What helps against tuberculosis. How to cure tuberculosis with folk remedies at home. Pine pollen is a folk remedy for tuberculosis

There are several effective treatments for tuberculosis folk remedies. All these methods are not difficult to apply at home. But it's important to know that traditional methods It is not recommended to use them as primary therapy and can only be used after consulting a doctor and with his permission.

Wax moth or bee moth is an insect pest that feeds on bee products. If there is a moth in the honeycomb, the bees stop pouring honey and the queen stops laying eggs. But this pest is an indispensable ingredient in the fight against tubercle bacilli. Moth destroys infection and heals cavities.

Fill the larvae in proportions of 1 to 4 bee moth forty proof vodka. Leave to infuse in a dark, cool room for twenty days. After the expiration date, strain through a cotton filter or gauze. In severe stages of the disease, take fifty drops twice, in the morning and before bed. If the disease is not severe, take twenty drops 2 times a day, always with boiled water. This therapy will be more effective if performed in combination with other methods.

Pine Pollen

Pines produce a natural antibiotic - phytoncide. This is why it is believed that the air in pine forest provides therapeutic effect. Walking through a pine forest is beneficial for both children and adults. Pine pollen contains the following beneficial qualities:

  1. Large quantity essential vitamins which help in the fight against tuberculosis. Including choline, which promotes rapid recovery cells, protects the liver and improves blood in the vessels. A group of vitamins helps both in preventing the disease and in the fight against tuberculosis bacteria;
  2. Necessary macro- and microelements, such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium. Moreover, all elements are contained in proportions that are necessary in the treatment of tuberculosis and absorption by the infected body;
  3. Useful amino acids, including nucleic acids. They are indispensable for infectious diseases, such as laryngeal tuberculosis. It has been scientifically proven that thanks to nucleic acids, it improves the composition of children and adults within a couple of months. circulatory system;
  4. With pulmonary and other forms of tuberculosis, the patient’s body is depleted. Pine pollen contains a huge amount of nutrients that help restore the strength of a weakened body;
  5. Active biological components: enzymes, enzymes, flavonoids, phytoncides. These elements help in the fight against tubercle bacillus, strengthen immune system, increase the productivity of used medicines. In other words are an important component in the complex treatment of the disease.

Folk recipes Treatment of tuberculosis with pine pollen:

  • Mix 150 grams of linden honey and 1 tbsp in a glass vessel. a spoonful of pollen. Take the resulting mixture three times a day before meals, 1 dessert spoon. The course of therapy is two months. After this you need to take a break for two weeks. The drug must be stored in a refrigerator;
  • If the patient has allergic reactions to bee products, pollen can be taken in pure form. For beneficial effects The required dose per body is three teaspoons per day. It should be consumed on an empty stomach thirty minutes before meals, one teaspoon three times a day. The drug must be taken with 200 milliliters of clean boiled water. The period of admission is about two months;
  • Also, a tincture of this tool. The preparation method is as follows: take five tablespoons of the ingredient and pour 250 milliliters of vodka. The resulting mixture must be left in a dry place for two weeks. Take one tablespoon thirty minutes before meals three times a day. The duration of treatment is a couple of months. If you don't have allergic reaction for honey, it can be added to the tincture in the amount of two or three spoons;
  • An excellent remedy in the fight against pulmonary forms of tuberculosis (consumption) is tea made from this ingredient. It helps relieve cough, can ease expectoration and strengthen the immune system. To alleviate pulmonary tuberculosis with folk remedies using pollen, take 2 tablespoons of the main ingredient, two tablespoons of linden blossom, medicinal chamomile and marshmallow root. Brew all this in a 0.5 liter kettle. The resulting mixture should be poured into 100 milliliters and topped up with boiling water until the glass is full. Drink tea three times a day before eating. This is an excellent remedy for pulmonary tuberculosis in adults and children.

Badger fat

Effective treatment with folk remedies includes badger fat. This technique receives mostly positive reviews. Animal fat contains a whole host of useful substances:

  • A huge amount of vitamins;
  • Amino acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6);
  • Macro and microelements (phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc.).

Badger fat improves the composition of the circulatory system, allows cells to recover more intensively, and helps heal lesions (which is important for pulmonary tuberculosis). Even in ancient times, many diseases were cured with the help of animal fat. It was used to cure a patient from a prolonged cough.

When you use a folk remedy such as badger fat, you need to choose only a quality product. In pharmacy chains and online stores, fat is usually sold with various impurities. This happens because the pure product costs a lot of money. As a rule, the most effective remedies in the fight against serious diseases are not cheap at all. A practical solution would be to purchase fat directly from hunters. But the bodies of animals must undergo the necessary testing.

Badger fat is consumed in its pure form or with the addition of a beekeeping product. It must be taken twice a day, one tablespoon in the morning and in the evening during meals. You can rub it before going to bed dorsal region and chest. This good prevention tuberculosis and an indispensable remedy for its treatment.

Herbal infusions

There are also a large number of herbs that have proven effective in treating tuberculosis. Next we will tell you how to prepare them correctly.

Herbal collection No. 1

Take the next one herbal tea:

  1. Birch leaves, lungwort and stinging nettle, thirty grams each;
  2. Marsh wild rosemary and Siberian princeling, ten grams each;
  3. Yarrow - twenty grams;
  4. Forty grams of mantle and rose hips.

The treatment recipe is simple:

  • Stir and crush the collection thoroughly;
  • 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour 200 milliliters of water, put on fire to boil for 10 minutes, in a closed container;
  • after this, leave to cool for about an hour and strain;
  • consume throughout the day.

Herbal tea No. 2

Tuberculosis is treated with the following herbs:

  1. St. John's wort - ten grams;
  2. Knotweed - ten grams;
  3. Sage - fifteen grams;
  4. Elecampane - twenty grams;
  5. Inflorescence - ten grams of yarrow;
  6. Icelandic moss - twenty grams.

This herbal mixture has a good effect on the lungs. Traditional medicine claims that healing from pulmonary diseases comes as soon as possible.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of herbs and pour 500 milliliters of boiling water.
  • Let it brew in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, and then leave to cool for an hour.
  • Don't forget to strain.
  • The collection should be consumed 2/3 cup three times a day.

Folk remedies using these herbs are effective method from tuberculosis.

Herbal tea No. 3

The following herbs are needed for tuberculosis:

  1. Marshmallow root - two tablespoons;
  2. The fruits of anise, the flowering of poppy, mullein and mallow, four tablespoons each.

Grind the collection thoroughly and mix. Pour in 500 milliliters of water and boil over low heat for about five minutes. Be sure to strain. Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Herbal infusions are great recipes treatment against various diseases, including with tuberculosis bacillus.

Oat decoction with milk

Pour the oats into a standard-sized saucepan until the container is about 2/3 full. Fill it with milk so that a couple of centimeters remain from the top of the pan. Cover tightly and place in the oven. It is necessary to add milk until the oats are boiled. Use the resulting pulp three times a day, fifty grams.

Boil one kilogram butter. After removing the dishes from the heat, add 150 grams of crushed propolis. Mix all ingredients vigorously until smooth. After this, while the resulting mixture is still warm, strain through one layer of gauze into a saucepan with a lid. Place in the refrigerator. Take two teaspoons per day three times a day one and a half hours before meals. This recipe is included in folk remedies for pulmonary tuberculosis. The duration of the course is from four to twelve months. Depending on the severity of the disease.

Garlic and lemon

Pass five cloves of garlic and the same number of lemons through a meat grinder. Add 0.5 liters of honey (clover or linden). Let it brew in a dark, dry place for a week. Take one dessert spoon three times a day on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is two months.


Onion bulbs and leaves contain a huge concentration of phytoncides. They prevent the growth and development of pathogenic microbes that cause tuberculosis. Onions improve appetite and work digestive system.

Mix onion juice and honey in a ratio of 1 to 1. Use the resulting mixture one teaspoon three to four times a day.

Onions have contraindications: they cannot be used if the kidneys, liver, or acute diseases Gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular pathologies.


If you have a tuberculosis bacillus, you need to walk, work fresh air, it is very useful to walk through a coniferous forest. Smoking is contraindicated alcoholic drinks, narcotic substances. Need to go to healthy eating. Eat more greens, vegetables, fruits and lean meats.

Remember, under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Self-treatment tuberculosis using folk remedies can aggravate the course of the disease. Before using any methods, be sure to consult a qualified specialist (phthisiatrician).

Folk remedies are effective only in combination with traditional methods. Professional medical care for tuberculosis it is necessary in any case. Unconventional methods treatments at home can only be effective in combination with drug therapy, exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

Dried mole cricket

This folk way treatment of this disease considered the most effective.
The mole cricket is a large insect that lives in the ground and floodplains. The peoples of Asia and Africa have enjoyed eating it since ancient times. Medvedka is considered a delicacy among them; in addition, they claim that this delicacy strengthens, treats tuberculosis and prevents the occurrence of cancer problems.

Chinese healers believe that the mole cricket is losing healing properties as a result heat treatment, so for cooking medicine It is used in dried form. One course of treatment requires about 40g of product, ground in a mortar. The resulting powder should be mixed with chilled porridge, honey or sweet syrup. Take the medicine before meals in the amount of 3 tbsp. l.

Usually the effect of such treatment becomes noticeable within a few days: the big one’s well-being improves, he gains strength and gains weight.

Why is mole cricket so effective in the fight against tuberculosis? It turns out that its leukocytes dissolve the waxy membrane of the causative agent of tuberculosis - Koch's bacillus - regardless of location in the body. Often in the initial stages of the disease, only one course of such treatment is sufficient.


When using this product there is high probability complete cure, however, this method is not affordable for everyone.
The method requires slaughtering the pig daily. You should cut out the lard from it and melt it over the fire, add an equal amount of milk and boil for several minutes. Treatment begins with drinking 1/8 glass of solution per day; by the end of the course, the amount of medicine consumed should be one whole glass per day. Treatment lasts 8 weeks.

Another recipe using lard involves using the product as a snack. Grate 400 g of lard and 5 green apples, place in a saucepan and simmer over low heat. At this time, grind a glass of sugar until white with 12 egg yolks and add 400g of grated dark chocolate. Remove lard from heat, strain and mix with egg-chocolate mixture. When the mixture has cooled, it should be spread on bread and eaten while drinking tea.


Grate the horseradish roots and place them in a three-liter jar, without compacting, and fill with whey from cow's milk. Close the lid and leave to infuse in a warm place for 4 days. The medicine is taken half a glass half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts until recovery occurs.


Grind 5 lemons and 5 heads of garlic in a meat grinder, mix with 0.5 liters of clover or linden honey and leave to infuse for a week. The product is taken 1 hour at a time. l. hungry in the morning for 2 months.

Badger fat, walnuts and honey

To prepare the product you will need equal amounts of honey, badger fat and walnuts. Walnut grind in a meat grinder and mix with melted fat and honey. The product should be taken 5-6 times a day for 1 hour. l., dissolving, not swallowing, until complete healing. In addition, in the morning, half an hour before meals, eat a teaspoon of honey and 2 cm of an aloe leaf - chew and spit out the skin.

Aloe tincture with herbs and honey

Melt 1.5 kg of linden honey in an enamel container, add a glass of finely chopped aloe leaves and boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. At this time, pour 10 grams of linden blossom and 25 grams of birch buds into two glasses of water in separate containers, cook for three minutes. Wrap the decoctions and leave for 20 minutes, then strain and squeeze, add them to the mixture of honey and aloe, mix well and pour into dark half-liter bottles, adding 50 ml of olive oil to each of them. Take the medicine 1 hour at a time. l. three times a day, shaking before use.

Dissolve 2 g of the drug in 10 tbsp. l. water and take 1 s. l. 3 hours after dinner, washed down with milk or. You can also use the product in solid form - to do this you need to divide 2g into 10 equal parts. The course lasts 10 days, followed by a 10-day break and the course is repeated if necessary.

Propolis ointment

Melt 100g of butter in a clean enamel bowl, bring it to a boil and cool to 50 degrees. Then add 10 g of propolis to the oil, heat to 80 degrees, stirring constantly, and cook for 10 minutes. The resulting mixture is hot filtered through cheesecloth. The product should be taken with warmed milk for 1 hour. l. an hour before meals. The course lasts 2 months with breaks of several weeks.

Eggs, lemons, honey, cocoa, aloe and cognac

Wash 10 eggs well and place them whole, not broken, on the bottom of a glass dish. Grate 20 lemons and place them on top of the eggs, then leave in a warm place for 2 days. In a separate bowl, mix 1.2 kg of honey, 200 ml of aloe juice, 500 ml of cognac and 2 tbsp. l. cocoa. The mass should be slightly heated and poured into a container with lemons and eggs without stirring. After 2 weeks, the eggs should be carefully removed, and the remaining mass should be strained and taken 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals. The finished mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

Nutrition for tuberculosis

This serious illness causes disruption and therefore overload of these organs a large number food, especially fatty foods, can provoke various disorders. Daily norm fat for a patient with tuberculosis is about 120 g, with only 20% being vegetable. For example, 400 ml of milk, 50-80 g of butter, 100 g of cream or sour cream and only 20 g of any vegetable oil.

Proteins increase resistance to infection, so the patient’s body requires about 120g per day, and during an exacerbation - up to 150g. This amount can be obtained by eating 150g of cottage cheese, 50g of cheese, 120g of meat or fish, 2 eggs per day.

In addition, in case of tuberculosis, the amount consumed should be increased. table salt up to 20-25g per day. This helps with hemoptysis and pulmonary.

You need to eat 4-5 times a day.

Bearberry tincture for tuberculosis

My father is 88 years old, but he does not complain of helplessness and illness, he is cheerful and cheerful man. Although after the war, when I was just born, he fell ill with tuberculosis. Mom said that he had turned into a “goddammer”; everyone was afraid that he would not survive. There were no necessary medications at that time; everyone was treated with what they had. And they were helpful medicinal herbs, roots. And when my father was in critical condition, he was taught to treat himself with bearberry tincture.

2 tablespoons of leaves are poured into 100 ml of 40 percent medical alcohol, infused in a warm place for two weeks and the tincture is taken 10-15 drops 3 times a day after meals.

Bearberry tincture has very strong bactericidal properties; it even copes with pathogens of diseases such as tuberculosis. It must be treated patiently, observing the dosage, otherwise vomiting and frustration may begin. At correct use At the same time, bearberry helps to improve the overall health of the urinary system.

My father was deregistered from the TB dispensary a long time ago, but everyone in our family knows what bearberry is. And today tuberculosis is not uncommon. Despite the fact that the treatment is now different, the quality additional medicine this might come in handy too.

Lyudmila Grigorievna Osipova,
Tchaikovsky, Perm region

Reed decoction against tuberculosis

Everyone knows what reeds are. But not many of you know that reeds are not just grass growing near water: reeds also heal many diseases. In the old days, reed “rockers” (brown sticks) were used to treat burns and wounds. I cut my finger, took a reed “rocking chair”, fluffed up this fluff and applied it to the wound. A minute later it stopped.

And since something happened, I took the reed fluff again and it immediately helps: there is no pain, and it heals quickly! And for example, they made...flour from reed rhizomes! Yes: they tore the reeds, cut off the rhizomes, dried them in the sun or in the mother oven, and then turned them into flour with a mortar and pestle. And the housewives baked delicious flatbreads and seasoned soups. Yummy! No match for the current “plastic” seasonings! But the hostess baked the young and juicy rhizomes in the oven and it tasted like eating baked potatoes. And if a person was sick with some kind of illness, then the magic reed would help. For example, someone suffered from insomnia. So they gave him a decoction of reeds and healthy sleep returned. And the reed also saved me from indigestion, nausea, and bleeding.

Eh-ma, there were times when people were people, they were content with little, and they bowed to Mother Nature! Who did all this bother? Well, okay: let's return to harsh reality.

In addition to what has already been said, reed has another unique “talent”: it heals tuberculosis! To prepare a healing decoction, you need to take reed leaves and “rocking chairs”. Dry them until crisp and then chop them. Fluff the “rocking chair” and mix with ground reed leaves. Place a saucepan or bowl of water on the fire - this will be “water”. While the water is boiling, prepare the infusion. Place a tablespoon of the mixture of leaves and reed fluff in a container and pour a glass of boiling water. Place the container in a “water bath” and cook for fifteen minutes. Then let it cool and strain. Directions for use: half a glass 3-4 times a day, twenty minutes before meals. The course of treatment is three months. Don't miss a day!

To boost immunity, I recommend making a decoction of reeds. Take one kilogram of washed rhizomes, chop them finely and cook in two liters of water for an hour. Then, pour the broth into a separate container, add another liter of water to the container in which the reed roots were boiled and put it on the fire. Cook for 30 minutes. Then we combine the two decoctions: simply pour the second decoction into the container with the first and put it on the fire for another twenty minutes. You should get about a liter of broth. This decoction is incredibly useful for boosting immunity for both adults and children! Drink to your health and never get sick!

Comfrey for tuberculosis

In folk practice, comfrey root (another name for larkspur) is used as a remedy for all types of inflammation of the mucous membrane, and especially for chest ailments, including severe ones.

Dose: 40.0 g per 1 liter of hot milk, in which comfrey root is steamed in the oven for 6-7 hours, without bringing to a boil. Pulmonary tuberculosis is also treated with this steam. After 6-7 days, if the disease does not go away, replace the steam with the following: raw or dried comfrey root is kneaded in a mortar to a paste, mixed with 1-2 parts of honey and taken a teaspoon 3 times a day. For fractures, as well as for tuberculosis, linings are made from a paste of fresh or dried comfrey roots: crushed fresh comfrey root is mixed equally with unsalted rendered pork lard.

The use of honey for tuberculosis

Traditional medicine recommends using honey for tuberculosis, washed down with milk and in combination with various fats, such as butter, lard, goose lard, etc.

Aloe juice is often added. The following recipe is most effective: 100 g of honey, 100 g of goose or lard, 100 g of cocoa and 15 g of aloe juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and take 1 tbsp. spoon with a glass of hot milk. Although honey is very valuable for the treatment of tuberculosis patients, it must be used in combination with anti-tuberculosis drugs prescribed by the attending physician. Honey only helps the body fight infection, but does not act directly on the tuberculosis bacillus.

Miraculous cure for tuberculosis

A doctor of Russian folk medicine, X., was traveling on a train near the city of Tashkent several years before the First World War. On the same train, a seriously ill patient was riding on a folding hospital bed suspended from the ceiling (which looked like a stretcher).

The doctor, out of professional interest, carefully examined the traveler chained to his camp bed. It seemed to her that it was not a person lying there, but a living skeleton. This patient was so emaciated that literally only bones and skin remained of him, and there was no mention of meat. It was priest Sveshnikov, from the vicinity of the Kinel station, Samara-Zlatoust railway. The doctor found out that the patient was “returning” from the best Caucasian resort for tuberculosis patients and was going home to die. Yes, that’s what the daughter who accompanied the sick priest said: “to die.”

Due to the fact that one of the patient’s lungs was completely rotten, and only a microscopically small piece remained from the other, the doctors decided that the patient would not live longer than two or three months.

A peasant, a doctor of Russian folk medicine, was traveling on the same train. He offered the priest his services to treat his illness. The priest pleadingly said to the doctor:
- For the sake of true Christ, cure me! If you succeed, I will give you all my property.
The doctor answered confidently:
- I have cured many thousands of patients. Why couldn't I cure another one? At least I'll try. Maybe something will come of it.

We arrived at the station, near which this peasant doctor lived in a small village. The doctor, the sick priest and his daughter prepared to disembark from the train. Two ministers from a tuberculosis hospital accompanying the priest opposed the disembarkation of the patient. They explained their protest by the fact that the management of the hospital instructed them to bring the patient to his place of residence, and not abandon him somewhere in the middle of the road. After long and heated debates, the ministers agreed to release the priest to the doctor, and they themselves returned to the hospital.

Mrs. X. agreed with the doctor and the priest’s daughter that after some time they would inform her about the medicine used to treat the patient and about the success of the treatment.

About three months later, doctor X. received a handwritten letter from priest Sveshnikov, in which he wrote that he was completely healthy, cheerful and full of energy. In the same letter, the priest said that the remedy used to treat him was very simple.

The doctor slaughtered the pig every day and immediately cut out a piece of internal fat from the carcass, which he drowned while it was still warm. He poured milk into the melted lard in the proportion of half and half and, boiling the lard and milk together, gave this mixture to the patient to drink. The dose at the beginning of treatment was one eighth of a glass. The doctor gradually brought it to one glass a day towards the end of treatment.

Five years later, doctor X. received a second letter from priest Sveshnikov and a photograph of him, in which he looked laughing and unusually joyful. How strange, because this smiling man was doomed to death long ago by a whole host of doctors of official medicine.

Doctor X., as stated above, now lives in California and very much regrets that she does not know exactly how many years priest Sveshnikov lived after sending the second letter.

The entire course of treatment lasted two months.

The priest kept his promise: he gave all his property to the doctor.

Treatment of consumption in Russian

Russian village healers' remedy for consumption

This medicine is composed of the following substances:

Linden honey - 3 pounds

Finely chopped aloe (American aloe or agave (Agave - in Latin) cannot replace real aloe. It should be remembered that aloe (Aloe - in Latin) strong remedy and it should not be given to weak patients) - 1 glass of Provençal oil - a quarter of a pound of Birch bud - six spools of Linden blossom - two spools of Water - two glasses

Method of preparing the medicine: melt the honey in a saucepan, then add aloe to the honey and boil the mixture well. Separately from this, brew in two glasses of water birch buds And linden blossom, boils them for one or two minutes. When the honey has cooled, squeeze the juice from the birch buds and linden blossoms and pour it into the honey. Pour the mixture into two bottles, adding equal amounts of Provençal oil to each. Shake before use. Dose: one tablespoon three times a day.

Chinese grapes as a remedy for consumption

In Manchuria (and some places in the Primorsky region) small black grapes with a sour and astringent taste grow. For many centuries, the Manchus used this grape as a remedy for consumption. When the Russians appeared in Manchuria, they first began to eat these wild grapes as food. fresh, make jam from it and make wine. Further, following the example of the natives, the Russians began to treat consumption with grapes.

The treatment method is quite simple: the patient eats as many fresh grapes as he can. But you should not just swallow the grapes, but crush the berries in your mouth. About half of the seeds should be thrown away and the other half should be swallowed. It is also recommended to drink the juice of this grape.

During treatment with grapes, you should monitor your stomach so that its emptyings are normal. If the patient feels heaviness in the stomach, the amount of grapes consumed should be reduced. Every next week, eat seedless grapes. Treatment usually takes about two months. Usually, after two weeks from the start of treatment, the patient begins to feel better, and then, if there are no abnormalities in the patient’s life, he begins to rapidly increase in weight.

Folk remedy against consumption

Folk remedy against anemia, initial stage consumption and exhaustion

Take in equal parts, approximately half a pound, good cocoa, internal lard(heat at home to make half a pound of melted food), honey and butter. Place all this in an aluminum pan and dissolve over low heat, constantly stirring the contents of the pan with a spoon so that it does not burn. It is necessary to stir until the composition dissolves and begins to boil. Then you need to remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture cool. When the composition has hardened, place it in a glass jar; store in a cool, dark place.

Method of use; take a teaspoon of this mixture and dissolve it in a glass of hot milk as soon as you can bear it without burning yourself. Drink three to four times a day, sometimes less, depending on the person’s exhaustion. This remedy helps anemic people well, as well as consumptives in the first stage of their illness.

If symptoms occur when using this product, you should eat a lot of prunes. different times day. This is necessary mainly because lard is a heavy food, and prunes act as natural fat. Not only prunes, but in general all kinds of fruits, juices or mixtures of fruits have the ability to naturally and painlessly correct and cleanse the stomach. It is advised to resort to pharmaceutical laxatives only as a last resort, without making a habit out of it.

Treatment of tuberculosis in Chinese

China is struggling quite a bit with this scourge of humanity. in a simple way. Patients are treated with crushed mole crickets (Gryllotalpia vulgaris - pharmaceutical name).

To do this, the Chinese catch mole crickets, dry them and then pound them in a mortar, in a stone cup, or simply grind them into a fine powder between stones. The powder thus obtained is mixed with some sweet syrup. Specific dosage No. Everything is done at the personal discretion of each person. Take approximately three tablespoons per appointment, washing down the medicine warm water. The time of administration is also not established: they drink when convenient or possible, two to three times daily for two days.

Usually after two or three days the patient develops acute pain and begins to recover quickly. What's the matter?

Many became interested in this method of treatment, and recently a number of experiments were carried out on mole crickets at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Insects were injected large doses tuberculosis bacilli (discovered in 1890 by the German bacteriologist Robert Koch), choosing a particularly virulent form of culture. It turned out that the insects did not experience any harm, and Koch’s bacilli, once in the mole cricket’s body, quickly died.

Microscopic examination found that white bodies (leukocytes), which are part of the mole cricket’s blood, rush to the bacilli and within thirty to forty minutes completely envelop and dissolve them.

One to two days after injecting the culture into abdominal cavity mole crickets you can find many small capsules. These are accumulations of leukocytes that have dissolved Koch's bacilli and formed hardenings. Leukocytes are found in the blood of all insects, but only mole crickets are capable of dissolving Koch's bacilli. The Chinese knew about this thousands of years ago and successfully used it precious property bear

It can be said without exaggeration that in the near future this amazing remedy will play a huge role in the liberation of humanity from consumption.

Tuberculosis called chronic infectious disease.

Symptoms: Primary damage to the body usually occurs in childhood and is asymptomatic. The presence of the disease in this case is revealed by Pirquet and Mantoux tests, as well as studies using radiographic methods.

If a child exhibits lethargy and loss of appetite, has weight loss and growth retardation, as well as incomprehensible periodic increases in temperature, it is necessary to undergo examination by a TB specialist at a tuberculosis clinic at the place of residence. The same recommendation applies to adults, since primary infection manifests itself equally in children and adults.

Tendency to catch colds frequent bronchitis, runny nose, especially chronic forms, in general, colds are also an indirect signal for checking for the presence of tuberculosis.

What's happening? Tuberculosis can affect both the lungs and other organs - bones and joints, lymph nodes, kidneys, peritoneum, etc. Therefore, tuberculosis is divided into pulmonary and extrapulmonary (tuberculosis of bones and joints, skin, lymph nodes, larynx, intestines, genitourinary organs, etc.).

The disease negatively affects the functioning of the entire body, since toxins and breakdown products are absorbed by the tissues and contribute to disruption of the functions of various organs and systems of the body.

At good immunity and the body's high resistance, foci of tuberculosis become encapsulated and scarred or simply dissolve. In less favorable cases, the disease continues to develop and affects more and more organs and systems of the body. Then a person suffering from tuberculosis not only loses his appetite and loses weight. He begins to have feverish temperature changes, profuse sweat at night, painful cough, which is sometimes accompanied by hemoptysis or even pulmonary hemorrhage. The patient gets tired very quickly and cannot continue his usual activities. If the disease progresses rapidly, there is not only gradual destruction of the lungs, but also serious metabolic disorders, which leads to general exhaustion of the body and fatal outcome.

Infection with tuberculosis occurs through airborne and dust infections, as well as through the patient’s personal belongings, his dishes and upholstered furniture. In most cases, infection does not mean illness, since the body copes with the infection on its own. The disease begins most often in people with weakened immune systems (for example, after past illness), living in unfavorable living and sanitary conditions, without adequate balanced nutrition. Factors such as prolonged contact with the patient, chronic physical and mental stress can also lead to the disease.

What to do? The earlier treatment for tuberculosis is started, the greater the patient’s chances of full recovery. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor at home or in a hospital. Proper nutrition, a fortified diet that strengthens the patient’s body and its immunity is very important. When treated at home, the patient must be isolated from children and strictly adhere to sanitary and hygienic requirements. It is necessary to adhere to a reasonable daily routine, avoid overwork and hypothermia. It's completely natural that to a smoking person If you become ill with tuberculosis, you should immediately completely stop smoking.

Recipes. Traditional medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis recommends:

Walk more in the fresh air;

Drink up to 2 liters of milk per day;

Drink grape juice and there are grapes;

Drink a hot infusion of marshmallow root to facilitate expectoration;

Drink a decoction of coltsfoot leaves, a third of a glass, 3 times a day before meals (pour a tablespoon of boiling water over a glass and boil for a quarter of an hour);

Drink wild rosemary infusion 2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals (a tablespoon of rosemary per glass of boiling water, leave for an hour);

Drink a decoction pine buds three times a day before meals (boil a teaspoon of kidneys in a glass of water and leave for an hour and a half);

Drink fish oil 3 times a day before meals, a teaspoon;

Take powdered and calcined deer antlers;

Eat white cabbage. Prevention of tuberculosis consists of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and minimizing contact with patients.

Pulmonary tuberculosis continues to be one of the most common infections in the world and poses a huge threat to the health of modern people.

In Russia in recent years Tuberculosis has spread globally, and doctors are even talking about a threat to national security. Moreover, the people who get sick are the most different ages- from children to old people.

Just like 100 years ago, the main reasons for the increase in the incidence of tuberculosis remain social factors: decreased standard of living, alcoholism and various types drug addiction, active migration of the population. And among the population, the attitude towards examination for the presence of tuberculosis is often negative. So it turns out that patients with an open form of the disease are among healthy people, spreading harmful bacteria. Add to this unfavorable environmental conditions that weaken lung health, and you get a rather frightening picture...

According to data World Organization healthcare, there are about 20 million patients with tuberculosis in the world, including about 7 million with the open form. Each year, approximately 3.5 million people become ill with tuberculosis and more than 1 million die from it.

Tuberculosis occurs due to bacteria that enter the body through various routes. More often - by airborne droplets. The infection can spread with food, through damaged mucous membranes.

And yet, tuberculosis is a social disease. Why?

Penetration of tuberculosis bacteria into healthy body In most cases, a person passes without a trace. The minor tuberculous changes that arise spontaneously heal. Moreover, the first infection often occurs in childhood. The vast majority of people have survived infection with tuberculosis and remained healthy.

The disease develops from old, extinct tuberculosis foci under unfavorable conditions: the absence of complete, healthy food, living in cold, damp, dusty rooms, lack of sleep. And these are already social factors.

Can tuberculosis be prevented? Yes, of course you can.

The most effective prevention will be what everyone has known for a long time: healthy image life, sports, refusal bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol). Do not neglect vaccination, undergo fluorographic examination regularly. Patients with stomach ulcers should monitor their condition especially carefully. There is a direct connection between these diseases.

Example. Victor, 42 years old.

Diagnosis: Pulmonary tuberculosis with foci of decay of lung tissue.

He fell ill in June 1998 (at the age of 35): the temperature rose to 40 ° C, weakness, loss of consciousness, cough. The primary diagnosis is influenza.

When examined 10 days later, a plain chest x-ray dated June 29, 1998 and a tomogram on the right in the upper lobe revealed foci of decay with a path to the root.

He refused the proposed hospitalization.

The first 2 weeks of treatment were difficult to bear. With a height of 179 cm, he weighed 54 kg, gray hair, purulent rashes on the skin all over the body, black bruises under the eyes, paralyzing weakness, nausea, frequent vomiting, insomnia.

After 2 weeks, I started taking stone oil at a concentration of 3 g per 600 ml of water 3 times a day.

The nausea and vomiting stopped on the first day, on the second day I was able to go for a walk, my mood improved, my appetite appeared, and I began to sleep. The skin cleared up after 2 weeks.

A month later: my hair color was restored, I became so strong that I was able to drive a car, and I gained 4 kg in weight.

On a plain radiograph and tomogram of the right upper lobe dated October 26, 1998 (4 months from the start of treatment) in comparison with June 29, 1998, resorption of infiltration and lesions on the right in the upper lobe is noted. Lung fields transparent, roots are structural.

Diagnosis: focal tuberculosis on the right in the resorption phase.

Height: 179 cm, weight: in July - 54 kg, in October - 65 kg. Clinical and biochemical tests within normal limits.

It took 4 months to “cleanse the lungs” - from July to October.

Back in 1997 at the 7th Congress of Diseases; respiratory organs, held in Moscow, scientists from the city of Alma-Ata T. O. Omarov, O. D. Dairbekov, T. V. Uspenskaya, R. B. Duysenova made a report that is directly related to our topic. The report talked about the effects of taking rock oil and certain essential oils for the recovery of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. It turns out that when taking stone oil, the side effects chemotherapy, and the patient’s condition improves 1.5-2 times faster (compared to patients who were treated only with traditional methods).

To improve the condition of a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis, the usual regimen for taking stone oil is recommended: a solution of 3 g per 2 liters of water, drink 1 glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Indeed, the results of treating tuberculosis with this unique substance amazing! Apparently, this is due to the high bactericidal activity of stone oil, which is several times higher than the activity known antibiotics. Let me give you one example - the medical history of a man in full bloom, whose life changed dramatically after the doctor first said terrible diagnosis: tuberculosis.

The entire course of chemotherapy drugs together with taking stone oil took 9 months.

Discharged (January 1999) sick leave upon recovery. Subsequently, to the present day, he takes a solution of stone oil for prevention (3 g per 2 liters, 3 times a day before meals, 2 months every six months).

On control radiographs of the chest (2 years after the onset of the disease), it is noted full recovery structures of the lung tissue, without calcifications and cicatricial changes.

This medical history should be a good inspiring example for us. We must not be discouraged and despair, no matter what disease we encounter. You just need to pull yourself together and get treatment - competently, confidently, seriously. Use the amazing and amazingly powerful gifts of nature, and then the disease will recede. Necessarily.

During tuberculosis (attack severe cough) do inhalations with honey or stone oil. The solution recipe is the usual: 3 g of the drug per 3 liters of water.

Don't limit yourself to just rock oil and traditional treatment. IN folk medicine there are many herbal remedies, which are successfully used in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. I will give one of the most effective methods.

Composition for pulmonary tuberculosis

Birch (buds) - 25 g, aloe (leaves) - 1 glass, linden (flowers) - 10 g.

Melt 1.2 kg of honey in an enamel pan without letting it boil, add finely chopped aloe leaves and boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Separately, boil birch buds and linden flowers in 2 glasses of water for 3 minutes, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain and squeeze. Pour a decoction of buds and flowers into the cooled honey, stir well and pour into dark bottles, adding 100 g of olive oil. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, shaking before use.

As you can see, this product contains plants known for their healing power, as well as honey and olive oil. This remedy perfectly strengthens the immune system and, what is very important, has a targeted effect on the entire respiratory system, helping her recover.

It's very heavy hereditary disease. Often affects its victims across generations. Can affect the respiratory system, various internal organs, bones, joints, skin; but the most common form is pulmonary tuberculosis.

The source of infection is usually a patient with tuberculosis, who secretes tuberculosis bacilli (Koch bacilli) with sputum. The main route of infection is inhaled air containing droplets of saliva and sputum of the patient, or dust contaminated in the same way. In some cases, the source of infection may be unboiled milk from dairy cattle affected by tuberculosis.

Currently hereditary transmission tuberculosis is denied.

1. The causative agent of tuberculosis primarily affects the lungs. In the tissues where it enters, areas of inflammation appear in the form of small tubercles or large foci, which can undergo cheesy disintegration and then melting.

If the body's resistance is high, then the lesions can resolve; often a dense capsule forms around them, and the lesions themselves germinate connective tissue, i.e. scarring of the lesion occurs.

Signs: the patient loses appetite, loses weight, his body temperature rises, cough, “night sweats” appear, increased fatigue. Children become pale, lethargic, and there is a tendency to colds, runny nose, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis. Periods of exacerbation may be followed by periods of calm and apparent well-being, lasting from a few months to several years.

Cavities can be a source of pulmonary hemorrhage, sometimes life-threatening.

2. Take this mixture: squeeze twenty lemons, strain into a glass jar. Put ten of the freshest ones there chicken eggs in the shell, tie the jar and leave it for 12-14 days until the shell completely dissolves, which will be visible through the glass. Then mix in one pound of real bee honey and a glass of cognac, pour into bottles and drink a glass before meals two or three times a day, shaking the mixture beforehand. Keep the bottle in the dark.

3. Iron is very useful for tuberculosis, which can be introduced into the body in a simple home method: stick 5-100 iron (non-steel) cleanly washed nails into a raw apple, and let this apple lie for a day, then eat it. You should eat up to three apples per day. If there are no apples, then you can simply put one large nail in a glass of water for a day and then drink a tablespoon from this glass three times a day, shaking it beforehand. After this, you must rinse your mouth so that the iron does not spoil your teeth.

4. Mix a glass of radish juice (black radish is especially useful), a glass of red beet juice, a glass of carrot juice and a glass of real honey, pour the mixture into a bottle and bury it in the ground for 13 days. Then drink a small glass three times a day before meals, shaking beforehand.

5. Mix one glass of rendered pork lard, one glass of melted bovine (beef) lard, one glass of lamb lard and a third of a glass of rendered dog lard. Boil everything together and drink two tablespoons warm three times a day. Or spread cold on bread. You can add salt to taste. According to observations from this treatment, after a month the lungs are filled with real fat and clog all the sore spots. This remedy helps even in a very advanced stage of the disease.

6. Doctor O. Morozova also gives a purely Russian remedy for tuberculosis: drink clean urine from a healthy boy no older than 8 years old. Half a glass of urine every day on an empty stomach. Usually after 3-4 days the patient begins to produce a lot of phlegm, and the cough becomes softer and easier. After 2-3 months, an improvement in overall health is noticed.

1. Treatment with kumis. In the old days, treating patients with kumis (take 10 to 20 bottles per day) was considered the most effective remedy.

In the absence of kumis, kefir and other dairy products are used as a remedy. V any form that is more pleasant for the patient.

2. Treatment with cow's milk.

Option 1. Drink V daily at least a liter of fresh milk. It is useful to add a little crushed charcoal to milk to disinfect the intestines. Drink milk slowly, in small sips.

Option 2. Drink up to 6-8 glasses of milk daily. Start with 2-3 glasses of boiled milk V day. At the same time, he should eat 5-10 soft-boiled eggs a day. At lunch you should eat more lean meat if possible.

3. Honey is used for pulmonary tuberculosis as tonic. It is used with fresh juice carrots or with milk 100-150 g per day. Often reach good results.

5. Soak white bread in good grape wine within 24 hours. The next day after urinating, drink wine. Continue this way for 9 days, abstaining from any other drink. Collect all the urine released during this time and hang it in the smoke so that it all evaporates. Consumption will gradually go away (the remedy was recommended by doctors of the 16th century).

6. Treatment of aloe vera. Russian surgeon Academician V.P. Filatov discovered one of the most important properties aloe plants. He found that in the tissues of this plant, which is “near death”, i.e. at a temperature of +3 ° C, are produced in the struggle for life biogenic stimulants. Medicines made from such aloe plants can influence tissue growth, wound healing, destroy bacteria and help treat diseases, including tuberculosis of the lungs, larynx, skin (lupus), etc.

The cut aloe leaf is kept according to Filatov’s method in the dark for 20-25 days at a temperature of +3°C.

Treatment with aloe juice:

a) Children aged 3 to 10 years with tuberculosis are recommended to give aloe juice one teaspoon 3 times a day for 15-20 days; then take a break for 10-15 days and repeat the course of treatment again. After treatment in this way, weight gain, improved appetite, and a decrease in temperature are observed.

b) Take four stems of aloe, chop and place in a bottle of wine; leave for 4 days. Take 1 spoon three times a day.

c) Take 200 g of aloe leaves, 400 g of sugar molasses ( yellow), 50 g rosin (resin). Cut the aloe leaves into pieces 4 cm long. Crush the rosin in a mortar. Place all ingredients in a clay pot, close the lid and place in the oven overnight. You will get a thick mass. Strain through a sieve. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day an hour before meals. This amount of medicine is enough for 1 month, take a break for one week, after which, if necessary, treatment can be repeated.

d) Mix 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, 100 g of melted pork (or goose) lard or unsalted butter, 100 g of honey, 50 g of cocoa and take 1 tablespoon per glass of hot milk 2-3 times a day. Use for tuberculosis of the lungs and bones.

e) For pulmonary tuberculosis as additional treatment We recommend a mixture consisting of 15 g of aloe juice, 10 g of mantle juice and 100 g of butter (lard or goose fat), honey and cocoa. Take 1 tablespoon at lunch and in the evening with a glass of hot milk.

f) Finely chop aloe leaf - 1 cup, olive oil - 100 g, birch buds - 25 g, linden blossom - 10 g, linden honey - 1.2 kg, water - 2 cups. Melt the honey in an enamel pan without letting it boil. Add aloe vera to the honey and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes. on low heat. Separately from this, brew birch buds and linden flowers in two glasses of water. Boil for 3 minutes, leave, wrapped, for 15-20 minutes, strain, squeeze. When the honey has cooled, pour a decoction of buds and linden blossom into it. Stir well. Pour the mixture into dark bottles. Add equal amounts of olive oil to each bottle. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Shake before use. Take for tuberculosis and lung diseases.

7. After every meal you should eat one raw yolk with lemon juice. This is a good remedy against tuberculosis. Patients should eat frequently, preferably every two hours.

8. One pound butter, one pound pork lard, one pound Sahara, quarter pound cocoa, eight yolks, three glasses cream. Whisk the yolks, cream, cocoa, butter and lard together. Mix everything and boil until the mixture turns out like batter; It should boil no more than three times. Cool and take a tablespoon three times a day.

9. Medicine remedy "Calciumite". Take 10 lemons, 6 eggs, 300 G honey(preferably lime) and 3/4 cup cognac Place eggs (necessarily fresh and only with white shells) in a jar and pour in the squeezed juice of ten lemons. Cover the jar with gauze, wrap it in dark paper and place it in a dark place (cool, but not cold). Keep until the eggshell dissolves, which usually occurs after 6-8 days. Then heat the honey until it flows, cool, add to the egg mixture and lemon juice; then pour in the cognac. Pour all the medicine into a dark bottle and store in a dry, dark and cool place. Take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day immediately after meals. Calciumite should be stored for no more than 3 weeks.

10. Take 400 g of interior lard(pork) and 6 green apples Cut the apples into pieces without removing the peel, mix with lard and simmer the mixture in the oven, stirring so as not to burn. Then take 14 egg yolks, grind them white with one glass Sahara; add 400 g grated chocolate. Rub the lard and apples through a sieve, mix with the yolk mixture, let cool. Spread the resulting product on bread, eating it 3-4 times every day and drinking hot milk. Anyone using this product gains weight up to 1 kg per week. The drug is recommended for exhaustion and the initial stage of pulmonary tuberculosis.

11. Take 200 g of melted butter lard(pork), honey, butter, cocoa. Place all this in an aluminum pan and melt over low heat, stirring. Stir until the mixture begins to boil. Then remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture cool. Then put it in a glass jar and store it in a dark and cool place. Dilute one teaspoon of the mixture in a glass of hot milk. Drink hot 3-4 times a day. This remedy helps well with anemia, as well as with pulmonary tuberculosis in the first stage of the disease.

Folk recipes from ancient witchcraft books:

1. Kalanchoe (leaves). Juice fresh leaves prescribed to stop bleeding from wounds, boils, skin rashes and eczema, for the treatment of burns, cervical erosion and cracked nipples.

For tuberculosis, take the juice orally, 1/2 teaspoon 2 times a day after meals, diluted 3 times with water.

2. Lungwort officinalis (herb). Pour 4 teaspoons of chopped herbs into 2 cups of boiling water, leave, covered, for 2 hours and strain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals for bronchitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, cough, pulmonary tuberculosis, hemoptysis, asthma, hoarseness of the throat. It is considered one of the best remedies for childhood tuberculosis.

3. Knotweed (herb). Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs into 1 glass of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes. in a water bath, leave for 1-2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day for pulmonary tuberculosis and whooping cough.

4. Aloe vera (leaf). A mixture of 300 g of natural honey, half a glass of water and finely chopped large sheet Cook aloe over low heat, covered, for 20 minutes. Cool, stir and take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

5. Marsh rosemary (herb). Pour 1 teaspoon of herb into 2 cups of chilled boiled water. Leave for 8 hours in a closed container, strain.

Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day for colds, cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis.

6. Resin resin. Remove impurities. If the resin is thick, infuse it with 90% alcohol. Pour the resin into a jar, covering it with a 1 cm layer. After a few days, the resin will dissolve.

Melt 1 part resin and 2 parts lard, cool to 60°C, add honey (preferably linden). For 1 part resin and lard - 1 part honey (by weight). Mix. Add 1/10 of the burnt white animal bone and stir. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. The course is from 3 to 6 months. Counts good remedy for tuberculosis.

7. Motherwort (plant). For 1 cup of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon (with top) of the crushed plant, leave for 10 minutes. Drink 1/2 glass in the morning and before bed in the evening.

8. Burnet (roots). Pour 2 teaspoons of crushed root into 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 30 minutes, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day before meals. Burnet is used for hemoptysis.

9. Natural linden honey- 100 g, lard - 100 g, unsalted butter - 100 g, aloe (juice) - 150 ml, cocoa powder - 50 g.

Do not water aloe for 2 weeks before cutting. Melt lard, butter and honey in an enamel pan. When everything is melted (do not let it boil), remove the pan and add the remaining ingredients. Stir well. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Accept for a long time 1 tablespoon of the composition, dissolved in a glass of hot milk, morning and evening. Prescribed for pulmonary tuberculosis and persistent bronchitis.

10. The recommended remedy is used for consumption, lingering cough, pneumonia, bronchitis. It contains honey (preferably linden) - 1300 g, finely chopped leaves aloe- 1 glass, olive oil - 200 g, birch buds - 150 g, linden blossom— 50 g.

Picked and washed before cooking boiled water Place aloe leaves in a cool and dark place for 10 days. Melt honey and add crushed aloe leaves. Steam the mixture well. Separately from this, brew birch buds and linden blossom in 2 glasses of water, boil for 1-2 minutes, pour the strained and squeezed broth into the cooled honey. Stir and pour V 2 bottles, adding equal amounts of olive oil. Store in a cool place. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day. Shake before use.

Famous Russian doctor P. M. Kurennoye offers several effective treatments for tuberculosis.

How is consumption treated in China?

China is fighting this scourge of humanity in a fairly simple way. Patients are treated with crushed mole crickets.

To do this, the Chinese catch mole crickets, dry them and then pound them in a mortar, in a stone cup, or simply grind them into a fine powder between stones. The powder thus obtained is mixed with some sweet syrup. There is no specific dosage. Everything is done at the personal discretion of each person. Take approximately three tablespoons per appointment, washing down the medicine with warm water. The time of administration is also not established: they drink when it is convenient or possible, two to three times daily, for two days.

Usually after two or three days the patient develops a keen appetite and begins to recover quickly. What's the matter?

Many doctors became interested in this method of treatment, and recently a number of experiments were carried out on mole crickets at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Insects were injected with large doses of tuberculosis bacilli (discovered in 1890 by the German bacteriologist Robert Koch), choosing a particularly virulent form of the culture. It turned out that the insects did not experience any harm, and Kokhov’s bacilli, once in the mole cricket’s body, quickly died.

Microscopic examination has established that white bodies (leukocytes), which are part of the mole cricket’s blood, rush to the bacilli and within thirty to forty minutes completely envelop and dissolve them.

One or two days after injecting the culture, many small capsules can be found in the mole cricket’s abdominal cavity. This is an accumulation of leukocytes that have dissolved the rods and formed hardenings. Leukocytes are found in the blood of all insects, but only mole crickets are able to dissolve Koch's bacilli. The Chinese knew about this thousands of years ago and successfully used this precious property of mole crickets.

It can be said without exaggeration that in the near future this amazing remedy will play a huge role in the liberation of humanity from consumption.

Miraculous cure

Mentioned in one of the previous recipes A doctor of Russian traditional medicine, X., was traveling on a train near the city of Tashkent several years before the First World War. On the same train, a seriously ill patient was riding on a folding hospital bed suspended from the ceiling (which looked like a stretcher).

The doctor, out of professional interest, carefully examined the traveler chained to his camp bed. It seemed to her that it was not a person lying there, but a living skeleton. This patient was so emaciated that literally only bones and skin remained of him, and there was no mention of meat. It was priest Sveshnikov from the vicinity of the Kinel station of the Samara-Zlatoust railway. The doctor found out that the patient was “returning” from the best Caucasian resort for tuberculosis patients, going home to die... Yes, that’s what the daughter who accompanied the sick priest said - “to die”...

Due to the fact that one of the patient’s lungs was completely rotten, and only a microscopically small piece remained of the other, the doctors decided that the patient would not live longer than two or three months.

A peasant, a doctor of Russian folk medicine, was traveling on the same train. He offered the priest his services to treat his illness. The priest pleadingly said to the doctor:

- For the sake of true Christ, cure me! If you succeed, I will give you all my property.

The doctor answered confidently:

- I have cured many thousands of patients... Why couldn’t I cure one more?.. At least I’ll try... Maybe something will come of it...

We arrived at the station, near which this peasant doctor lived in a small village. The doctor, the sick priest and his daughter prepared to disembark from the train. Two ministers from a tuberculosis hospital accompanying the priest opposed the disembarkation of the patient. They explained their protest by the fact that the management of the hospital instructed them to take the patient to his place of residence, and not abandon him somewhere in the middle of the road. After long and heated debates, the ministers agreed to release the priest to the doctor, and they themselves returned to the hospital.

Mrs. X. agreed with the doctor and the priest’s daughter that after some time they would inform her about the medicine used to treat the patient and about the success of the treatment.

About three months later, doctor X. received a handwritten letter from priest Sveshnikov, in which he wrote that he was completely healthy, cheerful and full of energy. In the same letter, the priest said that the remedy used to treat him was very simple.

The doctor slaughtered the pig every day and immediately cut a piece out of the carcass internal fat, which he stoked while it was still warm. He poured milk into the melted lard in the proportion of half and half and, boiling the lard and milk together, gave this mixture to the patient to drink. The dose at the beginning of treatment was one-eighth of a glass. The doctor gradually brought it to one glass a day towards the end of treatment.

Five years later, doctor X. received a second letter from priest Sveshnikov and a photograph of him, in which he looked laughing and unusually joyful. How strange... After all, this smiling man was doomed to death long ago by a whole host of doctors of official medicine...

Doctor X., as stated above, now lives in California and very much regrets that she does not know exactly how many years priest Sveshnikov lived after sending the second letter.

The entire course of treatment lasted two months.

The priest kept his promise: he gave all his property to the doctor.

Russian village healers' remedy for consumption

This medicine is composed of the following substances: linden honey- 3 pounds, finely chopped aloe. It should be remembered that aloe is a strong remedy and patients with weak hearted it should not be given - 1 glass, provencal oil- a quarter pound birch bud- 150 grams, linden color- 50 grams, water- two glasses.

Method of preparing the medicine: melt the honey in a saucepan, then add aloe to the honey and boil the mixture well. Separately from this, brew birch buds and linden blossom in two glasses of water, boil them for one or two minutes. When the honey has cooled, squeeze the juice from the birch buds and linden blossoms and pour it into the honey. Pour the mixture into two bottles, adding equal amounts of Provençal oil to each. Shake before use. Dose: one tablespoon three times a day.

Chinese grapes as a remedy for consumption

In Manchuria (and some places in the Primorsky Territory) small black grows grape sourish-astringent taste. For many centuries, the Manchus used this grape as a remedy for consumption. When the Russians arrived in Manchuria, they first began to eat these wild grapes fresh, make jam from them, and make wine. Further, following the example of the natives, the Russians began to treat consumption with grapes.

The treatment method is quite simple: the patient eats as many fresh grapes as he can. But you should not just swallow the grapes, but crush the berries in your mouth. About half of the seeds should be thrown away and the other half should be swallowed. It is also recommended to drink the juice of this grape.

During treatment with grapes, you should monitor your stomach so that its emptyings are normal. If the patient feels heaviness in the stomach, the amount of grapes consumed should be reduced. Every next week, eat seedless grapes. Treatment usually takes about two months. Usually, after two weeks from the start of treatment, the patient begins to feel better, and then, if there are no abnormalities in the patient’s life, he begins to rapidly increase in weight.

Folk remedy against the initial stages of consumption and exhaustion

Take in equal parts, about half a pound, good cocoa, domestic pork salo(heat at home so that you also get half a pound of melted food), honey And butter. Place all this in an aluminum pan and dissolve over low heat, constantly stirring the contents of the pan with a spoon so that it does not burn. It is necessary to stir until the composition dissolves and begins to boil. Then you need to remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture cool. When the composition has hardened, fold it V glass jar; store in a cool, dark place.

Directions for use: take a teaspoon of this mixture and dissolve it in a glass of hot milk as soon as you can tolerate it without burning yourself. Drink three to four times a day, sometimes less, depending on the person’s exhaustion. This remedy helps anemic people well, as well as consumptives in the first stage of their illness.

If constipation occurs when using this remedy, you should eat a lot of prunes at different times of the day. This is necessary mainly because lard is a heavy food, and prunes act as a natural laxative. Not only prunes, but in general all kinds of fruits, juices or mixtures of fruits have the ability to naturally and painlessly correct and cleanse the stomach. Doctors advise resorting to pharmaceutical laxatives only as a last resort, without making a habit out of it.

Treatment of consumption with dog lard

Many doctors of Russian folk medicine, among other remedies against consumption, successfully use dog lard (bear lard is much better than dog lard, but it is not always possible to get it). In particular, the author’s grandfather, the famous folk healer E.N. Podshivalov in his area, could sacrifice anything in the treatment of consumption, but he would not refuse the use of dog lard. It has always occupied the first place among other means of healing.

An indispensable remedy for exhaustion, anemia and the initial stages of consumption

Official medicine so-called cultural countries There are many drugs prescribed by doctors to emaciated patients to gain weight. One of the most useful means considered fish oil. However, it often happens that all these remedies help... only pharmacies, and the patient continues to lose weight. For the information of hospitals, doctors of medicine and patients, the author reports the correct remedy for doctors of Russian folk medicine.

Take one pound of domestic pork lard and six large green ones apples Do not peel the skin of the apples, but directly cut the apple into pieces in the same way as lard. After mixing pieces of lard and apples, heat the mixture in the oven over low heat so as not to burn. Then take twelve egg yolks and grind them white with one glass of sugar. Add one pound of chopped chocolate there.

Strain the lard and apples through a sieve and mix the strained mixture with a mixture of sugar, yolks and chocolate. Let the mixture cool. Spread the resulting product on bread, eating it with every meal, three to four times a day and be sure to wash it down with warm, almost hot milk.

Anyone using this remedy will gain from two to five pounds per week. Almost all doctors of Russian folk medicine have used this rare remedy for centuries and always with success.

In one of the giant cities of California, in a large Jewish hospital, a Russian lady was treating her daughter, a twelve-year-old girl. The girl lost weight so quickly that no fish oils didn't help. The hospital advised the lady to put the girl on a bed for more long term and yet... she proposed many draconian measures. These measures seemed so monstrous to the mother that her thoughts could not come to terms with such deprivations and restrictions.

Luckily, she met a Russian who knew the remedy described above. The lady began to use this medicine for the girl. The girl began to gain weight by four pounds a week.

A month later, the hospital doctor who had previously treated the girl did not even recognize her: she had gained so much weight in one month. The doctor wrote down the prescription and told the lady that, despite the prohibition against Jews, religious reasons- eat pork, he will boldly prescribe and offer this remedy of Russian folk medicine to all his patients who need to gain weight.

By the way, the medicine given one recipe above bears a very close resemblance to the real remedy. The author thinks that this recipe is much more better than that. However, you should try both and determine by the result which one is better.

An ancient folk remedy for consumption

When spring or autumn comes in Russia and consumption reaps a bountiful harvest, many sufferers of this disease clutch at the remedy described below, as they became thinner during the day. The Mongol led the horse to the lama, who, having carefully examined the leg, immediately took a hand pump and injected more than half a pound of warm tarbagan fat into the sore leg. After a short period of time, the horse's leg returned to its normal healthy state.

There is reason to believe that this amazing remedy has been used by Mongolian lamas for many thousands of years, but in the so-called “advanced countries” it is completely unknown. This remedy is extremely necessary in all hospitals, clinics and, above all, absolutely indispensable in the theater of military operations.

Seven Great Healing Remedies

A. Take oats or barley and pour two-thirds of the pan into it, add the remaining one-third of the dishes milk, not filling only two fingers away top edge pans, and add one finger's width of lard to the pan. Close the lid and place in the oven. Add milk until the oats (or barley) are cooked. Drink this liquid mixture one glass three times a day. The milk must be fresh, unpasteurized.

B. Take stems and leaves of motherwort and chicory roots ordinary. Brew these two herbs and drink like tea, three times a day, a glass of wine. After nine weeks, complete recovery. The lungs will heal and be cleared of pus. Caucasian highlanders are treated with this remedy, and very successfully.

B. Per bottle guilt put four stems aloe and leave for four days. Dose: three times a day, one glass.

D. Infuse one pint of pure alcohol four stems aloe for at least four days. Dose: drink forty drops three times a day.

D. Pour a quarter pound into the pan. water, three-quarters of a pound of honey and a leaf of finely chopped aloe. Cook over very low heat for two hours. Dose: one tablespoon three times a day.

E. Take 400 grams molasses(yellow), half a pound (200 grams) of aloe and one-eighth of a pound (50 grams) rosin(resin). Cut the cactus leaves lengthwise, 4 centimeters long. Crush the rosin in a mortar. Place all ingredients in a clay pot, cover with a bubble top and place in the oven or oven overnight. The result will be a thick mass, like honey. Strain through a sieve. Dose: one teaspoon three times a day one hour before meals. Enough for one month. Take a break for one week and repeat.

J. Healers often advised enhanced nutrition for tuberculosis: lard, milk, eggs, lard. Necessary conditions: increased nutrition and rest, rest, lying down; clean air both day and night; complete peace of mind, no worries, worries or fears; eat food every two to three hours.

Kumis - the best remedy from tuberculosis

If thousands of kumis treatment institutions were scattered around the world, then millions of patients could be cured of tuberculosis, anemia, exhaustion, bronchitis and some other diseases. Among the many kumys establishments in Russia, the author recalls one of the most remarkable. On this kumiss “farm”, in addition to the fact that the sick were fed kumys all day long, they were kept away from all water. Therefore, everyone was forced to drink only kumiss.

The sick rooms were located in the stables. The floor of the rooms, with many deliberately left gaps, was located slightly above the backs and heads of the horses. The patients breathed in the fumes of horses and everything that was in the stable. This happened morning, evening and night. During the day, throughout the whole day, the sick were forced to go for a walk far into the steppe. The sick walked, and the kumysnik rode on a cart and carried a lot of kumys. Since there was no water in the steppe, kumys was the only liquid that, to one degree or another, quenched thirst on a hot day in the steppe region... Simplicity is enough for every wise man...

Miracles witch doctor treatment

This happened in Siberia in the Altai Mountains region shortly before the First World War. The wife of a wealthy local merchant fell ill with consumption. Doctors in nearby cities refused to treat the patient, admitting that she was completely incurable. IN the best clinics Russia also refused to treat the patient due to complete hopelessness. About this

case, one modest woman healer from a remote Altai village found out. She offered her services to heal the merchant's wife. After a year of treatment, the patient completely recovered and could do physical labor. The remedy used by the healer was extremely simple: pine cones They infused it with vodka, and the sick woman drank this infusion and recovered...

Having learned about the miraculous cure of the merchant's wife, the doctors of the city of Barnaul were amazed, And between them, on the one hand, and the highest medical luminaries in St. Petersburg, on the other, a lively correspondence began that lasted more than a year. The doctors were especially surprised by the fact that the medicine was infused with vodka, and alcoholic drinks are considered very harmful for consumptives. In the end, having done a lot various analyzes and studies of pine cones, doctors came to the conclusion that, despite the harm of alcohol, the patient was cured of consumption only by pine cones, which contain a lot creosote, possessing phenomenal healing properties.

In those distant times, doctors knew almost nothing about vitamins. If this had happened now, the author thinks that doctors would attribute the merchant’s miraculous cure not to creosote, but to vitamin C, of ​​which pine cones are very rich... Secondly world war V Soviet army Because it was impossible to have enough oranges, the wounded were given extracts from pine needles, which are extremely rich in vitamin C.

How a healer's remedy for consumption saved a child's life

It happened in Harbin, Manchuria, in 1936. A seven-year-old Russian girl fell ill with a severe form of tuberculosis. Doctors of official medicine examined the patient one after another and recognized that the patient was incurable and that she should soon die. Luckily, the girl’s parents invited Dr. Dedov, famous in those parts. The latter also admitted that no means of official medicine could help their daughter, but added that if the parents gave him permission, he would use one medicine remedy for the patient. Dr. Dedov mentioned that with this remedy, for perhaps many centuries, healers have always cured the so-called “incurable” patients with consumption.

The wonderful medicine consisted of completely fresh chicken egg yolks, which the patient had to eat in huge quantities. At the beginning of treatment, the girl ate 50 yolks a day, and at the end of it - up to a hundred a day... After four months, the girl completely recovered and did not need any more treatment...

No wonder jokers say: “Why are these village healers called healers? Yes because they know..." By the way, this is - rare case when the doctor scientific medicine treats with a witch doctor's remedy. Apparently, Dr. Dedov cured more than just this girl with this remedy.

“Hopeless” cases of consumption and the Russian healer genius

Anyone interested radical treatment For the so-called “hopeless” cases of tuberculosis, the author asks that you pay the most serious attention to the folk remedy for tuberculosis given above (the remedy consists of the following ingredients: linden honey, aloe, Provençal oil, birch buds, linden blossom, water).

It happened that the author gave the manuscript of the medical book to Mrs. Lydia Fedorova to type on a typewriter. When the author came for the manuscript, Ms. Fedorova said: “ Great book- your medical book, because there are many wonderful recipes there, one of which saved my life.” About forty years ago, when Mrs. Fedorova was only ten years old, she fell ill with such a severe and rapidly progressing type of consumption that doctors in the best metropolitan and other clinics in Russia, Germany, France and England refused to treat her and said that for more than two months the unfortunate woman will not live. The father, a general in the Russian army, traveled to “all foreign countries” and did not spare money for his daughter’s treatment.

When the girl had no more than one month to live, an outstanding Siberian healer, an illiterate peasant woman from a village about seventy miles from Krasnoyarsk, learned about her illness. The healer offered to cure the girl, took her to her village, cured her completely and three months later brought her to her parents. According to Ms. Fedorova, after this healing treatment she never knew what tuberculosis was or its consequences.

The author became interested and asked Ms. Fedorova: did she remember well all the ingredients of the medicine that saved her life and whether the same proportions were given in this medicine book. The interlocutor answered in the affirmative and noted that the proportions could not have been different, because when the proportion changes, the result is “soft-boiled boots” and that if the proportion of any of the components If the medicine in the clinic were not the same as that used by the healer who cured her, then Ms. Fedorova would ask the author to correct it.

Wonderful Russian recipe folk healer

Many people had to observe several miraculous cures of tuberculosis with this simple and uncomplicated remedy. It must be noted that approximately the same recipes are known, But the healer of this remedy insists that seemingly minor changes in this recipe (compared to another) play an important role.

Recipe. Take ten eggs(with a white, not brown shell). The eggs must be very fresh. Take ten lemons, also fresh and, if possible, ripe. Wash eggs and lemons. Place all this in a glass jar with a wide neck. Then put the lemons cut into pieces there, but without grains. Place in a warm place and cover with gauze. After seven days (and sometimes 14 or more days, depending on the temperature of the place of tincture), when the eggs turn into a mass, a bottle of good French wine is poured into the tincture cognac If mold forms on top, it must be removed until it disappears completely. This must be done before and after pouring in the cognac, until mold no longer appears. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon. Must ferment for three weeks in a warm place. When absolutely no mold appears, the tincture is stirred and poured into bottles and sealed. Application: if mold does not appear, then you can bottle it before three weeks.

Dose: dessert spoon before meals three times a day.

It is advisable to have bottles with a wide neck in order to be able to throw out mold if it appears again. It is advisable to have dark glass bottles, since light dissolves calcium, which plays an important role in tuberculosis.

White magic has recipes for consumption:

1. Soak white bread in good grape wine within 24 hours.

The next day, after urinating, drink wine And continue this way for 9 days, abstaining from any other drink. At the same time, collect all the urine and hang it in the smoke so that it gradually evaporates. The consumption will gradually pass.

2. When the sun rises, you need to spit the sputum into a hole made in the elder tree, cover it with bark and tie it so that it grows.

Tuberculosis infection in gynecology

Gynecological diseases inflammatory in nature may be caused by tuberculosis infection. This infection primarily affects the lungs, which, along with the inhaled air, enter the causative agents of tuberculosis - tuberculosis bacilli. From the affected lungs, tuberculosis bacilli can be transferred by blood to other organs and tissues, in particular to the genitals. Most often affected by tuberculosis fallopian tubes, ovaries, much less often - the vagina and external tubes, genitals. When the genital organs are affected, so-called tuberculous tubercles appear on them, which then disintegrate. Scars or adhesions form at the site of tissue affected by tuberculosis, causing pain. If the tubes or ovaries are affected, then infertility occurs; if the ovaries or uterine mucosa are affected, the correctness of the menstrual cycle, and sometimes menstruation stops completely. Of course, with tuberculous lesions of the genitals and other organs, the patient’s entire body suffers.

Currently available special medications at correct mode and nutrition make it possible to cure a patient with tuberculosis. However, even after this, it is sometimes necessary to apply various procedures to eliminate changes in the woman’s genitals caused by the tuberculosis process.


1. Lime bee honey. 100 g lard, unsalted butter - 100 g, aloe, juice (or agave) - 150 g, cocoa powder - 50 g.

Do not water aloe for 2 weeks before cutting. Melt lard, butter, honey in an enamel pan. When everything is melted (do not let it boil), remove the pan and add the remaining ingredients. Stir well. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon of the composition, dissolving it in a glass of hot milk. Drink morning and evening. Accept long time. Used for pulmonary tuberculosis and persistent bronchitis.

2. Resin resin (pine, cedar, fir, spruce). Remove impurities. If the resin is thick, infuse it with 96-degree alcohol. The resin is placed in a jar, filled with alcohol so that it covers the resin by 1 cm. After a few days, the resin will dissolve. 1 part resin to 2 parts lard - melt it all together. Remove from heat when it cools to 60°C, no higher, add honey (linden honey is better, if you don’t have it, then any honey). For 1 part resin and lard you need 1 part honey (by weight). Mix everything well. To the resulting composition add 1/10 of the bone of a burnt white animal by weight and stir. Take a teaspoon per dose 3 times a day. Course from 3 to 6 months. It is considered a good remedy for tuberculosis, bronchitis, and pleurisy.

3.1 glass of alcohol (70°), 1 glass of honey, 1 tbsp. spoon of birch buds. Leave for 9 days in a dark bottle. Shake the bottle every day.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

4. Linden honey - 1 kg 200 g, finely chopped aloe leaf - 1 cup, olive oil - 100 g, birch buds - 25 g, linden blossom - 10 g, water - 2 cups.

Method of preparation. Melt honey in an enamel pan, without letting it boil. Add aloe to the honey and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Separately from this, boil birch buds and linden blossom in 2 glasses of water. Boil for 3 minutes. Leave, wrapped, for 15-20 minutes, strain, squeeze. When the honey has cooled, pour it into it, squeezing it out. decoction of buds and linden. Stir well. Pour the mixture into dark bottles, add equal amounts of olive oil to each bottle. Shake before use. Take one tablespoon three times a day. Used for tuberculosis and lung diseases.

5. Good recipe for tuberculosis, anemia, loss of strength and exhaustion.

6. Infuse 4 stems of aloe in 0.5 liters of 70-proof alcohol for at least 4 days. Drink 3 times a day, 40 drops.

7. Take the stems and leaves of motherwort and the roots of common chicory. Brew these two herbs and drink a glass of tea 3 times a day.

1 cut 9 weeks - complete cure. The lungs will heal and be cleared of pus.

8. Lemon - 10, eggs - 6, linden honey - 280 g, cognac - 3/4 cup.

Method of preparation: 6 eggs, whole and fresh, are placed in a jar (the eggs must certainly have white, not yellow shells). The lemons are squeezed and their juice is poured into the eggs. Cover the jar with gauze and wrap it in dark paper. Leave until the eggshells dissolve, which usually takes 5 to 6 days. After this period, you need to heat the honey to a fluid state, cool it and add it to the general mixture. Then pour in the cognac.

Pour the medicine into a dark bottle and store in a cool and dark place. Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon immediately after eating.

If you have lung disease, you are advised to eat as much fruit and fat as possible.

Note: 2-3 weeks after production the mixture deteriorates. It must be thrown away and a new one prepared.

9. Take 10 eggs (with white, not brown shells). The eggs must be very fresh. Take 10 lemons, also fresh and, if possible, ripe. Wash eggs and lemons. Place the eggs in a glass jar with a wide mouth. Then put the lemons cut into pieces there, but without grains. Place in a warm place and cover with gauze. After 7 days (depending on the temperature of the tincture), when the eggs turn into a mass, pour a bottle of cognac into the tincture. If mold forms on top, then it must be removed before pouring in the cognac and after, until the mold no longer appears. Stir occasionally with a wooden spoon. Should ferment for 3 weeks in a warm place. When absolutely no mold appears, the tincture is stirred and poured into bottles and sealed.

Dessert spoon before meals 3 times a day. It is advisable to have bottles with a wide neck in order to be able to throw out mold if it appears again. It is advisable to have dark glass bottles.

10. This medicine is made up of the following substances: linden honey - 1.2 kg, finely chopped aloe (it should be remembered that aloe is a strong remedy and should not be given to patients with a weak heart) - 1 glass, Provencal oil - 200 g, birch buds - 150 g, linden blossom - 50 g, water - 2 cups.

Method of preparation: melt honey in a saucepan, then add aloe to it and boil the mixture well. Separately from this, brew birch buds and linden blossom in 2 glasses of water, boil them for 1-2 minutes. When the honey has cooled, squeeze the juice from the birch buds and linden blossoms and pour it into the honey. Pour the mixture into 2 bottles, adding equal amounts of Provençal oil to each. Shake before use. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day.

11. They catch mole crickets, dry them and then pound them in a mortar, stone bowl, or simply grind them into a fine powder. The powder thus obtained is mixed with some sweet syrup. There is no specific dosage. Everything is done at the personal discretion of each person. Approximately take 3 tablespoons per appointment, washed down with and! warm water, 2-3 times daily for 2-3 days.

Usually after 2-3 days the patient develops strong appetite, And! he begins to recover quickly. This is a tried and true Chinese method.

Gray cellar disease

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease expressed in the formation of specific inflammatory changes V various organs. The most common form is pulmonary tuberculosis. Less common is tuberculosis of bones and joints, lymph nodes, larynx, kidneys, intestines, and skin. Such types of disease as tuberculous meningitis and miliary tuberculosis, are rare, but have an extremely bad reputation.

In general, tuberculosis is called “the disease of damp basements.” The causative agent of the disease is Koch's bacillus, which was discovered in 1882 by the German scientist R. Koch, and is mainly transmitted by airborne droplets. Koch's wand can remain viable for a very long time on objects in a room where there is high humidity and little light. For example, in pre-revolutionary times in our country, tuberculosis was very common in St. Petersburg. This was facilitated by the peculiar climatic conditions(high humidity, since the city is located at the mouth of the river), and also architectural features: Most of the population lived in outdated semi-basements.

Main feature tuberculosis is that it affects people with weakened immunity: children, adolescents during puberty (due to instability of neuro-endocrine regulation), elderly people and people with weakened immunity due to various diseases, poverty, unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions.

Treatment of tuberculosis includes a set of measures, depending on the type of disease: from creating suitable conditions for treatment to surgical intervention.

However, any treatment is accompanied general therapy, at which special attention is given to walks in the fresh air, as well as diet. Milk and fermented milk products play an important role here, as they are the most nutritious and have healing properties.

Investigating the causes of tuberculosis (infection from a source of bacteria, poor sanitary and hygienic conditions), it can be argued that milk can prevent the onset of the disease, since people who drink it regularly practically do not have hypovitaminosis. They have normal immunity to infections and vitality. Even with prolonged contact with a carrier of the disease, such people do not always become infected, since their body can resist infection.

We will not touch upon such a phenomenon as “non-sterile immunity”, when a person becomes infected in childhood. An increase in the number of bacteria leads to minor changes in tissues internal organs, as the body fights the disease and improves its immunity. Only in case of severe exhaustion as a result of another illness or poor living conditions, when the immune system is weakened, does tuberculosis manifest itself with all its force and, as a rule, take serious forms.


Special diet consists of enhanced nutrition, increased protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium and phosphorus in the diet. All this is done mainly through dairy products and dishes containing them.

Important attention is paid to the presence of vitamin C in the diet, which is found in vegetables and fruits, rosehip decoction, as well as in fermented milk products (for example, kumiss).

Food should also contain other foods containing vitamins B and D.

To provide the body with calcium, cheese, cottage cheese, and fish are included in the diet.

There are no restrictions in the choice of products, as is, for example, customary in the treatment of obesity. Cooking it can also be any. To improve appetite, it is recommended to eat more spicy, sour and salty foods. On average, daily ration should contain 100-120 g of proteins (meat, fish, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, eggs), 80-100 g of butter, 300-500 g of carbohydrates (bread, cereals), as well as a large amount of fruits and vegetables.

Here sample diet patient with tuberculosis.

First day

Second breakfast: pancakes, cabbage or carrot salad, milk.

Lunch: cabbage soup with meat, mashed potatoes, fruit or compote.

Dinner: cabbage or carrot salad, milk.

Second day

First breakfast: cottage cheese, tea.

Second breakfast: vinaigrette, coffee.

Dinner: semolina porridge, meat cutlets with mashed potatoes, jelly.

Dinner: porridge with milk.

Third day

First breakfast: yogurt, tea.

Second breakfast: rice porridge with fish, milk. ,

Lunch: borscht, potato casserole, jelly.

Dinner: cabbage or carrot salad, tea.

Fourth day

First breakfast: sandwich with butter, tea.

Second breakfast: boiled potatoes with butter, coffee.

Lunch: pearl barley soup with potatoes, fried fish with porridge, compote.

Dinner: boiled pasta, milk.

Fifth day

First breakfast: omelet, tea.

Second breakfast: rice porridge, milk.

Lunch: rassolnik, mashed potatoes with meat or fish, jelly.

Dinner: vinaigrette, tea.

Sixth day

First breakfast: sandwich with cheese, tea.

Second breakfast: potato casserole, coffee.

Lunch: fresh cabbage soup, compote.

Dinner: sour milk, bread and butter.

Seventh day

First breakfast: pancakes with sugar, egg sandwich, coffee.

Second breakfast: cabbage salad, milk.

Lunch: potato soup, boiled pasta, fruit or jelly.

Dinner: salad fresh vegetables, curdled milk.

In special dispensaries and sanatoriums it is also carried out complex treatment fermented milk products, known as kumiss treatment.

It is produced from mare's milk and has significant nutritional value. What makes it suitable for the treatment of tuberculosis is its antimicrobial activity, which is the result of the production of antibiotic substances by microorganisms during the fermentation process. This property of kumys makes it useful for people with weakened immunity, which is especially important for the treatment and prevention of the disease.

Kumis is used in the treatment of both mild forms of tuberculosis and for postoperative therapy so that the residual effects completely disappear and the so-called secondary disease does not occur. This is possible in cases where, after improvement general condition Some patients (some due to arrogance, others due to social conditions) stop taking medications and treatment altogether. After some time, from old, untreated lesions, the disease develops again, but with more severe symptoms.

Drinking kumys starts with 500 g per day, with a gradual increase in the amount to 2 - 2.5 liters. It is recommended to drink kumiss on an empty stomach, and then 1.5 hours after breakfast and lunch, finishing drinking an hour and a half before lunch or dinner. Drinking kumis after dinner is not recommended.

Doctors, adherents of the canons of traditional medicine, offer some popular methods of healing from tuberculosis, or, as it was called in the old days, consumption. In the Volga region in former times, consumption was treated as follows: a piece of fresh lard was melted over a fire, and goat's milk was added to the still warm lard in approximately the same quantity. Then this mixture was boiled and, having cooled to an acceptable temperature, was treated with it to a patient with tuberculosis.

The treatment was quite long and lasted approximately 10-12 weeks. In the first days of treatment, the amount of milk and lard mixture was small - 2 tbsp. l., then gradually increased to 2/3 cup daily. By the end of the course of treatment, the effect of this medicine became truly amazing. Many who had lost hope of recovery were completely healed from terrible disease. Now that the incidence of tuberculosis has increased among the population, we strongly recommend trying out the healing properties of traditional medicine.

If tuberculosis is detected in your early stages of development and the diagnosis is fully confirmed by doctors, do not despair. The disease can be treated with milk formulas, which sometimes give excellent results. Combined with traditional medical treatment You can also use this method: mix half a glass of melted lard (pork) with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. cream. All these products need to be thoroughly melted again over low heat, making sure that the resulting mass does not burn. When the homogeneous mixture boils, the composition is ready. Place the cooled mixture in a glass container and store in the refrigerator at a temperature not exceeding 0-1 °C. 1 tsp. dissolve this composition in 1 glass of very hot cow's milk and take 3 times a day: morning, lunch and evening. This remedy, in addition to its beneficial effect on the lungs, promotes rapid weight gain with severe weight loss.

For the treatment of tuberculosis early stage We can recommend another remedy that is very simple in its preparation method, which can be taken in parallel with other methods drug treatment.

Thick decoction oatmeal mix with goat or sheep milk in equal parts. Add honey to the mixture at the rate of 2 tsp. for 1 cup of mixture. Take this mixture 3 times a day, 1/3 cup, for eight to nine weeks. This folk remedy also has a positive effect on the process of hematopoiesis.

And another medicine used to treat tuberculosis. To prepare it you will need to take 1 cup of melted butter. goat milk 1 tsp. pine oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Take the finished drink half a glass 2 - 3 times a day daily for 6 - 8 weeks. Then you can take a break for 5-7 days and, if necessary, resume taking the mixture.

We think that patients with tuberculosis will benefit from this drug, which was recommended by our grandmothers. Mix a pack of butter (200 g), 2/3 cup melted lard, 1/2 cup honey, 1 cup sugar, 2 tbsp. l. (with a slide) cocoa, 4 egg yolks, 1.5 cups cream. Beat the yolks with sugar, add cocoa and cream and mix well again. Heat the butter and melted lard and add the yolks with cream. Boil everything together over low heat until the mass becomes as thick as sour cream. Cool and take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.. Continue the course of treatment with this remedy for a month, taking the mixture regularly.

During treatment, it is necessary not to discount psychological factor, which is not always taken into account modern science.

There is an opinion among people that a person is only as healthy as he feels. This, of course, cannot be considered an absolute truth, but there are cases where a person was healed from a serious illness thanks to his faith in a cure.

Treatment with decoctions and infusions

Icelandic moss decoction


2 tbsp. spoons of Icelandic moss, 200 ml of water.

Method of preparation.

Fill Icelandic moss cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil, cool, strain.

Method of application.

Take a few sips 2-3 times a day.

Wheatgrass decoction


2 tbsp. spoons of dried wheatgrass roots, 250 ml of milk.

Method of preparation.

Pour hot milk over wheatgrass roots, boil for 5 minutes, strain.

Method of application.

Take 1 glass 3 times a day.

Infusion of pine buds


1 tbsp. spoon of pine buds, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of butter, 2 raw eggs, 500 ml of boiled milk (or water).

Method of preparation.

Pour pine buds boiled milk, add honey, butter, raw eggs. Mix everything thoroughly.

Method of application.

Take the entire composition 3 times a day. For this remedy, only male inflorescences of pine buds should be selected—staminate spikelets that appear on the tree at the end of May; they are gray-yellow, consisting of scale-like stamens that sit on short stalks. Female inflorescences are reddish pistillate cones.

Infusion of lungwort

Required: 4 teaspoons of crushed lungwort leaves, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey, 500 ml of water.

Method of preparation.

Grind lungwort leaves, pour boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain and add honey to the liquid.

Method of application.

Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day.

Comfrey infusion


1 teaspoon of comfrey roots, 1 liter of milk.

Method of preparation.

Grind the comfrey roots. Pour hot milk, leave overnight in a thermos or oven, strain.

Method of application.

Take 1/4 cup 3 times a day after meals.

Wormwood tincture


1 tbsp. spoon of wormwood roots, 4 tbsp. spoons of honey, 500 ml of white wine.

Method of preparation.

Grind the wormwood roots, pour in white wine, keep in a water bath for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain, add honey.

Method of application.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

Collection of herbs


1 tbsp. a spoonful of hop fruits, stinging nettle leaves, St. John's wort, primrose, centaury, trifoli, yarrow, cinquefoil, flowering heads of meadow clover, blue cyanosis roots and viburnum flowers, 500 ml of water (or milk).

Method of preparation.

Grind the raw materials. 4 tbsp. Pour boiling water over spoons of the mixture, or better yet, boiling milk, leave for 4 hours, strain. Add hot water(milk) to the original volume.

Method of application.

Take a full glass in the morning on an empty stomach, the rest in equal parts before lunch and dinner.

Tuberculosis in pregnant women

Until recently, tuberculosis in expectant mothers was absolute indication to termination of pregnancy. Currently, in most cases, maintaining pregnancy is possible. However, this requires careful systematic observation in a tuberculosis clinic. Favorable outcome childbirth is possible only with early detection and initiation of treatment for tuberculosis in pregnant women.

It has been established that tuberculosis is not transmitted from a sick mother to an infant. Children born to a patient with tuberculosis are usually healthy. However, it is better to postpone planning a child until complete recovery. If tuberculosis is detected during pregnancy, then the issue of preserving or interrupting it is decided individually together with a phthisiatrician and obstetrician-gynecologist, taking into account the woman’s opinion. It must be taken into account that carrying a child can lead to an exacerbation of tuberculosis. The most dangerous is the first trimester.

The absolute indications for termination of pregnancy are:

1) fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis, which occurs with the progression of any form of tuberculosis with the formation of cavities in the lung tissue;

2) active form of tuberculosis of the bones of the spine, pelvis and joints;

3) bilateral renal tuberculosis. Suspect tuberculosis following symptoms: cough for more than 3 weeks in a row, pain in chest varying intensity, increased body temperature, sweating, especially at night, disruption of normal weight gain. If a pregnant woman has these complaints, she should urgently consult a doctor for examination and treatment. Conducted X-ray examination, in which the woman's stomach is protected with a lead shield. Sputum analysis is carried out to detect tuberculosis bacillus.

If a woman is diagnosed with common forms of tuberculosis, this is an absolute indication for termination of pregnancy. It is advisable to do this for up to 12 weeks. Abortion in more late dates may lead to an exacerbation of the process. With limited forms of tuberculosis, pregnancy can be saved, provided timely treatment in a specialized tuberculosis hospital. Complex specific therapy is used. This will prevent tuberculosis in the newborn.

They try to give birth through natural birth canal. C-section is done in the presence of concomitant obstetric pathology: narrow pelvis, placenta previa, transverse position of the fetus, etc.

After the birth of a child, breastfeeding is possible only with a closed form of tuberculosis. At active process The baby is isolated from the sick mother.

Tuberculosis in children

Tuberculosis in infants and older children And in adults it occurs differently. Most people usually think of tuberculosis as a disease of adults. A “spot” or “cavity” appears in the lungs, causing symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, cough, and sputum.

Tuberculosis in childhood usually takes other forms. In the first two years, resistance is not as strong as later, and there is a possibility that the disease will spread to other parts of the body. Therefore, in no case should a child be allowed to come into contact with a patient with tuberculosis, unless the doctor and X-ray examination will not confirm that he is completely cured. Therefore, everyone in the family who has chronic cough, must be examined and x-rayed, which is why new housekeepers and nannies should be asked to undergo x-rays.

In late childhood, tuberculosis infection is quite common and less likely to cause serious problems. This does not mean that such a disease should be taken lightly or taken risks. The tuberculin test indicates that big cities 50 percent of children have very severe tuberculosis by the age of ten mild form. Most cases are so mild that no one even suspected them. The x-ray shows a small scar in the healed area where the infection has affected the lung or the lymph glands at the roots of the lungs.

But sometimes childhood tuberculosis also causes symptoms such as fever, poor appetite, paleness, irritability, fatigue and possibly a cough. (There is never a lot of sputum, and if there is some, it is, of course, swallowed.) The infection can spread to other parts of the body, such as bones or glands in the neck, but usually the lungs or lymph glands in the roots of the lungs are affected. In most cases of such active tuberculosis, cure takes one to two years if the child is diagnosed good care, and only a scar remains. At proper treatment With the right medications, recovery is accelerated and complications are prevented.

Reaching adolescence, the child is at greater risk of getting a more serious one, adult form tuberculosis. If your teen seems tired, exhausted, or losing appetite or weight, you need to keep this in mind, even if he doesn't cough.

Tuberculin test. A few weeks after tuberculosis bacteria enter the human body, he becomes “sensitive” to them. After this, if the doctor injects a drop of tuberculin (a substance made from dead tuberculosis bacteria) under the skin, the area will turn red. This is a positive tuberculin test. (There is another method called the tuberculin bandage method. A kind of bandage is placed on the arm, but no injection is required.) The red spot shows that the body has already had experience with the tuberculosis bacilli and is beginning to fight them. If there is no red spot, then the body is not yet familiar with the bacilli. In general, if a person has ever been infected with tuberculosis bacteria, he will react positively to the test throughout his life, even if the disease is long over.

Doctors often conduct tuberculin test during a routine examination - for example, when a child first sees a doctor or hospital. The test is also done when the child does not feel well, or when he has a chronic cough, or when another family member is diagnosed with tuberculosis.

If your child tests positive on a tuberculin test (which isn't all that unlikely when you consider how many children test positive), remain calm. There is no need to worry, since the vast majority of such cases in childhood have either already healed or will heal on their own without any intervention. But, on the other hand, there is no need to be frivolous and forget about precautions.

The first step is a thorough medical examination. In all cases, it is important to take an X-ray of the lungs to check for signs of fresh infection or healed scars. Sometimes the doctor will do other tests: X-rays of other parts of the body, gastric lavage to check for TB bacteria in swallowed sputum, taking the temperature for several days. If the doctor is convinced that the infection has completely disappeared, he may recommend that the child lead a completely normal lifestyle. However, he will want to take x-rays at regular intervals to be sure. He will also advise trying to avoid measles and whooping cough for several years, since sometimes these diseases awaken cured tuberculosis.

If there is any suspicion of active tuberculosis or if the child is under two years old, the doctor may start special medications for at least a year.

In addition to the child, the doctor will test all family members (and all other adults with whom the child has regular contact) to find, if possible, the source of the TB bacilli and to check whether other children in the family have become infected. All children must undergo a tuberculin test. Every child with positive reaction should be examined and x-rayed. It doesn't matter how healthy other family members feel or what they think about the need for all this fuss. In many cases, tuberculosis bacilli are not detected in adult family members, in which case we have to assume that the child became infected with them outside the home. On the other hand, sometimes those adults in the family who are least suspected are found to have active tuberculosis. And this person will be lucky if the disease is detected at an early stage; The rest of the family members will also be lucky if the source of danger is eliminated. Sick active form tuberculosis should not remain in the home with children; he must immediately go to a sanatorium where he best chance to be cured and the least possible is to infect others.

Treatment with honey

1. Linden bee honey - 100 g, lard - 100 g, unsalted butter 100 g, aloe, juice (or agave) - 150 g, cocoa powder - 50 g.

Do not water aloe for 2 weeks before cutting. Melt lard, butter, honey in an enamel pan. When everything is melted (do not let it boil), remove the pan and add the remaining ingredients. Stir well. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon of the composition, dissolving it in a glass of hot milk. Drink morning and evening. Take for a long time.

Used for pulmonary tuberculosis and persistent bronchitis.

2. Linden honey - 1200 g, finely chopped aloe leaf - 1 cup, olive oil - 100 g, birch buds - 25 g, linden blossom - 10 g, water - 2 cups.

Melt the honey in an enamel pan without letting it boil. Add aloe to the honey and let it simmer for 5-10 minutes, strain and squeeze. When the honey has cooled, pour the infusion of buds and linden into it. Stir well. Pour the mixture into dark bottles, add equal amounts of olive oil to each bottle. Shake before use. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day.

Taken for tuberculosis and lung diseases.

Table of contents:

Symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

If long period you are accompanied by a cough with mucus, fever and weakness - all these can be symptoms terrible disease. Doctors are doing everything possible to identify this disease at an early stage and provide drug treatment, but previously only folk remedies were popular, without diagnostic procedures and fluorography. And they helped.

Effective treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of tuberculosis with folk remedies is considered quite effective. We invite you to consider several recipes.

Beaver stream and badger and bear fat

They occupy one of the first places in this matter. Numerous reviews claim that the use of beaver stream, badger and bear fat gives amazing results medicinal properties result.

Complex therapy natural origin used to get rid of an illness that can occur in any form.

Beaver stream is considered a real panacea. It contains musk, which has a devastating effect on the cause of tuberculosis (Koch bacillus). It prevents it from reproducing and kills it completely.

If you combine beaver stream, badger and bear fat, the disease will occur in a milder form. The body, like a sponge, is nourished useful components, immunity is increased and the damage that was caused to the body by Koch's wand is compensated.

To start a course of treatment you must purchase beaver stream (half a kilogram), this amount should be enough for 60 days of treatment and bear and badger lard.

Beaver stream should be taken 3 times a day before meals. 60 minutes after eating, take a tablespoon of badger fat. When the patient is already going to bed, his chest and back should be generously rubbed with bear lard.

If the disease is already quite advanced, an additional therapeutic effect will be provided by the jet musk deer And bear bile. These components are effective when treatment of serous tuberculosis folk remedies.

Oatmeal broth

Fill 1/4 of the pan with oats, pour in milk, while stepping back 5 cm from the edge of the pan, add lard (1 teaspoon) to the milk and place in the oven. Milk must be added periodically and removed from the stove until the oats are completely boiled.

Cool the resulting mass, strain and take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Lungwort grass

This is a simple, reliable folk remedy for treating tuberculosis. Pour three tablespoons of herbs into 300 ml of boiling water. Wrap the jar in a blanket, or pour the mixture into a thermal mug and leave in a warm place for 60 minutes.

You need to take 150 ml of liquid 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


If you notice the symptoms of the disease, wash a dozen eggs under water and place them in an enamel glass vessel. Then buy two dozen lemons, grate them on a fine grater and put them on eggshells. Send all this to a warm place where there should be no contact with direct sun rays and do not touch for 48 hours.

In another vessel, mix cognac (half a liter), freshly squeezed aloe juice (200 grams), cocoa powder (2 spoons), honey (one and a half kilograms). Allow the resulting mass to warm up and pour into a vessel where eggs and lemons are already stored.

There is no need to mix anything; the composition should be infused for 2 weeks. Then carefully remove the eggs, and pass whatever is left through cheesecloth and put it in the refrigerator.

The tincture should be taken in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is no more than 3 weeks.

This tincture is quite effective and copes even with open diseases.

Birch buds

Fill birch buds with water in a ratio of 1:2. Leave to brew; you will know that the decoction is ready when it takes on a cognac color. The broth is stored in the refrigerator; if desired, you can prepare a new portion every day.

Take a tablespoon 3 times a day until complete recovery.


As you know, reed leaves have repeatedly helped patients with tuberculosis. Take 3 spoons of chopped, dried leaf and add 500 ml of water. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. and let it steep for at least 60 minutes.

After straining, take 100 grams of tincture, and so on in the morning, at lunch and in the evening half an hour before meals.

Knotweed grass

Fill a bed of herbs with 250 ml of boiling water, send to water bath and let the mixture simmer for 15 minutes. Then cover with a lid and let sit for another 60 minutes.

After straining, drink 1 tbsp. spoons like this in the morning, at lunch and in the evening before meals. This plant fights inflammatory processes, dulls pain, reduces body temperature, and is effective for coughing.

The plant contains a high percentage of soluble silicic acids, which strengthens lung tissue. This tincture can also be used during colds, bronchitis, and pleurisy.


Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the tincture of its leaves (a tablespoon) and leave to steep for 120 minutes. After straining, you should use a spoon 4 times a day before meals. The broth should be placed in the refrigerator.

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults with folk remedies is difficult to imagine without this effective decoction.

Cucumber juice

Squeeze 200 grams of juice from the cucumber and add honey to the resulting liquid.

Take 3 tablespoons in the morning and evening.

Infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis

To do this, arm yourself with aloe and a sweet, thick substance produced by bees.

Take freshly squeezed aloe juice (250 g), cow butter, vodka and honey. Mix all this thoroughly, pour into another vessel and place in another, warmer place, a battery would be ideal. After 72 hours, move the vessel to the refrigerator and do not remove it for 10 days.

Then you need to squeeze out the liquid and take the resulting tincture one tablespoon 4 times a day before meals.

This combination natural ingredients will help you overcome even the most severe illness.

Closed form of tuberculosis

Tincture of aloe and herbs with linden honey

The most effective and popular medicine is a tincture containing aloe, a sweet, thick substance produced by bees and herbs.

Place one and a half kilograms of natural honey in a vessel and start heating it, but do not bring it to a boil. It is advisable to take lime honey. Add finely chopped aloe leaves (1 cup) to the melted mixture and cook over low heat for several minutes.

In separate vessels, pour 500 ml of water and birch buds (25 grams) and linden blossom (10 grams). All this should be cooked for no more than 3 minutes. Wrap two containers with herbs and leave to infuse in a warm place for 15-20 minutes, then strain and squeeze.

After the honey-aloe mixture has cooled, start adding the two resulting decoctions, mix, pour into dark vessels and add olive oil (50 grams). Take a teaspoon of decoction in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Just remember to mix everything well before using.

Honey, badger fat and walnuts

Take all these ingredients in equal proportions and combine. Walnuts must be ground before mixing.

This medicine must be taken one teaspoon up to 7 times a day. The mixture is not swallowed, but is kept in the mouth until completely dissolved.

If you take one and a half kilograms of each ingredient, the medicine will last for one and a half months. As soon as the medicine runs out, you can safely prepare another portion and take it until you are completely recovered.

To enhance the effect folk medicine and speed up the process of cell regeneration, in the morning, after waking up, eat a teaspoon of honey and chew it with a few centimeters of cut aloe, chew it and spit out the skin.

Treatment of tuberculosis in children with folk remedies is impossible to imagine without this method; a child will eat this combination of foods without problems, all thanks to the sweet properties of honey.

Treatment at home

Propolis oil

Take cow butter (1 kilogram) and start heating it in a separate vessel. Remove from heat, add one hundred grams of finely chopped propolis. Everything should be mixed, the resulting mass should be without lumps.

While the mixture has not yet become hard, strain it using cheesecloth, pour it back into the container and cover with a lid. Once cooled, place in the refrigerator.

It is worth taking 2 spoons in the morning, at lunch and in the evening before meals. The course of treatment may last a year, but the result is worth it; you will forever forget that Kokha once penetrated your body.

Every year, thousands of people across the country hear a terrible diagnosis. There is no need to be afraid of tuberculosis, modern medicine There are many ways to overcome this disease. But if you are categorically against drug treatment, effective folk remedies will also certainly help you, although it will take much more time, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Tuberculosis is a dangerous and difficult to treat disease that requires integrated approach to solving the problem. In addition to anti-tuberculosis antibacterial treatment And dispensary observation, strict adherence to the regimen and appropriate nutrition for pulmonary tuberculosis are required.

How long the disease will progress will depend only on strict adherence to all the doctor’s recommendations. Therefore, if, in search of a method to cure tuberculosis completely, you found and decided to try the most effective methods treatment with folk remedies at home, consult your pulmonologist.

Doctors know very well how to treat pulmonary tuberculosis at home, and are familiar with effective folk remedies for pulmonary tuberculosis in adults and children. Let's try to figure out how to treat and how long pulmonary tuberculosis can be treated using unconventional means.

Behavioral therapy

Tuberculosis has always been associated with social and economic well-being. But the insidiousness of the disease lies, to a greater extent, in the method of transmission and the presence of a latent period. Even ordinary communication with a patient who has open form, may cause infection.

And finding a person at risk only increases the likelihood of defeat. And without characteristic symptoms the patient may not begin adequate therapy for a long time. Therefore, in order not to ask questions in the future about what to do, whether tuberculosis can be cured, it is necessary, at the slightest suspicion, to immediately undergo examination and immediately begin treatment when the diagnosis is confirmed.


Tuberculosis is curable only through a combination of drug, behavioral and traditional therapy. Necessary medications prescribed by the doctor, and the patient himself should begin treating tuberculosis at home with lifestyle changes. Giving advice to patients leading an antisocial lifestyle makes no sense.

Those who are really interested in whether pulmonary tuberculosis can be cured should start by strengthening the immune system. A weakened body is unable to fight infection.

Even suspicion of tuberculosis should be a reason to analyze your habits, regimen.

Focus on:

  1. On the rest and work schedule. With rational alternation of loads with periods of recovery, vitality, necessary to fight the disease, will not be spent on unnecessary work during this period.
  2. On stressful situations, which also ruin your health.
  3. On hiking. Try to take walks every day, preferably away from highways. Walk in parks and forests, where the air to breathe is much cleaner, and the phytoncides present have a detrimental effect on microbes that infect the lungs.
  4. At special gymnastics. Designed for tuberculosis patients breathing exercises. The exercises are performed at an easy pace, alternating deep breaths through the nose with short exhalations through the nose.

Such simple methods will help strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery.


During development dietary rations for patients with tuberculosis, it is necessary to take into account that, against the background of general intoxication, the patient’s normal operation digestive system, metabolic disruptions and excessive loss of phosphorus, calcium and sodium chloride, and vitamins occur.

The diet for pulmonary tuberculosis should include:

  • simple protein products, which are easily digestible and help accelerate scarring of affected tissues;
  • healthy fats – it is better to focus on milk fats, as well as vegetable oils, excluding heavy fats of animal origin;
  • complex carbohydrates to support the functioning of the pancreas and intestines.

The share of products containing calcium, vitamins C, B, A and D is increasing. It is necessary to monitor the level of such elements. If it is not possible to replenish the norm with products, you should take synthetic analogues in tablet or injection form.

If bone tissue or heart is damaged, the consumption of salt and liquid is limited.

Herbal medicine

Doctors recommend supplementing the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis with folk remedies, which enhances the effectiveness of drugs. Choosing suitable remedy, you can start with treating tuberculosis with herbs. Just remember that all plants have their own pharmacological properties which may be incompatible with the medications you are taking.

It is difficult to say whether tuberculosis can be treated with herbs, but in this way you can strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with useful substances.

Among useful plants and herbs for tuberculosis can be distinguished as follows:

  1. Knotweed. The product has expectorant, anti-inflammatory, and diaphoretic properties. Thanks to the silicic acid content, it perfectly strengthens lung tissue. A decoction is prepared from dry raw materials at the rate of 1 spoon of powder per glass of boiling water. After 10 minutes in a water bath and 3 hours of infusion, drink a spoonful of herbal decoction three times a day.
  2. Birch buds. Getting ready remedy alcohol based. Add 2 tablespoons of buds to a liter of liquid and leave until it reaches a cognac color. The treatment is long-term and involves taking a spoonful of medication daily before each meal.
  3. Aloe. This folk remedy is a real treasure useful elements, which also has antibacterial properties. The disease can be cured by strengthening the immune system. To do this, prepare a composition of 300 g. honey, a large aloe leaf and half a glass of water. The resulting mixture is boiled for about 2 hours and allowed to cool completely. Strain off the liquid and drink it three times a day, one spoon at a time, for 2 months.
  4. Gooseberry. The leaves of the plant are used, which have a beneficial effect on the entire respiratory system. You can infuse 2 tablespoons of dry powder in a glass of boiling water or simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Drink a decoction or tincture of a third of a glass three times a day.

Any herbal remedy taken in courses of 1.5 - 2 months with short breaks.

Bee products

overcome tuberculosis infection Honey and other bee products will help. Patients are recommended to include daily diet a few spoons of honey, as it contains an extensive complex useful vitamin and substances. Honey is also used to protect against infection.

  • Patients take half a small spoon of royal jelly twice a day. The course of therapy lasts at least two weeks, but it can be repeated after a break.
  • Propolis for tuberculosis is used to prepare healing oil. Melt 400 gr. propolis and a kilogram of good butter. Store this composition in the cold and take a spoonful before each meal.

You can be treated with the gifts of bees for a long time without fear of complications.

Important ! Honey and other bee products – strong allergens. So start honey treatment It’s worth it if you’ve done an allergy test first.

Animal products

In reviews on thematic forums you can read that the patient was cured or cured by using various fats of animal origin. Indeed, such facts have even been recorded official medicine. More often home therapy carried out using eggs, full fat milk, badger, bear, dog fat, internal fat nutria.

Milk and eggs

Every person's diet should include milk and eggs.

But for therapeutic purposes, such products are used in large quantities and according to certain schemes:

  • You need to drink a liter of fresh fresh milk per day. Drink it in small sips, dividing the entire volume throughout the day.
  • Drink 7 glasses daily warm milk and immediately eat the same amount of soft-boiled eggs. You need to start treatment with 2 doses, gradually increasing them to seven.
  • They drink kumiss in unlimited quantities.
  • Enter fractional meals- eat food every two hours. After each meal, drink one yolk mixed with lemon juice.

Badger and bear fat

Bear and badger fat has been used for tuberculosis for a long time. Such raw materials can be purchased at the pharmacy. But most often it is sold diluted or of questionable quality. Therefore, it is better to find an opportunity to purchase fresh fat from hunters who know how to properly prepare such raw materials for tuberculosis patients. But you need to be sure that the skinned carcass has received laboratory approval for sale. Otherwise, other equally dangerous bacteria will be added to the tuberculosis infection.

Use high-quality fat as a rub and for oral administration:

  • The patient is rubbed with fat in the chest and back area immediately before bed, which helps nourish the tissues with useful substances.
  • For internal use, you can take pure fat or mix it with honey. The raw material is drunk in the morning and before bedtime.

Badger and bear fat works as a powerful biostimulant, activating regeneration processes due to the content of vitamins and microelements. The main advantage of fat treatment is the absence of complications and contraindications.


However, there are also quite exotic folk remedies for tuberculosis. But patients are sometimes ready to undergo such experiments. In folk piggy banks you can find recipes that use wax moths and mole crickets for tuberculosis.

Pounded mole cricket

Few gardeners perceive the main garden pest as effective remedy. This is understandable, since this method of therapy came to us from Eastern medicine.

Treatment of tuberculosis with mole cricket involves the use of dry powder. To do this, insects are washed, dried and crushed. Previously they were rubbed with stones. But you can use a mortar and even a blender.

The powder cannot be processed in any way, as it will lose its healing properties.

Immediately before taking, mix the resulting powder with honey. The medicine is taken for only two days. Three times a day before meals, eat 3 tablespoons of the prepared mixture and wash it down with a large volume of warm water.

The patient literally feels an improvement in his condition after just a couple of days, which is explained by the destructive effect of mole cricket leukocytes on Koch’s bacillus.


Video - wax moth against tuberculosis

Wax moth

This insect is also a pest that harms bees. In folk medicine, wax moth is used in the form of larvae for tuberculosis.

They are carefully collected and filled with alcohol at the rate of 4 ml of alcohol-containing liquid per 1 larva.

Important ! The larvae are infused in alcohol exclusively in dark glass containers.

Keep this tincture in a dark place for 10 days. After which it can be strained and stored in the cold for up to 3 years.

To prepare a single dose of 50 g. clean water add 15 drops of tincture. You need to drink this medicine 30 minutes before meals three times a day.

You can be treated for quite a long time - there are no time limits.

The effectiveness of such treatment is based on the ability of the larval enzymes to have a detrimental effect on the infection.

Interesting fact! It has been scientifically proven that larvae wax moth not susceptible to Koch's bacillus.

Is it possible to use mustard plasters?

Choosing suitable treatment tuberculosis using folk remedies, adequately evaluate the proposed methods. So, on the Internet you can find recommendations on how to use mustard plasters for medicinal purposes.

But it’s worth studying the properties of mustard to understand that this method is dangerous for the health of tuberculosis patients. The use of mustard plasters is strictly prohibited not only for this disease, but also after recovery.

Mustard plasters are good for treating bronchitis, as they promote easy expectoration of mucus. And in case of tuberculosis, mustard plasters can provoke hemoptysis due to the local warming effect.

Therefore, refuse inadequate, unverified and dangerous methods therapy. And do not forget that annual medical examination, visits to specialized resorts and sanatoriums for patients with tuberculosis are best methods secondary prevention.

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