How to calm your nerves: natural sedatives. Choosing herbs that promote sleep What herbs are sedative

Herbs for sleep are a good addition to drug treatment, which does not have a harmful effect on the body and allows you to effectively combat insomnia. Today, the range of medicinal herbs includes several dozen varieties of plants, most of which are included in modern medical preparations.

The benefits and advantages of herbal medicine over drug treatment

Herbal medicine is no longer considered traditional medicine, since most medicinal herbs can be bought without problems at any pharmacy, according to affordable price(unlike modern tablets, ointments, etc.). Compared to medications, medicinal herbs have the following advantages:

  • Availability. Almost all herbal remedies for sleep are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and some herbs can even be collected yourself.
  • More soft action. Natural remedies for insomnia do not contain potent chemicals, due to which they can be used on an ongoing basis, both as treatment and for prevention.
  • The presence of a general strengthening effect. In addition to the fact that herbs for sleep help overcome insomnia, they also have a positive effect on the nervous system and heart. vascular system person. As for medicinal drugs, their effect is often directed only at one area of ​​the body and is associated with side effects on other organs.
  • No narcotic effect. Unlike medications, among herbal preparations more difficult to find element, addictive or dope.

However, at an advanced stage of the pathology, herbal medicine will most likely be powerless. Therefore, in this case it is recommended to use it only in conjunction with medicines and under the supervision of a doctor.

Basic rules of application

Calming herbs for sleep are best used exclusively in combination, since the benefits of one plant will not be sufficient for calming. nervous system person. However, before mixing herbs into one collection, it is recommended to find out compatibility in advance. Otherwise, an incorrectly prepared infusion will cause harm to the body.

Important! Before cooking herbal teas, baths or infusions, it is better to dry the plant so that its beneficial properties are not lost in the future. Any other methods pre-treatment Experts do not recommend using it.

If pathological condition the patient is on early stage development, then he can easily get by with herbal infusions for external use (inhalation). This therapy will replace medicinal drugs on chemical basis, providing the patient with a sound and restful sleep.

The best herbs for insomnia

Herbal sleeping pills are very popular among older people who, today, managed to create a whole list of plants of natural origin that have the most powerful effect on the human body.

Motherwort is a perennial plant with a fleecy surface and gray color. It contains large number useful components, providing positive impact on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as on gastrointestinal tract person. An overdose of this plant is not capable of causing side effects. Therefore, motherwort is often used as a natural sedative that can be easily made at home.


Hop cones have a characteristic bitter taste, which occurs due to the presence of lupulin, a natural sleeping pill. However, this sleeping pill has a very easy effect on the body, so it is advisable to use hops in combination with other plants. A additional advantage ordinary hops can be considered to have a general strengthening property.

Mint and lemon balm

Unlike many medicinal herbs, mint and lemon balm leaves (like chamomile) have very good taste and aroma. They are most often recommended to be brewed as a tea, although sometimes it is more beneficial to make an infusion from these plants. However, according to experts, mint and lemon balm are not considered beneficial for men, since these plants negatively affect potency. For women, tea based on such herbs will be a good sedative, which is recommended to drink in the evening.

St. John's wort

St. John's wort contains whole bouquet useful substances, the action of which is aimed at normalizing sugar, carotene, phytoncides and vitamins in the human body. This plant is very often used to treat rheumatism, flu, hemorrhoids, colds, and even pathologies of the heart and stomach. We should not forget about its calming effect, which gives St. John's wort the status of a natural sleeping pill.


The main area of ​​influence of the beneficial substances present in the stems and leaves of the cinnamon is the central nervous system. By calming it, the plant also normalizes the patient’s heartbeat, relieving him of arrhythmia and hypertension. Additional properties cinnamon can be considered to have an analgesic effect on joints and bones, which helps in the fight against arthritis and arthrosis.


A good herb for insomnia, which only affects the human nervous system, is valerian. It is most often used in medicine, in the form of tablets or drops. In this case, other plants can be added to the composition for their complex effect on the body.

Hawthorn fruits

Hawthorn fruits have several beneficial properties, therefore this plant is considered to be the most versatile. Hawthorn is able to supply the body with vitamins A, B, E and C, since it contains starch, essential oils, and others useful elements. And thanks fatty oils, which are so rich in the seeds of the plant, you can easily cure dysentery in both adults and children.

Lily of the valley is a potent plant that can overcome cardioneurosis and heart failure. However, this plant is often used in combination with other medicinal herbs for sleep (hawthorn, valerian, etc.). If you drink tincture of lily of the valley for a long time, as a preventive measure, it will also allow you to improve your mental abilities.

Ready-made herbal preparations in a pharmacy

All of the above herbs good sleep often found in pharmacies, in prepared form (in the form of teas, infusions, decoctions, drops, etc.). Well, the most best medicines based on herbs will be presented in the article below.

1. Relaxozan . Active biological additive, based on valerian, lemon balm and mint, which has a calming effect on the human central nervous system. Relaxozan is available in tablet form, so it may be contraindicated for children under the age of three years. As for adults, it is recommended to take this drug for stress, neurosis and insomnia.

2. Sleep formula. The sleep formula includes a large amount of dried and crushed medicinal plants with sedative properties. Namely: mint, lemon balm, hawthorn, chamomile, hops and oregano. Both adults and children are allowed to take it to improve sleep, but no more than once a day, before bedtime.

Important! The drug “sleep formula” can be produced not only in the form of tea, but also in the forms of tablets, syrup and spray. However, only tea contains no chemical components, so it is recommended to give preference exclusively to it.

3. Motherwort Forte. This sleepy drug is made from motherwort and is available exclusively in tablet form. The dosage for adults per day is 2 tablets, for children – 0.5 tablets, before bedtime. The entire course of treatment lasts from 1 week to a month, depending on individual characteristics body.

4. Hot drink “7 herbs for sleep.” A sedative drug, available in the form of filter bags, that helps a person suffering from insomnia to fall asleep. The recipe is simple: pour boiling water over one bag and leave for 5 minutes. The hot drink contains the following herbs: hops, mint, lemon balm, chamomile, valerian, stevia and rooibos. In some cases, blackberries may be added to 7 Herbs for Sleep for an enhanced flavor.

Rating of safe herbs for insomnia (table)

There are several dozen types of herbs for insomnia for women and men, each of which can be taken in the form of infusions, teas, decoctions, etc. Popular plants and properties are described in the table:

PlantCooking methodArea of ​​influenceBenefits for the body
Brew 2 tablespoons of grated motherwort leaves in boiling water, cool, and strain into a separate cup. Drink no more than 3 times a day, one tbsp. spoon.Cardiovascular and central nervous systemsRestores the level of nutrients in the blood, normalizing sugar and glucose.
MintMint leaves are pre-dried, after which they are infused in boiling water for at least 20 minutes.Nervous system and heartImproves metabolism, simultaneously stimulating the heart muscle, and also lulls and calms the nervous system.
St. John's wortThe collected plant is dried and thoroughly crushed. The resulting porridge is infused in boiling water and filtered through cheesecloth. It is recommended to take the decoction 3 times a day, exclusively before meals.CNS and cardiovascular systemRelieves stress, gradually restoring the nervous system. Helps fight insomnia.
ValerianValerian root (in the amount of 1 tablespoon) is placed in water and boiled over low heat for 30 minutes. The boiled potion is infused until completely cooled, and taken 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day.Central nervous systemCalms the impulses emanating from the central nervous system to the brain and relieves general fatigue of the body.
The berries of the plant are dried and brewed in boiling water, one tablespoon per glass of water.Cardiovascular system and central nervous systemTreats hypertension, arrhythmia and stabilizes blood cholesterol levels. When taken at night, it calms, allowing a person to sleep soundly until the morning.

Important! It’s easy to make sleeping pills from plants with your own hands, because... these herbs are considered handy. It is noteworthy that you can collect it yourself in a forest or field. If this is not possible, the necessary plant can be obtained at the pharmacy.

When conducting a course of herbal medicine, doctors advise not to forget that herbs are not able to cure advanced stages of diseases. Therefore, it is better to use it as a preventive measure or in addition to a drug course of treatment.

Note: the remaining stems of medicinal plants that do not end up in decoction or tea can be used instead of an everyday pillow, tied into a herbal roll or bag. This will ensure sound sleep, and will reduce the chance of pathologies occurring in the body.

The need for quiet rest and good restorative sleep in children, as we know, is great. But the daily “overdose” of various impressions, new knowledge and skills becomes an insurmountable obstacle for a growing person. He cannot sleep peacefully, his sleep is disturbed, the baby often cries, his appetite has deteriorated, the child has become worse at school, he is nervous and capricious. All these and many other features of their child’s behavior that are alarming for parents are a reason to think about whether the child needs help.

You can calm your child's nervous system with soothing herbs.

Rush to the pharmacy for sedatives and psychostimulants are not worth it. There are many less toxic and more natural, natural ways help the child find harmony with himself and the world around him. One of these methods is herbal medicine.

What is herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine is the treatment of a person with medicinal herbs and preparations made from such plants. The ancient Greeks were the first to use herbs to create potions, followed by Sumerian healers. Herbal medicine was popular at the court of Ivan the Terrible and Catherine II and has survived to this day. Thus, the recipes for many herbal remedies have been tested not even for years, but for millennia. Gone are the days when healers were considered sorcerers and were feared. Official medicine has long ceased to argue with herbalists, and often doctors are happy to include their full traditional treatment and herbal medicine.

Nervous, excitable, easily tired child, capricious baby or a tired schoolboy... Herbs can help them all. You just need to know which soothing herbs and in what way can be used for children.

Herbs that are contraindicated for children:

  • Broom,
  • Celandine,
  • Sagebrush,
  • Tansy,
  • Citrus leaves and zest.

A child can take herbs in several ways: decoctions, teas, infusions, essential oils, soothing herbal baths, lotions, compresses. The choice of a specific herb and the method of preparing medicine from it depends primarily on the age of the child. Let's look at each age stage separately, with possible problems and options for their solution.

The child can drink herbal teas, and you can make compresses and lotions with herbs

Children from 0 to 1 year

Usually, medicinal herbs enter the life of newborns from the first days after discharge from the hospital. maternity hospital. Mom and dad begin to add a little string decoction to the baby’s bath. This calms the baby and better cleanses his delicate baby skin.

The use of medicinal herbs in baby baths is a common practice. To create infusions that can then be poured into bathing water, all permitted herbs are used. But not at the same time. You can take no more than 4 types of plants at a time.

In addition, before taking the procedure, make sure that your baby is not allergic to herbs. To do this, wipe its handle with a cotton pad soaked in the prepared broth. If after 15-20 minutes the skin remains clean, does not become red, swollen or stained, you can bathe your child with this herbal mixture.

The child experiences his first sessions of herbal medicine as early as early childhood when his parents bathe him in a herbal bath

The water temperature for taking healing baths for babies should be no higher than +37 degrees Celsius. Here are a few simple recipes soothing baths for newborns and children up to 1 year:

  • Bath for relaxation. Seed, motherwort and lemon balm. For 10 liters of prepared water, use 3 tbsp. spoons of herbal mixture (mix herbs in equal proportions), pour boiling water (about 400 grams). Leave for about 30 minutes. Strain until complete cleansing decoction from the suspension and add to the bath prepared for bathing. The baby should take it within 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure after two days. General course treatment – ​​two months.
  • Bath to normalize sleep. For 10 liters of prepared water you need to take pine needles (about 30g), mint and oregano. Pour boiling water over all herbs and leave for about an hour. Leave the pine needles in boiling water separately from the herbs. Both the decoction should be filtered and poured into the prepared bath. Take for 10 minutes three times a week. The general course is a month.

Doctors recommend brewing soothing teas from medicinal herbs for newborns no earlier than when the baby is 4 months old. It is at this time that parents will begin to introduce the first complementary foods, and it will be much easier for the baby’s body to accept new “products”.

You can make soothing teas for children yourself, but it is better to buy them at the pharmacy, fortunately there are several dozen types of them now available.

Choose those that do not contain prohibited substances. children's use herbs (see list above), as well as teas that do not contain herbs - potentially strong allergens(such as linden color, for example).

Soothing teas based on chamomile, lemon balm, and motherwort normalize sleep, relieve hypertension, improve digestion and the condition of the nervous system.

You can dry the herbs yourself, or you can buy ready-dried ones at the pharmacy.

The most famous children's soothing teas based on medicinal herbs:

  • Fennel tea for newborns. Strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, helps cope with colic, promotes better absorption calcium and removes muscle spasms. Normalizes sleep. You can buy it at the pharmacy (packaged), or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, crush fennel seeds (2 grams) with a teaspoon and pour boiling water over it. Cover the dish and let the preparation brew for an hour. Then dilute the decoction boiled water up to a volume of 200 ml. Giving fennel tea should be started gradually, with 1 teaspoon per day, increasing by the end of the week to 6 teaspoons per day.

Fennel tea is great for coping with newborn colic.

  • Chamomile tea. To prepare this tea you will need flowers pharmaceutical chamomile. Pour boiling water over about 5 grams of herb and let it brew for 40-45 minutes. Bring to a volume of 250 ml. Give a teaspoon twice a day. This tea has an anti-inflammatory and deep calming effect. Makes the baby sleep soundly.

In addition to its calming effect, chamomile perfectly relieves inflammation.

  • Herbal tea “Babushkino Lukoshko”. This is ready-made fennel tea that can be bought at any pharmacy. There are 20 sachets in a box. Helps cope with colic and has a mild laxative effect, soothes and relaxes the baby. Daily dose Such tea for babies up to 1 year old should be equal to the volume of one feeding. For children after 12 months, the dosage can be increased to 200-300 ml.

Tea with fennel "Babushkino Lukoshko" can be bought at the pharmacy

  • Mint soothing tea. This tea is easy to make and your little one is sure to love it. You will need 2 tablespoons of mint, 1 tablespoon of hop cones, 1 tablespoon of valerian root. All herbal ingredients must be mixed, crushed as finely as possible and brewed with boiling water. You need a little less than half a glass of water. Leave for about half an hour. For children under 1 year of age, give a teaspoon 4-5 times a day. Children from 1 to 3 years old - two to three tablespoons five times a day. Preschoolers: 1 glass three times a day.

You can make your own mint tea

In the next video, an experienced pharmacist will tell you what soothing teas and herbs you can buy at the pharmacy.

Children aged 1-2 years

Children who are one year old, in addition to all the above herbs, can additionally be given valerian, linden flowers, oregano.

For kids who are already 2 years old, you can safely add St. John’s wort to the already permitted range.

Children aged 3-9 years

Children who have crossed the first serious age limit of 3 years can add lavender to their tea. From 3-4 years old can be used for bathing aromatic oils However, you should refrain from “exotic” representatives of this family - citrus fruits, tea and sandalwood, etc. It is better to give preference to plant oils that are characteristic of the natural area in which you live.

A pine bath has an excellent calming effect on the nerves. For it you can use pine needles, pre-brewed and infused, and essential oil pine trees When adding essential oils, strictly follow the dosage indicated on the package. An extra two or three drops “for flavor” can cause an allergic reaction in a child.

For preschool and younger children school age calming herbs can be used in drops and tablets (if we're talking about about homeopathic medicines).

Children from 3 to 9 years old can buy homeopathic medicines on herbs

You can make any teas, as well as decoctions for baths, as much as your imagination allows, the main thing, as in the case of healing soothing herbal baths, is not to mix more than 4 herbs at the same time.

Characteristics of some calming herbs

  • Peppermint. Thanks to the presence of menthol, this plant is a real antibacterial weapon. Remove lotions with mint decoction itchy skin and inflammation. The herb has a mild calming effect, and at the same time strengthens the bronchi and lungs. It should be taken in the form of tea or a bath, preferably 30 minutes before the baby goes to bed.

Mint can be used both as tea and for bath

  • Valerian root. This is an excellent sedative, which also has a pronounced sedative and analgesic effect. In addition, valerian root is an excellent herbal antidepressant. You can take it by adding it to tea. Valerian is not recommended for newborns, but you can wrap a piece of the root in gauze and place it near the baby’s crib. He will sleep better.

Valerian is not recommended for newborns

Melissa normalizes the digestion process

  • Motherwort. Everyone knows about its calming properties, even people very far from medicine. When adding motherwort to your child’s tea or bath, it is also useful to know that this plant has anticonvulsant, tonic and diuretic properties.

Motherwort can be given to a child in the form of tea, or it can be added to the bath when bathing.

The series has a slight calming effect

Today we will talk about how traditional treatment nervous system can help resist stress, cope with irritability, overcome insomnia and calm nerves.

Our modern reality is quite tense in terms of information. Every day life presents us with a wide variety of events that can have a very negative impact on the nervous system.

If you feel that your nerves are completely shaken, you need to urgently take measures to help your health - herbs that calm the nervous system will come

Soothing collection No. 1 – hawthorn and valerian

Ingredients: oregano flowers - 50 grams, valerian root - 25 grams, hawthorn fruits - 50 grams, sweet clover - 50 grams, mint - 20 grams.


  1. Mix all the ingredients. Then you need to take 2 tablespoons of the prepared mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into a saucepan.
  2. Close the lid and wrap it with a towel. Let it sit for one hour. You can infuse it in a thermos.

We take prepared soothing tea when you need to calm your nerves, half a glass twice a day before you eat.

Soothing collection No. 2 - lemon balm and mint

Herbs beneficial for the nervous system!

Melissa and mint: very good herbs calming the nervous system, healers have long recommended them for the treatment of irritability, nervousness, strong and good sleep at night.

Making soothing tea

  1. To make lemon balm and mint tea, you need to take 50 grams of each herb and mix them together.
  2. Then take one tablespoon of herbal mixture and pour it with 2 glasses of water. Place on low heat and let it boil.
  3. Boil the tea for one minute and remove from heat. Let it brew a little and you can drink it - half a glass, three times a day before meals.

If you suffer from insomnia, drink a glass of warm tea before bed. You will fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly.

Pay attention!

You can prepare a soothing tea using only one of the herbs: for example, only mint tea or lemon balm tea. Therapeutic effect will also be good and positive!

Infusion for insomnia - lemon balm

This infusion will help you cope with insomnia.


  1. To prepare the infusion, take three teaspoons of lemon balm and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over the herb.
  2. Be sure to cover the saucepan with a lid and let it brew for two hours (drops that settle on the lid during the infusion process should be shaken into the saucepan, they contain beneficial essential oils).


We drink the prepared infusion in small portions throughout the day. This treatment is very effective for stressful situations, insomnia and stomach pain after stress.

Infusion for the nervous - a collection of sedative herbs

To prepare a healing collection, take one tablespoon of chopped herbs and roots:

hop cones, valerian root, St. John's wort herb, angelica root, wheatgrass root.


  1. Mix all the ingredients and take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour boiling water over it - 200 milliliters.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave herbal tea Let it sit for 20 minutes until a thin film appears on the surface of the infusion. Then we'll strain it.


The ready-made sedative infusion should be drunk one glass at a time when you have very strong nervous overexcitation or stress.

Tea before the road

If you have to go on the road and are very worried about this, then folk treatment for the nervous system will come to the rescue, namely, soothing tea.

To prepare it, you need to mix in equal proportions: thyme, hop cones, valerian root, St. John's wort.


  1. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a thermos, pour boiling water - 500 milliliters.
  2. Let it sit for one hour.

Drink half a glass of prepared tea before an upcoming trip and while traveling on the road.

Stress-relieving infusion


  1. To quickly relieve stress: take 1 tablespoon of hop cones and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Cover with a lid and let the hops brew for 15 minutes, then strain.

Drink half a glass of infusion twice a day. You need to drink before eating.

Decoction that improves mood

Each of us can face a problem bad mood, and there are people who are prone to depression. In this case, it will help you:

St. John's wort decoction


  1. Pour four tablespoons of well-chopped St. John's wort herb with one liter of boiling water.
  2. Cook over low heat for two minutes. Cover with a lid and let the St. John's wort brew for 15 minutes. When our infusion has cooled, strain it.


You need to drink if depressive state, half a glass three times a day, before meals. A decoction of St. John's wort can be used for no more than two weeks, after which you need to take a break for one month.

Pay attention!

Before you start using herbs that calm the nervous system, you should definitely consult your doctor. The course of taking soothing teas and infusions is two to three weeks, after which you must take a short break - for two weeks or one month.

Now you know which herbs calm the nervous system and how to use them correctly.

Every person faces stressful situations. Any stress has a negative impact on health. Calming herbal infusions are considered the most effective, safe, painless remedy for calming the nervous system. Not always chemicals help to cope with such a problem without harming the body, therefore in folk and traditional medicine healing herbs widely used as sedatives.

What are the benefits of herbal remedies?

Herbal teas calm the nervous system due to their healing composition, are capable of:

  • eliminate aggressive behavior, irritability;
  • improve brain activity;
  • eliminate heavy sweating, stomach pain, hand tremors, reduce heart rate;
  • reduce the level of excitement of the nervous system;
  • Effectively combat insomnia by simplifying the process of going to bed.

In order for the herbal sedative to be as beneficial as possible, the herbs must be grown yourself or purchased at the pharmacy. Under no circumstances is it recommended to collect plants along roads, near heavy industry, or landfills.

What herbs are best to use for a soothing decoction?

Among the many medicinal plants, not everyone can have sedative properties. Most often used for preparing drinks:

  • St. John's wort;
  • oregano;
  • chamomile;
  • motherwort;
  • black cinnamon;
  • sagebrush;
  • valerian;
  • mint;
  • linden;
  • Melissa;
  • fireweed angustifolia;
  • creeping thyme;
  • fireweed;
  • yarrow;
  • Adonis;
  • hawthorn.

All of these herbs have strong sedative properties, but you should not expect an immediate effect. Only after several doses of the infusion will any result be noticeable. It is not recommended to take herbal tea to calm the nervous system without first consulting your doctor, because each of the plants has its own number of contraindications, and their abuse causes side effects.

For what diseases is the use of infusions prescribed?

A calming herbal mixture is prescribed for:

  • increased nervousness;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • insomnia;
  • on initial stages hypertensive pathologies;
  • climacteric syndrome.

If the patient experiences mild nervousness, it is recommended to take chamomile infusions. For sleep disturbances - mint, lemon balm. Hop cones and valerian will help eliminate prolonged insomnia. If a person suffers from hysterics or tearfulness, you can prepare an infusion of motherwort. At long-term use Medicinal plants may cause side effects that cause serious damage to the body.

Preparing medicinal infusions at home

Calming infusion


  • eucalyptus infusion – 20 g;
  • motherwort infusion – 15 g;
  • valerian infusion – 10 g;
  • peony infusion – 20 g.


  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Take 15 drops 3 times a day.

Soothing infusion in the form of a mixture


  • 10 ml hawthorn;
  • 20 ml valerian;
  • 10 ml peppermint;
  • 20 ml motherwort;
  • 1 tablet of diphenhydramine.


  1. Mix all infusions in a glass container.
  2. Add diphenhydramine.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Leave for half an hour.
  5. Start taking small doses, gradually increasing the dosage if necessary. Optimal indicator- for 0.25 cups of boiled water - 15-20 drops.

Calming herbal infusions


  • 1 tsp. crushed valerian roots;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon balm;
  • oats – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • peony roots - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 1 tbsp. l. motherwort;
  • 1 tbsp. l. hop cones;
  • alcohol – 0.5 l.


  1. Mix all ingredients in a glass container.
  2. Fill with alcohol.
  3. Insist for two weeks.
  4. Strain with gauze.
  5. Use 2 times a day, 1 tsp.

Infusions to calm the nervous system

Herbal tea for calming has the following recipe:


  • oregano flowers – 50 g;
  • valerian root – 25 g;
  • hawthorn berries – 50 g;
  • sweet clover – 50 g;
  • peppermint – 20 g;
  • 0.6 liters of water.


  1. Mix all ingredients.
  2. Bring water to a boil.
  3. Next 1 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over the resulting mixture.
  4. Leave in a closed container for 1 hour.
  5. Strain, cool to room temperature.
  6. Drink 2 times a day, 0.5 cups half an hour before meals.

Soothing infusion of herbs in the form of teas


  • lemon balm – 50 g;
  • mint – 50 g;
  • 2 glasses of water.


  1. Boil water.
  2. Add mint and lemon balm.
  3. Cook over low heat for 2-3 minutes.
  4. Leave for 10 minutes.
  5. Cool the broth and strain.
  6. Drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day before meals.
  7. For insomnia, drink 1 glass before bed.

Herbal teas in a pharmacy

In addition to collecting herbs yourself or preparing infusions, all the ingredients and the finished drink can be purchased at the pharmacy. The pharmacist will help you select the necessary herbs for the infusion, but if the attending physician has prescribed the use of the drink, then at the pharmacy you can provide a prescription and purchase a ready-made decoction.

Thanks to the correctly selected amount of herbs in the infusion, you can safely carry out a course of treatment without fear of causing harm to the body. Soothing Herbal Blend 3 is considered one of the most effective mixtures which are sold in pharmacies. The dosage of each filter bag is precisely calculated for safe treatment.

Most often, calming herbal infusions are prescribed in pharmacies for excessive excitability, insomnia, and cramps in the stomach and intestines.

Herbal tea soothing in a pharmacy


  • 25 g motherwort;
  • 25 g oregano;
  • 25 g thyme;
  • 17 g valerian;
  • 8 g of sweet clover herb.


  1. Boil water.
  2. Place a bag of herbs in one glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Take a third of a glass warm 2 times a day.

The dosage may be changed by the attending physician depending on the patient's diagnosis.

Calming infusions for children

Tea recipe No. 1


  • 2 tbsp. l. mint;
  • 2 tbsp. l. valerian;
  • 1 tbsp. l. hop inflorescences;
  • 2 glasses of water.


  1. Bring water to a boil.
  2. Mix all herbs.
  3. Next 2 tbsp. l. pour boiling water over the mixture.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Strain, cool.
  6. Use 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  7. The course of treatment is 3 days.

Recipe No. 2


  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon balm;
  • 1 tbsp. l. linden;
  • 5 tbsp. l. chamomile;
  • 0.2 liters of water.


  1. Place the plants in the pan.
  2. Fill with water.
  3. Bring to a boil.
  4. Remove from the stove.
  5. Leave for 30 minutes.
  6. Strain.
  7. Use the decoction 15 minutes before bedtime, 0.5 cups.

Recipe No. 3


  • 1 tbsp. l. rosehip;
  • 1 tbsp. l. linden;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • 1 glass of water.


  1. Pour water over ingredients.
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Cook for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove from the stove.
  5. Leave for 20 minutes.
  6. Strain.
  7. Add honey.
  8. Take before going to bed.

Infusion of soothing herbs for bath


  • 1 tbsp. l. chamomile;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sequences;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mint;
  • water – 500 ml.


  1. Mix herbs.
  2. Bring water to a boil.
  3. Pour boiling water over the mixture.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Be sure to strain.
  6. Add to bath for bathing.
  7. The water in the bathroom should be warm, no more than 38 degrees.

Instructions for using calming herbal remedies

In order for the sedative infusion to bring only benefits without harming the body, you must follow the rules:

  1. Do not abuse the drink.
  2. Do not exceed the prescribed course of treatment.
  3. After three weeks of using the infusions, take a break.
  4. Study contraindications.
  5. To prevent the body from getting used to the infusion, it is necessary to periodically change the composition.
  6. In case of frequent manifestations allergic reactions, herbal infusions take with extreme caution or stop taking altogether.
  7. Before using medicinal plants, first consult a doctor and undergo a full examination.
  8. Do not combine decoctions with alcohol.

By taking all precautions, herbal remedies will help get rid of many diseases. Abuse and self-medication with infusions can be hazardous to health. It is better to start a course of herbal treatment only after consulting a specialist.

Healthy sleep brings us energy, a cheerful mood and creative activity. Has your day turned into night? Let's correct temporary insomnia with herbs! From time immemorial people have used medicinal plants for rejuvenation and treatment. Herbs are also used in official medicine for the manufacture of medicines.

Medicinal herbs are widely used to treat insomnia.

Let's find out how to properly prepare herbs for insomnia at home according to the recipe. From a variety of herbs, we will choose the most popular plants that bring peace and comfortable sleep. For busy people, information about ready-made pharmacological agents, which are available in the pharmacy.

Principles of medical treatment of sleep disorders

Herbal treatment will be more effective if we organize from the very beginning correct mode sleep. Man is not at all a “night owl,” as some people suffering from insomnia call themselves. Is present in the human body biological rhythm life: at night - sleep, during the day - active activity.

The biological rhythm of life is provided by the sleep hormone Melatonin. It is produced by the pineal gland of the brain at night and in the dark. This hormone not only regulates sleep and wakefulness. It also brings a surge of energy and creative activity, activates the immune system, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, relieves the body’s reactivity to external stimuli.

In a person suffering from insomnia, the level of the hormone Melatonin is sharply reduced. You can and should replenish the missing hormone with the help of artificially created Melatonin tablets.

For effective treatment Melatonin must be taken along with herbs for sleep. Short course melatonin triggers the mechanism of optimal sleep patterns, and herbal remedies make your sleep sound and uninterrupted day after day.

Sleep hormone

Ready-made herbal remedies for sleep

Active, busy people with sleep disturbances can use ready-made herbal remedies. Effective and popular sedatives are available in various dosage forms: tablets, drops, tea bags. This form of sleep medications is convenient both on a trip and at home. Let's get acquainted with the most popular herbal remedies for sleep.

Motherwort Forte

The drug "Motherwort Forte" is available in tablets of 0.55 g. Main active substance– 100 mg of motherwort extract. Its composition also includes magnesium aspartate and vitamin B6 to enhance the sedative effect. Motherwort Forte for sleep is indicated for the following symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • difficulty falling asleep;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased ability to concentrate.

The drug "Motherwort Forte" significantly reduces nervous tension, increases resistance to external irritants, promotes timely falling asleep. The calming effect of Motherwort Forte is enhanced by the magnesium and vitamin B6 it contains.

Biologically active additive"Motherwort forte"

Hot drink for sleep

In stores natural products Filter bags for making hot tea called “7 Herbs for Sleep” are available for sale. The drink contains seven well-known calming medicinal herbs for sleep. The tea is flavored with natural blackberries, prepares quickly, all you need to do is have a glass on hand hot water. If it has been dark outside for a long time, and you have no sleep in either eye, just pour a glass of boiling water over the “seven herbs” bag. Sleep will begin to close your eyelids following the relaxation of your whole body.


This sleep medicine is a collection of herbs: mint, valerian and lemon balm. Relaxozan is intended for adults. It is recommended to take 2 tablets twice a day. The course of treatment is from 3 to 4 weeks. The herbs included in its composition calm the nervous system, relieve irritability accumulated during the day, and relax muscles. The main active ingredient of the drug "Relaxozan" is an extract from valerian root. Essential oils of lemon balm and mint herbs have a sedative and hypnotic effect.

Sleep tea formula

The drug contains a rich herbal mixture of herbs for sleep. "Sleep tea formula" is available in dosage form filter package for instant cooking hot drink. It contains plants for sleep:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • hawthorn fruits;
  • lemon balm herb;
  • common hop cones;
  • oregano herb.

Herbal tea to normalize and improve sleep

The hypnotic effect of the collection is due to the herbs included in it. Hawthorn is indicated for sleep disorders and increased heart rate. The collection is also used as a sedative for neuroses and headaches.

Sleep formula

The drug "Sleep Formula" based on motherwort is available in the form of tablets of 0.5 grams. The manufacturer of the drug is the Russian company Evalar. The sleep aid contains herbs:

  • motherwort;
  • eschscholzia grass;
  • hop cone extract;
  • additional substances: magnesium, B vitamins (B1, B12, B6).

Motherwort in the drug acts as a sleeping pill and sedative. Magnesium and vitamins enhance the calming effect of motherwort. Zscholzia grass and hops are known for their calming effect on the nervous system. The “Sleep Formula” product is also used in the treatment of insomnia and neurosis. It is recommended to take the drug no earlier than 30-40 minutes before bedtime. The course of treatment with the drug is 3 or 4 weeks.

Herbal complex to combat sleep disorders

Dream in a lilac field

In the fabulous countries of the Mediterranean there are living lilac carpets of lavender. There is the birthplace of the beautiful dream flower. If you can’t reach a living lavender flower from Russia, the aroma of essential oil is within our reach. Lavender oil was used to fumigate ancient Roman baths, where people took a ritual of bathing in the fragrant aromas of lavender. Nowadays, lavender essential oil is produced in many parts of the vast world.

Lavender oil calms the nervous system, pacifies, and caresses your soul. It’s easy to find yourself in the lavender-scented kingdom of sleep; all you have to do is apply drops of oil to the opposite ends of the pillow. Even better is to use an aroma lamp. Apply a drop of lavender oil to the surface of the lamp and you will not notice how you fall into deep sleep on a lilac lavender field.

Lavender oil is useful for a relaxing bath before bed. To do this, just dilute 5-8 drops of oil in liquid soap or bath foam. What woman or man would refuse a soothing bath! good therapeutic effect Women are given a massage with lavender oil.

Homemade decoctions and infusions

Medicines that are prepared at home have a huge advantage over ready-made drugs– they are free of preservatives, dyes and flavors. Each package of herbs sold in pharmacies contains instructions on how to prepare the plant.

How to properly prepare an effective herbal infusion?

To prepare infusions, tender parts of plants are used: flowers, leaves and stems.

Recipe proper preparation infusions:

  • Pour 50 g (2 tbsp) of raw material into 200.0 ml of water;
  • leave under a tightly closed lid in a porcelain (or glass) bowl in a water bath for 15 minutes;
  • leave to infuse for 45 minutes;
  • strain and take 1/3 cup three times a day.

Purchasing herbs from unknown persons is at least unwise, and in some cases simply unsafe. If medicinal herb collected in the wrong place and at the wrong time, and even dried incorrectly, at the very least it will be useless.

How to prepare decoctions professionally?

Valerian roots

Solid medicinal parts of plants - bark, roots and rhizomes should be prepared in the form of a decoction.

Recipes for preparing the decoction:

  • grind the roots, rhizomes or bark of plants as finely as possible;
  • Pour 50 g (2 tbsp) of the dry mixture with 200.0 ml of water and close the lid tightly;
  • leave in a water bath for 15 to 30 minutes (depending on the hardness of the raw materials). The dishes are preferably made of porcelain, because their thick walls facilitate the extraction of medicinal substances;
  • wrap in a thick towel and leave to infuse for 45 minutes;
  • after straining, take 1/3 or 1/4 per day 2-3 times.

The best combinations of dry herbs for sleep

Homemade herbal remedies are usually prepared in the form of an infusion or decoction. For this purpose, ready-made dry herbal mixtures of different compositions are used.

Ingredients for the decoction

Dry mixtures for preparing decoctions for insomnia:

  • Mix valerian root and angelica in equal parts. For the decoction, take 20.0 g of the dry mixture and prepare it according to the above recipe. The last dose of the drug is recommended before bedtime, no earlier than half an hour. Take 2 times during the day.
  • Chamomile, peppermint, fennel, cumin and valerian are mixed in equal proportions. To prepare the decoction, take 2 tbsp. l. dry mixture, add 1 glass of water. Take the strained broth three times a day, 1/3 cup.

Dry mixtures for preparing infusions for insomnia:

  • The fruits of fennel, motherwort five-lobed and caraway seeds are mixed in equal proportions. It is recommended to take half a glass three times a day.
  • Take 1 part each of peppermint and common hops, and 2 parts of motherwort. All herbs are mixed. Then 2 tbsp. l. collection of herbs, pour 200.0 ml of water and then prepare according to the above recipe for preparing an infusion. The course of treatment with infusions and decoctions for sleep is 3 weeks.

Ingredients for preparing the infusion

Herbal preparations and ready-made medicines help overcome insomnia if you don't use synthetic drugs. For good sleep, homemade herbal remedies are recommended to be taken in courses of 3-4 weeks. Fees should be changed periodically to better effect. At the beginning of the course of treatment, take Melatonin and supplement the effect with herbal medicines.