Ulcerative colitis treatment. Ulcerative colitis. Ulcerative colitis: symptoms of the disease

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis. How to cure ulcerative colitis. Recipes for colitis.

This is a disease characterized by a chronic inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the large intestine with the formation of many ulcers, bleeding, frequent loose stools with an admixture of blood, mucus, pus. In the development of this process, identified various disorders immune system, allergic reactions, persistent infection, dysbacteriosis, neurological, endocrine disorders etc.

With nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC), absorption processes in the intestine are disrupted, a large loss of protein occurs, as well as blood loss, impaired mineral metabolism, the development of infection, intoxication,

Against the background of the main intestinal signs of UC, 60-70% of patients have additional extra-intestinal signs - pain in the joints, diseases of the skin, eyes, etc., as well as complications of UC in the form of perforation (holes) in the intestinal wall, bleeding, fistulas in the anus , constrictions of the colon, malignant tumor, which requires surgical treatment.

How to cure ulcerative colitis. Recipes for colitis

Mild forms of UC can be treated on an outpatient basis, while moderate and severe forms can be treated inpatient treatment in the hospital

Among the folk remedies for the treatment of UC, various medicinal plants are used: decoctions (infusions) of oak bark, bird cherry, blueberry, rose hip, chamomile, etc., as well as various herbal mixtures. Good result in the treatment of diarrhea with bleeding, a decoction of the rhizomes and roots of burnet is used. To prepare such a decoction, 2 tbsp. raw materials are poured into 200 ml hot boiled water, cover with a lid and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. cool at room temperature for 10 minutes. filter.

The remaining raw materials are squeezed out, the broth is brought to 200 ml with boiled water. Store in a cool place for no more than 2 days, take 1 tbsp. 5-6 times a day after meals. A decoction of oak bark is also prepared and used. An infusion is prepared from the fruits of bird cherry, rose hips, and blueberries at the rate of: 4 tbsp. l. any berries per 0.5 l hot water. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. insist. Drink an infusion of bird cherry and blueberry, 0.5 tbsp. in 30 min. before meals like astringent, and rose hips - 2-3 times a day, but after meals as a vitamin remedy. To restore B vitamins and improve the function of the nervous system, use an infusion of oats: 1 tbsp. pour 1 liter of unpeeled oats warm water, leave for 4 hours, and then boil for 1 hour over low heat, strain. Drink 0.5 tbsp. in 30 min. before meals 3-4 times a day.

Rose hip

A decoction of chamomile flowers is used internally and for enemas for diarrhea, intestinal cramps and increased gas formation. It is prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. chamomile flowers per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Take 1/3 tbsp orally. 2-3 times a day after meals. For an enema, take 2-3 tbsp. chamomile decoction per 1 liter of warm water.

Recipes for nonspecific ulcerative colitis

They are also used for UC activated carbon or carbolene, which absorbs gases and various toxic substances(toxins). Take 4-5 tablets of charcoal 3-4 times a day 2 hours after meals for 2 weeks. The tablets are chewed and washed down with water. For the treatment of dysbiosis in UC, chronic colitis, enteritis, silicon-activated water (SAW) is used, without restrictions - after meals during the entire treatment period.

Due to the development of persistent infection in UC, which causes severe intoxication of the body, an alcoholic extract of Propolis is used. It is also useful to chew propolis itself.

Food is taken in small portions 5-6 times a day, warm. The diet for the treatment of ulcerative colitis should contain an average of 110-120 g of protein per day (including 60% animal protein) to compensate for protein deficiency.

When losing weight, you can drink easily digestible juices: orange, tomato. You should not drink grape, apricot and plum, which increase fermentation in the intestines.

There is also the so-called Crohn's disease, when the mucous membrane of the colon is affected, not the small intestine, which causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating and the release of large amounts of gas. The feces acquire a gray-clay color and do not contain pus. Treatment of both Crohn's disease and chronic colitis carry out folk ways described above.

Mikhail SINYAVSKY, doctor, Minsk.

The abbreviation “UC” refers to a disease such as ulcerative colitis - a pathology gastrointestinal tract which is accompanied by very serious symptoms: intestinal bleeding, fever, weight loss, pain. If treatment is not started in a timely manner or if it is absent, the disease becomes intractable and chronic.

The most frequent complications– colon cancer and rupture of the intestinal wall. UC involves surgical treatment in the event of life-threatening conditions, but is generally used medications and folk remedies.

Causes of the disease

It is still impossible to establish exactly what exactly led to the pathology, but provoking factors have been identified.

The latter include:

  • The risk of development increases if close relatives have UC;
  • Infections;
  • Impaired immune system functions;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Emotional instability, neuropsychological characteristics.

The pathology affects the rectum, gradually spreading to healthy tissue. The mucous membrane and submucosal layer suffers, inner surface ulcers form in the organ.

Doctors say that the progression of the disease is facilitated by nervous disorders, therefore, with UC there are different symptoms and treatment is aimed at relieving them, including restoring psychological balance.

Stages and forms of ulcerative colitis

There are three stages of pathology: acute – signs and symptoms appear for the first time; chronic; recurrent – ​​exacerbations after temporary improvement in well-being.

According to the severity of the course, UC is classified into mild, moderate, and severe. With a mild course, the state of health is satisfactory, diarrhea - no more than 5 times a day, inclusions of blood may be observed. In severe cases, the patient has a fever, stools up to 8 times a day, and contains an admixture of mucus, blood, and pus. In the latter case, treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.

UC: treatment with natural folk remedies

A properly selected course of herbal medicine can help reduce the severity of symptoms. Sometimes this method is the only effective one, when medications are powerless and it is too early to resort to surgery.

What herbs are used for UC

First of all, infusions are prepared from plants. It should have a mild, wound-healing effect, stop bleeding, and envelop the colon and rectum.

The herbs used to treat this disease have all these properties.

Infusions made from them restore the water-salt balance and replenish fluid loss.

For UC, treatment with the following herbs and herbal components is used:

  • Currant, raspberry and strawberry leaves have a beneficial effect on the liver, helping to fight the disease;
  • Dried blueberries cleanse the intestines and are involved in the fight against cancer cells;
  • Nettle relieves inflammation, improves blood clotting, cleanses the intestines of putrefactive substances;
  • Peppermint is used as a sedative, but such medications can eliminate diarrhea, inflammation, cramps, and also have antibacterial effect;
  • Chamomile relieves spasms, has an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect;
  • Yarrow is used for diarrhea, has bactericidal properties, and is able to cleanse the intestines of harmful microorganisms;
  • Sleeping eliminates inflammation, pain syndrome, constipation, has wound healing properties;
  • Cinquefoil is used for diarrhea and also has a wound healing effect;
  • Pomegranate peel relieves inflammation, helps fight germs, and stops diarrhea;
  • Wormwood cleanses the intestines, which is very necessary in the treatment of ulcerative colitis;
  • Celandine, like mint, has a sedative effect, fights harmful microbes, relieves inflammation, accelerates the healing of ulcers;
  • St. John's wort has an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates purulent impurities in the stool, and improves intestinal motility.

The listed plants can be used individually or together. To prepare the latter, plants are taken in equal proportions. Glycerin is sometimes added to decoctions and infusions.

Treatment of the chronic form with folk remedies

UC can be accompanied by both constipation and diarrhea, so these factors must be taken into account when choosing therapy.

If the patient has diarrhea, then the collections should include plants that have strengthening properties, for example, prepare an infusion of yarrow, chamomile, nettle, St. John's wort, rose hips (5: 1: 1: 1: 1).

As a result, the collection will have a strong antibacterial effect and will be able to stop diarrhea, bleeding and eliminate rotting.

After brewing in a water bath (a tablespoon per glass of water), the product is infused for several hours or overnight. Drink a glass of it before meals. It is worth noting that any new remedy that has not been used before can provoke allergic reaction, so you can’t even take natural ones without first consulting your doctor.

If a person suffers from constipation, then you need to use preparations that include herbs with a laxative effect. For example, infusions are prepared from chamomile, nettle, mint, valerian root and blueberries.

Treatment with folk remedies for acute symptoms

However, only high-quality large-leaf tea is used. Chamomile will also help, from which an equally strong infusion is prepared (4 tablespoons per glass of water).

The ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered. Drink chamomile infusion you need 100 ml after a meal.

In case of exacerbation accompanied by diarrhea, St. John's wort will help, but the infusion is not strong. You need to drink St. John's wort infusion 1/3 cup three times a day before meals.

Treatment of UC in case of relapse

As a rule, therapy is based on taking herbal infusions that can improve blood circulation and speed up the healing process of ulcers on the intestinal mucosa. It is recommended to use infusions based on nettle, St. John's wort, and peppermint, as they improve blood clotting. The listed plants must be added to other collections.

Enemas with sea ​​buckthorn oil. The latter activates the process of cell regeneration and promotes rapid healing of ulcers. For the procedure you will need a small pear and 50 ml of oil. The enema is administered at night, in a lying position. It is useful to take the product orally (1 spoon in the morning on an empty stomach).

UC: is treatment possible with homeopathy?

First of all, you need to contact an experienced homeopathic doctor. Only a qualified specialist will select the right funds. It takes into account individual characteristics organism, severity and stage of the disease.

Based on the results obtained, homeopathy treatment is selected, the course of which usually begins with herbal medicine, and is later supplemented with acupuncture and massage.

Treatment of UC according to Bolotov and Naumov

People suffering from this disease have probably heard about these scientists. The results of their research showed that the cause of the pathology is the malfunction of a muscular valve called the pylorus, which separates the stomach from the duodenum.

If it works poorly (low contractility), then for a long time does not close, as a result, the microflora of the stomach and intestines mixes, which leads to gastrointestinal pathologies.

You can restore your legal capacity using Naumov’s recommendations:

  • Half an hour after the meal, suck on ordinary salt;
  • Introduce vegetable cake into the menu when chronic form pathologies;
  • The following products are introduced into the diet little by little - meat, fish, mushrooms, pickled vegetables, kefir, cottage cheese;
  • An hour and a half after the meal, drink an infusion of wormwood;
  • Use whey kvass with the addition of celandine (a tablespoon every 2 hours).

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is a rare pathology and not fully understood. Some consider it as the main reason genetic predisposition, others - influence external factors, including alcohol, smoking, stress and poor nutrition. We will not dwell long on the causes of the disease - this publication is devoted to such an issue as the treatment of ulcerative colitis with medications and folk remedies.

What is ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis- This chronic disease large intestine, which is part digestive system, where from undigested food The water is removed and digestive waste remains. The large intestine ends with a rectum, which in turn passes into the anus. In patients with ulcerative colitis, the lining of the intestines becomes inflamed, leading to abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. Next we'll talk about the features of the disease nonspecific ulcerative colitis, symptoms, treatment of which will be discussed in detail.

Ulcerative colitis is often associated with an inflammatory disease such as Crohn's disease. Together, these two ailments can be combined with the concept inflammatory disease intestines. Ulcerative colitis together with Crohn's disease are chronic diseases which can last for years and decades. Men and women suffer in equally. The development of pathology most often begins in adolescence or early adulthood, but there are also cases of this disease in young children.

Very often, residents of Europe and America, as well as people, are diagnosed with ulcerative colitis Jewish origin. The population of Asian countries and representatives of the Negroid race are more fortunate in this regard - the pathology is extremely rare among them. For unknown reasons, an increased incidence of this disease is observed in lately in developing countries. There is also a high likelihood of developing colitis in those whose relatives are familiar with this diagnosis.

What are the causes of ulcerative colitis

No reliable factors for the development of colitis have been identified, and at present there is no convincing evidence that it is infectious disease. Most experts are inclined to believe that ulcerative colitis occurs due to dysfunction of the immune system in the intestines. In this case, there is an abnormal activation of immune cells and proteins, the activity of which leads to inflammation. The predisposition to abnormal immune activation is genetically inherited. Scientists have discovered about 30 genes that can increase the likelihood of developing colitis. Read more about ulcerative colitis of the intestine, symptoms, treatment of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease

How does ulcerative colitis manifest itself? Treatment of the disease is primarily determined by its type. General symptoms ulcerative colitis include rectal bleeding, abdominal pain and diarrhea. But besides these symptoms, there is wide range other manifestations of the disease. The variability of manifestations reflects differences in the degree of development of the disease, which are classified depending on the location and severity of inflammation:

  • Ulcerative proctitis is limited to the rectum, and mild rectal bleeding may occur. the only symptom. More severe lesions accompanied by sudden uncontrollable diarrhea and tenesmus - a false urge to defecate due to muscle contractions intestines.
  • Proctosigmoiditis is a combination of inflammation of the rectum and sigmoid colon; symptoms include sudden diarrhea, tenesmus and rectal bleeding. Some patients experience bloody stool and seizures.
  • Left-sided colitis is localized in the rectum and spreads up the left side of the colon (sigmoid and descending), manifested by bloody diarrhea, sharp decline weight, abdominal pain.
  • Pancolitis, or universal colitis, affects the entire colon, symptoms include abdominal cramps and pain, weight loss, fatigue, night sweats, febrile conditions, rectal bleeding, diarrhea. This type of ulcerative colitis is much more difficult to treat.
  • Fulminant colitis is a very rare and most severe form of the disease. Patients suffer from severe dehydration due to chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, shock often occurs. This form of colitis is treated with intravenous administration medicines, in some cases it may be necessary surgical removal the affected part of the colon to prevent it from rupturing.

Most often, any of the listed forms of colitis remains localized in the same part of the intestine; less often, it happens that one passes into another, for example, ulcerative proctitis may develop into left-sided colitis.


The primary diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints and symptoms - bleeding, diarrhea, abdominal pain. In addition, laboratory tests are carried out:

Scientific research also indicates that the presence of the protein calprotectin in stool may be considered a sign of the development of ulcerative colitis. New ones are currently in use diagnostic methods diagnostics:

  • video capsule endoscopy;
  • computed tomography;
  • MRI enterography.

Therapy methods

Treatment for ulcerative colitis includes medication and surgical methods. Surgical intervention shown when severe forms colitis and life-threatening complications. Ulcerative colitis is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission, which can last from several months to several years. The main symptoms of the disease appear precisely during relapses. Relief most often occurs as a result of treatment, sometimes exacerbations can go away on their own, without outside intervention.

Drug therapy

Since ulcerative colitis cannot be completely cured with medications, their use has the following goals:

  • overcoming relapses;
  • maintaining remissions;
  • minimizing side effects from treatment;
  • improving quality of life;
  • reducing the risk of cancer.

Medicines are divided into two large groups:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular corticosteroids, glucocorticoids, 5-ASA compounds;
  • immunomodulators, for example, Methotrexate, Cyclosporine, Azathioprine.

5-ASA preparations

5-aminosalicylic acid, or “Mesalamine”, is a product that chemical structure close to aspirin, which has long been used to treat arthritis, tendonitis, and bursitis. However, unlike 5-ASA, aspirin is not effective against ulcerative colitis. The drug "Mesalamine" can be delivered directly to the site of inflammation using an enema, but taking the drug orally is more effective. Initially, doctors had a problem - when the drug is administered orally, most of the active substance is absorbed when passing through the stomach and top part small intestine before it reaches the large intestine. Therefore, to increase its effectiveness, 5-aminosalicylic acid has been modified into chemical forms that remain stable until it enters the lower sections digestive system.

The result was the following drugs:

  • “Sulfasalazine” is a stable structure of two molecules of 5-aminosalicylic acid, which has been successfully used for many years to induce remission in patients with mild and moderate colitis, reduces inflammation, abdominal pain and bleeding. Side effects include heartburn, nausea, anemia, and a temporary decrease in sperm count in men.
  • "Mesalamine" is a modification of 5-ASA, consisting of active substance, coated with a protective thin shell of acrylic resin. The medicine passes through the stomach without damage and small intestine, and having reached the ileum and colon, dissolves, releasing 5-ASA. This drug is also known as “Asacol”; it is recommended to take it according to the following regimen - to eliminate exacerbations, 800 mg three times a day, and to maintain remission, 800 mg twice a day. If Mesalamine is ineffective, then corticosteroids are prescribed.
  • "Olsalazine" or "Dipentum" is a modification of 5-ASA, in which the molecules of the active substance are combined with one inert molecule, which also makes it possible to reach the source of inflammation.

It is worth listing other derivatives of 5-aminosalicylic acid that are used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis:

  • "Balsalazid" or "Kolazal".
  • "Pentaza".
  • enema and suppositories "Rovaza".
  • "Lialda".


These compounds have been used for many years to treat patients with moderate to severe Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Unlike 5-aminosalicylic acid, corticosteroids do not require direct contact with inflamed intestinal tissue to be effective. These are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that are taken orally. Once they enter the bloodstream, they have a healing effect on the entire body. Treatment of ulcerative colitis with these drugs is very effective. For patients in critical condition, corticosteroids are administered intravenously (for example, Hydrocortisone). These compounds act more quickly than 5-ASA, and the patient's condition usually improves within a few days. If a patient has ulcerative colitis of the intestine, treatment with these drugs is used only to overcome relapses of the disease; they are not used to maintain remissions.

Side effects of corticosteroids

They depend on the dose and duration of use. Short courses of treatment with Prednisolone are well tolerated and have virtually no side effects. For long-term use high doses Corticosteroids may cause some complications, including serious ones. Among them:

  • rounding the oval of the face;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • increase in the amount of body hair;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • weight gain;
  • hypertension;
  • cataract;
  • increased susceptibility to infections;
  • depression, insomnia;
  • muscle weakness;
  • glaucoma;
  • mood swings, irritability;
  • osteoporosis, or thinning of the bones.

To the most dangerous complications taking corticosteroids should be considered aseptic necrosis hip joints and decreased ability of the adrenal glands to produce cortisol. For a disease such as ulcerative colitis, treatment with corticosteroids requires extreme caution and medical supervision. These drugs should only be used for the shortest possible period of time. Treatment usually begins with the prescription of Prednisolone in a dosage of up to 60 mg per day. Once the condition begins to improve, the amount of medication is gradually reduced by 5-10 mg per week and stopped. The use of corticosteroids must necessarily be accompanied by an increase in the calcium content in food and the use of drugs for this element. This is necessary to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.

Attention! Corticosteroids should be taken as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician. Self-medication with these drugs can lead to irreversible consequences.

From modern means The group of corticosteroids includes drugs such as Budesonide and Golimumab.


These are drugs that weaken the body's immune system and stop the activation of the immune system, leading to the development of ulcerative colitis. Typically, the immune system is activated when pathogens or infections enter the body. But in the case of colitis or Crohn's disease, the body's tissues become the target of immune cells and beneficial microorganisms. Immunomodulators reduce the intensity of tissue inflammation by reducing the population of immune cells and disrupting their protein production. In general, the benefits of using such drugs in the treatment of ulcerative colitis outweigh the risk of infection due to weakened immunity.

Examples of immunomodulators:

  • "Azathioprine" and "Purenetol" reduce the activity of leukocytes. In high dosages, these two drugs are used to prevent organ transplant rejection and to treat leukemia. In low doses, they are successfully used as a therapy for diseases such as ulcerative colitis. Treatment, reviews of which can be read on clinic websites and medical forums, is effective in most cases.
  • Methotrexate combines anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Used in the treatment of psoriasis and arthritis, effective against ulcerative colitis. A side effect is the development of liver cirrhosis, especially in patients who abuse alcohol, as well as pneumonia. In addition, the drug should not be used during pregnancy.
  • Cyclosporine, or Sandimmune, is a powerful immunosuppressant that is effective for quickly controlling the development of severe colitis or delaying surgery. Side effect - increase blood pressure, seizures, renal dysfunction.
  • Infliximab, or Remicade, is a protein that acts as an antibody to proteins produced by immune cells. Used to treat colitis and Crohn's disease if corticosteroids and immunomodulators are ineffective.

Surgical treatment

Surgeries for ulcerative colitis usually involve removal of the colon and rectum. This procedure also eliminates the risk of developing cancer in these parts of the digestive system. Surgical treatment Ulcerative colitis is indicated for the following groups of patients:

  • patients with fulminant colitis and toxic megacolon (enlargement of the colon wall);
  • people with pancolitis and left-sided colitis who are on the verge of developing colon cancer;
  • patients who have suffered many relapses over many years that have not responded to treatment.

Not long ago, an innovation was introduced that involves replacing the removed colon with a sheath made from intestines. It serves as a reservoir similar to the rectum and is emptied regularly through a small tube. This operation is called ileostomy.

Ulcerative colitis: treatment, diet

It is likely that special diet may benefit patients with ulcerative colitis. However, there is no evidence to show that treatment for ulcerative colitis is more effective with dietary changes. Despite extensive research, no diet has been shown to slow the progression of the disease. In this regard we can give general recommendations, based on the observance of healthy, balanced nutrition, rich in fruits, vegetables, cereals, lean meats, nuts, fish. Patients should limit their intake of saturated fat. During an exacerbation, pureed soft food is recommended to minimize discomfort. Next you can read about traditional treatment for ulcerative colitis.

Traditional medicine

The main methods used in the treatment of a disease such as ulcerative colitis are discussed above. Traditional treatment the disease acts more as a support. The arsenal of natural remedies includes honey, seeds, leaves and roots of plants, and vegetables. If you have ulcerative colitis, herbal treatment may help auxiliary action and reduce the intensity of inflammation. Below you can find some recipes traditional medicine, used for colitis.

Mix dried chamomile, yarrow and sage flowers in equal parts. 3 tbsp. l. pour the mixture with a liter of hot boiled water and let it brew for 4-5 hours. Take according to Art. spoon 7 times a day for a month, then reduce the dose to 4 times a day. The drug is considered a good prevention of exacerbations of colitis.

Traditional healers advise that in case of ulcerative colitis of the intestine, treatment should be supported by the use of potato juice. Grate the peeled tubers and squeeze out the juice. Drink half a glass half an hour before meals.

A decoction of strawberry or bird cherry leaves, linden tea, infusion of calendula flowers, herbal teas, parsley root - whole volumes can be written about natural remedies therapy for a disease such as ulcerative colitis. Treatment, reviews of the results of which can be read in magazines and newspapers such as “Healthy Lifestyle”, cannot replace what was prescribed by a doctor. No matter how varied and praised folk recipes, they should not be considered as primary treatment. Do not forget that treatment of ulcerative colitis with folk remedies is only a measure that can accompany the main methods of therapy. Also, before using any prescriptions, consult your healthcare professional.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC) or simply ulcerative colitis is a disease that affects the lining of the large intestine. The affected area can vary from the distal rectum (proctitis) to the entire length of the large intestine. The disease is expressed in systematic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine.

The fact is that UC has not been fully studied. Gastroenterologists and proctologists still do not know for sure why the mucous membrane of the large intestine suddenly begins to become inflamed. Therefore, precise and specific reasons that cause this disease. The most common opinion among doctors is that there is a genetic factor. However, it is not known exactly which gene, or group of genes, is responsible for the manifestation of ulcerative colitis. The genetic marker for this disease is unclear.

Genetic predisposition forms the background, but provoke acute course Other factors may also cause illness. This:

  • alcohol abuse,
  • increased consumption of highly spicy foods (black and red peppers, raw garlic, raw onions, horseradish, radish),
  • constant stress,
  • intestinal infectious diseases(dysentery, serous infections),
  • systematic eating disorders (dry food, fast food).

All these factors can only trigger the inflammatory process, and in the future it will increase due to an innate tendency to UC. Ulcerative colitis is enough rare disease. According to statistics, less than 100 people out of 100 thousand suffer from it, i.e. this is less than 0.1%. UC most often occurs in young people aged 20 to 40 years. Both men and women get sick.

Symptoms and diagnosis of UC

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis occurs in different people in different ways, i.e. sometimes the entire symptomatic picture can be observed, and sometimes only one or two symptoms. Moreover, these are the symptoms that occur in other diseases of the large intestine. The most common symptom is bleeding before, during, or after bowel movements.

Blood may also be passed in the stool. The color of the blood and its quantity vary. Maybe scarlet blood dark blood And blood clots, since wounds can occur in any part of the colon - even in the distal sections (scarlet blood), even higher (dark blood and blood clots).

Wounds appear mainly due to the fact that the inflamed mucous membrane is easily injured by passing feces. Another common symptom is mucus production. Very unpleasant phenomenon, since during exacerbations, mucus accumulates in the large intestine literally every two hours, which necessitates the need frequent visits toilet. By the way, bowel problems (constipation, diarrhea) and increased flatulence are also included in the list of UC symptoms.

Another symptom is pain in the abdomen, especially in the left part of the peritoneum and in the left hypochondrium. Inflammation of the mucous membrane leads to weakening of colon peristalsis. As a result, even with formalized normal stool the patient can go to the toilet 3-4 times a day.

Usually, nonspecific ulcerative colitis is treated on an outpatient basis, but with special heavy currents there is a need for hospitalization. In such cases, the temperature rises to 39 degrees, and debilitating bloody diarrhea appears. But this happens extremely rarely. Finally one more possible symptom– joint pain. Almost always, not all, but one or two symptoms are present.

For this reason, today UC can only be diagnosed using a colonoscopy procedure. This is the introduction via anus a flexible endoscope with a camera and manipulators for taking samples (as well as for removing polyps). Such an endoscope can be passed along the entire length of the large intestine, examining in detail the condition of the mucous membrane.

Treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis: drugs

Currently, the only medicine against ulcerative colitis is 5-aminosalicylic acid (mesalazine). This substance has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. The bad thing is that all these medicines are quite expensive.


The oldest, ineffective and cheapest is sulfasalazine. Its price is on average 300 rubles per package of 50 tablets of 500 mg each.

This pack usually lasts for two weeks. Due to the fact that in addition to mesalazine it contains sulfapyridine, the drug has a number of side effects. Sulfapyridine tends to accumulate in the blood plasma, causing weakness, drowsiness, malaise, dizziness, headache, nausea. At long-term use possible incoming oligospermia and diffuse changes in the liver.


Salofalk, which consists only of mesalazine, is much more effective and less harmful. The most important thing is that this drug delivers mesalazine to the colon mucosa of better quality. Actually, in all drugs against UC, the main problem is the delivery of the drug, because the active substance the same everywhere. Salofalk is produced in Switzerland and imported by the German company Dr. Falk.

The drug is available in the form of rectal suppositories and tablets. Treatment and prevention must be carried out comprehensively, i.e. and suppositories and tablets. Optimal daily dose for the treatment of exacerbations: one 500 mg suppository or 2 250 mg suppositories, 3-4 tablets of 500 mg each. Average cost One pack of 500 mg suppositories (10 suppositories) costs 800 rubles. Packs of tablets (50 tablets of 500 mg) – 2000 rubles.


The latest development is the drug mezavant. Available in the form of tablets of 1200 mg each. The technology for delivering mesalazine is such that the tablet, once in large intestine, begins to gradually dissolve, distributing the active substance evenly along the entire length of the intestine.

The course of treatment for UC is determined individually, but in general this disease requires constant supportive care. preventive therapy. Sometimes they may prescribe hormonal drugs(eg methylprednisolone). They do not directly treat UC, but contribute to more effective action mesalazine. However, hormones have a lot of extremely negative side effects.

Diet for illness

You also need to follow a certain diet:

In general, there is nothing particularly terrible about this disease. It is quite treatable, but requires constant courses of preventive therapy and adherence to the non-strict diet described above. But you can't run it. The most common outcome of UC: gradual degeneration of the mucous membrane down to the submucosal and muscular layer. As a result, the intestines become more sluggish.

UC contributes to the occurrence of other diseases of the colon and rectum. . And do not forget that ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease, which means there is always a risk of neoplasms. And remember that UC will not go away on its own. He needs to be treated.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease in which ulcerations form on the mucous membrane. The disease is chronic in nature with clearly defined periods of exacerbation and remission. The advantage of using folk medicinal products compared to chemical drugs in that they do not have a toxic effect on the kidneys and do not irritate the gastric mucosa.

Causes and symptoms

To date, it has not been established what causes this disease. Its viral or bacterial etiology cannot be excluded. Stress and frequent psycho-emotional overload lead to many diseases of the digestive system, including ulcerative colitis. Theoretically, it is believed that the development of UC may be accompanied by the following factors:

  • presence of intestinal diseases in close relatives;
  • frequent use of antibiotics (leads to disruption of healthy intestinal microflora);
  • lack of vitamins and tendency to allergic reactions;
  • malfunctions of the intestinal enzymatic system;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking (passive and active);
  • long-term use of hormones (especially oral combined contraceptives);
  • overeating, predominance of fatty foods in the diet.

Symptoms of colitis during exacerbation:

  • false debilitating urge to defecate;
  • loose stools (may be mixed with blood or mucus);
  • abdominal pain;
  • the urge to have a bowel movement immediately after eating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • constant fatigue;
  • dehydration of the body.

Because of frequent diarrhea a person does not gain body weight, begins to lose weight sharply, and his water-salt balance is disturbed. Urging to go to the toilet can be quite painful. The act of defecation itself may also be accompanied by painful sensations. If left untreated, the following may develop:

  • anemia;
  • joint pain;
  • deterioration of general condition.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure ulcerative colitis, since its causes and the exact mechanism of development have not yet been established. But you can reduce the number of exacerbations and alleviate these periods with the help of traditional medicine recipes.


Application medicinal plants helps stop ulcerative colitis internal bleeding on the affected areas of the intestinal mucosa, relieve inflammation and reduce pain. To do this, you can prepare the following remedies at home:

  1. Chamomile decoction. Reduces abdominal cramps and has an anti-inflammatory effect. 2 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of hot water over the flowers of the plant, bring to a boil and keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, strain and add boiled water to a total volume of 200 ml. Take 3 tbsp decoction. l. three times a day. It can also be used for microenemas when severe cramps intestines. To do this, 50 ml of heated broth must be injected into the rectum using a rubber bulb 1-2 times a day.
  2. Infusion of raspberry leaves. Has a hemostatic and healing effect. 2 tsp. vegetable raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. After filtering, the solution should be taken 100 ml 4 times a day between meals.
  3. Infusion of yarrow. Restores intestinal motility and has bactericidal properties. Pour 10 g of the plant into a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. After cooling, the strained infusion should be drunk in small portions throughout the day.
  4. Infusion of cinquefoil rhizomes. Eliminates diarrhea and normalizes local immunity of the intestinal mucosa. To cook this healing potion, you need 0.5 tbsp. l. crushed roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 6 hours. After this, the infusion should be strained and drunk 100 ml three times a day before meals.
  5. Decoction of nettle leaves. Prevents bleeding of ulcers, cleanses the intestines of rotting products. 1 tbsp. l. Leaves need to be poured with 100 ml of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for 15 minutes. After straining, the medicine must be brought drinking water up to a total volume of 200 ml. It is recommended to take the decoction 15 ml three times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Mumiyo and propolis

Shilajit is characterized by a pronounced anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. You can drink it in the form of a solution or make microenemas with it. For internal use it is necessary to dissolve 1 g of mumiyo in 150 ml of warm drinking water. Take this remedy 1 tbsp. l. twice a day for a month. For microenemas, you need to prepare a solution that consists of 1 g of mumiyo and 99 ml of water (1% solution). You need to inject 30 ml of this liquid into the rectum at a time, after which you need to lie on your stomach for 15 minutes. It is advisable to do the procedure after bowel movement. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Propolis for UC serves as a natural antibacterial drug, disinfects the intestines and stimulates the regeneration processes of the mucous membrane. The ulcers are covered with a thin film, which helps reduce bleeding and speeds up their healing. Propolis normalizes intestinal motility and regulates stool. For complex treatment and quick results, it is better to combine alcohol tincture with microenemas based on this beekeeping product.

For internal use, it is optimal to use 10% alcohol tincture propolis. 30 drops of the product should be diluted in 100 ml of warm water and drunk 1 hour before meals. For microenemas, you can independently prepare a solution from 4 g of propolis and 100 ml of hot (but not boiling) drinking water. You need to infuse the product in a thermos for 24 hours, then strain and use it for microenemas in an amount of 50 ml per procedure. The average course of treatment with propolis is 20 days.


The difficulty of choosing a diet for UC is that the patient must receive large number calories to gain weight and strengthen the body. At the same time, high-calorie (fried, fatty) foods should be excluded, as they aggravate the course of the disease. The optimal solution Eating in small portions 6-7 times a day is considered. The following products are allowed for this disease:

  • lean meats (rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • unrich soups and broths (preferably vegetable);
  • cereal porridge on water;
  • potato;
  • dietary fish;
  • eggs;
  • cheese and sour cream, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • fresh fruit drinks, compotes and fruit infusions (drinks made from blueberries, rose hips and bird cherry are healthy);
  • yesterday's wholemeal bread, biscuits;
  • weak tea;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits in the absence of a negative individual reaction to them (but you should absolutely not eat raw garlic, onions, sorrel, melon, plums and apricots);
  • chicken liver pate.

Prohibited foods for UC are fatty meats, smoked meats, and fish. Do not use large amounts of spices and salt when cooking. It is better to boil or bake foods.

Failure to follow a diet can lead to serious complications, make the treatment less effective. The patient may experience severe gastrointestinal bleeding, worsen the inflammatory process, and even develop peritonitis (due to a violation of the integrity of the intestine).

Following a diet, giving up alcohol and smoking, and a calm lifestyle are the rules that help minimize the risk of developing UC in a person. Also excellent remedy for the prevention of ulcerative colitis - this olive oil. It is rich in oleic acid, which prevents the development inflammatory process in the intestines. It is enough to take 2-3 tbsp. l. of this product daily to reduce the risk of this disease by 90%.