Pink throat pills. Features of treatment of children. Medicines for adults

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge range of products for local application, helping to reduce the severity of sore throat and reduce the intensity of accompanying adverse symptoms: these are all kinds of sprays, solutions and, of course, tablets. The latter, primarily due to their widespread use, relatively low cost and ease of use, are the most popular among consumers.

The effectiveness of lozenges for sore throat has been repeatedly confirmed in numerous clinical studies.

Funds from this group contribute quick elimination signs of diseases of the oropharynx, and some even very actively relieve inflammation and slow down the progression of pathological infectious, viral and bacterial processes. The vast majority of tablets contain elements of disinfectant and antiseptic groups.

Composition of tablets for sore throat

In many ways, the composition of the absorbable tablets on the market is similar. About him in the table.

Table. Features of the composition of tablets for sore throat

Natural plant elementsCharacterized by a calming and softening effect.
Antiseptic elementsHelps slow down reproduction pathogenic microorganisms with their subsequent destruction.
AnestheticsReduce intensity painful sensations. Most common antiseptics are dicaine, lidocaine, etc.
Healing componentsTheir purpose is clear from the name. An example is the enzyme lysozyme.
VitaminsThey help strengthen local protective functions and generally have a beneficial effect on the body.

Many lozenges for the throat contain phenol. This item has a pronounced antibacterial effect. A similar function is performed by chlorhexidine, hexethidine and other components.

Antibacterial tablets designed to combat gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms exhibit excellent effectiveness. Such drugs destroy the membranes of microbes, which is why the latter quickly die.

Important! Lozenges are not medicine in the traditional sense, i.e. In most cases, they cannot completely get rid of throat diseases. The goal of the drugs being studied is to slow down the progression of pathological processes, reducing pain, inflammation, swelling and improving the patient’s condition as a whole.

Additional components in the composition of absorbable tablets, for example, plant extracts, oils, menthol, etc. have an anti-inflammatory effect and are characterized by a pronounced distracting effect, “cooling” the affected throat and reducing pain.

Some tablets contain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, flurbiprofen. The presence of this significantly increases the severity of the analgesic effect provided by lozenges, lozenges and tablets.

In addition to reducing/getting rid of sore throat, lozenges have other benefits useful actions, namely:

  • relieve the urge to cough and tickle;
  • moisturize the throat;
  • soften overall well-being.

When should you use lozenges?

The drugs being studied have a number of indications.

  1. Inflammatory processes affecting the pharynx, larynx, tonsils. These include, for example, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, etc.

  2. Other diseases. For example, tablets can alleviate the condition of a patient with stomatitis, candidiasis oral cavity etc.

  3. Irritation and painful sensations arising under the influence of unfavorable external factors, with voice strain, smoking, etc.

Recommended dosages and features of use of lozenges will vary depending on the specific drug. This information, firstly, it is indicated in the instructions for the medicine, and secondly, it is clarified with the attending physician. If possible, avoid independent uncontrolled treatment: although lozenges are practically harmless, there is a risk of side effects on the background various kinds No one canceled the contraindications.

Existing contraindications

Firstly, antibacterial lozenges cannot be used if you have viral throat diseases. The use of tablets in such conditions will increase the load on the liver and the body as a whole, while there will be no significant clinical effect.

Secondly, it makes no sense to use absorbable tablets as monotherapy, i.e. lozenges should be used in combination with other medications relevant for a specific disease.

Thirdly, there are strict age restrictions: tablets – from at least 3 years, lozenges – from 5. For patients younger age The medicine can be given in the form of a product previously crushed into a powder, gently pouring it onto the tongue. The possibility of using tablets, however, should be previously discussed with the doctor, and the dosage should be adjusted taking into account the patient’s age.

Fourthly, tablets cannot be used if there is an individual intolerance to any components present in the composition.

Fifthly, you need to pay attention to the specific contraindications given in the manufacturer's instructions. For example, Hexoral is contraindicated in patients with erosions and ulcerative lesions oral mucosa, Strepsils is not suitable for pregnant women, and Strepfen is not suitable for asthmatics and ulcers.

Choosing absorbable tablets

In almost every pharmacy you can find up to several dozen types of absorbable tablets. The composition, mechanism of action, contraindications and other characteristics of the drugs will, of course, vary, but the vast majority of tablets contain at least one anesthetic and antiseptic element.


The most famous lollipops, most often used specifically to combat painful sensations in the throat. The product is characterized combined action and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

The medicine actively fights pathogens of oropharyngeal infections, helps soften mucous membranes, and restore microcirculatory processes. At the core – natural ingredients, represented mainly by essential oils. Also present ascorbic acid.

Strepsil is included in a comprehensive treatment program for almost every ailment that affects the oropharynx, but it is most effective in cases of tonsillitis and pharyngitis that progress against the background of pathogenic activity of microorganisms that are sensitive to antiseptics.

Helpful note! The most pronounced analgesic effect is characterized by a modification of the drug known as Strepsils Plus.

They are made using eucalyptus and mint oils, menthol and other “distracting” components, as well as the antiseptic element represented by benzalkonium chloride.

The tablets show pronounced clinical effect in the fight against throat diseases and rapidly reduce the intensity of adverse symptoms. The product is effective in the fight against laryngitis and pharyngitis in their initial stages. Also, these tablets inhibit the development of sore throat.

The big advantage of the drug is practically complete absence side effects - these occur in exceptional and very rare cases.

Made on an antiseptic basis. The main active ingredient is ambazone monohydrate. Under the influence of this, the vital processes of pathogenic microorganisms are inhibited.

With prolonged absorption of the tablet, the function is activated. salivary glands, which helps reduce soreness. The antiseptic underlying the drug accumulates in the tissues of the throat, which provides a gradually increasing antibacterial effect.

Antibacterial-based bactericidal agent. Helps fight tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, etc. The closest analogue is Gramicidin S. The drugs are made on the basis of the same antibacterial element.

Grammidin - packaging

Absorbable tablets destroy pathogenic bacteria, quickly eliminating the manifestations of infectious and inflammatory processes.

A combined drug with a pronounced antiseptic effect. Destroys harmful microbes, gently anesthetizes, relieves soreness. Recommended for use for laryngitis, pharyngitis, as well as stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.

It helps well to endure the pain that accompanies the patient after removal of the tonsils.

Effective disinfectant. The tablets relieve irritation and the urge to cough, soothe the throat, and reduce the feeling of soreness. They have a “cooling” effect. Effective for various inflammatory processes, for example, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, etc.

Popular dissolving tablets based on chlorhexidine. They have an antiseptic effect, help strengthen local immunity, and are effective in combating the manifestations of ENT diseases and dental ailments. Reduce the pathological effect of streptococci, staphylococci, as well as harmful fungi.

Sebidin lozenges - photo

Due to the presence of ascorbic acid in the composition, these tablets additionally exhibit anti-edematous and regenerative effects.

The drug strengthens local immunity and helps the body fight infectious agents. Normalizes the balance of microflora and destroys harmful bacteria. Most effective in the first stages of oropharyngeal diseases. The great advantage of the drug is the almost complete absence of contraindications. Reduces the intensity of painful sensations and has an antiseptic effect.

Lizobakt lozenges - photo

The nuances of choosing absorbable tablets for children

As noted, small children can be given only those tablets whose manufacturing features allow them to be crushed to a powder without reducing useful functions. Examples include Lizobact, Gramicidin, etc.

Otherwise, the decision regarding the possibility, feasibility and safety of using certain drugs remains with the treating specialist.

Important! Under any circumstances, a child under 5-6 years of age should not be given biconvex tablets and lozenges - little patient may choke.

Pregnant patients often experience a deterioration in immunity, which is why sore throat and other associated symptoms for women “in position” are not something supernatural and unexpected.

One main rule applies here: treatment should not harm the baby developing inside the mother. That is why specific drugs to combat the existing disease are selected by a strictly qualified specialist.

Among the almost completely safe absorbable tablets, one can note Lizobact - components of this product do not cause harm to the body, provided there is no individual hypersensitivity or intolerance. Patients in the second trimester can be prescribed drugs such as Neo-Angin and Grammidin, but their use is resorted to only when it is necessary to provide quick help in the presence of acute pain– these medications are contraindicated for long-term use pregnant patients.

Lozenges for the throat are easy to use and bring instant relief, which is why they have become popular among most people suffering from colds or infectious diseases. Many names of drugs of this type cause confusion among consumers. Therefore, the advice of a doctor who will recommend the most best option drug.

Lozenges for throat lozenges traditionally contain active antiseptics, analgesics or antibiotics. All active ingredients have a local effect. There is a group of tablets that are multicomponent and have versatile effects. Analgesics remain an essential component of many antiseptic tablets or products containing antibiotics.

There are tablets based on plant extracts or substances that are as mild as possible, synthesized by pharmacists. Different concentration active ingredients allows patients to use these types of medications without fear of different ages. Almost all tablets of this series relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and help restore smooth breathing.

Such medicines are indispensable for:

  • Inflammatory processes in the larynx.
  • Tonsillitis, including purulent tonsillitis.
  • Diseases characterized by the presence of ulcers in the oral cavity - for example, stomatitis of various etiologies.
  • Constant presence of irritating factors: tablets will soften vocal cords, if you have to talk a lot, or neutralize the effect of aggressive fumes when working in harmful conditions.

By purchasing similar drugs, you should study the instructions. Do not exceed the dosage - large quantity taken pills will not increase the effectiveness of treatment, but may only cause unwanted reactions. Ideal option All that remains is to purchase any medicine on the doctor’s recommendation.

Contraindications to the use of such drugs may be:

  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Age - many tablets should not be given to children.
  • The person has special diseases/conditions or is taking other medications that are incompatible with the main active ingredient of these tablets. For example, Strepphen should not be used by those diagnosed with a stomach ulcer, and Strepsils is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Taking throat lozenges does not count the only way treatment of the disease. Such drugs are part integrated approach and do not replace antiviral drugs or antibiotics for complicated conditions. If after two days of using the usual lozenges the pain does not go away, then you should immediately see a therapist or otolaryngologist. Because discomfort in the throat may be the first symptom of the most unexpected disease.

Popular antiseptics

At first unpleasant sensations in the throat, patients prefer to purchase lozenges for sore throat with powerful antiseptics. This large group includes a number of effective drugs.

Anzibel and Sebedin

Anzibel based on chlorhexidine hydrochloride containing benzocaine and enoxolone. Chlohexedine - modern antiseptic, which has a wide spectrum of action and destroys surface pathogenic microflora. It actively destroys fungi, destroying their cytoplasmic membrane, does not enter the bloodstream, and is therefore safe for patients at risk. It remains on the surface of the mucous membranes for several hours, maintaining activity.

Benzocaine is great local anesthetic, which will quickly relieve pain or discomfort in the throat. Relieves itching and is effective in the presence of epithelial damage. Enoxolone has antihistamine effect, relieves inflammation, accelerates tissue healing.

This medicine Available in several flavor types. Therefore, additional additives are possible: for example, menthol. The medicine is used only from the age of 12, it may cause an increase in blood pressure- it is not prescribed to hypertensive patients.

An analogue of the drug is Sebedin, which contains chlorhexedine and ascorbic acid. Works as an antiseptic and vitaminizing agent. Considered one of the best medicines, resisting the attack of streptococci, staphylococci and fungi.

The active ingredient is ambazone monohydrate. These lozenges inhibit the vital activity of those bacteria or viruses that remain on the surface of the epithelium. Active against staphylococci. Traditionally prescribed for gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis (including purulent processes or as a prophylaxis after tonsillectomy), pharyngitis.

Contraindicated in case of fructose intolerance; the presence of this component should be taken into account in diabetics. During pregnancy, this version of absorbable throat tablets can be purchased after consulting with a doctor. Faringosept is recommended for children over 3 years of age.


Menthol and mint essential oil significantly alleviate the symptoms of any throat disease, relieve pain, and relieve discomfort. Benzalkonium chloride is an effective antiseptic that affects viruses and bacteria, and thymol enhances the disinfectant effect.

The drug is effective in the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis (inflammation palatine tonsils including), laryngitis. Acts as a disinfectant that promotes the healing of aphthous ulcers during the treatment of stomatitis and gingivitis. The variety of flavors offered makes it possible to choose the most pleasant option. Hexoral and Lizobact are considered analogues of Septolete.


Pyroxidin and lysozyme are considered close to the physiological enzymes of the body, therefore they not only help destroy existing viruses and bacteria, but also enhance immune defense body. As locals become more active protective functions, then the balance of microflora in the oral cavity and nasopharynx is restored. Doctors recommend starting treatment at the first alarming symptoms. The good thing about the drug is that it has no significant contraindications and is prescribed even to preschoolers.

Those who have hypersensitivity to the components. It is recommended that pregnant women take these tablets with caution during the first trimester.

These lozenges are the luminaries of pharmaceuticals. They appeared half a century ago, but their popularity has not diminished. The main component, amylmetacresol, destroys bacterial membranes and disinfects the surface of the mucous membrane. The medicine destroys staphylococci, diplococci, and Candida fungus. 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol dehydrates colonies of pathogenic microorganisms, but has no effect on adenovirus.

These tablets can be used by children over 5 years of age and by adults for all diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Lollipops with lemon, eucalyptus, vitamin C or a sugar-free range will simplify your choice the desired type goods. There is a special line designed for children and younger teenagers. The drug disinfects, anesthetizes and relieves inflammation of the epithelium.


Septefril has important property: it increases the sensitivity of bacteria different types to the effects of antibiotics. The active substance is decamethoxin. It has a bactericidal, fungicidal and sporicidal effect on pathogenic microflora. The action begins 10 minutes after the tablet dissolves in the mouth.


The combined composition - antiseptic + anesthetic - allows you to destroy the infection, relieve pain, and relieve discomfort. Serves prophylactic after removal of the tonsils.

Doctor Mom, Isla, Travisil, Linkas ENT are plant-based. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs provide excellent relief, but do not destroy pathogenic flora: T-sept and Strepfen are popular today.

Antibiotic tablets

The local action of the antibiotic helps in the fight against tonsillitis in its most severe manifestations (for example, follicular tonsillitis), facilitates the course of pharyngitis and other throat diseases.

Grammidin (analogue of Grammidin S)

This product is one of the most popular this series. There is a children's option, which is prescribed from the age of 4, Grammidin neo with a powerful anesthetic additive for adults. The drug has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

Gramicidin is an antibactericidal component that destroys gram+ and gram- microorganisms. One has only to dissolve the number of tablets indicated in the instructions and the permeability of the membrane of pathogenic cells is disrupted, the nasopharynx begins to cleanse and the mucus is thinned. Lidocaine will provide pain relief for half an hour or forty minutes, facilitate the breathing process, and make swallowing less painful.


The active ingredient is tyrothricin. The painkiller benzocaine can temporarily relieve irritating symptoms. The medicine has 4 flavors: lemon, strawberry, mint, orange. The recommended dose is to dissolve one tablet after 3-4 hours.

Antibiotic medications are contraindicated in young children, pregnant women, and people suffering from systemic diseases. Only the attending physician can authorize their admission as an exception.

All pharmaceutical tablets to relieve the condition of patients suffering from sore throat have both a positive effect and side effects. Therefore, a reasonable step before use would be to carefully study the instructions for the drug and visit a specialized doctor. This is the only way to choose an effective safe remedy. And again a nuance: all tablets will help cope with pathogens only when complex therapy.

Thanks to the invention of antibiotics, humanity has the opportunity to cope with a variety of pathological conditions, which quite often pose a serious threat to life. Such illnesses are caused by bacteria, and most other drugs have no significant effect on them. Some of the most common diseases caused by such particles are lesions of the throat and nose. And the current level of development of medicine makes it possible to cope with them by using exclusively local antibacterial compounds. Let's talk about their diversity in a little more detail.

Antibacterial drugs for the throat

Local medications for treating the throat are most often available in the form of aerosols and lozenges. So a pretty good antibacterial drug of this type is Grammidin. It contains such an active ingredient as Gramicidin C, it is rarely addictive and effectively cleanses the oral cavity of different bacteria. It should be used in the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis and stomatitis. Available in the form of lozenges. The drugs Grammicidin S and Grammidin Neo also have similar properties.

For local treatment of throat diseases, a medicine such as Bioparox can also be used. This medication is an antibiotic in the form of an aerosol, it helps to cope with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and tonsillitis, it is also prescribed for rhinitis and sinusitis. After using the medicine, dryness, irritation and bad taste in the mouth, redness of the eyes. Active substance This drug is fusafungin.

Treatment of infectious lesions of the oral cavity and pharynx can also be carried out by using the drug Stopangin 2A, which contains benzocaine and tyrothricin, which are an antibiotic and anesthetic. This medicine perfectly eliminates unpleasant symptoms, but has a number of contraindications for use.

Medicines for topical use based on hexethidine also have remarkable antibacterial properties. Among these drugs are Stopangin, Hexoral and Stomatidin. These remedies cope remarkably well with many, including severe, ENT diseases. They can be purchased in the form of sprays, rinses, and also in tablet form.

The drug Lizobact, which contains the natural element lysozyme, also has good antibacterial properties. This product destroys bacteria, viruses and fungi, and also helps to activate local immunity. The drug is not an antibiotic; therefore, it can be used in the treatment of expectant and nursing mothers.

Another popular antibacterial composition for topical use for ENT diseases is Faringosept. This medicine is based on ambazone, which is an antibiotic. It should be used over a period of time, since it takes at least three days to achieve the required activity of the drug.

Antibacterial drugs for the nose

We have already mentioned one thing above effective drug with antibacterial properties, used for the treatment of nasal diseases, namely Bioparox.
Also, the treatment of such ailments can be carried out using Bactroban nasal ointment; it contains a topical antibiotic, mupirocin, and copes with a significant number of bacteria. This product is introduced into each nasal passage, having previously cleaned them, and then carefully massage the wings of the nose. The medicine may provoke allergic reactions. Nasal ointment Bactroban is used twice a day for five days; it is not prescribed to children.

A very common topical antibacterial composition for the treatment of acute rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and sinusitis is Isofra nasal spray. This drug contains the antibiotic framycetin, which copes with a number of gram-positive as well as gram-negative bacteria. The medicine is used four to six times a day for ten days. The drug Isofra almost never causes side effects and has no contraindications other than hypersensitivity.

Also, therapy for ENT ailments of the nasal cavity can be carried out using the drug Polydex with phenylephrine. This product contains neomycin sulfate and polymyxin B sulfate, which are antibiotics. In addition, it contains dexamethasone, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, and phenylephrine, which has vasoconstrictor properties. Polydex with phenylephrine copes quite effectively with various infectious and inflammatory ailments of the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses caused by an attack by gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria. It should be used three to five times a day for five to ten days. The drug is allowed to be used in pediatric practice children from two and a half years old. Polydex with phenylephrine is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.

If developed damage to the ENT organs requires the use of antibiotics, even locally, it would be a good idea to consult a doctor before undertaking such therapy.

Usually, when a sore throat begins to hurt, soreness, dryness, cough, and others appear. unpleasant symptoms, we immediately rush to the pharmacy and buy a bunch of beautiful boxes with multi-colored “suckers” inside... There are lollipops, dragees, tablets, lozenges, ointments, creams, sprays, aerosols, and eucalyptus-flavored solutions, mint, lemon, raspberry, etc. - the choice is really huge...

Falimint- Dragee. Local reflex remedy. A product with a refreshing and cooling effect for the treatment of diseases in the oral cavity and pharynx.


Strepsils- Lozenges. Antiseptic.

Koldakt Lorpils- Lollipops. Antiseptic + local anesthetic. A drug with analgesic, antibacterial and softening effects for the treatment of tonsillitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, glossitis. Strepsils Plus- Spray. Antiseptic + local anesthetic.

Strepsils Plus- Lozenges. Antiseptic + local anesthetic.

Strepsils Plus- Lozenges. Antimicrobial + local anesthetic.

Suprima-ENT- Lozenges. Antiseptic.

Septolete Plus- Pastilles. Antiseptic.

Hexasprey- Aerosol. Antiseptic. A drug with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects for use in otolaryngology and dentistry.

Hexalize- Lozenges. Combination with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Combined preparation for topical use in ENT practice and dentistry with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Septolete NEO- Pastilles. Antiseptic.

Sebidin- Lozenges. Antiseptic + vitamin.

Laripront- Lozenges. Antimicrobial, combined.

Coldrex Lari- Lollipops. Local anesthetic.

Isofra— Nasal spray. Antibiotic aminoglycoside. Bactericidal antibiotic for local use in otolaryngology.

Bioparox— Dosed aerosol for topical use. Polypeptide antibiotic.

Hexoral- Aerosol. Antiseptic.


Stomatidin— Solution for topical use. Antiseptic.

Stopangin— Solution for topical use. Antiseptic. Unique drug against inflammation and sore throat.

Stopangin— Spray for topical use. Antiseptic. A unique drug against inflammation and sore throat.

Kamistad- Gel. Antiseptic + local anesthetic.

Polydexa Nasal spray. Antibiotics + alpha-agonist + glucocorticoid. It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effects.

Ambassador- aerosol. Antiseptic. Contains propolis + ethyl alcohol + glycerin.

Kameton— aerosol for topical use, dosed spray for topical use. Antiseptic. Camphor+Menthol+Chlorobutanol+Eucalyptus oil.

Yox— Solution for topical use. Antiseptic. For the treatment of infections of the mouth and throat.

Yox— Aerosol for topical use. Antiseptic. For the treatment of infections of the mouth and throat.

Sage Doctor Theiss

Septolete- Pastilles. Antiseptic.

Septolete D- Pastilles. Antiseptic.

Askosept- Lollipops. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antitussive combined.

Rotokan- Solution. Anti-inflammatory herbal.

Evamenol- Ointment. For the treatment of rhinitis.

Lugol's solution— Solution for topical use. Antiseptic.

Chlorophyllipt Solution for topical use. Antiseptic.

Pinosol – Cream- Cream. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic.

Pinosol Ointment- Ointment. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic.

Pinosol Solution- Nasal drops. Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic.

And many, many, many others...

But it doesn’t even occur to anyone: “Are these really medicines?” Let's find out...

Antiseptics substances that kill bacteria on the surface of mucous membranes, They are powerless against viruses. Antiseptics, unlike antibiotics, have antibacterial activity only when used externally.

Anesthetics-substances that have the ability to cause anesthesia, i.e. block nerve conduction. They soothe pain - they block the flow of pain impulses to the brain.

What could be simpler? I sucked on a lollipop, killed all the germs, and my throat became healthy! But, unfortunately, practice shows that this is just an inflated myth created by advertising...

Antiseptics are really capable of having any effect on pathogenic bacteria - killing or inhibiting their growth, but this is only possible with early stages diseases when the number of bacteria is small! In other cases, the use of antiseptics is ineffective and is only symptomatic...

Many antiseptics contain an anesthetic, which can relieve pain, but can also irritate the throat, which in turn will only make the pain worse after the anesthetic wears off! Anesthetics, unlike antiseptics, do not have antibacterial effect, that is, they do not affect the cause of inflammation at all.

Some throat remedies contain emollients, for example, honey, licorice, glycerin, which can have an “imaginary” effect on the mucous membrane of the throat. They may also contain components with pleasant smell and flavors, such as peppermint, eucalyptus, cinnamon, lemon, cloves, anise, etc. The main effect of these drugs is that their smell and taste can help you feel better. They can increase the secretion of saliva, which in turn has a soothing effect and washes the inflamed surfaces of the throat...

... Even more ineffective are medications containing the same components, but only in liquid form, since they are swallowed directly into the stomach and can have a local effect on the throat within only a split second!

Often great importance given gargling antiseptic agents. Many argue that if you wash sore throat several times a day, then all problems will be solved! Not at all...

Based on my experience, I can say that the situation with gargling is the same as with the use of antibiotics - this procedure is capable of bringing only a temporary effect... For example, as a child, on the recommendations of doctors, I often gargled with a solution of furatsilin. At first it really helped me relieve exacerbations, but over time, furatsilin stopped having any effect on my sore throat at all! This was directly related to the fact that my pathogenic bacteria became resistant (resistant) to this drug! But then I didn’t even know about it, continuing wasted dilute these yellow tablets... Moreover, I had no idea that this would further disrupt the balance of microflora between beneficial and pathogenic bacteriaincreases dysbacteriosis...

  • Every time you gargle with furatsilin, chamomile, iodine, and eat Strepsils, you disrupt the microflora!

Over the 11 years of my problems with the nose, throat and lungs, I have dissolved, injected, poured, dripped, smeared, “rinsed” not a single thousand different lollipops, dragees, tablets, lozenges, ointments, sprays, aerosols, solutions... But besides “temporary relief” ”, it brought me absolutely no benefit!

  • Sometimes the situation reached the point of absurdity! One day, out of despair, I took a can of Yox aerosol and sprayed it several times into each of my nasal passages... Lord, what a wild pain it was! In the hope of getting rid of another exacerbation in my nose, in the stupidest way I just burned my mucous membrane...

Yox is a drug whose active ingredient is active iodine. Intended for oral use only. In addition to all of the above, there are many recipes for gargling with herbal infusions: chamomile, sage, nettle, oregano, thyme, calendula, etc. But changing the places of the terms does not change the sum... Herbs

- these are the same antiseptics, only they are not of chemical, but of natural origin, so there is no need to talk about their effectiveness either!“Local” antibiotics or antibiotics local action are also among the most commonly used drugs in the treatment inflammatory diseases nose and throat. On the most “promoted” of this series of drugs are Bioparox and Grammidin. Personally, I don’t know a single person (including myself) to whom they would clearly bring any benefit... But at least it’s encouraging that you can now find in the instructions for using Bioparox warning:

“Bioparox should not be used for long periods of time as this may disrupt the normal microbial flora with the risk of spreading infection.”

And one more thing... IMPORTANT! It is often exploited uncontrollably on the Internet, in TV programs like “Malakhov+”, on the radio, as well as by other “well-wishers”. this property antiseptics kill germs... Starting from harmless advice, for example, gargling carrot juice, vinegar solution, and ending with advice from the series “drink vodka with your nose, and after four minutes lubricate your tonsils with kerosene”... Beware of such messages! Be careful!

In addition to the main active substance, which has a local antibacterial effect, throat antiseptics include additional components.

These may include:

  • local anesthetic and/or essential oils to alleviate painful sensations in the throat;
  • vitamin C to improve local immunity;
  • anti-inflammatory substances (usually of plant origin);
  • sweeteners and flavorings for good taste and smell;
  • dyes and fillers.


Antiseptics for the throat are usually prescribed by doctors for the following throat diseases:

Throat antiseptics are sold without a doctor's prescription, so they are often purchased by people without consulting a specialist. This is permissible if these drugs are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in initial signs not severe respiratory infection. Despite the fact that throat antiseptics do not act on viruses, their use prevents the addition of a bacterial infection.

However, such drugs only provide local treatment. When microbes penetrate deep into the mucosa and spread the infection by hematogenous or lymphogenous route, the use of antiseptics alone will not be effective.

Additional indications for taking antiseptics are diseases of the gums and oral cavity.:

  • stomatitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease.


Contraindication to the use of any medicine is allergic reaction to its components.

For many throat antiseptics in the form of tablets and lozenges, a contraindication is childhood up to 3 years, as the child may accidentally swallow the drug. Pregnancy, especially the 1st trimester, also limits the use of throat antiseptics.

In each specific case, carefully read about contraindications in the instructions for the drug.

When to see a doctor

Antiseptics for the throat have only a local effect. Therefore, their use in the development of acute respiratory infections may be very short-term and ineffective. In such situations, it is dangerous to start the disease, hoping for incorrect treatment.

Consult your doctor immediately to correct the treatment of acute respiratory infections and throat diseases if:

  • the temperature stays above 38 0 C for more than a day;
  • there are plaques and pustules on the tonsils;
  • in addition to acute respiratory infections symptoms, there are rashes on the body;
  • despite treatment, the infection continues to descend down the trachea and bronchi (cough with sputum, pain in the chest when coughing or taking a deep breath);
  • shortness of breath and suffocation appeared;
  • there is severe sweating and weakness, headache, pain in muscles and joints.

These symptoms indicate a complication of acute respiratory infections or the presence of other diseases requiring the use of antibiotics systemic action, antiviral drugs, expectorants and other medications.

Usually, self-treatment use of antiseptics for the throat is limited to 3 days, after which the patient’s condition must be assessed. If the condition has improved, you can extend the treatment started for another 2 days. If the condition is the same or worsens, then you need to reconsider the tactics and consult a doctor.

Independent and indiscriminate treatment with antiseptics is fraught with the formation of resistant flora, because they only reach those bacteria that are on the surface of the mucous membrane. In addition, the effect of local treatment is short-lived, since the medicine is washed off by saliva. This leads to the fact that the surviving bacteria become immune to the antiseptic and continue to multiply, forming stable colonies.

As the disease progresses, such resistant flora will be difficult to cope with even with systemic antibiotics, since many antiseptics and antibiotics have cross-sensitivity. Therefore, do not self-medicate, trust your health to specialists.

Of course, the use of local antiseptics in complex therapy will have a positive role. However, the main treatment for sore throat is the use of systemic antibiotics (orally or intramuscularly) for at least 7 days.

Types of antiseptics

Antiseptics can be used in the form of:

  • sprays for irrigating the throat and mouth (nose);
  • tablets, lozenges and lozenges;
  • solutions for gargling and mouthwash;
  • solutions for treating tonsils and gums using a spatula with gauze.

Many manufacturers produce one antiseptic in several forms for ease of use. For example, it is difficult for children under 3 years of age to control resorption, and they often swallow the tablet, which negates its local antiseptic effect, increases the level of side effects, and, moreover, carries the risk of the tablet getting stuck in the child’s throat and, as a result, traumatizing the mucous membrane. Treatment with a spatula is convenient for localized infections: the presence of pustules on the tonsils, gingivitis.

Review of common throat antiseptics

There is a wide selection of throat antiseptics on the market. Which drug is better? Even a doctor will not answer this question for you, since everything is individual. The main effect of all antiseptics is the same - the destruction of pathogenic microbes. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the most common throat antiseptics and choose yours.

Active substance Trade names Advantages and additional properties Flaws
Gramicidin Grammidin

Grammidin Neo

Gramicidin S

Has a wide range of effects on microbes. Used for treatment purulent wounds, boils, abscesses. Not for pregnant and lactating women.
Fusafungin Local antibiotic, used for. Not recommended for children under 2.5 years of age and nursing mothers. May cause irritation, dry mucous membranes and even laryngospasm.
Hexethidine Hexoral



It has an antifungal effect against stomatitis and gingivitis. Contraindicated in atrophic pharyngitis. Not recommended for children under 8 years of age and pregnant women.
Benzocaine + tyrothricin Stopangin 2A An effective drug with double antiseptic action. Not for children, pregnant women and couples planning pregnancy.
Benzacolony chloride Septolete Disinfectant. The spermicidal property allows it to be used as a contraceptive in other medicines. Contraindicated in children under 4 years of age, with galactosemia and fructose intolerance.
Ambazon Faringosept Local antibiotic wide range, does not affect normal flora intestines. Even pregnant women can. Not possible only if you have an individual intolerance.
Chlorhexidine Sebidin Immunostimulating effect due to high dose ascorbic acid. May cause taste disturbances, dry mouth and darkening of fillings.
Benzydamine hydrochloride Tantum Verde Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, effective for symptomatic treatment. Tablets can only be taken by children over 3 years of age.
Sulfanilamide Ingalipt Local antibiotic. Has an anti-inflammatory and distraction supplement. Not for pregnant women, breastfeeding and children under 3 years of age
Furacilin Furacilin Antimicrobial drug for treating the throat, sinuses, purulent wounds, vagina. Can only be used in solution. The only contraindications individual intolerance and bleeding from the treated surface.

In order to maintain a certain concentration of the antimicrobial substance on the mucous membrane, it is recommended that after treating the throat with an antiseptic, you do not eat or drink anything for an hour and a half.

Antiseptics are the first drugs medical care at the onset of acute respiratory disease throat. They serve as a preventive measure for the further spread of infection, but their independent use does not always produce the desired result. If the disease progresses, you should not rely only on local treatment. It is necessary to consult a doctor and carry out comprehensive therapy.

Useful video about treating sore throat