The price of chemotherapy drugs may vary depending on the manufacturer, the pharmacy where it is sold, and the volume and form of the drug. The above prices are only approximate prices.

Disadvantages of chemotherapy with pills

How cancer treatment with chemotherapy can affect your own outcomes has been shown by a new study conducted at Michigan State University. The study highlights the challenges patients face when using tablet chemotherapy outside the controlled environment of a cancer clinic.

Diagnosis and treatment of oncology in medical centers in Israel detailed information

If you have questions for oncologists, you can ask them on our website in the consultation section

Chemotherapy drugs

If a patient has cancer, one of the most effective ways The treatment of the problem is chemotherapy.

Today, there are a variety of chemotherapy drugs for cancer, which must be taken only as prescribed by doctors. Today we will find out what medications are recommended to be taken for cancer, as well as what measures are recommended to take to protect your body during chemotherapy.

Types of drugs for chemotherapy

When a patient has cancer, he is prescribed special medications, which are classified into several categories. All means differ from each other according to their method of action and can be as follows:

  • taxanes;
  • cytostatics;
  • vinkalkaloids;
  • anticancer antibiotics;
  • platinum drugs;
  • anthracyclines;
  • alkylating agents.

Each of the categories of medications described above allows for a direct impact on different phases of cellular processes and life cycles. That is why it is extremely important to know which medications are recommended to be taken in a particular case. In this case, in no case should you prescribe chemotherapy yourself, since these drugs are highly toxic and can only be selected by a doctor, based on available test data.

Alkylating agents

These chemotherapy drugs act on the principle of forming covalent bonds with the DNA chain. Until now, it has not been possible to determine exactly how the death of a cell structure occurs after it is exposed to an alkylating effect, but it has been precisely determined that these drugs can cause an error in the processes of reading genetic information. Ultimately, this impact causes the appearance of the corresponding type of proteins.

At the same time, there is a glutatin system - a unique immunity from alkylating agents. It is for this reason that in the case increased amount glutathinate, the effectiveness of alkylating agents in relation to oncological manifestations will be reduced.

However, as a result of taking such medications, there is a possibility of the formation of secondary cancer, the most popular form of which can be considered leukemia. Such oncological process often observed several years after the patient received chemotherapy.

If we talk about chemotherapy drugs that belong to this category, then these include busulfan and chlorambucil, ifosfamide and embiquin, cyclophosphamide, BCNU, procarbazine, as well as all medications based on nitrosomyurea.

Anticancer antibiotics

These chemotherapy drugs are in no way related to the well-known antibacterial medications. The principle of their action lies in the suspension of gene division of the structure of the cancer cell.

Taking such antibiotics against oncology makes it possible to have a direct effect on different phases of cells, for this reason, in some cases, the mechanisms of action may have a number of differences. If we talk about side effects Such medications, then they are the most dangerous for the structure of the lungs, since as a result of the formation of oxygen free radicals they can have a toxic effect on the lungs.

Well-known chemotherapy drugs in this category are bleomycin and adriamycin. In most cases, such medications are used in polychemotherapy in combination with a cytotoxin. Antibiotics should not be confused with drugs such as antimetabolites; the latter contain active substances that can integrate into the cellular genetic apparatus. Ultimately, during the division of cancer cells, their structure is destroyed.

It is recommended to include such medications as 5-fluorouracil, cladribine, fludarabine, gemcitabine, gemzar, metatrexate. If we talk about side effects, then the first drug has the ability to suppress the bone marrow; while taking it, extremely severe intoxication of the gastrointestinal tract is observed, provokes the appearance of neurotoxins, as a result of which a person begins to have convulsions and falls into a coma.

In order to avoid such negative side effects, it is recommended that people with cancer take thymidine as an antidote. An analogue of 5-fluorouracil, which must be taken orally, is the drug capecitabine, but its side effects are similar.


Chemotherapeutic agents in this category are rubomycin and adriblastin. These agents are distinguished by the presence in their composition of specific anthracycline rings that interact with DNA cells. In addition, the components of such drugs have the ability to suppress chemical reactions that occur when the topoisomerase enzyme occurs (2), and create a free group of radicals that can damage the basis of the DNA structure of cancer cells.

Also included in the anthracycline category are the drugs doxorubicin and daunorubicin, and the drugs are distinguished by the presence of natural origin. The active components of such drugs were isolated from soil fungi. They form oxygen free radicals, the action of which can disrupt the inhibition of DNA synthesis and integrity.

If we talk about drugs that are effective in the presence of a cancer process, then without a doubt anthracyclines can be included in them, but they also have many side effects, such as, for example, cardiac toxicity. The free radicals that form such chemotherapy drugs have the ability to damage the cellular structures of the myocardium. Therefore, while taking such medications, it is necessary to be under the strictest supervision of a doctor.


When chemotherapy in tablets is required, the patient can be prescribed vinca alkaloids, which are antitumor drugs of plant origin. These medications are based on periwinkle leaf extract.

The components of such drugs can bind tubulin (a specific protein), from which the cytoskeleton is formed. Cells need it regardless of their phase, and as a result of its destruction, a disruption of chromosomal movements during division is observed, as a result of which cancer cells begin to destroy themselves.

In addition, vinca alkaloids are also distinguished by the fact that it is cancer cells that are sensitive to them, but they have practically no negative effect on normal, healthy ones. If we talk about drugs in this category, then the side effects primarily include neurotoxicity. Most known drugs This category can be considered vinblastine, vincristine, vinorelbine, vindesine.


Platinum chemotherapy drugs are classified as heavy toxic metals and have similar effects on the body as alkylating agents.

After the components of platinum drugs have entered the body of an oncology patient, they begin to interact with DNA molecules, leading to the destruction of their structure and function. As a result, complete death of cancer cells is observed.

Among the platinum drugs that are common in the treatment of oncology, the following should be noted:

  • cisplatin (recommended for use if the patient has lung and testicular cancer), but in some cases it can cause kidney damage;
  • carboplatin is the second generation of platinum group drugs; they have much fewer side effects in relation to renal structures;
  • oxaliplatin - the drug belongs to the third generation, differs high efficiency in the treatment of colon cancer, but does not have toxic effects on the kidneys. At the same time, it can cause neuropathy.


Such chemotherapeutic drugs are distinguished by the presence of a combined mechanism of action, reminiscent of previously described medications. Some drugs in this group resemble alkylating agents in their action, for example, procarbazine and decarbarzine.

There are also cytostatics that have an effect similar to antimetabolites (hydroxyurea). Corticosteroid drugs are also endowed with excellent cytostatic properties, which is why they are often prescribed in the treatment of oncology.

Cytostatic drugs prescribed to patients with oncology include such popular and effective drugs as Texol and apecitabine. If you require chemotherapy, drugs should be prescribed only after thorough examination, under no circumstances choose the product yourself, as this can be extremely dangerous to your health.


These drugs affect microtubules, which are present in the structure of any cell. As a result, there is a disruption in the processes of cell division, as a result of which they simply die. This category of anticancer drugs includes paclitaxel and docetaxel.

Taxanes have a fairly wide range of applications; they are recommended for use in patients with breast and lung cancer, head and prostate cancer, gallbladder and esophagus cancer, as well as gastric and ovarian cancer. If we talk about side effects, these drugs also differ in their presence. It should be highlighted sharp decline number of blood cells.

Latest generation drugs

Even today, research into the activity of various anticancer drugs in the treatment of oncology continues. Every year, more and more new drugs are produced, the action of which is aimed at eliminating cancer cells.

New drugs are distinguished by the presence of a high therapeutic effect and fewer side effects. If we talk about the latter, the most effective means this category, then they should include drugs such as:

In most cases, experts give preference to the use of targeted chemotherapy, during which patients are given the latest generation of drugs.

Such medications are also called smart drugs because they are able to independently recognize exactly those cells that have been affected by cancer. During such treatment, the drugs destroy them exclusively, without affecting healthy, normal tissue.

It should also be noted that the latest generation of drugs are less toxic, and therefore may be acceptable when treatment is required for a patient depleted of cancer, when the use of traditional anticancer drugs is contraindicated.

Xelox chemotherapy regimen

If we talk about the chemotherapy regimen called Xelox, it involves taking the drug Xeloda orally with oxaliplatin. This type of treatment is highly effective against common colorectal cancer.

However, over the past few years, many discoveries have been made that have completely changed the Xelox combination. In most cases this drug It is recommended to use it if it is necessary to treat intestinal cancer in the presence of metastases, pronounced oncology in the breast or stomach.

Chemotherapy updated treatment according to the XELOX regimen allows us to provide new opportunities for patients, because in the case of adding Avastin to polychemotherapy with Xeloda and oxaliplatin, much more high performance survivability. In this case, there is a complete absence of progression of oncological pathologies.

Recovery drugs

Since, as a result of using chemotherapy, the patient faces a large number side effects, and cancer processes themselves can significantly worsen general well-being, then after completing a course of oncology treatment, the patient is prescribed drugs to restore health.

For these purposes, people suffering from cancer can be prescribed conventional medications and herbal remedies. At the same time, you need to know that in each specific case it is recommended to select a recovery scheme on an individual basis.

In most cases, rehabilitation treatment must be completed during chemotherapy or immediately after it ends. This is necessary in order to reduce the occurrence of side effects, as well as eliminate the likelihood of damage to structures internal organs from the toxic effects of cancer drugs.

Rehabilitation at home

After the patient's treatment with chemotherapy has been completed, he is prescribed rehabilitation. During this period, the patient may experience a variety of complications, among which the most common are nausea and vomiting syndrome, enteroplastic lesions, a decrease in the immune system and alopecia.

The manifestation of enteropathy is observed against the background of the accumulation of toxic substances that enter the patient’s body along with chemotherapy drugs. The rehabilitation period will be much faster and easier if the patient begins to take drugs from the category of enterosorbents, which accelerate the removal of toxins from the body. If we talk about popular drugs, having a similar effect, then they should include Polysorb and Enterosgel.


The drug is available in powder form white silicon dioxide. It must be taken orally in suspension form, having previously been dissolved in water. The active components of such a drug enter the gastrointestinal tract, where it is located largest cluster toxic substances.

Polysorb molecules bind toxic substances, after which they leave the body along with feces. Moreover, it should be noted that silicon dioxide itself does not accumulate in the body, so the patient does not experience disturbances in digestive and metabolic processes.


Given medicine comes in the form of a paste, which is completely ready for use. In most cases, the course of taking the medicine is 1-2 weeks. It is recommended to take it three times a day, about a few hours before taking medications or food.

A single dosage should not exceed 15 grams. If a patient experiences extremely severe consequences after chemotherapy treatment, then it is permissible to double the dosage of the drug, but this can only be done for the first three days of use; in the future, it is recommended to gradually reduce it.


You should not be upset if you have been prescribed chemotherapy, because many modern medicines have minimal negative effects. Also, do not neglect the rehabilitation period, which is aimed at restoring the body and removing toxins from it. In any case, take care of your health and don’t get sick!

How chemotherapy is done

My communication with people has revealed that the majority, when asked how chemotherapy is done, give only one answer: “They drop medicine.” Knowledge does not go further than this vague formula. For this reason, we had to conduct a search necessary information and this is what came out of it.

Why is chemotherapy administered differently?

Chemotherapy can be given in different ways, depending on the type of cancer you are diagnosed with and the chemotherapy drugs used:

  • Chemotherapy is most often given by injection into a vein (intravenously). This option is known as intravenous chemotherapy.
  • Some medications come in the form of tablets or capsules (oral).
  • Some drugs are injected into the muscles (intramuscularly).
  • Some drugs can be injected under the skin (subcutaneous injections).

The drugs used in the above methods are absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body so that they can reach all cancer cells. For some types of cancer, chemotherapy may be administered by injecting a drug into the fluid around the spine. This method is known as intrathecal chemotherapy.

Sometimes chemotherapy may be given to limited areas of the body, such as the pelvis and bladder: this is known as intracavity chemotherapy. The drugs used in this option tend to stay in the area where they are injected and do not affect cells in other parts of the body. Chemotherapy with creams can be used for some types of skin cancer: it only affects the cells in the area of ​​skin where the cream is applied. Sometimes two or more types of chemotherapy may be used together. For example, intravenous and oral chemotherapy.

Intravenous chemotherapy

There are four ways to inject chemotherapy drugs directly into a vein. The following devices are used for this:

  • A cannula is a small tube that is inserted into a vein in the arm or the back of the hand.


The nurse or doctor places a short, thin tube (cannula) into a vein on the back of your hand or forearm. You may feel discomfort or a little pain, but it won't take long and the pain will go away soon. After the cannula has been inserted into right place, it will be fixed with adhesive tape and will stay securely in place. If the pain does not go away after fixing the cannula, you can apply a numbing cream to the skin to numb the pain in advance. desired area. The cream starts working in minutes.

The chemotherapy drug may be given through a cannula. Typically, the IV is attached to a cannula, and some drugs are given by injection through a rubber stopper through a drip. This may take from a few minutes to 20 minutes. Some chemotherapy drugs are diluted in a special bag, and a thin tube from it is attached to the cannula. This option can take from 20 minutes to several hours, and sometimes days. If you feel discomfort or notice changes in sensation, redness or swelling around the cannula area (or along your arm) while the drug is being injected, you should tell your nurse or doctor immediately.

Central lines (central venous catheter tunnel)

The central line is a long, thin plastic tube that is inserted into a vein in the chest. The most common line types are Hickman® or Groshong®. The chemotherapy department doctor or nurse will explain the procedure to you. You will be given general or local anesthesia before the central line is placed.

Once the tube is in place, it is taped firmly to the chest so that it cannot be pulled out of the vein. It may remain in the vein for many months and this suggests that you should not use cannulas as you have your intravenous chemotherapy. This tube can also be used to draw blood for testing. You will be able to swim or shower. Although you should prevent water from getting into the area where the tube enters the skin. You can use a plastic bandage for this. For use in everyday life there are few restrictions. Carefully monitor the condition of the tube.

There are two potential problems with central lines: blockage and infection. Once or twice a week the line should be flushed with heparin, a drug that prevents clotting. Your nurse can teach you how to do this.

If you notice redness, darkening, or tenderness of the skin around your center line, or if you have high temperature, tell your doctor because this may be a sign that you have an infection in the line. If this happens, antibiotics will need to be administered through the line to clear the infection.

The doctor and nurse at your hospital will tell you what temperature is acceptable.

PICC lines

Your doctor may suggest that you insert a long, thin tube into a vein in the crook of your arm. This is called a peripherally inserted central venous catheter (PICC). Your doctor or chemotherapy nurse will explain this procedure to you. You will be given local anesthesia before the catheter is inserted.

Once it is in place, the PICC line is firmly attached to the arm to prevent it from being pulled out of the vein. It may remain in the vein for many months. As with the central line, this means that you do not have to have cannulas inserted when you have your IV chemo. Blood may also be drawn through this catheter for testing. You will have to bend your arm if you decide to take a shower. In any case, you should avoid getting water into the area around the tube. Any film can be used for this.

In principle, the inserted catheter does not impose any special restrictions in everyday life. Before you go home, make sure you are confident that the catheter is securely attached. During treatment, the nurse may flush the catheter and change the dressing, or a friend or relative may be taught to do this procedure.

Potential problems with PICC lines are the same as for central lines: blockages and infections.

Implantable port (Portacath)

The implanted port is a thin, soft plastic tube that is inserted into a vein and ends in a hole (port) under the skin of the chest or arm. The port has a thin rubber disc through which a needle can be inserted to inject medicine into a vein or draw blood.

The tube is a long, thin, hollow tube, also called a catheter and port, which is a disc 2.5 to 4 cm in diameter. The catheter is usually inserted (a tunnel) under the skin of the breast. The tip of the catheter is placed in a large vein just above the heart, and the other end is connected to a port that is placed under the skin on the top chest. The port will feel like a small bump under the skin, but nothing will be visible on the outside of the body. Possible problems are the same as for central lines: blockages and infections.

Infusion pumps

Infusion pumps may be used to give some types of chemotherapy. There are various types portable pumps. They give a controlled amount of chemotherapy drug into the bloodstream over a period of time (from several days to several weeks). The infusion pump is connected to a central line or PICC line. This means you can go home with the pump and have fewer hospital visits. The pump is small enough to fit in a pocket and can be placed in a bag or on a belt.

Chemotherapy drugs are prepared in the hospital. You, and perhaps a family member or friend, will learn how to care for the pump. Some pumps are battery powered and care must be taken to ensure they don't get wet if you are doing laundry, for example. Your nurses or pharmacy staff will give you detailed instructions. Some pumps are disposable.

Chemotherapy tablets

You may be given chemotherapy tablets that you can take at home as all or part of your treatment. The drug can be not only in tablets, but also in capsules. Tablets or capsules are known as oral chemotherapy. You will be told when to purchase them and other instructions such as whether to take them with food. If you are unable to take your medication for any reason, you should contact your doctor immediately for advice. The medications you were given at the hospital make up the full course of treatment, and it is important to take them exactly as they were prescribed. Always read box labels before you leave the hospital—if the instructions are not clear, ask your nurse, doctor, or pharmacist to clarify any unclear points.

If you need extra supplies of chemotherapy drugs or other medicines, it is important to get them from your hospital specialist, not your GP or local pharmacist.

Intramuscular injections

It is possible to carry out chemotherapy in a fairly familiar way. Some chemotherapy drugs are given by injection into a muscle. The doctor or nurse will explain the procedure to you. The drug is injected into the muscles of the leg or buttock. This may be painful or uncomfortable, but only works for a short time.

Subcutaneous injections

Some medications may be given as injections under the skin. A very fine needle and it may be uncomfortable for a short time.

Intraresonator chemotherapy

In this type of chemotherapy, a tube is inserted into the cavity of the affected organ (such as the bladder) to administer the chemotherapy drug. The chemotherapy drug is delivered through the inserted tube. The drug can be infused once for a specified period of time. The drugs used in this case may cause irritation or inflammation in the area where they are injected, but they do not tend to cause side effects in other parts of the body.

Intrathecal injection (into the fluid around the spinal cord)

In some conditions, such as leukemia or lymphoma (cancer that starts in lymphatic system) Cancer cells can pass into the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The fluid is known as cerebrospinal fluid or CSF. To prevent cancer from developing, or to treat it if it has already developed, a chemotherapy drug can be injected into the CSF. To do this, you will typically lie on your side with your legs closed. The doctor will use local anesthesia to numb the area of ​​skin over the spine. A needle is inserted into the space between two vertebrae and reaches the cerebrospinal fluid. The chemotherapy drug is injected into cerebrospinal fluid through the needle.

This procedure takes 15 to 30 minutes, and you may have to lie down for several hours afterwards. It is important to drink plenty of fluids to reduce your chances of getting a headache. If you get a headache, it may last for several hours. Painkillers may be given to relieve the condition. Chemotherapy given for this case usually does not cause any other side effects.

Chemotherapy Creams

Chemotherapy creams are used for some types of skin cancer. The cream is applied to the affected area of ​​skin thin layer and may need to be used regularly for several weeks. The creams may cause some soreness or skin irritation in the affected area, but do not cause side effects in other parts of the body. While you are using chemotherapy creams, you may need to apply a special bandage to the affected area of ​​skin to wear continuously.

This is how chemotherapy is done various forms cancer. Now you know what to prepare for and what questions to ask if something is suddenly unclear.

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Like no one else, I am familiar with this procedure because of my sister’s illness. She has breast cancer, we have been fighting it for 10 years. Three years ago we already went through 4 courses of chemotherapy, but now everything is much more complicated. Of course, all courses are different depending on the type of cancer and the degree of advanced disease. My sister was prescribed polychemotherapy and a drug against bone metastases. The treatment is carried out through droppers. A roommate with liver cirrhosis is taking tablets for treatment.

The technology of chemotherapy is simply amazing. Regarding intramuscular and subcutaneous injections then, like any injection, it is painful to one degree or another. Chemotherapy in tablets, using all kinds of creams is not difficult, the main thing is to follow the doctor’s instructions. Well, intravenous therapy generally gives the patient a lot of unpleasant and painful sensations. How you can lead in the slightest degree normal image life if you have long tubes and catheters inserted into you. Intrathecal administration is, in my opinion, the most painful method of administering drugs. And although it does not cause side effects, I think that not every patient is able to tolerate it, especially children.

My friend’s father was ill, may he rest in heaven... At that time the Internet was not as developed as it is now, so you described everything in one article, and everything seems to be clear. I took a pharmacist course to get a job. Naturally, they could explain and give us a lot of things in such a short time.

I only know one thing - any chemistry kills both cancerous and living cells of the body. With ideal liver health and high immunity, it gives many a reprieve, or even a chance for recovery. But without this, a person can only hope, hope, as it were, at random.

While still a student medical college We were told a lot about the technology of chemotherapy. Even in practice we saw a little this procedure. We saw the method of intravenous chemotherapy. We were also told that it is often used in tablets. Here I saw methods that were new to me; I was not familiar with them before. Very informative. I will take note of this article because it will be very useful in my work.

The article lifted the veil of secrecy a little and delved into the “other side” of oncology treatment.

I did not experience this disease myself, but many of my relatives died of cancer.

Unfortunately, chemotherapy does not always help, especially in the later stages, when metastases are already occurring. And after it the pain is terrible: muscle weakness, body aches, not to mention the well-known hair loss.

It’s no secret to me that with regular injections a catheter is placed so as not to constantly inject a person, but many are surprised to learn even about subclavian catheters, not to mention subcutaneous ports :)

I have stage 4 intestinal cancer, so the chemotherapists did not put me in the hospital on a drip, but everything was already ready. You have ischemia and we don't want you to die on the table. Here are 6 courses of capecitabine tablets, ultrasound checks on old computers and a chest x-ray (once every 3 months after surgery). Only my local doctor requires blood and urine from me; he sorts things out, explains, and consoles. The doctors in the clinic of the oncology center (republican) do not talk to our patients at all: they write the same thing on the computer, and the nurses explain everything to the patients; if they condescend, they often confuse the appointments by dates and much more. etc. Is this how chemical treatment should be done, and there’s also a problem with pills: if you get it, you won’t get it, and for this you need to pass the MSEC and become disabled, and this is such a red tape... Now I’m in the 5th year, then the 6th. My question is: what will happen next, what procedures are required to be prescribed, which ones are desirable to be prescribed, but to the extent possible?

Dear Alla! I don’t know what age you are, but one way or another I will say a few words.

First of all, to answer your question about further actions your doctors are not available. Procedures are generally standardized for each specific cancer center. When I was researching this issue, it seemed to me that standardization is based on the existing oncologist team and their qualifications, but not relative to the current regional situation with cancer incidence, the types of cancer that are most advanced in the region, etc.

You must understand that, having received stage 4, you can only talk about increasing the survival period. Complete cure most likely it won't happen. But in my opinion, you can fight for survival. How the woman I wrote about in one of the articles fought. To whom the oncologists measured out months, but she lived for a year and a half communicating with me (and living an active life) and after believing in herself, she left me. Further fate I don't know her.

So here it is. Read the site materials. Read the important article here

and take care of yourself. No oncologist will perceive your problem as his own!

detoxification of carcinogenic substances. I would recommend Ant Tree Bark. We went through this with that woman.

You can include other substances, but Cora, in my opinion, has exceptional abilities.

Diet - the most important moment, especially with your type of cancer. Strictly exclude red meat from consumption. You can eat chicken meat. More vegetables and fruits. You say winter... There is always cabbage, celery root, and so on. Not in kilograms, but a little of this, a little of that. Be sure to have dried apricot and almond grains. Expensive? Yes. But there are enough grains per day. I don’t know your prices, but according to ours it’s about 200 rubles per month. You can write a lot about diet, and I wrote about it on the website. Look it up.

Take up meditation. Find information on the Internet and try what suits you. The main thing is to calm yourself down.

And most importantly! Exercise. Understand that if you lie down and swallow pills, then most of your muscles will begin to fall into a flabby state and then atrophy, actually die off as unnecessary. All this will affect vital function. Your body will think it’s time to eliminate itself and it will. You need to fight (if you wish). Find a simple form first physical exercise. For example, bodyflex. There are many courses on YouTube. Find them and slowly start doing them. In a week you will feel a surge of energy. Oxygen will begin to devour cancer cells (this has been proven a long time ago and has even been awarded a Nobel Prize).

Copyright ©17 Cancer is curable

Most often, patients are treated with polychemotherapy, which involves the administration of several antitumor drugs of different groups.

Chemotherapy can be used as the main treatment or as an adjunct to surgery and radiation therapy.

Types of chemotherapy drugs

All chemotherapy drugs are classified into several groups, according to their mechanism of action:

  • Alkylating agents;
  • Anthracyclines;
  • Platinum drugs;
  • Anticancer antibiotics;
  • Vinkalkaloids;
  • Cytostatics;
  • Taxanes, etc.

Each group of drugs is capable of affecting different phases of cellular processes and life cycles.

All drugs are active only against working cells and cannot affect cellular structures that are in the resting phase (G0). Therefore, the resistance of the malignant process to the effects of chemotherapy drugs depends on the number of cellular structures that are in the dormant phase.

Alkylating agents

The principle of action of drugs in this group is based on the formation of covalent bonds with the DNA chain.

It has not yet been determined exactly how the death of cellular structures occurs after an alkylating effect, but it is clear that these drugs cause an error in the processes of reading genetic information, which leads to the suppression of the formation of the corresponding proteins.

However, there is a glutathione system - natural immunity from alkylating agents, therefore, with an increased glutathione content, the effectiveness of alkylating agents against a malignant tumor will be reduced.

But as a result of taking these drugs, there is a possibility of secondary cancer, the most common form of which is cancer, which appears several years after chemotherapy.

The main representatives of this group are drugs like Cyclophosphamide, Embiquin and Ifosfamide, Chlorambucil and Busulfan, Procarbazine and BCNU, nitrosourea-based products.

Anticancer antibiotics

These drugs are in no way related to commonly known antibiotics. The mechanism of their effect is to slow down the gene division of cancer cell structures.

Anticancer antibiotics can affect different cellular phases, so sometimes their mechanisms of action are slightly different. In terms of adverse reactions, drugs in this group are the most dangerous for the pulmonary structures, because due to the formation of free oxygen radicals they have a toxic effect on the lungs.

The most famous anti-cancer antibiotics are Adriamycin and Bleomycin. Most often it is used in polychemotherapy together with Cytotoxin.

Antibiotics should not be confused with antimetabolites, the active substances of which are integrated into the genetic cellular apparatus. As a result, when the cancerous cell structure divides, it is destroyed.

These are the drugs Methotrexate, Gemzar, Gemcitabine, Fludarabine and Cladribine, 5-Fluorouracil, etc. The latter drug, as adverse reactions, can suppress the bone marrow, causes severe intoxication of the gastrointestinal tract, provokes the appearance of neurotoxins that cause seizures and coma.

To avoid such consequences, Thymidine is prescribed to cancer patients as an antidote. An analogue of 5-Fluorouracil taken orally is capecitabine, but it has identical side effects.


Medicines in this group include Adriblastin and Rubomycin. They contain a specific anthracycline ring that interacts with DNA cells.

In addition, the components of these drugs can suppress the chemical reactions that occur during the formation of the enzyme topoisomerase (II) and produce free group radicals that damage the structural basis of the DNA of cancer cells.

The drugs Daunorubicin and Doxorubicin also belong to the anthracycline group and are of natural origin - their active component was isolated from soil fungi. They form free oxygen radicals that disrupt the integrity and inhibit DNA synthesis.

Anthracyclines are very effective against cancer processes, however, they have many dangerous side effects such as cardiac toxicity. Free radicals generated by these drugs can damage the cellular structures of the myocardium. Therefore, the use of this group of drugs requires special monitoring by a doctor.


These are antitumor drugs of plant origin (based on periwinkle leaf extract).

The components of these medications are capable of binding tubulin (a specific protein), from which the cytoskeleton is formed.

It is necessary for cells at any phase, and its destruction disrupts chromosomal movements during division, which leads to cancer cells destruction.

Vinkaalkaloids are also distinguished by the fact that malignant-abnormal cellular structures are more sensitive to vinkalkaloids than normal cells.

For drugs of the vinca alkaloid group, neurotoxicity is the most common side effect. The most famous vinca alkaloids are drugs like Vindesine and Vinorelbine, Vincristine and Vinblastine.


Platinum preparations are classified as toxic heavy metals and act on the body by a mechanism similar to alkylating agents.

After penetration into the body, the components of platinum drugs begin to interact with DNA molecules, destroying their functions and structures, which causes the death of the malignant cell.

Among the most commonly used platinum drugs in chemotherapy are:

  • Cisplatin (especially used for testicular and lung cancer), but it often causes kidney damage;
  • Carboplatin is the second generation of platinum drugs and has a significantly less toxic effect on renal structures;
  • Oxaliplatin is a representative of the third generation, most effective against colon cancer; it is not toxic to the kidneys, but can cause neuropathies.


These drugs have a combined mechanism of action similar to the medications already described. Some of them are similar to alkylating agents (for example, Dacarbazine and Procarbazine).

There are cytostatics that act by analogy with antimetabolites (Hydroxyurea). Corticosteroid drugs, often used in anticancer therapy, also have excellent cytostatic properties.

Frequently used cytostatics include drugs like Apetitabine, Taxol, etc.


These are medications that act on microtubules found in every cellular structure. As a result, cell division processes are disrupted and further cell death occurs.

This group of antitumor drugs includes: Docetaxe, Paclitaxel, etc.

Taxanes have a fairly wide range of applications: for and, and, and, as well as for and. The most common side effect of taxanes is a decrease in the number of blood cells.

Latest generation drugs

Research into the anticancer activity of various substances continues.

New generations of antitumor drugs are being released that have a greater therapeutic effect and fewer adverse toxic reactions.

Such means include:

  1. Avastin;
  2. Carboplatin and Oxaliplatin;
  3. Thalidomide;
  4. Zomera;
  5. Gleevec;
  6. Femara;
  7. Sandostatin.

Increasingly, specialists are trying to use targeted chemotherapy, which involves the use of the latest generation drugs.

These drugs are also called “smart” drugs, since they are able to recognize specifically mutated cellular structures and destroy only them, without affecting normal, healthy tissues. In addition, the latest generation of drugs are less toxic, and therefore are allowed in the treatment of a patient depleted of cancer, when traditional anti-cancer drugs are contraindicated.

Xelox chemotherapy: scheme

Chemotherapy according to the Xelox regimen involves oral administration of the drug Xeloda with Oxaliplatin. This treatment regimen is most effective against common.

But recently, many discoveries have been made that have made it possible to slightly change the Xelox combination. It is usually used for the treatment of metastatic, pronounced gastric and mammary glandular malignant oncology.

The updated chemotherapy treatment according to the XELOX regimen gives patients new opportunities, because when Avastin is added to polychemotherapy with Oxaliplatin and Xeloda, survival rates significantly increase, and there is no progression of oncopathology.

Recovery Tools

Since chemotherapy is accompanied by a lot of side effects, and cancer processes greatly undermine health, after anti-cancer treatment it is necessary to help the body recover.

For this purpose, cancer patients are prescribed traditional medicines and herbal remedies. A rehabilitation treatment regimen is selected individually for each patient.

Typically, restorative therapy is prescribed during chemotherapy or immediately after it in order to reduce the severity of side symptoms and eliminate damage to intraorganic structures from the toxic effects of anticancer drugs.

Increased leukocytes

Since hematopoietic functions are inhibited during chemotherapy treatment, the number of blood cells is significantly reduced, including leukocytes.

All patients who have undergone chemotherapy treatment develop leukopenia, accompanied by critically low levels of immune status.

Therefore, it is extremely important for such patients to normalize the leukocyte level.

Normally, the level of leukocytes is about 4-9 x 10 9 /l, however, after anti-cancer therapy they are reduced by five.

Immunity is pathologically reduced, but it is so necessary for further resistance to malignant tumor processes. To restore the previous level of leukocytes, patients are prescribed drugs like Imunofal or Polyoxidonium.

If they are ineffective, more powerful drugs are indicated, for example, Batilol, Leukogen, Cefaransin, Methyluracil, etc. In addition, an increase in leukocytes is achieved through extracorporeal pharmacotherapy, which involves the introduction of drugs into the bloodstream together with the infusion of donor red blood cells.


During chemotherapy treatment, a serious burden is placed on the liver structures, because antitumor drugs also destroy healthy structures. Toxins accumulate in the body and are removed by the liver.

To restore the liver, patients are prescribed hepatoprotective drugs such as:

  • Hepasteril;
  • Hepamine;
  • Sirepara;
  • Erbisola;
  • Karsila;
  • Hepaditha;
  • Essentiale Forte-N, etc.

In order for the toxins accumulated in the liver to be eliminated more quickly, it is recommended to drink various liquids abundantly and often: rosehip decoction, water, cranberry juice, etc.


In all patients, due to reduced immunity, infectious processes develop, and the opportunistic microorganisms present in the body acquire pathogenic status. Since the body is exposed to general toxic effects, fungal infections develop.

According to statistics, 100% of patients experience candidiasis; they are often bothered by staphylococcal infections, which lead to the formation of inflammatory and necrotic foci, thrombosis, bleeding and sepsis.

Lack of necessary restorative treatment in most cases ends in death. Therefore, supporting the immune system with drugs such as Polyoxidonium and Antiox is so important. Bioactive immunomodulators Bisk, Nutrimax, Ursul, etc. are also prescribed.

Medications for side effects

Chemotherapy is accompanied by a host of side effects such as anemia and nausea, baldness and brittle nails, taste changes and appetite problems, gastrointestinal disorders and fluid retention, urinary disorders, etc.

Therefore, to alleviate the condition, patients are prescribed additional drugs to relieve side symptoms.

Anti-nausea pills

Nausea is usually caused by toxins that are released during the breakdown of a cancerous tumor and enter the body with chemotherapy drugs. This is a normal reaction of the body.

To relieve nausea, special medications are prescribed such as:

  1. Domperidone;
  2. Dexamethasone;
  3. Tserukala;
  4. Metoclopramide;
  5. Raglan;
  6. Cisapride.

Medicines like Vistaril, Compazin and Torekan will also help reduce nausea.

It is better to opt for rectal suppositories, since they are directly absorbed through the intestinal mucosa without causing additional stomach irritation. The most effective candles are Compazin and Kytril.


Since cancer patients suffer from not only nausea but also vomiting after chemotherapy, they are also prescribed antiemetic drugs.

Particularly severe vomiting is observed after drugs of the cytostatic group like Cisplatin. When this drug was administered, all patients vomited up to 20 times per day.

To suppress acute vomiting that occurs on the first day after chemotherapy, Tropisetron, Granisetron or Emetron, Dolasetron or Ondasetron are indicated. Antiemetics are also prescribed: Lorazepam, Marinol, Haloperidol, etc.

Vitamins for oncology

After chemotherapy, the body needs vitamins. It is best to obtain them from natural sources, since during the recovery process after chemotherapy treatment it is forbidden to take multivitamin complexes, usually containing B vitamins, namely B 6, B 2 and B 1, which promote the growth of malignant cancer cells.

But the body needs to be enriched with vitamins like tocopherol (E), ascorbic acid, retinol (A) and vitamin D after chemotherapy treatment. You can take them in the form of medications or eat foods rich in them.


The antiulcer drug Omez is often prescribed to patients after chemotherapy.

The purpose of this prescription is to protect the gastric structures from adverse reactions of toxic anticancer drugs.

The drug is usually prescribed 3 days before chemotherapy and continued for a week after treatment.


Heptral is a strong hepatoprotective drug designed to protect the liver. It is often prescribed to patients after chemotherapy as part of rehabilitation treatment.

Heptral normalizes metabolic processes in liver tissues and stimulates the restoration of hepatocytes.

The drug is taken in tablet form between meals. The daily dosage is 2-4 capsules or 0.8-1.6 g. If after chemotherapy the patient experiences severe forms of cholestasis, then Heptral is prescribed in injection form.

Rehabilitation after chemotherapy at home

The rehabilitation period after chemotherapy is accompanied by a fairly wide range of complications, the most common of which are enteropathic lesions and nausea and vomiting syndrome, alopecia and decreased immunity.

Enteropathy occurs against the background of an accumulation of toxic substances that enter the body along with chemotherapy drugs.

Rehabilitation is much easier and goes faster if the patient takes drugs from the group of enterosorbents, which help to quickly get rid of intoxication. The most commonly used drugs of this type are Enterosgel and Polysorb.


The drug is produced in the form of white silicon dioxide powder. It is taken orally in suspension form, after dissolving the powder in water. The active substance penetrates the gastrointestinal tract, where the largest toxic accumulations are located.

Polysorb molecules bind toxins and remove them with feces. Moreover, silicon dioxide itself does not accumulate in the body and does not disrupt metabolic and digestive processes.


The drug is produced in the form of a paste, which is ready for use. Usually the drug is prescribed for a period of 1-2 weeks. You need to take it three times a day, about a couple of hours before eating or taking medications.

A single dose is 15 g. If the consequences after chemotherapy treatment are severe, then the dosage can be doubled, but only for the first 3 days of administration, then it is gradually reduced to normal.

On at the moment One of the main problems of humanity is the high mortality rate from cancer. Every year the world loses about 8 million people who fail to overcome cancer. Scientists say that these numbers will only grow in the future and will almost double by 2030. Fortunately, in the field of treatment malignant neoplasms A huge number of drugs with antitumor activity have appeared. Treatment with these drugs is called chemotherapy. Preparation for it includes medicinal support of the body and changes in the patient’s lifestyle. If all conditions are met, the chances of overcoming this serious illness increase significantly.

Medicinal assistance

A major part of preparing for chemotherapy is using certain medications to help protect healthy organs from harmful effects drugs, and will also increase the body’s endurance and reduce the manifestation of negative consequences.

The doctor prescribes an individual list of medications and vitamins for each patient. As a rule, it includes:

  • Hepatoprotectors (Phosphogliv, Heptor or Heptral).
  • Probiotics ("Hilak forte", "Acipol").
  • Antiemetic drugs (Navoban).
  • Immunomodulatory drugs (Viferon).
  • The intravenous administration of certain drugs leaves patients with marks on the skin, which can be successfully treated with the use of troxerutin. Therefore, it is better to purchase one of these ointments, in case similar situation.
  • In preparation for chemotherapy, it is possible to introduce various intravenous solutions(“Hemodez”, “Reopoliglyukin” and others). This will help speed up the body's metabolism.
  • It would not be superfluous to use a complex of amino acids to protect the cells of the liver, heart and other organs.
  • Recently, doctors have been advising patients to use soy lecithin, which perfectly nourishes brain cells and blood vessels.
  • Also in oncology, there is more and more talk about the healing properties of Reishi mushroom extract. Its components help alleviate the patient's condition after treatment.

Changing the patient's lifestyle

Multiple courses of chemotherapy is a serious test that requires a person to fundamental change way of life, refusal bad habits and compliance with a number of other rules healthy image life.

  1. It is advisable for the patient to adhere to balanced diet food rich in a variety of minerals and vitamins. Particularly relevant this recommendation for those wondering how to prepare for chemotherapy for stomach or intestinal cancer.
  2. It is not recommended to eat heavy, fatty foods, especially on the eve of treatment. This may make nausea and/or vomiting worse. The patient's table should regularly contain vegetables, fruits, herbs, fermented milk products. You should definitely eat steamed fish and boiled meat. Of the drinks, chamomile, ginger, mint tea.
  3. One more important recommendation to prepare for chemotherapy for cancer is to consume large amounts of pure drinking water(about 2.5 liters per day). This will help speed up metabolism and remove medicinal metabolites faster.
  4. On the eve of the course of treatment, it is important to get enough sleep and be full of strength and energy. In general, it would be great to have a useful habit - sleep at least 8 hours a day, go to bed before 22:00, and wake up before 08:00.

Psychological aspects of the process

All of the above recommendations include physical training to chemotherapy. However, the moral side of the process is no less important. The patient should be prepared for anything and tune in to a fight that must be won at all costs.

If a person feels that he is unable to cope with his own feelings about his diagnosis or he loses faith in healing, he should immediately seek help from a psychotherapist. Such a specialist is required to be on the staff of any oncology clinic.

Stages of chemotherapy

Treatment is divided into several courses with breaks ranging from two weeks to a month. This is done so that the patient’s body can recover and rest before the next dose of drugs.

There are two types of treatment:

  1. Monotherapy is treatment with one drug.
  2. Polytherapy is treatment with two or more drugs.

Anyone facing such events should know how chemotherapy works. Regardless of the type chosen, the treatment is the same and consists of the following steps:

  • For treatment, the patient arrives on a strictly appointed date at the oncology clinic, where he will remain for several days (on average, one course lasts from three to seven days).
  • Before each course, the patient must undergo a series of tests: general and biochemical blood tests, general urinalysis and others. If necessary, carried out ECG of the heart, Ultrasound of some organs (liver, kidneys, etc.) and other procedures.
  • The oncologist checks the results of all examinations, measures weight, asks about the patient’s general well-being, and listens to complaints. The doctor will also find out how the recovery process went after the previous course. If everything is in order, the patient is placed in the ward and awaits treatment.
  • He is first prescribed chemotherapy. They come in the form of injections, tablets and capsules. The choice of dosage form depends on the diagnosis and stage of the disease and is made by the attending physician.

  • Because chemotherapy uses poisonous drugs, many patients experience nausea and vomiting. Therefore, they are offered medications that can alleviate this condition.
  • In some cases, the oncologist prescribes infusions with a physical solution. This is done to “wash” the body, cleansing it of excess toxins and drug metabolites. For example, after treatment with Cisplatin for stomach or intestinal cancer, two such droppers are placed.
  • The next step is to evaluate general well-being sick. If everything is in order, he is given a date for his next visit, and he goes home to recuperate. The number of courses and their frequency are set individually for each person and may change during the course of treatment.
  • The healing process is monitored periodically between courses. This is done using laboratory tests blood for tumor markers, as well as examinations using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. Based on the results of all procedures, the doctor judges the success of the treatment and can change the course, duration of treatment or cancel it altogether.

What types of chemotherapy drugs are there?

Each cancer patient has his own individual treatment regimen, which depends on the diagnosis, stage of the disease and the current progress of treatment.

Currently, there are many drugs aimed at combating malignant cells. One thing unites them all - proven therapeutic effect with high efficiency. They differ from each other in their mechanism of action and composition.

1. Alkylating drugs. Having appeared very first, they still have not lost their relevance. By binding DNA through the formation of covalent bonds, they cause the death of tumor cells. This group includes drugs such as: Cyclophosphamide, Chlorambucil, Procarbazine.

2. Antimetabolites. Stops the formation of DNA in malignant cells. These include: “Methotrexate”, “Fluorouracil”, “Mercaptopurine”, “Tioguanine”.

3. Antimicrotubulin drugs. They disrupt the tumor growth process by interfering with the synthesis of microtubules - cellular organelles, without which normal division is impossible.

These medications are divided into two subgroups, depending on their origin:

  1. Natural. Formed from vinca alkaloids. (Vinblastine, Vincristine).
  2. Synthetic drugs(“Vinflunine”, “Vinorelbine”, “Vindesine”).

4. Taxanes, which disrupt the formation of the cell division spindle. They are made from another plant (Pacific or berry yew). These include: Paclitaxel; "Docetaxel"; “Podophyllotoxin”; “Teniposide”; “Etoposide.”

5. Topoisomerase inhibitors. They inhibit the synthesis of enzymes topoisomerase types 1 and 2, which are involved in the synthesis of DNA in tumor cells. Trade names: “Teniposide”; “Mitoxantrone”; “Etoposide”; “Doxorubicin”; “Aclarubicin”; "Marboran"; “Novobiocin.”

The most effective anti-cancer drugs

This includes platinum-based chemotherapy drugs. They have the highest antitumor activity. The mechanism of action is that they “crosslink” guanine pairs in DNA, thereby disrupting its structure and stopping the process of division of malignant cells.

It is worth recalling that the more effectively a substance destroys a tumor, the more negatively it affects healthy tissues. Therefore, side effects with platinum drugs can be especially pronounced. The main drugs in this group include: “Platinum”; "Carboplatin"; "Cisplatin".

Consequences of chemotherapy

Certainly not for anyone human body Treatment such as chemotherapy for oncology cannot pass without leaving a trace. Consequences and recovery can be difficult for a weakened body. The negative effects of drugs can affect almost all organs and systems.

What systems may be affected by treatment?

Digestive system. Gets hit first and is hit especially hard. This is explained high sensitivity tract mucosa to drugs. Therefore, the most common complaints of patients are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and lack of appetite.

Reproductive system. Representatives of both sexes may experience decreased libido and temporary infertility.

Immune system. All cancer drugs are destroyed immune cells, That's why protective forces organism are significantly reduced.

Hematopoietic system. Anemia, a disorder in the formation of leukocytes, red blood cells and other blood cells.

Nervous system. During the treatment process, the patient's moral exhaustion is almost inevitable. He may become whiny, fearful, nervous, and irritable.

One of the most unpleasant consequences is the possible occurrence of pain. This may be pain in the joints or internal organs.

A common consequence is hair loss throughout the human body. At the end of chemotherapy, hair, eyelashes and eyebrows will definitely grow back.


Medicine in the field of cancer treatment has made great strides, discovering many different anticancer drugs. All of them are highly effective, but their main disadvantage is their aggressive effect on healthy cells. Correct and timely preparation for chemotherapy will help protect the body from such negative influence and reduce the risk of developing consequences.