The best probiotics. The place of probiotics in the treatment and prevention of infectious intestinal diseases. When are probiotics prescribed?

Not every person knows what probiotics are for. These medications help prevent the manifestation of dysbiosis and the death of beneficial bacterial agents that occur as a result poor nutrition or long-term use antibacterial agents.

Probiotics are based on live bacteria, which are natural flora for the digestive canal. In most cases, they are the ones who destroy pathogenic microbes.

What types are there? Let's consider. They are divided into several types.

Monocomponent probiotics

First generation gut probiotic. They contain only one type of bacterial agent. They are prescribed only for minor imbalances in the digestive flora.

There are several best probiotics for the gut.

    A drug that is available in the form of powder, suppository and tablets. Bifidumbacterin is a monocomponent probiotic that can have an antimicrobial effect against a number of bacteria. This medication has activity against E. coli, staphylococci, Shigella, and yeast fungi.

    Prescribed for adults and children from six months. Duration treatment course is fourteen days.

    There are a number of restrictions in the form childhood up to three years and increased susceptibility to the components of the drug. In addition to all this, the medicine is quite inexpensive. Average cost tablets range around three hundred rubles, and suppositories and powder no more than one hundred rubles.

  1. Lactobacterin.

    This is a medicine that contains live lactobacilli. Once in the digestive canal, they begin to produce lactic acid and create conditions for the occurrence of beneficial microbes. These probiotics also have increased activity against bacterial agents in the form of Protea, rods.

    The medicine is sold in a pack containing ten bottles. It is allowed for children from birth. The lactobacilli included in the composition have increased resistance to the effects of antibacterial agents. It is taken for seven to ten days.

    There is a limitation in the form of vulvovaginitis. The average cost of the drug ranges from two hundred rubles.

Multicomponent probiotics

These are probiotics and prebiotics of the second generation. They contain many different living bacterial agents that can normalize the microflora of the intestinal canal.

A main list of medications is provided.

  1. Acipol.

    The active ingredients are kefir grain and acidophilus lactobacilli. This medication is similar to antibiotics. Active components, which are part of it, create not favorable conditions for the existence of microbes.

    Also, the effect of lactobacilli is aimed at accelerating metabolic processes, restoring immune functionality and the functioning of the intestinal canal.

    This drug can be taken for intestinal dysbiosis in adults and children from three months. Available in capsule form. Therefore, in order to avoid injury to the mucous membrane and make it easier for children to take the medicine, the drug is dissolved in water or milk.

    It has no restrictions other than increased susceptibility to the components of the medication. The duration of the treatment course is from fourteen to thirty days. The average cost is about four hundred rubles.

  2. Bifiform.

    An excellent medicine for intestinal microflora. It contains lactic acid bacteria. Their effect is aimed at suppressing the growth and ability of pathogenic microbes to reproduce. Also help restore functionality digestive system.

    For the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis, it is prescribed to children over two years of age. Well tolerated by patients. But its cost is no less than three hundred and fifty rubles.

Sorption probiotics for the intestines

This group of medications is based on live bacteria and activated carbon. Therefore, they can be considered sorbents. Such medications help to instantly and effectively cleanse the intestinal tract of toxic substances, prevent intoxication and restore colonies beneficial bacteria.

Their difference from regular probiotics is that they act on the body more effectively. The functioning of the intestinal canal is restored within a few days.

Bifidumbacterin Forte

This is a drug that is available in capsule and powder form. The active components that are included in the medication populate the digestive area and eliminate a number of dangerous microbes.

Activated carbon helps instantly remove toxic ingredients and limit the activity of dangerous agents.

Tablets for intestinal dysbiosis for adults and children over three years of age. The powder preparation can be given to babies from birth. They have a number of limitations in the form of lactose deficiency, increased susceptibility to the components of the product and the development allergic reactions.

Synbiotics for the intestines

Medicines containing prebiotics and probiotics for the intestines. They have a complex effect and are therefore considered more effective.

Highlight the following drugs from intestinal dysbiosis.

  1. Maxilak.

    The active components are oligofructose, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, lactococci and streptococci. This combination has a mutually reinforcing effect on metabolic processes in cellular structures.

    Active components allow you to suppress activity harmful microbes and prevent their reproduction. Oligofructose makes it possible to create favorable environment for the propagation of beneficial bacterial agents.

    Such medications for dysbiosis are prescribed only to adults and adolescents over fourteen years of age. Children are welcome younger age, but under the strict supervision of a doctor.

    It has no restrictions, but is well tolerated by patients. Its cost is also quite high and exceeds four hundred rubles.

  2. Bifiliz.

    The active ingredients are live bifidobacteria and lysozyme. The drug has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Its impact is aimed at restoration useful flora, increase in beneficial bacteria.

    Duration therapeutic therapy is ten to twenty days. Has no contraindications. But its price exceeds four hundred and fifty rubles.

  3. List of the best medications for the intestines

    To restore the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to take a complex of medications. Based on the opinions of specialists and patients, several of the best drugs are identified:

    1. Linux. Available in capsule and powder form. It contains a mixture of lacto- and bifidobacteria, lactic acid enterococci, and prebiotics. Such a successful composition makes it the best drug among the rest. Moreover, it can be used both in adults and children from birth.
    2. Lactobacterin. An effective and safe component that is sold in the form of tablets, suppositories, and powder. Does not lead to the development of allergic reactions and side effects. Approved for use by young children and infants, pregnant and lactating women.
    3. Probifor. This is a new generation drug, which is an improved analogue of Bifidumbacterin. Sold in tablet and powder form. The medication is based on activated carbon and bifidobacteria. Thanks to this composition, an adsorbing effect is observed. This tool can be used simultaneously with antibiotics.
    4. Primadophilus. A combined medication containing lacto- and bifidobacteria. Sold in capsule form. They can be given to children, adults and teenagers. Primadofilus has no restrictions, therefore it is acceptable for use by lactating and pregnant women. But it is quite expensive - around seven hundred rubles.
    5. Hilak Forte. A medicine that contains a prebiotic. Available in several forms: capsules, drops, powder. Such forms simplify its use and make it possible to treat small children without problems. This is the best drug for dysbiosis.
    6. Biobakton. A single drug that is sold in capsule form. Very inexpensive, but can only be used for minor disorders intestinal tract. It is often prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

    Probiotics for the intestines, the list of which is quite extensive, help stabilize the body's microflora. Your doctor can tell you which medication is best to choose, so we strongly advise you to consult a doctor.

    Suppositories for dysbacteriosis

    Beneficial bacteria can be used not only in tablets and powder, but also in the form of suppositories. They are divided into two types: rectal and vaginal.

    Vaginal suppositories are used to treat bacterial vaginosis in the female half of the population. They perfectly restore the microflora in the vagina. This group includes Polygynax, Terzhinan and Betadine. Their effect is aimed at inhibiting pathogenic microbes and preventing other diseases. The only contraindication is the third trimester of pregnancy.

    There are also such products as Labilakt, Atsilakt, Vagilakt, Gynoflor. These are suppositories that contain lacto- and bifidobacteria, as well as estriol and lactose. Their effect is aimed at restoring the flora after the use of antibacterial agents, with weakened immune function and excessive proliferation of pathogenic microbes due to hormonal imbalance.

    Rectal suppositories also restore the flora of the intestinal canal, but can be used not only by women, but also by children, adults and the elderly.

    Medicines such as Apis, Kipferon, Anuzol are available for sale. They contain a glucocorticosteroid component that stops inflammatory process. They are often prescribed for dysbiosis caused by colds or influenza infection. They cannot be used for more than seven days in a row.

    Bifinorm, Laktonorm and Lactobacterin are also prescribed. Such suppositories make it possible to supply the digestive canal with beneficial bacterial agents. In some cases, they act faster and more effectively on the mucous membrane. The thing is that beneficial bacteria enter directly into the intestinal cavity without being destroyed by gastric juice.

    The cost of probiotics varies. Moreover, each of them has its own testimony. If there is a slight malfunction of the digestive system, you can use inexpensive medicines first generation. If severe intoxication of the body and dehydration are observed, then it is better to use modern and expensive drugs. If unpleasant symptoms occur, you should visit a doctor and also find out which remedies are best for your treatment.

Probiotics are live bacteria - microorganisms that live in the human body and have a positive effect on its vital functions. Probiotic preparations contain different strains of bacteria.

There are bifido-containing, coli-containing, and lactose-containing preparations. The composition may also contain yeast-like fungi, enterococci, aerococci, depending on the manufacturer and purpose. Probiotics are available in liquid and dry form.

Probiotics not only allow you to populate the intestines with the right microorganisms and overcome pathogenic flora that cause various unpleasant symptoms, but also provide an opportunity to increase immunity and effectively fight illnesses. In this article, we'll look at inexpensive yet effective gut probiotics. You will find reviews, as well as a list of drugs with prices, just below.

When are probiotics prescribed?

According to the American Gastroenterological Association, probiotics are currently most commonly prescribed to treat the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Infectious diarrhea, caused by rotavirus infection, including in infants and young children - strains of lactobacilli of the species Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Lactobacillus casei.
  2. - probiotic strains of lactic acid bacteria Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus plantarum and fungi Sacchromyces boulardii, as well as a combination of probiotics can help with bowel movements.
  3. Antibiotic-associated diarrhea- Saccharomyces boulardii can prevent recurrences of the most dangerous and most common antibiotic-associated diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile.

In addition, a gastroenterologist can prescribe probiotics if the patient complains of stool disorders, colic and frequent bloating and flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, as well as other conditions.

How to take it correctly?

It is very important to choose the right probiotic to treat a specific condition. To select a probiotic, you can use the following simple rules:

  1. If you suspect a bacterial infection of the intestine(acute or chronic) it is recommended to take complex preparations containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria at the same time (for example, Bacteriobalance, Bifidin, Linex, etc.).
  2. If you suspect viral infection intestines(acute or chronic) it is recommended to take drugs containing lactobacilli (for example, Lactobacterin, Narine, Biobakton, Primadophilus, etc.).
  3. If you suspect fungal infection intestines and genital organs (intestinal and vaginal candidiasis), it is recommended to take medications containing bifidobacteria (for example, Probiform, Biovestin, Bifidumbacterin, etc.).

During therapy, it is recommended to first take drugs with lactobacilli, then with bifidobacteria, and only after that with colibacteria (for example, Colibacterin). You can start taking it right away complex drugs, simultaneously containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Probiotics and prebiotics: what's the difference?

The names of these two groups of drugs are very similar, so they are often confused.

  • Probiotics are live microorganisms that belong to the normal intestinal microflora.
  • Prebiotics are organic chemicals who have the ability to create excellent conditions for the reproduction of normal intestinal microflora.

It should be noted that the effect of both prebiotics and probiotics is similar, because each of the groups of these drugs normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Useful properties

Most probiotic bacteria belong to two genera: lactobacilli (Lactobacillus) and bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium), although you should know that there are many other types of probiotic bacteria.

These drugs are capable of:

  1. Produce substances that prevent various infections.
  2. Prevent bacteria harmful to humans from attaching to the intestinal wall and inhibit their growth.
  3. Inhibit secretion or destroy toxins secreted by some “bad” ones. human body bacteria.
  4. Stimulate the strengthening of the mucous layer in the intestines as a barrier against infections.
  5. Increase efficiency immune system by secreting antibodies to certain viruses.
  6. Produce B vitamins necessary for food metabolism, preventing anemia that occurs due to vitamin deficiency
  7. B6 and B12, as well as maintaining skin and nervous system health.

The described effects are, to a greater or lesser extent, characteristic of all microorganisms related to probiotics. However, the mechanisms of these effects have not yet been fully elucidated.

Probiotics for the intestines: list and prices

To maintain intestinal health, the following medications may be prescribed:

  • Linex is one of the most famous probiotics that are common in Russia. It contains three components of microflora, which are found in various departments intestines. Price 350-500 rub.
  • . It is often used in pediatrics for conditions characterized by disturbances in the colonization of the intestinal flora, in combination with antibiotics and other drugs. Contains Bifidobacterium bifidum N1 in dry powder form. Price 350-400 rub.
  • More concentrated bifidobacteria are contained in Probifor - one sachet contains about 10 servings of bacteria that are found in Bifidumbacterin. Price 500-600 rub.
  • . In addition to probiotic strains of lacto- and bifidobacteria, it contains Escherichiacoli. Combined with antibiotic therapy, thanks to the protective capsule it easily overcomes acidic environment stomach. It is one of the best capsule probiotics for adults. Price 350-400 rub.
  • Florin forte. It is a powder containing lacto- and bifidobacteria. It is prescribed for both adults, children and newborns. Thanks to the combination of bacteria, it has a complex effect, but does not combine well with some antibiotics. Price 500-550 rub.

Depending on the time of creation and improvement, several generations of probiotics are distinguished:

  • I generation - classic monocomponent preparations, consisting of one strain of microorganisms - typical inhabitants of the intestines (bifidumbacterin, lactobacterin, etc.);
  • II generation – self-eliminating antagonists (bactisubtil, enterol, biosporin, etc.);
  • III generation - multicomponent preparations (symbiotics), consisting of several (from 2 to 30) strains of bacteria (Bifilong, etc.) or several types of bacteria (Linex, Bifikol, etc.);
  • IV generation – combination drugs(synbiotics), consisting of a strain of bacteria and ingredients that promote their growth, reproduction and metabolic activity (bifiliz, kypacid, etc.);
  • V generation – multicomponent combination preparations (synbiotics), consisting of several types of bacteria and ingredients that promote their growth, reproduction and metabolic activity (floristin, bifiform, etc.).

In addition, the form of the probiotic must be taken into account. They are all divided into:

  • Dry probiotics(lactobacterin, bifidumbacterin, colibacterin, etc.);
  • Liquid forms (biovestin, biovestin-lacto, floristin, trilact, bifidum No. 791 BAG, liquid bifido- and lactobacterins, lactoflor, etc.);
  • Sorption forms s (ecoflor, probifor, bifidobacterin forte, bificol forte, etc.);
  • Enteric-coated capsules(Linex, Bifiform).

And if previously liquid probiotics for the intestines were considered the best, today capsule preparations are becoming more and more common. Modern technologies allow you to effectively preserve all the necessary bacteria in the capsule. Those who take probiotics unanimously declare that taking the drugs in capsules is much more convenient, like taking a vitamin: take it out of the package, drink it with water and forget...

Probiotics in foods

Sources of prebiotics are: dairy products, bread, cereals, peas, cornflakes, garlic, bananas, onions, beans and some other types of products. One of the most popular products One that provides probiotic intake is yogurt.

In addition, their sources are: most dairy products, for example, cheese, kefir, cottage cheese, buttermilk. Here are some more examples of probiotics: sauerkraut, kimchi, pickled cucumbers, bread, wine, soy sauce.

Our body is home to hundreds of trillions of microorganisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The main refuge of these bacteria is the gastrointestinal tract. They come from food and drink and begin to colonize our guts from the moment we are born, but the relationship between us is mutually beneficial. Let's look at live bacteria for the intestines: names and their purpose.

The purpose of bacteria in the intestines

The intestinal microflora is represented by approximately 400 species of microorganisms. And if its upper sections contain a small amount of bacteria, then in the distal places of the colon there are up to 1012 of them. And the highest concentration of bacteria is observed in the rectum.

The role of these microorganisms in life cycle human is huge. This includes active participation in metabolic processes, obtaining vitamins, amino acids and other compounds, and influencing the formation of the body’s immune function. Flora in in good condition, acting against pathogenic microbes, acts as a guaranteed protection and obstacle to the development of infections. The following factors can disrupt this equilibrium state:

  • use of antibiotic therapy, especially uncontrolled;
  • stressful conditions;
  • use of products of chemical origin;
  • radiation activity;
  • malnutrition.

If we compare the mass beneficial microflora with the weight of a healthy adult, the ratio reaches 5%, which equals approximately 3 kg. Its composition is represented by more than 95% anaerobic bacteria, such as:

  • bacteroides;
  • bifidobacteria.

The main part of the aerobic flora includes:

  • lactobacilli;
  • enterococci;
  • coli.

Other representatives of the microworld include:

  • Proteus;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • yeast-like fungi;
  • protozoa, etc.

In addition, the microbes that inhabit the intestines normally affect the protective and metabolic mechanism of the human body:

  • neutralize the critical effect of pathogenic bacilli on the intestines;
  • directly participate in the formation of the immune response;
  • prevent toxins from entering the bloodstream;
  • secrete useful organic acids, which prevents the proliferation of pathogens in the intestines;
  • produce substances that have a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

In order to correct and normalize the disturbed microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, they have been developed and used different drugs. The main directions are represented by the following funds:

  • probiotics - drugs that supply viable microorganisms to our body;
  • prebiotics - agents that serve as “food” and allow bacteria to grow;
  • synbiotics - combinations of probiotics and prebiotics.

The positive effect for the human body when using drugs with live bacteria occurs due to their counteracting pathogenic microbes, stimulating the immune response, producing vitamins and other nutritional compounds, as well as eliminating the effects of toxins and normalizing acidity.

Preparations containing bifidobacteria deserve special mention. These bacteria are distinguished by their suppressive activity relative to large quantity pathogens. Their use gives quick results in normalizing the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the activity of the digestive system, and in order to prevent infections. The following tools are widely known:

  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Bifidumbacterin forte";
  • "Probifor".

In addition, the following drugs are widely used:

  • "Bifiform";
  • "Bifikol";
  • "Bifocyte";
  • "Linex".

Unlike multicomponent products, such preparations contain several types of living bacteria. For example, Linex contains three representatives of the intestinal flora, and from different departments intestines. The composition of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and lactic acid streptococci is able to effectively regulate the equilibrium state of intestinal microbiocenosis and at the same time perform antimicrobial, digestive, vitamin functions in its sections, starting with small intestine and ending with a straight line.

Pharmaceutical companies around the world produce probiotics in the form of tablets, powders, suspensions, sprays and suppositories. The very same effective form release capsule protrudes. The acid resistance of its shell prevents negative influence on bacteria in the stomach and gives a highly concentrated release at the intestinal level.

In the list of names of drugs based on live bacteria for the intestines, “Bifidumbacterin” occupies a worthy place. It is indicated in such cases as:

  • acute intestinal infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the small and large intestines that are chronic;
  • dysbacteriosis and intestinal dysfunction against its background;
  • complex treatment for sepsis, pneumonia;
  • treatment and preventive measures aimed against inflammatory diseases female reproductive system;
  • prenatal preparation of pregnant women;
  • inflammation of breast tissue during lactation and breastfeeding.

In addition, the name of the drug as a supplier of live bacteria for children's intestines is included in the recommendations for early transfer of infants to formula feeding.

The human intestine is home to microorganisms that make up a total mass of up to two kilograms. They form the local flora. The ratio is strictly maintained on the principle of expediency.

Bacterial contents are heterogeneous in function and significance for the host organism: some bacteria in all conditions provide support through correct work intestines, therefore they are called useful. Others are only waiting for the slightest disruption in control and weakening of the body in order to turn into a source of infection. They are called opportunistic.

The introduction of foreign bacteria into the intestines that can cause disease is accompanied by a violation of the optimal balance, even if the person is not sick, but is a carrier of the infection.

Treatment of the disease with medications, especially antibacterial action, has a detrimental effect not only on pathogens, but also on beneficial bacteria. The problem arises of how to eliminate the consequences of therapy. Therefore, scientists have created a large group of new drugs that supply live bacteria to the intestines.

What bacteria form the intestinal flora?

About five thousand species of microorganisms live in the human digestive tract. They perform the following functions:

  • They help with their enzymes to break down substances found in foods until they are properly digested and absorbed through intestinal wall into the bloodstream;
  • destroy unnecessary residues of food digestion, toxins, toxic substances, gases in order to prevent rotting processes;
  • produce special enzymes for the body, biologically active substances(biotin), vitamin K and folic acid, which are necessary for life;
  • participate in the synthesis of immune components.

Studies have shown that some bacteria (bifidobacteria) protect the body from cancer.

Probiotics gradually displace pathogenic microbes, depriving them of nutrition and directing them towards them immune cells

To the main beneficial microorganisms include: bifidobacteria (comprising 95% of the total flora), lactobacilli (almost 5% by weight), Escherichia. The following are considered opportunistic:

  • staphylococci and enterococci;
  • mushrooms of the genus Candida;
  • clostridia.

They become dangerous when a person’s immunity declines, changes acid-base balance in the body. An example of harmful or pathogenic microorganisms are Shigella, Salmonella - pathogens typhoid fever, dysentery.

Beneficial live bacteria for the intestines are also called probiotics. So, they began to call specially created substitutes for normal intestinal flora. Another name is eubiotics.
Now they are effectively used to treat digestive pathologies and consequences negative impact medicines.

Types of probiotics

Preparations with live bacteria were gradually improved and updated in properties and composition. In pharmacology, they are usually divided into generations. The first generation includes medicines, containing only one strain of microorganisms: Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Colibacterin.

The second generation consists of antagonist drugs containing unusual flora that can resist pathogenic bacteria and support digestion: Baktistatin, Sporobacterin, Biosporin.

The third generation includes multicomponent drugs. They contain several strains of bacteria with bioadditives. The group includes: Linex, Acilact, Acipol, Bifiliz, Bifiform. The fourth generation consists only of preparations from bifidobacteria: Florin Forte, Bifidumbacterin Forte, Probifor.

Based on their bacterial composition, probiotics can be divided into those containing as the main component:

  • bifidobacteria - Bifidumbacterin (forte or powder), Bifiliz, Bifikol, Bifiform, Probifor, Biovestin, Lifepack Probiotics;
  • lactobacilli - Linex, Lactobacterin, Acylact, Acipol, Biobakton, Lebenin, Gastrofarm;
  • colibacteria - Colibacterin, Bioflor, Bifikol;
  • enterococci - Linex, Bifiform, dietary supplements of domestic production;
  • yeast-like fungi - Biosporin, Bactisporin, Enterol, Baktisubtil, Sporobacterin.

What should you consider when purchasing probiotics?

Pharmacological companies in Russia and abroad can produce identical analogue drugs under different names. Imported ones are, of course, much more expensive. Studies have shown that people living in Russia are more adapted to local strains of bacteria.

It’s still better to buy your own drugs

Another negative is that, as it turned out, imported probiotics contain only a fifth of the declared volume of live microorganisms and do not settle in the intestines of patients for a long time. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required. This is caused by serious complications from misuse drugs. Patients registered:

  • exacerbation of cholelithiasis and urolithiasis;
  • obesity;
  • allergic reactions.

Live bacteria should not be confused with prebiotics. These are also medicines, but do not contain microorganisms. Prebiotics contain enzymes and vitamins to improve digestion and stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora. They are often prescribed for constipation in children and adults.

The group includes those known to practitioners: Lactulose, pantothenic acid, Hilak forte, Lysozyme, inulin preparations. Experts believe that it is necessary to combine prebiotics with probiotic preparations to achieve maximum results. For this purpose, combination drugs (synbiotics) have been created.

Characteristics of first generation probiotics

Preparations from the group of first-generation probiotics are prescribed to young children when first-degree dysbiosis is detected, as well as when prevention is necessary, if the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics.

Primadophilus is an analogue of drugs with two types of lactobacilli, much more expensive than others, since it is produced in the USA

The pediatrician chooses Bifidumbacterin and Lactobacterin for infants (includes bifidobacteria and lactobacilli). They are bred in warm boiled water and give 30 minutes before breastfeeding. For older children and adults, medications in capsules and tablets are suitable.

Colibacterin - contains dried E. coli bacteria, used for prolonged colitis in adults. The more modern single drug Biobakton contains acidophilus bacillus and is indicated starting from the neonatal period.

Narine, Narine Forte, Narine in milk concentrate - contains the acidophilic form of lactobacilli. Comes from Armenia.

Purpose and description of second generation probiotics

Unlike the first group, second-generation probiotics do not contain beneficial living bacteria, but include other microorganisms that can suppress and destroy pathogenic microflora - yeast-like fungi and bacilli spores.

Mainly used for the treatment of children with mild form dysbacteriosis and intestinal infections. The duration of the course should be no more than seven days, then switch to live bacteria of the first group. Bactisubtil ( French drug) and Flonivin BS contain bacillus spores with wide range antibacterial action.

Spores are not destroyed inside the stomach hydrochloric acid and enzymes, reach intact small intestine

Bactisporin and Sporobacterin are made from Bacillus hay, maintained antagonistic properties to pathogenic pathogens, resistance to the action of the antibiotic Rifampicin.

Enterol contains yeast-like fungi (Saccharomycetes). Comes from France. Used in the treatment of diarrhea associated with antibiotics. Active against clostridia. Biosporin includes two types of saprophytic bacteria.

Features of third generation probiotics

Live bacteria or several strains of them collected in combination are more active. Used to treat acute intestinal disorders moderate severity.

Linex - contains bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and enterococci, produced in Slovakia in a special powder for children (Linex Baby), capsules, sachets. Bifiform is a Danish drug, several varieties are known (Baby drops, chewable tablets, complex). Bifiliz - contains bifidobacteria and lysozyme. Available in suspension (lyophilisate), rectal suppositories.

The drug contains bifidobacteria, enterococci, lactulose, vitamins B 1, B 6

How are fourth generation probiotics different?

When producing drugs with bifidobacteria of this group, the need to create additional protection was taken into account digestive tract and relieving intoxication. The products are called “sorbed” because the active bacteria are located on the particles activated carbon.

Indicated for respiratory infections, diseases of the stomach and intestines, dysbacteriosis. Most popular drugs this group. Bifidumbacterin Forte - contains live bifidobacteria sorbed on activated carbon, available in capsules and powders.

Effectively protects and restores intestinal flora after respiratory infections, with acute gastroenterological pathology, dysbacteriosis. The drug is contraindicated in people with congenital deficiency lactase enzyme, with rotavirus infection.

Probifor differs from Bifidumbacterin Forte in the number of bifidobacteria; it is 10 times higher than the previous drug. Therefore, the treatment is much more effective. Appointed to severe forms intestinal infection, for diseases of the large intestine, dysbacteriosis.

It has been proven that the effectiveness in diseases caused by Shigella is equal to that of fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Can replace the combination of Enterol and Bifiliz. Florin Forte - includes lacto- and bifidobacterial composition, sorbed on coal. Available in capsule and powder form.

Use of synbiotics

Synbiotics are a completely new proposal in the treatment of intestinal flora disorders. They provide double action: on the one hand, they necessarily contain a probiotic, on the other, they include a prebiotic, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of beneficial bacteria.

The fact is that the effect of probiotics does not last long. After the intestinal microflora is restored, they may die, which again causes the situation to worsen. Accompanying prebiotics feed beneficial bacteria, ensure active growth and protection.

Many synbiotics are classified as dietary supplements, not medicinal substances. Do right choice only a specialist can. It is not recommended to make treatment decisions on your own. The drugs in this series include the following.


Many authors refer to the most the best drugs to date. He combines useful action 17 types of live bacteria with extracts of algae, mushrooms, vegetables, medicinal herbs, fruits, grains (more than 70 components). Recommended for course use, you need to take from 6 to 10 capsules per day.

Production does not involve sublimation and drying, so the viability of all bacteria is preserved. The drug is obtained by natural fermentation for three years. Strains of bacteria work in different areas digestion. Suitable for lactose intolerant people, gluten and gelatin free. Supplied to the pharmacy chain from Canada.

Multidophilus plus

Includes three strains of lactobacilli, one - bifidobacteria, maltodextrin. Made in the USA. Available in capsules for adults. The Polish product Maxilac contains: oligofructose as a prebiotic, and live cultures of beneficial bacteria as a probiotic (three strains of bifidobacteria, five strains of lactobacilli, streptococcus). Indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, impaired immunity.

Prescribed for children from three years of age and adults, 1 capsule in the evening with meals.

Which probiotics have target indications?

With an abundance of information about bacterial preparations With live microorganisms, some people rush to extremes: either they do not believe in the feasibility of their use, or, conversely, they spend money on products of little use. It is necessary to consult a specialist about the use of probiotics in specific situation.

Children with diarrhea during breastfeeding(especially for those born prematurely) liquid probiotics are prescribed. They also help with irregular bowel movements, constipation, delays in physical development.

Children in such situations are shown:

  • Bifidumbacterin Forte;
  • Linux;
  • Acipol;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Biphilis;
  • Probifor.

If a child's diarrhea is associated with previous respiratory disease, pneumonia, infectious mononucleosis, false croup, then these drugs are prescribed in a short course for 5 days. At viral hepatitis treatment lasts from a week to a month. Allergic dermatitis treated in courses from 7 days (Probifor) to three weeks. A patient with diabetes mellitus It is recommended to take courses of probiotics different groups for 6 weeks.

For reception from for preventive purposes Bifidumbacterin Forte and Bifiliz are most suitable during the season of increased incidence.

What is best to take for dysbiosis?

To be sure of a violation of the intestinal flora, it is necessary to take a stool test for dysbacteriosis. The doctor must determine which specific bacteria the body lacks and how severe the disorders are.

If a deficiency of lactobacilli is established, it is not necessary to use only drugs. containing them. Because it is bifidobacteria that determine the imbalance and form the rest of the microflora.

Monopreparations, which contain only the same type of bacteria, are recommended by a doctor only when mild degree violations

In severe cases, combined drugs of the third and fourth generation. Probifor is most indicated (infectious enterocolitis, colitis). For children, it is always necessary to select combinations of drugs with lacto- and bifidobacteria.

Products containing colibacteria are prescribed very carefully. When identifying ulcers in the intestines and stomach, acute gastroenteritis Probiotics with lactobacilli are more indicated.

Typically, the doctor determines the duration of treatment based on the generation of the probiotic:

  • I – a monthly course is required.
  • II – from 5 to 10 days.
  • III – IV - up to seven days.

If there is no effectiveness, the specialist changes the treatment regimen, adds antifungal agents, antiseptics. Use of probiotics - modern approach to the treatment of many diseases. This is especially important for parents of young children to remember. It is necessary to distinguish drugs from biological additives to food. Existing dietary supplements with intestinal bacteria can only be used healthy person for the purpose of prevention.

Our body is home to hundreds of trillions of microorganisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. The main refuge of these bacteria is the gastrointestinal tract. They come from food and drink and begin to colonize our guts from the moment we are born, but the relationship between us is mutually beneficial. Let's look at live bacteria for the intestines: names and their purpose.

The purpose of bacteria in the intestines

The intestinal microflora is represented by approximately 400 species of microorganisms. And if its upper sections contain a small amount of bacteria, then in the distal places of the colon there are up to 1012 of them. And the highest concentration of bacteria is observed in the rectum.

The role of these microorganisms in the human life cycle is enormous. This includes active participation in metabolic processes, obtaining vitamins, amino acids and other compounds, and influence on the formation of the body’s immune function. Flora in a normal state, acting against pathogenic microbes, acts as a guaranteed protection and obstacle to the development of infections. The following factors can disrupt this equilibrium state:

  • use of antibiotic therapy, especially uncontrolled;
  • stressful conditions;
  • use of products of chemical origin;
  • radiation activity;
  • malnutrition.

If we compare the mass of beneficial microflora with the weight of a healthy adult, the ratio reaches 5%, which equals approximately 3 kg. Its composition is represented by more than 95% anaerobic bacteria, such as:

  • bacteroides;
  • bifidobacteria.

The main part of the aerobic flora includes:

  • lactobacilli;
  • enterococci;
  • coli.

Other representatives of the microworld include:

  • Proteus;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • yeast-like fungi;
  • protozoa, etc.

In addition, the microbes that inhabit the intestines normally affect the protective and metabolic mechanism of the human body:

  • neutralize the critical effect of pathogenic bacilli on the intestines;
  • directly participate in the formation of the immune response;
  • prevent toxins from entering the bloodstream;
  • secrete useful organic acids, which prevents the proliferation of pathogens in the intestines;
  • produce substances that have a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect on pathogenic microorganisms.

In order to correct and normalize the disturbed microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, various drugs have been developed and used. The main directions are represented by the following funds:

  • probiotics - drugs that supply viable microorganisms to our body;
  • prebiotics - agents that serve as “food” and allow bacteria to grow;
  • synbiotics - combinations of probiotics and prebiotics.

The positive effect for the human body when using drugs with live bacteria occurs due to their counteracting pathogenic microbes, stimulating the immune response, producing vitamins and other nutritional compounds, as well as eliminating the effects of toxins and normalizing acidity.

Preparations containing bifidobacteria deserve special mention. These bacteria are distinguished by their suppressive activity against a relatively large number of pathogens. Their use gives quick results in normalizing the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating the activity of the digestive system, and in order to prevent infections. The following tools are widely known:

  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Bifidumbacterin forte";
  • "Probifor".

In addition, the following drugs are widely used:

  • "Bifiform";
  • "Bifikol";
  • "Bifocyte";
  • "Linex".

Unlike multicomponent products, such preparations contain several types of live bacteria. For example, Linex contains three representatives of the intestinal flora, from different parts of the intestine. The composition of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and lactic acid streptococci is able to effectively regulate the equilibrium state of intestinal microbiocenosis and at the same time perform antimicrobial, digestive, vitamin functions in its sections, starting from the small intestine and ending with the rectum.

Pharmaceutical companies around the world produce probiotics in the form of tablets, powders, suspensions, sprays and suppositories. The most effective form of release is a capsule. The acid resistance of its coating prevents negative effects on bacteria in the stomach and provides a highly concentrated release at the intestinal level.

In the list of names of drugs based on live bacteria for the intestines, “Bifidumbacterin” occupies a worthy place. It is indicated in such cases as:

  • acute intestinal infections;
  • inflammatory processes in the small and large intestines that are chronic;
  • dysbacteriosis and intestinal dysfunction against its background;
  • complex treatment for sepsis, pneumonia;
  • therapeutic and preventive measures aimed against inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • prenatal preparation of pregnant women;
  • inflammation of breast tissue during lactation and breastfeeding.

In addition, the name of the drug as a supplier of live bacteria for children's intestines is included in the recommendations for early transfer of infants to formula feeding.

Means that allow the entry of live bacteria into the body are quite effective in treatment and prevention. intestinal diseases. The approximate course of treatment with them is about 2-4 weeks. However, their use requires differentiated approach, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body, the nature of intestinal dysbiosis, the stage of the underlying disease, therefore it is necessary to use probiotics after consultation with the attending physician.