Pine cone jam has healing properties. Pine cone jam: healthy and tasty recipes

15.05.2017 20 759

Jam from pine cones– not only tasty, but also healthy!

You will learn how to make jam from pine cones and when to pick the fruits by reading the entire article. We present to your attention the best and proven recipes that can be easily prepared. In addition, we will reveal the secrets of how to store the finished product and take...


Pine cone jam - pictured

When to collect pine cones to make jam

You can collect cones when they have just opened and have not yet become woody, so soft, green, resin-sticky fruits 3-4 cm long are what you need to make jam from pine cones. Cones are collected depending on climatic conditions, somewhere a little earlier, and somewhere later, but, as a rule, the collection time falls in mid-May and lasts until the end of June.

Only those that grow far from highways and polluted places are suitable. Immediately remove damaged and rotten fruits; they will not bring any benefit. Before you start preparing for the winter, sort out and wash the crop in cold water. Some housewives cut the fruits into quarters or smaller pieces, but everything is individual. Of course, when the fruits are whole, they look more beautiful in jars.

Collection of cones for jam - pictured

Prepare the dishes that will be used - these can be enameled or stainless steel pots, copper basins or cooking buckets. Pasteurize the sealing jars in advance and prepare the lids. Make room for storing twists.

Jam can be made from pine cones, as well as spruce, fir, and cedar, but more on that another time. Today we'll talk specifically about pine cones. The main ingredients for obtaining tasty and healthy treats, are water, sugar and coniferous fruits in different proportions. Cooking methods also differ, read on for proven and simple recipes cone jam.

Pine cone jam - recipes

When the fruits are collected and prepared, main question– how to make jam from pine cones is still open, so let’s not wait and move on directly to the cooking process.

pine cone jam recipe - pictured

Basic recipe for pine cone jam:

1. To cook delicious jam, first, the fruits should be washed and filled with distilled water above the cones a couple of centimeters. Put on fire, bring to a boil (do not boil) and set aside for 12-14 hours;

2. After the specified time, drain the water and mix it with granulated sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Place the syrup (without cones) on low heat and simmer until it thickens and acquires a beautiful red hue;

3. Add whole or cut cones to the mixture and boil for another 5-7 minutes, then distribute the boiling jam into jars. Pine cone jam, whose tart-sweet and pleasant taste will not leave anyone indifferent, be sure to prepare it for the winter!

Gift from the bear - brewed from crushed hearths

For 1 kg of harvest, take 1.2 kg of sugar and 800 grams of water. Finely chop the washed and selected pine cones. Separately, pour water into a container, boil and add sugar while stirring constantly.

When the sugar dissolves, add chopped fruits in small portions and cook for another 5 minutes. Cover the container with a cloth and leave until completely cool. Repeat similar actions two more times. After the last cooking, pour the boiling jam mixture into prepared jars and seal.

Children really like this pine cone jam, because the cones can be eaten, and most importantly, they are needed. Remember, dear parents, that they exist, so read them carefully before giving them to your child and using them yourself.

Shishkin honey - in the photo

Shishkin honey or gum
Honey made from pine cones, the taste of which is amazing, has a pronounced aroma of pine needles, the ingredients are the same - fruits, granulated sugar and water. Fill the washed cones with liquid 20 mm above the level, place the container on the stove, boil over low heat for 20-30 minutes with the lid closed, set aside for 24 hours.

Then drain the syrup. The cones will no longer be needed in this recipe, so remove them and throw them away. Boil the honey from the cones for about 90 minutes until it begins to thicken, and pack it hot for the winter.

Can be stored for a long time at room temperature in the apartment, healthy honey made from pine cones in winter will not only be a tasty sweet, but also good folk remedy for colds, bronchitis.

Jam from young cones without cooking
Raw treats preserve everything beneficial properties, but you can only store it in the refrigerator. To prepare the dessert, do the following - cut the washed fruits into several slices and dip in sugar.

Place the slices in a container, sprinkling each layer with additional granulated sugar. When the jar is full, tie the neck with thin cotton fabric or gauze and set aside in a dark, warm place. To ensure uniform and rapid dissolution of granulated sugar, the container must be shaken occasionally.

When the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, seal the jars with nylon lids and put them in the refrigerator. How to take pine cone jam - in for preventive purposes, one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, with a glass of water.

cone jam with ginger - pictured

How to make jam from cough cones

To make jam from cough cones, you will need 3 liters of water per 1 kg of fruit (the recipe takes whole cones). Combine the ingredients, simmer over low heat for at least 3 hours, let the broth brew for at least 12 hours. Then you should drain the liquid into a separate container, add granulated sugar in a 1:1 ratio, put the syrup back on the fire and simmer until the consistency of honey is obtained. 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking, return the cones back to the jam. Take a teaspoon of pine cone jam for colds, severe dry cough, sore throat, even mild form tuberculosis.

How to take jam and how to store it?

A healthy adult can afford 1-2 spoons of sweet medicine per day for preventive purposes. viral diseases upper respiratory tract, also for problems of the cardiovascular system, inflammatory processes, to strengthen the immune system. Dessert is useful for people suffering from pressure changes, who have had a heart attack or stroke. A spoonful of healing jam can heal wounds in the mouth.

When pregnant and breastfeeding, take pine cone jam with extreme caution, the maximum serving per day is 0.5-1 tsp. The delicacy is very rich in vitamins and microelements, so it may well cause allergies and painful sensations in the abdominal area. Due to its high allergenicity, in order to avoid diathesis, give pine cone jam to small children, starting with a quarter of a teaspoon and gradually increase to 1-2. People old age, and not only, should beware of the tempting dessert - it contains a strong concentration of substances that affect blood clotting.

A folk remedy made from cones to support the body, you can take a spoonful in the morning on an empty stomach with a glass of water or add it to tea. How to give jam from pine cones to small children - cut whole fruits and take out the fragrant and very nutritious red resin from the middle, pamper small children with colds and lack of appetite with medicine, dissolve one small spoon in a glass of green tea and give it to children to drink, and if an adult If a person gets sick, the dosage is doubled.

How to store pine cone jam - in a dark, not hot place where the delicacy will not spoil, with the exception of raw dessert - it must be kept in the refrigerator. All beneficial substances will remain throughout the year and will help to avoid or cure diseases.

Advice from experienced housewives:

  • When filling the cones with water, take a larger container, the cones tend to float;
  • When preparing pine cone jam, cool the syrup as much as possible - this will allow it to absorb more nutrients;
  • Do not be afraid of strong thickness - a very thick treat can always be diluted with water;

And yet, do not throw away the cones from the jam, they can and should be eaten - the most useful elements are in pink resin hidden inside the hearth. You will definitely love the resinous pine cone jam, stay healthy!

The benefits and harms of pine cone jam are contained in: making the right choice the main components for preparation and individual human sensitivity to the product. Until there is a wide choice medicines a delicacy made from pine needles was used for medicinal purposes. A useful composition containing vitamins and microelements has the ability to cope with various diseases.

Chemical composition of pine cone jam

Pine cone jam is not only a tasty delicacy, but also a treasure trove useful substances, necessary for a person. It contains essential oils that have a beneficial effect on mental health. It contains: antioxidants, bioflavonoids and various acids that help strengthen the immune system and quickly get rid of diseases.


Pine jam is beneficial for all body systems. It contains:

  1. Vitamin B. Has the ability to have a positive effect on cardiovascular system. Useful for people who are often stressed and depressed.
  2. Vitamin K. Takes part in the biosynthesis of the body.
  3. Vitamin C. Has an immunostimulating effect, protects against infectious diseases.
  4. Vitamin E. Useful for people with skin problems. Promotes cell rejuvenation, preventing their rapid aging.

The vitamin complex contained in the jam can increase mental abilities human, stimulate physical activity and prevent the development of many diseases not only of infectious origin.


The product contains a complex of minerals:

  1. Aluminum. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and has a strengthening effect on epithelial cells.
  2. Iron. Prevents the development of anemia (lack of oxygen). Benefits the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  3. Copper. Gives elasticity skin. Required for normal operation Gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Chromium. Normalizes sugar levels in the circulatory system.

The chemical composition of cone jam has a general strengthening property.

Calorie content of pine cone jam

The energy value of the product depends on the amount of sugar added during cooking. On average, it is 180 kcal per 100 g. But, compared to other sugar-containing treats, this figure is small, considering useful composition dessert and do not overuse pine cone jam, then harm to the figure is excluded.

Useful properties of pine cone jam

Benefits of jam from young pine cones for the body:

  1. Biologically active substances phytoncides found in plants inhibit the development harmful bacteria. Helps destroy fungal infections. Pine extract is often used in folk medicine for the treatment of ARVI.
  2. The treat relieves the main symptoms colds(headache, fever, runny nose). Used for the prevention of acute respiratory infections.
  3. Spruce jam – benefits for the immune system. High content vitamins and minerals have a general strengthening effect. Human performance is stimulated, brain cells are activated, which leads to improved functioning. The psycho-emotional state is normalized thanks to the essential oils in the dessert.

    Advice! To improve the beneficial effects on the body, you can add lemon and walnuts to the dessert.

  4. Expectorant property helps cleanse respiratory system. The use of jam is recommended for complicated types of lung diseases (bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis and others).
  5. Useful vitamin B. Improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Jam prevents heart attacks and strokes.
  6. The product has antispasmodic properties. Suitable for people suffering from joint pain. Apply as a compress to the problem area. Dentists recommend dissolving the jam from the cones in the mouth for severe toothaches.
  7. Cone jam improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  8. Thanks to its antioxidant content, the product prevents malignant formations in the body (tumors).

Important! Despite the beneficial properties of pine cone jam, you should consult your doctor before using it internally.

Diseases that pine cone jam can treat:

  • tuberculosis;
  • lack of vitamins winter period;
  • lack of vitamin C in the body (scurvy);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections;
  • diseases caused by fungal bacteria;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart failure;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pleurisy.

This useful product prevents bile stagnation and stimulates the excretory function of the stomach.

Is cone jam suitable for pregnant and lactating women?

The benefits and harms of jam fir cones for women in this position are individual. Pregnant women should try the product with caution to protect the fetus from negative impact. Before use, it is important to consult a specialist.

If approved for use by a physician daily dose should be no more than 1 teaspoon. It is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the body. Cone jam can cause allergic reactions in pregnant women.

Breastfeeding women should refrain from consuming pine cone jam.

Important! The product causes allergies and is not recommended for use by children under 7 years of age, and especially by infants.

At what age can pine jam be given to children?

You can try introducing a healthy dessert into your diet after your child turns 3 years old. But due to the allergic properties of the product, the first dose should be minimal and not exceed 1/3 tsp.

After the first test, it is necessary to carefully examine the child for 3 days. If no negative reaction is observed, you can continue to use the same amount no more than 1 time per day.

Important! Pine cone jam for children – benefits for immunity, but increase intake healing agent Possible after the child reaches 7 years of age.

You are allowed to eat up to 1 tsp. per day.

How to take jam for medicinal purposes

The healing properties of pine cone jam were discovered in ancient times. Today the benefits of the product have been scientifically proven. Everything is present in it necessary elements to combat various diseases. But independent use without medical consultation prohibited.

When coughing

The product helps to cope with any type of cough.

With dry reflex phenomenon, drinking pine cone jam helps quick elimination symptoms, but the dose should be within the limits prescribed by a specialist to avoid harm in the form of throat irritation from a sweet product.

When coughing with sputum, a healthy dessert helps thin the secretions and gently remove them from the respiratory tract.

To get the effect from natural preparation it should be taken regularly, 1 tsp. no more than 2 weeks.

For sore throat

The benefits of jam from green pine cones for sore throat are to eliminate severe symptoms diseases. It relieves pain, redness and copes with elevated temperature bodies.

Advice! To get the maximum effect from the jam, you need to drink it with tea. At high temperature the drink should be warm.

You are allowed to eat up to 1 tbsp per day. l. means. Children can take 1 tsp.

For stroke prevention

The tannins included in the dessert are the main components of medications for stroke. The cone delicacy has the ability to restore the body after an attack. Normalizes motor activity and the ability to speak.

Important! The product is eaten on an empty stomach 30 minutes before a large meal.

The course lasts 14 days. During this period, sugar-containing foods are completely excluded from the diet.

For bronchitis

To get rid of the disease, eat 1 tsp. jam 3 times a day. At the same time, drink it with plenty of water or warm tea. Drinking hot liquid is not recommended so as not to cause harm to the diseased organ.

For asthma

Experts recommend consuming pine jam for asthmatics to avoid complications of the disease. Reception is carried out every day, 2 tbsp. l. The dose is divided into several small portions. You should eat jam 5 minutes before meals. Do not take the product with liquid.

Pine cone jam for weight loss

Get rid of extra pounds It won't work with this tool. Its high calorie content on a diet may contribute to the opposite effect. Therefore, nutritionists allow dessert to be taken in minimal doses that cannot replace others. valuable products. Cones do not have the ability to burn fat deposits.

When and how to collect pine cones for jam

The period for collecting pine cones is in May or June. It depends on the region of residence. Young green cones are suitable for jam. They can be easily cut with a knife, and their length is no more than 4 cm.

How to make jam from pine cones

Beforehand, the cones are thoroughly washed under running water. Then they select the most suitable ingredients without flaws and begin preparing a healthy delicacy.

Advice! The cones secrete a sticky resin that is difficult to wash off your hands. Therefore, it is better to wear gloves.

Classic jam recipe

For this you will need:

  • pine cones – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 10 glasses.


  1. The cones are placed in the prepared pan. Fill with water so that it covers the fruit 2 cm above.
  2. Cover with a lid. Then boil for half an hour.
  3. The finished broth is left overnight in a dark place.
  4. Remove pine cones from the tincture with a slotted spoon. Next, add an amount of sugar equal to the proportions of water.
  5. The syrup is boiled until thick.

A useful product with healing properties is poured into containers and cooled.

Quick jam recipe

The ingredients are the same as in classic recipe jam.

To save as much time as possible, do the following:

  1. The cones are filled with water and sugar is immediately added in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. The contents simmer on fire for 1 hour 30 minutes.

During the cooking process, it is necessary to remove the foam as it forms. The jam turns out to have a reddish tint.

Recipe for pine jam without cooking

The amount of ingredients is selected taking into account the container.


  1. The cones are cut into small pieces.
  2. Each part is rolled in sugar and placed in layers in a jar.
  3. Additionally, sprinkle sugar on top.
  4. The container is placed in the sun and covered with gauze to provide access to oxygen.

When the sugar is completely dissolved, the jam is ready for use.

Pine cone jam with lemon

The combination with lemon will give the jam more beneficial properties.


  • pine cones – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • water – 6 l;
  • lemon – 1 pc.


  1. The cones are covered with sugar.
  2. Fill with water.
  3. Cook for 1 hour 30 minutes, stirring.
  4. Bring until thick and squeeze in lemon juice at the end.

The mixture can be preserved for the winter. The taste of pine cone jam with the addition of lemon is bright and rich.

Video on how to make jam from pine cones:

Harm of pine cone jam and contraindications

The benefits and harms of pine cone jam directly depend on the characteristics of the body. The product should not be used by people:

  • prone to allergies;
  • hypotensive patients;
  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • those suffering from kidney disease;
  • With acute form hepatitis.

For a healthy category of people, pine delicacy is harmful if abused. It can provoke gastrointestinal diseases, headache, fatigue and drowsiness. Harm is possible if the dessert is made from bad fruits collected along the road, with the presence of dirt or insects.

Is it possible to eat pine jam cones?

Lovers of delicious dessert even allow themselves to eat pine fruits. There are no contraindications to the use of cones: if no negative reactions occur from the jam, then harm from the raw material is excluded. The main thing is to stick to the measure.

How to choose jam from pine cones in a store

  1. Size. Pine cones should be no more than 4 cm in length. Then they will be soft and full of vitamins.
  2. Fruit integrity. Unscrupulous producers cut them to hide overripe buds.
  3. GOST The technological standard of the Russian Federation is written as follows - 53118-2008. If it is detected, the buyer can be calm about the quality of the product.
  4. Number of pine fruits. Low content cones - a rare jam. The main component is 70%.
  5. Additional additives excluded. Artificial preservatives and additives reduce beneficial effect jam on the body.
  6. Naturalness. The composition must contain only natural ingredients.

If you follow the rules, the likelihood of buying a low-quality product is minimal.

How to store pine jam at home

To prevent pine jam from losing its beneficial properties, it is poured into glass containers. Before this, the jars are sterilized with steam and dried. Cover the treats with plastic lids.

Important! You can't let them hit the can sun rays. Otherwise, the pine dessert will spoil and do more harm than good.

The ideal storage place for the product is the refrigerator. But a dark, cool cellar is also suitable. The temperature for keeping should be 0-18 °C. This mode allows you to preserve the beneficial composition and properties of the jam.

The aroma from the dessert is quite strong, so store foods that absorb it next to it. foreign odors, not recommended.


The benefits and harms of pine cone jam are not equal. Harmful influence possible due to non-compliance with consumption standards, individual intolerance product and the presence of certain diseases. Otherwise useful product can only have a positive effect.

Pine jam: what is it?

The jam is made from ordinary cones collected from pine trees. Naturally, for its preparation, young raw materials are selected, which are soft. Such cones are usually still green and can be easily pressed with a finger. Only then does it become edible - from old and hard buds such a fragrant and healthy delicacy will not work.

Today You can easily buy this jam.

There are special sites farms who practice making jam from pine, buds, shoots, as well as cooking pine honey.

The cost of the product in this case will be about 300-400 rubles per half-liter jar.

Moreover, such a dessert Available at many farmers markets- It has now become common to offer unusual desserts for free sale.

Therefore, it is worth looking for pine jam on shelves where honey, other varieties of jams and dried fruits are usually sold.

Also this jam is sometimes sold in large retail outlets, which position themselves as farmed or organic.

If a store sells eco-products, for example, milk with short term validity, from a large share There will probably be a pine dessert here too.

Healing pine jam for adults

Doctors are sure: jam has unique composition, which gives only one benefit to the body. This dessert is rich in vitamin C, ascorbic acid and other elements that strengthen the body. Due to this jam can enhance immunity and is an excellent remedy prevention of colds, viral diseases and bacterial pathologies.

This product contains many substances and combinations of useful microelements that are required by a person engaged in mental work. In addition, this dessert option allows you to quickly recover from stress– it helps to even out the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes sleep, and improves mood.

There is pine jam many vitamins that are called beauty vitamins— representatives of group B, folic acid. They are responsible for the functioning of the sexual sphere, correction of psycho-emotional states, tone and healthy color skin, nail strength, etc.

Doctors advise using this product constantly for those who suffer from vascular diseases - it can output cholesterol plaques , becomes a means of preventing varicose veins.

The dessert also cleanses the liver due to the tannin it contains, which human body does not produce itself.

In addition, a unique jam with pine flavor helps solve problems of the respiratory tract, relieves swelling, protects against dental diseases, and becomes a means of preventing problems in the digestive system.

For prevention, you should take 2-3 tbsp. per day.

Course - 1-2 months 2-3 times a year.

If the disease has already overtaken you, then it is optimal to add 1 tablespoon of herbal tea to warm tea. and drink 3 times a day.

Some representatives official medicine We are confident that such a remedy provides protection against cancer, as it blocks the blood flow to malignant tumors and stops the action of free radicals!

We treat children with a delicious dessert

Delicious and unusual delicacy, of course, may appeal to children. However doctors advise sticking to certain rules, if you want to give it to babies!

Small children may not large number herbal jam (up to 1 tsp) and no more than a couple of times a day. You can use it simply with a spoon or add it to tea. With regular use, it will prevent ARVI, as it will give the baby required stock vitamins and strengthen the immune system. It is also recommended to eat a little when you have a cough, sore throat or bronchitis.

Children over 7 years old are allowed to give this dessert a little large quantities– The dosage should be increased gradually. First, a third of a teaspoon per day, gradually increase it to a couple of teaspoons per day. And you definitely need to keep track unwanted reactions, since allergies are quite possible. If they appear, you should stop taking the drug.

Use during pregnancy

Pregnant women can take this jam, but with extreme caution. It is better to talk to your doctor about this topic first. He will also help you determine the dosage - but for the most part it will be the same as for children: no more than 1-2 teaspoons per day. This remedy is great for expectant mothers both to boost immunity and as a remedy for fever.

Contraindications and harm

Just like anyone else remedy, such jam has not only beneficial properties, but also its contraindications.

For example, people with kidney disease are advised to treat it with caution.

In addition, those who have acute hepatitis should avoid using it.

It should be used with caution by nursing women and people over 60 years of age.

An excess of jam, if eaten with spoons, can lead to headaches and stomach pain.

Therefore, you should not abuse it - 2-3 tbsp is quite enough. per day.

Pine is ever green conifer, which grows in the Northern Hemisphere. For many decades, the cones of this tree have been used to make very tasty and healthy jam. This delicacy is used to treat many ailments both in the adult population and in very young children. Children really like the pleasant aroma and excellent taste of this sweet. However, like any other product, pine cone jam has some negative properties and has its contraindications. Therefore, before eating such a delicacy, you should find out more about its benefits and harms. This article will talk about pine cone jam and its benefits and contraindications for use.

Benefits of pine cone jam

As stated above, this product nutrition has been used since ancient times to treat many diseases.

Pine, as you know, is considered one of the most popular phytoncidal plants. Phytoncides are biologically active substances produced by a plant. These substances suppress active growth or completely kill microscopic fungi and bacteria. Phytoncides are also found in large quantities in pine cones.

Pine jam is excellent antiviral agent, so it is recommended for flu and colds. Just a few spoons a day of this product will help you get rid of the hated runny nose in a very short period of time. Experts recommend having a small jar of this jam on hand for the winter, when there is practically no escape from a cold or flu.

If you add this delicacy to warm tea, then in a few days you can get rid of upper respiratory tract ailments, for example, dry cough. This drink will be not only very healthy, but also very tasty. After all, as mentioned above, pine cone jam has an amazing taste and aroma. It should also be noted that in addition to the expectorant effect, this drink has a diaphoretic effect and boasts immunomodulatory properties.

With the help of pine cone jam you can fight bronchitis and bronchial asthma. In this case, you should also add this product to tea or simply eat it in the amount of 2 spoons per day.

Pleurisy is another ailment that this product can treat.

People suffering from pneumonia should also pay attention to this sweetness.

Few people know, but pine jam can relieve gum pain. To eliminate pain, you should simply lubricate the problem area with a small amount of the product. In just a few minutes discomfort will subside.

Included pine jam includes a large number of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Thanks to this, it is an excellent vitamin, tonic and immune remedy. Vitamin C has a healing effect on the central nervous system and strengthens blood vessels. This vitamin is also an excellent helper in winter time years when most people experience a decrease in immunity.

B vitamins, which are also sufficient in pine cone jam, are involved in protein synthesis and promote blood clotting.

Vitamin P normalizes heart rate, strengthens capillary walls and reduces tissue swelling.

This jam also contains a lot of essential oils, lipids, monoterpene hydrocarbons, bioflavonoids and linolenic acid. It is thanks to this rich composition that pine cone jam takes a leading position among other popular homemade sweets.

Tannins, which are part of this product, help in the fight against stroke. Also given medicinal substance has an anti-inflammatory effect.

This delicacy increases hemoglobin in the blood.

Due to the fact that pine cones enhance gastric secretion, they are taken for many stomach diseases. As practice shows, such jam helps to cope even with such serious illness like a stomach ulcer.

This product also boasts a diuretic and tonic effect.

This sweetness is consumed for vitamin deficiency, that is, in cases where the body lacks vitamins. This usually occurs in winter or early spring. However, vitamin deficiency can overtake a person and summer time year, so pine jam should be on hand at any time of the year.

Pine cones are very useful for pulmonary tuberculosis. The symptoms of such a serious disease can be reduced if you consume at least 2 spoons of this jam several times a week.

This delicacy is very strong antioxidant. It protects the human body from negative action free radicals and has a pronounced antitumor effect. It is thanks to these properties that many doctors currently advise using pine jam to prevent cancer.

Many lovers of this sweet agree that it has an invigorating effect. If you want to sleep, just drink a cup of tea with pine medicine and sleep will go away.

Contraindications to the use of pine cone jam

Before eating this sweetness, you should find out about the harm it can cause to the human body.

Experts do not recommend overusing pine jam. For example, an overdose of this product can lead to an unpleasant allergic reaction, stomach disorders and headaches. For wellness 2 small spoons of jam per day will be enough.

Pine cone jam is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

It is also better for elderly people over 60 years old to avoid this sweetness.

As mentioned above, many mothers like to give this jam to their children if they have colds. However, caring parents should be aware that in some cases this product can cause an allergic reaction, especially in children under 7 years of age. Therefore, before you start treating your baby with pine sweets, you should first treat him with a very small portion.

This food product should not be consumed by people who have a personal intolerance to any of its components.

People with kidney intolerance should also use pine jam with caution.

It is also advisable to avoid this product for people who have been diagnosed with acute hepatitis.

If pine cones were collected in an ecologically unclean area, then after consuming jam from them various complications may arise.

In order for pine cone jam to be not only tasty, but also healthy, you should know which pine cones are most suitable for it. For example, experts warn that woody and old pine cones are not suitable for a healthy treat. Young and green buds that can be pierced very easily are ideal. Their size usually varies from 1 to 4 centimeters. During collection, you should also pay attention to the condition of not only the cones, but also the tree itself. If the tree has been infected by a large number of insects, then you should look for medicinal raw materials elsewhere. Only from correctly collected cones can you make truly healthy jam.

Pine cone jam: healthy and delicious recipes

Pine cones and young twigs have long been used to make tasty and healthy jam. Pleasant aroma Even small children like this delicacy, and the dish is widely used in folk medicine. But it is worth remembering about contraindications. Pine cone jam, the benefits and harms of which should be known to everyone before use, when correct use will become a source of health and vigor.

Our grandmothers also used pine in medicinal purposes. Not only young cones and shoots are used, but also needles, buds and even resin. Pine wood has a pleasant smell and gives a lot of warmth in the winter cold. But in cooking you can’t do without this wonderful tree.

Pine cone jam is the most popular winter delicacy. Pleasant smell and unique taste only partially characterize this dish. The most popular quality is the presence of phytoncides in it. This substance is known for its strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. That is why jam is widely used to treat all types of colds.

The benefit of this dish also lies in its overall healing effect on the body. Daily use jam will help cope with the symptoms of many diseases:

  • Flu and colds;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • ARVI;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Vitamin deficiency;
  • Gum diseases.

Not only pine, but also spruce has healing properties. Jam made from fir cones also has a healing effect on the human body, improves its protective functions and strengthens immune system. Just a few spoons a day will help you cope with cold symptoms in a matter of days. Even children will be happy to take this medicine.

Pine cone jam has a rich chemical composition. It includes:

  • Phytoncides;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Vitamins C, B and P;
  • Carotene;
  • Essential oils;
  • Tannins.

Antioxidants contained in pine and spruce fruits cleanse the entire body of toxins and harmful substances. Vitamins and minerals nourish and strengthen the immune system. This means that eating jam is effective prevention colds during the cold season.

Essential oils are of particular value. Just a few drops applied to a scarf or collar outerwear, can provide protection against viruses for the whole day. Essential oils of pine and spruce perfectly disinfect the air, and a pleasant soft smell has a calming effect on the nervous system and lifts your spirits.

Cone jam: benefits and harms

Like everyone else medicines, this delicacy has some contraindications. This dish should not be consumed:

  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding - so as not to cause an allergic reaction;
  • For elderly people and those suffering from thrombosis - the tannin element increases blood clotting and promotes its thickening;
  • Children under 3 years old - so as not to cause an allergic reaction.

The use of such dishes is also contraindicated for people suffering from kidney disease. Excessive use in food may cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. Under no circumstances should you combine the use of this product with a disease such as hepatitis.

Before enjoying pine jam yourself or treating your baby, you just need to try it (no more than half a teaspoon). If no headaches or allergic reactions, then you can gradually increase the amount. But you should not consume more than 4-5 tablespoons per day, even in the absence of contraindications.

How and when to collect pine cones correctly

To make jam from pine cones, the recipe for which is very simple, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of raw materials. Undoubtedly, ready-made harvested fruits can be purchased even at the market, but if your place of residence and time allows, then it is better to do it yourself.

There are several tips when collecting fruits for making jam:

Old and woody cones are not suitable for making jam. To make it tasty and healthy dish, it is necessary to collect only young green fruits. The collection period depends on the territory and climatic conditions. In certain regions of Russia, spring comes in different times Therefore, the approximate period of ripening of cones occurs from the beginning of May to the middle of June.

The fruits should be soft and easy to bite or pierce with a fingernail. Their size can vary from 1 to 3 cm in length. To prepare 1 liter of pine jam, it will be enough to collect half a kilo of pine cones (about 20-30 pieces). You can also use young shoots. Green twigs are harvested at about the same time as the fruits, and the jam they make is no worse.

Pine cone jam recipes

To prepare a tasty and unusual delicacy, you need very little. Stock up on vitamins for the winter, and also pleasantly surprise your guests with an unusual and aromatic dish at New Year, pine cone jam recipe with photos and step by step preparation. This dish, the ingredient for which must be collected in early spring, is best suited for winter festive table, since the Christmas tree is an unchanging symbol, and the pine aroma from the jam will fill the house with a cheerful mood.

Pine cone jam recipes with photos

Having collected required quantity raw materials, you can start cooking. Most recipes use a 1:1 ratio of pine cones to sugar. If a too sweet dish is not to your taste, then you can adjust the amount of ingredients at your discretion. Accordingly, the taste will be more tart. For a bright and aromatic picture, you can add lemon, vanilla, cinnamon and any other spices, as well as currants or cranberries.

The consistency of the dish itself resembles liquid honey, which is why many people call it exactly that - “pine honey.” The pleasant amber color and sweet taste are very reminiscent of a bee delicacy, and the light aroma of tree resin makes the jam special and unique.

Pine cone jam: video instructions

Bottom line

pine tree has been famous for its qualities since ancient times. The rich composition of its cones carries enormous benefits for human health, which is why they make tasty and healing jam, the aroma of which will enrich any holiday.