Medicines that stimulate brain activity. Selecting pills to improve memory and brain activity

Memory is a person’s ability to store and reproduce in consciousness previously received impressions, events, and experiences. Many people after 40 years of age notice a decrease in their ability to memorize, cannot remember certain dates, numbers, etc. important information. This is due to changes or injuries to the brain, diseases of the central nervous system, the absence of the need to memorize something, as in school and college, constantly training and developing memory. Normalizing your daily routine and diet, performing memory-developing exercises and tasks, taking vitamins and special medications will help solve the problem.


Features of choice

The choice of drugs for complaints of memory impairment should be made taking into account the reasons that caused them, which can be found out only after visiting a doctor and performing the examinations prescribed by him. If the weakening of concentration and memory is caused by some disease, then treatment should be aimed at eliminating it. Means for improving memory, the impairment of which is only a symptom of this pathology, can be temporarily used as an auxiliary one. Subject to availability chronic diseases CNS drugs to maintain memory should be taken systematically, repeating courses one or more times a year.

When selecting medications, you need to take into account the patient’s age (child, adult, elderly), their effectiveness, mechanism of action, contraindications, potential negative effects and cost.

On pharmaceutical market There are many drugs available to improve memory. These include medicines with plant extracts, vitamin complexes, vasodilators and nootropics. Some of them can be used independently in for preventive purposes, others are prescribed only by a doctor and are dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription.

Herbal preparations

Main component herbal remedies to improve memory is ginkgo biloba leaf extract. This is amazing and unique plant prolongs youth, slows down the aging process, has a positive effect on blood vessels, blood circulation and brain activity. Such means include:

  • Bilobil and Ginkgoba capsules;
  • Intellan syrup and capsules;
  • tablets Memoplant, Gingium, Ginkgo biloba, Ginkofar and Tebokan;
  • Tanakan tablets and solution.

Intellan, in addition to ginkgo biloba, also contains extracts of the herb Centella asiatica and Hepestis monniera, the fruits of coriander sativum, Amomum subulate and Emblica officinalis. Biological activity The drug is due to the amino acids, trace elements, alkaloids and glycosides contained in plants.

The listed agents stimulate metabolism and blood circulation in the cerebral cortex, prolong the life of brain cells, and reduce the risk of thrombosis in case of brain injuries and cardiovascular diseases in the elderly. They have an antioxidant effect, have a positive effect on vascular tone, improve the rheological properties of blood and microcirculation, which leads to increased cerebral activity and, as a result, intellectual capabilities, memory and concentration.

Preparations based on ginkgo biloba are effective for therapeutic and preventive purposes in patients with nervous disorders history, overload, stress, protracted depressions, fatigue.

Take them according to the instructions in the instructions or doctor's recommendations. Ginkgo biloba is usually well tolerated, but sometimes dyspeptic disorders are observed during its use, allergic reactions, (swelling, rash, redness), headaches and dizziness. The main contraindication is hypersensitivity.


If memory loss is due to a lack of vitamins and minerals supplied with food, vitamin-mineral complexes will help improve it. Of particular importance are vitamins B, PP, C, E, D, minerals iodine, selenium, zinc, iron, omega-3 fatty acids.

It is considered the most effective biologically active additive Vitrum Memory, recommended for decreased thinking abilities, deterioration of intelligence, and memory. It includes:

  • ginkgo biloba leaf extract;
  • zinc oxide;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine;

Take 1 tablet per day for 6-8 weeks. Contraindications include hypersensitivity, kidney stones and severe renal dysfunction, thrombophlebitis, copper and iron metabolism disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute stage.

Over-the-counter products

The best drugs for memory loss, which can be purchased without a doctor's prescription, include Glycine tablets, Divaza, Aminalon tablets and capsules, Noofen capsules and their analogues. Contraindications for their use include only individual intolerance or allergy to active or excipients.


Glycine is nonessential amino acid, is an inhibitory neurotransmitter and regulator metabolic processes in brain tissue. It has a sedative, antioxidant, antitoxic effect, reduces psycho-emotional stress, stimulates improvement of adaptive capabilities, mood, makes it easier to fall asleep, increases memory and mental performance.

It is used for weakened memory in older people, manifested in the form of sclerosis or amnesia, as well as in young people after injuries and concussions, with intense mental stress, nervous exhaustion, and emotional fatigue.

For absent-minded memory, take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day sublingually (under the tongue) until it dissolves in the mouth. The therapeutic course lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. Suitable for use in children over 3 years of age. Glycine, as a rule, is well accepted by the body, but allergic manifestations, drowsiness, and tinnitus are possible while taking it.


The active ingredient of the product is γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) - the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter nervous system and activator of metabolic processes. The drug is used to restore metabolism and normal blood supply in brain tissue, the dynamics of nervous processes, participates in energy metabolism, improves glucose utilization, and increases the respiratory activity of cells. GABA stimulates brain function, enhances concentration on certain tasks, memory, thinking productivity, helps restore speech function and movements after serious disorders cerebral circulation.

Take 0.5-2 g twice a day for a period of 2 weeks to 4 months. Suitable for use in children over 5 years of age. From side effects Dyspepsia, feeling of heat, sleep disorders, and changes in blood pressure are noted.


The active ingredient is a derivative of GABA (γ-amino-β-phenylbutyric acid). The drug has an antihypoxic and antiamnestic effect, stimulates learning processes, improves memory, accuracy of sensory-motor reactions, physical and mental performance, increases interest, motivation, initiative. Also relieves psycho-emotional stress.

Take 1-2 capsules three times a day. Approved for use in children aged 5 years and older. Side effects very rarely include headaches, nausea, and drowsiness.

Prescription drugs

To prescription medicinal products to improve memory include nootropics (accelerating the conduction of nerve impulses) and vasodilators (normalizing cerebral circulation). These include Nootropil capsules, tablets and injection solution, Phenotropil tablets, Picamilon, Pantogam tablets and syrup, Phezam capsules, Cavinton tablets and solution for intravenous administration, Encephabol tablets and suspension and their analogues.

Contraindications include individual intolerance, severe kidney pathologies in acute or chronic form (renal failure and others), hemorrhagic stroke, parkinsonism.


The active ingredient is piracetam, a cyclic derivative of GABA. The drug causes an improvement in metabolism in neurons and the interaction of the cerebral hemispheres, changes the speed of spread of excitation, which leads to stimulation of cognitive and cognitive processes of the brain, including learning, memory, and attention. Increases mental activity.

Taken in dosages of 1200 to 1800 mg per day, divided into 2-4 doses, for at least 1-2 months. Use with caution to treat children over 3 years of age. From side effects Nervousness, insomnia or drowsiness, depression, headaches, balance problems, allergic reactions (rash, redness, swelling and itching), increased libido may occur. Negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract are also possible: abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea.


The active ingredient is a compound that combines GABA molecules and nicotinic acid(vitamin PP, or B3). The drug increases protective functions brain to mental and physical stress, effective against interruptions in blood supply and cerebral vascular diseases, seizures panic attack and irritability, with memory problems.

Take 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day for 1-2 months. Side effects include increased irritability, nervous agitation, anxiety, headaches and dizziness, allergic reactions, and nausea.


Contains piracetam and cinarizine as active ingredients, which enhance joint use each other's action. The drug causes an improvement in energy processes, cellular metabolism of brain tissue, has an antihypoxic effect, expands the lumen of brain vessels and increases blood circulation in areas subject to ischemia. It is used for vascular atherosclerosis, decreased intellectual function (complaints of poor memory, difficulty concentrating, mood swings), decreased learning ability in adolescents.

Adults take 1-2 capsules three times a day for 6-8 weeks from 1 to 3 months, children from 5 years old take 1-2 capsules 1-2 times a day. Side effects include allergic reactions, headaches, and dyspeptic symptoms.


The active component is vinpocetine, a corrector of cerebral circulatory disorders. The drug enhances microcirculation and cerebral metabolism, reduces blood viscosity, dilates blood vessels, and leads to improved glucose utilization and oxygen supply to the brain. Indicated for circulatory failure in the vessels of the brain, decreased memory, intelligence, post-stroke conditions, and head injuries.

Take 5-10 mg three times a day for three months. Side effects include allergic reactions from skin And increased sweating, at intravenous administration- hypotension and tachycardia. The drug is contraindicated for coronary disease heart, severe arrhythmia, unstable indicators blood pressure, low vascular tone.


Active ingredient– pyritinol. The drug causes an improvement in the rheological properties of blood and cerebral blood flow, stimulates memory, restores pathologically reduced metabolism in nerve tissue, inhibits the destructive effects of free radicals. Helps with weak mental capacity, childhood encephalopathy and cerebral atherosclerosis.

Take 2 tablets three times a day for at least 6-8 weeks. In the form of a suspension, it is allowed to be used in children from birth. During the reception the following are possible: side effects: allergic reactions, cholestasis, loss of appetite, taste disturbances, alopecia, headaches, excitability, sleep problems, increased activity of bile enzymes. Prescribe with caution when there is a change in the peripheral blood picture, autoimmune diseases(myasthenia gravis and systemic lupus erythematosus), rheumatoid arthritis.

Video: Expert advice on how to prevent age-related memory decline

Russia, Moscow

TOP 20 drugs to improve memory and brain

We present to you the TOP 20 drugs to improve memory and brain function.

The article is a review of the most popular remedies recommended by doctors and pharmacists to improve brain function and memory.

Did you learn from the article?

  • Over-the-counter medications
    • Glycine
    • Vitrum memory
    • Undevit
    • Aminalon
    • Bilobil
    • Intellan
    • Ginkgo Biloba
    • Glycine D3
    • Divaza
    • BrainRush
    • BrainBoosterX
  • Prescription drugs
    • Fezam
    • Piracetam
    • Nootropil
    • Fenotropil
    • Encephabol
    • Cavinton
    • Picamilon
    • Cerebrolysin
  • Medicines to improve memory for children
  • Do medications help improve memory?
  • Are drugs harmful to memory?

What drugs to choose to improve memory and brain activity?

We highlight following criteria choice:

  • age category (child, schoolchild, student, adult, elderly)
  • side effects (minor, not detected, significant)
  • effectiveness based on reviews and research

Based on these parameters, we have compiled a table with a rating of drugs for improving mental activity, which included medicines, dietary supplements, vitamins and nootropics.

TOP 20 drugs to improve the brain 2018

Drug name Age restrictions Doctor's prescription Price, rub. Rating*
(editor's choice) up to 18 years oldnot needed880 — 1140 9,5
up to 3 yearsneeded130 — 330 8,5
up to 18 years oldneeded170 — 730 8
Nonot needed120 — 230 8
up to 18 years oldnot needed260 — 1000 7,5
up to 18 years oldnot needed260 — 350 7,5
Noneeded30 — 140 7,5
Noneeded650 — 1000 7,5
Nonot needed530 — 2200 7,5
Nonot needed30 — 90 7
up to 18 years oldnot needed100 — 2000 7
Nonot needed180 — 500 7
Noneeded70 — 170 7
Noneeded660 — 1500 7
Nonot needed50 — 200 6,5
Nonot needed180 — 230 6,5
up to 8 yearsnot needed70 — 470 6,5
up to 5 yearsneeded240 — 360 6

The best drugs to improve brain activity for different age categories

For children and schoolchildren For students For adults For pensioners and the elderly

Over-the-counter medications


The most popular drug in Russia. Often used for stress and increased nervous excitement, psycho-emotionallym voltage. Very common among students during a session when preparing for exams. The main purpose is to increase mental performance.

Application form: 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Side effects: .

Vitrum memory

It is recommended to take this drug if there is a decrease in attention, speed of thinking, or deterioration of intelligence. Preparation plant origin. Improves oxygen supply to the brain and improves cerebral circulation. Prevents hypoxia (lack of oxygen). Available in tablet form.

Application form: 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 months

Side effects: headache, dizziness, dyspepsia, allergic skin reactions.


It is a pill containing a complex of vitamins A, B, C, E and P, which are combined in correct proportions give a synergistic effect. Recommended for metabolism old age, and also after past diseases during the recovery period.

Application form: 2-3 tablets per day for 20-30 days

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible


Restores the dynamics of nervous processes, removes toxins formed during metabolism in the brain. In patients diabetes mellitus helps reduce glucose levels. Recommended after traumatic brain injuries.

Application form: 1/3 of the daily dose 3 times a day before meals. Daily dose: children 1-3 years old - 1-2 years, children 4-6 years old - 2-3 years, children over 7 years old - 3 years. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 4 months.

Side effects: nausea, vomiting, blood pressure lability, dyspepsia, increased body temperature, sleep disturbance.


It is recommended for problems with intellectual abilities and sleep, as well as for those who experience anxiety and fear. Microcirculation improves, supplying peripheral brain tissue with oxygen. Contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age.

Application form: 1 capsule 3 times daily for at least 3 months

Side effects: redness, skin rash, swelling, itching, dyspepsia, headache, insomnia, decreased blood clotting.


Application form: 1 capsule 2 times a day after meals, morning and evening for 4 weeks

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible

Ginko biloba

The drug contains extract of leaves of the flexible biloba tree. Recommended for dizziness, sleep disorders, ringing in the ears, decreased attention and memory. Not recommended for persons under 18 years of age or during pregnancy. Renders
antihypoxic effect and improves tissue metabolism.

Application form:

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible


It is used for disorders of the central nervous system (CNS), including those caused by traumatic brain injury. Restores interhemispheric connections of the brain. The synergism of the components has positive influence on neuronal plasticity - this increases the brain’s resistance to toxic influences. Not recommended for people under 18 years of age and pregnant women.

Application form: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.

Glycine D3

Glycine D3 is a dietary supplement that combines glycine and vitamin D3. These components reinforce each other, activating the central nervous system. Recommended for stimulating brain function and normalizing metabolism in the brain.

Application form: 1 effervescent tablet 1 time per day.

Side effects: not found.

Prescription drugs

Attention! Before using medications, be sure to consult your doctor.


Recommended for the prevention of migraines, kinetosis, decreased intellectual functions (memory, attention, mood), as well as intoxication. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 5 years of age. Improves blood circulation and brain metabolism.

Application form: 1 capsule (80 mg) 2 times a day for 6-8 weeks

Side effects: allergic reactions are possible


It is used for dizziness, decreased attention, Alzheimer's disease, in old age and cerebral circulatory disorders due to trauma. Popular among students during the session.

Application form: 150 mg/kg per day in 2-4 doses. The duration of treatment is 8 weeks.

Side effects: headache, tremor, in some cases - weakness, drowsiness.


The drug contains the active substance - piracetam. Improves the functions of attention, concentration, memory without having a psychostimulating effect. Recommended for children with dyslexia. Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Application form: to be confirmed by a doctor

Side effects: increased sexual activity. Rarely - abdominal pain, nervousness, agitation, irritability.


Tablets with a yellowish tint increase the content of norepinephrine and serotonin in the blood. Improves
blood supply lower limbs. Increases energy levels in the body and oxygen levels in the brain. The effect is evident even after a single dose. Drug dependence does not develop.

Application form: 2 doses of 100-200 mg for 30 days.

Side effects: insomnia (when taking the drug after 15 hours).


Improves blood circulation in the brain, memory indicators and restores impaired metabolic processes in nervous tissue. Recommended for mental impairment, childhood encephalopathy and cerebral atherosclerosis.

Application form: determined by the doctor individually.

Side effects: increased sensitivity to pyritinol.


A drug that improves brain metabolism. It is used for insufficient blood circulation in the brain vessels, for example: vascular atherosclerosis, after a stroke, hypertensive encephalopathy. Contraindicated during pregnancy and children under 18 years of age.

Application form: 5-10 mg 3 times a day for 3 months.

Side effects: allergic skin reactions, increased sweating.


With long-term use, it improves mental abilities, helps reduce anxiety, improve
attention and memory, normalizes sleep. It is also recommended for people suffering from neuropsychiatric diseases.

Application form: 60 mg per day for 1.5-3 months.

Side effects: nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability, agitation, anxiety, allergic reactions (rash, itching).


Available in the form of ampoules. Protects against the formation of free radicals, reduces the harmful effects of glutamate. Recommended for Alzheimer's disease, ischemic stroke, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder in children.

Application form: 60 mg per day for 1.5-3 months

Side effects: rarely - itching and burning at the injection site, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, confusion, insomnia.


Side effects: headaches, drowsiness, attacks of nausea.

Before using medications, carefully weigh the PROS and CONS of using such products. Almost everyone has side effects that are not necessarily reflected externally on the body, but can negatively affect the condition of the internal organs.

Medicines to improve memory for children

Some of the above drugs can also be used by children, but very carefully.

Regarding improving memory for children with the help of drugs, there is a very interesting video - watch:

In situations with children, the problem may not be with memory and brain.

If the child is already long time cannot remember information, perhaps this is not his strong point. Maybe he likes music or dancing more, think about it before next time you force him to remember something.

Do medications help improve memory?

As neuroscientist K.V. Anokhin: " Drugs that would actually improve memory at the moment No".

All (including those listed above in the article) drugs have psychotropic functions, not mnemotropic ones. This means that such drugs affect blood circulation and processes associated with attention, perception, and concentration. But they do not directly affect memory.

People want magic pill, an analogue of NZT from the film "Dark Areas", but it is not there.

In addition, think about what you are risking by trying different modern drugs...

Are drugs harmful to memory?

If you have a problem with memory, attention, sleep, mood, then pills will under no circumstances remove the causes of these problems. All they can do is, in some cases, reduce the symptoms of problems. At the same time, they can add a lot of negative side effects on your body.

Understand the causes of memory and brain problems.

Most often this is:

  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • irregular sleep;
  • psychological trauma.

Find out why you may have problems and start dealing with them!

But if you suddenly still want to help yourself with drugs, then information has recently appeared about new drugs that are even used by intelligence officers.


The following is written about this drug:

  • improving cerebral circulation, improving the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain;
  • improving the functioning of all parts of the brain - the cerebellum;
  • improving synaptic connections between neurons;

Drugs to improve memory and brain function are medications often prescribed by doctors when a person complains of poor memory.

They are well known to many older people: piracetam, Cavinton, nootropil, cinnarizine.

To improve brain function, medications are divided into 2 large groups:

The first includes vasodilators, which improve cerebral circulation.

The second is nootropic drugs that increase metabolism in brain neurons.

You need to take one drug from each group at a time to improve memory.

It is with this combination of medications that brain function can improve as much as possible.


Medicines from the NOOTROPICS group to improve memory

Medicines that stimulate the brain are called “Nootropic drugs”. They differ in their mechanism of action. However, the result from their use is the same - the metabolic rate in the neurons of the brain increases, neurotransmitters are produced that transmit nerve impulses along the pathways and energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid).

The brain works more intensely, which means that memory and concentration are enhanced, performance, activity, mood levels increase, energy and productivity of brain processes increase.

List of the most popular nootropic drugs

Piracetam (nootropil)

The most popular, inexpensive, domestic remedy. It is what doctors most often prescribe when patients complain of poor memory. The drug is available in capsules, tablets and solution for injection in different dosages. Use 10-15 minutes before meals. The daily dose can be different - 1200-1800 mg. Treatment is carried out for at least 1-2 months.

Pantogam (pantocalcin)

This is also a Russian drug, prescribed for various violations in brain activity. Moreover, this may be a decrease in memory caused by chronic stress, psychosomatic disorders, as well as organic diseases (traumatic brain injury, vascular encephalopathy). It is produced in tablet form (250 and 500 mg per tablet) and in the form of syrup for small children. The active ingredient is hopantenic acid, which enhances the synthesis of neuromeliator gamma-aminobutyric acid(GABA). Convulsive activity and excitability of the nervous system are suppressed, resistance to hypoxia and ischemia in brain tissue increases.

Aminolon (picamilon)

Produced in Russia. The active ingredient is GABA. It is an activator of metabolic processes, utilizes glucose, and removes toxins from cells. In general, thinking and memory improve, brain function is stimulated. Available in capsules or tablets of 250 mg. Safe medicine, can be used by adults with heavy mental stress, children school age with poor memory.


This is also ours domestic drug. The mechanism of action is to enhance the synthesis of GABA. But this medicine also has its own characteristics. It is sold only with a doctor's prescription because it is more strong drug. It is used to restore the nervous system as a result of injuries, organic pathology brain. In addition to the stimulating effect, it has a pronounced sedative or calming effect.


The drug is based on the amino acid glycine, which increases the activity of brain cells. Harmless remedy. It helps many people improve their memory, improve sleep, calm down, and increase the productivity of the nervous system. But there are also reviews in which people report that the drug did not help them at all.


One of the new ones Russian drugs based on the action of glycine ethyl ester. It has a moderate nootropic, antihypoxic effect. Protects brain tissue from free radicals, toxins, hypoxia. Has a beneficial effect on cognitive functions and improves memory. Regulates autonomic functions, blood pressure.


A new generation drug created by Russian scientists. The structure of the drug includes antibodies to the S-100 protein of brain tissue. Promotes the creation of new integrative connections between brain neurons. The result will be increased activity of the cortex, improved memory, thinking, and performance in case of neurosis, concussion, occupational hazards, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Medicines for memory that improve cerebral circulation

If nootropics increase metabolism in cells and accelerate the conduction of nerve impulses, then vascular drugs realize their neuroprotective effect by improving cerebral circulation.

Cinnarizine (Stugeron)

It has been used for many years as a means to increase cerebral blood flow. Indications for use are initial manifestations vascular atheroxlerosis. The drug can be used by elderly people with forgetfulness and poor concentration. The tablets are used for several months.

Cavinton (Vinpocetine)

Drugs to improve memory and brain function - microcirculation increases, blood viscosity decreases, and oxygen supply to the brain improves. Indications for use are chronic failure blood circulation, memory impairment, intelligence, dizziness, hearing impairment, post-stroke conditions, brain injury.


The medicine contains piracetam and cinnarizine. As a result of taking combination remedy the cellular metabolism of brain tissue improves while the vascular system expands. Phezam is used for the initial forms of vascular atherosclerosis in relatively young people, in the elderly for complaints of poor memory, in adolescents with deterioration in learning ability.

Trental (agapurine)

Due to active substance Pentoxifylline trental dilates cerebral vessels, enhances microcirculation, providing nutrition, oxygen, and energy to brain neurons. A similar effect is observed in the coronary and peripheral vessels. Like other vasodilators, trental restores and improves memory.

Ginkgo biloba (Tanakan, Memoplant)

Preparations based on extracts from Ginkgo biloba leaves are very widely used to improve memory by enhancing microcirculation, increasing the synthesis of adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), supplying tissues with oxygen, and reducing blood viscosity. The effect of the drug extends throughout vascular system body: brain and coronary arteries, vessels of the extremities and internal organs.

Is it possible to take memory pills on your own, without consulting a doctor?

Can! Medicines to enhance memory are usually sold in pharmacies. Self-administration of medications to improve memory is allowed:

  • If the reasons for memory loss are functional in nature: neuroses, work or study overload, increased fatigue. For diseases or traumatic brain injuries, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor;
  • It is best to take two drugs at the same time: from the group of nootropics and a vasodilator;
  • Carefully read the annotation, especially the section regarding contraindications and side effects;
  • Majority nootropic drugs should be taken in the morning or afternoon, since they cause human activity and can disrupt the process of falling asleep;
  • The course of treatment with nootropic and vascular drugs should be long: from 1 to 3 months;
  • You can use the following drugs: glycine, aminolone, picamilon, piracetam, divaza, noopept, tanakan, cinnarizine, trental, xanthinol nicotinate.
  • It is no secret that memory impairment may appear as one of the symptoms organic diseases CNS, for example, Do not self-medicate. Contact a neurologist, get examined and get prescribed medications. The doctor's arsenal includes big list medications that have certain individual indications: gliatilin, cortexin, cerebrum-compositum, encephobol, phenotropil, cogitum, semak, sermion and many others.

What memory medications can be given to young children?

Notice memory problems small child can be seen by how he memorizes rhymes, how well he masters games with other children, how he performs in kindergarten on holidays. At school, they become even more specific and memorize.

Never give your child any medications on your own or on the advice of friends. The causes of memory impairment must be determined pediatric neurologist. Treatment is carried out with the same medications as in adults. In pediatric practice, it is recommended to use a limited list of nootropic drugs: Pantogam, Picamilon, Glycine, Cortexin, Semax, Sermion. More attention is paid to massage, osteopathy, medicinal baths, hardening.

A wide range of drugs to improve memory and brain function are presented on the pharmacological market. A small part of them can be taken independently if the reasons for its decrease are caused by mental overload, chronic stressful situation at home or at work, older people.

The human brain is one of the mysterious creations of nature. Its capabilities have not yet been fully studied; constant research, debate and debate are ongoing in scientific circles on this matter. Without any doubt, science knows enough about the workings of the human brain, but there are still many unsolved mysteries.

The brain can be compared to a control center that directs and controls the work of the entire organism. It turns out that the quality of this control directly depends on our lifestyle, daily routine, nutrition and many other factors.

Each of us is familiar with a situation when it feels like our head is not thinking at all. This is quite normal condition in cases where your brain requires rest, it is simply tired from the stress and needs a break.

How can we help the main organ in our body?

Factors affecting brain function

The brain cannot think on its own; it happens at the will of our consciousness. Based on the rhythm modern life, it is quite easy to “lose your head”, because there are too many factors that influence the functioning of our brain. Among them are the following:

  1. Bad habits. Each dose of nicotine constricts the blood vessels in the brain, which disrupts the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain, and this will certainly gradually lead to the need for medications to improve brain function and memory. Alcohol leads to desiccation of brain tissue and death of neurons.
  2. Chronic lack of sleep.
  3. Ignoring breakfast. This meal supplies the body with energy for the whole day. If you regularly skip it, then the brain does not receive enough glucose, which necessarily affects its performance during the day.
  4. Lots of sweets. It is true that carbohydrates are simply necessary for brain function, but excess sugars in the form of sweets, cakes, and buns interfere with absorption. healthy proteins, which again leads to disruption of neuron nutrition.
  5. Constant exposure to stress. A short-term shake-up is even beneficial for the body; the adrenaline that is released at the same time activates work and improves memory. Too long a nervous and mental overstrain gives reverse effect. Sometimes it happens that it becomes urgent necessary remedy to improve brain function.
  6. Taking antidepressants and sleeping pills. A long course of these drugs is addictive, and general disorder brain function.
  7. Flaw sunlight. Everyone has probably noticed how much our performance decreases during cloudy autumn days. Long absence Sun exposure not only worsens our mood, but also affects the abilities of our brain cells.
  8. Insufficient water consumption. This liquid is simply vital for normal functioning the whole body. If it is deficient, there may be common problems with health, as well as a decrease in brain volume.
  9. Lots of information. On modern man Every day there is a lot of stuff that needs to be remembered and processed. For some time, this is good for the brain, it is trained, memory improves. But when there is too much information, our governing body begins to rebel. This may manifest itself as forgetfulness and decreased performance.

There are so many factors on which the functioning of our body depends. They can always come to our aid modern medicines to improve brain function and memory. If you know what means and when to take, then you can quite feel the effect.

How to help your brain

The brain is not a simple filling of the skull, but a formation without which it is impossible to imagine our life. It is he who gives us the opportunity to make important and timely decisions that determine our entire lives.

Not everyone is blessed with the same mental abilities naturally, but this does not mean that you cannot help your brain work. It is very possible if you approach this issue comprehensively. The list of priority actions may include:

  • Medicines to improve brain function and memory.
  • Lifestyle changes.
  • Proper nutrition.

Only taken together can these measures have a significant effect.

Purpose of drugs for the brain

If you are having problems with memory and you begin to notice that your brain is not working at all the way you would like, then you will have to consult a doctor. He will prescribe a number of medications, after taking them you should feel an improvement in your brain function. The drugs primarily increase blood circulation in this organ, which immediately has a positive effect on its functioning.

What is observed in the body while taking such medications:

  • The transmission of nerve impulses improves.
  • Free radicals that destroy cell walls are destroyed.
  • The blood supply to the brain noticeably improves.
  • Memory and performance improves.
  • There is more active and fast recovery after strokes.

Medicines that improve memory

Problems with remembering information can be observed in absolutely every person. This usually begins to happen with age, so-called forgetfulness appears.

But it also happens that memory problems can lead to serious consequences, when, for example, a person leaves home and forgets where he lives. In this case, only a doctor can give recommendations on what memory medications will help bring everything back to normal.

Medicine has two groups of drugs to improve brain function:

  1. Nootropics. Specially designed to strengthen the walls and stimulate brain tissue. They are prescribed not only as drugs, but also as drugs that can help mentally unstable individuals.
  2. Natural stimulants. They are obtained from the Ginkgo biloba plant. These drugs are most often released in the form of drops.

After talking with the patient, the doctor will decide from which group to prescribe medications that improve memory.

Popular drugs for the brain and memory

In any pharmacy, a pharmacist can always offer you medications from this group without a doctor’s prescription. In some cases this is not so important if you purchase vitamin preparations or any harmless means, for example Glycine. In case serious problems You should not self-medicate in this area.

Among all the medicines, the most famous are:

  1. "Nootropil" Sometimes it is prescribed and completely healthy people who want to improve their brain performance.
  2. Intellan is often prescribed as a memory medicine for the elderly (especially with severe nervous exhaustion, disorders, insomnia).
  3. "Fezam." Its technique is relevant for thinking. The drug should be taken in courses of 1-3 months, depending on the condition. It is not usually prescribed as a memory drug for children because it has serious side effects.
  4. "Piracetam." A fairly popular drug even among students, especially during sessions.
  5. "Phenotropil". It increases not only memory, but also performance, which is why athletes actively take it.
  6. "Vitrum Memory" is a preparation based on phytocollection, because of this it is recommended long-term use.
  7. Cavinton improves blood circulation, oxygen supply to the brain, and has a positive effect in cases of memory and attention disorders.
  8. "Picamilon". Improves brain function, mental activity, increases the body's resistance to heavy loads.
  9. “Cerebrolysin” contains many amino acids essential for the brain, therefore it has a positive effect on memory disorders.
  10. Ginkgo biloba has proven itself to be an excellent antioxidant.
  11. "Glycine". A widely used drug for both children and adults. Improves brain activity and memory.

The list goes on, but if you don’t know exactly what you need, don’t purchase the drug yourself. After all, only a doctor can advise you which medicine improves memory more effectively. In each specific case, treatment may differ significantly.

Children's brain drugs

Our children are susceptible heavy loads at school. Curriculum Now it’s quite difficult, not every child can cope with it. Even strong students sometimes have problems remembering large amounts of information, but what can we say about average C students?

For performance baby brain turns out, unfortunately, negative impact passion for computers, abundance of solution books, Internet. Nowadays you don’t have to think much to write an essay on literature or do an assignment in algebra. All you have to do is open the Internet and find all the answers. Brain cells wean themselves from working independently, so their ability to store information for a long time gradually weakens.

In this case, vitamin preparations can come to the rescue as a memory medicine for children. Parents can independently determine the symptoms of vitamin deficiency in their child. Signs of this condition are:

  • Fatigue.
  • Inability to remember educational material.
  • Weak voluntary attention.
  • Memory loss.
  • Restlessness.

Among medicines There is a fairly extensive list of vitamins that can be selected for a child of any age. If we talk about schoolchildren, the following complexes are most often taken:

  1. "Pikovit." Helps younger schoolchildren adapt to school loads faster. The minerals and vitamins contained in it improve mental activity and memory.
  2. "Alphabet". Popular drug in parents and children. In each tablet, vitamins and minerals are selected correctly, taking into account their compatibility with each other.
  3. "Vitamishki". You can start taking it for children as young as 3 years old. The drug not only stimulates brain function, improves memory, but also strengthens the immune system.

All children's vitamins do not contain harmful additives, therefore completely safe for children. As a result of their intake, the following changes can be observed:

  1. The child's intelligence increases.
  2. The quality of memorization of material improves, which means academic performance becomes better.
  3. The child is able to complete homework independently.
  4. The student becomes more diligent and attentive.

It is advisable to start taking vitamin complexes before classes start, rather than waiting for problems to arise.

Brain Foods

Our brain center, like no other organ, needs constant supply. nutrients. That is why the quality of our nutrition leaves an imprint on the functioning of the brain.

You can cite following products to improve brain function.

  1. Cereals are sources of B vitamins, without which normal operation the brain can be forgotten. Start your day with porridge or muesli, and your memory will never let you down.
  2. Seeds, nuts, eggs contain large number vitamin E. And it affects not only memory, but also improves vision.
  3. Fresh fruits, berries, especially currants and blueberries.
  4. Fish. It must be included in the diet at least 3 times a week. If you follow this simple rule, then you will not face Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Broccoli. This variety of cabbage contains a lot of vitamin K, which stimulates cognitive activity brain
  6. Apples. The most affordable fruit and so healthy. Prevents the formation of plaques in brain vessels. It is enough to eat only half an apple a day.

All listed products are quite affordable, so if you wish, you can always include them in your diet, then you will not need medications to improve brain function and memory.

Traditional medicine

The advice of doctors can be used in the fight against many ailments, and when it comes to the functioning of our brain and bad memory, then a positive effect can be expected from its use.

Among the main methods the following can be listed:

  • Nutrition.
  • Brain training.
  • Taking herbal remedies.
  • Massage.
  • Consumption of honey and bee products.

Many are skeptical about folk recipes, but in vain. The most important thing is regular and long-term use, only in this case can you expect the effect of use.

Herbs for the brain

Among plant organisms there are many that are ready to come to our aid in different situations. Since ancient times, man has used the gifts of nature to treat diseases. Now, given the abundance of drugs in pharmacies, they have begun to forget about this.

It is recommended to use the following herbs to improve brain function:

  1. Elecampane. Its tincture is used for weakening memory. You can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself from the roots of this plant.
  2. Pine buds. An infusion is prepared from them, which is recommended to be taken three times a day, 2 tablespoons after meals.
  3. Sage. It not only improves memory, but increases efficiency and keeps the nervous system in good shape. You should brew the leaves of the plant, you can add mint and take 50 ml 4 times a day.
  4. Clover. Its heads should be infused in vodka for 2 weeks, and then taken 1 tablespoon per day, you can do this before bed. This infusion copes well with weak memory, relieves headaches and tinnitus.

Folk remedies have some advantages: they act gently and cause virtually no side effects.

Gymnastics for the brain

Like muscles, our brain needs constant training. We have already noted that modern computerization has completely weaned us from thinking, so it is our own fault that our brain center begins to let us down from time to time.

  1. Teaching foreign languages.
  2. Learning poems by heart.
  3. Periodically, take a different route to work.
  4. After you come home, try to accurately describe your route: what you encounter along the way.
  5. Play the game “What’s missing here?” with your children.
  6. Solve puzzles, do crosswords.
  7. Try eating with your left hand if you are right-handed.
  8. Learn to play some musical instrument.

It would take a long time to list everything possible techniques, but most importantly, don’t let your brain get lazy. Therefore, constantly force him to work, think, analyze. Only in this case can we guarantee that up to the very old age you will remain, as they say, sane.

There is no limit to perfection! Every reasonable person is motivated to improve his life: perfect body, comfortable housing, continuous self-development, caring for loved ones, peace of mind and harmony. To achieve all these goals, not much is required: a positive attitude, wellness, physical and mental activity. In order to improve brain activity, you can use special medications. It is recommended to use them in courses for preventive purposes, or on the eve of important events - exams, interviews or difficult negotiations. Also, special drugs are recommended for use during periods of high mental stress, in the off-season and during nervous exhaustion. Use of medications to improve brain activity, shown for faces of different ages. For adolescents and young adults, it is recommended to take medications for the treatment and prevention of neurocircular and vegetative-vascular dystonia. At any age, the drugs are prescribed to persons suffering from osteochondrosis, which interferes with normal blood circulation to the brain, as well as for therapy after traumatic brain injury. For mature and elderly people, the use of drugs is necessary to restore brain cells after suffered a stroke, in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the nervous system.

Drugs to improve brain activity have the following actions:

  • Increase reaction speed;
  • Allows you to concentrate your attention;
  • Improve memory;
  • Normalize blood circulation;
  • Increases oxygen supply to brain cells and useful substances;
  • Stabilizes the central nervous system;
  • They have an antioxidant effect.

Brain pills

More and more often we have to repeat the phrase: “Completely out of my memory!” Forgot about my birthday best friend If you are unable to absorb the required amount of information at work, you need to urgently take action. You can change your lifestyle, train your memory, or use medicines that stimulate brain function.

All pills to improve the functioning of the “gray matter” are usually used only in cases of extreme necessity - exams, urgent work, or in complex therapy. True, before you start taking any special means To improve memory and attention, you should weigh the pros and cons and, if possible, consult a doctor.

Popular drugs to improve memory


This drug is familiar to everyone without exception and is the leader in popularity in Russia. It is usually taken to increase mental performance and under stress. Often used by students in preparation for exams and during exams. Available in the form of lozenges. It is recommended to take 1 tablet three times a day for a month.


It is usually prescribed to patients with memory impairment, but it is sometimes drunk by completely healthy people in order to improve brain performance. Available in tablet form. Directions for use: course of 30 days, 4.8 g per day. If you need to continue taking it, then the dosage is subsequently reduced and brought to 2.4 g per day.

Bilobil or bilobil forte.

The drug is recommended for decreased intellectual abilities and weakened memory, insomnia and poor concentration. Both drugs are available in capsule form. Bilobil is taken as a course for three months, 1 capsule three times a day. Bilobil forte is taken 1 capsule morning and evening for three months.


With constant stress and strong nervous tension sometimes it is impossible to do without drug treatment. Intelan does a good job similar situations, and is also effective for memory impairment and attention problems. Available in the form of tablets or syrup. Adults are recommended to take 1 capsule (2 teaspoons) twice a day after meals. Children under 15 years old should take no more than one spoon in the morning and evening.


The drug is indicated for memory and thinking disorders, sudden mood changes, and irritability. Available in capsule form. The recommended dose for adults is 2 capsules three times a day. The course lasts 1-3 months. Children from 5 years of age are allowed to take Fezam, 1 capsule twice a day, also for a course of up to three months.


Just like glycine, it is popular among students, helping to speed up the learning process and improve memory. It is advisable to take this drug only when prescribed by a doctor. For treatment, it is necessary to take up to 400 mg of the drug per day ( daily norm) three times. The course of treatment lasts from two weeks to six months, depending on the disease.


The drug relieves tension, fights stress, normalizes sleep, improves memory and attention. Popular with students during sessions and with athletes, as it helps improve performance and IQ. Available in tablet form. It is recommended to use 100-200 mg once a day in the morning for two weeks.

Vitrum memory.

If there is a decrease in attention, loss of reaction speed and thinking, you can resort to this complex herbal medicine to improve cerebral circulation. Available in tablet form. It is usually recommended to take 1 tablet twice a day for three months.


Ordinary vitamins will not harm you for memory problems. To activate the work of the “gray matter,” vitamins B, E, and C are most needed. The optimal combination of these vitamins can be found in ordinary vitamin E oil capsules and in the simple preparation “Undevit” (available in the form of tablets yellow). You need to take two pieces a day.


Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves metabolic processes in the brain, improves memory and blood supply. Available in tablet form. Adults are recommended to take 0.5 g in the morning and evening before meals. After a week, the dose can be increased to 1 g. The drug should be taken in a course of three weeks to four months.


Normalizes metabolism and stimulates glucose metabolism in the brain, improves blood circulation, improves memory and increases performance. Available in the form of tablets and suspension. The daily dose of suspension for adults is 10 ml three times a day. Tablets are also recommended to be taken three times a day, 2 tablets. It is advisable not to drink encephabol later than three hours before bedtime.


Prescribed for memory and attention disorders, it improves blood circulation, dilates blood vessels, and activates the supply of oxygen to the brain. Available in the form of tablets and solution in ampoules. Adults should take 2 tablets three times a day. The course of treatment can last from two weeks to two months or longer. Only a doctor can prescribe a drip with Cavinton.


This drug (nootropic drug) stimulates brain function, improves mental activity, strengthens memory and is vascular medicine, increases the stamina and resistance of the body with great mental and physical activity. Available in tablet form. You can drink it at any time without having to tie it to a meal. The recommended dosage for adults with heavy mental stress is up to 0.08 g per day for 1.5 months.


Helps improve metabolism in the brain. Contains a large number of amino acids necessary to improve mental activity and restore memory. Available in the form of a solution in ampoules. It is administered intravenously or intramuscularly in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Ginko biloba

Contains leaf extract of the ginkgo biloba plant. It has an active effect on brain function and is an excellent antioxidant. Available in capsule form. The drug should be taken with meals, 2 capsules twice a day. Usually the course of treatment lasts three months.