Protein-vegetable diet for 21 days. The atomic diet is a system of alternating carbohydrate and protein days. Reviews from our readers

How to lose weight without harming your body? There are many diets, but we would like to talk about the English diet. In the English diet, the body receives almost everything it needs. The peculiarity of the diet is that where salt is prohibited as a class, here you can salt food as usual.
Don't: sugar, white bread, potatoes, alcohol, lemonade - and all their derivatives.
The first 2-4 days of this diet are always a bit difficult, but then the stomach will get used to the smaller dose.

About sports. You cannot combine diet with sports. The body is already weakened by a lack of calories, but we will give it even more stress. You need to exercise after the diet. It's better while on a diet hiking in the fresh air.

English diet - recipe 1

1. Two fasting days
1 liter of milk or kefir, 1 glass tomato juice, 500 g of cottage cheese. Eat all this in any proportions throughout the day.

2. Two protein days.
Morning- coffee, maybe with milk, 1 piece rye bread with 0.5 tsp. drain oil and 0.5 tsp. honey
Dinner- 1 tea cup of meat or fish broth, 70-100 g of boiled meat or fish, 2 tbsp. l. green peas (canned), a piece of rye bread.
Afternoon snack- 1 glass of tea with honey or a glass of milk
Dinner- to choose from:
- 70-100 g of boiled meat or fish (you lose weight with baked fish or meat! If you don’t add fat, then the calorie content is almost the same; if the fish is boiled, then a little fat goes into the broth. You can take lean fish and reduce the portion ), or
- 2 pieces of lean ham, or
- 2 eggs, or
- 50 g cheese
+ a glass of kefir, a piece of rye bread.

3. Two vegetable days
Morning- 2 apples and an orange (citrus fruits remove toxins and help burn fat in the body. Mix the juice of 4 oranges, grapefruits and 2 lemons with two liters mineral water. Drink this cocktail throughout the day, and the results will soon be visible)
Dinner- to choose from:
- vegetable soup (Take colored or regular cabbage, onions, tomatoes, celery (in pods, not in tubers and not greens), bell pepper, cut, add water (so that the vegetables are just covered) and cook until tender, at the end add herbs, salt, spices. Celery is a mandatory ingredient, it’s the whole point), seasoned with vegetable oil, or
- salad,
- vegetable stew in vegetable oil
+ a piece of black bread.
Afternoon snack- fruits
Dinner- salad, 1 piece of rye bread, a glass of tea with honey.
Hungry days are not repeated; protein and vegetable days alternate. Only 20 days.
Drink green and black tea, coffee over time - but all without sugar.

English diet - recipe 2

Breakfast (200 kilocalories)
Option I: one boiled egg or scrambled eggs from it, a slice of dried wholemeal bread, 100 g of fresh juice.
Option II: 1/3 cup oatmeal with a glass of skim milk, tbsp. spoon of raisins, 150 g of fruit juice.
III option: 2 tbsp. spoons of whole grain porridge with a glass of skim milk, apple.
IV option: 200 g of fruit salad, 150 g of kefir or curdled milk from skim milk.

Second breakfast (about 300 kilocalories)
Option I: potatoes baked in their jackets, stuffed with 100 g of cottage cheese with sweet fruits (or steamed dried fruits), vegetable salad, seasoned with a spoon sunflower oil, orange, apple or pear.
Option II: vegetarian broth, 25 g of grated cheese, whole grain bun (50 g), pear or apple.
Option III: 2 slices of dried bread, 50 g of baked beans (beans), 100 g of fresh fruit.
IV option: omelette of vegetables, cheese and two eggs with tomato slices, green pepper and mushrooms, apple.

Dinner (about 500 kilocalories)
Option I: hot dish of beans (beans), 100 g of fresh fruit.
Option II: semi-milk vegetable soup, 25 g of grated low-fat cheese (brynza), a whole grain bun (dried), 50 g of dried apricots soaked with cheese.
Option III: a large potato baked in its jacket, 60 g of baked beans (beans), carrots, cabbage, 2 cups of kefir, to which several chopped dry apricots have been added.

Remember that in the struggle for harmony, only self-discipline will help restore tone to the body. Be healthy and beautiful!

For one day you will have to eat only protein foods, for next day only vegetables and fruits.
These days need to be alternated with each other. Thus, the atomic diet can be called a system of carbohydrate and protein alternation.
By alternating protein and carbohydrate days, you thereby allow your body to complete a kind of “metabolic circle.”
During protein days, glycogen reserves will be depleted and the body will begin to actively use fats in order to ensure its own vital functions.
While on carb days, your glycogen stores will be replenished, but your body will continue to burn fat because your calorie intake will be much less than your basal energy requirement.

During the carbohydrate day, the intestines will be cleansed, which will prevent constipation, which is typical for all protein weight loss programs. In addition, compliance protein day, increases your physical activity. During protein days, a person losing weight will feel a decrease in muscle tone, as well as a lack of desire or need for hard and long-term workouts. Fruits that you will eat during carbohydrate days will add energy and positivity.

Forget that you are on a diet, you just eat differently, you are different, and continue with a normal, rich life. Not on a diet, but in a different diet.

The rules of the diet are simple:

On a protein day, eat only meat, fish, sausages, low-fat sausages, cheese, milk, sour milk, cottage cheese, eggs, cream. butter... The unknown author of the diet does not advise limiting yourself in the types and quantities of food - you need to eat to your fill, preferably at least 3 times a day.
But breading, sauces and other potentially carbohydrate products should be left to the “enemy”.

In carbohydrate - any vegetables, sauté, stews, vegetable soups with vegetable broth, lean borscht, fruits (bananas and grapes are limited to 1 piece or 100-150 grams.)
IN vegetable days good to do raw salads, beet caviar, bean pate (green), a very healthy and tasty vinaigrette without potatoes with beans, if the weight is very large, then instead of beans, boil celery root (not the stems, but the root)

On a vegetable day, you can drink tea, preferably with ginger - it greatly speeds up the metabolism, and on a protein day, coffee with milk is perfect.


morning – coffee with milk, 2 eggs, cheese (you can have sausage, sausages, cottage cheese)
day - chicken breast(without breading, or fish, or meat (fried or baked - it doesn’t matter)
evening - cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, fish (at night it is better without meat - it takes longer to digest)

Vegetable day:
morning – salad, good with olive oil, sautéed eggplant
day - lean borscht or cabbage soup (replace potatoes with beans - in moderation), salad, lecho, maybe some saltiness (garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes)
evening - vinaigrette, sauté, lecho to taste between lunch and dinner - fruits, any, juices, but freshly squeezed, grapes, bananas - in moderation, other fruits are better.

Don't starve yourself, otherwise your body will begin to form fat literally out of thin air, don't eat in bowls, switch to plates...

There is a rule!!! Don't eat three hours before bedtime, that's all. And the second rule: exclude three products, that is, during the period of active weight loss, completely forget about them, and for those prone to obesity, forget them forever: sugar, bread and potatoes.

So girls, let's get started! We post our photos, write parameters, menu for the day and results once a week! Hide your scales for this time)))

Here is a website for recipes.

Mechanism, principles and rules of protein- vegetable diet

Diet based on chicken breast and vegetables is recognized World Organization health protection (WHO) one of the most useful and safe. And this is not surprising, because vegetables, which are considered the main components of such a nutritional system, contain all the micro- and macroelements necessary for the body. If you add several protein products (meat and fish), you will notice positive results not only in the area of ​​the buttocks, thighs and abdomen, but also on the face (no blackheads, rashes and inflamed areas).

The mechanism of action of the diet on meat and vegetables is as follows:

  • By eating proteins and vegetables, the body gets rid of excess fluid, the end products of metabolism that rot and ferment in the large intestine, causing increased flatulence, diarrhea, bloating, and constipation.
  • Thanks to a fish and vegetable diet, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases, so that the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis (formation cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels).
  • with the help chicken-vegetable diet weight loss occurs due to a general reduction in the calorie content of the menu. At the same time, a person practically does not feel the feeling of hunger (chicken breast and vegetables perfectly pacify the appetite, supplying the body with all nutrients).
  • A fish diet enriched with vegetables improves brain function and the condition of the musculoskeletal system. Moreover, the results last for at least a month.

For a protein-vegetable diet for weight loss to be effective, avoid confectionery and switching to meat and protein plant origin not enough. The approach must be comprehensive, otherwise the pace of getting rid of extra pounds will be low, and the final result will be unsatisfactory.

The principles of losing weight are:

  • every day you need to eat mainly lean meat and vegetables in any form (stewed, baked, boiled, cheese);
  • minimum term diet is 4 days. It is, of course, permissible to limit yourself to one day, making it a fasting day, but then you should not count on a long-lasting effect. However, the benefits of such a day will still be noticeable - the gastrointestinal tract will reboot and begin to work more smoothly;
  • per day you need to eat no more than 40-50 g of fat (meaning general content fat in the diet, rather than the atomic mass of an individual dish). In this case, fats must be unsaturated. It's better if they come from nuts, vegetable oil, seeds and vegetables, and not from fatty meats;
  • The effect of the diet is achieved not only thanks to the diet, but also to the drinking regime. You should drink at least 2 liters of still water per day (the body processes it more easily than carbonated water). In this case, tea, juices, coffee and other drinks are not taken into account.

Doctor's comment. No matter how effective the diet may be, before resorting to it, you need to undergo a full medical examination, and even better, create a diet with the help of a specialist. To lose weight, you don't have to cut out fats. On the contrary, they must be in the diet, since the condition depends on them endocrine system And sexual function. To understand whether, say, a diet based on broccoli and chicken is suitable, it is better to limit it to 3-4 days to begin with. If the body reacts normally (without loss of strength, dizziness, or indigestion), a diet is applied for 10 days. If it ends successfully, after two weeks (it is necessary to take a break), you can switch to dietary food for a month or more.

The result of a protein-vegetable diet

The result of any diet depends on the state of the body, the presence of any diseases, lifestyle, exercise regimen, initial body parameters, and the duration of following a specific diet. For practically healthy person the norm is a loss of 1-1.2 kg per week, that is, up to 4-5 kg ​​per month. If added to diet physical activity(walking, cycling, swimming) can increase energy expenditure and intensify weight loss.

List of permitted and prohibited products

This diet involves giving up fatty foods, confectionery, sugar, preserves and jams, starchy vegetables, sauces, mayonnaise, pickles, fatty meat.

The basis of the diet is vegetables, which contain a lot of water and fiber. Among them:

  • green peas, zucchini, cucumber;
  • all types of cabbage (except cauliflower), spinach;
  • asparagus, onions (onions, leeks, shallots);
  • garlic, sweet pepper;
  • lettuce, celery greens.


  • Porridge (especially fast instant cooking), radishes, beets, eggplants, carrots, turnips, corn, potatoes, pumpkin. These foods are high in calories (even though they are healthy). They also increase blood sugar levels.
  • Fatty varieties meat. Even with chicken you need to be careful, as there is a lot of fat in the skin. Ideally meat products should be lean, without skin and tendons.
  • Semi-finished products. No one knows exactly what they are made of or how much sugar they actually contain.
  • Fruits and berries with a large number sugar (watermelon, cherries, cherries, currants, strawberries, bananas, grapes). The same fate awaits dried fruits.

As for drinks, you will have to give up all coffee options (late, cappuccino, cocoa, instant, espresso). If tea, then without sugar. Better yet, fruit drinks and compotes made from dried fruits with a minimum amount of sugar, still water with lemon.

Protein-vegetable diet options with menu

There are several options for this diet:

  • Option 1. Protein and vegetable days alternate. Rules regarding drinking regime and the amounts of fat are preserved.

Allowed products: lean beef, chicken, pork (without skin, fat) boiled, baked, stewed. Seafood is allowed almost unlimitedly.

When it comes to vegetables, focus on greens. It is consumed in the form of salad, side dish and soup. To ensure better absorption of vitamins, salads are seasoned with a small amount of vegetable oil (no more than 2 tablespoons per day).

You can alternate days of the diet one at a time if it lasts more than 10 days. At less long term You can do 2 vegetable and 2 protein days.

  • Option 2. Protein foods and vegetables are consumed together within one day.

The rules for choosing products are similar. For breakfast, it is better to eat proteins (low-fat cottage cheese, boiled eggs, omelet). For lunch - vegetables in any form (except fried). Dinner – vegetable and protein (fish baked with vegetables or boiled meat). During intense exercise in the afternoon, it is better to make lunch and dinner protein, and tomorrow - vegetable.

  • Option 3. Protein products are consumed separately from vegetables.

This is a modification of the previous version. It is better to resort to this option for those with a capricious gastrointestinal tract who react to a change in diet with bloating or constipation.

Sample menu for 4 days it could be like this:

Day Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Protein Steam omelette of 2 eggs, green tea with orange Steam chicken meatballs, Adyghe cheese 2 pieces Fish baked in foil with asparagus, green tea
Vegetable Zucchini, green peas and onion fritters, fruit drink Greek salad, dried fruit compote Casserole of broccoli, onions, green peas, hard cheese, black tea
Protein Cottage cheese with nuts, tea with orange Soup with chicken meatballs, hard cheese 40 g Stewed fish with spinach, black tea
Vegetable Salad of cucumbers, herbs, onions and sweet peppers with olives, tea Vegetable soup, fruit drink, hard cheese 40 g Steamed broccoli and herbs cutlets, tea

Pros and cons of the diet

The main advantage of the diet is the absence of sharp restrictions. Thanks to this, the body smoothly transitions from a normal diet to a healthy one. The results of such nutrition last longer than with extreme mono-diets.

You can change the rules of the diet in accordance with individual preferences and lifestyle. For example, vegetarians can resort to a milk-vegetable diet. Instead of lean meat, it uses protein products plant origin, including legumes and nuts.

Diet contraindications: breast-feeding, problems with gastrointestinal tract(gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer), pregnancy.

The only downside is the lack of urgent results. However, this can be considered a plus. At fast weight loss the body gets rid of excess water. In this case, weight loss is associated with a decrease in caloric intake and drawing energy from one’s own fat reserves.

Quitting the diet

If the body is not accustomed to this diet, it needs to be prepared 2 days before starting the diet. During this period, it is worth limiting the amount of fried, salty and sweet food, switching to the lungs vegetable dishes.

After finishing the diet, return to usual diet need the same principle.

Expert opinion

Certified nutritionist. 5 years of experience.

Nutritionist advice. The vegetable-protein diet is widely used in reduction diet therapy. It can normalize metabolism in the body, promote weight loss and get rid of diseases in some people, but can aggravate diseases in others. Predominance protein diet may help people who tend to have alkaline blood. In case of violation acid-base balance Such nutrition can normalize metabolism. But if there is excessive acidification of the blood, on the contrary, you should choose a diet with a predominance of alkalizing foods.

Vegetable days can be practiced only if a person normally absorbs herbal products. If the majority of a person’s daily diet consists of bread, pasta, fats, but alkaline foods (fruits, milk) - vegetables are rarely consumed fasting days improve metabolism, normalize balance in the body.

To consolidate your success, you should make one day a week a fasting day. You can eat vegetable broths in unlimited quantities, leafy greens, fresh apples and cucumbers.

Unloading can also be on proteins - 600-700 g of boiled beef or chicken divided into 5-6 meals. You can drink unsweetened dried fruit compote.

More information about the diet can be found in the video below.

The English lady is very often associated with a perfectly dressed, slender woman. How do Englishwomen, even at an advanced age, manage to maintain a girlish figure? The answer to this question lies at the heart of their nutritional system.

The secret of the English diet is that it is based on replacing everyday food with food with high level fiber content. This is very important component our nutrition, which usually receives too little attention. And it is in vain, because it is fiber that can give a feeling of fullness without burdening the body with extra calories.

During the diet, it is worth excluding sweets, flour, starch-containing foods, and alcohol from the diet. Fruits with high content Sahara. Keep salt consumption to a minimum if possible. The diet itself lasts from twenty to one hundred and eighty days. The duration depends on your health condition and the number of kilograms you want to get rid of. It is also recommended to take a complex of vitamins, since in the diet mode the body does not receive a huge amount useful substances. And he needs them so much under stress, because a diet, no matter how gentle it is, is a huge stress for the body.
Another advantage of this diet is the simplicity and variety of its menu. Products for this diet can be easily found in any store. Contain fiber raw vegetables and fruits, as well as cereals and wholemeal bread.

Advantages of the English diet

Important! Preparing for the English diet

English diet consists of two stages: protein and vegetable. These stages are divided into two days each, alternately replacing each other.

Breakfast: - a cup of coffee with milk, without sugar;

Two slices of black bread with thin layer butter;

1-2 tbsp honey.

Lunch at 12-13 o'clock:

A cup of meat or fish broth, a piece of boiled meat (200-250 g) or fish;

4 tbsp. spoons of green peas or 150 grams of cabbage and carrot salad;

1 piece of black bread;

Mineral water or tea without sugar.

Afternoon tea at 16:00:

1 glass of milk, kefir or tea, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey

Dinner no later than 19:00:

2 boiled eggs;

50 grams of cheese or 150 grams of lean meat (or fish, lean ham);

A glass of kefir or milk;

1 piece of black bread

On vegetable days- vegetables and dishes prepared from vegetables - salads, soups, stews. Also, during the vegetable season, it is recommended to replace tea with juices, and it is advisable that they be homemade, fresh and without added sugar.


2 oranges or 2 apples

Lunch at 12-13 o'clock:

Plate vegetable soup without potatoes with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil;

150 grams of vinaigrette or vegetable stew in vegetable oil;

1 piece of black bread

Afternoon tea at 16:00:

1-2 fruits, except bananas

Dinner no later than 19:00:

Vegetable salad;

A teaspoon of honey;

A cup of tea or freshly squeezed juice.

What to follow during the diet

Do not forget that the amount of liquid you drink is 2 liters per day, regardless of the phase of the diet. Experts recommend introducing the microelement chromium into the diet during the diet; it can be taken in the form of dietary supplements. Chromium will prevent your skin and muscles from sagging during a diet. And, of course, do not forget about the importance of sports, which will help you maintain great mood and your body is in good shape during the diet and after it, as well as keep your metabolic rate at the proper level.The English diet has proven itself remarkably not only as a means for effective weight loss, but also as a cleansing and rejuvenating agent. If you have chosen this diet, you are not mistaken, because it will help you maintain a wonderful figure for a long time. Good luck losing weight and feeling great!

If you want to lose weight as quickly as possible, you should use the “2 by 2” diet: it allows you to short terms put away extra pounds without resorting to fasting.

Diet “2 days of protein, 2 days of vegetables”: essence and features ^

Key Feature This diet is that for 21 days you have to eat according to the scheme “2 days - only proteins, 2 days - carbohydrates”, i.e. Every two days you need to alternate the menu.

Thus, the body enters a stressful state due to a sudden change in diet, as a result of which it has to replenish energy reserves by breaking down existing fat deposits.

Pros and cons

The “2 days of protein, 2 days of carbohydrate” diet has many advantages noted by nutritionists:

  • Even a beginner can withstand it, because... there are no significant restrictions on the amount of food consumed;
  • Protein foods strengthen muscles and bones, and carbohydrate foods cleanse the intestines and activate metabolism, so this diet is very beneficial for health and the immune system;
  • It helps to quickly lose excess weight, without much starvation, because... you have to eat every 2 hours;
  • Its menu is quite varied.

Even with such positive qualities the technique has its drawbacks: it is not suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers, and if there is chronic diseases You should first consult your doctor.

How much weight can you lose?

Those who use the 2-by-2 diet usually manage to lose up to 10-15 kilograms in a 21-day cycle, but this result is only possible if all the rules are followed, as well as the use of specific products on certain days.

What foods can you eat on protein days:

  • Poultry and lean meat, boiled or baked;
  • Steamed, boiled or baked fish;
  • Boiled eggs;
  • Seafood;
  • Skim milk, kefir, bifidok, whey and cottage cheese;
  • Lean ham.

The diet for carbohydrate days consists of the following foods:

  • Berries;
  • Fruits, except grapes, bananas and persimmons;
  • Fresh, boiled or baked vegetables;
  • Porridge: they need to be cooked only with water and without adding oil.

Any sweets, fatty or fried foods, as well as baked goods, muffins, fast food, chips, crackers and lemonade.

Menu, recipes and rules ^

Rules of the “2 by 2” diet for weight loss

  • At the very beginning, you need to spend 2 days of fasting, consuming low-fat kefir or milk, and only after that eat protein foods for another two days;
  • Non-carbonated water is allowed as a drink, green tea or coffee without sugar, and salt should be added to dishes to a minimum;
  • You need to drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day: this allows you to quickly get rid of stagnant water in the body and speed up metabolism;
  • On a diet, eating every 2 hours is one of the main rules; longer breaks between meals should not be allowed;
  • You are allowed to drink either half an hour before meals or an hour after;
  • After 6 pm, unsweetened fruits are allowed on carbohydrate days, and kefir on protein days;
  • You cannot mix products from the two different days in one thing: in protein meals you can eat only proteins, and in carbohydrate meals - only slow carbohydrates indicated in the list;
  • If you wish, you can eat according to your usual menu once a week, but this may reduce the effectiveness of the diet.

Protein day menu

This menu allows you to more clearly familiarize yourself with the diet and create own plan power supply:

  • We have 100 g of cottage cheese for breakfast, drink tea;
  • After 2 hours, we eat a couple of boiled egg whites for lunch;
  • We dine on seafood;
  • For an afternoon snack we eat yogurt;
  • We have dinner with a piece of baked fish and drink a glass of kefir.

Carbohydrate day menu

"After sitting" on protein menu, you should use carbohydrate:

  • We eat in the morning fruit salad or porridge, washed down with tea;
  • For lunch – orange and juice;
  • We have lunch with fresh or stewed vegetables;
  • We have an afternoon snack of 100 g of berries;
  • We have steamed vegetables for dinner.

Results and reviews of those losing weight ^

According to nutritionists, such alternation allows you to quickly get rid of excess weight, but you should also take into account that the diet can lead to health problems, so it is not recommended to stay on it for more than 21 days. After the entire cycle, only positive results can be achieved:

  • Activation of metabolism;
  • Losing weight by 10-15 kg;
  • Stronger muscles.

Reviews from our readers

Margarita, 29 years old:

“I’ve been eating according to the “2 by 2” plan for 2 weeks now. There are no difficulties: you don’t feel hungry thanks to frequent appointments food, but the weight decreases at a rapid pace. During this time, I managed to lose 7 kg, but I’m not going to stop there – I need to lose the same amount.”

Zhanna, 39 years old:

“I didn’t know what to do with my weight - no diets helped. A friend suggested a technique for alternating proteins and carbohydrates, and I decided to use it. At first it was a little difficult, because... I was not used to eating this way, but after a week the changes were no longer felt, but in 21 days I lost 14 kg. I’m thinking of taking a break and repeating it one more time to bring my figure to my ideal.”

Tatyana, 25 years old:

“I struggled for a very long time with overweight, and I also went to the gym - there were practically no results. I recently found out about this diet and decided to try it on a whim - I didn’t have much hope for any results. Surprisingly, after 2 weeks of such an unusual diet, I lost 7 kilograms and came to the conclusion that such a diet is the best for those who cannot get rid of kilograms with simple proper nutrition.”

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