What to eat for constipation and how to eat. Proper nutrition and exercises for constipation

Problems with bowel movements can occur at any age. But most often children and elderly people suffer from this disease. In this article we will tell you why this problem occurs, what you can’t eat if you have constipation, and what dangers the lack of feces poses. In addition, we will give recommendations that will help correct the situation.

What is constipation?

U healthy person bowel movements usually occur daily and at almost the same time. Although there are people for whom this happens once every two days. At the same time, they feel fine. It all depends on the functioning of the intestines.

Therefore, if the absence of feces does not cause side effects, then stool once every two days can be considered normal. If the absence is prolonged and discomfort appears, then you need to contact a therapist and begin treatment.

Why does constipation occur?

Before starting therapy, you should find out the possible cause of constipation. Sometimes you can do this yourself and eliminate it. But if the problem lies in the malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, then treatment can only be medicinal.

What causes constipation:

  1. Problems with the digestive tract. Possible diseases of the stomach, liver or improper functioning of the rectum.
  2. Intestinal spasm, which causes its narrowing, and this in turn prevents the exit of feces. In this case there are sharp pains, gas formation, nausea. If the problem is not solved in time, then some of the feces may fall back into the stomach and leave the body with vomit. This pathology is quite rare and occurs mainly in older people.
  3. Wrong diet. The daily diet must include fresh fruits, vegetables, soups and cereal products (even bread is a must if it is made from wholemeal flour). Snacking spoils the absorption of food and, thus, also serves as the beginning of the development of constipation. Here it is important to know what you can’t eat if you have constipation, what foods provoke it.
  4. Lack of fluid in the body. This may be due to overeating salty foods or simply due to low water consumption (for example, a person suffers from swelling and limits himself to drinking drinks). The body, in turn, begins to draw moisture from everything, and even from feces, thereby thickening it and making it difficult for it to move through the intestines.
  5. This may also be a consequence of inactivity, that is, in a person sedentary work, and upon arriving home he free time spends on the sofa. At this time, the intestinal muscles stop functioning normally.
  6. If a person often experiences the urge to defecate. This may again be related to work; it is not always possible to go to the toilet.
  7. Incorrectly formulated diet. A small amount of food is received. The diet is unbalanced, with a small amount of liquid.
  8. A sudden change in the environment: moving, being admitted to the hospital, and so on.
  9. Stressful state. Because of this, intestinal dysfunction occurs.
  10. Pregnant women begin to have problems with bowel movements due to the fact that the fetus puts pressure on the intestines.
  11. Consequence past illness. For example, there was severe dehydration or antibiotics were used in treatment. All this negatively affects the functioning of the rectum.
  12. Age also plays a significant role. In children, the body is still learning to function normally. And the intestines are not yet completely populated with the necessary microorganisms. Any disruption in nutrition (even the introduction of complementary foods) can provoke both stool consolidation and diarrhea. In older people, this problem is associated with age-related changes. They more often lead a sedentary lifestyle. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is changing. The body no longer works with the same strength as in youth. First of all, you need to change your diet for constipation in older people. You may need to take medications that stimulate intestinal motility.

Why is constipation dangerous?

Before starting treatment (even if the cause is clear, e.g. sedentary image life) you need to visit a doctor. In order for the body to work normally again, it needs to be properly “restarted”, that is, to get rid of old feces completely.

If treatment is not given on time, the body will begin to be poisoned. Toxins removed by the liver will begin to be absorbed. There will be pain, vomiting, headaches, as well as general weakness with loss of strength. Or the colon may simply burst due to overflowing with feces.

Symptoms accompanying constipation

Constipation is easy to spot. It is believed that you need to start worrying if there is no bowel movement for three days, and additional symptoms are present:

  • there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen;
  • bloated belly and release of gases from the intestines;
  • there is a desire to go to the toilet, but there is no feces or there is, but in small quantities, very hard, possibly with drops of blood; after such a bowel movement there is no feeling of relief, the desire to defecate remains;
  • nausea accompanied by belching with an unpleasant odor.

If you have such symptoms, you need to start treatment before the body becomes clogged with toxins and becomes damaged. large intestine. Before contacting a doctor, you should immediately avoid foods that can cause and worsen constipation. The therapist will tell you what bread to eat for constipation (usually wholemeal flour) and what other foods to include in your diet. The doctor will also tell you which ones to exclude, taking into account whether or not there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Prohibited Products

What should you not eat if you are constipated? Most diseases, including constipation, develop due to poor diet. If there are prerequisites for constipation (it has become harder to go to the toilet, you need to make an effort, or there are problems with the appearance of feces), then you need to reconsider what you eat.

Let's look at foods that cause constipation in adults that should be excluded from the menu:

  • chocolate products, cakes, bread made from flour are excluded premium, any baked goods made from yeast and puff pastry;
  • Do not eat foods containing tannins (quince, pear, blueberry, strong tea and coffee);
  • dishes that do not move well along the intestinal walls due to their viscosity are: purees, jelly, porridge, the grain of which was pureed for additional grinding, and so on;
  • fatty foods; it requires a lot of time and energy to digest; it helps to consolidate feces;
  • spices are excluded as they are irritating digestive tract, disrupt intestinal function, causing overeating;
  • consume legumes and peas in limited quantities, white rice and flour products (noodles, horns, etc.);
  • canned meat products, including fish;
  • boiled egg; many doubt whether it is possible to eat eggs if constipated (they, like fatty meats, should be excluded from the menu);
  • Broths are too fatty.

Rice stands out from the list of prohibited products. Its decoction has a fixing property. Therefore, it is prescribed for diarrhea. But if you have constipation, you should also eat dishes with rice. Only brown and red should be used. These varieties help eliminate toxins that can poison the body.

What can you eat?

What foods should you eat for constipation? Having eliminated forbidden foods, there are still dishes and foods that can weaken the intestines, and which will have neither positive nor negative results.

What will help solve the problem with constipation:

  • the diet should include vegetables both fresh and boiled/stewed; cabbage and peas are allowed only after heat treatment;
  • salads dressed with oil (sauces are excluded, for example, mayonnaise);
  • seaweed in any form, just like that, as a salad or dried;
  • cook soups in a weak broth, mainly vegetable or pearl barley;
  • porridges are useful only in the crumbly form; liquid ones will only enhance the fixative effect;
  • fermented milk products (kefirs, yoghurts, fermented baked milk);
  • fresh fruits, they will replace the sweet period;
  • rye bread, if wheat, then from second grade flour; not to be consumed fresh;
  • weak teas, mineral water, decoctions and fruit drinks; V large quantities clean water must be present;
  • take a fresh apple in the morning on an empty stomach; if you have stomach problems, you can bake it.

For constipation, the menu is limited, but not too much. The hardest thing is for people who are used to taking it daily. fatty meat, strong coffee or sweets.

What can't children do?

What should children not eat if they are constipated? At breastfeeding Constipation in a child can be caused by foods included in the mother's diet. If a newborn has stool less than 6 times a day, is capricious, presses his legs to his tummy, then this indicates constipation. Mom then urgently needs to reconsider her menu. If the baby is already more than 4 months old, then you can start introducing fruit purees into the diet. They will loosen the intestines and help the baby to have bowel movements.

It is worth paying attention to the consistency of the stool; if it becomes hard too early, then the menu of mother and baby should be adjusted at this time. If this does not produce results, then the child may have problems with the rectum and it is necessary drug treatment. Then you need to immediately seek help from a pediatrician.

To prevent and treat constipation in a child, the following foods should be consumed (for mother or baby, depending on age):

  • You need to immediately decide what fruits you can eat if you have constipation, since the child’s body is still weak and problems may arise. allergic reactions. Therefore, they must be given with extreme caution. Avoid fruits that are viscous and contain tannins.
  • You can drink rosehip infusion or honey water on an empty stomach, but only if you are not allergic. If it is available, then just drink boiled water room temperature.
  • Children eat frequently; fruit purees or drinks can be offered as snacks.
  • Be sure to follow drinking regime, ask and offer water or drinks if possible.
  • If the child already eats solid food, you can give salads with added vegetable oil.
  • Offer dishes made from fermented milk products.

Do special exercises with your baby to develop their abs. Then menu plus physical activity will bring results. Can be given to a child medicines with content the right bacteria. Especially if treated with antibiotics. But do not combine them with laxatives.

If you need to weaken the intestines and remove old feces, then enemas or laxatives are used first. And only then the rectum is “populated” with microorganisms. If there is any change in stool, do not self-medicate, but consult a pediatrician, since children's body too fragile and can be damaged without possibility full recovery.

Healthy Products

It is easier for adults to relieve constipation than for children. He can eat all foods (if there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract). No need to force you to eat proper food.

What should you eat? The following products:

  • glucose of natural origin: jam, honey, milk sugar and so on; these products attract water to the rectum and help facilitate the process of bowel movements;
  • sauerkraut and sour drinks;
  • foods rich in dietary fiber and fiber;
  • lean meat;
  • drinks with carbon dioxide;
  • mandatory use fermented milk products.

Fatty foods and constipation

Many people wonder whether it is possible to eat fatty foods when constipated. It is often believed that fatty foods are supposed to promote bowel function. Since the fat should envelop it, and as a result, this should have a positive effect on the stool. But this is a misconception. Fatty foods will only make the situation worse.

Nutrition in the elderly

Older people are often compared to children, and sometimes this comparison is true. They are just as susceptible to illness as children. Only if in children the immunity is not yet developed, then in older people it has simply worn out. And sometimes there may simply not be enough strength to completely empty the intestines. And old feces will poison the body and contribute to the development of constipation.

To improve intestinal function in older people, it is necessary to observe following rules nutrition for constipation:

  1. Meals, like children, should be eaten according to the clock. Then the body will work more harmoniously. And the chair will be at the same time.
  2. Be sure to have vegetables and fruits in your diet. And it’s better to cook porridge with dried fruits that weaken, for example, prunes.
  3. In the morning, you can drink a glass of water on an empty stomach and not eat for at least an hour.
  4. It is recommended to drink sunflower oil (20-30 ml) on an empty stomach. You shouldn't overuse it, although it works 100%. Frequent consumption of oil can harm the body.
  5. Replace granulated sugar with natural sweeteners (honey, jam, etc.).
  6. You need to take evening walks, do not entrust children with household chores, and, if possible, do everything yourself. At this age, movement is truly life.
  7. Don’t forget to eat seaweed at least every other day.

These are approximately the rules of lifestyle and nutrition for constipation in older people. Should be used in extreme cases. Since at this age they can quickly become addictive to the body. If you follow proper nutrition (avoid foods that make you strong, and it is better to eat more often, in smaller portions) and lead active image life, then constipation will be avoided.

Many people do not want to eat rice when they are constipated, as it makes them stronger. Still, it is not recommended to completely exclude dishes with rice (only white rice is not allowed, the rest is ok). It will help the body cleanse itself faster, thereby speeding up the healing process. After stool restoration, you should gradually switch to a normal diet, and it is better to permanently give up snacks and junk food.

Every person faces intestinal problems at least once in their life. Using a special diet for constipation is natural and most safe method treatment of this disease.

For many people suffering from difficulty bowel movements, doctors recommend reconsidering their diet and then adjusting acceptable foods.

What are the basic requirements for the content and diet for constipation that nutritionists make? Let's look at these questions together.

In case of persistent dysfunction of the rectum, dietary nutrition is prescribed, which is based on products containing:

  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • organic acids;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • sugary substances;
  • table salt.

To products, with increased content fiber can include: raw vegetables, fruits, berries, dried fruits, bran, legumes, greens, seaweed, dried mushrooms, sunflower seeds and nuts. Eating this food helps speed up the movement of intestinal contents.

However overuse beans, cabbage, sorrel, and spinach are not recommended due to the development of flatulence.

Organic acids are present in large quantities in fermented milk products and juices made from vegetables and fruits. However, kefir, acidophilus, and yogurt retain laxative effect only during the first day after production, and on the second day another consequence of their use begins - difficulty in bowel movement.

Permitted sugary substances include marmalade, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, jams and preserves made from berries.

Nutrition for constipation in adults should be varied and contain dishes high in salt - various marinades, pickles, salted fish, which are beneficial for activating intestinal motor activity.

Drinks containing carbon dioxide, for example, Essentuki, Jermuk, are recommended to be taken in courses of 2 weeks. Courses of treatment can be repeated no more than 2 times a year. This water helps not only treat constipation, but also prevent it.

Fats and carbohydrates, which are easily digestible, are subject to limited consumption. The body should receive its daily intake of fats only from butter or vegetable oils.

Animal fats, as well as various confectionery butter substitutes, are prohibited. TO fast carbohydrates include bakery products, made from wheat flour, pasta and some cereal products. Eating these foods slows down bowel movements.

The daily regimen includes 5 meals a day. The nature of food processing also plays a role important role. So, salads should be coarsely chopped or chopped on a coarse grater. It is preferable to eat fruits and vegetables raw or half-cooked, for example, for vinaigrette salad or herring under a fur coat.

Nutritionists also prescribe bran, usually wheat. Reception begins with 1 teaspoon twice a day and by the second week of treatment gradually switches to 1 tablespoon three times a day with meals.

During prolonged stool retention, you need drink 1.5–2 liters of clean water to avoid drying out of stool in the intestines, which leads to hemorrhoids and fissures anus.

Diet Basics No. 3

Persons with good nutrition and normal gastric activity, diet 3 is prescribed for constipation caused by lack of fiber intake or age-related factors.

The number of the diet indicates its narrow focus on the treatment of intestinal diseases associated with constipation syndrome.

The diet is physiologically complete in its composition, as it includes all the substances necessary for the body to function, as well as foods rich in dietary fiber, which stimulate intestinal motility.

The chemical composition of the daily diet corresponds to the distribution of essential substances:

  • from 90 to 115 g of proteins,
  • from 90 to 100 g fat,
  • from 390 to 440 g carbohydrates,
  • from 9 to 11 g of salt,
  • from 1.5 to 2 liters of clean water.

The energy value of 1 day of diet number 3 varies from 2900 to 3300 kcal.

Dishes that are eaten hot should have a temperature in the range of 57–62 ºС, and cold dishes (for example, soups and sweets) should not exceed 15 ºС.

Diet menu for constipation in adults is based on taking the following products:

  1. Bread aged 24 hours after baking, containing wholemeal flour.
  2. Liquid dishes – vegetable soups and borscht cooked in secondary broths.
  3. Dietary meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken breast), low-fat varieties fish. Eating herring is allowed, but only soaked and in small quantities.
  4. Fermented milk products – kefir, yogurt, yogurt, sour milk, sour cream, acidophilus, sourdough, fermented baked milk, 10% fat cream.
  5. Eggs. No more than 2 pieces per day are allowed. It is advisable to soft-boil eggs or make an omelet.
  6. Cereals. You need to cook porridge until it becomes crumbly using water only.
  7. Vegetables – tomatoes, pumpkin, sweet pepper, carrots, zucchini, beets, cucumbers, cauliflower.
  8. Sweets - berries, fruits, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, dried fruits (dried apricots, apricots, prunes), marmalade.
  9. Drinks – bran infusions, fresh juices, smoothies, instant coffee, tinctures of herbs and fruits, for example, rose hips
  10. Fats are used only as dressings - butter and any other vegetable origin.

The daily regimen involves more than 5 meals, among which fried, fatty foods, with the addition of hot spices, are prohibited. At the same time, you should exclude vegetables that contain a lot essential oils: onions, mushrooms, turnips, garlic.

Products that must undergo heat treatment are steamed, boiled in water or stewed with the addition of a small amount of oil. It is advisable to eat the gifts of nature (berries, vegetables) raw.

Sample diet menu No. 3

  1. Immediately after waking up. Cup cool water. Water can be mixed with 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt or jam.
  2. 1st breakfast. Poached eggs (130 g), oatmeal/buckwheat porridge (90 g), weak instant coffee (200 ml).
  3. 2nd breakfast. Apple/plums/apricots (120 g).
  4. Dinner. Vegetable soup in chicken broth (400 g), boiled meat (60 g), boiled carrots and beets, grated into a salad, seasoned with vegetable oil (150 g), fruit/dried fruit compote (100 ml).
  5. Afternoon snack. Prunes/dried apricots soaked in water (35 g).
  6. Dinner. Baked chicken breast (150 g), stewed/boiled carrots with sour cream (200 g), tea (100 ml).
  7. Before bed. 1 cup fermented milk product.

For the whole day you can eat no more than 300 g of bread and use up to 60 g of sugar.

Pregnancy without constipation

Almost every woman faces problems with bowel movements during pregnancy. As a rule, this occurs between the 17th and 36th weeks of pregnancy.

With intestinal bloating and constipation, a pregnant woman may experience increased discomfort (for example, pain in the lower back, anus, genitals), which can be reduced by special diet to improve stool.

Basic principles of nutrition:

  • consumption of foods high in dietary fiber and fibre;
  • introduce 1 tablespoon of bran into a woman’s diet;
  • drink compotes made from dried fruits or snack on soaked figs and dried apricots between main meals;
  • before going to bed, drink freshly squeezed beet, apple, and plum juices;
  • After waking up, you should drink a glass on an empty stomach cold water, half diluted with juice.

A useful recipe for relieving constipation using flax seed. To do this, add 2 teaspoons of flaxseed to half a glass of cool water. For breakfast, carrots and apples are chopped on a coarse grater, after which steamed raisins and flax seeds are added to them. Mix everything thoroughly and eat.

Consumption of fermented milk products has a positive effect on the body of expectant mothers, not only as sources of calcium, but also as laxatives. Kefirs, biokefirs, yoghurts and starter cultures are suitable.

It is possible that during pregnancy there was a decrease in immunity, and dysbiosis appeared, which often causes the development of constipation. In this case, in addition to dietary nutrition you need to use probiotics to restore microflora.

Specifics of constipation in older people

Problems with bowel movements in older people arise due to deterioration in the functioning of the body. The main place in the treatment of this disease is given to properly selected nutrition.

The daily diet is based on the principles of diet No. 3, however, it has its own additions and changes.

Food is consumed exclusively in boiled form. Porridges should be boiled to a semi-viscous state. Preference is given to buckwheat and oatmeal.

Raw fruits, berries and vegetables should be eaten at the last meal or in the morning on an empty stomach.

Since eating salads with raw vegetables is not always possible in old age, you can make vegetable caviar or vinaigrettes.

In drinks, you need to focus on fermented baked milk, decoctions of wheat bran, fresh juices diluted with water in a 2:1 ratio.

Walking on a walk can also help older people improve their stool. fresh air and self-massage.

Improving a child's stool

Difficulty in defecation is a fairly common problem that affects all ages.

The causes of constipation in children can be very different:

  • stress, for example, when changing place of residence or school;
  • unbalanced diet and constant snacking on sweets;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • various kinds of diseases.

You always want to give children as little medicine as possible so that recovery occurs naturally. A special children's diet for constipation is ideal for this, which younger age gives 100% result.

Products that are unacceptable in a child’s diet if they have problems with bowel movements:

  • rich broths;
  • cereals with astringent properties– rice, pea and semolina;
  • jelly, strong black tea;
  • chocolate products and cocoa-containing drinks and products;
  • baked goods and baked goods made from premium and first grade flour.

To improve intestinal function, you need to increase your intake of:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • fermented milk products;
  • oatmeal;
  • bran bread and black bread;
  • fresh homemade juices obtained from apples, apricots, beets or plums;
  • sunflower oil and fish oil;
  • steamed dried apricots or prunes.

Monitor the amount of water your child drinks throughout the day. Be sure to start the morning with half a glass of water, and throughout the day offer your child clean water without fillers.

Porridges are prepared only with water, but if desired, you can add a little milk to the finished porridge.

Only a qualified specialist who has studied the medical history and established the real reason constipation

Remember that the diet should not interfere with the intake of beneficial and necessary substances. Even though the bread protein products(cottage cheese, meat) are directly related to stool retention, their consumption must be mandatory to ensure a balanced diet.

When consuming raw vegetables, be aware that some of them may cause increased gas formation(cabbage) or attacks of cholelithiasis (vegetables with a high content of essential oils).

In order to get rid of constipation, you can use both laxative medications and natural products. They act like this:

  • form soft feces;
  • dilute the contents of the intestines;
  • moisturize the part of the intestine in which feces are formed, thereby ensuring their easy and painless passage;
  • improve intestinal motility.

As for laxative food products, their effect does not appear so quickly. But they are no less effective. And they are also absolutely harmless.

List of natural products for constipation in adults

Some foods help remove harmful substances from the body. Let's look at the most effective laxatives.


To help the body remove feces from the intestines You can use the following seeds:

In order to get rid of constipation, you need to eat 1 tsp. seeds 3 times a day.


Legumes have many useful properties. In addition to the fact that they are enriched with fiber, they also contribute to the active production of butyric acid. This acid helps enhance intestinal motility.

With probiotics

These healthy foods include:

Important to know! Probiotic foods help relieve chronic constipation!

Olive oil

This product moisturizes the part of the intestine in which feces are formed. Olive oil promotes their rapid passage. Experts recommend using it in combination with taking medicines. This helps avoid long-term constipation.

Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits help improve peristalsis and normalize the process of food digestion. The most effective foods to relieve constipation are:

Important to remember! Many fruits contain large amounts of fructose, which contributes to weight gain! If a person has extra pounds, then the consumption of certain fruits should be limited.


Introduction to the diet of bran allows you to completely stop using laxative medications. Because they contain a large amount of fiber.


This invigorating drink helps get rid of problems with feces excretion. It contains a hormone that helps activate the intestinal muscles. In order to drink coffee to loosen stool, no more than 1 cup per day is required.

Laxative for children

Constipation has a negative impact on the child’s body, so you should get rid of the baby as quickly as possible. of this disease. In order to improve peristalsis, as well as soften stool, children should add the following foods to their daily menu:

You should also take care to normalize the child’s intestinal microflora. This requires eating foods with probiotics.

Diet for pregnant women and lactation

During pregnancy and lactation, women often experience constipation. In order to normalize stool in such cases, it is necessary to introduce the following products into the diet:

  1. oatmeal;
  2. dried fruits such as prunes, raisins, dried apricots;
  3. any vegetable oil;
  4. dairy and fermented milk products;
  5. vegetables and fruits enriched with fiber;
  6. bran;
  7. plums and apricots;
  8. carrots, beet, pumpkin, spinach.

Attention! Women during breastfeeding should be adhered to hypoallergenic diet! Therefore, you should refrain from eating red vegetables and fruits.


You can diversify your daily menu and, at the same time, normalize the process of bowel movements using the following dishes:

These recipes can diversify your daily menu and also get rid of constipation.


Lack of water in the body leads to hardening of stool, resulting in constipation. In order to get rid of it, you should drink water of natural origin. The following mineral waters are ideal for this: Essentuki, Borjomi, Naftusya, Slavyanovskaya.

To do this, you should drink 1 glass of liquid after waking up and before going to bed. After just 1 week of using water, intestinal functioning will improve. Severe constipation requires drinking 1 glass of mineral water before each meal.

Forbidden food

Prohibited foods include those dishes that promote fermentation. To avoid constipation, especially chronic form, you are required to refrain from consuming the following foods:

  1. rich dishes;
  2. fish and meat of fatty varieties;
  3. porridges made from rice or semolina;
  4. spicy, canned, pickled or smoked foods;
  5. jelly;
  6. chocolate;
  7. strong tea;
  8. barberry;
  9. fried eggs;
  10. mayonnaise;
  11. alcoholic drinks.

Reference! It is also better to refrain from eating processed foods.

If you stick to a normal diet, you can get rid of constipation quite quickly. In addition, the intestinal microflora improves. Also during the period of normalization of functioning gastrointestinal tract You should not forget about water balance.

Even ancient healers believed that food could heal. This remains the case to this day - diet is considered the number one remedy in the treatment of chronic and other types of constipation.

It is important to understand that constipation itself is the first sign poor nutrition. And if fecal retention is observed systematically, the patient first of all needs to reconsider his diet.

Main feature Diet for chronic constipation is to increase the proportion of fiber, or dietary fiber, in the patient’s diet.

This is the insoluble rough part plant products, which promotes the movement of intestinal contents to the “exit”. Fiber evens out stool regularity, stimulates peristalsis, softens stool and thus prevents constipation.

Vegetables, fruits and grains are the main sources of dietary fiber. To normalize digestion and prevent constipation, the body needs at least 50 g of coarse fiber.

A diet for long-term constipation helps restore proper bowel function, improves bowel movements and prevents constipation.

Features of the diet for chronic constipation

  1. Consumption maximum quantity foods rich in fiber - this stimulates the movement of intestinal contents to the “exit”.
  2. Reducing the intake of animal protein foods, which provoke intestinal stagnation.
  3. Saturation of the body with a sufficient amount of fluid, with a lack of water, solid excrement is formed, which contributes to stagnation in the large intestine.

So, if you complain of chronic constipation, reconsider your diet, eat more plant food.

Diet rules for constipation

To ensure rhythmic bowel function, strictly follow the diet rules:

  • Eat on a schedule, at certain times. Disordered eating makes the problem worse.
  • Eat often - 5-6 times a day with an interval of 3 hours.
  • Eat food in moderate portions.
  • Chew your food slowly and thoroughly.
  • Alternate between warm and cold foods.
  • Steam, bake in the oven, or boil the dishes. Fried foods should be excluded.
  • Try not to chop food, cook whole.
  • Avoid alcohol while on a diet.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables with the peel if possible.

At long-term constipation It is very important to drink enough liquid, preferably clean water, daily norm for an adult – 3 l.

Food for constipation: what is best to eat?

A diet for constipation in adults should consist exclusively of healthy dishes and products that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • Fruits and berries: apples, plums, grapes, raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries.
  • Vegetables with a laxative effect (raw and cooked): cucumber, tomato, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, potatoes.
  • Whole grain porridges of gray, dark color: buckwheat, oatmeal, barley.
  • Dried fruits – prunes, raisins, dried apricots, figs.
  • Vegetable soups, dietary broths.
  • Lean meat - beef, chicken, turkey.
  • River and sea fish (low-fat) – steamed, baked, lightly salted.
  • Cereal, rye, wheat bread made from wholemeal flour.
  • Lactic acid products: kefir (1-2 days), cottage cheese, live yogurt, yogurt, acidophilus, sour cream.
  • Cheeses are dietary non-spicy.
  • Salads from raw, processed vegetables, non-acidic sauerkraut.
  • Vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, sesame.
  • Natural juices with pulp.
  • Fruit salads.
  • Compotes, decoctions.
  • Baked goods (unsweetened), dry, grain cookies.
  • Whole grains, seeds and nuts.

Bran will help increase the amount of fiber; you can consume up to 75 g per day.

What not to eat if you have chronic constipation

For anyone who complains of chronic constipation, therapeutic diet simply necessary. In addition, be sure to know the list junk food, which is removed from diet menu. The following should be excluded from the diet:

  • Fatty meat: pork, goose, duck.
  • Rich broths: meat, fish.
  • Fatty fish: mackerel, pangasius, flounder.
  • Hard-boiled eggs.
  • Pastries: puff pastry and butter, white bread.
  • Animal and cooking fat (lard, margarine).
  • Cocoa, instant coffee, strong tea, jelly.
  • Cereals: semolina, rice.
  • Pasta.
  • Horseradish, mustard, hot pepper.
  • Vegetables: radishes, mushrooms, radishes, raw garlic and onions.
  • Fruits: dogwood, blueberries, pears, quince.

Constipation menu for a week

We present to your attention sample menu for constipation for a week.

Diet day 1 (Mon)

Breakfast - fresh juice, semi-liquid oatmeal with almonds.

Afternoon snack – meat sandwich(grain bread, lean meat, lettuce and tomato).

Lunch – soup with vegetables in turkey broth, boiled turkey breast, cucumber, berry compote.

Lunch – grain cookies with plum juice.

Dinner – stewed vegetables, steamed cutlets, carrot salad with sunflower seeds and olive oil, tea.

Diet day 2 (Tue)

Breakfast – juice, barley porridge, a handful of prunes.

Afternoon snack – low-fat cottage cheese seasoned with sour cream.

Lunch – vegetable soup, steamed pollock, a side dish of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, tea.

Lunch – dried apricots, figs, compote.

Dinner – kefir, lean vegetable cabbage rolls.

Diet day 3 (Wed)

Breakfast – apple juice, oatmeal with walnut.

Afternoon snack – fresh berries.

Lunch – pumpkin soup, stewed potatoes, baked fish, tea.

Lunch – low-fat yogurt, grain bread.

Dinner – boiled beef in a piece with fresh tomato.

Diet day 4 (Thu)

Breakfast - salad of cottage cheese, tomatoes, seasoned with herbs and sunflower oil.

Afternoon snack – lettuce leaves, a soft-boiled egg, a slice of black bread.

Lunch – lean borscht, boiled potatoes with steamed fish cutlets, tea.

Lunch – juice with dry biscuits.

Dinner - potato casserole with turkey meat, fresh vegetables.

Diet day 5 (Fri)

Breakfast - a sandwich with butter on rye bread, brewed coffee.

Afternoon snack – kefir with fresh fruit.

Lunch – beetroot soup, baked fish, cucumber salad with sesame seeds and olive oil, tea.

Lunch – seeds or nuts, dried prune compote.

Dinner – cottage cheese casserole with dried apricots, yogurt.

Diet day 6 (Sat)

Breakfast – cheese sandwich made from grain bread, fruit salad with yogurt.

Afternoon snack – fruit.

Lunch – okroshka with whey, beef goulash, buckwheat, compote.

Lunch – kefir and dried apricots.

Dinner – chicken stewed with potatoes, juice.

Diet day 7 (Sun)

Breakfast - apple herbal tea, oatmeal with milk.

Afternoon snack – cottage cheese with a spoon of honey and nuts.

Dinner - chicken broth, stewed zucchini, beef meatballs.

Lunch – baked apples.

Dinner – fresh salad (tomato, cucumber, parsley) with bran and linseed oil, kefir.

Stagnation of feces in the intestines can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms. This problem occurs due to improper diet and functional disorders gastrointestinal tract.

In adults, it involves a competent selection of diet taking into account the needs of the digestive system. Selected products may have a laxative effect.


Constipation most often occurs due to poor diet

Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal ailment. Doctors view this condition as a symptom and not an independent disease.

Constipation often goes undiagnosed until the patient has serious complications. Long delay stool can provoke the occurrence of anorectal disorders and diverticular disease.

Doctors introduced the following clinical signs constipation:

  • Rare bowel movements (less than three times a week).
  • Isolation of deformed stool.
  • Passage of small, hard stools.
  • Feeling of incomplete bowel movement.
  • Discomfort in the anal area.

The excretion of feces is ensured by constant movements of the intestinal walls and other functional features. Intestinal motility decreases with age, so it is more common in adults and older people.

In this case, constipation may occur periodically due to a violation of the diet or have chronic course.
Severe constipation may be associated with complete intestinal obstruction. This is a life-threatening condition that requires emergency care.

Causes of constipation

Diet for constipation should be rich in plant foods

Constipation is usually associated with a combination various factors, including those related to diet, physical activity and emotional state.

The most common is a low-carbohydrate diet, which is unable to meet the functional requirements of the intestines. In addition, constipation can occur due to insufficient water intake and secondary digestive disorders.

Proper functioning of the intestines is ensured by compliance with several conditions. Food should have a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, including dietary fiber. Fiber (especially cellulose) ensures sufficient stool passage in the intestinal cavity.

The intestinal walls themselves must be sufficiently mobile. The motility of the intestinal sections is controlled by internal and external nervous structures. Prolonged abstinence from defecation provokes constipation.

Stagnation of feces in the colon leads to active absorption of fluid, as a result of which the stool becomes very hard. Hard stool is much more difficult to remove from the intestines. Also, when moving and passing hard stool, the rectum may be injured.

Main risk factors

It is important to determine the cause of constipation!

Chronic constipation is often associated with. This syndrome causes a number of gastrointestinal disorders, which may also include diarrhea and flatulence.

Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by abnormal digestion, disruption of the nervous regulation of the intestines and inflammatory processes.

The main risk factors for constipation and irritable bowel syndrome:

  • Not proper diet. A diet high in processed foods, sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, unhealthy fats, and synthetic additives can interfere with bowel movements.
  • Stress and anxiety. Tense emotional state affects the humoral regulation of the intestine. Excessive release of certain hormones and mediators reduces intestinal motility, causes inflammation and disrupts basic digestive functions.
  • Low physical activity. Mobility improves blood flow, strengthens muscles and reduces stress. Flaw physical activity, constant sitting position negatively affect intestinal motility.
  • Taking medications. Some drugs may cause frequent constipation. Such medications include antidepressants, antacids, calcium and iron supplements, anticholinergics, anticonvulsants, painkillers and diuretics.
  • Imbalance of intestinal flora. Beneficial bacteria living in the large intestine help regulate motility activity. Common cause negative influence flora is caused by a lack of dietary fiber, plant and dairy products in the diet.
  • Thyroid pathologies and hormonal problems. Disorders of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus and menopause can contribute to constipation. Other diseases that contribute to stool retention include Parkinson's disease, neurological disorders and spinal injuries.
  • Magnesium deficiency. This electrolyte is necessary for normal functioning muscles. A lack of magnesium causes intestinal spasms.
  • Insomnia and sudden disturbances in sleep patterns.
  • Erratic eating pattern.

Understanding the cause of constipation allows you to find the most effective measures treatment.

Nutrition for constipation in adults

Constipation is a symptom, not a disease

It is the main treatment for constipation. Proper selection of food products and giving up bad habits will allow you to as soon as possible get rid of this disease.
Products that make bowel movements easier:

  • Products high in . It is necessary to include foods with a large number dietary fiber, which improves stool elimination. This could be fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, grains, vegetable oils. Products such as potatoes, apples, pears, wild berries, prunes, avocado, flax seeds, broccoli, cauliflower, peaches, carrots.
  • Green leafy vegetables. These foods not only contain fiber, but are also an excellent source of magnesium. Low calorie content, great content water and vitamins generally improve the functioning of the intestines and help get rid of chronic constipation.
  • and figs. These fruits need to be paid attention to special attention. Natural herbal ingredients, contained in these products, have a laxative effect. Eating prunes and figs during acute constipation improves the condition in most patients. However, you should not overuse figs due to high content Sahara.
  • Warm liquid. Cold drinks negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The water should be at room temperature. Cup warm water in the morning stimulates intestinal activity and improves motility. Herbal drinks, broths, pureed soups and milk drinks are also beneficial.
  • Bread. Rye bread and bread with bran activate the intestinal microflora and enhance motility. Dietary fiber contained in bread help form feces. Bread is great as an accompaniment to the first course.

Unwanted Products

Exclusion from the diet following products will help get rid of constipation:

  • Fatty foods. These high-calorie foods tend to contain little fiber and slow down the digestion process. It takes a lot of time for the body to digest fats, which negatively affects the course of constipation. Fatty confectionery products, processed foods, fast food and processed meats are especially harmful.
  • Fried foods. Trans fats and saturated fatty acids in large quantities have a negative effect on intestinal function. In addition, fried foods slow down digestion and negatively affect motor skills.
  • Alcoholic drinks. Ethyl alcohol causes increased fluid excretion due to its diuretic properties and significantly slows down digestion. The absorption of fluid from stool by the colon is a major factor in the formation of constipation. For chronic constipation, alcoholic beverages should be excluded from the diet.
  • Pasteurized dairy products. Before consuming such products, you should ensure your lactose tolerance. In addition, in some cases, dairy fats can contribute to constipation.
  • Refined flour. Refined grains do not contain dietary fiber.
  • Caffeine. This chemical compound has a contradictory effect. On the one hand, caffeine activates the intestines. This sometimes helps empty the colon. On the other hand, caffeine has a diuretic effect and makes the stool hard, which contributes to the development of constipation. One way or another, black coffee should be excluded from the diet.

Adding to the diet healthy products and eliminating junk food relieves patients from constipation within a week. For chronic constipation, a proper diet can be an excellent complement to drug treatment.

The video describes the digestion process various products human nutrition:

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